royalight · 5 months
Send Smash or Pass + a name and my muse will say if they would smash or pass on that person.
@madrites asked: smash or pass shrek
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"I'd   hate   to   harm   my   dearest   ogre    ....    it   also   seems   impossible   to   smash   him   ...       he   is   big   a   strong   and   manly   .....    so....   pass!"
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sacredflorist · 18 days
✿  for relationship meme oooooh
Pre-Established Relationship Meme 2.0 | Accepting | @madrites
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send me a  ✿  and i’ll fill out the template below. bold for things i could definitely see or want, italics for things i could see or am unsure of and striked out for things i don’t want or cannot see.
FRIENDSHIP.     childhood friends  /  work buddies or coworkers  /  family friends  /  friends with benefits  /  smoking buddies  /  adventure buddies  /  fake friends  /  recently friends  /  party buddies  /  friendship of need  /  dying friendship  /  circumstantial friendship  /  partners in crime  /  old friendship  /  [ your muse ] is the good influence  /  [ your muse ] is the bad influence  /  [ my muse ] is the good influence  /  [ my muse ] is the bad influence  /  opposites attract  /  ride or die  /  frenemies  /  roommates or flatmates  /  penpals  /  exes to friends  /  enemies to friends  /  other
ROMANCE.     childhood sweethearts  /  [ your muse is mines ] childhood crush  /  [ my muse is yours ] childhood crush  /  exes  /  exes to lovers  /  forbidden lovers  /  highschool sweethearts  /  secret relationship  /  opposites attract  /  long distance  /  unrequited [ from your muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from my muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from both sides ]  /  skinny love  /  friends to lovers  /  enemies to lovers  /  spurious relationship  /  power couple  /  newly entered  /  soulmates [ metaphorical ]  /  soulmates  [ literal ]  /  awkward  /  turning toxic  /  toxic love  /  cheating [ on your muse ]  /  cheating [ with your muse ]  /  other 
FAMILIAL.     siblings [ half ]  /  siblings [ step ]  /  [ my muse ] is an older sibling figure to your younger sibling figure  /  [ my muse ] is a younger sibling figure to your older sibling figure muse  /  [ my muse ] is a parental figure to yours  /  [ my muse ] is a child figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal guardian  /  adoptive child  /  foster child  /  [ your muse ] is taken under mines wing  /  [ my muse ] is taken under yours wing  /  other
ANTAGONISTIC.     dangerous to each other  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into sexual or romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of off circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based off misunderstanding or lies  /  conflict of ideology  /  betrayal  /  hero - villain dynamic  /  enemies  /  fight club  /  friends turned enemies  /  lovers turned enemies  /  exes turned enemies  /  other 
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flamesofrebirths · 6 months
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He reminds me of Clive...
"I met Prince Dion of Sanbreque today. He's a Dominant like me, the Dominant of Bahamut. However, he is much stronger than I am. I can feel it. I wish I could be more like him. I know he's older than me. People tell me all the time that I should not be this hard on myself. But Prince Dion... he seems confident with his powers, and he's not sick like me. He's much more similar to Clive. That proves once again that Clive should have been the Dominant of the Phoenix instead of me."
Mother is at his side...
"Now that Mother has married the Emperor of Sanbreque, she is officially part of the family, which means she is at Prince Dion's side. I wonder how she with him... I can not forget how she was with Clive. But with me, she has always been kind. Hopefully, this is the same with Prince Dion. I really hope he is doing well. He probably thinks I am dead now. Just like everyone else."
I trust him...
"She will never admit it to me, but I can tell Jote is not at ease since I have spoken about Prince Dion. I think he would be a great ally against Ultima. I have not seen him in years, but I heard about him, and I know he cares for his people. He wants to make this world a better place, so I know he will be against Ultima. The Undying has always pressured me, but I know I need allies. My health is terrible, and it is worst since I have trapped Ultima instead my chest. I know I can count on Prince Dion, Clive and Jill for what is to come."
He came back to help us...
"I worried so much about Dion in the past weeks. No one knew where he was. He left the Hideaway without saying anything. I know he's blaming himself for what happened in Sanbreque, but I know what it is to lose control. I still have nightmares about it. But I am working hard for all of Valisthea, and I know Dion could do the same. I truly felt relieved when he came back to help us. He has chosen to help us. I knew I could trust him. Maybe we have our chances to survive that last battle against Ultima."
I wish him the best...
"We survived, but Dion is still badly injured. I wish I could do more to help him. Tarja is helping a lot. I am glad he came back to the Hideaway. Dion is brother to all of us, especially after all we have been through. We still have not discussed much about what we want to do now that Ultima is behind us, but I truly wish him the best. He deserves it. And I hope we will work together again... on something less dangerous."
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exturk · 3 months
Shipping Call - Send me one if you want to plot one or more of these | accepting.
@madrites asked: 💛 💚 enemies to friends maybeee
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💛 - hateship ( enemies )
💚 - friendship
.GASP........ I love plots like this ..... if you.. wanna discuss.... WAGGLES BROWS FURIOUSLY
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ofengineers · 5 months
✏️here too, hehe
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Mid: I'm at a loss for words! Dion: Despite being ‘at a loss for words’, Mid yelled at me for the next 45 minutes.
Dion: You’re giving me a sticker? Mid: Not just a sticker. That is a sticker of a kitty saying “me-wow!” Dion: I’m not a preschooler. Mid: Fine, I’ll take it back- Dion: I earned this, back off!
Dion: Mint is just cold spicy. The Squad: ... Mid: What the actual fuck is wrong with you.
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alyssium · 5 months
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❝ —— i've been really good today dion, i promise ! i did all my chores and got ready all by myself. ask heloise, she will tell you. so now can you join me for tea time ? ❞ she's been waiting for you all day, the kettle is already cold @madrites
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opyre · 6 months
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“ i’ve been searching for a way to conquer the darkness within me . ” ⸻ @madrites .
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darkness . a curtain charred to ash , a desolation that blankets them from the light of the sun , the guidance of the stars . before him stands a man who speaks in some purgatorial contradiction that exists between the planes of hope & hopelessness . his heart drowns with the weight the prince carries . yet poise never strays too far without a bout of overwhelming homesickness , & heartfelt eyes attempt to meet with the man's own wandering sights ( seemingly weaved together with far - off thoughts & mournful past , however recent ) , to no avail .
regrets sit at the window sill like dusty sentiments , aching for some healing touch , begging to be held . they knock at consciouness' forefront from a castle's hallways that wind down mind's maps , & self - resentment comes at a cost so sickeningly great , yet shared in plenty with them both . guilt weighs heavy with every breath he draws , wrought with the condemnation of self , for if there were not a chance to warn dion of the upcoming threat , by the gods , he should have made one . now , how many have suffered . . . again . again . again . a cyclic pattern that refuses to touch hands with demise .
still , there is that wayward light that keeps one foot forward in some fantastical twist of grace & he would do all to aid in what goals would be set beside . ❛ dion . ❜ his name alone , awash with weighted sincerity , as joshua's hand finds a place upon the other's shoulder . his tone fades to something contemplative as he continues , bittersweetly wistful , ❛ the darkness in us thrives most oft when we give it power . . . to conquer it is a feat left unfinished , yet , learning to walk alongside it , to balance it with the light in our lives . . . well , in all honesty , i've found it quite difficult . . . and , i might presume you feel the same . but in order to understand it , you must learn of its motives , where it nests , and where it thrives . i suppose we start there . together , if you would have me at your side . ❜
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eikonbound · 6 months
This was what Terence had signed up for -- the chaos, the violence. The blood and threat of death undermining his every effort to heal -- had he not?
Yet his morale was something that came and went depending on the state of the battlefield. The Dragoons hadn't been his first choice in where to enlist as a medic but they were the ones in the greatest need.
They also had the largest coffers, and Terence wasn't in a position to be passing up on gil.
Terence had studied medicine tirelessly ever since he realized his talent in the discipline. It was something he originally planned to practice on a smaller scale -- broken bones, stitching wounds, pain relief, and what little treatment existed for the petrification bearers suffered. There were more advanced forms of medical Magitech available, many of them found in Sanbreque's armed forces, though Terence often forwent that route in favor of more traditional methods.
He was quickly learning that keeping the Dragoons alive through the war would require far more than the old forms of medicine he preferred. Terence was loathe to admit that Magitech was a necessity for many injuries on the frontline: deep wounds, severe burns, fractured limbs, bleeds that refused to clot -- if left to fester, their soldiers would drop like flies. What couldn't be cured could still be mended and that was the difference between life and death. Regardless of how discomfited Terence was with the approach, his job was to keep everyone alive, whatever it took.
It was during a particularly stressful moment that Terence heard his name being yelled out, the tone urgent. His heart began to pound as he ran towards the call. But he was struck silent, frozen in his steps at what lay before him.
"I--" he stammered, the sight of the Prince with blood spattered on his uniform erasing proper protocol from memory. It hardly mattered in comparison to the current moment so he didn't waste time bowing to Prince Dion, instead hurrying to his side. "Your Highness, my name is Terence. I'm a medic and I'm here to help you," he stated, checking first to see if the Prince was fully alert. From there he worked to determine where the blood was coming from, as it seemed to be trailing along his right side.
Terence did his best to toe the line between peeling off pieces of fabric from his side to reach it quickly, but not so fast as to harm the Prince even more. He hadn't even found the injury yet when he saw mottled flesh climbing along the Prince's arm, a steady creep of it from forearm to elbow. The discoloration and texture were so much worse than any petrification Terence had seen before. His stomach turned at the thought of how the damage had come to be so horrible.
How high was the cost of turning oneself into an Eikon? How much of one's body had to be sacrifice to do it? The severity of the curse on him angered and saddened Terence but he fought hard not to show emotion. "Can you tell me where you feel pain? Don't try to move, only tell me. I'm assessing your wounds," he informed him, hoping to set his mind at ease as much as possible.
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braskide · 11 months
yuna? receives a soft forehead kiss from dion. she works so hard.
yuna has not given it much thought — by it we mean herself; how can one be so absorbed to leave all of this & more behind? perhaps, an after thought. days have slipped away with a certain amount of tasks on her sleeves, yet her arm has always been interlinked with dion's through all. even when they both had to part ways, prestablished plans requiring they attend to their own duties without the presence of the other, she would bid him goodbye with a hopeful curve of her lips, and he would gift her the strength necessary to continue the making of her path with a simple knowing gaze. ( are you sure? never have i been more before. ) somehow, they had learned to make out a secret language that only had meaning along their lines; if old yevon's maesters were to know such a thing was in place in the walls of bevelle, that two of the most influential figures at present would giggle behind the absurdity of old traditions, what would they say? after all, they have been regarded as unworthy already — him with his good heart, kinder than his maker.
in truth, yuna prefers to leave that in the past, where it might rightfully belong. would dion understand? he was there, in and out of it, only catching scorches of each other when fate would allow it, yet she cannot forget. today, she sits next to dion and dares not look back ( then when his hand was kind, healing of something he had not broken ). they sit close, as trusted allies do, careful of each other's attention, yet busy with tackling yet another task that requires their undivided attention. it's a matter of simply doing, to keep on going even while the body requires rest. she's tired and he can tell, can't he? does it show in the lines of her features as she looks at him now? or perhaps the weak laughter that barely fills the air, hoping for it to be enough — sometimes she forgets there is no need for false ceremonies in his presence, for they are learning each other's nature, understanding.
in these times dion has often proved to be a guiding light — mismatched eyes join with ambral ones and a sense of relief washes over as the fabric of memories threads together, although painfully. she could remember the piercing gaze in her dreaming, appointed a traitor by someone before him, yet unmistakebly close in the distance to him. their stances could have not been more different now and it makes it easier on her heart; his unwavering loyalty through times has proven healing. an amusing thought comes crossing her mind now with his inquisitive look directed at her: at times she has wished for him to have been her guardian, back in her fateful demise. the days are long gone now, a high summoner holds his arm, but if days were still numbered, she could see herself search for him.
( i didn't quite know what to say then, i have a lot of regrets about that. )
she's wiser now, the weight of the world shifting its stance on her shoulders — he holds her by them now, and it feels like atlas could bear this eternal penance. her head redirects its weight now, long hair ending on his shoulder, her tired mind finding shelter along the sharp line, and the silence holds them like a kindness. all is far and away for now and yuna basks in the tenderness of his compassion. there is something she wishes to say, something she must let him know ( empathy, devotion ); her lips part but every word seems to fall short when his lips touch the skin of her forehead. she could break underneath any moment and so could he, both in each other's grasp; yet they persist. yuna lets it happen to her — the kindess of his warmth, the fire of his simpathy. lids come together, restlessness disappearing at once, feeling everything at once. was she deserving? must the savior be always so damned? must the curse of being known be so heavy on them? fingers curl around his forearm through their interlinked arms, tightening in silence. this can mean everything — do not leave my side. do not let me fall to my disgrace. guide me in darkness. hold my temper. let me be your hand.
the silence lingers and history must continue its course. they know this. they've known this for a long time.
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devotionbled · 9 months
“A spark of rebellion is all it takes to defy the night.” 
Rebellion / it is the colour of red. It is practised cruelty, raging in the name of love, a cause drenched in flames. It is the colour soaking the femur below flesh / holy carmine kissing porcelain bone.
She knows rebellion well. She thinks she does.
It looks like adoration. She does not call it that. She calls it devotion in a sickening denial as she spits out her loathing. It is a perplexing thing, her rebellion. She was taught it, a beast within gorging itself on her willingness to die.
Don’t tell him.
Dion would not know. Jote thinks he wouldn’t; he would not understand. He is another creature entirely, raised on something different. He is not her reflection. She sees nothing of herself in the prettiness of a sharp jaw.
Don’t look at him.
She does not look at him. She looks everywhere but at him. The drapes adorning the tent look awfully interesting, depicting holy goodness and a goddess. It is strange to be in a space where flames are not worshipped fervently.
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Don’t tell him.
Don’t look at him.
“Your Imperial Highness,” she begins, a lilt to her voice as curiosity sears her throat with its question. “It begs the question. What is your rebellion? I cannot understand the truth of your cause. I know mine well.”
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tripleflames · 10 months
🎁 what platform you started roleplaying on // ☎️ first character ever roleplayed
the very first platform i started roleplaying on was actually a h/arry p/otter based one called pottersworld. the basic premise was that the character you made would be a student just accepted into h/ogwarts (you got an official letter and a sorting and everything) and then you'd basically take this char through school and then further into adulthood, with the canon being about 3 generations after the endings of the book. it was actually a huge amount of fun, at least for me to first dip my toes into the rp scene because i joined when the site was still very fresh and everything went and no one cared whether or not your writing was atrocious or it didn't make sense. i met a lot of people there that i would still call friends to this day even though it's been about 12 years since and it really super improved my writing as i went along. of course as membership grew, the rules also became a lot more extensive and strict so i eventually did leave.
the first character i roleplayed coincides with the above. he was a muggle oc called kevin lafferty ( yeah. i know. ) who was sorted into hufflepuff and in the course of my writing him, he became prefect, then head boy and then eventually became a healer at st mungos sbfhjsabf. he still has a very fond place in my heart.
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royalight · 4 months
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Sarah & Dion. muse manips.
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flamesofrebirths · 5 months
✏️i dare you
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Dion: Oh, fiddlesticks. Joshua: Look, I understand this is a tense situation, but let's watch the fucking language.
Dion: What is your favourite mythical story? Joshua: The Story Of My Will To Live. Dion: I don’t think I’ve heard of that one before.
Joshua: Just trust me. Have I ever put you in an unsafe or uncomfortable situation? Dion: All the time. Joshua: Then you should be used to it by now.
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reginrokkr · 11 months
🔍 for something you look for on other’s blogs  /🔪 for a fandom you refuse to associate with
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🔍: Something you look for on other’s blogs.
The use of pronouns of their muse(s). I talked about this in the rules section, but frankly speaking, when it comes to RP I look for different things that don't include me wrecking my head into be mindful of using pronouns that don't coincide with what's visually perceived. Sometimes in RP I encounter other hardships that is fully IC or about lore I need to revise to name a couple of them, I don't wish to make it harder on me by adding the layer of pronouns. And it's not solely the matter of using different pronouns or not as much as it is what revolves around it. Understandingly, muns will want to explore more on the pronoun territory as part of their own muse(s)'s lore and as someone who pursues to expand more the canonical lore while simultaneously aiming for an individual growth for each muse and them together in whatever relationship their interactions bleed into, that's simply not up my alley.
To put a more precise and concise example: I adore to bits exploring romantic ships, the development of every character and them together. But for the life of me I can't linger endlessly in one single romantic scene or turn it into domesticity without getting bored pretty quickly. It's that staticity it's implied that I don't like and from my perception, going deeper into the pronoun department beyond the superficial stage of just using different pronouns is one of those cases of staticity I tend to slip away from.
🔪: A fandom you refuse to associate with.
Dainsleif belongs to Genshin Impact, so that's what I'm going to focus on. One of the reasons I've decided to stop being associated with this fandom is what I consider to be a niche interest I have. Perhaps this is spread to other fandoms too in a lesser or bigger degree, but I'm not one to indulge 24/7 into shippy or NSFW territory with small things and out of nowhere. Another thing I notice that happens easily is the fluctuation of interest mostly when it's about the coming of a new region, more from a hype standpoint than what I think to be a genuine interest in other than the cosmetic looks of a character, their superficial personality, etc. These are points that make being associated with the fandom unattractive to me, as they don't represent me.
Munday no-no and yes-yes list → Accepting! || @madrites ; @maquiscursed ; @valorxdrive ; @asteriskheart
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ofengineers · 8 months
i forgot if i sent one but 👥
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Mid didn't have much of an opinion of Dion at first because he left the Hideaway shortly after he arrived, and he was unconscious most of the time. However, the next time she saw him was when he showed up to fight at her friends' side, and it made her fully trust him because maybe he left, but he still chose to come back and help as much as he can. That's why she has come to consider him as a friend quite easily. Once she knew he was officially part of the team, she was convinced.
She really wants to make him feel comfortable at the Hideaway, even if they barely know each other. She doesn't want him to stay in his corner as he waits for the final battle; she wants him to talk with the others and to have fun from time to time, so she's trying to get to know him so she can recommend him things to do while he's there. She's very warm and friendly toward everyone, and it's important for her to make Dion feel good while he's at the Hideaway.
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brimflame · 11 months
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"Who would have sons, knowing all the orphans they would soon deliver?"
@madrites | straight and arrow.
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