#made me mouth his fruiting body then said beam me up scotty
kinokoshoujoart · 5 months
i couldn’t find a video of this version so here’s Rock’s post engagement event if you choose the negative option for my own reference. please enjoy my framerate dropping to hell trying to record anything because of all my mods
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hummingbird-of-light · 9 months
Against All Odds
Part 871
McCoy sat heavily down on his bed. The room seemed very empty without Scotty in it. How was he supposed to sleep without his fiancé’s soft breath beside him, to settle him from the last excitement of the party and the anticipation of the wedding the next day? He flopped onto his back and stared at the ceiling.
If he yawned all through the ceremony the next day it was all the queen’s fault.
Slowly McCoy’s fingers undid his tie before he sat back up. With a sigh he unbuttoned the rest of his suit and laid it carefully across a chair. He headed for the bathroom to brush his teeth.
When he returned and pulled back the covers he noticed his PADD was blinking. He grinned. Mother hadn’t thought to stop them from messaging each other. He grabbed the device as he made himself comfortable in bed.
McCoy smiled as he opened the message from Scotty, but it faded quickly when he saw a certain name.
Scotty had received a message from the augment and had forwarded it on to McCoy. Sitting up tensely McCoy began to read.
He paused when he finished reading it, then went back and read it again.
Khan sounded like a completely different person. McCoy couldn’t help the wave of suspicion that rolled over him. They had been tricked by the augment before.
McCoy took a deep breath. He pushed away all the bad memories of Khan and remembered the moment before Captain Paris had beamed away with the augments. Khan hadn’t asked for forgiveness, he had just apologized. He’d meant it, and McCoy had believed him for once.
‘That was kind of him.‘
McCoy settled back against his pillows again, body relaxing from the burst of tension.
‘Yes. Unexpected. I miss you Len.‘
McCoy let out a soft chuckle. He missed Scotty too. He was just down the hall, why did it seem so far?
‘Miss you too. Sooner we sleep, sooner we’ll see each other tomorrow.‘
‘Aye. I love you Leonard.‘
‘I love you too Scotty.‘
Somehow, even with his racing and excited thoughts McCoy eventually fell asleep. He lay in bed the next morning dozing drowsily after he had slapped at the alarm. Finally he ran a hand across his face. A light ache was throbbing behind his eyes. Too many glasses of champagne the night before. He stretched then reached for the water on the bedside table.
A knock at the door forced him out of the bed. He opened it to find a staff member with a tray.
“Breakfast, your highness,” she said.
He opened the door wider to let her bring it in and arrange it on the table. McCoy rolled his eyes to himself. Wasn’t he allowed out of his own room? Was the queen so worried he and Scotty would see each other?
“Thank you,” he called as the girl left. She bowed and pulled the door shut.
“Fine. Whatever,” he said as he sat to eat. “Might as well enjoy it.”
He was a few bites in when another knock came on the door.
“Come in,” he called.
The king entered.
“Thought you might be lonely eating by yourself,” David smiled. “May I join you?”
McCoy nodded. “Sure, since it looks like Mother plans to keep me locked away until it’s time.”
David chuckled as he sat down across from McCoy. He popped a piece of fruit into his mouth.
“Your grandmother wouldn’t let me see your mother the day of our wedding either,” he said. “She was a stubborn woman.” Fondness was evident in the king’s voice. “I’m sure that’s where you get it.”
“Hey!” McCoy protested, but he smiled. David laughed.
“How are you feeling?” David asked when their laughter subsided.
McCoy thought for a moment as he ate. How did he feel? Excited! He couldn’t wait to marry Scotty.
Yet, there was nervousness mixed in too.
“Happy,” he finally said. “But anxious too, honestly.”
David smiled gently. “That’s very normal. And at least you don’t have the whole galaxy watching.”
Star above was McCoy grateful for that!
“Was it weird?” he asked.
“Very,” David answered solemnly. “I got to marry who I wanted, not someone chosen for me, but to know so many people were watching…Not just at the wedding, but all over…” David gestured above them. “It was a bit surreal. But to get to marry your mother, it was worth it.”
McCoy smiled at the boyish look on his father’s face. He knew what the king meant. McCoy would do anything if it meant he got to be with Scotty forever.
“Are you all packed?” David asked, changing the subject.
“Yes. We managed to get that done yesterday between everything. We’re ready to go as soon as the shuttle is ready tonight.”
“I’m very proud of you Leonard,” David said after another few moments of silence. “You’ve grown up quite a lot this last year and a half. You’ve chosen a very good partner and you’ve chosen an excellent path for your life.”
McCoy colored at his father’s words.
“Thank you,” he managed to get out.
Part 872
He still couldn't believe it when Scotty woke up. It was really there! The day of their wedding! His heart was racing at the thought of it.
From that day on, he would be able to call himself Leonard's husband. It still seemed so surreal.
However, he knew that the hours until the ceremony would pass horribly slow and it was an unbearable thought. Whatever was Scotty supposed to do with all that time?
The sound of someone knocking at his door surprised Scotty and for a moment he actually hoped that it was Leonard who had sneaked out of his room, but he was disappointed.
Instead of his fiancé, he found another familiar face in front of him when he opened the door.
"Granddad, good morning."
Alasdair was smiling gently at his grandson as he placed a hand on the young man's shoulder.
"Madainn mhath," he greeted him, then nodded at the room's inside, "may I come in?"
"A-aye, of course!"
Quickly Scotty stepped aside and allowed for his grandfather to enter the room, however, he peeked around the corner once again when he heard more steps coming closer.
"Good morning, Mr. Scott. The queen asked me to bring this to you."
It was a member of the staff. She was carrying a tray in her hands with various breakfast dishes.
"Oh, uhm, thank ye," Scotty said as he took the tray from the girl who looked quite surprised.
"Oh, I... I can arrange it for you properly," she stammered, but Scotty just shook his head with a smile.
"Don't worry about it, lassie. I'll take care of it myself. Thanks again."
With that he stepped back into the room and nodded the staff member goodbye. He closed the door with his foot and then placed the tray on the nearby table.
"I guess I'm not supposed to leave the room so that Leonard and I won't see each other?"
Scotty glanced over his shoulder to look at Alasdair who had sat down in an armchair. The old man shrugged.
"Aye, well, ye know the rules. They don't want ye to see each other and neither do they want ye too see the chaos going on downstairs."
Scotty couldn't help a soft chuckle.
"We already saw the chaos yesterday," he said, grabbing an apple, "what's different today?"
"It's yer big day and yer mothers want the two of ye to relax. No stress, no worries - just a perfect day."
Despite his urge to say that the day would be even more perfect if he were to spend all of it with Leonard, Scotty bit his tongue and instead took a bite of the apple. He sat back down on the bed and suppressed a sigh.
His smile faded a bit as he blinked slowly.
"Is... is it normal? To... to feel anxious, I mean."
His eyes met Alasdair's and the old man smiled gently. He gave him a nod.
"Aye. This day will change yer life forever. The world will never be the same starting today. But... trust me when I say that it's the best decision in yer whole life. To get to marry the person ye love and cherish most... is the greatest gift in this world."
Scotty could tell by the look on his grandfather's face that he was thinking about his late wife. And that he meant every word he said.
"Aye... it is."
They fell silent for a moment until Granddad nodded at the food.
"Now finish yer breakfast and then we'll take a look at the vow of yours."
Scotty tried his best not to choke on the bite he took when he heard the reason for Alasdair's visit.
The vow! How had he forgotten about the vow?!
"Ye already wrote it down, didn't ye?" Alasdair asked, narrowing his eyes suspiciously.
Scotty felt the blush on his cheeks. This was just so embarrassing.
"Let's just say... I'm glad we still have time."
It was just before noon when Scotty finally finished writing down the last words with his grandfather's help. He let out a heavy sigh.
"Thank ye, Granddad. Without yer help, I would have been lost."
Alasdair only nodded.
"Ye did good, laddie. I'm sure that Leonard will love it."
One glance at the clock made Scotty's stomach drop. Not much longer and he'd have to get dressed.
The time had come.
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