#madi and clarke
“if you go, i’ll stay, you come back, i’ll be right here” but it’s clarke griffin giving her life so that bellamy blake and all her friends could make it to space, surviving through sheer will, and calling him on a radio every single day for six years until he could return to her and the home she built for them all.
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black-dragon1998 · 4 months
Lone wolf Chapter 12
Summary: Clarke and Y/N resove their fight.
Notes: Trying to get back into writing for this story.
previous chapters: part 1- part 2- part 3- part 4- part 5- part 6- part 7- part 8 - part 9- part 10-part11
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Clarke quickly approached your joined tent, hoping you were there. When she only saw Lexa and Madi, her heart sank. Lexa could see the distress on Clarke's face as she neared the tent. What had happened, and where were you?
"Clarke, hodness. What happened?" It was hard for Lexa not to run to her distressed wife, but Lexa had an image to uphold in unfriendly territory. When Clarke was inside the safety of their tent, she couldn't hold back any longer, so she pulled Clarke close to her with the arm that wasn't holding Madi. Clarke couldn't stop her tears when she felt Lexa pull her closer, missing you.
"Lexa, I did something stupid." Clarke sobbed into Lexa's shoulder.
"It's okay, Clarke, I have you. Whatever happened, I'm sure we can talk about it." Lexa tried to reassure her wife. The three of you had had your arguments before, and they were usually resolved quickly.
"no, Lexa! You don't understand. I have never seen (Y/N) look at me like that."
"Clarke, sweetheart. Tell me what happened from the beginning. Cause you aren't making any sense." Lexa said while leading Clarke toward a chair so she could sit. Madi immediately hugged Clarke the moment she sat down.
"hugs, mommy. Mama says hugs make everything better." Madi looked up at Clarke with a toothy smile. Clarke managed to give a tear-filled smile back. You had been right. Had anyone else caused this commotion, Clarke wouldn't have thought twice about your reaction.
After a couple of deep breaths, Clarke got her breathing under control. She hugged Madi tightly. Lexa, who had watched Clarke run through all the emotions, sat beside her wife as Clarke told her story through hiccups and tears. Lexa listened. It wasn't Lexa's place to choose a side. She just wanted everybody to be safe at home again.
Lexa suggested giving you some time. That way, both you and Clarke could calm down. So when you return, both of you can have a calm conversation. If there was one thing Lexa knew for certain, you loved her and Clarke.
Madi, who hadn't understood the conversation her mothers had been having, just sat there. The thing Madi did understand was that her mommy was sad and that her mama was gone. Seeing her mommy so sad made Madi want to do something about it. Maybe if she found you, you could come and give Mommy your hugs. They always made her feel better.
Sneaking outside, Madi immediately went to the three who would help her. Winter, Rain and Wood were close to the tent and got up when they noticed Madi approaching them. For them, Madi was the pack's pup and needed protection.
"We have to find mama. Mommy sad." Madi walked into the woods, surrounded by the three dire wolves. The wolves immediately tried to locate the scent of their master and started to lead Madi in that direction.
You had cooled off a little after your argument with your wife. You weren't able to go back to the tent just yet. So, you sat on a log and reviewed your emotions and thoughts. You Weren't mad at Clarke. Your feelings got the best of you after a hard couple of days. You also knew Clarke was under much stress, and your clashes with Bellamy weren't helping.
Sitting there for a few minutes, you notice someone approaching you. You ready yourself for whatever it is that comes through the clearing.
"Madi?" Hearing your voice, Madi ran toward you and flung herself at you.
"mama! Found you." You looked her over for any injury she could have gotten while walking through the woods. When you didn't see anything, you looked her in the eyes.
"what are you doing here? Do Mommy or nomon know you are here?" you knew the answer already. No way would your wives let Madi walk through the woods alone. Madi, however, seemed to be concerned about other things.
"mama! Mommy, sad. Sorry. Needs you." Madi wiggled herself out of your hold and pulled you toward the camp. When you didn't follow, Madi looked up at you with a pretty impressive glare. Clarke would be so proud.
"mama! Mommy cried." That did break your heart. Lexa nor Clarke cried easily. Meaning she must be feeling pretty big emotions. Sucking up your feelings, you pick Madi up and start walking toward the rest of your family.
When Clarke spotted you walking toward her, she flings herself at you. She was starting to apologize profusely. You let her ramble for a moment while holding her close.
"It's okay, Clarke. We were both at fault. I shouldn't have let my temper get the best of me and should also have considered your feelings. I get more territorial around certain Skaikru." You kissed Clarke on the forehead before kissing her on the lips. You feel her sag against you and hold her closer. Out of the corner of your eyes, you spot Lexa smiling. Reaching out for her, Lexa picks up Madi and joins the embrace.
"I love the three of you so much." You confess. Having this rare moment of vulnerability reserved for your family.
You and Clarke eat dinner before taking a quick bath and turning in for the night. Agreeing that you would be taking a more back-seated role in the negotiations, limiting your contact with the Skaikru. Your best warriors would still shadow Lexa and Clarke. That was the only condition you had.
part 13
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clarke-griffinwanheda · 3 months
Clarke Griffin
Solitary Confinement Discussion
(It’s a rant, but let’s just call it a discussion)
Why does no one talk about Clarke being in solitary? Like, she was literally, as a 17 year old CHILD, but in the Sky Box in solitary for a year.
The United Nations' "Mandela Rules" prohibit placements in solitary beyond 15 consecutive days. Because, you know, that’s the humane treatment of prisoners. But Clarke. Clarke was in solitary confinement for a year. And not even because she committed some great crime and was psycho or anything. She was just traumatised because she saw her dad being killed, was told that she and everyone on the Ark was going to die, and she was shoved into a cell just for damage control.
And it’s literally never talked about. Other than the first episode, we see nothing of it. Not the ramifications or, you know, the major trauma. Which is actually insane because when she is finally let out, she doesn’t even have any time to process or properly adjust because she is being sent basically to her death. And then they released the ground was survivable.
Even after all of that, after being alone with nothing but her thoughts for so long, she stepped up. They landed on the ground, and she chose not only to try and help everyone, but to actively LEAD them.
But what’s worse? That wasn’t the only time. Clarke always ends up by herself. First in solitary, and then after Praimfaya, and then at the end of the show.
Yes, she had Madi, but… she was still alone for that first month. And as much as Madi was there, she was also a six year old child who needed Clarke. Clarke had no one she could actually talk to, or to help her. She was alone. As always, she was on her own with the responsibility and decisions she made. But also, Clarke has been a victim of hallucinations (after Finn’s death). It’s a very real possibility that until Skaikru and Diyoza’s crew came back, that she had to ask if Madi was even real.
After the Test, when literally every other person in the universe got to transcend, Clarke, yet again, is left to be alone. Because of course she is. That’s been her entire life. She has spent more of her adult by herself than with other people. And at the end, when she realised that she hasn’t lost everyone, she is also so goddamn relieved because for the first time, people stayed with her. She wasn’t alone.
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doortotomorrow · 11 months
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Clarke Griffin Appreciation Week 2023 Day Three : Color ( Autumn Gold )
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vmplvr1977 · 19 days
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Chapter 8 of It Takes as Long as It Takes is posted!!
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okmcintyre · 8 months
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The 100 + living vs. surviving
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kpforpresident · 5 months
Prompt idea! The first 300 words of an AU you've never written for before 👀
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Lexa’s left eye twitches irritability as she once again feels fat water droplets spray against her feet, interrupting the entirely pleasant nap she’d been having, where she and Ali Krieger had been having a tasteful yet romantic dinner somewhere in the French countryside. Sitting up and shoving her large sunglasses off her eyes with one annoyed swoop, she blinks against the suddenly bright rays of sun that crowd her vision.
It was the perfect pool day at  Polis’s community pool- bright, cerulean sky, a soft, warm breeze, and the temperatures teetering just under 90 degrees. Lexa had seized the chance to sunbathe and read for a few hours on her day off work, shut off her pager, and practically skipped down the street to get settled on a lounger, ready to sip ice water and read sapphic smut until her eyes crossed, all while solidifying her tan in the teeniest bikini she owned.
However, for the past thirty minutes, some little snotty-nosed kid (probably un-supervised and just itching to cause mischief), had been sporadically sending showers of water arching through the air to mist Lexa as she sat innocently in her perfectly positioned chair, placed specifically to get the maximum amount of afternoon sunshine possible. It’s not that Lexa didn’t like kids- she adored Raven and Anya’s adopted son, Aden, with every fiber of her being. However, random children in the general public? Lexa generally avoided them, finding them sticky, whiny, and rude.
Another scattered shower of chlorinated water doused her feet as she felt her patience waning rapidly. Standing up, she felt her eyebrows slide into a glower as she searched for the culprit. Seeing a dark-haired little girl pop up like a seal from the bottom of the pool, a bright smile stretching across her face as she triumphantly popped up, water frisbee in hand, Lexa leveled a finger at the kid, whose smile quickly vanished as she took in Lexa, towering over her on the pool deck, clad in a black swimsuit.
“It’s rude to splash strangers, you know-“ Lexa had begun to grumble indignantly to the little kid, eyes searching for the parent of this clear mischief maker, when the most beautiful woman Lexa had even laid eyes upon swam up beside the little girl, hosting her onto her hip and lovingly smoothing the wet hair out of her eyes before leveling a glare packed with the heat of a thousand suns onto a suddenly stunned Lexa-
“You scold my kid again, you’re going to get a lot more than a little bit of pool water on you, lady.”
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ryuto12randomstuff · 6 months
Never forget that Lexa telling Madi to tell Clarke life’s about more than just surviving, both of those memories
A. Come from right before Lexa first kissed Clarke “just tell her that and don’t mind that I made out with your mum”
B. “So I just fucked your mum, I’m now dying but anyway tell her”
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clarkgriffon · 2 years
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THE 100 + certainly not a bot tumblr description generator (insp)
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alannacouture · 5 months
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There’s always hope. You just have to look for it 🌧️ 🌈
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lexa-griffins · 4 months
Picture this cute image that is sure to bring tears to older moms Clarke and Lexa's face. Aden and Madi help their baby sisters learn how to walk by cooing at them and heaping tons of praise even when they fall down on their squishy diaper butts
Weekends used to always be busy. The kids were studying or hanging out with friends or busy with different practices. And Lexa and Clarke always had a million things to do around the house and outside of it.
But with the twins here they have settled more inside the house. The kids stay in for longer just to hang out with their baby sisters and with their moms' (they still make such a fuss even if Lexa is officially out of the post partum phase).
Its one of those days. Lexa and Clarke on the couch watching their four kids play together, little baby giggles filling the entire room as their older siblings play with them. Its a sweet moment, Lexa feels like her cheeks might be permanently stuck in a smile and Clarke keeps looking away to clean up a stubborn tear.
And then it just kind of happens. The youngest twin, held up by Madi, gets one shaky little leg in front of her. And then another. Madi, in half shock, half panic starts to almost yell "Mom mom mom mom mom LOOK!!!"
Clarke and Lexa are immediately jumping off the couch and on to the floor. Clarke is of course already sobbing while Lexa looks like she might burst with happiness ad they congratulate the tiny baby for her first steps.
"Hmm, mom?" Aden says, the oldest twin in front of him trying her darnest to get up just like her sister.
"You can do it baby!" Madi coos at her, the other twin still holding on to her hands as she stands.
"Be careful, slowly." Aden almost whispers, always the worried oldest brother, as his baby sister trues her best to find her balance.
They kind of expect the baby to run towards Lexa. But then she manages a few steps with cheering and she keeps on going until she crashes into her twin sister is a little baby hug, both almost falling as they giggle, Madi and Aden giggling with them afterwards.
There's a small moment then, when Lexa turns around to see Clarke's face red from crying. Her nose presses against her wife’s cheek, realizing now how all of the babies firsts will also be their moms' lasts as parents. Clarke wraps her arms around Lexa and kisses her temple, a quick moment between them before their attention is back on their babies, the twins now teying to get up once again at the same time as their older siblings beam with pride at them and encourage them to keep on trying their best 🥰
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okay but the 100 could have been so epic if s3 had covered that three month span after s2 and actually expanded on grounder culture and shown how arkadia formed - and then every so often it would cut to jaha doing stuff for alie, murphy trapped in his bunker and clarke just stalking through the woods, slowly losing it - and it could end with that rover scene because we deserved one season that ended on a happy note.
but THENNN an entire season could have also been spent on the six year time jump - which would give the characters much more time to develop and show how they all bonded together. imagine if we had a whole season to show clarke and madi growing close, to show clarke slowly adjust to how different everything is now and get used to being apart of a happy little family. imagine if we had a whole season to see octavia become blodreina, to watch each decision take its toll on her and see her go more and more dark until she makes a choice she doesn’t think she can come back from. imagine seeing spacekru adjust to being at peace for the first time ever, imagine them being a bunch of idiots doing random shit for fun because they have the time and the freedom for once.
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bellamyblake · 2 years
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Clarke Griffin Appreciation week
Day 2: Happiest moment-Clarke being with her family
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doortotomorrow · 11 months
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Clarke Griffin Appreciation Week 2023 Day Two : Favourite Underrated Friendship
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vmplvr1977 · 25 days
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Chapter 26 of Whims/Winds of Fate/ Destiny is posted!!!
Most couples have a quaint tale of how their relationship began. A meet-cute, of sorts, where two people destined to be together, whether as friends or lovers, share a random moment that changes everything. Usually, it is bumping into a stranger and spilling a drink all over their new shirt. Or two people who pass each other only moments apart at the same coffee shop for years before fate finally intervenes.
Clarke's first meeting with Lexa was nothing like the movies. Nor was it a tale to share with friends and family without extensive revisions. Still, it was clear that destiny had brought them together.
A serial killer is on the loose, and the bodies left behind suggest a vampire is the culprit. Hoping to avoid a war with Heda's vampires, Abby sends Clarke to investigate, resulting in a fateful meeting. Following their steamy introduction, Clarke can't get the Vampire Queen out of her mind. Once known for being a player, the alpha ignores all potential paramours, hoping to win Heda's heart as fate forces them together to hunt a murderer.
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okmcintyre · 2 years
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The 100 fam + 'so much for...'
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