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stonemedusa · 7 years
Unwanted attention: Prologue
Pairing: Izuna Uchiha X Sakura Haruno X Madara Uchiha
Rating: M
Word count: 572
Summary: (Time travel) Stuck between a war, a clan full of suspicious sharingan users and two very interested Uchiha, can our pinkette find a way to get home without drawing unneeded attention? -MadaSakuIzu-
Next chapter
Note: A little something to tide you all over until I get home from work and proof read the rest- Enjoy!
Sakura Haruno.
Many knew the name, and many more knew her face or appearance. Her bright pink hair was iconic in the medical world after all, and her skill in battle left any who saw even the faintest flash of red clothing shivering in anticipation.
But the war…the war was the thing that made her name for her, even if it wasn’t over yet.
Sakura Haruno- The world renowned medic.
Sakura Haruno- Apprentice of the fifth Hokage.
Sakura Haruno- Successor of the yin seal.
Or simply put and know by all- The next slug sannin.
It wasn’t often that someone crossed paths with her now and didn’t know of at least one of her feats, and it was even rarer that an enemy would attempt to engage her in battle. The shinobi war was harsh though, it was horrifying and seemed to never have an end in sight, but most of all?
It had made legends.
Naruto- The container of the nine tails.
Sasuke- The last Uchiha.
And Sakura…
She was still working on her legend, she was still working on the finer points of her tale. Even now, so far away from where she was destined to be, she still managed to make a name for herself.
Looking back at everything that had happened, at everything that had shaped her into the woman she was today…she found she didn’t regret a thing.
All the love she’d given, it was worth it.
All the pain she’d felt, she could cope.
All the pettiness, the grudges and wasted time…she’d discarded that- reshaped herself and bloomed anew.
Feeling the enormous chakra ahead of her swell again, the woman slowly sighed, bracing herself for what was to come. It was dark, and she felt so alone out here, so isolated as she looked over the seemingly bottomless drop before her. But this was it…this was what she’d dreamed of, hoped and prayed for…
So why did it feel so wrong?
Why did it hurt so much?
Slowly but surely, she made her way forward, her feet resolutely moving her towards the unknown.
This was…
This was what she’d wanted.
“Please don’t-”
So why…
“Sakura…please don’t leave me…don’t leave us!”
Why was she crying?
‘It’s time to wake up child.’
Another giant swell of chakra echoed across the cliff side before her, lapping at her skin as yells - or were they pleads? - sounded in the distance. She couldn’t pay any mind to them though, because before her, seemingly splitting the air not feet away from the ledge, a giant crack seemed to appear.
A hole, a splinter…just hovering there…just like the one that had taken her here in the first place.
Her watery and pained eyes looked it over, catching glimpses of the orange- the yellow- the familiarity on the other side…and she could hear them…oh, could she hear them.
They were in battle, and her ears could only just catch her old teammates voice as it called out to her, seemingly echoing the way it had when she’d left.
Or was this when she’d left?
Had time continued on there, or was it frozen?
Was this ever…was it even…
Was it a genjutsu or was it a multi-dimensional jutsu…Who knew at this point.
‘It’s time to come home.’
Was any of this even real? Had it ever been?
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kendochick-moor · 3 years
Last Line (para) WIP Game!
Last Line Tag Rules: Write the latest line from your WIP and tag as many people as there are words in the line. Make a new post, don’t reblog.
Thank you @mspixiepixie and @bluefurcape for tagging me during the week I wrote non-con monster!fucker OroSakuKabu snake bukakke fic, this is a great introduction for me and my work!
I have #noselfcontrol, so here are snippets from a few different fics. My 'last lines'... are a mess of notes/thoughts atm. Due to the nature of my writing (GIANT FLASHING WARNING IN NEON LIGHTS: INTENDED FOR AUDIENCES WHO ARE ADULTS 18+), I have put these under a cut. The bottom entry is non-con, which is why it’s at the end, easily skippable, and struck-through (biffé) to prevent you from reading it accidentally. Most are perfectly fine to read, but the really unfortunate potentially upsetting material (MENTIONED ABOVE EXPLICITLY) is at the very bottom and easily ignorable.
Happy reading otherwise! :)
From "Dingir" a Bellarke fic for "The 100":
“This isn’t—” Clarke began, only for Raven to interrupt. “I know.” “But I thought we were supposed to be in—” “I know, Clarke,” said Raven, her dark eyes raking over the screens in front of her. “What are the coordinates? Maybe we’re off by—” “The coordinates are right,” interrupted Murphy, arms crossed in front of him as he glared at them. “Those are the exact coordinates I was given.” Clarke sighed and closed her eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath. “Okay.” On the bridge of their cruiser, the Gilgamesh II, Clarke, Raven and Murphy looked out across the meteor minefield they had sailed into. Their original mission had been a distress signal investigation. However, upon arrival, the situation was not as promised. How had they landed so far off course? This was ridiculous. Raven would never mess up like this. Which left... It took a bit longer than she wanted to admit, but Clarke grounded herself and nodded. “Are there any sustainable planets nearby? Anything with an outpost, even?” “Searching,” said Raven. “We used to have a colony out here. Give me a few minutes and I’ll track it down.” “How much longer until our fuel cells expire?” “A few days, at most. We can extend it to a few weeks, maybe months, if we shut down all non-essential services and lock ourselves up in cryo.” “Hard pass,” said Murphy. Raven’s head whipped around, her ponytail nearly slapping Clarke as she spun in her seat to glare at Murphy. “Okay, okay,” said Clarke, lifting a hand to temper the tension. “Raven, you keep looking for that old colony. If nothing else, we can temporarily stay there and wait for rescue, if we really need to. In the meantime, send a message back to the BAV-IL to let them know that we’re off course and need assistance.” “What about Murphy?” asked Raven, turning from Murphy to Clarke. Already her nimble fingers were calculating courses, searching historical colonization maps of the area, opening up the comms. Clarke looked at Murphy, her shoulders slumping. She sighed and turned away, ignoring how Murphy bristled and glared right back at both of them. “Go check the Enkidu. Prep it for a surface dive.” “Yes ma’am,” he muttered, sauntering away.
From "Immured" (Naruto, MadaSakuIzu, A/B/O):
“Keep doing that,” breathed Izuna, pumping his hips against hers. All the while, his fingers played with her c—, making her whine in her throat. His lips fell to the graceful arc of Sakura’s neck and shoulder where he began suckling her gland. Sakura shivered in Izuna’s arms, his feelings, his intent, passing through the bond to rally her own reactions higher. Instinctively Sakura reached behind her, threading her hands through Izuna’s long hair to hold his lips in place. Her eyes had closed and she bit her lip as the pressure built swiftly inside her. Her body moved with his and she arched her back, her anticipation rising with each thrust, each pant, each gasp— They crested together with a shared cry of relief, gentler than their past releases, holding each other through it.
From the MadaSaku AU I recently posted on DW:
Clenching her fists, Sakura took a deep breath to calm herself. “It’s a traitor, and it’s someone I probably know,” she admitted through her equally clenched teeth. The tightness in her chest burst out of her in a heavy sigh. “I just can’t think of who could hate Konoha so much that they tried to throw us into the hands of an invading force. Innocent people were killed the night of the Battle, and more were killed with the poisonings.” She shook her head. “I hate that I don’t know who this is! It feels like it should be obvious, but it isn’t!” “We’ll find them,” promised Itachi, watching Sakura, her cheeks heated with her passionate anger. “But how?” begged Sakura. “They’ll slip up. They’ll be back and they’ll be overconfident and they’ll mess up and then you’ll nail them to the wall,” said Sasuke. “Or Sasuke and I will,” added Naruto. “What’s most important is that we do everything we can to protect those who are most vulnerable. And you’re doing that,” said Kakashi calmly.
From "Kimono no Onna", the first chapter of which was recently posted to DW:
“You’re staying overnight?” exclaimed Tomo excitedly. “In a guest room,” explained Madara, herding everyone back towards the living room. “We’re not all bunking in the same place,” he sighed. “Which guest room?” asked Izuna. “I don’t know yet,” said Sakura. “Your father or Keiko-san will let me know when it’s time for us to tuck in. In the meantime, are there any games you’d like to play?” “Snap!” “Checkers!” “Chutes and ladders!” “Tiddly Winks!” Madara’s warm hand smoothed up and down Sakura’s back when she stumbled at the last suggestion, and he caught her elbow, righting her before the other boys noticed. Well, most of the other boys. While Sakura chatted warmly with Madara’s younger siblings, Madara noted the way Izuna’s eyes had sharpened upon hearing that Sakura would be staying the night. His focus remained on Sakura through the rest of the afternoon and into the evening.
And from the abomination fic (I might as well title it thus), the KabuSakuOro that veered straight into monster!fucker territory. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. It's at the bottom of the list for a reason. This is repulsive for the vast majority of people, and I take no offense if you do not like it and your gag reflex/stomach curls at the awfulness of this. SKIP THIS PART, it is NON-CON (non-consensual) at its most deliberate.
The barbs withdrew, allowing the dilated cervical channel to close nearly shut as the pene began its slow retraction back into Orochimaru’s body. The barbs’s sharp tips drew drops of Sakura’s blood with them, leaving their faint taste inside Orochimaru as the scales of his cloaca sealed his penes inside him once more. Only then did he allow himself a soft moan of pleasure and satisfaction as he tilted the examination table up, ensuring as little as possible spilled from Sakura’s body. He was unsurprised to see the faint pink tinge to the liquid leaving between her legs and stuck to his, but some sacrifices were necessary. At least this way he knew he’d made it up inside her high enough to be here he needed to be to implant his seed within her. With another sigh, he cleared his thoughts of the post-coital fog that often affected lesser, human men and dressed once more. A few minutes later, he left the lab to shower in his rooms, leaving Sakura, unconscious, naked and vulnerable, upon the table in the lab. Someone would take care of her. For now, Orochimaru had other things to do. Like enjoy his post-coital relaxation.
AN: Not tagging anyone because that would involve someone looking at the bottom of this post and inadvertently blinding themselves with disgust with the previous snippet. Have at and good on you and your gag reflex if you made it this far! <3
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sariasprincy · 6 years
2017 Writing Game
2017 Writing Meme
Tagged by @raendown - thank you!
Favorite story this year: Where it Happened - ItaSaku
Best/most popular story this year: Nightmare in Red - ItaSaku
Story most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion: Crosshairs. I’ve been asked time and time again to write KakaSaku, so I do and then nothing. No pleasing the fandom sometimes...
Most fun story: Ink. KisaSaku - love these two dorks.
Most sexy story: Two Glasses and a Barstool - MinaSaku. Hot damn, this story came out well. I still love it. (Warning: dilf/daddy!kink)
Story with single sexiest moment: I’m Sorry for What I Said when I was Drunk - TobiSaku. So many people admitting they have a dilf!kink lmao  (Warning: dilf/daddy!kink)
Story with single sweetest moment: Where it Happened - ItaSaku. The ending scene. It gave me chills writing when everything came full circle. 
Most unintentionally telling story: Pillow Talk - TobiSaku
“Holy crap, that’s wrong, even for you” story: Ground Rules - MadaSakuIzu. I regret nothing!!
Fic that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: Not sure I have any fics that fall into this category.
Biggest disappointment: Nightmare in Red - ItaSaku. This story had so much potential and I’m really disappointed that my love for it faded. 
Biggest surprise: The Choices We Make - MadaSaku. This story came out so much better than I anticipated.
Hardest story to write: Again, Nightmare in Red - ItaSaku.
Easiest story to write: Where it Happened - ItaSaku
This year’s theme and the story that demonstrates it most: Hollow Point - TobiSaku/ItaSaku. Oh I am so excited for what is still to come. This story will take us all down in glorious flames.
Tagging: @purple-possibilities @beyondthemoor @vesperlionheart @thefreckledone @whoeverwantstodoit
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stonemedusa · 7 years
Unwanted attention- Chapter 14- Final
Pairing: Izuna Uchiha X Sakura Haruno X Madara Uchiha
Rating: M
Word count: 1261
Summary: (Time travel) Stuck between a war, a clan full of suspicious sharingan users and two very interested Uchiha, can our pinkette find a way to get home without drawing unneeded attention? -MadaSakuIzu-
Previous chapter 
Life was…it was amazing during those next few weeks. Morning after morning she’d wake up, warm arms wrapped around her, warm bodies pressed against her sides.
She’d never thought they’d be this affectionate, this…open and happy, but she supposed it was good to be wrong for once.
With a content sigh the pinkette gave a lazy stretch, her back popping slightly as she sprawled out over the soft grass, the warm sun only just managing to beat down on her through the overgrown trees.
Yes…she was content like this.
She’d never imagined that she could feel this way about someone, let alone two people, but all in all she couldn’t have been happier with the end result.
Closing her eyes for a moment and listening to the faint hustle of the compound nearby, Sakura smiled to herself, just imagining her two men sitting grumpily indoors, a meeting with their elders having called them from her side earlier that day.
And as much as she …she loved them, it was nice to have a little quiet time by herself.
‘Enough is enough child.’
Clenching her eyes tight, Sakura shakily swallowed, her head throbbing uneasily as she shook it from side to side abruptly.
This was why she needed time alone.
This…this voice.
‘You’ve played enough, now come.’
Why, of all times, did it have to pick now to surface? To show itself?
Yes, she knew the voice well enough, the godly woman’s tone having engraved in her mind the first time she’d heard it…but why now?
Why? Why would that woman- that monster- pick the one moment she’d begun accepting her fate to chime in? Just when she’d begun to feel happy again?!
Ignoring the mumbled words in her head, Sakura sat up with a sigh, lazily getting to her feet before beginning down one of the lesser used paths nearby.
Lost in thought as she wandered aimlessly, Sakura took no note of the time that passed, her mind too caught up in the finer details of her stay in this time period.
So many possible complications, and so many things she’d possibly ruined…all for the sake of being happy for once? For being loved?
It wasn’t fair.
It wasn’t, but she…
Too much to ponder, and with too little answers, Sakura quickly found herself frustrated beyond belief, tears threatening to form as she sighed loudly.
And then it happened.
‘Child, it’s time.’
That massive swell of chakra, one that was oh-so familiar.
Breaking into a run instinctively, Sakura headed straight for it, her feet propelling her forward without a second thought. She ran and ran, paying no mind to how far away it was, paying no mind to how long she’d been gone- or how far she’d strayed.
No, all she knew was that this…this was her chance.
This was her chance, but…
Feeling the enormous chakra ahead of her swell again, the woman slowly sighed, bracing herself for what was to come. It was dark, and she felt so alone out here, so isolated as she looked over the seemingly bottomless drop before her. But this was it…this was what she’d dreamed of, hoped and prayed for…
So why did it feel so wrong?
Why did it hurt so much?
Slowly but surely, she made her way forward, her feet resolutely moving her towards the unknown as she slowed to a walk.
This was…
This was what she’d wanted.
“Please don’t-”
So why…
“Sakura…please don’t leave me…don’t leave us!”
Why was she crying?
‘It’s time to wake up child.’
Another giant swell of chakra echoed across the cliff side before her, lapping at her skin as yells - or were they pleads? - sounded in the distance. She couldn’t pay any mind to them though, because before her, seemingly splitting the air not feet away from the ledge, a giant crack seemed to appear.
A hole, a splinter…just hovering there…just like the one that had taken her here in the first place.
Her watery and pained eyes looked it over, catching glimpses of the orange- the yellow- the familiarity on the other side…and she could hear them…oh, could she hear them.
They were in battle, and her ears could only just catch her old teammates voice as it called out to her, seemingly echoing the way it had when she’d left.
Or was this when she’d left?
Had time continued on there, or was it frozen?
Was this ever…was it even…
Was it a genjutsu or was it a multi-dimensional jutsu…
Who knew at this point? Because she certainly didn’t.
‘It’s time to come home.’
Was any of this even real? Had it ever been?
‘I’m….I’m sorry.’
Feeling the vicious waves of chakra begin to batter her body as she stood there, Sakura countered it with her own, her form lighting up, the only light in the area coming from her and the rift before her.
“I’m so sorry…” Grinning widely despite the sob ripping itself from her throat, Sakura braced herself, her feet anchoring to the ground, her hands whipping forward, the oh so familiar warmth of Naruto’s chakra just grazing her arms.
“I’m sorry Naruto.”
One glimpse of his face, so pained, yet so accepting.
One last look at what she used to call home.
And then her fists struck, her chakra ripping the other apart, the rift frazzling as it fought to stay open.
“You’ll be fine, I promise.”
Burns, those familiar chakra burns scalded her arms, her grin still in place as she kept going, doing her best to disrupt the chakra in the rift before her, no matter how much it pained her to do so.
“You’ll win. You’ll win this war and grow up and be so happy.”
A smile.
A laugh.
“Sakura-chan! You better be happy there, promise me!”
“I promise. Thank you for everything Naruto. Thank you!”
And then he was gone, the rift closing with a snap, her body being propelled backwards by the small shockwave that formed afterwards.
She didn’t hit the ground though. No, she was safely caught, her eyes only just catching a glimpse of the two Uchiha fretting over her before she let out a laugh and lost consciousness, startling them greatly.
Yes, the future is never set in stone.
And if staying here meant she’d be happy…then she’d fight for it.
She’d fight for them.
Sakura Haruno.
Many knew the name, and many more knew her face or appearance. Her bright pink hair was iconic in the medical world after all, and her skill in battle left any who saw even the faintest flash of red clothing shivering in anticipation.
But the war…the war was the thing that made her name for her, even if it wasn’t over yet.
Sakura Haruno- The world renowned medic.
Sakura Haruno- Apprentice of the fifth Hokage.
Sakura Haruno- Successor of the yin seal.
Or simply put and know by all- The next slug sannin.
It wasn’t often that someone crossed paths with her now and didn’t know of at least one of her feats, and it was even rarer that an enemy would attempt to engage her in battle. The shinobi war was harsh though, it was horrifying and seemed to never have an end in sight, but most of all?
It had made legends.
Naruto- The container of the nine tails.
Sasuke- The last Uchiha.
And Sakura…
Sakura had a story all of her own, one she was proud of.
                                                    THE END
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stonemedusa · 7 years
Unwanted attention: Chapter 1
Pairing: Izuna Uchiha X Sakura Haruno X Madara Uchiha
Rating: M
Word count: 1640
Summary: (Time travel) Stuck between a war, a clan full of suspicious sharingan users and two very interested Uchiha, can our pinkette find a way to get home without drawing unneeded attention? -MadaSakuIzu-
Previous chapter   Next chapter
As stupid as it was, she’d put her faith in Sasuke, had trusted him to watch her back during this monumental battle.
“Sakura, on your left!” Reacting to Naruto’s yell instinctively the pinkette jumped away, watching the bone like spear pierce the ground she’d been standing on not seconds before.
Damn that witch, would she ever start slowing down?
“I just…I don’t know what to do Naruto, we need to corner her but she keeps jumping to different portals and coming from everywhere!” Frustration was clear in her voice as Sasuke yet again came to their side, the three of them now standing back to back as they watched for any sign of the godlike woman.
“I know Sakura, but we’ll think of something.” His usually upbeat voice was sullen, all three of them knowing that this may very well be their final fight- their last battle. “We have to.”
“We need to split up.”
Looking to Sasuke for a fraction of a moment, Sakura felt her eyes harden, leaping away from the others as they were forced to -yet again- leave each other’s backs.
Maybe Sasuke had a point? It’d be much easier to land a hit if they were coming at her from all sides.
“Don’t be stupid Sasuke, we need to-” Naruto began, only to stop as Sakura held her hand up to gather his attention.
“I think he has a point Naruto. Now isn’t the time to argue- and if we do split up, we can try coming at her from all sides. It’ll give us a chance to land more hits than we’ve been getting…all we need is one chance with a strong enough jutsu. Just one.” They would need more than that, but it was hope keeping them going, so hope would have to do.
“Shut up teme. Alright, fine, but be careful okay, and don’t leave each other’s line of sight!”
She really shouldn’t have trusted Sasuke…
Not ten minutes later, the exhausted trio continued to attempt to surround the floating woman, the many scenery changes disorienting them as they did their best to stay on her.
“Naruto, above you!” Warning him just in time, Sakura watched as that black blur continued to ruin their plans, the odd ‘child’ doing its best to ruin any chance they saw to land a blow..
God damn it.
“Thanks Sakura-chan!”
It was almost routine now- dodge, duck, try to land a hit, get away before she can get you, repeat.
This…this was getting nowhere fast, and she could see that her teammates knew it too.
“Sakura, on your right!” Sasuke’s loud voice called from behind her, making her instinctively leap to her left- eager to get away from the danger.
Sasuke was a liar.
Everything seemed to happen in slow motion then, her body leaping directly towards the ominous woman as she appeared before her, the large bone like lance she was carrying piercing the pinkette’s side as blood flew through the air.
Everything seemed to still as she stood there, eyes locked on the pale god as her tall form floated before her, a sense of victory radiating from the beings very form.
The familiar sound of birds chirping filled the air then, the static in the area picking up as it seemed to draw nearer and nearer…the hair on the back of her neck stood on end.
Sasuke was a dirty liar…
And then all she felt was pain.
Violent tremors.
Just… pain.
Looking down at the hand pricing her abdomen, Sakura had to marvel at the currents actually managing to hit the god as they passed through her body, arcing to reach the godlike woman as they passed through the smaller- much more fragile girl.
It hurt.
It hurt so much.
Things seemed to pick up again then, Naruto’s enraged scream filling the air as Sasuke pulled his hand from her body, her chakra immediately moving to start healing the damage as her burnt and abused form tumbled forward, falling…falling…
No ground seemed to be there to meet her as she continued her drop, her eyes only briefly catching a glimpse of where she’d been- an odd rip in the very air itself floating above her in the sky, getting smaller and smaller as she continued to fall.
Faster and faster she fell, the wind violently throwing her hair and clothing around as she plummeted downwards.
The last thing she could make out inside the tear was a flash of orange- the familiar echo of her name leaving Naruto’s lips filled her ears, getting quieter as the wind drowned it out.
And then she hit the ground.
She vowed to never trust an Uchiha again.
Pain was all she knew once she started to come to, her body protesting every action she gave as she tried to sit up.
Groggily cracking her eyes open, Sakura tried to take everything around her in, her dazed mind unable to comprehend why she was lying in the middle on what seemed to be a small crater.
Swallowing to try and wet her dry throat, the young woman attempted to pull herself up, only to stop and clench her teeth in pain as she took note of how abused her body currently was.
Oh…oh that’s right.
She’d just been in battle…then she …then she fell?
No…no that couldn’t be right…
Slowly, the damaged woman edged upwards, her tired and pained form finally sitting up as she blurrily took in her injuries, her mind categorizing each one as she either felt or saw it.
‘Not good, not good at all. My reserved are completely drained and it’ll take at least a week before I can access them safely.’ Damn it, this wasn’t good, not at all.
“No, believe me okay! I saw it fall right around here! It was a fairy, it WAS!” the voice was young, barely older than 10 if she had to pick an age. Rustling sounded from her left, and as the pinkette slowly turned to look while trying to prepare for anything that may come- she wasn’t expecting the wide eyes looking back at her.
2 young girls, more than likely 8-10 years old, both dressed in rather traditional looking clothing, and their lack of prominent chakra signatures had the woman certain they were civilian.
Wincing as the second girl screeched loudly, Sakura somehow found the strength to pull herself to her feet, slowly wobbling her way out of the crater and away from the scene as the two young ones bolted away frantically, the younger pouting as the older screamed for her parents.
Not good, not good at all.
She wasn’t in any shape to fend someone off, even a civilian could take her at this point.
So ignoring what the girl had screamed, Sakura hurried away as fast as her body would let her.
It was cold, it was dark, and it was unfamiliar. Sakura had no idea where she was going as she fled, just picking a random direction as the dark woods around her screamed in their silence, even the children’s screams far gone in the distance now. It was a miracle she could even move, but she wasn’t one to look a gift horse in the mouth.
As long as she could get away…
“Sh..-shit.” Sakura gasped out, stumbling around as she slowly got away, her body leaning heavily against trees and rocks as she fought to move forward.
Where the hell was she?!
“N-…” coughing sharply into her hand as her throat contracted suddenly, Sakura was not amused to find blood on her palm, her burning eyes taking glaring down at the red stain.
She was much worse off than she’d first thought.
But then again, she would be in a bad state. Stabbed, impaled, electrocuted and seemingly thrown who knows how far down to the earth?
And here she was, pushing her broken body to extremes as she fled from civilians of all people!
Tsunade wold kill her if she ever found out about this.
Head spinning at this point from either blood loss or trauma, Sakura continued forward, oblivious to the trail she was leaving on everything she lent against for support.
Tensing as a cold breeze rattled past her, the young woman couldn’t stop the shiver from creeping across her body, her form eventually falling to the ground again when she assumed herself far enough away.
Naruto…Naruto would be looking for her.
He’d find her soon, and then the medics could patch her up. There was no way in hell she’d be able to safely gather up enough chakra to heal herself for at least another week or more- and even that depended on how much she’d be willing to spare in these circumstances.
Yes, it was cold, and she was thanking god for her instinctual efforts to heal the wounds the second she’d gotten them.
She’d have been well and truly dead by now if not for that.
Slumping forward and wrapping her burned and cut arms around herself, Sakura did her best to breathe deeply despite her damaged middle, trying her best to stay calm as she waited for help.
Naruto would come…
Chocking as another cough seemed to wrench itself from her, she groaned, the taste of blood unpleasant on her tongue.
“It’ll…it’ll be okay.”
And it would be, she was sure of it.
Trying in vain to fight against it, the cold seemed to lull her tired body to sleep, her eyes falling shut against her will as she slowly tipped to the side, her head hitting the ground moments after unconsciousness finally overtook her.
Naruto never gave up on a teammate…
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stonemedusa · 7 years
alright so....what if i told you all that i had a 15K  Izuna X Sakura X Madara fic completed and ready to go- smut and all.....ohboy
All based around this oneshot of mine
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stonemedusa · 7 years
Unwanted attention- Chapter 7
Pairing: Izuna Uchiha X Sakura Haruno X Madara Uchiha
Rating: M
Word count: 1184
Summary: (Time travel) Stuck between a war, a clan full of suspicious sharingan users and two very interested Uchiha, can our pinkette find a way to get home without drawing unneeded attention? -MadaSakuIzu-
Previous chapter  Next chapter
Time seemed to be slowly passing by for the pinkette, but with each new day, came a new problem.
Her chakra.
Slowly, and almost reluctantly after her vicious over use of it, it was returning. Morning after morning she’d awaken to find her reserves just a little more filled, dangerously so.
Because here she was, in the middle of the Uchiha clans compound, pretending to be a civilian.
Chakra was bad in this situation, very very bad.
So between each morning as she awoke and each evening as she fell asleep- Sakura siphoned everything she could into her seal.
Where better to hide it really? It was undetectable, and as long as she maintained a similar chakra level to the other civilians around her, she wouldn’t have a problem.
It was easy to do, especially considering the practice she had.
What was bothering her about this though, was the fact that she knew her pathways would suffer for it.
They were used to flowing chakra, to being controlled and used and ordered to do this and that.
And now that she wasn’t? They were acting up.
For all her control, for all the praise she’d been given, Sakura suddenly found herself breaking cups.
Door frames.
Anything she touched without consideration had the chance to break in her grip- all due to her neglected pathways acting up on her- flooding her hands with chakra as they’d been trained to do for years now.
Not good, not good at all.
For the most part she played these incidents off as being startled, being scared and accidentally breaking something- who wouldn’t drop a cup if they noticed someone sneaking around behind them? Especially if they’d ‘been through’ what she apparently had…
But that, in and of itself, brought about another problem.
That problem being a nosy, messy haired Uchiha with a habit of watching her- one who seemed utterly determined to make her ‘feel safe’ in the compound.
Apparently, her arguments against his brothers proposal had bothered him a little, making him believe she didn’t feel welcome-safe in their home.
“Miss Sakura?”
Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
“Oh, hello Izuna.” Sakura started, looking up at him from her seat in their small back garden. Who’d have thought the Uchiha could grow something so beautiful looking, especially in a time like this.
The flowers were lovely, despite the small number of them, and the large fish in the pond before her amused her to no end.
“G-good morning, I hope you slept well.” Stoic as he looked, Sakura had weeded out that he was rather emotional for an Uchiha, just very good at hiding it apparently. It was common gossip around the other clan members from what she’d heard, yet no one ever said anything when it may reach his or his brothers ears.
Sakura hated gossip…and the people who spread it. Rumours could ruin lives, didn’t they understand that?
“Very well, thank you for asking.” There was a small awkward silence as he just stood there, staring at her with that usual blank expression-only startling out of it when she coughed awkwardly.
“Ah, yes. Madara has arranged for you to go into town today to begin your search, is that alright with you?”
Alright with her?
That was perfect!
She honestly didn’t care who went with her, as long as she got to-
“-And I’ll be escorting you.”
Suddenly, she did care.
“R-really?” Sakura cleared her throat slightly, hoping it covered her small slip up, her voice slowly falling into a very thankful and happy tone. “That’s great, thank you for taking the time to come with me, I’ll definitely feel a lot safer with you around.”
And then….then he smiled, the corner of his full lips pulling up slightly as he nodded to her, a small laugh leaving him as she stared in shock.
“I’m glad I could be of help then, just let me know when you wish to leave. It’ll take us about half an hour to walk there, so please take that into consideration.”
Not even reacting as he turned to leave, Sakura just blinked, her mouth gaping slightly as she watched him disappear from sight.
…he actually looked…friendly when he smiled like that, approachable even.
‘No, it’s just a trick of the light. Uchiha…Uchiha can’t be friendly, can’t be trusted. Just look at what happened with Sasuke damn it.’
Scolding herself for even thinking such a thing, the young medic slowly pulled herself to her feet, already having prepared a borrowed outfit in case this came up.
And as odd as it was to walk around wearing the Uchiha clans symbol, she could sacrifice that to get out of these walls for a little while.
Traveling with Izuna was awkward at first, and the silence was really killing her excitement.
About ten minutes into their silent walk though, Sakura had enough, heaving a loud sigh that drew her companions’ attention away from the area around them.
“Do you want to stop for a minute or two? I’m sorry, I didn’t take your previous injuries into account when planning this...”
“No, no, it’s nothing like that. It’s just…I’m not used to traveling in silence is all. Usually…” She trailed off then, not wanting to bore him into cutting their trip short.
He didn’t speak for a moment, and when he did, it caught her off guard, the evident curiosity in his voice amazing her slightly. “Do you travel a lot with your family?”
What had happened to that monotone voice? Wasn’t that supposed to run in the family or something?
“Uhh, yeah. Yeah I do and gosh, they never shut up. It’s just…odd, what with it being so quiet all of a sudden.” She explained, looking wistfully ahead as they passed down the well-worn road.
“Your brothers…you have three, correct?”
“Mmhmm, that’s right. Naruto- he’s the loudest, always talking or yelling about this and that. Then there’s Sai, he likes to stir Naruto and me up to make trouble. And then you have Kakashi- he’s more like a teacher than a brother really, always has that book plastered to his face…” she laughed then, much happier times filling her mind as she smiled to herself, completely missing the look her escort shot her.
Or rather, the very vivid blush- his dark eyes wide in something akin to shock.
Because like it or not, Sakura was a very stunning woman here, her odd appearance setting her aside from the other …- from everyone really.
Pink instead of earth tones, green instead of brown or black.
And with the morning light peaking at her hair through the trees, with that smile on her lips and her soft laughter caressing the air- Izuna couldn’t look away.
She was…she was something else, the very air around her seeming to hold an unearthly quality in this setting.
She looked so at home out here, like a mythical forest nymph, just looking to trick someone into losing their way.
And by god, was he lost in that moment.
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stonemedusa · 7 years
Unwanted attention- Chapter 5
Pairing: Izuna Uchiha X Sakura Haruno X Madara Uchiha
Rating: M
Word count: 1279
Summary: (Time travel) Stuck between a war, a clan full of suspicious sharingan users and two very interested Uchiha, can our pinkette find a way to get home without drawing unneeded attention? -MadaSakuIzu-
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Madara Uchiha was not a trusting man, and no one had ever accused him of being such. He knew better than most where misplaced trust or loyalty could get you, and he wanted nothing to do with it, not even in the lightest sense of the term.
Trust made you weak.
And the only one he’d ever allow himself to be weak around was his brother, who would never speak a word of it to another, never hold it against him.
His younger brother, Izuna, was his only light in this miserable world- and seeing said brother become distracted so easily, curious with this odd woman, was very off putting.
Madara had taught him better, he knew he had.
But this woman…for the week she’d been there, healing however slowly, she’d managed to worm her way under the guards of nearly all those she’d met.
Children, the elderly, the medics…her appointed guard.
They all found her defenseless, to be protected and treated like glass- but he knew better, he could see that fire in her eyes whenever they treated her so softly.
He knew Izuna had seen it too, telling him in a mutter after their first (unintentional) meeting.
She hated it, loathed the special treatment she was getting in her current situation.
Odd, because the way she held herself, the way she spoke, even the hints she gave of her education screamed high class- screamed that she was in a high position of power back in her clan or village.
Someone had put a lot of effort into raising her, you didn’t waste that kind of time on someone who’d just end up working in an inn or brothel.
Even her odd appearance went against her best efforts to remain unnoticed (and yes, he had taken note of her many attempts to slip away- possibly to hunt down her family or brothers. Irritating- but he couldn’t fault her for such, he’d do the same in her situation. Though, he’d have succeeded by now.)
Her bright pink hair would glare out, seeming to put her in a spotlight as she limped through a small sea of brown and black, her green eyes twitching and nervous whenever they’d meet the usual dark grey or black of whatever Uchiha she spoke with.
She looked so out of place in the compound, so…odd compared to what he was used to seeing day after day.
He’d never met anyone who looked to…bright, it was outrageous really. He could only imagine what her siblings would look like if the poor men had her unfortunate colouring.
But yes, back on track. It was odd that someone so obviously high in the world would detest special treatment. Any other woman he’d met in a position similar to what he imagined her to hold, lapped up the attention- loved to be doted on or cooed at.
Either that or they were as jaded and cold as stone.
Maybe…maybe what she’d been through had altered her? He’d come to accept the medics suspicions of torture, especially after the nightmares stated. He’d wake to hear screaming from the end of the visitors wing, his brother right behind him as night after night, they’d both slip into her room to find her in a cold sweat. They never spoke to her, and she probably wasn’t even aware of their presence as she hugged herself tightly…they always left without a word, unsure of what to do.
The brothers had never had to comfort anyone before, so why start now?
Izuna though…Madara had caught the way he looked at her. Madara knew his younger brother better than anyone, could read him like a book no matter how hard said man tried to wall his emotions up.
Whatever lies his brother was feeding himself in an attempt to justify his actions were exactly that. Lies. Madara knew him well enough to know exactly how he tried to delude himself with things like this.
Izuna…Izuna cared-
About how she was doing.
About what she’d gone through (assumedly alone).
About how she was currently feeling- doing- acting.
The younger Uchiha was always watching her from a distance, and it worried him greatly.
His younger brother, who tried so desperately to imitate his elder brother, was smitten with the mysterious girl- the one who couldn’t even look him in the eye for more than a moment.
And Madara didn’t like it.
A weakness was a weakness, no matter who (or what) they were, and she was a glaring one. All it would take is one wrong word from the right person, one well-placed blade or rumour and she’d be gone (either dead or returned to her family). And if she was gone? Then Izuna would be upset, the sensitive (albeit stoic looking) Uchiha would fall apart in his own way, just like when their mother had left, like when their father had died.
No, Madara didn’t want that, he couldn’t stand seeing it again, so he watched- he observed and glared and did his best to see what she was hiding.
Because she was hiding something. Be it something personal, something about her family, something- everyone hid something, and he would find what her secret was.
Anything to have some form of leverage over her.
Anything to protect his younger brothers best interests.
If she were to leave…to go home before his brother sorted himself out and put this idiotic mess behind him, things would just get worse.
So unfortunately, she had to stay.
Izuna was many things, but an idiot was not one of them.
He knew the odd woman wasn’t what she claimed to be, her subtle denials of being of a high position completely thrown out of the water by the words she used, the way she held herself.
She was lying, and he didn’t like it, not one bit.
But try as he might, he couldn’t find it in himself to…well, dislike her for it. If he were with a group of unknown people, injured and separated from his family, he’d lie too. He’d do whatever he could to protect them in any way possible.
And he suspected that was what she was currently trying to do.
His brother may think him smitten with her, by her charms and oddly soft manner…and while they did make him feel strange, he knew better.
Had been taught better.
He’d find out what she was hiding, where she was from. He’d find a way to get help from her family- from her.
The Senju were a very real threat, and any help was useful. It would just be an added bonus if her family was as strong as the medics assumed they were, the pinkette’s genetics and strength of mind only cementing that fact.
If one of their women, albeit of high standing, had such a developed chakra structure? Their male nin or soldiers must have been monsters to fight.
And Izuna would be the one to bring them forth, to get her to help him- even if they hadn’t spoken properly yet.
It was the least he could do to help his brother.
His actions, his sudden interest in her? It had absolutely nothing to do with the odd feeling seeing her provoked in his chest, the warmth that confused him and drove him to avoid her for hours, his keen eyes watching her from a distance much to the amusement of the female medics.
No, it had nothing to do with that.
Not at all.
He was an Uchiha, the brother of Madara Uchiha, and did NOT pout or swoon over the woman and her actions.
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stonemedusa · 7 years
Unwanted attention- Chapter 3
Pairing: Izuna Uchiha X Sakura Haruno X Madara Uchiha
Rating: M
Word count: 1349
Summary: (Time travel) Stuck between a war, a clan full of suspicious sharingan users and two very interested Uchiha, can our pinkette find a way to get home without drawing unneeded attention? -MadaSakuIzu-
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A gentle hand on her shoulder was what woke her up, a soft voice slowly lulling her from her slumber as whoever it was lightly shook her, their words taking a moment to register in her mind.
“Miss, Miss are you alright?”
Sakura could do nothing more than groan, her eyes unable to open fully as she took the figure before in, her dazed and fevered mind running wild as she cursed herself for dropping her defenses.
It was a woman, about 40 if she had to guess. She wore rather plain looking clothing, very traditional and old fashioned. Her long black hair and dark eyes stared down at the pinkette in worry, concern plastered on her face as she gingerly touched one of the makeshift bandages covering her middle.
“What…what on earth happened to you?!”
“…hurt…” Sakura rasped out, flinching slightly as the woman prodded her wound a little too harshly.
“How child?”
“…attacked….family…missing please…he-…help.” Even in her fevered state, Sakura still knew she had a part to play.
Even if she could barely think straight, she still knew…everything ridded on this.
She needed help, and this woman was her ticket in.
“My goodness! My son just left to go get help, he should be back any minute now, just hold on okay? I’ll personally make sure they find whoever did this to you, no young woman should be subjected to this kind of treatment.”
“MOTHER! Mother I found the patrol!” A younger, more masculine voice joined in, heavy footsteps running up to them hurriedly.
Sakura could barely even hear the people that followed him, their light treading only just brushing her ears.
But….but didn’t these people hate nin?
“Miss Hana.”
“Izuna dear, could you lend me a hand please? I don’t think she can move on her own…” There was a soft shuffle before her face was shaded, someone leaning over her body as a very quiet, yet obviously outraged sound came from their throat.
“Who would do this to a woman?” It was a male voice, deep and rather soothing to her ears as her body was softly picked up, her blurred sight only catching a glimpse of his dark hair and pale skin before the cloth of his shirt filled her vision. “Heartless cowards.”
“She was attacked with her family if what she mumbled was anything to go by, so you should definitely send a group out to look for them. I’d pin my money on the Senju being behind this, they’ve been in the area lately correct?” The woman, ‘Hana’ asked lightly, walking by her head as Sakura let out a pained groan, the woman cooing at her and lightly petting her hair as they slowly moved.
“I’ll inform my brother immediately upon our return. Attacking a caravan…I’m surprised she’s even breathing right now, especially with that Tobirama bastard reportedly leading the attacks last week.”
“…the poor girl…”
“My….my brothers….need to …need to find…” Sakura started, unable to get more than a few words out before she fell into another coughing fit.
“I understand miss, please just relax. I’ll do my best to find your family once you’re safe.” The voice echoed in her ear, the vibrations from his chest lulling her into a calm state as the other nin accompanying him lept ahead, their presences disappearing as they worked to keep the group safe from any ambushes.
“My…br... Naruto. He needs…”
“We’ll find him, I promise you.”
The hands holding her gently squeezed her tighter, silently reassuring her as they continued on in silence, her body eventually being handed off to someone else. Consciousness faded in and out for her over the next hour or so, but she was eventually lulled into a more stable state as very professional voices crowded around her, the warm hum of chakra filling her system forcing her to sleep against her will.
“How is she?” Izuna questioned hours later, the medics finally leaving the room the pink haired woman had been taken too.
“Not good. We’ve repaired as much of her body as we can, but there will be unavoidable scarring  and damage we don’t have the ability to repair. Her burns have been healed, as has one of the fractures in her arm. We’ve also touched up a few of the deeper cuts she has, but it’d be better to leave those to heal naturally, her body’s been under enough stress if the more…dated scars littering it are anything to go by.”
“Scars?” A new voice echoed in, the imposing figure entering the room and instantly commanding the medics utmost respect as he offered the tall man a salute, his posture straightening as his voice shook slightly.
“M-Madara-sama! Welcome!”
“Tell me what you know.” It was a demand, one the medic would never think of disobeying, especially from someone as respected and renowned as this.
“The woman, age and name unknown, has a large scar on her abdomen- partially healed before we got to her, and by the looks of it, someone ran her through. Multiple times. If I had to stake a guess, I’d say she was tortured, as it also accounts for the multiple cuts and burns. We’ve seen it before in victims of some lesser clans in the area, meaning she’s more than likely of a high status, and they were probably trying to force her family into giving them aid or money.”
“And you’re positive of this?” Madara questioned, moving to stand next to his now silent younger brother as they took the information in. “What proof do you have to back your claims?”
To do this to a seemingly defenseless woman…some clans had no honor or pride.
Worthless vermin.
“No sir, I have no proof, but it does match up with cases we’ve seen in the past. We found no clan marking on her, but she did have a highly developed chakra system, meaning her family is of high status and well-bred for battle. If I had to put her origins anywhere, I’d chance a guess at the eastern lands near Wave country, their people are said to have rather distinctive physical traits after all.”
“Ah, well I guess we’ll have to wait for her to awaken before questioning her then.” With a nod to Izuna, Madara turned to leave, motioning for his brother to follow as he planned out what to do with their newest arrival.
“Sir, if I may?” Madara stopped at those words, turning to look as an elderly female medic walked out of their makeshift operating room.
“Be gentle with her, we have no insight into her mental state right now. If you push too hard, she may break, and I do not want to be the one to inform her clan as to why a- if what we’re guessing is true- possible ‘heir’ is unfit for her intended or position. It’s best to play it safe until we know of her heritage.”
“Are you giving me orders old woman?”
“Never Madara-sama, merely suggesting that you look at the benefits of…say, ‘saving’ the girl. Many things can come from a thankful clan head after all, and a little extra help against the Senju would not be-”
“Silence you meddling old bat. You’re words are unwelcome, but I shall take them into consideration.” He paused for a moment, his eyes flickering red as he watched the two medics shift nervously. “That is, if she is what you believe her to be.”
The two brothers left then, silently walking back to their home as the elder plotted and processed everything he’d been told.
“Yes brother?”
“I want you to scout out the forest tomorrow, find out anything you can about the woman and if her story holds true.” Izuna nodded, agreeing to his brothers order, inwardly hoping the young woman was telling the truth.
She’d been through enough by the looks of it, he didn’t want to be the one to condemn her to his brothers wrath.
“I’ll bring my men, just in case the Senju are lurking about.”
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stonemedusa · 7 years
Unwanted attention- Chapter 8
Pairing: Izuna Uchiha X Sakura Haruno X Madara Uchiha
Rating: M
Word count: 1342
Summary: (Time travel) Stuck between a war, a clan full of suspicious sharingan users and two very interested Uchiha, can our pinkette find a way to get home without drawing unneeded attention? -MadaSakuIzu-
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The trip to town was very uneventful, and as annoying as it was, Sakura actually found herself a little disheartened. She really needed to get back home, and everything here, every sight she lay eyes on only drove her current situation further home.
“Miss Sakura?”
She had no idea how to get back, even if she did get away from the Uchiha.
“Miss Sakura, are you okay?”
No clue as to how to get home, no idea as to how her team were fairing, and not even the slightest hint as to how her presence may affect the future.
The future…
Snapping from her thoughts and looking to Izuna questioningly, the Uchiha continued on with his odd act, his eyes actually seeming regretful as he looked into her own.
“I’m sorry we couldn’t find word of your family. I can try to talk Madara into sending them a message via carrier bird, but it’s highly unlikely he’ll say yes due to all the intercepted messages we’ve sent in the past…”
She’d honestly never expected this man to look so open, his odd behavior and just how…different he was from how she’d always remembered the Uchiha clan back in Konoha being…it worried her slightly.
Why was he acting like this? Where did the stoic statue of a man from before go?
“It’s okay Izuna, we’ll find them eventually.”
She smiled at him then, her head cocking to the side slightly as she did so.
“Naruto wouldn’t let me stay lost forever, just trust me on that.” Sakura honestly couldn’t help the laughter that bubbled up after that, nor could she help her reaction when his own light chuckles joined in.
Slowly but surely, Sakura warmed up to Izuna, weeks crawling by as they took near daily trips to the surrounding villages and compounds.
She’d come to find that he was a …different person, odd and rather sweet actually, but only when no other human was in sight. Sakura had seen this behavior before in her mentor Tsunade, the older woman having preached about maintaining an image in front of people for so long that Sakura was shocked she hadn’t picked up on this sooner.
He was putting up a front, behaving stoically and refined before his clansmen, yet acting boyish and almost shyly around her- especially now that they’d gotten to know each other better.
With the realization of Izuna’s front, Sakura had to ponder if Madara did the same, yet never found the courage to ask his younger brother. Madara….
He was…he wasn’t what she’d expected, that was for sure.
Tall, intimidating, and still as terror inspiring as before- yet he actually seemed more…human than his future counterpart. More…More alive and emotional. Hell, she’d even caught him teasing Izuna once, having ducked away before they could catch her snooping about.
Yes, he was different, but still an asshole.
His future self HAD stabbed her after all, and she wasn’t that forgiving.
But still….it seemed that she couldn’t really demonize him anymore, especially with the way he’d begun inviting her to eat meals with himself and his younger brother.
Great….just great.
Izuna had seen the change in her, and although rather slow in building up, her friendly behavior had made him wonder.
Was this what she’d been like before her ordeal?
This kind and happy young woman, who could lighten the room with her laughter… yet still be rather…rather…fierce if he had to admit. Yes, from what he’d seen, she was a force to be reckoned with, and even his older brother had begun to take note.
The way she held herself while walking down the halls- upright, her shoulders firm and her chin lifted so no one, no matter how tall, could look down on her…
The way she spoke, the refined dignity in her voice- all shouting that she was used to being respected- looked up to even…
She seemed to be able to garner this respect from his clansmen, demand it even- all without saying so directly, without seeming to force the situation.
It was…unusual, he was more used to such behavior from visiting clan heads.
And that? That was what got him and his brother thinking.
Because what if she wasn’t an heir?
What if she wasn’t betrothed or being delivered to her intended by her family?
What if…what if she was the clan head? They’d heard of such things before, and it would also explain why she’d been targeted specifically while her brothers had been able to get away, why her family seemed to be so powerful.
If your daughter was to lead, it left your sons with little more to do than train…train and get stronger.
More deadly- all to protect their female sibling.
It was Madara who’d made the first move, inviting the young woman to eat with the two of them as they kept an eye on her. His…could he call her his friend? He didn’t know, having never had one before.
His ‘friend’, Sakura, needed to be kept close.
If she truly did hold that much power, she could be very beneficial- even more so than when they just believed her to be a clan heir. They couldn’t know for certain though, and if they asked, he knew she’d deny it- truth or not.
It was a leap to assume such things, but it was all they had to go on, all they had to believe right now.
So, Izuna just sat back and watched, slowly becoming fonder of the woman as they went in search of her family day after day.
He was also witness to his brother, on more than one occasion, following not too far behind them, seemingly as curious with her odd behavior as he was.
Izuna had never thought he’d live to see the day Madara would ‘take an interest’ in women, and the younger honestly didn’t know how to feel about it…He should be happy, overjoyed that his brother was finally doing something for himself- yet here he was, silently wishing him away so he could talk to her just a little more freely.
Yes, he’d noticed the way she seemed to lock up around the older Uchiha, her responses becoming more practiced and standard the longer he was in sight. Maybe he reminded her of one of her captors? Or an enemy of her clan? A rival perhaps?
“Miss Sakura?”
“Izuna, just drop the ‘Miss’ and call me Sakura, you know I don’t mind.”
“I….Sakura.” She grinned at him then, the dim light of the setting sun shining down on them, filtering through the trees that lined the old pathway.
Yet another unsuccessful search, but she didn’t seem as fazed this time.
“Sakura…I…What’s your clan like? Your family?” She froze up a little, her back going ridged for a split second as she continued walking in front of him, slowly leading the way back to her temporary home.
“Why do you ask?
“Because you never talk about them…I’m sorry, my curiosity got the better of me.”
She didn’t respond immediately, and he’d almost given up hope of starting a conversation by the time she chimed in again, her voice strangely nostalgic as she slowed her pace slightly.
“They…they’re…they’re something else. More trouble than they’re worth sometimes, but I’d go to hell and back for them, no matter how much they like to annoy me. This one time, Kakashi made the three of us go looking for a cat. A cat of all things! It took us all day, but we eventually had it cornered, only for Naruto and Sasuke-”
“Sasuke? Another brother? A friend perhaps?”
Please don’t say betrothed or suitor- Please don’t say betrothed or suitor.
“…No. No, not anymore.”
When she spoke again, it didn’t hold the same vigor as before, and Izuna had never hated himself as much as he did right now-
“I loved him and he tried to kill me. More than once actually...”
-But not as much as he hated this ‘Sasuke’.
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stonemedusa · 7 years
Unwanted attention- Chapter 12
Pairing: Izuna Uchiha X Sakura Haruno X Madara Uchiha
Rating: M
Word count: 660
Summary: (Time travel) Stuck between a war, a clan full of suspicious sharingan users and two very interested Uchiha, can our pinkette find a way to get home without drawing unneeded attention? -MadaSakuIzu-
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The clan didn’t trust her as much anymore, she could tell from the looks she seemed to draw, yet at the same time…
It was freeing, to finally stop hiding.
Weeks ago, when they’d first discovered her secret, she’d assumed they’d just kill her and be done with it.
Apparently, she’d been wrong.
And not for the first-or last- time.
Each day, something she’d come to assume to be true, broke down before her eyes.
Madara? Not as emotionless and destructive as she’d come to believe, instead seeming to embrace her secret- open up to her more as a matter of fact. Weird, and very unsettling, but…but not as wrong as she’d thought attention like that would be.
Izuna? He was…he was just Izuna. Just the man she’d come to know- to…to care for over her time with them. He didn’t push her away, didn’t treat her like a criminal, didn’t hate her. No…he was just Izuna.
Yet she could still see the distrust in their eyes, no matter how hidden they thought it to be.
And yes, she could understand that, it was very reasonable considering the circumstances.
Their seeming acceptance of her though- the real her…her attitude, her station, her career...it was…it was something else alright.
And the more her she was, the more Sakura and less Heir to some clan- the more she found herself enjoying their company.
She didn’t know how she’d deluded herself for so long, had no idea how she could be so blind to her own thoughts and feelings.
Care for them?
No, no she didn’t care for them, she lo-
“Sakura? What are you doing out here alone?” Turning her head slightly to see Izuna, she watched his relieved form slowly walk towards her, a small grin tugging at her lips as he did so.
Probably thought she’d run off, having been left alone for the first time in days.
She wouldn’t though.
God, she was too emotionally invested in these men to leave right now.
What was it with her and Uchiha men anyway?
“Just relaxing, what’s up?” His slightly baffled face made her chuckle lightly, enjoying the reaction her more modern phrases and speech got.
“Nothing is…up. We were just wondering if you were going to be joining us for dinner tonight, you haven’t eaten today.”
Right, because she could stand being in a room with them for more than five minutes without bursting into flame- her face being the ignition point.
Why did she always have to get so flustered around men she…liked? Especially when it wasn’t needed?
Things were so much easier when they thought her a civilian, when she was just as oblivious as them to her feelings.
Damn it.
How could she say no to that face?
“I’d love to join you two tonight, thank you for the offer.”
“You know you’re always welcome to join us, you don’t need an invitation. Is that why…is that why you’ve been avoiding me? Us? You thought you needed an invitation to-”
Ah, how did she know he’d bring this up?
“No, no it’s not.”
She wasn’t even going to deny it, that’d insult them both.
She was avoiding them, there were no two ways about it.
And as he stood there, his cheeks pink and his eyes questioning, she spotted Madara casually leaning against the door frame, a smirk on his lips.
Bastard knew she couldn’t say no to Izuna, more than likely why he had him ask instead of doing it himself.
“We’ll see you at dinner them Sakura-chan.”
And then he was gone, his brother trailing behind with a happy yet confused aura, the two of them leaving her sight quickly.
Damn it all.
‘Why am I doing this to myself?’
She knew exactly how it was going to end, so why?
“Sakura-sama, why didn’t you tell me that Madara-sama and Izuna-sama were courting you?!”
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stonemedusa · 7 years
Unwanted attention- Chapter 10
Pairing: Izuna Uchiha X Sakura Haruno X Madara Uchiha
Rating: M
Word count: 1701
Summary: (Time travel) Stuck between a war, a clan full of suspicious sharingan users and two very interested Uchiha, can our pinkette find a way to get home without drawing unneeded attention? -MadaSakuIzu-
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As the older female Uchiha helped her ready herself for the unwanted trip to town, Sakura did everything she could to avoid thinking of her current situation. Thinking only brought pain, so why bother? No she was much happier to lull around her borrowed room, ignoring the world and situation around her for the time being.
Too bad Madara and Izuna were having none of that.
Finally dressed and deemed ready for the day, the young pinkette was escorted out of her room and to the dining area, her back straight and her posture ridged as she passed nin and civilians alike, all of who nodded their greetings to their clan heads guest.
Honestly, she didn’t know what they thought of her or her current situation, but she found she didn’t care as long as it didn’t bring her problems.
(She’d be thinking much differently if she knew of the engagement rumours floating about.)
Nodding silently to her escorts as they bid her farewell, Sakura silently entered the room before her, finding it empty as she shuffled forward to take her seat.
It was…odd for them to not be here before her.
A little disheartening actually, she’d gotten used to eating with them over the last week or so.
The pinkette was so lost in thought, she almost missed their arrival, the brothers near silent footsteps entering the room behind her as breakfast was laid out.
Sitting regally at the low table, Sakura kept her face passive as the two men took their seats near her, Izuna’s light flush and Madara’s passive look telling her that, yes, she was still here because of her idiotic teammate.
On her left sat Izuna Uchiha, younger brother of her sworn enemy and also one of the kindest men she’d ever had the privilege of knowing, his low ponytail and hair ruffled due to his early training session.
God, what she’d give to shake of this act and take up her kunai again.
To help them, protect them if worst came to worst again. Her body was aching for action, her limbs yelling to be flooded with chakra once more.
She didn’t think she’d survive seeing Izuna injured again, especially when she could do so much to help….and she could help so many here.
He caught her eye and looked away quickly, his cheeks flushing brighter as he uttered out a soft greeting, a small smile of his face as the three of them were left alone, his more open personality shining through.
On her right, Madara Uchiha sat tall, his large form only slightly taller than his younger brother, his long hair spiking out and trailing down his back.
Giving him a nod as he looked at her blankly, she slowly turned back to her breakfast, her insides freezing under his gaze.
She never lost composure though.
She wouldn’t.
Tsunade had taught her better than that.
It didn’t matter if he’d seemed to be softening towards her, and it didn’t matter if it made her feel bad for deceiving him…
She couldn’t do this.
And here she was, two very large shadows following her every move as she tried to keep her act up, asking the civilians if they’d seen her ‘brothers’, her teary eyes after each ‘no’ making her grate her teeth in annoyance.
She just wanted to be rid of these people, was that too much to ask?
All she needed was to get away before she did something she’d regret.
Izuna came to her side again, his large hand patting her back in comfort as she bit her bottom lip and leaned into his offered embrace. He was so kind, why did he have to be born into a family like this?
She wouldn’t have minded his attention so much if his entire clan wasn’t filled with evil bastards.
The pinkette wouldn’t deny having become attached to him, his kind attention and smile having begun to sooth her out of her slump. Now though, as she began to take not of his odd behaviour and flushed face, she knew that she was in trouble.
Uchiha weren’t known for letting things they took a liking to go without a fight, and if his sudden need to befriend her, if his sudden care said anything? It was that he wouldn’t let her slip away anytime soon without consequences.
Madara may become an issue as well if his sudden need to escort her everywhere was hinting at anything.
Who’d have thought it, Naruto was going to get a good laugh over that certain fact when she found a way home.
“Miss Sakura, are you okay?” She must have let her mask slip further than she’d thought if Izuna’s expression was anything to go by.
“I’m fine Izuna, thank you for your concern though, I appreciate it.” She uttered softly before taking a deep breath and composing herself, preparing to go ask the next person and begin her act all over again.
“Izuna- To the east!” Madara suddenly stated, hastily gripping a kunai as he snapped to attention, his younger brother following suit as chakra flared dangerously in the distance.
The Senju…
Oh god no, she couldn’t deal with this, what if the first Hokage was with them?!
“Sakura, please stay here, we’ll deal with this and come back for you when it’s safe. If anyone gets near you, anyone at all- hide, run, scream, just get away and we’ll find you as soon as we can.” And as those words left Izuna, the older and younger Uchiha sprinted off, their forms disappearing quickly as the sound of fighting filled the area.
Just great.
Too long…
They’d been gone for too long.
And the fighting was still going strong.
This wasn’t good, Madara and Izuna were needed if she actually wanted a village to go back to!
And quietly, she also admitted that if one of them were to die, she’d be…she didn’t want that to happen.
She didn’t want to see either of them injured…bleeding…In need of her help…
They needed her help.
They needed her.
Slipping out of the house someone had kindly provided shelter in, Sakura stalked through the empty street, her expression murderous as she weaved between houses and towards the faint sound of battle.
These two idiots were NOT going to destroy her future to satisfy their pride!
They were NOT going to leave her here alone because of their need to fight stupid battles-
And they were NOT going to make her feel bad, make her look upon battered bodied she could have saved.
As she hit the edge of town, she saw the damage the group had caused. The ground was scorched and split apart, rocks and hills were destroyed completely, nothing but rubble to state that they ever stood there.
The worst part though were the bodies, all Senju and all only identifiable by the clan symbol on their armour- if that.
Sakura continued wearily stalking across the too open land, the sounds of a fight getting louder and louder the closer she got to the flaring chakra, more and more bodies appearing in her path as she followed the destruction.
This wasn’t good.
There was too much blood.
Izuna and Madara weren’t allowed to die!
They weren’t…they weren’t allowed to leave her…
As the fighting figures came into view, Sakura took barely a second to assess the situation before deeming her presence needed.
Izuna was hurt badly, a sword having pierced his side, the blade still embedded in his flesh.
Madara was dangerously low on chakra, his shirt bloody and torn, telling her that he was just as injured as his brother.
Add the multiple cuts and bruises, and the fact that at least 8 Senju still stood strong around them to the mix, and Sakura knew that she needed to step in.
Right now.
Cover be damned.
She couldn’t let them die…not now…no….
Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, her fierce look grew as she activated the hidden seal on her forehead, her chakra flaring dangerously as it radiated from her body, her entire form glowing as she focused it into the needed points.
She needed to make this quick so she could tend to them.
It’d been so long since she’d felt her chakra like this…so long since this exhilarating feeling had flowed through her…
Just as eyes turned her way, she was gone, her kimono clad form already behind the men as she began tearing through them, fists hitting the ground, hitting their bodies, anything she could reach.
Not even 2 minutes later she was done, the last bloody form hitting the ground as she let out a breath and turned back to her frien-
To the Uchiha.
Who were staring at her chakra cloaked form in awe and hunger respectively.
No, what had she done?!
Pushing that troubling image away as she made her way back over to them, she ignored their sudden tensing and set to work, slapping the warning hands away and forcibly making their injured bodies relax so she could get her job done.
“Miss Sakura …that was…You’re…” Izuna stuttered, gazing at her with an indescribable look as she healed his wounds, his being more serious than his brothers. “A goddess….Sakura-chan is a goddess!”
“Hn.” He was delirious. Blood loss?
“Now Sakura, is it nice to respond to someone like that? I know you’re busy, but my brother was just making an observation.” Madara’s deep voice came from her right as he lowered himself to the ground, his tense and suspicious form having relaxed the longer he watched her work.
Come to think of it, she hadn’t heard any of the Uchiha in this time respond to anyone like that before.
‘Huh, I wonder how it got into the family’s vocabulary then?’ She pondered, only to shake the thought off and focus on her job.
She’d find a way to ditch these two later on when she knew they’d survive.
Sakura didn’t think she’d be able to get rid of them if she waited too long…
She’d blown her cover- She couldn’t stay with them any longer.
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stonemedusa · 7 years
Unwanted attention- Chapter 11
Pairing: Izuna Uchiha X Sakura Haruno X Madara Uchiha
Rating: M
Word count: 1148
Summary: (Time travel) Stuck between a war, a clan full of suspicious sharingan users and two very interested Uchiha, can our pinkette find a way to get home without drawing unneeded attention? -MadaSakuIzu-
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They sat there in that field, an eerie silence filling the air as night slowly began to fall. The scent of blood was strong, lingering, but none of those present paid it any mind as Sakura silently worked to heal the two Uchiha.
It was…it was frightening, the way they were staring at her.
The almost tangible awe in Izuna’s gaze, the undertones of heat and adoration…no one had ever looked at her like that before- hell, even Naruto’s 12 year old self never had a gaze that intense.
And Madara…his eyes were hot against her back, the never fading red watching her every movement as she poked and prodded at their wounds, only the occasional suspicious squint of his eyes giving away his emotions.
Damn the sharingan, and damn Madara’s poker face for leaving her in the dark.
As exhilarating as it was to finally feel her chakra flow freely again, she couldn’t deny the fearful chill it caused at the same time. What it meant…What that rush stood for…
She only had herself to blame for the current situation, but as she slowly came down from her momentary high, the pinkette knew she’d been subconsciously seeking this.
The rush of battle, the feeling of pride and victory as she carved her way through opponents with little more than her fists.
Chakra was…it was addictive.
Once you felt that first rush, that pull when you were taught your first jutsu? You were hooked.
There was no other way to explain it really.
But then again, she was just looking for something other than herself to pin this situation on, and she damn well knew it.
Slowly letting the light encasing her hands flicker out, the pinkette sighed and sat back on her heels, her crouching form refusing to look either of the Uchiha in the eye as they continued to sit before her.
“Sakura-” She almost flinched as Izuna spoke, immediately noting the absence of the usual ‘Miss’.
She shouldn’t have done anything…
She should have just left them be, they would have been fine.
But…but she needed them- for the future, and for that small selfish part of herself that had actually come to care about the brothers.
“Sakura…why didn’t you tell me?” She didn’t know what to call the tone Izuna used, but the guilt it tried to drown her in left her biting her lip, refusing to look at him as he slowly sat up and touched where his wound used to be.
Madara didn’t speak, but she could still feel his burning eyes following her every movement.
“Sakura, please answer me.” It wasn’t a question, and it was strange to hear him speak in such a tone towards her.
Oh how things change.
“I’m…I’m sorry.” She finally found her voice, but she had no idea why she was apologising, only that it felt needed- necessary even. “I’m sorry-” ‘I can’t stay. I need to leave but thank you so much for being my friend.’
Try as she might, she just couldn’t get the words to leave her mouth, especially as she flooded chakra to her feet and sprang away, only a small cloud of dirt where she once stood.
It was for the best.
She’d already messed with fate enough, and they wouldn’t have even been in this situation if it wasn’t for her.
Her presence was just causing problems, and sooner or later she wouldn’t be able to fix them.
She caught a quick glimpse of Izuna’s face as she jumped away, his eyes widening and bleeding that well known red as he tried to grab her- stop her from getting away.
He didn’t though.
His brother did.
Just as she was about to land, toned arms locked around her own, pinning them to her sides as the tall Uchiha seemed to glare down at her, anger she’d never heard before seeping into his voice as he spoke softly into her ear.
And struggle as she might, even she could tell her efforts were half hearted.
“It’s too late to leave now little blossom. A few weeks ago and I would have overlooked it and watched you walk away, but now? I can’t let you do that.”
A sharp blow to the back of her head- and she knew no more.
Izuna watched in unmasked relief as his brother carried the unconscious girl over, the younger man’s eyes almost shining in joy as she was lain down beside him, his older brother taking a seat on her other side.
“She’s a nin.” He muttered after a while, the two of them having nothing more to do as they waited for reinforcements to arrive.
Word would have gotten back to the compound by now, they shouldn’t have to wait much longer.
“Yes, it would seem so.”
Don’t want to hurt her.
Don’t want to leave her
Don’t want to lose her.
“I know.”
His brother knew him well, almost too well at this point.
Following his brothers eyes, Izuna took her in, his sharingan pinning the image of her blood splattered and dirty form into his mind forever.
It was…oddly ominous really, almost foreshadowing in nature.
If it wasn’t for the rise and fall of her chest, he’d have thought her…
“I think I love her, brother.” He admitted quietly, slowly reaching out to caress her unconscious face softly, his fingers lightly trailing over her brows, her cheeks- all the way to her lips, where he let his fingertips linger for a moment too long.
She looked as lovely as ever, even if the fading daylight cast shadows over them all.
Messy, blood covered and dirty- it didn’t matter.
She was still beautiful to him.
“I know.”
“And I’m right in assuming that you…”
“I’m…fond of her, yes.” The way his brother spat the word out made him grin to himself, an amused gleam coming to his tired eyes as he raised a brow at the scowling older man, his hands slowly moving to play with the pinkette’s hair.
It was softer than he’d imagined, almost silk like between his fingers.
It seemed he wasn’t the only one to find it fascinating, because his brother took to occupying himself the same way, his hands lightly twirling a small lock of her short hair while they waited.
Izuna would have given anything to stay like this a little longer.
Just himself, his brother, and the girl he felt so dearly for...
It was peaceful, relaxing almost. It didn’t matter that the area around them was a battle zone, or that the smell of blood still lingered heavily in the air.
The small aches and pains he felt didn’t register either…nor did the drying blood covering his body- both his own and the enemies.
No…he was content, happy.
For when an Uchiha loves, he loves with everything he has, and by god he- they loved her.
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stonemedusa · 7 years
Unwanted attention- Chapter 9
Pairing: Izuna Uchiha X Sakura Haruno X Madara Uchiha
Rating: M
Word count: 1251
Summary: (Time travel) Stuck between a war, a clan full of suspicious sharingan users and two very interested Uchiha, can our pinkette find a way to get home without drawing unneeded attention? -MadaSakuIzu-
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The next 20 days of her life were…well, rather eventful, that was for sure.
Day 1-
It began routinely, but Izuna seemed to be around more often than not, always seeming to keep a distance and leave the area before she could talk to him.
As usual while around the other Uchiha she guessed.
Day 2-
Breakfast with the Uchiha brothers was…well, it was intimidating. Madara sat in silence, seeming to glare at her as Izuna sat to her left, fidgeting slightly whenever she spoke to him (which wasn’t very often, she just…couldn’t find her words when his older brother was nearby.)
Day 3-
Shiemi, her nurse, finally declared her fit and healthy again. And as such, she was moved to the main housing wing of the compound, her room much closer to the brothers than it had been previously.
Whereas before she was an entire hall away from them, now?
Now her room was literally right across the hall, both of their doors seeming to glare at her each morning as she emerged.
Who knew two simple rooms could be so intimidating?
Day 4-
Another trip to a nearby village with Izuna left her anxious, and even their semi friendly banter left her feeling…uneasy.
She didn’t know what it was, but something about the area had her on edge.
It was only later that night that she’d hear about Izuna’s team getting ambushed in that exact spot- the Senju having apparently been following the two of them earlier if scavenged reports were accurate.
Day 5-
Due to the pervious battle, everyone was on high alert- and it left Sakura feeling more alienated than ever.
Family stuck with family- friends with friends.
No one would speak with her right now, and she found herself hovering by Izuna’s side, his brother standing silently to her left while they watched him get patched up.
She hadn’t known what to do when she’d heard of his injury…
She also hadn’t expected to feel so compelled to help, to blow her cover and fix him up completely.
Day 6-
She sat alone with Madara today, the two of them eating in silence as Izuna’s absence seemed to feel almost physically painful.
“Miss Sakura?”
“Y-yes, Madara-sama?”
“Izuna seems to have taken quite a shine to you, have you noticed?”
“…Yes…yes I have. It’s…nice to have a friend, especially now.”
“I see.”
Day 7-
Izuna was allowed up and about today, and Sakura found herself hovering, almost mothering him as Madara watched his blushing brother in amusement.
He almost felt bad for him, the younger Uchiha about as red as a tomato at this point, the oblivious pinkette continuing to fuss about as he watched from a safe distance.
Day 8-
Today, Sakura found herself faced with a problem.
That problem being Hana’s son…who seemed to have taken a little too much of an interest in her to be…well, a good thing.
“Miss Sakura! How are you today!?”
It wouldn’t be so much of a problem if he wasn’t so…vocal about it.
It also seemed to irritate her near constant companion, especially if Izuna’s stony glare was anything to go by.
“Uhh, hey Akito…”
Day 9-
…no comment…just know that Akito was very much like her younger self, more so than she was comfortable with really.
Day 10-
Today was…quiet.
To quiet.
Day 11-
Akito didn’t show up again today, and when he did come into sight, he seemed much more…
Especially when he caught sight of Madara.
Day 12-
Of all the things to happen, she hadn’t expected Madara to tag along with her and Izuna.
The walk to town seemed so much more daunting, yet the smiles and happy looks Izuna shot the two of them kept her from lying about being sick so she could return.
He was….she hadn’t seen him this happy before- and if the look Madara shot her was anything to go by, neither had he.
Day 13-
Today at dinner, Madara had actually spoken to her.
There was nothing degrading or ominous in his voice, and for once, she didn’t get the feeling he was watching her for any sign of weakness.
No…no he actually spoke to her like she was-
“How was your day today Miss Sakura?”
-like HE was a normal person.
It was kind of scary to be honest.
“It was fine, how was yours?”
Day 14-
Okay…okay, so he was actually treating her differently, and had been for a while- she just hadn’t picked up on it until now.
“Good morning.”
Kind of like…like he treated Izuna.
She’d never seen him treat anyone like this before, and she had no idea what to make of it.
Izuna was no help, seeming to just smile at her and look away quickly whenever she even thought of questioning him.
Day 15-
Today…today the Senju attacked a scouting party.
Only 3 of the 5 survived the initial attack, and only 1 was able to make it back to the compound after that.
She’d never felt so useless.
Day 16-
She wanted to come clean about being a nin, she really did.
There was so much she could do to help these people, the injuries and sicknesses she could heal- the fights she could stop or at least help with-
But she couldn’t, and it was driving her insane with guilt.
So much so that she couldn’t even look the brothers in the eye.
Day 17-
She turned down the offer to go to a nearby village today, her spirits low and her appearance obviously not up to par- because the second those words had left her mouth, Izuna had rushed her back to her room and made her settle into bed, insisting on getting a medic for her.
She didn’t have the heart to tell him she was just in a bad mood.
Day 18-
Another suggestion to go ask around turned down, and this time it was Madara looking at her oddly, a strangely serious look in his eye as he seemed to stare right through her.
“Is there something bothering you Miss Sakura?” The older man questioned once his brother had left the room, the two of them alone as her green eyes stared down at what was left of her meal.
She just…wasn’t hungry.
“No…no I’m fine, I swear.”
Funnily enough, not even she believed that.
Day 19-
She couldn’t even find the willpower to get out of bed today, instead curling up into a ball and listening to the brothers pass by her door more times than necessary.
Pfft, someone might even believe they were worried about her.
But no, they couldn’t be, she knew what Uchiha were really like.
Cold, bitter, and only looking out for power and their own wellbeing.
So she stayed in bed, her worries, her memories and fears all spinning through her mind in a constant bombardment, leaving her simmering in her own guilt and regrets.
She wanted Naruto, he could always cheer her up.
Too bad she was in the past, feeling so compelled to do something that may very well ruin her future entirely.
Ruin everything they’d ever worked for, all because….
…because she was starting to actually care.
Day 20-
Today, Madara and Izuna gave her no choice in accompanying them to town- recruiting female help to assist her in getting ready when she made no move to leave her room again.
If only she’d known just what today would bring…
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stonemedusa · 7 years
Unwanted attention- Chapter 4
Pairing: Izuna Uchiha X Sakura Haruno X Madara Uchiha
Rating: M
Word count: 1323
Summary: (Time travel) Stuck between a war, a clan full of suspicious sharingan users and two very interested Uchiha, can our pinkette find a way to get home without drawing unneeded attention? -MadaSakuIzu-
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Sakura came to in much less pain and discomfort than last time, her lethargic body resting comfortably on a rather soft bed, her head propped up on a nice smelling pillow. With a slight groan, she slowly opened her eyes and looked around, her head turning this way and that as she surveyed her surroundings subtly, an odd weight pressing down on her arms as she moved to sit up.
A dim room surrounded her, rather plain in decoration, but by the very familiar smell of antiseptic in the air- it was for medical reasons.
The less there was in the room of an ill or injured person, the less you had to worry about cleaning or spreading germs to.
She was in a recovery room then…
Slowly but surely the pinkette pulled herself up, almost immediately noting the ropes binding her wrists to the sides of her bed, an obvious attempt to keep her in place…
But they weren’t chakra resistant.
Her plan had worked…possibly.
It was never good to assume.
Slowly coming to her senses, Sakura rushed to fall into the role she’d been forced to play, blinking slowly as she lightly tried to pull her arms from their position. It wouldn’t do to have anyone see her looking…unconcerned at her current situation.
Apparently luck was on her side today, because not moments after she began her act, the doorway to her left pulled open quietly, her wide and accusing eyes locking with those of a middle aged man who looked rather surprised to see her up.
“Y-You’re awake? But didn’t they just give you a sedative…?” He mumbled, looking at her curiously before paling and turning away abruptly, his voice soft yet sheepish. “I-I’m sorry, I forgot that you…I’ll go get the female medic for you. Sorry!”
Sakura didn’t even have a chance to speak before he hightailed it out of the room, her soft confused mumble following him down the hallway.
‘What the hell?’
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE’S AWAKE?! AND YOU JUST BARGED IN THERE?! YOU PROBABLY SCARED THE POOR GIRL TO DEATH KOUJI!” An enraged shriek suddenly sounded, angry footsteps storming towards her as Sakura sat there, pretending to be in a daze.
“W-…where am I?...” She drawled, purposely irritating her throat so she sounded much worse than she actually was.
She was a little thirsty though…damn.
“Oh you poor thing, I’m so sorry for that idiot! You’re safe now, he couldn’t hurt a damn fly.” A young dark haired woman exclaimed softly, cooing slightly as she caught sight of Sakura’s faked terror. “Oh, Oh no, you poor thing. They were right, weren’t they? Just what did those monsters do to you?!”
“W-what?” The pinkette rasped, flinching away from the woman’s comforting hands out of instinct, trying her hardest to keep from lashing out. “Who are you?!”
“It’s okay, you’re safe…here, let me get you out of those. I don’t even know what they were thinking, tying up a torture victim! I’m so sorry!” The woman immediately went to work, delicately untying the supposed ‘torture victim’ as said woman did her best to process the new information quickly, her mind in a tizzy as she tried to modify her plan on the go.
Victim it was.
Widening her eyes and forcing them to water up a little, Sakura bit her bottom lip, looking away from the dark eyed woman as she hunched up, rubbing her slightly raw wrists.
“How…how did you know that?...I never…I never-”
“Oh sweetie…” Sakura flinched away as the woman went to hug her, pressing her back against the wall as she put as much distance between them as she could without falling from the bed. “Shit, I’m sorry! Sweetie, can you tell me your name?”
“…Sakura…” Said pinkette mumbled after a few moments of silence, plastering a wary look on her face as the other woman moved away to give her some space.
“Sakura, that’s a pretty name. What’s your last name? I bet it’s just as lovely!”
‘Does she think I’m an idiot?’ Sakura didn’t answer her this time, remembering all the patients she’d treated that’d had…similar…experiences. They didn’t go sharing information easily, especially if they’d gotten away without letting anything slip in the first place.
“Alright, that’s okay, I understand. Now Sakura, can you tell me what happened? Hana mentioned something about-”
“-My brothers!” Sakura exclaimed, her eyes wide as she scrambled from the bed, trying to clumsily get around the woman and towards the door.
Trying, because she was actively letting the other woman block her path as she put on an exhausted and weak act, the dark haired medic’s hands easily pushing the ‘desperate’ young woman back onto her bed despite her protests.
“I need to find them! Please, they need me I have to-”
“A thorough search of the area showed no signs of them being in distress Miss, please calm down. All we could find in that area was your trail coming directly from Senju territory.” Slowly turning to look at the man, Sakura felt a faint sense of familiarity, his dark eyes and hair pulling at her memories…
“Izuna-sama, I wasn’t expecting you! Welcome!” The woman chirped, hastily bowing once Sakura proceeded to huddle up on her bed again.
“Shiemi-san. How is she?” Yes, his voice was definitely familiar…
“Miss Sakura here is doing quite well, gave us a right fright actually! Apparently her body’s rather used to sedatives…” a hidden meaning seemed to be conveyed with that statement, because the man- ‘Izuna’- looked at her with something close to pity then, a silent nod being passed to the dark haired female.
Wait…Izuna? Wasn’t that…?
“Saved me…” Sakura whispered, the man’s eyes zeroing in on her lips as she did so, obviously trying to pick up what she was saying. “You’re the one that…that saved me?”
“It was Miss Hana that found you, but yes, I was there to bring you back to the compound.” He seemed a little confused as she spoke, the thankfulness and awe she was desperately trying to convey obviously shining through.
“Thank you…Thank you for saving me Izuna.”
“Sakura, you need to call Izuna-sama by-”
“No. No, it’s fine Shiemi-san, leave her be.” His impassive face remained unreadable, but his eyes were a different story, confusion and a strange softness filling them as he cast Sakura a small nod before turning and leaving the room in silence.
…Now…who did he remind her of? It was at the tip of her tongue damn it!...
“Wow, it sure was nice of Izuna-sama to come check on you. I heard he’s been by a few times, bugging Hanami for updates on your condition.” ‘Shiemi’ giggled out once his footsteps faded away, turning to Sakura with an exaggerated look of jealousy, obviously trying to play light of the man’s sudden visit.
Sakura had done the same thing many a time, trying to ease a patient back into a social setting with light jokes and-
“I wish I had an Uchiha like that worrying over my wellbeing. But nooo, all I get is Kouji…pffft.”
And a soft smile-
Wait what?!
“U-Uchiha?!” Her confusion wasn’t faked this time, nor was her floored reaction as Shiemi seemed to just nod, her smile never fading as she let out a light laugh.
“Yep! I probably should have told you earlier, right? Well, Izuna-sama brought you back two days ago, and Madara-sama was kind enough to let you stay while they send someone to look for your brothers! So I guess a welcome is in order.”
Don’t say it. Don’t say it. Don’t say i-
“Welcome to the Uchiha compound, we’ll keep those nasty Senju away from you. And if you can’t trust my word for it, Madara-sama would never let them hurt you, he hates them more than anyone I know.”
Madara Uchiha?
Just what the hell was going on?!
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