#madatobi shenanigans
kiyooooo2 · 2 years
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MDTB modern AU
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asukaskerian · 1 month
hello! I mean this with ALL the deepest respect in the world but. I shan't forgive you for FINALLY getting me into the tobirama side of the fandom, via your cherry wine verse, only for me to figure out I can't find anything quite like it -- no, it's not the (FANTASTIC) abo shenanigans... it's the Izuna. you have fully convinced me of the (rival)ship. WHICH IS AN OTHERWISE NONEXISTENT RARE PAIR AUGH-- anyway, I keep wondering, what made you go that route instead of focusing more on Madara?
bwahahaha aww come on, there ARE good fics around for tobiizu! trust in AO3 XD
as for why the ot3, i had been DESPERATE to find a way to set up an ABO 'verse where betas serve a biological/social function apart from washing the socks and being the reasonable love advice auntie in the background of the Real Relevant People. so.. the worldbuilding made me do it. if the majority of people are betas and every alpha/omega pair can count on at least triplets each pregnancy, they NEED to keep their beta sibs very closely intertwined with the childrearing or else the infant mortality rate is gonna skyrocket, most betas are gonna be pretty disenfranchised (no future! pointless dead ends!), and society's gonna crumble.
and we had a unit on other ways marriage can be arranged one time in high school and amongst other fascinating poly facts i learned the words "fraternal polyandry" where one woman marries all the brothers and i've always wanted to write about something like it XD
so then madara *and his siblings* logically had to marry tobirama, but his siblings are dead unless i wanted to handwave reasons why not and create three interesting uchihas, or i could have made them all the same age and kill all but izuna, but then if izuna is hashi and mada's age then tobi also has to be or else imbalance with izuna, and then i have to add hashi to the sex pile, so then instead i went with adoption for the extra mourning + not quite fitting together right angst, which was delicious.
and let's be honest, madatobi is hot as fuck and tobirama IS extremely breedable, but canonly speaking his nemesis is izuna. madara doesn't know him as a person outside of "hashi's brother" and "izuna's rival" so to start with, tobiizu is where all the TAKING THIS PERSONALLY must come from.
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llaevateinn · 7 months
I really want to ask about screwtio royale, but only if there are no big spoilers ;)
And... bridenapping
And I want to know why thos one i in parenthesis! (madatobi)
Haha no problem I can talk about screwtio royale XD
WELL obviously it's Screwllum/Veritas Ratio. I was planning to make it the prequel to "perpetuum mobile" where they are already an established couple. Here, they're just acquaintances but Veritas approaches Screwllum about an invitation on a luxury star cruiser where Veritas wants to get up to ~shenanigans~ while Screwllum just eats metaphorical popcorn and they fall in love :)
Oh and it's called screwtio royale because initially I was inspired by a Casino Royale type of vibe! Since it's also a bit fake dating, fooling the people around them with relationship subterfuge kind of thing.
bridenapping haha that's a lucemond fic (Lucerys/Aemond from House of the Dragon) but genderbent. I have been perpetually annoyed that fem!Aemond gets called Aemma in fics when Aemanda is RIGHT THRE. Basically the fic is what it says on the tin. Luke kidnaps her before she can marry someone else :) Toxic Targaryens being toxic.
Madatobi is a Naruto ship, Uchiha Madara and Senju Tobirama. I have this whole omegaverse Theory brewing where they fix everything by becoming a power couple and founding a dynasty of the strongest shinobi in Konoha XD It lowkey started because I looked at timelines and thought hey, Tobirama could totally have been Hatake Sakumo's father or grandfather lol they both have white hair AND IF THEY ALSO HAD UCHIHA BLOOD THAT WOULD EXPLAIN WHY KAKASHI CAN USE THE SHARINGAN- ... and it escalated from there.
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oscurolibelle · 3 years
Madatobi - The More You Know: A gift for peppymint1986
I posted but forgot to @ ppl. Sorry! @madatobigiftexchange @peppymint1986
Miscommunication, Scantily clad men, public indecency
Marriage Hunt, Red eyes are blessed, Hostage for peace
Part 1: {The Moon over the Ruined Castle - Japanese Folk Music : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7IqryOGvLAE}
Part 2: {Final Fantasy X - Hymn of the Faith [mashup] : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOiWCXzrBq4}
Part 3 & 4: {Most Wondrous Battle Music: "And The Sky Shall Unfold" by Johannes Bornlöf  : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bP4eWOEnY9Y}
It wasn't his intention to get caught. In fact he shouldn't have gotten caught at all. Tobirama sat bewildered at what was happening, staring at the fine silk robes on the four mattress tall futon surrounded by flowers. As if this counted as being "caught." He looked down at his wrists, bound by chakra seals in cuffs that would have been mistaken for beautiful bangles had they not been chained together. Where did the Uchiha get such luxuries? They always looked less off than the Senju in battle. He huffed, thinking about the Uchiha's lack of armor, the recycling of used kunai and senbon. The way most of their people wore old sandals. He'd noticed. And he was sure Hashirama had noticed too. Maybe that was why he always held back against Madara.
Right. Madara. The one who had caught him. Tobirama sighed internally, then rubbed his face waiting for the genjutsu to wear off.
Except it didn't. The beautiful robes and flowers were still there. The four futons were still there. And here he was, barely dressed in what appeared to be some kind of expensive fabric in a way he'd never seen anyone dress before.
"You look confused." A familiar voice barked, laughing. Tobirama sneered, looking behind him and Izuna smirked in return.
"Shouldn't you be dead?"
"On the contrary. I think my act worked rather well. Even Aniki didn't figure it out until we returned from battle." Tobirama made a face. Izuna had always been a crafty rat but to not let his brother in on a plan, well, that's just risky on Izuna's part. He turned fully to face him and the Uchiha spoke again. "It was the only way I could separate you from your people."
"Be done with this farce, Izuna." Tobirama growled. "I was prepared to die when I came here gathering intel."
"Die?" Izuna tilted his head. "Oh no, Senju. You've got it all wrong. You're not going to die. It's going to be far worse."
"So torture then? Be plain, Izuna."
"Ooo, so familiar, Tobirama-san." Izuna snickered mockingly. "You're a hostage for peace."
A beat.
"Is that what all this is for? A bribery?" A pale hand gestured to the extravagance.  The younger Uchiha brother shoved off the open door frame and strode into the room.
"Nope. That would be preparation for the Marriage Hunt."
"The _what_?" Tobirama's voice dropped several octaves, a dangerous and threatening tone.
"The m-a-r-r-i-a-g-e h-u-n-t." Izuna drawled, grinning from ear to ear, all teeth. Red eyes narrowed at the man before him.
"Marriage to whom? I'm assuming you mean me as one of the intended parties."
"I do." Izuna sighed, "If only you'd been a woman. This would have worked out perfectly for everyone involved." He shrugged, running a hand through his bangs.
"And why is that?" Tobirama's wheels were turning already. If being a woman would get him out of this, he'd have no choice but to use _that_ jutsu. He frowned internally, it wasn't like it wasn't useful, because it was. He had, on more than one occasion, used his disguise jutsu to turn himself into a beautiful naked woman to gather intel. He just hated being anyone else. And a sexy jutsu just wouldn't be-
"Well, then you could bear heirs."
Tobirama's mind skidded to a halt, screeching at painful speeds into a flaming dumpster of chaos.
"What." Was all he managed to get out before Izuna started laughing. His mood quickly soured. "Your jokes are not appreciated-"
"Who said it was a joke? I was being honest-"
"Izuna." A deeper voice cut the air like a hot knife and both men turned to see Madara standing in the doorway. Tobirama's eyes were quick to assess the situation. A just bathed Madara in sleeping yukata with his hair braided, most likely for bed as Tobirama assumed his hair would tangle like Hashirama's throughout the night. He looked slightly flushed, as if maybe he had been training before hand? Or maybe he'd soaked too long in a hot spring. Madara cleared his throat. "Don't you have somewhere to be?" Izuna looked from his brother to Tobirama before exiting the room without another word. Silence fell into his empty space and Tobirama waited for the boisterous yelling that always commenced between Madara and his brother to erupt into this scenario.
But it didn't. "Are the accommodations to your liking?" A very quiet Madara inquired, throwing the albino for a loop.
"No. I would prefer a dungeon. Perhaps be bound with rope like any other normal captive." His eyes narrowed. Madara's face twisted, and for a moment Tobirama thought he might laugh but he just sighed instead, irritated.
"You're not a normal captive."
"I'm not some stolen princess."
"Right." A long pause by the Uchiha. "Suppose I should fill you in then, Prince."
The Senju scoffed, attempting to fold his arms but unable to do so with the chained bracelets and instead awkwardly let his arms hang. Madara continued, not moving an inch toward Tobirama. "This is no bribery. Though I suppose it looks that way. You're a hostage for peace. I should take care of Hashirama's little brother, keeping him safe, Hashirama is most likely to agree to our terms of peace instead of a Senju dominated treaty." Madara was making sense however,
"That doesn't explain the misuse of clan funds for such luxuries. And I know you don't make enough money personally for all this." Tobirama wasn't intending to be mean, it was just a fact.
"You'd be wrong. On both accounts." He paused. "I have been saving my mission funds since I was eight. Every Uchiha does for a time such as this."
Now Tobirama was really confused as he was sure it was plastered all over his face. Madara looked him in the eyes. "For their intended bride."
"I am no bride." Tobirama snarled, teeth and eyes sharp, feeling his defenses raise like a cornered wolf.
"No? I guess I'll settle for a groom."
"_You_?" The albino was exasperated now.
"Yes. Me. You will be marrying me, groom." Madara stated plainly.
Tobirama's mind whirled to life again. So Izuna set this up, acting as if he was mortally wounded to lure a Senju here in the hopes it would be him, to capture him as a hostage and force him to politically marry his brother.
"Why not just ask?" Tobirama confessed his curiosity. Political marriages between feuding clans or lands often brought peace along with it and though his family had never considered the option because the Uchiha head family was also all boys, it was clear the Uchiha didn't carry such prejudices among them if their Head had preferences such as ... this. But the look on Madara's face was nothing short of offended.
"Like you would have agreed to this otherwise." He growled. "I'm no idiot, Tobirama. It is and always will be an intellectual battle of strategy with you." Though Tobirama was always matched against Izuna, he couldn't help but feel a bit prideful that his prowess was acknowledged by someone else of Hashirama's caliber. Then again, he should have known. Madara was no fool indeed.
"What makes you think I'll agree now?"
"You will." Madara seemed sure of himself, which in any other situation Tobirama might have admired such a trait but right now it scratched at his last nerve. He huffed in return. "Sleep well, groom. Your room is guarded by the best Uchiha have to offer and a priest. I don't suggest making a break for it either. If you care about your brother's peace, you'll play nice for at least a few days. Give yourself an opportunity to see things from our perspective." Madara turned, back to Tobirama, a bold move for a shinobi then looked over his shoulder at him. "By the way, you look delightful." His eyes spun red and Tobirama instinctively looked at his throat instead, mind spinning, confused and wondering what that meant. He looked up when the door shut and he finally was alone again.
Part 2:
Madara was beside himself when he caught Tobirama sneaking into the compound after Izuna's supposed injury. The albino clearly didn't mean to get caught but Izuna had laid enough traps that both Madara and Tobirama would run into each other on purpose. The surprise on both their faces sent Izuna cackling right into the koi pond.
He sighed, looking over at the Uchiha children, too young for battle, scampering around the scantily clad Tobirama and asking him a million questions about his appearance. Apparently, the Senju thought him a monster.
"I am just a man."
"But you're so pale!"
"How'd you get a blank Sharingan?"
"Why's your hair white? Are you old?"
Madara laughed to himself. Surely Tobirama didn't expect this kind of treatment but to say Madara was entertained by it was an understatement. He paused outside the temple waiting for Tobirama to catch up.
"They're eager to learn."
"Do you not teach them of the White Demon?" Tobirama spat. Dark eyes looked at his contemplative for a moment.
"No." Was all he said, leading Tobirama inside the temple.
Tobirama admitted to himself, he'd never seen a temple like this one before. Long black drapery hung from its rafters, a simple washing basin at the entrance.
"Follow my lead and try not to be disrespectful." Madara chimed, moving to the washing basin, systematically washing his hands and face then praying and shrouding his face with a black veil. When Tobirama did the same, a gloved hand reached and stopped him, handing him a white veil instead. He frowned. Insistently, Madara shook it at him silently. Tobirama rolled his eyes and took it, putting it over his head and following Madara behind the fabrics and soft candle light.
A large statue of a woman emerged, surrounded by flowers of crimson color and other Uchiha, the men shrouded like Madara, the women were not. They didn't look up at him. All except the male at the front, unveiled, a priest Tobirama supposed. A priest that bowed to him when he entered. The albino attempted to bow in return when the priest stopped him,
"No. Among all the people here, it is you who is most honored." The look of confusion on his face made Madara snicker. The priest continued, "You seem puzzled, Moonchild."
"I will recount for you then." The priest nodded to Madara who left Tobirama's side and knelt in prayer next to his kin, "Our lineage hails from Indra and his wife, Amaterasu." He gestured to the woman. "It is from Indra we received our eyes but from Amaterasu we gained our love."
Red eyes gazed up at the woman holding the infant in her arms. The priest continued, "After the death of his brother, Ashura-"
A lie. Ashura lived and Indra died.. Ashura is Senju lineage.. Tobirama thought to himself, listening.
"Amaterasu was heavy with child and was kidnapped for the unborn child's potential." It didn't take a genius to know where this was headed and Tobirama stiffened. "The child was taken from her before it's due time and it didn't make it. In her rage, Amaterasu burned the entire valley with black flame that none could extinguish. When she returned to Indra, in her distraught, she thought she would never again bear a child." A long pause. "But she was wrong. She was blessed with a Moonchild. The babe grew and from her, our clan was born. A child with skin as pale as the moon, eyes like red stones, and hair as white as snow."
Tobirama wasn't an idiot. This was a description of him.
"So, naturally, we hail Moonchildren as blessed. As heaven sent. And you, even though you're the enemy, to kill a Red Eyed Moonchild will bring the wrath of Amaterasu down upon us."
It all made sense now. Tobirama looked up at the rubies that was set as the child's eyes. The reason why most Uchiha would never touch him, only retaliating out of fear of their lives. The whole reason why Izuna never outright killed him when he had the chances. Why this whole situation had occurred. Silently, he looked at the priest. "Only women are permitted to speak in here. Of course besides myself and.. well.. you." The Uchiha were making more sense with each day and part of him hated that they did. He just wanted to go back to when it was a simpler time, attacking the enemy just because they were the enemy and not understanding them at their core.
The women, less of them in battle than Senju, were guardians of the home, the most powerful and most protected by the Uchiha men. The reverence they have for their women, the understanding they have of life and death. And the way they gazed upon him as if their very insides were confused. He barely noticed when he and Madara returned to the head house.
"They're conflicted." Madara spoke at last, escorting Tobirama to his captive room, almost as if reading his mind. "People like you... are a blessing and they think the Senju have been blessed above us. They lost hope when you entered battle against us."
The silver and gold bangles clinked as Tobirama entered the room, contemplating all he'd seen and heard in the past few days. "They seem to have hope before my capture."
"That-" Madara began, standing in the doorway, "-is because of me." And with that, he closed the door, leaving Tobirama sneering to himself of how self-absorbed Madara really must be.
Part 3:
"You've got it all wrong."
"What do I have wrong, Izuna?" Tobirama sneered, it was the end of day three and he had yet to decide for himself what he would do.
"Aniki said we lost hope seeing you in battle, but he never said he was the one to bring us hope. He said it was because of him we have hope."
"You're speaking in circles." Red eyes narrowed, sitting on the floor, still refusing to use the many luxuries provided to him in the room.
"He said he'd bring you to our side. Well, more specifically, he said he'd marry you."
"Excuse me?" The albino pursed his lips, "You expect me to believe that your brother said that when he was a child?"
"I don't expect you to believe anything." Izuna set the very plain cloth down on the floor. "He said he would. We all laughed because of course, it wouldn't work. You're a male. But it occurred to me.. that marriages don't require children to be valid." The younger said, as if he'd had a revelation. "Political marriage specifically. So here we are." He put his hands on his hips, waiting for the answer.
Tobirama sighed, he'd seen and heard many things in the past few days, most of which did in fact, sway his original opinion of the bloodthirsty Uchiha he'd grown to hate and respect over the years. They were a clan gripped by a love deeper than the Senju, crazed with the pain that losing that love brings. It was Hashirama's dream, this peace. Tobirama could never really imagine it in his head, but he could theorize on how to accomplish such a feat. Many policies, many treaties, and so so much trust would be needed. But this... this capture turned everything on it's head. He could  single handedly stop this centuries' old war. Him. The second born of the Senju Head. Not the Mokuton User. Not the first born, his brother who shone like the sun and commanded respect with his very presence.
Him. A child of water and moonlight and darkness.
It was a long moment before he reached for the garment silently. He could hear Izuna's breath hitch. Was he really going to do this?
"Tell me how it works."
Part 4:
When he stepped out into the open with Izuna wearing only the loin cloth provided, he held his head high and walked straight to Madara. Surprised, the Uchiha flushed an interesting pink from his face down his chest, which only made Tobirama's eyes wander. They were dressed the same, and as per Izuna's instructions, everything looked to be in order. "Betrothed." Tobirama drawled bored like.
"You're going through with it?"
"Yes. Hashirama isn't the only one who wants children to stop dying." Tobirama huffed, hand waving. "Though I've never entertained the thought of a man before." Madara raised a brow. "There isn't much time for such things in war."
That was a lie, Madara knew quite well that sexual encounters were not just the norm in war time, it was honestly the quickest and most effective way to blow off steam. Every shinobi had done it if not with both sexes, then at least one or the other but from the look on Tobirama's face, he was unfazed. "Have you ever..."
"I don't think I need to be here for this conversation," Izuna nearly yelled to not hear whatever response had tumbled out of Tobirama's mouth. "Okay you've got your instructions. The marriage hunt begins now. Get going!" He flickered away and like that, the two men were standing nearly naked and alone at the forest edge of camp.
"We need to get going before they catch us." Tobirama only nodded at Madara's remark, gesturing for him to lead the way. With that, Madara darted into the forest, Tobirama on his heels. It was intensely quiet for a long period of time, Madara scanning the forest with his Sharingan as they put space between them and the compound. He paused on a branch, pulling Tobirama into a hollowed tree trunk with him. Except he didn't account for Tobirama's height and his eyes widened when the albino's head smacked on the opening with the force of his pull. A pale hand went up to hold his face and Madara tried not to laugh, listening to see if the loud thud had given them away. Tobirama looked unimpressed, but followed him into the tight space, surprised at just how bulky Madara's torso was compared to his own. Chest to chest, they hid inside the trunk, whispering and keeping their senses open.
"I sense fourteen at seven position." Tobirama whispered.
"They're not close enough for me to see yet." Madara looked back at the pale chest before him in the dark, trying not to flush again with their proximity.
"What's your plan?"
"I say we cross into Nara territory and wait out the rest of the day. The sun is rising." Tobirama scoffed looking bewildered at his shorter companion.
"I am NOT hiding nearly naked in NARA territory even if it is for peace."
"You could always hide fully naked." Madara immediately looked away as both of them flushed and scowled. "If we don't hide, we'll spend all day running and by night fall, the clan will be upon us. And I know their tenacity. They'll keep coming until we're both captured and if we want peace, we can't let that happen."
"Then we go north into the mountains."
"Are you crazy? It's nearly winter and you want to go into the mountains, in less than a fundoshi?"
"There's a hot spring-" Madara pulled Tobirama down to his knees, nearly flush with his waist as the top of the trunk was shattered over them. Ignoring the placement of his face so close to an erogenous zone, Tobirama took the initiative and lifted Madara onto his shoulder, bounding upwards as kunai trailed after them.
He picked up speed, silently thanking the gods that Hashirama had grown into the thick tree trunk brother he became or Tobirama would have never gained the strength to pick Madara up like this and bound away. With Madara using wind jutsu to cut down trees to block the way of his kin as he berated Tobirama for carrying him like a sack of rice, the sun seemed to spark brighter over the horizon and through the leaves. Suddenly, the albino tumbled forward, nearly planting them both into a cliff face and dropped Madara who squawked as he not so graciously caught himself on a hanging rock.
"What the hell, Senju?!"
"I should be asking you the same." Tobirama spat, holding onto another rock.
"I was helping you!"
"By hitting me with wind jutsu?"
"By propelling us forward faster!" Tobirama paused, a tactical moment when he realized Madara wasn't just limply hanging onto him, he was trying to work with him the only way he knew how. He opened his mouth to respond when a fire jutsu flashed between the two hanging on the side of the cliff and they both bolted upwards for the edge to keep going.
"You should have warned me you'd use that tactic!"
Madara just gave his companion a dirty look as they raced through the next bout of trees, fire licking at their heels. It wasn't long before they both broke through to the other side, right into a farmer's field. "Where the hell are we?"
"Oh gods damn it." Tobirama face palmed, then turned. "They're right behind us. Hurry."
"W-what?!" Madara squawked as Tobirama yanked him through the rice field, past the very confused farmer and into the bushes on the other side.
"They'll have to slow down through the field or risk burning it." Tobirama raised his voice over the sound of the wind as they ran, Madara too focused on the hand grasping his wrist to do anything about it.
"And we just-"
"Izuna didn't say we couldn't be seen. He said we couldn't be caught."
"That's not the point-"
"Then what's the point?" Tobirama looked around, engrossed in the chase now, body flexing as they stopped for a moment to reconsider their surroundings and listen for their hunters. Madara's eyes wandered over the companion before him and huffed, tearing his eyes away to scan the perimeter of their line of sight.
"It's not about the chase. Well it is but-"
"Izuna said-"
"Izuna didn't say-"
The two jumped as they were interrupted by a hailstorm of senbon. Madara tackled Tobirama, and the two rolling down a hill into a creek, fall leaves jumping into the air as they went. Madara groaned, now they were wet and cold, and- his brain stopped when they stood up and Tobirama looked around.
"What's wrong with you?" The albino snapped his fingers in Madara's face who blinked and suddenly looked up.
"You uh.."
"I what? Spit it out, Uchiha."
"You lost your cloth."
Tobirama's lips pursed as he decidedly did not look down to check and tried to decidedly not blush at his nakedness. He could hear Madara swallow. "Not something you like?" He hissed, touchy about the subject of his body.
"On the contrary." Madara cleared his throat, "You're quite gifted-" He ducked as another senbon went whizzing over his head. "But we can discuss who's riding who later-" Red enveloped Tobirama's entire body leaving him less agile than he'd like, especially when Madara snatched him up and took off running away from the approaching Uchiha trying to stop them. All he could think now was how nice peace would be. No running. No fighting. A warm body to wake up to.. and maybe.. just maybe someone to banter with.
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madbuns · 2 years
Go toot toot and blub blub
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pridepack · 3 years
Tae and I, talking about how they could end up with Cubs:
Me; we have a few options? We could abo it, magic like nekobaa and there’s always adoption.
Tae: who’s neko-baa?
Me, aggressively sending the one fic I read:
Madara gets turned into a cat. Read it.
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crystallized-shadow · 5 years
Chapter: 1/1 Rating: Explicit Pairing: Madara/Tobirama Word Count: 3987 Warnings: Teacher/Student Roleplay, Dom/Sub elements, Office Sex, Hair Pulling, Rough Sex, and Collars Summary: An unfortunate situation leads to Tobirama discovering a side he never knew about his chemistry professor.
For @madatobiweek Day 7: Something Kinky
Follow the link or read it under the cut!
It wasn’t fair, Tobirama thought to himself as he watches the sleek black hair trail behind the immaculately dressed man stalking across the front of the room, no man should be allowed to be so visually captivating. The older man could have been explaining the meaning of life or the nuances of how paint dried; Tobirama wouldn’t have any idea, all he could think about was how perfect the other’s lips would look wrapped around his cock. Professor Madara Uchiha, head of the Chemistry department at Konoha University was not only very passionate about his subject but also drop-dead gorgeous to boot. If Tobirama was a man of lesser intellect he would be failing the class due to the constant distraction strutting across the front of the room everyday. Professor Uchiha had an air of confidence that was absolutely intoxicating to the Senju, he just wanted to bend the man over his desk and fuck him until he begged for mercy. Unfortunately the professor didn’t even know he existed; in fact he didn’t seem to realize the effect he had on his students.
After a particularly trying day, Professor Uchiha had worn his hair up in a high ponytail that Tobirama just wanted to wrap around his fist, he decides he needs to blow off some steam. Normally Tobirama would avoid the bars, drunk college kids were the absolute worse, but the one his brother ran was a bit classier and tended to cater to the dom/sub culture. With any luck he could find a sub looking for a rough fuck.
“Tobi! Thank god!” Of course the universe had other plans for him.
“What is it Anija?” Tobirama sighs, writing off his previous plans as he walks over to the bar where Hashirama is waving frantically at him.
“I need you to do me a huge favor!” Hashirama pleads, pressing his hands together and doing his best to look like Tobirama had kicked his favorite puppy again.
“Fine,” the younger Senju grumbles, knowing it’s pointless to argue with his brother.
“Thank you!” Hashirama grabs his brother and drags him back to the office before he can change his mind.
Figuring Hashirama messed up the bar’s books again, he really needed to stop trying to help Mito while she was away, Tobirama’s not prepared for the sight of his chemistry professor passed out on the couch Hashirama insisted on having in the office. “What happened?”
“Madara came here to have a celebratory drink with me,” Hashirama explains, making Tobirama’s brows furrow in confusion, “we are old friends and he just got a huge grant for the department. Anyway we got a bit wrapped up in reminiscing and someone spiked his drink.”
“I dealt with it.” The serious expression coupled with the dark tone makes Tobirama pause. That was usually a telltale sign that he shouldn’t ask questions so he just nods.
“So what do you need me to do?”
“I need you to take him home with you.”
“Absolutely not,” Tobirama states with a frown, “I can’t take him anywhere he’s my teacher.”
“Oh…” Hashirama deflates for a second before he suddenly breaks into a grin. “Take him to my house then! It’s off campus and no one will know!”
“He probably shouldn’t be alone right now,” Tobirama points out as he glances at the unconscious man, “doesn’t he have a girlfriend or something?”
“Mads is single and his brother is out of town,” Hashirama says and Tobirama can’t stop the snort at the stupid nickname. “Can you just stay with him until I get home? I close tonight, but you can always spend the night and I’ll take you back to your dorm tomorrow morning.”
“Fine,” Tobirama sighs, knowing it would be quicker to just agree with his brother and get it over with.
“Thanks! Here are his keys, just go out the back door,” Hashirama shoves the keys into Tobirama’s hands and darts out the door. “I have to get back to work!”
“Idiot,” Tobirama mutters under his breath as he crosses the short distance to the couch. “Professor, are you awake?” Shaking the older man gets zero response so Tobirama carefully picks his professor up and takes him out to the car that flashes when he hits the unlock button on the key fob. Cars might not be his thing, Kawarama was the car nut of the family, but Tobirama has to admit Professor Uchiha’s ride is very nice.
When Tobirama gets to Hashirama’s house, he parks in the garage and carefully moves his professor to the couch.
“Professor?” Tobirama tries again as he places a waste basket next to the unconscious man. Getting no response the Senju sighs and flops into the loveseat across from the couch. This was not how he’d planned on going home with someone. He didn’t even have any classwork with him for something to do, but his brother did have a decent movie collection, so he resorts to that to avoid just staring at Professor Uchiha.
Tobirama manages to make it through two movies, more like one and a half as he wasn’t sure when his eyes had strayed back to his professor, before he can’t take it anymore. “Fuck it,” Tobirama grumbles as he crosses the room and shakes the older man again. “Professor!” Barely getting more than a groan, the Senju huffs in irritation as his eyes stray back to the ponytail that had taunted him throughout class today. Surely it would be more comfortable to rest with his hair down, Tobirama reasons, he only cared about his favorite professor’s comfort; it had nothing to do with how he was dying to know what those luscious black locks felt like. He wars with himself for another moment before he finally gives into the temptation and carefully removes the tie from the Uchiha’s hair.
As it turns out the older man’s hair is not only as soft as Tobirama had thought it would be, it is remarkably tangle free and felt like the finest silk between his fingers. Gods how he wished he could run his fingers through these locks again. Lightly digging his fingers into the professor’s scalp, Tobirama is surprised to hear the older man let out a content hum. Who would have guessed Professor Uchiha liked having his hair played with? Perhaps Tobirama could use that in the future to get what he wanted.
“Where...?” The groggy voice snaps Tobirama out of his pleasant daydream and he quickly, albeit carefully, pulls his hand back.
“Professor, are you awake now?” Tobirama asks, brushing the older man’s bangs out of his face so he can check how dilated the other’s pupils are.
“Senju?” Madara mutters, confusion clear in his tone as he struggles to remember what happened. “You...drugged me?”
“No!” Tobirama yelps, not wanting the gorgeous man to get the wrong impression, “I did a favor for my brother!”
“Hashirama drugged me?” Madara questions, carefully sitting up with his student’s help.
“No,” Tobirama sighs, running a hand through his hair, “someone else drugged you when you went to have a drink with my brother. Hashirama dealt with the person, but he was worried about you, so he asked me to bring you to his house and keep an eye on you until he got home. How are you feeling?”
“Confused,” Madara admits, running a hand through his hair, “didn’t I have my hair up?”
“The tie came loose when I got you here,” Tobirama lies, handing the strip of leather over to him, “I tried to tie it back but it has a mind of its own.”
“So you’ve been watching over me then?”
“Yes, is that okay?”
“Sure,” Madara shrugs, looking at his student thoughtfully, “you’re one of my more responsible students.”
“I didn’t realize you knew I existed,” Tobirama admits and the Uchiha chuckles, a grin lighting up his face.
“You’re Hashirama’s little brother, I recognized you the second you walked into my classroom,” Madara says, grin still fond, if not amused, “thankfully you’re nowhere near the disaster your brother was when we were in class together.”
“I’m insulted you thought I was,” Tobirama huffs, “Hashirama is an absolute buffoon. Though at least he knows when people are flirting with him, unlike a certain professor I have.”
“Oh I know when my students are flirting with me,” Madara snorts, rolling his eyes, “none of them are worth getting fired over.”
“Well there goes my shot of fucking you over your desk,” Tobirama jokes, flushing when he realizes what he’s just said. He’s about to quickly retract the statement, until he sees the blush dusting his professor’s cheeks and the considering look in his eyes.
“Does it have to be my desk?” Madara blurts and the Senju’s eyes widen, this night just kept getting better and better.
“You were drugged and unconscious for who knows how long,” Tobirama points out, “that would be taking advantage of you.”
“How noble of you, stupid, but noble,” Madara sighs, slumping back against the couch, “how about you come see me at the end of my office hours tomorrow? It’s Friday so no one will try and bug me and you can’t say I’m still being influenced.”
“You’re serious,” Tobirama mutters, and Professor Uchiha nods, making the Senju smirk, “as long as you wear your hair up.”
Tobirama contemplates not showing up to Professor Uchiha’s office the next day, still not entirely convinced the professor had meant what he said, but decides it would be silly to pass up such a chance. Worst case scenario he’d pretend he was checking on his grade for the semester. As the Senju makes his way to his professor’s office he notes that the rest of the science department have either left for the weekend or are packing up. That wasn’t too surprising, Madara was one of the few that made his office hours Friday afternoon; most professors wanted to start the weekend as soon as they could.
“I wasn’t sure if you’d show up,” Madara comments as Tobirama shuts the door behind him, the Uchiha’s hair once more tied up in a high ponytail.
“I wasn’t sure if you were serious or not,” Tobirama admits with a shrug as he drops his backpack into the seat across from the older man, “for all I know this is a set up.”
“I hardly need you to come here to set you up, all I would need to do is tell Hashirama you took advantage of me inside his home.”
“I did no such thing!” Tobirama growls, slamming his hands down on the desk as he glares at the Uchiha, who just smirks.
“Who do you think Hashirama would believe?” Madara challenges with a raised eyebrow, “me, his best friend who was unconscious and drugged, or you, his brother with known morality issues?”
“The corpse thing was one time!” Tobirama snaps, grinding his teeth together to prevent anymore stupid confessions.
“My point stands,” Madara chuckles, “I have the advantage in this situation.”
“If you were just going to blackmail me why wait until today?” Tobirama forces out, the words bitter across his tongue.
“One, I didn’t want to jump you at Hashirama’s house, and two, you’re no longer one of my students now.”
“Wha-?” Tobirama’s eyes widen before he even finishes the question. Of course, this was a shortened course and the final project was due earlier in the week. Tobirama was willing to bet his final grade was already submitted to the university so, in the unlikely event they were caught, Madara wouldn’t lose his job. Suddenly all of Madara’s taunting made sense, he was waiting for his office hours to officially end. “So how are we going to do this Professor?”
“Fantasy for a fantasy?”
“The noble Professor Uchiha has a dirty fantasy about fucking one of his students?” Tobirama teases with a smirk, “I can’t wait to hear it.”
“You want to fuck me over my desk, I want you to blow me under it,” Madara mutters, pink dusting his cheeks.
Tobirama pretends to give the offer some thought, he would pretty much do anything to bend the Uchiha over his desk, so while blowjobs weren’t his favorite thing, it was definitely worth it. Not to the mention the thought of opening Madara up and fucking into a second orgasm was too good a treat to pass up. “I suppose that’s doable.”
“If only Hashirama could see his baby brother now.”
“First, I’m not his baby brother that’s Itama,” Tobirama states as he crawls under the large wooden desk, “and second if you bring Hashirama up again I’m going to bite you.”
“If you bite my dick you’re not going to fuck me,” Madara warns as he slides his chair back into place, trapping Tobirama between the back of the desk and his legs.
Tobirama rolls his eyes, Madara was leaving this room limping one way or another, only to frown when he realizes he doesn’t have the leverage to unzip Madara’s pants. “Are you going to whip your dick out or do I have to do everything?”
“So needy,” Madara chuckles even as he frees his already hard cock, revealing just how much he wants the Senju under his desk.
Instead of responding verbally Tobirama leans forward and takes Madara’s cock to the base, dragging a startled moan from the Uchiha. Just because this wasn’t Tobirama’s favorite technique, didn’t mean he wasn’t good at it thanks to his lack of a gag reflex.
“Oh fuck!” Madara snarls, thrusting forward as he grabs a fistful of white hair, “of course you’re good at this too.”
Tobirama chuckles at the comment, loving the whine he gets from Madara, before he slowly starts to bob his head. Just when Madara has a chance to adjust to the pace, Tobirama hums, curling his tongue around the underside as he pulls off with a wet pop. “So glad you approve of my skill,” Tobirama purrs, lightly nibbling on the older man’s length, “Professor.”
“Fucking tease,” Madara whimpers, trying to tug Tobirama back to where he wants him, but the former student just smirks as he continues his slow pace.
“I really need that A Professor,” Tobirama mutters, his lips brushing against Madara’s shaft as he speaks, “I’m willing to do whatever it takes.”
“Goddamn,” Madara curses, tightening his grip on Tobirama’s hair; he hadn’t expected the Senju to play his part so well. “You’re going to be the death of me.”
“Pretty please Professor?” Tobirama pushes his lips out in an exaggerated pout, “I’ll lose my scholarship without it.” He slowly takes the Uchiha back into his mouth, hollowing out his cheeks obscenely as his lips meet Madara’s pelvis.
“Fuck!” Madara snarls, bucking his hips up without meaning to, Tobirama looked like he belonged on the set of one of those cheap pornos.
Tobirama hums in encouragement, picking up speed as he does. Madara barely lasts another minute before he yanks Tobirama down harshly and his release crashes over him. The Senju jerks slightly, but he quickly recovers and swallows the cum, wiping his chin on Madara’s pant leg once he can move.
“Goddamn Tobirama,” Madara pants, leaning back in his chair, “that mouth of yours shouldn’t be legal.”
“You better not make me wait for my turn old man,” Tobirama teases, nudging the chair back until he can crawl out from under the desk. His knees and back ache a little from holding that position so long, but the arousal coursing through his veins makes it easy to ignore.
“Fuck you,” Madara grumbles, waving a hand thoughtlessly in a ‘get on with it’ motion.
Tobirama smirks as he lets his eyes trail over them man he’s desired for half a semester. When Madara’s eyes slip closed for a moment, Tobirama strikes, one hand grabbing that damn ponytail. Before Madara can react, Tobirama yanks him out of his chair and pushes him down on his desk in one swift movement.
“Damn!” Madara hisses, tired body protesting the sudden movement, “what the hell Senju?!”
“You’ve been very naughty Professor,” Tobirama mutters, draping himself over the older man’s back so he can whisper directly into his ear. “Always looking so fuckable in class...I should punish you, wouldn’t you agree?”
“Tobirama-!” Madara’s words are cut off by a moan when his hair is yanked, hard.
“Hush now Professor, this isn’t one of your lectures,” Tobirama continues as he straightens up to look at the enticing sight before him. Madara looked even better spread across his own desk than Tobirama had thought he would. “You have no idea how distracting you are, do you? I think it’s about time someone fucked some sense into you.”
“This isn’t funny Senju” Madara states, getting his arms under him so he can push back against his former student. “You need to leave.”
“None of that now,” Tobirama tuts, yanking the Uchiha’s arms behind his back. Realizing Madara wants to play that kind of game, Tobirama smirks as he uses the man’s own hair to tie his wrists in place.
“Bastard,” Madara grumbles, tugging experimentally at his arms, only to moan at the burn in his scalp; his hair would hate him for this later, but at the moment Madara didn’t care.
“That’s better,” Tobirama purrs, leaning forward to suck a hickey on the back of Madara’s neck; it would be easily hidden by the man’s hair, but that wasn’t the point. “Now let’s get to the real reason you’re everyone’s favorite teacher,” Tobirama mutters, removing the older man’s belt and shoving his pants to the ground. “No underwear, how risque.”
“Fuck you,” Madara mutters, whimpering when his student’s hands roughly grope his ass, “I’ll fail you for this you brat.”
“Unlikely,” Tobirama chuckles, leaning over the professor to grab his backpack and drop it behind the desk. He lets Madara wonder what he’s doing for a moment before he slips a now lubed finger into the Uchiha. “I’m going to fuck you so hard Professor that you’ll be addicted to my cock.”
“You’ll be expelled for this,” Madara spits, even as he moans and thrusts back, impaling himself further on the invading finger. “You’ve just ruined your life, hope it’s worth it.”
“It’s so cute you think the university will take your side,” Tobirama chuckles, quickly working a second finger into Madara, “when the Senju family are their biggest donors. The only one that will get in trouble is you, Professor.”
“I’m not the one fucking his teacher over his desk,” Madara groans, biting back a whimper when a third finger slips in almost too soon, “the department head no less.”
“Titles mean nothing to the university as long as they get paid,” Tobirama chuckles, curling his fingers until the older man cries out, “you’re mine and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
“Bastard,” Madara whines as the pale fingers slip free.
“I’ll make it good for you,” Tobirama promises, freeing and coating his cock in lube before he roughly thrusts into the bound man under him. Madara practically howls, but the Senju knows it's more from pleasure than pain.
“Fuck!” Madara snarls, body jerking as Tobirama immediately sets a brutal pace. Instead of getting him away from the cock sawing him in two, all Madara manages to do is tighten the knot of hair around his wrists, forcing his head back at an awkward angle.
“You feel so good Professor,” Tobirama moans, digging his nails into Madara’s ass, wanting to leave behind as many marks as he can. “I think you missed your true calling in life.”
“I swear-ah!” A particularly hard jab to his prostate has Madara choking back a sob of pleasure, “I’m gonna kick your ass!”
“Are you threatening me Professor?” Tobirama chuckles, grabbing at the base of Madara’s ponytail and yanking until he’s sure the older man can’t breath, “I’m sure I misheard you.”
“Senju…!” Madara gasps, stars dancing behind his eyes as Tobirama pulls him back to meet his next thrust.
“Say my name Professor,” Tobirama growls, picking up the speed of his thrusts.
Madara tries to fight it, but between the abuse to his prostate and the lack of air, his brightest student’s name tumbles out. “T-Tobirama…”
“Such a good boy,” Tobirama purrs, returning both hands to Madara’s hips so he can yank the older man back to meet each increasingly brutal thrust.
Madara greedily sucks in air as his head lolls forward as far as it can. The chemistry professor knew he wouldn’t last much longer, no one had managed to play his body as well as Tobirama was in a long time. “Tobirama...please...I-I...need…”
“Is this what you need Professor?” Tobirama mutters, shifting one hand to grab Madara’s leaking cock in a firm grip. “Do you need to come again?”
“Please!” Madara begs, too far gone to care how pathetic he must look.
“Anything for my favorite professor,” Tobirama chuckles, stroking the hard flesh in time with his thrusts. Madara makes it half a dozen thrusts before he comes with a wordless cry, his release splattering the top of the desk. Tobirama moans as the muscles around his cock grip him like a vice, pressing in as deep as he can before his orgasm hits.
“Shit,” Madara pants, whining as he is pressed down harder into the desk, his own cum staining his shirt.
“Your ass is even better than I thought it would be,” Tobirama chuckles, using one hand to keep Madara pressed down while his other hand rummages through his backpack again. Finding what he’s looking for Tobirama smirks and carefully pulls out of Madara. “I brought you a present Professor.”
“Wha-?!” Madara has to bite back a sob of pained pleasure as he feels something hard stretch his entrance open farther.
“I would hate for you to make a mess in your office,” Tobirama continues like Madara hasn’t spoken, firmly pressing the glass plug the rest of the way in. The Senju hums as he admires his handing work, one finger lightly tracing the edge of the toy.
“Enough,” Madara whimpers as the sinful finger pushes inside, his over sensitized nerves burning at the new stretch, “please.”
Tobirama just hums in agreement as he retracts his hand and fixes Madara’s pants for him. Carefully freeing the older man’s wrists, Tobirama runs a soothing hand the tangled locks of hair. “Hush now Professor,” the Senju mutters, enjoying the whimper when he gently sets Madara into his office chair, “I’ll take care of you.”
Madara can only grumble in response, too tired to offer much of a complaint. He’s vaguely aware of Tobirama cleaning off his desk as he drifts in and out of consciousness. A sudden weight in his lab draws him back to his office with a pained grunt as the plug is forced deeper. “What are you doing?” Madara demands, glaring at the younger man straddling his lap, “our deal is done.”
“I wasn’t kidding when I said you were mine now,” Tobirama says, bringing a collar into view, “now the question is, will you accept it?”
Madara stares at the collar for a long moment, realizing that Tobirama wanted him for more than a one time fling. That thought shouldn’t warm his heart nearly as much as it did, but it had been so long since he’d had a good dom. Instead of responding verbally, Madara just tilts his chin up, offering Tobirama free access to his neck.
Tobirama grins as he carefully fastens his collar around Madara’s beautifully pale neck; he’d never given out his collar before. “Thank you,” he mutters, using the collar to pull Madara down into their first kiss.
“No, thank you,” Madara chuckles after Tobirama pulls back just enough that their lips brush as he speaks. When the Senju grins stupidly like his older brother, Madara rolls his eyes, tugging Tobirama back in for another kiss.
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thatrandomnpc-blog · 6 years
Quick post for @madatobiweek, Day 2, Office Shenanigans. Looking forward to seeing all of the amazing work everyone else has posted this evening when I get a breather! 
Madara/Tobirama Rated T If Tobirama thinks he can get away with turning polite gestures into a war of attrition, two can play that game. After all, Uchiha Madara cut his teeth on petty spite. Tobirama has no idea of the hornet’s nest he’d just disturbed. (Or the one in which Tobirama accidentally spites his way into a war of passive-aggressive, office gift giving.)
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lossie92 · 3 years
Thank you for tagging me, @drowningindango 💕
You have no idea what you signed up everyone for 🙈
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it. And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Y’all the amount of WIPs I have lying around is insane...
I have limited myself to a reasonable number (aka shared things I really want to finish at some point). It’s still A LOT 😶
Well, anyway, take your pick:
A Road Taken (Sakura-centric, madatobi)
A Year from Now (gaaraino)
Echo of You (itasaku)
Sweetheart (kakasaku)
Love by Halves sense and sensibility AU (kakasaku)
The Courage of Stars (itasaku)
Wolf Bride (kakasaku
The Oak and the Reed (madasaku)
Kazekage AU (sasosaku)
All of the Stars (madatobi)
Darkest Before the Dawn (madatobi)
Kitsune Tobirama AU (madatobi)
Sugar daddy AU (madatobi)
Short of Breath (hashiizu)
With Rue My Heart Is Laden (madatobi)
With Cherries on Top (madatobi)
Through the Stomach (madatobi)
To Woo and Behold (madatobi)
Season of Joy (mada/fem!tobi)
Paying Dues (madatobi)
nipple play (madatobi)
Time to Fall Back (madatobi)
Greek mythology AU (madatobi)
Bust the Mold (madatobi)
Office shenanigans AU (madatobi)
Tagging @alyuchiha913 @wisiaden @bouncyirwin and whoever else of the lovely writer people who see this post want to join 😅
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phoenixyfriend · 4 years
Me: [reads a handful of IzuTobi and MadaTobi fics that feature an Uchiha’s interest starting from spiritual or religious beliefs that those born with red eyes, not counting clan traits(e.g. the Yuuhi don’t count) are blessed in some manner]
Me: Hm.
Me: [takes this to the inevitable conclusion of the Forest of Death incident]
Me: SK time with obligatory Uzumaki Cousins Shenanigans
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asukaskerian · 4 years
@find-the-tribe submitted : Madatobi 1, 6 and 7 please!
1. What are things they both find funny?
... honestly? being sarcastic at/about other, stupider people. Assholes XD
6. What is/are their love language(s)?
Tobirama : acts of service as his main, then quality time. words of affirmation DEAD LAST, words are cheap and don’t mean shit, he will judge you by your actions.
Madara: words of affirmation lol. he is a verbose one and finds expressing his emotions and ideas and generally shooting the shit is v important so this is an extension of that. also physical touch and quality time. he’s too used to being the clan head with a servant and people handling the background shit for him, he will probably not even noticed acts of service if they’re small enough and land into “a servant or family might also do this.”
they should just spend time together in silence or something. it would probably be okay. >_>
and the 7 is 300 words of fic on the prompt “love scene” and i TRIED, hon, i tried, but as it shows here, in my head for them “love” is something that should come after like 20k of development and some serious plotty shenanigans. XD; i ended up writing 400 words of the sequel to some other, other ABO fic idea i had that 1. was never gonna be written and 2. which failed to get to the point and would probably need another 1k to feel complete enough to stand on its own. anyway, i might try again but atm i have no ideas for a prompt this vague.
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Au where trans girl Tobirama gets roped into delivering messages as a go between for Hashirama & Madara (handwave handwave no river battle etc)
Since she’s still in the closet at home (a few people know but definitely NOT Butsuma) she delivers her messages as a girl instead of pretending to be a boy since it's honestly a decent enough disguise
They get caught together once but instead of being found out everyone in the Uchiha clan is convinced that Madara has a clandestine relationship with a Hatake girl
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oscurolibelle · 4 years
Konoha founders posing like romance novel covers.
Gimme your favorite romance novel or manga covers. I need to draw this.
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louiserandom · 4 years
The MadaTobi adventure has been chosen...
AND IT’S SOULMATES EXCAHNGING POWERS WOOOHOOOO (purple and green are the same option i just edited the form like a dumbass)
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However, I’ve come to the inevitable conclusion THAT I WANNA WRITE ALL THESE FREAKIN PROMPTS or at least a couple more, so after this CYOA ends, I might just tackle the rest :D Thank you ALL so much for voting! I seriously didn’t expect this much feedback and I’ll do my best to deliver :3 *sends you all hugs, positivity and rays of sunshine during these trying times and hopes that each one of you is safe* Hopefully the story will provide some fun and distraction from the grim anxiety <3
Now, I couldn’t resist writing the first part before Camp Nano started so I’ll be posting the chapter a bit later today once I’m all done with work stuff :3 And as always, a few more notes on the rest of the survey questions~ 
Thank you for enabling my thotty side. Again ehehehehe
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+ Virgin Tobirama knows everything about sex; semi-feral tobirama who spends too much time with his summons; Hate to Love; A+ banter, maybe 1 combined w/ secret relationship; shameless Izuna - oh, 3 of these are definitely gonna be in the story ;)
Now, fair warning: it will be long because my brain made me add this huge plot and Zetsu’s fuckery to the mix which will result in his gruesome elimination from existence sorry for spoilers lmao and because I’m hopeless, expect some bijuu shenanigans as well👀👀👀 Granted, some of the plot points and tropes are going to be revealed in the story; like, Tobirama’s obliviousness level and the exact level of Hashirama’s over-protectiveness will depend on your choices :3 Hope y’all have fun with me!
And below the cut, comment responses <3 I’ve had to group some because I’ve got so little time right now but will hopefully be able to answer every question separately as time goes. Again, THANK YOU all for voting!!!
I would really like both options two and four, any chance? This all sounds incredible I am super excited thank you!
The third option also sounds good
I like Plot II and III too actually as well
I wish I could pick all of the story options ;)
I love your work and am so excited for this! I had so much trouble choosing answers in the poll because everything sounds so good!
Chose option I but strongly hesitated with option II cause it could be so funny.
All of these plots sound so awesome!!! It was super hard to pick one.
Argh! Why is choosing so hard? I want at least one of every option in every combination imaginable. That said, I chose plot 2 for the hilarious potential of put upon Tobirama with a sharingan but plot 1 was a very close contestant. I can't wait to see what you cook up. It's gonna be so great! - oz
DUDES ALL YOUR COMMENTS AND MY OWN EXCITEMENT ABOUT THESE PROMPTS MADE ME WANNA WRITE THEM ALL, FUCK IT!!! I definitely want option 4, it’s peak hilarity, tho I wonder if it would work more as a story proper, not a CYOA (I can think of a few interesting conflicts and choices in that verse tho, so we’ll see). But I do love option 1 as well; option 3 may be a little overdone? But basically, just lemme finish this one, try my best to deliver and then put the rest of the plots to another vote <3
p.s. Oz, you’re as always too kind <3
It would be funny if Tobirama was hilariously confident and actually decent at flirting with a flailing Madara but was actually a virgin. Like just completely and utterly shamelessly saying something like, 'yh I'm a virgin so you better make this good. I've got a lot to learn ;)' And of course Madara flails :D
THANK YOU. YES. THIS XD (Tobi would, wouldn’t he. And he very likely will, in this fic ;)
He is the dumbest Bitch alive with Tobi and Hashi running for second place. Bitch should have gotten some Senju dick to calm tf down.
No comments, only applause. You know what’s up
The fandom thanks you for doing God's work ;)
My insecure ass thanks you for your kind words <3
Hurt Tobi to show how protective Madara can be
Bold of you to assume I won’t hurt both of them and have them build each other back up again (lmao ignore my dramatic ass, as I said, nothing but light angst haha. But still some pain because plot said so :o)
Both being stupidly weak when it comes to kids
CLEARLY. Hashirama, Mito, Touka, and Izuna should all be one giant poly pile. 👀 Also it was impossible for me not to pick the option with Kurama. I love that grumpy asshole fox and I have... So many... Headcanons for him.....
HashiMitoTouIzu poly pile *stares* this... this.... MAYBE NOT IN THIS FIC BUT I WOULD LIKE TO TACKLE THIS IDEA AT SOME POINT LMAO THAT WOULD BE AWESOME :D (will maybe try to write a fic with them for camp nano ehehe)
Also, although ultimately, option 2 was chosen…. I couldn’t resist and added the possibility of Kurama appearing, I love his grumpy ass too much :D (Altho this will depend on the votes👀)
Maybe a child, adopted (kagami) or mpreg
Hmmm, no mpreg, just in this particular fic, but lots of interactions with children ;)
Wasn't he already? ://
Madara is clearly the dumbest (Hashi is a close second)
(Personally, I think Hashirama is the dumbest founder lol) But could you maybe make Tobirama and Izuna actually get along? They don’t have to be friends but just no active animosity. Maybe. You obviously don’t have to— would probably love it either way— but ‘tis my request
I may have to write that thesis about Madara’s dumbassery after all lol, be sure that I will convince you
And oh yeah, they definitely get along, don’t worry! Writing Tobirama and Izuna’s friendship warms my heart :3
I love flaily Mads and oblivious Tobes
Madara is not dumb, just a dumbass ^^ Also, bringing in Tobi's sensing is always a YES from me!
Nooooo HE DUMB AND A DUMBASS HOW BOUT THAT XD ehehe oh there’s gonna be a lot of sensing fuckery in the chosen option so I hope you enjoy! :3
At some point please let Mito and Tobirama befriend Kurama 'cause they're all powerful sassy bitches that will bitch slap you into your place and they all put the ultimate smack down on meddling Elders who've teamed up with Zetsu?
Although option 2 has been chosen… Kurama may appear in the story *shifty eyes* AND mf Zetsu lmao I need to kill that bitch. He’ll know pain^-^
Hashirama should be a smiling sociopath a la Symbol of Subjugation style. He knows there's something wrong but, hey, he wants to see his precious all happy :)
Oh, I considered that actually, I adore that fic! But imo it works better with a couple of other plots so I may consider writing him that way for a future CYOA :3 
I can already tell that this is gonna be one hell of a ride and I can’t wait!
Hell yeah go forth you funky lil author, you got this :D
Nope nope I have non good luck
Luv ya <3
Have fun
Thank you so much guys! <3 I’M EXCITED AS FUCK AND I CANNOT WAIT TO START :D
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raendown · 5 years
Hello! May I prompt you with MadaraIzuna vs Madatobi shenanigans? (Bc why wouldn’t Izuna and Tobirama compete when it comes to romance as well?)
“He loved me first.”
“Because he had to.” Tobirama’s voice snorted. “Just like Iunfortunate have to care about Hashirama despite his many idiocies.”
“Not like Madara loves me! He doesn’t think I’m an idiot!”
“Doesn’t he?”
Around the corner where neither of them could see his face,Madara gave a light shrug and nodded a little. He loved his brother dearly but,honestly, yeah he was kind of an idiot. He just knew better than to say so.
Not to say that his other lover wasn’t just as idiotic attimes, evidenced by Tobirama’s insistence on antagonizing Izuna no matter howmany times Madara had asked him to stop doing it. Their jealous spats over hisattention weren’t nearly as annoying as he pretended they were, he actuallyrather liked knowing they both wanted so much from him, but it was the principalof the matter. Letting them fight without telling them to cool it could onlylead to them fighting with him andthinking he wasn’t annoyed.
“I don’t even know what you’re doing here,” Izuna sniffedfrom down the hall. “Today is my daywith him. Go home.”
“Unless you’ve managed to forget already, you had the entireweek to spend with him while I was away on a mission. Now if you would kindlymove the fuck out of my way, I would like to greet my partner.”
A light scuffle ensued that had Madara rolling his eyes andthen one set of footsteps followed another down the hall from the front doortowards the living room. Why he had allowed Izuna to answer the door when he’dalready known who was there was a question he rather hoped neither of themthought to ask. He wasn’t sure they would like the answer that he just thoughtit was amusing to listen to them bicker over him. If pressed to choose he couldhave told them that he loved them both equally but it was much more fun for himto scold them for ‘being ridiculous’. And besides that he knew neither of themwas brave enough to ask. They would rather fight.
“Hello you two,” he murmured as they both stomped in to theroom. Tobirama made a bee-line for him without answering, bending down totangle both hands in his hair and take his lips in a fiery kiss.
“Don’t be gross,” Izuna grumbled as he tossed himself downon the couch to plaster his body up against Madara's side. He subsided when Madaratook his hand and wove their fingers together. Both of them were just so easyto please.
“Missed me?” Tobirama was practically purring as they drewapart, smug and not afraid to show it.
“I did,” Madara said.
Beside him Izuna huffed and turned his head away, althoughhe noticeably made no move to separate himself from the spectacle or leave inany way. Madara contemplated his options for a moment before making a grandshow of rolling his eyes at them both.
“How about I sit in the middle of the couch where you canboth have a good cuddle at the same time? I’m sure we would all like to hearthe results of your mission, Tobi, that political situation was already precariousbefore Hashirama threw your temper in to the mix.” He grinned. “I can onlyimagine how much worse it is now that you’ve told them all how stupid they are.”
Tobirama didn’t bother to deny it. All he did was begin shovingagainst Madara's side until he laughed and shoved Izuna in turn to give himselfroom to scoot over. Izuna grumbled still but allowed it, mollified that he wasn’tbeing asked to leave after enjoying so much alone time for the last few days.Once they were all piled on to the couch together Madara lifted both arms forhis two partners to crawl under and reveled in the way they both sighed withcontentment to be so close. This was heaven for him.
Bickering was all well and good, the fun had its time to beenjoyed, but at the end of it all this was what he most enjoyed. With both ofthe people he loved most in the world here in his arms he was truly happy.
“Right. Now. How many ruffled feathers do we need to soothe?”he asked.
“Quite a lot,” Tobirama replied without a hint of apology. “Theymanaged to out-idiot my brother; I honestly didn’t think that was possible.”
He began his tale and even Izuna was enraptured, setting thescene for a calm evening of gossip and quality time together – with somebickering still, obviously. That much was simply in their nature and Madara wouldn’tchange any of them for the world.
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crystallized-shadow · 5 years
Day 30 Pairing: Izuna/Itama Word count: 923 Prompt:  “We can’t do that here!”
Warnings: semi-public sex and office shenanigans
Follow the link or read it under the cut!
Izuna stares at the stack of paperwork that never seems to end and sighs as he slouches in his chair. He still cursed the day Hashirama had convinced him holding a position in the Hokage Tower was an honor and that he, Tobirama, and Madara couldn’t function without him. The sound of his door opening has Izuna sitting up straight, wanting to look somewhat professional, until he spots a familiar head of black and white hair.
“Itama?” Izuna raises an eyebrow as he meets the heterochromia eyes of his lover; he’d thought he was still in the doghouse from his last, rather lovely comparison of Tobirama to a horse’s ass.
“Tobi-nii is being as thick headed as Hashi-nii,” Itama mutters crossly as he storms over to Izuna, shoves his chair back and plops into the Uchiha’s lap. Well at least Izuna knew his lover wasn’t mad at him anymore.
“What are you two disagreeing on this time?” Izuna asks, running his fingers through the softer, white half of Itama’s hair.
“Who’s dating the sexier Uchiha,” Itama huffs with a pout, “he refuses to accept that I am clearly with superior brother.”
Izuna’s chest puffs up with pride almost against his will as he practically preens at the compliment. “Well he does have horrible eyesight,” he points out, “you’ll have to forgive him for saying crazy things like that when he really can’t see how right you are.”
Itama opens his mouth to respond before he suddenly frowns and darts under Izuna’s desk. The Uchiha has a whole two seconds to wonder just what in the hell is going on before Hashirama bursts into the room. “Izuna!”
“What?” Izuna demands, rubbing his ears from the unexpectedly loud noise, seems Itama wasn’t the only annoyed Senju.
“Have you seen Itama?”
“No,” Izuna states blandly as he examines his fingernails, “why do you ask?”
“He’s fighting with Tobirama again,” Hashirama frowns, another hint that he’s annoyed with his younger siblings, “and I want to sit them down together and force them to talk like rational adults.”
“None of you Senju are rational adults,” Izuna chuckles, barely holding back a yelp when Itama pinches his inner thigh. He wants to question why Itama’s hands are even there in the first place, but he can’t with the oblivious tree of a Senju in front of him.
“I am so tired of dealing with brats today!” Hashirama snaps, his chakra lashing out in frustration and even a non-sensor like Izuna can feel it. “I don’t even know why they are fighting when clearly my Uchiha is the best looking!”
“Can’t argue with that,” Izuna mutters as Hashirama turns to leave, nearly jolting out of his seat when something touches his cock. “Ah!”
“What was that Izuna?” Hashirama questions as he glances over his shoulder at the grinning Uchiha.
“I just wanted to ask if you and Aniki will be joining Madara and I for dinner tomorrow,” Izuna says, grabbing Itama’s wrist in a firm grip to stop his little minx from trying anything else. “You Senju should be done fighting by then, yes?”
“I doubt it,” Hashirama sighs as he leaves the room, liking going to seek comfort from the eldest Uchiha brother.
Once Izuna is sure Hashirama is gone, he glares down at Itama. “What in the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
“You are more attractive than Indra,” Itama states, but Izuna isn’t swayed, tightening his grip when the Senju makes a grab for his cock again.
“Indra is fucking gorgeous,” Izuna admits, “he’s the only one of us that really takes care of their appearance, so I have no problem saying he’s more attractive than me. However, I am definitely more attractive than Madara, so you’re doing better than one of your older brothers.”
“Fine,” Itama sighs before a devious smirk graces his lips and he tries to tug his wrist free, “can you let go? I can’t give you a blow job under your desk if you don’t.”
“We can’t do that here!” Izuna protests, even as he releases Itama’s wrist and the Senju wastes no time in freeing him from his pants.
“It will just be our little secret then,” Itama purrs, leaning forward to draw the head into mouth.
“Ah!” Izuna gasps, his hands dropping to Itama’s hair as he struggles not to buck into the moist heat slowly surrounding him. Itama grips Izuna’s hips tightly as slowly bobs his head up and down Izuna’s length, knowing the slow pace is torture for the Uchiha. “Itama!” Izuna whines, tightening his hold on the other’s hair and trying to drag him down. “Hurry up!”
Itama purrs, smirking around the cock in his mouth, and Izuna nearly comes right then; his little Senju was too sexy for his own good. Biting his lip to stifle his noises, he was still at work after all, Izuna nearly draws blood when he feels Itama’s throat constrict around him. Just before Izuna can find his release, his door slams open and the Uchiha jolts forward in his chair with a yelp, nearly choking Itama.
“What the fuck!?” Izuna growls, glaring at Tobirama, who just regards his flushed rival with a raised eyebrow.
“I need to speak with Itama,” Tobiramam states before he smirks, “but I’m going to guess his mouth is busy.” He glances at the desk where he can sense his brother. “Eat a mint before you come see me Itama.” Tobirama leaves just as quickly as he came, leaving a mortified set of younger siblings behind.
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