#madoc is a loser sorry
starrynightsxo · 6 months
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madoc annoyed that night because he didn't think of the idea to "consume small doses of poison to build tolerance so poisoning one's enemy would leave no room for failure" first
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thewickedkings · 3 years
Between the Two of Us ~ Chapter 10
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Summary:  Jurdan High school AU. Rivals Jude and Cardan are forced to partner up  for a history project, and drama ensues. Filled with banter, pranks, an unhealthy amount of pining, and Jude being clueless as usual.
Trigger Warnings: Mild cursing. Please let me know if there’s anything I missed!
A/N: This chapter is even longer than the last one, at 4k words. Also, you’re welcome in advance.
That Sunday was one of the busiest at the café. Students were streaming in to work on all their assignments before Thanksgiving break, and by the time they caught a break, Jude was out of breath.
“Damn, I don’t think it’s ever been this busy,” Lili said, wiping her forehead.
“No wonder no one else wanted this shift.”
Lili groaned. “I have to go home and write not two, but three essays. I know I shouldn’t have procrastinated, but it was my birthday week.”
“I’ll help you edit them if you want,” Jude offered. For some reason, she actually enjoyed editing essays, and Lili had definitely taken advantage of that in the past. “And you know it’s called birthday, not birth week,” Jude snarked.
“Shut up, Ms. I-made-googly-eyes-with-Cardan-all-night.”
“I did not.”
“Yes you did. Now please tell me what happened, because I know something did. The sexual tension when you guys came back down was disgusting.”
Thankfully, Jude was saved by a customer who had walked in. But Lili was stubborn, and after Jude took her order, she pressed, “Nope. Spill.”
Jude grimaced before recounting the incident, which she now referred to in her head as ‘the bathroom incident.’
Lili gasped comically. “Oh my God. Cardan has more game than I expected. Kissing your thumb after band aiding it? Hold on.” She called out the customer’s name, leaving the drink on the counter, before returning. “Damn, that’s smooth.”
Jude groaned. “I know.”
“Wait, did anything happen when he drove you home?”
Jude blushed even more as she remembered the drive. They had been bickering as usual, as if that could stop them both from thinking about the increasing tension between them.      
And then the silence they’d both been avoiding like cowards descended. The painful, awkward as hell silence.
By the time they got to her house, Jude was anxious to get out of the car. She reached for the door handle right as Cardan spoke, staring straight ahead. “So we’re really not going to talk about it?”
She froze, not expecting them to address it. “Talk about what?”
“Cardan,” she mimicked, and he rolled his eyes.
“Fine then.” He pushed his door open at the same time as Jude.
“What are you doing?” “Walking you to your door.”
“I can walk to my door by myself.” Her foot caught on the edge of the sidewalk, and she’d stumbled before righting herself.
“Righttt,” Cardan drawled and followed her up the sidewalk.
She ignored him, pulling out her keys and unlocking the front door. “Okay, you can go now, loser.”
“Weirdo,” Cardan said.
“You’re a weirdo.”
Cardan snickered. “Nice comeback.”
“Shut up.” She felt his gaze on her back and was thankful for the dark, because she was blushing for no reason.
“You shut up.”
They both snickered like the immature idiots they were, and Jude knew she had steered clear of the conversation for now.
When Cardan reached his car, he hollered. “We’re going to talk about it.”
“There’s nothing to talk about,” she hollered right back.
Cardan just grinned. “See you tomorrow, Duarte.”
Her expression must have been doing something weird at the memory, because Lili snorted. “You’re in deep shit.”
“What am I supposed to do?”
“Um, maybe first off, actually admit you like him?”
“I do not.”
The Bomb raised her eyebrows.
Jude groaned. “I can’t like him. Not him of all people.”
“But you doooo,” the Bomb sing songed. “You and Cardan are in-”
“Lili, I will not help you edit your essay if you don’t shut up right now.”
She went silent immediately. “That’s just cruel.”
Jude grinned. “So… how’s Van?”
Lili glared. “You’re not subtle at all.”
“I wasn’t trying to be.”
She wiped down the counter, silent for a beat before she sighed. “Fine. He’s just- I think I need to move on.” Jude opened her mouth to interrupt, but the Bomb continued. “I know what you’re thinking. Yeah, I think he likes me like that, but I don’t know… he’s always so skittish when I try to take things further. And I don’t want to ruin things between us.”
Jude knew there was more to the story, but before she could say anything, a group of girls entered the café, and Jude had to take their orders. She dismissed it, figuring she’d bring it up later.
Jude didn’t see Cardan at school the next two days. Meeting her college application deadlines took up most of her time, and before she knew it, it was Thanksgiving Break. Vivi came home from college, and suddenly their house was much more lively than usual.
Before Thanksgiving dinner, Vivi stomped into Jude’s room and shut the door behind her. “I know I haven’t visited much, but what’s going on between you and Taryn?”
Jude pulled out her headphones from her ears. “Why don’t you ask her?”
“That’s what she said too!”
“Viv, just leave it.”
“Well, you’re going to have to figure it out, because even Oak’s annoyed at this point.”
“He is?”
“You are all idiots,” Vivi mumbled on her way out of the room, before popping back in. “Oh, by the way, I think your mac n cheese is burning.”
“Shit! Why didn’t you say that first?”
Throughout dinner, Vivi proceeded to force Jude and Taryn into conversation. The ease at which Vivi slipped back into their dynamic was uncanny after so many months away, but Jude supposed that was the way with family.
Madoc and Oriana carried the turkey to the table while Jude prepared for the grand reveal. Oak bounced in his seat in anticipation of what had becomes Jude Thanksgiving tradition. When Jude pulled back the foil to reveal her mac n cheese, it looked perfectly fine. Except for unmistakably charred edges
Taryn snorted. “It’s definitely better than last year’s.”
Jude cracked a grin. Maybe there was something to say about Thanksgiving in bringing the family together.
Jude spent the end of the break hanging out with Lili, Van, and Garrett. The weird energy between Lili and Van was palpable, and Jude instinctively looked for Cardan to raise her eyebrows at before realizing he wasn’t there. Cardan had texted that he was busy with family stuff on the group chat, and Jude couldn’t help but wonder if he was avoiding her. Logically, she knew she was being self-centered and he probably was busy, but the thought stung more than it should have.
Monday came far too quickly, and Jude rubbed her eyes as she walked to her first class, bumping into the last person she expected to see: Locke. For the past few weeks, she’d been messing with him, but not too obviously that he would suspect she knew about what he did. Her revenge plan was still brewing, but until then, she could have some fun.
She and Lili made a game out of replying to his texts with the weirdest responses, just to see how much he could take. Her favorite was when she had ‘accidentally’ sent him a picture of two tampon boxes, asking which one she should get. When he had responded with a ‘whichever one fits??’ Jude had exploded with laughter before clarifying that it wasn’t meant for him, except that it definitely was.
When she’d asked him if he wanted to come to dinner to meet her sister and her parents, with an emphasis on her dad, he had avoided her for the next two weeks.
Which made it even harder to control her laugh when his face paled when he saw her. “Sorry, I’d better get going. I’m going to be late.”
“Right. Let me know if you can make it to dinner. My dad really wants to meet you.”
Locke practically tripped as he ran away from her.
“Damn, Duarte, what did you say to scare him?” Cardan’s familiar voice drawled out from behind her, and a grin escaped her lips, a small part of her relieved that he sought her out. She hadn’t realized how ingrained he was into her routine until she hadn’t seen him for a week.
His pace matched with hers until they were walking side by side, falling into their familiar groove.
“Just mentioned how much my dad wanted to meet him for dinner.”
Cardan grinned and handed her a cup full of coffee.
“What’s this for?”
He rolled his eyes. “Don’t worry. It’s black. I don’t know why you would willingly drink that, but you do you.”
“Yes, okay, but why’d you get me coffee?”
“Consider it me paying you back for accidentally spilling your coffee that one time.”
“Accidentally, my ass.” She frowned at her cup. “It’s not poisoned is it?”
“Fine. If you don’t want it, I’ll find some other psychopath who likes black coffee.”
Jude hugged her coffee protectively to her chest. “No. Mine.”
“I figured. Also, we need to finish our project. It’s due…“
“Next week, I know,” Jude cut off. “We still haven’t bought a poster.”
Cardan groaned. “We should have gotten one from Dollar Tree.”
“Well maybe you could’ve gotten that instead of a tiara,” she said, grinning up at him as they stopped in front of her class.
Cardan rolled his eyes. “So are you free Thursday night?”
“Yeah. Text me when later.”
“Good. We’ll talk then,” he said, with an extra emphasis on the word talk. His eyes dropped shamelessly to her lips, long enough that it was anything but unintentional, before he smirked and strode away.
Jude called after him, unwilling to let him get the last word. “About the project!”
“Of course. What did you think I was talking about?” He disappeared before she could respond.
Kissing. She was thinking about kissing him. Ugh.
She grumbled angrily to herself as she placed her bag next to her desk. When she caught Taryn staring at her, she snapped, “What?”
Taryn opened her mouth to speak, but the bell interrupted her. “Nothing.”
After soccer practice on Thursday, Jude went home to take a shower. While blow drying her hair she texted Cardan to figure out when they were meeting up. He immediately responded with ‘can’t do my place,” and Jude frowned. After a couple messages, they ended up deciding to go to the library at Cardan’s suggestion.
Oak was throwing a fit over something or another as she headed out the door, and Oriana paused their argument to place a hand on Jude’s shoulder. “Heading out?” It wasn’t in an overbearing tone, just gentle.
“Yeah. To the library.” Jude hesitated, battling the urge to say something more. Oriana might not have been her real mother, but Jude realized what a blessing it was to have someone that checked up on her and cared the way Oriana did. She swallowed and said, “I’ll be back soon,” and headed out.
By the time she got to the library, Cardan had already texted that he was there. Seconds after she turned off her car, a knock sounded on her window, and she nearly jumped out of her skin. Cardan grinned sheepishly when she opened her door. “Sorry.”
She shrugged it off and handed him the poster she from the passenger seat. She glanced around the parking lot for his car. “Where’s your car?”
“I walked.” At the shock on her face, Cardan added, “Don’t look at me like that. Just because we live in a suburb doesn’t mean I have to drive everywhere. Plus, it’s only a fifteen minute walk.”
“Okay, but… car. Fast. Walk. Slow.”
Cardan rolled his eyes and tugged her wrist impatiently. “Come on, let’s go inside.”
They walked through the archway that opened up into the entry area of the library, ‘welcome’ inscribed into the stone. The wall behind the front desk was patterned with hexagons of different pastel colors, and the librarian behind the desk gave them a friendly smile. Her dark brown hair was tied up into a ponytail, strands of gray beginning to appear.
“Cardan, nice to see you. I see you’ve brought a friend,” she said to Cardan. Her honey-colored eyes glanced at Jude with curiosity.
“Um, yeah. Mel, this is Jude. We’re doing a project together.”
Jude introduced herself, trying to hide her own curiosity.
Mel smiled at Jude warmly. “It’s nice to meet one of Cardan’s friends.” Turning to Cardan, she added, “The back room is empty, if you two want to head there.”
Cardan thanked her and gestured Jude to follow him. They passed the kid’s section, which was littered with bright signs and seating, and when they were out of hearing distance, Jude asked. “So… you come here a lot?”
“Um, I guess. I came a lot when I was a kid, so sometimes I stop by.” The tips of his ears turned pink, and damn, Jude felt something squeeze in her chest at the sight.
His head jerked up at her response, and whatever he saw in her expression had him reaching for her hand and twining their fingers together. He tugged her hand, and she followed him through the stacks, the only sound their footsteps and the comforting hum of the library.
She grinned at the floor. This boy never ceased to surprise her.
They stopped in front of a room divided from the rest of the library by a wall of glass, and Cardan pushed open the door. The opposite end of the room was also completely glass, and the window looked out over the lake behind the library. A table with four chairs was on the left, and a cozy armchair sat on the right.
Cardan let go of her hand, and she ached to pull it back to hers, feel the warm callouses of his palm against hers. Instead she put the poster on the table and pulled out her laptop. “This is nice. I’m surprised no one else took it.”
“Mel saves it for me sometimes.”
Jude snorted. “You really do charm everyone, don’t you?”
Cardan sat down across her, humming in agreement. “It’s only a matter of time before I charm you too.”
“Keep waiting.”
Cardan kicked her leg under the table, and she bit back a smile. If his leg stayed there, pressed against the side of hers while they worked, neither of them mentioned it.
“Not bad, if I do say so myself,” Jude said, as she looked down at their poster. Yes, it did feel like a fifth grade science fair project, but Jude was still proud of it. Something about cutting and gluing things together made it seem so much more satisfying.
“Not bad? This is fucking gorgeous.” Cardan pushed his curls off his forehead, his silver rings catching the light. Jude’s brain automatically snagged on how unfair it was that guys could have such attractive hands. Like how did that even make sense?
Her gaze caught on them now, eyes tracing the veins and the flex of his fingers where they tapped against the edge of the table. She’d noticed that Cardan always seemed to fidget with his hands, unable to keep them unoccupied.
“Hm?” She pushed her thoughts away and tried to focus. “Yes, gorgeous,” she agreed.
He gave her a strange look, and she felt a flush creeping up her neck. She started hastily picking up the scraps of paper and tidying up the table. When she dared to meet his gaze, he looked like he was battling himself with something.
“What’s up with you and Locke?” Cardan blurted a few seconds later.
“What do you mean?”
This time, his words were a little more deliberate. “I know you’re messing with him, but does he think you’re… dating?”
“I don’t know. We only went on one date, and I pretty much scared him off when I mentioned my dad.” She shrugged, confused as to why he was bringing up Locke. “Does it matter?”
His hand stilled. “I guess not.”
Silently, the two of them worked until they had finished gluing on all the information. They cleared up the excess papers and started cleaning up.
“So when are you going to break it off with him?”
“Well, I was planning to do a whole revenge prank thing, but I haven’t fully planned it out yet,” she said contemplatively, scraping off the dried glue from her fingers.
When she looked up, Cardan was looking at her with a devious smile. “What?”
“I have an idea.”
The sky was dark when they arrived at the grocery store. As they placed their items on the counter to check out, the cashier gave them a strange look. Jude simply smiled and said, “Isn’t it such a wonderful night?”
At Cardan’s direction, Jude drove to a neighborhood a few minutes from Cardan’s, and they parked in a darkened spot on the side of the street.
Jude’s nerves thrummed in anticipation. She hadn’t been this excited in so long, probably since the last time she had pranked Cardan. She had to admit that scheming with someone made it all the more fun.
Cardan pulled on a black sweatshirt, and his eyes met hers as he pulled up the hood to cover his curls. The wicked grin he sent her made her stomach squeeze.
“You take the right, and I’ll cover the left?”
She nodded, and silently opened the door and stepped out as Cardan did the same.
They crouched on the sidewalk next to some trees and silently made their way towards the lone house at the end of the street. Thankfully, Locke’s car was parked out front. They hadn’t exactly planned for it if his car had been in the garage.
A car door slammed across the street and Jude looked at Cardan. “Where-”
He clapped his hand over her mouth before she could finish, and he pointed across the street. A car was reversing out of the house next to Locke’s, its headlights nearly passing over them. Her heart beat furiously against her chest.
The car drove away, and Cardan suddenly dropped his hand from her mouth. Her lips burned from the ghost of his hand, and her heart sped up for a completely different reason.
“That was close,” she whispered breathlessly, and Cardan nodded, his eyes darting away from hers.
They crept up his driveway, and Cardan passed her three rolls of plastic wrap from his backpack. Slowly, Jude unfurled the plastic wrap, and pushed it over the top of his car until Cardan caught it. He wrapped it over his side before rolling it under the car back to Jude. She hadn’t realized how painstaking the process would be, but they kept at it. The sound of the unfurling wrap seemed too loud against the silent night.
Twenty long minutes later, Jude passed the last of the last of the final roll of wrap to Cardan. She waited for Cardan to secure it into place, shifting impatiently on the balls of her feet.
A gentle whirring sound cut through the night, and Jude’s eyes flew to Cardan, who was tip-toeing back towards her from around the car.
“Run,” he whispered urgently.
She grabbed Cardan’s backpack from the ground right as a spray of water hit her arm, drenching her and the side of the car. She glanced behind her and almost laughed, realizing the sprinklers had turned on, not some sort of security device like she had thought in her panic.  
Cardan looked at her, his eyes glinting with laughter. “Come on, let’s go.”
She grabbed his hand and pulled him with her.
They ran across the sidewalk like criminals fleeing from a crime scene, narrowly avoiding the sprinklers, and Jude felt giggles breaking out of her chest. Her heart pounded against her chest, her breath coming out in pants. The cold water pressed into the skin of her arm, a sharp contrast to the warmth of Cardan’s hand in hers.
They ran all the way back to her car, and they finally stopped to catch their breath. Jude leaned back into the car, panting, her hands braced on her chest to hold her heart in.
Her eyes met Cardan’s, who was panting as if he had just been in a police chase, and a giggle escaped her mouth. And then another. And then both of them were laughing like maniacs.
“Who the fuck-” she laughed, “turns on their sprinklers-” another fit of giggles overtook her. “-at midnight?”
Cardan laughed harder, leaning into her, a palm bracing himself on the car behind her. “Your face,” he wheezed, “when the sprinklers turned on-”
She could barely breathe in. “The way you said run, oh my god.” She broke into another fit of uncontrollable laughter, clutching her stomach. Cardan wiped tears from his eyes as he tried to regain his composure.
Eventually, Jude’s laughter slowed. The sound of crickets chirping and cars whizzing by on the street behind the neighborhood settled into the air as they caught their breaths. Jude leaned back against the car, tipping her head back up to the night sky.
Cardan was still leaning into her, the moonlight casting a faint glow over his face. When she met his eyes, his lips tipped up in a little smile that sent warmth to her stomach.
With a will of its own, her hand reached up to push back his hoodie, cradling his jaw, and he swallowed, his expression sobering.
A breeze blew over them, lifted a strand of her hair from her face. Her heartbeat thudded against her chest, a different type of adrenaline shooting through her body as his eyes darted to her lips.
In an unspoken agreement, Jude leaned up, and Cardan’s head bent down to reach hers.
Their lips brushed hesitantly, a barely-there kiss, before Cardan pulled back slightly.
Oh. Oh.
“Jude.” His voice was hoarse, a question, a plea exhaled across her lips, and she silenced it with her mouth.
Their resolve snapped, and Cardan’s hand slipped to cradle the back of her head as his head dipped and his lips pressed into hers, again and again and again, warm and soft and desperate. Jude buried her hands in his hair, pulling him closer, until she was pressed against the car, his forearms caging her in.
She had never been kissed like this.
It felt as though they were running past the sprinklers again, a rush of adrenaline running through her body. Her lips parted under his, and he made a noise in the back of his throat that set her blood on fire. Her thoughts fizzled into nothing, everything except the two of them fading away.
When they pulled back for air, Cardan’s lips were swollen, and both of them were panting. He rested his forehead against hers, one hand still tangled in her hair, and Jude‘s eyes finally fluttered open.
“That,” Cardan rasped, “was worth waiting for.”
“Shut up.” Her voice was a little too breathless for her liking.
“Jude, Jude, Jude,” he murmured as he nuzzled the side of her face, and she felt goosebumps erupt on her arm. “Now you know exactly how to make me shut up.”
“Oh?” She tilted her head, barely close enough for another kiss, before shoving him back, hoping distance would help her regain her composure. “You wish. There are other ways to shut you up.”
He stumbled back with a breathless laugh. “I do wish.” He glanced around at the street, as if just remembering where they were. “We should probably go.”
“We should. Wouldn’t want to get caught.”
“Okay, right.” His hands spazzed at his side for a moment before he spurred into motion, opening her door for her with a roguish grin.
Jude didn’t exactly know what she was getting herself into, but she couldn’t bring herself to put an end to it.
A/N:  And there you have it, the scene that inspired this whole thing. It’s the first scene I even wrote, and everything else was just fun to write to lead up to it. I was about to cut this chapter off before the last scene, but I decided to keep it in because it takes me forever to update. Like I said at the beginning, you’re welcome 😌  I hope it’s as good as it was in my head 😭
Okay, but the fact that this is the tenth chapter and people are still reading?!! Thank you all so much for reading this and supporting this!! I probably would have abandoned this if not for you <3
As usual, let me know what you think in the comments!! Reblogs are appreciated :)
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