male-spirit · 8 months
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aurianneor · 2 months
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Quelle époque!
Le Front National est ouvertement raciste et il est condamés. Les Sarkozystes et les Macronistes s’en prennent aux “fainéants”, aux illétrés, aux personnes âgées, aux manifestants, aux “gens qui ne font rien”, aux “décivilisés”, aux migrants qu’il faudrait ne plus soigner, quand ils utilisent les violences policières. Il y a une grande similarité entre ce que Macron fait et ce que le Front National dit, c’est juste sur des groupes différents. Certains aspects sont strictement identiques: traiter leurs opposants politiques d’extrêmistes, parler d’écoterrorisme, la réforme des retraites.
Une grande partie de la population pense que le macronisme est moins grave que le Front National car ce n’est pas du racisme. La violence sociale et physique du macronisme est du même degrès que ce qu’exercerait le Front National contre ses ennemis, ce sont juste des gens à peine différents qui sont ciblés: faire travailler les personnes âgées plus longtemps, réduire les droits des chômeurs, réduire l’accès au soin des migrants, les violences policières contre les gilets jaunes et les défenseurs de l’environnement. Ils considèrent comme tout mouvement de droite que certains méritent plus que d’autres par nature. Les droits sont différents selon le groupe auquel on appartient.
Macron dépense beaucoup en subventions, en continuant l’Etat Providence. Il donne de l’argent pour les besoins essentiels qui va directement dans la poche des ultra-riches: les pétroliers, les promoteurs immobiliers et les géants de l’agro-alimentaire et les banques. C’est de l’argent qui transite par les citoyens vers les ultra-riches. Les chèques transport, les chèques énergie, les chèques logement, les chèques alimentation. Il vaudrait mieux instaurer des prix plafond et des prix planchers.
L’argent qu’emprunte Macron qui va le rembourser? Pourquoi les poches des oligarques restent aussi pleines; certains dirigeants allant jusqu’à toucher 10 000 fois le salaire d’un employé de base?
L’argent est là, pourquoi l’emprunter?
Je considère que manifester dans la rue n’est pas un mode de fonctionnement efficace, les chefs d’Etats lèvent à peine un sourcil et c’est risqué car la police utilise des armes léthales.
Si la démocratie était plus directe, les Français voteraient-ils pour cela?
Et n’oublions pas qu’une personne peut disparaître de la scène politique avant son terme, subir des influences, subir des pressions et changer d’avis. Je continue à penser qu’il vaudrait mieux voter pour des idées via des référendum plutôt que pour des personnes, surtout quand on ne peut pas les challenger lorsqu’on est pas d’accord. (Initiatives populaires, initiatives citoyennes démocraties directes ou semi-directes).
– Rémunérations des dirigeants : les Suisses veulent continuer à légiférer – La Tribune: https://www.latribune.fr/actualites/economie/international/20130310trib000753141/remunerations-des-dirigeants-les-suisses-veulent-continuer-a-legiferer.html
Une philosophie du mépris – Le Monde diplomatique: https://www.monde-diplomatique.fr/2019/03/PUDAL/59625
Macron’s immigration law marks a political and moral rupture – Le Monde: https://www.lemonde.fr/en/opinion/article/2023/12/20/macron-s-immigration-bill-marks-a-political-and-moral-rupture-in-french-politics_6360438_23.html
La France veut supprimer le droit du sol à Mayotte pour répondre à la crise migratoire – Le temps: https://www.letemps.ch/monde/europe/la-france-veut-supprimer-le-droit-du-sol-a-mayotte-pour-repondre-a-la-crise-migratoire
Ecologie: entre la macronie et le RN, la course de lenteur – L’Opinion: https://www.lopinion.fr/politique/ecologie-entre-la-macronie-et-le-rn-la-course-de-lenteur
Macron 2017, le traitre méthodique – France Inter: https://www.radiofrance.fr/franceinter/podcasts/affaires-sensibles/affaires-sensibles-du-jeudi-19-octobre-2023-9546728
Rob the poor to feed the rich: https://www.aurianneor.org/rob-the-poor-to-feed-the-rich/
Limiter la richesse individuelle: https://www.aurianneor.org/limiter-la-richesse-individuelle/
Le prix plafond et le prix plancher: https://www.aurianneor.org/le-prix-plafond-et-le-prix-plancher/
Législatives 2024: choisir la gauche ou la droite: https://www.aurianneor.org/legislatives-2024-choisir-la-gauche-ou-la-droite/
L’écoterrorisme: https://www.aurianneor.org/lecoterrorisme/
La décivilisation: https://www.aurianneor.org/la-decivilisation/
Le mépris, c’est pas automatique: https://www.aurianneor.org/le-mepris-cest-pas-automatique/
Vème République, toujours là…: https://www.aurianneor.org/veme-republique-toujours-la-to-read-this-in/
The Good tyrant ?: https://www.aurianneor.org/the-good-tyrant-tyranny-can-legally-exist-in-a/
Le référendum est une arme qui tue la violence: https://www.aurianneor.org/le-referendum-est-une-arme-qui-tue-la-violence-oui/
Le RIC – Référendum d’initiative citoyenne: https://www.aurianneor.org/via-httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv-e2lnzwuy4ks/
Oui au Référendum d’initiative populaire: https://www.aurianneor.org/oui-au-referendum-dinitiative-populaire-petition/
Solidarité Hélvétique: https://www.aurianneor.org/solidarite-helvetique-democratie-semi-directe/
Tomorrow – Chap 4: La démocratie: https://www.aurianneor.org/tomorrow-chap-4-la-democratie-the-panama/
Allez Allez Allez !: https://www.aurianneor.org/allez-allez-allez-merci-douvrir-les-mairies/
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gay-impressionist · 9 months
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"Gabriel Attal, France's gay prime minister (appointed on Jan 9th 2024), appoints 6 homophobic ministers, which is 2 more than in the previous government"
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valsansretovr · 3 months
‘defeats happen. but you can never recover from dishonour’ 🫢
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rapha-reads · 9 months
That moment when you jokingly ask your friend group on Insta why none of them are following Motaz Azaiza and send them a few posts about Palestine that could interest them, even though none of them has said a single word in support in three months, and one of your oldest friend immediately react all offended, saying that they can follow who they want and they don't have to report to me, and also this isn't the place to talk about the "conflict", and not everybody has the same opinions.
... Tell me you support IsraHell without telling me you support Isntreal.
And if I'm not supposed to talk about this genocide that's breaking my heart and making me cry for the past 3 months with my friend group of 10 years, then with whom the FUCK am I supposed to talk to? The walls? The void?
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northwest-by-a-train · 2 months
Si ils voulaient nous entuber y avait pas un nom moins homophonique dans le lot ?
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orsenna · 3 months
so that's what it feels like to win politically? that shit is exhilarating i feel like we could conquer the world together
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sweethome-thoughts · 2 years
Ji-Su : Guys, I have a crush !
Eun-Hyeok : It's always a crush and never a job.
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godysseus · 1 year
La petite étudiante en alternance dans ma boîte qui me sort aujourd'hui "la première fois que je t'ai vu j'ai hésité sur si tu votais Le Pen ou Zemmour" je 😭😭😭
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male-spirit · 1 year
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Le troisième oeil des macronistes.
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deylord · 2 years
Macroniste vs Jour de grève
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bankstermarcon · 2 years
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booasaur · 3 months
Something really amazing happened in France, and I think it'd help us in the US to learn about it. Forgive the long read, but I think this is genuinely great both because of what happened and how.
So as some of you might have seen, in a decision historians will debate for years (mostly to figure out just WTF he was thinking, even though he is alive right now and can be asked), the French president, Emmanuel Macron, currently in power and THREE YEARS before the scheduled election, seeing the far right rise in popularity decided to dissolve the assembly and hold snap elections.
577 seats were up for grabs. Remember that number. Since half of that is 288.5, 289 seats are needed for a majority.
The first round happened last week and boy, was it bad. The far right made HUGE gains. It won or was in first place in so many races. And Macron's party ended up third!
Overall, this is how things ended up after the first round:
Far right bloc: 33%
Left bloc: 28%
Macron's centrist party: 20%
Conservatives: 7%
The way the French system works is that if a candidate gets over 50% of the vote, they win outright, and some of the far right did manage that. But, many races went to a runoff.
Immediate projections after were that the far right bloc might win anywhere from 240 to 310 seats, a catastrophe.
A shameful swing to the far right leading to the first time they'll be in power since the 1940s? Yes, but maybe not??
This is where things get interesting.
Unusually, a lot of these runoffs are 3-way, instead of a simpler 2-way choice. And in pretty much every case, that helps the far right.
So on June 30th, the night of the first round, this is how things went down:
Immediately, the left parties put out the call: anywhere they were third, they withdrew and their voters would go over to whoever was running against the far right candidate. Their goal: form a "republican front" to block the far right. The far right cannot get 289 seats.
Macron's bloc was not so...motivated. Different people put out different instructions: in some places, if they were third, they should drop out, but only to help the center left, not far left, in other places, see how far you are, only then drop out, that kind of thing.
The conservative party simply said they won't drop out and won't give their voters instruction either way in races they're not involved in.
Late night developments:
More people in Macron's party are now beginning to realize the situation and starting to coalesce around whichever candidate can beat the far right one. Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, from Macron's party, says clearly the priority is to block the far right. BUT, some Macron spokespeople on TV say they'll form a coalition only with the center left and conservatives, splitting the left bloc if needed. Some individual Macronists still saying they won't drop out, even if there's no hope of winning.
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So, now July 1st:
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Only half so far. In one race, where the sister of Marine Le Pen (the far right leader and the face of their movement) was leading, the third place Macronist refused to bow out.
Excellent quote from another Macronist:
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Perhaps realizing the same thing, that Macronist in the race against the Le Pen sister now drops out.
In some places, third place Macronists are dropping out DESPITE Macron bewilderingly telling them NOT to?
Halfway through the day:
Of the 311 3-way or 4-way runoffs, the number is down to 135 because of these candidates dropping out: 121 Left, 56 Macronists, 1 conservative.
Oh, there was this, in case people had any doubts about how terrible the far right are:
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And to show the selflessness of the left:
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July 2:
The deadline to decide if they want to stay in a runoff is today.
A dozen new third place Macronists who said they'd stay in have now dropped out. One got a call from both the PM Attal AND Macron to drop out, signalling the dawning understanding of the importance of this moment.
Even some conservative party members are now backing the left candidate who faces the far right.
A Macronist who had 30.55% of the vote in the first round and came in third to the far right's 33.11% and left's 32.73% and who would have been tempted to stay has dropped out.
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The deadline to stay in or not has now passed.
Look at these far right shenanigans!
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Macron still being a freaking loser:
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July 3rd:
In the end, of the 311 3- or 4-way run offs, only 91 left. Some polls come out that have the far right getting between 190 to 220 seats.
July 4th:
New polls say the balance of the voting itself isn't transferring between the left and center and predictions have risen for the far right, now predicted to get between 210 and 250 seats.
July 5th:
New polls again, left voters now predicted to do better transferring vote to the centrists, decreasing the far right projections again.
However, scandalous reporting emerges: while Attal was trying to fend off the far right, Macron was not only NOT taking the far right seriously, he was undermining efforts to defeat them. His team shrugged off the first round results and celebrated a BIRTHDAY as the results were still coming in?
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July 6th:
A few runoffs happened yesterday, nothing much unexpected, some left and center wins.
July 7th:
The day of reckoning. At this point, the expectations are that the far right won't come close to that 289 number but could still easily have the most seats.
It's over and the left are in the lead!
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A LOT of cases where a leftist or centrist was 2nd in the first round and now won.
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SO many lessons to take from this.
First, you have to vote! You have to. You can't do anything without voting. The freaking French, who'll protest for anything, are showing up to vote. If you're trying to achieve any kind of result and it's not going to happen by January 2025, you have to vote now.
But just as importantly, the left and center (and even conservative) parties made very key decisions. They were all lucky that Attal, who Macron chose, saw the big picture, bigger than indeed Macron could. A stupid selfish centrist leader could have still ruined everything if it were up to him.
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TL;DR: After a disastrous first round in the national French elections where the far right was on the cusp of taking power, the left and center formed a strong coalition and through the power of voting and unity, overcame the far right AND their selfish centrist president to win.
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maddy-ferguson · 2 months
i love that the last people heard the leftist coalition won the french legislative elections so they think we have a leftist government now lol
#and like i say: brf slt#i saw a tweet that said the french got a leftist government and now they get this ceremony the other day that's what inspired this lol#it's funny that that person thought the opening ceremony was planned in three weeks😭 there's a lot to say about that ceremony politically#and about the image it gives to france and by extension to macron especially when everything that's going on has been going on#the thing is. the 5th republic constitution basically enables dictator behavior. the 3rd and 4th were kind of unstable because they were#parliamentary in a way that made them change governments every five minutes especially the 4th republic it only lasted like 12 years not#great but that was also because of the war in algeria for independence maybe if we had given up sooner we would still be under the#4th republic lol. but anyway. de gaulle comes back writes a constitution and at first the president wasn't elected directly and was kind#of supposed to be above politics but now he's elected by everyone and the metaphor that people use often is he was supposed to be a#referee but now he's the captain of the team. but the thing is there's nothing anyone can do to him. like the national assembly can vote to#kick the gov out for politics but the president can only be dismissed by parliament 'in the event of a breach of his duties which is#manifestly incompatible with the exercise of his mandate' and like? sure ig? but it's not like the prime minister who's responsible#to the national assembly the president doesn't answer to anyone. it'll be a month in like 6 days and it's not like we don't have a#gov that situation would be preferable to the one we have rn macrons gov is still in place like they 'quit' but they're STILL HERE? so they#can't even be censored because they've already quit but also...they're still there and doing shit like they just caused a diplomatic crisis#with algeria to the point where the ambassador was called back lmao they were like oh no we need to stay to manage current affairs...#like oh i'm sure. and he literally said no one's won when like. no they won. like isn't that crazy lmao. if the far right had had a#relative majority he would have asked bardella to come to matignon on july 8. like since the left doesn't have an absolute majority would#the national assembly vote for them to be sent home as soon as they were nominated? idk maybe! but what he's doing is soooooo...he's like#hm no no one won (mind you he didn't get an absolute majority in 2022 either but it was a win then) so they need to form alliances and then#i'll listen but it's basically -> the left (sans lfi) needs to form an alliance with macronists and then macron can appoint a prime#minister who's on his side (lmao basically might as well keep attal he was in the socialist party when he was like 17 so he counts as a#leftist figure right) or macronists can form an alliance with the right and basically nothing changes. anyway the second scenario#is what's gonna happen most likely and it's gonna be even worse than it was before even when the left wins we lose lmao but it's like. him#literally denying the results of the election is driving me crazy. why doesn't anyone else see how crazy that is lol. at least if they go#with the alliance with the right maybe people will stop considering them CENTRISTS. but probably not#and also he's decided since it's the olympics we're doing a political truce🤗 and it's only giving what's literally HIS#ILLEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT more time to do things they shouldn't be doing because they were voted OUTTTTT#this is a guy who said he thinks french people need a king and there shouldn't be a two-term limit. like remember when i said he's always#three weeks away from declaring a third empire last month. his ass is never leaving he's gonna be doing a 1851 coup in 2027 (a? an)
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Louis Aragon (1931)
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