isisnocturne1369 · 2 years
I can see from some of your posts you do entrelac on knitting looms. I have looked everywhere but have been unable to find directions or better yet, a video tutorial for doing it on a round loom. Like if you were making a hat. If you have any sources, even something I would need to purchase, your help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Unfortunately, the only video tutorials I know of are by Kimberly Carrigan (and me for casting off) on YouTube, and those demos are only for flat loom knitting. I do keep getting posts showing up from Pinterest about regular knit entrelac for hats, and I'm aware from GoodKnitKisses that translating a knit pattern to a loom isn't all that difficult (you pretty much have to just take each wrong side row and swap the stitch with its opposite since looms don't have wrong sides while we work).
I wish I could help more, but honestly, I don't know beyond what I've just shared. I have used round looms for entrelac, but each time, it's still been for flat panel work.
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oscurolibelle · 3 years
Madatobi - The More You Know: A gift for peppymint1986
I posted but forgot to @ ppl. Sorry! @madatobigiftexchange @peppymint1986
Miscommunication, Scantily clad men, public indecency
Marriage Hunt, Red eyes are blessed, Hostage for peace
Part 1: {The Moon over the Ruined Castle - Japanese Folk Music : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7IqryOGvLAE}
Part 2: {Final Fantasy X - Hymn of the Faith [mashup] : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOiWCXzrBq4}
Part 3 & 4: {Most Wondrous Battle Music: "And The Sky Shall Unfold" by Johannes Bornlöf  : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bP4eWOEnY9Y}
It wasn't his intention to get caught. In fact he shouldn't have gotten caught at all. Tobirama sat bewildered at what was happening, staring at the fine silk robes on the four mattress tall futon surrounded by flowers. As if this counted as being "caught." He looked down at his wrists, bound by chakra seals in cuffs that would have been mistaken for beautiful bangles had they not been chained together. Where did the Uchiha get such luxuries? They always looked less off than the Senju in battle. He huffed, thinking about the Uchiha's lack of armor, the recycling of used kunai and senbon. The way most of their people wore old sandals. He'd noticed. And he was sure Hashirama had noticed too. Maybe that was why he always held back against Madara.
Right. Madara. The one who had caught him. Tobirama sighed internally, then rubbed his face waiting for the genjutsu to wear off.
Except it didn't. The beautiful robes and flowers were still there. The four futons were still there. And here he was, barely dressed in what appeared to be some kind of expensive fabric in a way he'd never seen anyone dress before.
"You look confused." A familiar voice barked, laughing. Tobirama sneered, looking behind him and Izuna smirked in return.
"Shouldn't you be dead?"
"On the contrary. I think my act worked rather well. Even Aniki didn't figure it out until we returned from battle." Tobirama made a face. Izuna had always been a crafty rat but to not let his brother in on a plan, well, that's just risky on Izuna's part. He turned fully to face him and the Uchiha spoke again. "It was the only way I could separate you from your people."
"Be done with this farce, Izuna." Tobirama growled. "I was prepared to die when I came here gathering intel."
"Die?" Izuna tilted his head. "Oh no, Senju. You've got it all wrong. You're not going to die. It's going to be far worse."
"So torture then? Be plain, Izuna."
"Ooo, so familiar, Tobirama-san." Izuna snickered mockingly. "You're a hostage for peace."
A beat.
"Is that what all this is for? A bribery?" A pale hand gestured to the extravagance.  The younger Uchiha brother shoved off the open door frame and strode into the room.
"Nope. That would be preparation for the Marriage Hunt."
"The _what_?" Tobirama's voice dropped several octaves, a dangerous and threatening tone.
"The m-a-r-r-i-a-g-e h-u-n-t." Izuna drawled, grinning from ear to ear, all teeth. Red eyes narrowed at the man before him.
"Marriage to whom? I'm assuming you mean me as one of the intended parties."
"I do." Izuna sighed, "If only you'd been a woman. This would have worked out perfectly for everyone involved." He shrugged, running a hand through his bangs.
"And why is that?" Tobirama's wheels were turning already. If being a woman would get him out of this, he'd have no choice but to use _that_ jutsu. He frowned internally, it wasn't like it wasn't useful, because it was. He had, on more than one occasion, used his disguise jutsu to turn himself into a beautiful naked woman to gather intel. He just hated being anyone else. And a sexy jutsu just wouldn't be-
"Well, then you could bear heirs."
Tobirama's mind skidded to a halt, screeching at painful speeds into a flaming dumpster of chaos.
"What." Was all he managed to get out before Izuna started laughing. His mood quickly soured. "Your jokes are not appreciated-"
"Who said it was a joke? I was being honest-"
"Izuna." A deeper voice cut the air like a hot knife and both men turned to see Madara standing in the doorway. Tobirama's eyes were quick to assess the situation. A just bathed Madara in sleeping yukata with his hair braided, most likely for bed as Tobirama assumed his hair would tangle like Hashirama's throughout the night. He looked slightly flushed, as if maybe he had been training before hand? Or maybe he'd soaked too long in a hot spring. Madara cleared his throat. "Don't you have somewhere to be?" Izuna looked from his brother to Tobirama before exiting the room without another word. Silence fell into his empty space and Tobirama waited for the boisterous yelling that always commenced between Madara and his brother to erupt into this scenario.
But it didn't. "Are the accommodations to your liking?" A very quiet Madara inquired, throwing the albino for a loop.
"No. I would prefer a dungeon. Perhaps be bound with rope like any other normal captive." His eyes narrowed. Madara's face twisted, and for a moment Tobirama thought he might laugh but he just sighed instead, irritated.
"You're not a normal captive."
"I'm not some stolen princess."
"Right." A long pause by the Uchiha. "Suppose I should fill you in then, Prince."
The Senju scoffed, attempting to fold his arms but unable to do so with the chained bracelets and instead awkwardly let his arms hang. Madara continued, not moving an inch toward Tobirama. "This is no bribery. Though I suppose it looks that way. You're a hostage for peace. I should take care of Hashirama's little brother, keeping him safe, Hashirama is most likely to agree to our terms of peace instead of a Senju dominated treaty." Madara was making sense however,
"That doesn't explain the misuse of clan funds for such luxuries. And I know you don't make enough money personally for all this." Tobirama wasn't intending to be mean, it was just a fact.
"You'd be wrong. On both accounts." He paused. "I have been saving my mission funds since I was eight. Every Uchiha does for a time such as this."
Now Tobirama was really confused as he was sure it was plastered all over his face. Madara looked him in the eyes. "For their intended bride."
"I am no bride." Tobirama snarled, teeth and eyes sharp, feeling his defenses raise like a cornered wolf.
"No? I guess I'll settle for a groom."
"_You_?" The albino was exasperated now.
"Yes. Me. You will be marrying me, groom." Madara stated plainly.
Tobirama's mind whirled to life again. So Izuna set this up, acting as if he was mortally wounded to lure a Senju here in the hopes it would be him, to capture him as a hostage and force him to politically marry his brother.
"Why not just ask?" Tobirama confessed his curiosity. Political marriages between feuding clans or lands often brought peace along with it and though his family had never considered the option because the Uchiha head family was also all boys, it was clear the Uchiha didn't carry such prejudices among them if their Head had preferences such as ... this. But the look on Madara's face was nothing short of offended.
"Like you would have agreed to this otherwise." He growled. "I'm no idiot, Tobirama. It is and always will be an intellectual battle of strategy with you." Though Tobirama was always matched against Izuna, he couldn't help but feel a bit prideful that his prowess was acknowledged by someone else of Hashirama's caliber. Then again, he should have known. Madara was no fool indeed.
"What makes you think I'll agree now?"
"You will." Madara seemed sure of himself, which in any other situation Tobirama might have admired such a trait but right now it scratched at his last nerve. He huffed in return. "Sleep well, groom. Your room is guarded by the best Uchiha have to offer and a priest. I don't suggest making a break for it either. If you care about your brother's peace, you'll play nice for at least a few days. Give yourself an opportunity to see things from our perspective." Madara turned, back to Tobirama, a bold move for a shinobi then looked over his shoulder at him. "By the way, you look delightful." His eyes spun red and Tobirama instinctively looked at his throat instead, mind spinning, confused and wondering what that meant. He looked up when the door shut and he finally was alone again.
Part 2:
Madara was beside himself when he caught Tobirama sneaking into the compound after Izuna's supposed injury. The albino clearly didn't mean to get caught but Izuna had laid enough traps that both Madara and Tobirama would run into each other on purpose. The surprise on both their faces sent Izuna cackling right into the koi pond.
He sighed, looking over at the Uchiha children, too young for battle, scampering around the scantily clad Tobirama and asking him a million questions about his appearance. Apparently, the Senju thought him a monster.
"I am just a man."
"But you're so pale!"
"How'd you get a blank Sharingan?"
"Why's your hair white? Are you old?"
Madara laughed to himself. Surely Tobirama didn't expect this kind of treatment but to say Madara was entertained by it was an understatement. He paused outside the temple waiting for Tobirama to catch up.
"They're eager to learn."
"Do you not teach them of the White Demon?" Tobirama spat. Dark eyes looked at his contemplative for a moment.
"No." Was all he said, leading Tobirama inside the temple.
Tobirama admitted to himself, he'd never seen a temple like this one before. Long black drapery hung from its rafters, a simple washing basin at the entrance.
"Follow my lead and try not to be disrespectful." Madara chimed, moving to the washing basin, systematically washing his hands and face then praying and shrouding his face with a black veil. When Tobirama did the same, a gloved hand reached and stopped him, handing him a white veil instead. He frowned. Insistently, Madara shook it at him silently. Tobirama rolled his eyes and took it, putting it over his head and following Madara behind the fabrics and soft candle light.
A large statue of a woman emerged, surrounded by flowers of crimson color and other Uchiha, the men shrouded like Madara, the women were not. They didn't look up at him. All except the male at the front, unveiled, a priest Tobirama supposed. A priest that bowed to him when he entered. The albino attempted to bow in return when the priest stopped him,
"No. Among all the people here, it is you who is most honored." The look of confusion on his face made Madara snicker. The priest continued, "You seem puzzled, Moonchild."
"I will recount for you then." The priest nodded to Madara who left Tobirama's side and knelt in prayer next to his kin, "Our lineage hails from Indra and his wife, Amaterasu." He gestured to the woman. "It is from Indra we received our eyes but from Amaterasu we gained our love."
Red eyes gazed up at the woman holding the infant in her arms. The priest continued, "After the death of his brother, Ashura-"
A lie. Ashura lived and Indra died.. Ashura is Senju lineage.. Tobirama thought to himself, listening.
"Amaterasu was heavy with child and was kidnapped for the unborn child's potential." It didn't take a genius to know where this was headed and Tobirama stiffened. "The child was taken from her before it's due time and it didn't make it. In her rage, Amaterasu burned the entire valley with black flame that none could extinguish. When she returned to Indra, in her distraught, she thought she would never again bear a child." A long pause. "But she was wrong. She was blessed with a Moonchild. The babe grew and from her, our clan was born. A child with skin as pale as the moon, eyes like red stones, and hair as white as snow."
Tobirama wasn't an idiot. This was a description of him.
"So, naturally, we hail Moonchildren as blessed. As heaven sent. And you, even though you're the enemy, to kill a Red Eyed Moonchild will bring the wrath of Amaterasu down upon us."
It all made sense now. Tobirama looked up at the rubies that was set as the child's eyes. The reason why most Uchiha would never touch him, only retaliating out of fear of their lives. The whole reason why Izuna never outright killed him when he had the chances. Why this whole situation had occurred. Silently, he looked at the priest. "Only women are permitted to speak in here. Of course besides myself and.. well.. you." The Uchiha were making more sense with each day and part of him hated that they did. He just wanted to go back to when it was a simpler time, attacking the enemy just because they were the enemy and not understanding them at their core.
The women, less of them in battle than Senju, were guardians of the home, the most powerful and most protected by the Uchiha men. The reverence they have for their women, the understanding they have of life and death. And the way they gazed upon him as if their very insides were confused. He barely noticed when he and Madara returned to the head house.
"They're conflicted." Madara spoke at last, escorting Tobirama to his captive room, almost as if reading his mind. "People like you... are a blessing and they think the Senju have been blessed above us. They lost hope when you entered battle against us."
The silver and gold bangles clinked as Tobirama entered the room, contemplating all he'd seen and heard in the past few days. "They seem to have hope before my capture."
"That-" Madara began, standing in the doorway, "-is because of me." And with that, he closed the door, leaving Tobirama sneering to himself of how self-absorbed Madara really must be.
Part 3:
"You've got it all wrong."
"What do I have wrong, Izuna?" Tobirama sneered, it was the end of day three and he had yet to decide for himself what he would do.
"Aniki said we lost hope seeing you in battle, but he never said he was the one to bring us hope. He said it was because of him we have hope."
"You're speaking in circles." Red eyes narrowed, sitting on the floor, still refusing to use the many luxuries provided to him in the room.
"He said he'd bring you to our side. Well, more specifically, he said he'd marry you."
"Excuse me?" The albino pursed his lips, "You expect me to believe that your brother said that when he was a child?"
"I don't expect you to believe anything." Izuna set the very plain cloth down on the floor. "He said he would. We all laughed because of course, it wouldn't work. You're a male. But it occurred to me.. that marriages don't require children to be valid." The younger said, as if he'd had a revelation. "Political marriage specifically. So here we are." He put his hands on his hips, waiting for the answer.
Tobirama sighed, he'd seen and heard many things in the past few days, most of which did in fact, sway his original opinion of the bloodthirsty Uchiha he'd grown to hate and respect over the years. They were a clan gripped by a love deeper than the Senju, crazed with the pain that losing that love brings. It was Hashirama's dream, this peace. Tobirama could never really imagine it in his head, but he could theorize on how to accomplish such a feat. Many policies, many treaties, and so so much trust would be needed. But this... this capture turned everything on it's head. He could  single handedly stop this centuries' old war. Him. The second born of the Senju Head. Not the Mokuton User. Not the first born, his brother who shone like the sun and commanded respect with his very presence.
Him. A child of water and moonlight and darkness.
It was a long moment before he reached for the garment silently. He could hear Izuna's breath hitch. Was he really going to do this?
"Tell me how it works."
Part 4:
When he stepped out into the open with Izuna wearing only the loin cloth provided, he held his head high and walked straight to Madara. Surprised, the Uchiha flushed an interesting pink from his face down his chest, which only made Tobirama's eyes wander. They were dressed the same, and as per Izuna's instructions, everything looked to be in order. "Betrothed." Tobirama drawled bored like.
"You're going through with it?"
"Yes. Hashirama isn't the only one who wants children to stop dying." Tobirama huffed, hand waving. "Though I've never entertained the thought of a man before." Madara raised a brow. "There isn't much time for such things in war."
That was a lie, Madara knew quite well that sexual encounters were not just the norm in war time, it was honestly the quickest and most effective way to blow off steam. Every shinobi had done it if not with both sexes, then at least one or the other but from the look on Tobirama's face, he was unfazed. "Have you ever..."
"I don't think I need to be here for this conversation," Izuna nearly yelled to not hear whatever response had tumbled out of Tobirama's mouth. "Okay you've got your instructions. The marriage hunt begins now. Get going!" He flickered away and like that, the two men were standing nearly naked and alone at the forest edge of camp.
"We need to get going before they catch us." Tobirama only nodded at Madara's remark, gesturing for him to lead the way. With that, Madara darted into the forest, Tobirama on his heels. It was intensely quiet for a long period of time, Madara scanning the forest with his Sharingan as they put space between them and the compound. He paused on a branch, pulling Tobirama into a hollowed tree trunk with him. Except he didn't account for Tobirama's height and his eyes widened when the albino's head smacked on the opening with the force of his pull. A pale hand went up to hold his face and Madara tried not to laugh, listening to see if the loud thud had given them away. Tobirama looked unimpressed, but followed him into the tight space, surprised at just how bulky Madara's torso was compared to his own. Chest to chest, they hid inside the trunk, whispering and keeping their senses open.
"I sense fourteen at seven position." Tobirama whispered.
"They're not close enough for me to see yet." Madara looked back at the pale chest before him in the dark, trying not to flush again with their proximity.
"What's your plan?"
"I say we cross into Nara territory and wait out the rest of the day. The sun is rising." Tobirama scoffed looking bewildered at his shorter companion.
"I am NOT hiding nearly naked in NARA territory even if it is for peace."
"You could always hide fully naked." Madara immediately looked away as both of them flushed and scowled. "If we don't hide, we'll spend all day running and by night fall, the clan will be upon us. And I know their tenacity. They'll keep coming until we're both captured and if we want peace, we can't let that happen."
"Then we go north into the mountains."
"Are you crazy? It's nearly winter and you want to go into the mountains, in less than a fundoshi?"
"There's a hot spring-" Madara pulled Tobirama down to his knees, nearly flush with his waist as the top of the trunk was shattered over them. Ignoring the placement of his face so close to an erogenous zone, Tobirama took the initiative and lifted Madara onto his shoulder, bounding upwards as kunai trailed after them.
He picked up speed, silently thanking the gods that Hashirama had grown into the thick tree trunk brother he became or Tobirama would have never gained the strength to pick Madara up like this and bound away. With Madara using wind jutsu to cut down trees to block the way of his kin as he berated Tobirama for carrying him like a sack of rice, the sun seemed to spark brighter over the horizon and through the leaves. Suddenly, the albino tumbled forward, nearly planting them both into a cliff face and dropped Madara who squawked as he not so graciously caught himself on a hanging rock.
"What the hell, Senju?!"
"I should be asking you the same." Tobirama spat, holding onto another rock.
"I was helping you!"
"By hitting me with wind jutsu?"
"By propelling us forward faster!" Tobirama paused, a tactical moment when he realized Madara wasn't just limply hanging onto him, he was trying to work with him the only way he knew how. He opened his mouth to respond when a fire jutsu flashed between the two hanging on the side of the cliff and they both bolted upwards for the edge to keep going.
"You should have warned me you'd use that tactic!"
Madara just gave his companion a dirty look as they raced through the next bout of trees, fire licking at their heels. It wasn't long before they both broke through to the other side, right into a farmer's field. "Where the hell are we?"
"Oh gods damn it." Tobirama face palmed, then turned. "They're right behind us. Hurry."
"W-what?!" Madara squawked as Tobirama yanked him through the rice field, past the very confused farmer and into the bushes on the other side.
"They'll have to slow down through the field or risk burning it." Tobirama raised his voice over the sound of the wind as they ran, Madara too focused on the hand grasping his wrist to do anything about it.
"And we just-"
"Izuna didn't say we couldn't be seen. He said we couldn't be caught."
"That's not the point-"
"Then what's the point?" Tobirama looked around, engrossed in the chase now, body flexing as they stopped for a moment to reconsider their surroundings and listen for their hunters. Madara's eyes wandered over the companion before him and huffed, tearing his eyes away to scan the perimeter of their line of sight.
"It's not about the chase. Well it is but-"
"Izuna said-"
"Izuna didn't say-"
The two jumped as they were interrupted by a hailstorm of senbon. Madara tackled Tobirama, and the two rolling down a hill into a creek, fall leaves jumping into the air as they went. Madara groaned, now they were wet and cold, and- his brain stopped when they stood up and Tobirama looked around.
"What's wrong with you?" The albino snapped his fingers in Madara's face who blinked and suddenly looked up.
"You uh.."
"I what? Spit it out, Uchiha."
"You lost your cloth."
Tobirama's lips pursed as he decidedly did not look down to check and tried to decidedly not blush at his nakedness. He could hear Madara swallow. "Not something you like?" He hissed, touchy about the subject of his body.
"On the contrary." Madara cleared his throat, "You're quite gifted-" He ducked as another senbon went whizzing over his head. "But we can discuss who's riding who later-" Red enveloped Tobirama's entire body leaving him less agile than he'd like, especially when Madara snatched him up and took off running away from the approaching Uchiha trying to stop them. All he could think now was how nice peace would be. No running. No fighting. A warm body to wake up to.. and maybe.. just maybe someone to banter with.
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asukaskerian · 3 years
I would love to see some political/practical talk between Tobirama and Madara/Izuna at the daimyo's heir's birthday party. For example the Senju using surface irrigation because they can do the work with jutsu/it is easy and quick/does not take extra materials. Tobirama has plans for drip irrigation (which would use much less water) but it is not worth it when the Uchiha would sabotage it. The surface method is easier to fix too. Hey, blueprints might even be part of his dowry.
.. i love you very much.
*falls into irrigation research rabbit hole, not to be seen for three more weeks*
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officerjennie · 5 years
Quite possible you have already received prompts, but if you didn't it would be really cool for grown up Tobirama from 'Demon Child' to encounter the woman who abandoned him. Not going to say more than that because there are a ton of ways that encounter could go.
A/N: This probably won’t make an appearance in the actual story, but it was definitely a neat idea to explore!
Being able to travel with his brother was something of a treat. Hashirama wasn’t exactly being vain knowing that so much of the war effort fell on the both of their shoulders, so he made sure to treasure every second of the road he got to walk side-by-side next to Tobirama - who at the very least looked a little less stressed than he’d assumed he would.
Worried died hard in that overactive brain of his, and any time away from Itama was time spent trying to get back to him faster. He wished he could do more to assure the man their little brother would be fine in his absence, and wilted every time he failed to do just that.
But that was all stuff he could think about later. For now Hashirama just wanted to treasure this time together, a smile beaming across his face as he walked right down the street with little worry, finding the crowds often left him alone and hardly ever stopped in his path. He made sure to stick near the shade just for Tobirama’s benefit, his little brother preferring to keep where they could make an easy escape if it was necessary. Which he highly doubted it would be, considering all they’d come to this side of the country for was an inane meeting with the daimyo.
A daimyo who was really only in power by name at this point, but, once again, something to contemplate later.
It was at least cool for a summer evening, so much so that even the flies weren’t out in droves as they usually were. Hashirama chatted away as his brother grunted here or there, but his imitations of their father couldn’t fool him. From the slacking of his shoulders Hashirama could tell he was relaxing in some fashion, though why he would be relaxing here really was beyond him.
But then he stopped. Or, rather, he had at some point and Hashirama had to stop and hunt him down when he noticed, pouting since he’d apparently been chatting away to himself like a loony for only the gods know how long.
“Otouto, you have to tell me when you stop.” He continued to pout right up until he caught how stiff his brother was, finding his back suddenly straight as he slid right next to him, eyes hard as he tried to find whatever his brother had spotted.
Little startled his brother. Whatever had caught his attention then had to be serious.
But as Hashirama scanned the crowd ahead and the little shops across the way, he saw nothing of note. Children running about with their chubby hands clasping treats from the stalls the next street over. Civilians weaving in and out of the crowd, chatting with their companions or alone, not a one of them seemingly a threat to them.
From what he could tell, though, Tobirama would looking passed the crowd. He peeked over his shoulder to better figure out what exactly had his brother’s eye, and from the looks of it it was the little tea shop across the way. Some tables were set out in the shade, a few patrons settled in the seats there, a woman in a dark blue apron setting about pouring their tea while her loose bangs blew all over the place in the wind.
Tobirama had stopped breathing. He wasn’t blinking, wasn’t twitching, wasn’t doing anything but standing there and existing. As if one of those patrons or the woman serving him had simply shocked him so hard that he couldn’t remember how to be human.
With a small bit of reluctance, Hashirama placed a gentle hand on his forearm, not very surprised by the violent jerk it earned him. He purposely overlooked it, flicking his gaze towards the people at the cafe, keeping his voice both low and soft as he asked, “Who are they?”
He didn’t even know which ‘they’ he was speaking of. All Tobirama did was blink for a few seconds anyway, as if bringing himself back to the moment, processing what was happening.
It was a visible difference when he brought himself back. His face and jaw suddenly hard, eyes cold, the barest bit of a sneer twitching his mouth as he turned on his heel and pushed right back down the street with little more than a “No one”.
No matter how many times Hashirama tried to get more out of him, he got nothing - and for the rest of their trip he couldn’t help but think some sort of sadness had infected his brother.
It was yet another thing Hashirama had no cure for.
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blackberreh-art · 6 years
I find myself hoping that Ashura is Touka's older brother, of age with Indra, and that he was Indra's rival on the battlefield. As an added twist, he was the one who nearly killed Indra when he seized during the fight and it has bothered him for years that he didn't really win. That he nearly killed his rival not because he was better, but because Indra was ill. That Indra had always been ill.
grthfgyjhuyhkj thats a really good idea b u t
I already have it planned out that it was
Butsuma;;;;;;;;; //wheeze Taking advantage of an opening yOU KNOW 
Ashura’s gonna be a lil younger to just keep in canon a wee bit but I may have it that they did clash;;;; Maybe he saw it and the image hasn’t left him since 
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blackkatmagic · 6 years
Is there any chance of a continuation of the Madara and Tobirama marriage hunt? The little snippet you wrote was so awesome and I would love to see the full scene. I imagine the look on their mutual clan members' faces during the 'proposal' were epic. No pressure though, I just wanted to let you know how much I liked it.
I didn’t write that, it was a submission. You should probably talk to the actual author. 
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malakia215 · 4 years
Tumblr media
My TobiIzu gift for @peppymint1986​ for the @tobiizugiftexchange​ I hope you enjoy it! This is chapter 1 of 4! 
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emilx311 · 5 years
Tagged by @lilacsdandelionsandonions hope you enjoy? XP
Rules: We’re snooping on your playlist. Put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then choose 10 victims. 
1. Come alive- The Greatest Showman
2. Tango Maureen- Rent
3. Time Passages- Al Stewart
4. In the Arms- Addams Family Musical
5. Love is a many splendored thing- Grease
6. Earth Spirit- Mercedes Lackey
7. It feels Like Christmas- Muppets Christmas Carol
8. First Love- Mercedes Lackey
9. The Second Star to the Right- Peter Pan
10. Popular- Wicked
Yeah, I have a lot of soundtracks in my library XP
Tagging (as always only if you want to) @kitsunekage88, @kalira9, @pearlescentpearl, @peppymint1986, @artbythedarkside, @crystallized-shadow, @asknotbug, @cemeterytrash, @keanblade, and @puzzleshipper
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pearlescentpearl · 5 years
re: peppymint1986's ask about Izuna meeting Junko and Aiko. Now I can't help but imagine an AU where Tobirama and Izuna inadvertently get married in the youkai way (w/o knowing they did) and Izuna's suddenly wondering WTF is going on with all the (respectful) youkai and they're like "You're married to a dragon prince!" and he's all "Well, that's news to ME. Who is he and where's my damn wedding?!" Otsuno laughs later when Tobi asks about how youkai get divorced (murder being on the table).
Oh man, that would be great! xD So great! Also the scandal of a century politics-wise for the dragons but so much fun for us.
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foundersweek · 5 years
Underneath the Underneath
Handsome, powerful, charismatic; it was no exaggeration to say Senju Hashirama stood out in a crowd. Nor that he had more than earned his title as the god of shinobi. No longer was he a boy with a dream. He had become a man of firm resolve. One who possessed the ability to make a difference, and he had.
No longer was Hashirama just the heir, or even the Lord of the Senju Clan. No, he was the First Hokage of Konohagakure no Sato, the man who had changed the face of the elemental nations through sheer force of will. True, he had not done it alone. But it was also true that it was to Hashirama that many looked to guide them into the future, and such men tended to cast long shadows.
Was it any wonder that his younger brother was so often found hidden in said shadow? A pale reflection of the ever glowing sun? Tobirama was quiet where Hashirama was loud, reserved while his elder wore his own heart on his sleeve for all to see. His piercing red eyes were ever watchful, causing more than one ninja to shiver under his gaze.
It was all too easy to think the pale shinobi didn’t care. To believe that the dreaded Demon of the Senju was all Tobirama was. To listen to the insidious rumors that claimed the frankly intimidating man lived and breathed for nothing but the blood soaked fields of battle.
They didn’t see long nights doing paperwork by candlelight as Tobirama struggled to bring his brother’s dream of a peaceful village to life. Plans drafted and redrafted by a steady hand, guided by a brilliant mind. They were ignorant of the grief that lingered in that guarded heart for those that had been lost too soon. Blind to his soft smile as Tobirama watched the children play. A smile that those who loved him found more previous than diamonds, and far more beautiful.
Warmonger, they called him, never knowing of the conversations that took place behind closed doors. Of the endless devotion Tobirama showed in his quest to fulfil his Lord Brother’s will. They never knew, never even considered that the pale man might have dreams of his own. Just like they never realized, that without water, the forest would wither and die.
(Submission by @peppymint1986)
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MadaTobi Week Master Post
First of all, a giant thank you to everyone who participated! Thank you for lending your time and effort to creating new content for everyone to enjoy and for making this event such a success! We’re very seriously thinking about hosting this event again next year so we hope to see the same enthusiasm again then!
As promised, here is the masterpost of all the entries for MadaTobi Week 2018. Some of them filled two different prompts at a time so for accuracy’s sake and ease of finding they will be listed under each relevant heading.
Should any late arrivals come in we will add them to this list and reblog again so if you’re still working on something don’t be afraid to tag us in a few days or however long you need!
Edit: New additions will have a star * next to them! 
Second Edit: All new late additions have been added from last year’s prompt now that tumblr has stopped being a butt and killing any new links! 
 Day 1
Soul mark/Soulmate
Love Is Merely A Madness - @ivysylph- art
Hot Blooded - @godaime-obito - fanfiction
Protostellar - @raendown - fanfiction
Soulmate AUs - @yupingsan - art
Red, Red, Red - @kalira9 - fanfiction
Fate and Circumstance - @thatrandomnpc - fanfiction
Match - @peppymint1986 - fanfiction
Heatwave - @detectivepoet - fanfiction
Won’t Ever Get Caught (Ever Be Found) - @white-paper-ball - fanfiction
For Your Eyes Only - @glitteratti - fanfiction
On A Warm Summer’s Day – @nebulawritesao3 - fanfiction
Belvedere - @mantykora14 – fanfiction
Soulmate Chapter 125 - @raendown - fanfiction
Fall In To Forever - @a-kid-named-hiro - fanfiction 
Too hot!
Fever - @sinyaru - art
Madara Pushed His Fucking BF In The River What An Asshole - @fajeczki - art
Hot Blooded - @godaime-obito - fanfiction
The Beginning - @ivysylph - fanfiction
Funeral - @dahtwitchi - art
Sex and Sweat - @yupingsan - art
Sleeping Habits - @its-amihan - art
Too Hot! - @therainmage - fanfiction
Too Hot! - @tobiramainprofile - fanfiction
Heatwave - @detectivepoet - fanfiction
Midday Heat - @kalira9 - fanfiction
On A Warm Summer’s Day - @nebulawritesao3- fanfiction
We Walk Through The Fire - @shiranuigenma – fanfiction
I Watch The Rain Come Down And Think Of How You Shine - @a-kid-named-hiro - fanfiction *
Hot d-! - @mantykora14 - fanfiction *
 Day 2
Alternate Universe
Smartphone Tobirama 1 2 3 4 5 - @fineillsignup – comic translation
Worst Superhero AU - @sinyaru - art
Cats AU - @therainmage - fanfiction
Boy Next Door AU - @ivysylph - art
Chasing - @ivysylph - fanfiction
Prostitute AU - @fajeczki - art
Accidental Dick Pic - @its-amihan - comic
Wounded Lips and Salted Cheeks - @raendown - fanfiction
Waterbending - @kalira9 - fanfiction
Sugar Daddy AU - @yupingsan - art
Filing Cabinet Games - @godaime-obito - fanfiction
Superhero AU - @its-amihan - art
Running With Bigfoot - @glitteratti - fanfiction
We All Want Love (We All Want Honor) – @nebulawritesao3 - fanfiction
Alternate Universe - @tobiramainprofile – fanfiction
Soulmate Chapter 125 - @raendown - fanfiction
A Recipe For The Way To My Heart - @puzzleshipper - fanfiction *
Fall In To Forever -  @a-kid-named-hiro - fanfiction 
Memories of You (Still Stand Strong) - @a-kid-named-hiro - fanfiction *
Office Shenanigans
Falling Back - @dahtwitchi - comic
Accidental Dick Pic - @its-amihan - comic
Wounded Lips and Salted Cheeks - @raendown - fanfiction
I Like You Just Fine - @berry-doodles - comic
Attention - @detectivepoet - fanfiction
Attrition - @thatrandomnpc - fanfiction
Workday Diversion - @kalira9 - fanfiction
Filing Cabinet Games - @godaime-obito - fanfiction
What Not To Do In The Office - @mantykora14 – fanfiction
 Day 3
Fake Relationship/Hidden Relationship
Asking For Trouble - @godaime-obito - fanfiction
Hiding Feelings In The Dark - @dahtwitchi - comic
Promise - @ivysylph - fanfiction
Art for “Promise” - @ivysylph - art
To Drain The Whole Sea – @nebulawritesao3 - fanfiction
But Broken Live On - @raendown - fanfiction
Post Battlefield - @yupingsan - art
Pomp and Circumstance - @thatrandomnpc - fanfiction
Fake Dating - @tobiramainprofile - fanfiction
Mission To Shimogakure - @detectivepoet - fanfiction
Brother Knows Best - @mantykora14 - fanfiction 
Hurt - @a-kid-named-hiro - fanfiction *
On The Battlefield
On The Battlefield - @kaiyaru-art - art
On The Battlefield - @fajeczki - art
On The Battlefield - @berry-doodles - art
To Drain The Whole Sea – @nebulawritesao3 - fanfiction
Watching Your Back - @kalira9 - fanfiction
Cold - @a-kid-named-hiro - fanfiction
We Walk Through The Fire - @shiranuigenma - fanfiction
You Won’t Do The Same - @tobi-drama – fanfiction
 Day 4
Gods AU - @fajeczki - art
Rain Soaked - @godaime-obito - fanfiction
Amor Aeternus - @ivysylph - fanfiction
Art for “Amor Aeternus” - @ivysylph - art
Fade To Bright - @raendown - fanfiction
Surprise Kiss - @sinyaru - art
Secrets Never To Be Told - @dahtwitchi - comic
Sparks of War - @kalira9 - fanfiction
Kitsune Tobirama - @mantykora14 - art
Ghost Tobirama - @its-amihan - art
XXXholic AU - @squidspawn - art
No One’s Gonna Take My Soul Away - @a-kid-named-hiro - fanfiction *
The Sensei Trap
The Sensei Trap - @tobiramainprofile - fanfiction
Hanging Around - @detectivepoet – art and fanfiction
The Set Up - @thatrandomnpc – fanfiction
Caught You - @nebulawritesao3 - fanfiction *
 Day 5
Time Travel
Rest With Me Until A Brighter Day - @blackkatmagick - fanfiction
Vision - @kalira9 - fanfiction
Change - @detectivepoet - fanfiction
Art for “Change” - @yupingsan - art
Second Chance - @sanxkei - art *
Turn Back The Clock - @thatrandomnpc - fanfiction *
Experimentation/Crazy Scientist
Bloody Scientists - @fajeczki - art
Unexpected Delay - @godaime-obito - fanfiction
The Ending - @ivysylph – fanfiction
Art the “The Ending” - @ivysylph - art
The Science Of Madness - @dahtwitchi – comic
No Sleep - @kaiyaru-art - comic
Oblivious Until Proven Stupid - @raendown - fanfiction
Family Bonding - @its-amihan - art
Tobirama the Fluff - @yupingsan - fanfiction
Always Wanted To Do That - @tobiramainprofile - fanfiction
Vision - @kalira9 - fanfiction
Sleepless - @mantykora14 – fanfiction
Awake and Unafraid - @a-kid-named-hiro - fanfiction *
 Day 6
To the victor go the spoils
Pray The Devil Will Save My Soul - @raendown - fanfiction
Prize - @kalira9 - fanfiction
Indecent Proposal - @mantykora14 - fanfiction
Dango Comic - @yupingsan - comic
Returned - @detectivepoet – art and fanfiction
Through My Soul Like A Hurricane Wind - @a-kid-named-hiro - fanfiction *
Today’s Limits (Tomorrow’s Victories) - @nebulawritesao3 - fanfiction *
To Believe, Or Not To Believe - @dahtwitchi - comic
Werewolf Boyfriends - @fajeczki - art
Reluctant Questing - @godaime-obito - fanfiction
The Wolf and The Wizard - @ivysylph - art
Werewolf Snuggling - @kaiyaru-art - art
Pray The Devil Will Save My Soul - @raendown - fanfiction
The Cursed Child And His Savior - @ivysylph - fanfiction
Supernatural AU - @tobiramainprofile – fanfiction
Meeting In The Middle - @kalira9 – fanfiction
No One Will Ever Know Our Names - @dimancheetoile - fanfiction
Unwind - @thatrandomnpc - fanfiction *
 Day 7
Role swap/clan swap
Behind Enemy Lines - @raendown - fanfiction
Under The Surface (Dig Deep Till It Bleeds) - @raendown – fanfiction
Clan Swap - @fajeczki - art
Free day
Psychological Abuse - @fineillsignup – art translation
Madara and Tobirama - @vivid-cosplay – cosplay
Kissing Scene - @ivysylph - art
Sweet Lies - @ivysylph - fanfiction
An End - @dahtwitchi - art
Late Night Revelations - @godaime-obito - fanfiction
Sense8 AU - @tobiramainprofile – fanfiction
Out Of Ideas - @yupingsan - comic
Happy Hugs - @its-amihan - art
Relaxing - @kalira9 - fanfiction
Morning Cuddles - @sinyaru - art 
pirates ahoy! - @mantykora14 - fanfiction *
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officerjennie · 5 years
Hmm, I am not sure if it bothers you to write stuff out of order but if it doesn't how about a future madatobi scene from Demon Child. Otherwise, random madatobi or izutobi soulmate prompt that may have caught your fancy but didn't get drawn.
Oooooo, do you know how tempted I am to write a scene for Demon Child? The only thing keeping me back is that these prompt fills are entirely unedited, and that’s a story I heavily edit :(
……fuck it have a nibble
The chill of night bit at his exposed skin. Madara buried his face further into his high collar, footsteps quickening as he felt the dangerous edge to the chakra he was all but rushing towards.
Something was wrong. Tobirama had been gone for days, and his mission slip (that Madara had felt less than zero shame for peeking at) had said to expect a day at the latest. A mission slip that hadn’t taken into account Tobirama’s skill, considering it’d originally been assigned to a lower ranking shinobi.
Hence his haste to get back home.
Pitch darkness was all that greeted him home. He shut his own door quietly behind him, nervous to disturb the silence that hung heavy in the house about him - the only sound other than his own breaths an arrhythmic drip drip.
Madara lit a candle waiting near the front door, fighting back the dark. Only a flicker of flame to guide his way left the room still chilled in the unknown, wondering what might have set his lover off and made his chakra feel so cold.
All he had was the drip drip to follow, leading him into the living room.
He recognized the smell of blood before he saw it.
Tobirama stood in the middle of the room, dripping red. White hair stained and clumped together, eyes distant as he stared at the wall, armor and fur and clothing and everything so wet and red Madara wasn’t certain there was an inch of him left not soaked through. His stomach turned at the small lumps of flesh hanging from him here and there, knowing at a first glance they weren’t his but-
His love took a sharp breath, shaking as he did. Blinked a few times, looking at Madara for a solid minute before he finally seemed to see him. And then Tobirama flinched, presence shrinking along with him as he hesitantly and ever so quietly asked:
“Are you…frightened of me?”
Madara had no such hesitations. He was at Tobirama’s side after only a breath, stroking his lover’s cheek with the back of his hand and not caring if the blood stained his glove.
“Let’s get you cleaned up, angel.”
Ko-Fi || Commissions
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malakia215 · 4 years
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This is a gift for @peppymint1986​- the FULL fic. I posted the first chapter in July but then life happened and I was able to finally get the rest of it out. I hope you enjoy Peppymint! It was very fun fic to work on!
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officerjennie · 5 years
Just letting you know I have triumphed over itchiness as well as writer's block and the one-shot inspired by Demon Child and the movie Balto is up. It is on my tumblr as well as part of my AO3 collection Children of War.
I want you to know that yesterday was a no good, awful, terrible, Very Bad day, and seeing this ask brightened it right up at the end. I read the short and loved it!!
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officerjennie · 4 years
I lost track of everyone who tagged me in this, but I’m gonna try to get you all: @a-boy-named-mike​ @raendown​ @tuliharja​ @louiserandom​ aaand I believe that’s it? Sorry if I missed anyone!
Reblog this with a gif or picture of two things or people hugging then tag as many people as you want so they get a hug today! (if you want, no pressure if you don’t ^^ )
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Am going to tag everyone who tagged me, as well as @ladynyoko​ @theintellectualweeb​ @historicfailure​ @kitsunekage88​ @kitsunesongs​ @writhingbeneathyou​ @peppymint1986​ - and anyone else who might like or need a hug :D
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officerjennie · 4 years
Spelling Bee Tag Meme
Tagged by @tuliharja and @a-boy-named-mike - thanks so much! :D
Rules: Spell your blog name without the letters in your name
Mine: oc (and for my main blog NallaZ, it'd be Z)
Tagging: @theintellectualweeb @historicfailure @kitsunekage88 @kitsunesongs @copyninken @asknotbug @peppymint1986 and anyone else who'd like to do this!
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