fractal-voidling · 2 months
MAG149 - #0131305 │ Concrete Jungle
Martin 🥺
ugh, there just has to be a prideful idiot that dooms everyone
I like the idea of pollution literally biting humans in the ass, lol
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arqueervist · 2 years
Worrying number of Brasil statements in TMA for a british podcast. Jonny, do you want to talk about it? Do you want to come over? Do you need someone to tell you to come to Brasil like a vampire being invited inside? Talk to me my man.
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lovinnelily · 7 months
Martin is kinda really fucking annoying ffs
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underyoursnow · 1 year
mag149 is so scary we need to talk about it more. like shits insane
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koipalm · 2 years
scariest tma episodes (to ME... to ME)are as follows in no order uhh
MAG1 the angler fish
-what a good fucking opener. the details with the mans mouth not moving, and his feet touching the ground?? and the way he fucking folded in half like he was jerked back?? man. what an intense start
MAG3 across the street
MAG10 vampire killer
-the imagery of the vampire.... i prefer traditional vampires to whatever the fuck that was. trevor herbert is a stronger man than me
MAG15 lost johns cave
-of course the cave diving episode but the added audio of her talking.... man i fucking jumped. holy shit that episode scared me
MAG23 schwartzwald
-the game about the kids sneaking down until 'it sees them'? that freaked me the fuck out.
MAG25 growing dark
MAG60 observer effect
-the fucking face in the mirror... MAN. being watched well i dont like that. at all
MAG65 binary
-something about the whole ARG aspect of computer programs getting weirder scares me.... also the imagery was really vivid? impressive for a statment about a guy eating his computer
MAG79 hide and seek
-notsasha scared the SHIT out of me. i couldnt even listen to this episode alone. jesus CHRIST man
MAG81 a guest for mr spider
-this episode was SO fucking good. the context that it gives, the storytelling, i fucking LOVED listening to this episode. im so glad i didnt get spoiled for this part bc holy fucking shit. something about that book creeped the hell out of me. he was right that book was fucked up
MAG124 left hanging
-whatever the fuck was on their cable car scared the SHIT out of me
MAG149 concrete jungle
-something about the unmoving statues of humans made from scrap that started to move.... and the whole artificial village.... super uncanny valley damn
ok there are. definitely more season one creeped me the fuck out but those are the ones that stand out rn
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sillyofmine · 25 days
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The Magnus Archives // MAG149 - Concrete Jungle
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tma-traduzioni · 2 years
MAG149 - #0131305 - Giungla di Cemento
[Episodio precednte]
Martin Blackwood, assistente di Peter Lukas, Direttore dell’Istituto Magnus. Registra la dichiarazione numero 0131305. Dichiarazione di Judith O’Neill, rilasciata il 13 Maggio, 2013.
Inizio della dichiarazione.
MARTIN (Dichiarazione)
A volte le cose che ti fanno ottenere un lavoro sono strane. Cioè, essere di prima del mio corso al Corpus Christi Cambridge, un Master in scienze biologiche, pensereste che sarebbero abbastanza a farti ottenere un lavoro decente nel campo della scienza. Ma a quanto pare, la competizione in questi giorni è a dir poco ridicola e cercare di ottenere una posizione sulla base dei miei meriti accademici sembrava un completo spreco di tempo.
Poi ho fatto domanda al Fondo Anglo-Brasiliano per l'Amazzonia, e sapete cosa mi ha fatto davvero avere il lavoro? Ho fatto un mezzo-corso nel pentathlon moderno e un altro in orienteering quando dovevo ancora laurearmi. A quanto pare la maggior parte delle posizioni scientifiche ricevevano domande dal genere di persone che si era buttatate nel campo accademico per evitare di dover mai scalare una collina, e il lavoro richiedeva un certo livello di esposizione all’esterno. Non era nemmeno importante che non parlavo portoghese. Beh, non allora. Bastava che avessi le conoscenze, l’allenamento fisico, e soprattutto che fossi disposta praticamente a cestinare tutta la mia vita in Inghilterra senza preavviso e volare in Brasile per chi sa quanto tempo. Strano come vanno le cose certe volte, vero?
La definizione della posizione tecnicamente era di ‘tecnico degli esemplari ecologici,’ ma lavorare con il FABA non assomigliava a nessun lavoro da tecnico di laboratorio che avessi mai svolto prima. Per prima cosa, non c’era un laboratorio, non uno vero e proprio. Hanno costruito questa struttura proprio sul confine della stazione ecologica di Caracara, e da lontano avresti pensato che era solo questo grande capanno di legno, e più o meno lo era, solo era pieno di materiale high-tech estremamente avanzato. Però in pratica non si faceva nessun test sul campo. Tranne per i computer, i ricercatori in visita si limitavano a fare annotazioni o osservazioni o a lanciare simulazioni o altro sui modelli che gli servivano. Praticamente ogni cosa nel campo era progettata per organizzare e preparare i campioni al trasferimento.
Mantenere un ambiente di laboratorio in funzione nel mezzo dell’Amazzonia non è mai stata davvero un’opzione, quindi la maggior parte del nostro lavoro consisteva nel recuperare qualsiasi cosa volessero testare, e – assicurarsi che raggiungesse il laboratorio vero e proprio intatta, ovunque questo si trovasse. Io facevo parte dello staff permanente della struttura, e spesso noi andavamo in prestito a grandi aziende o università che volevano usare i nostri servizi per qualche progetto o un frammento di ricerca che stavano conducendo. Il mio incarico specifico era di addentrarmi nella giungla, di solito facendo da babysitter a qualche aspirante esploratore cannato che insisteva per venire assieme a me, e poi acciuffare quel che doveva essere recuperato. Poteva trattarsi di misurazioni ambientali, pezzi di albero, campioni di acqua, e addirittura piccoli animali, anche se legalmente non siamo autorizzati a prendere niente che sia più grande di una rana. È un lavoro molto interessante a dire il vero, anche se inizi ad annoiarti un po’ delle solite 50 miglia quadrate di giungla dopo che lo fai per qualche anno. E facciamo molta attenzione a rimanere nei settori di foresta che ci sono stati assegnati, dato che siamo proprio accanto al territorio degli indigeni Yanomami, e trapassare per errore può essere un po’… complicato a livello politico, ed anche abbastanza pericoloso se incroci il gruppo sbagliato. Gli Yanomami possono essere abbastanza territoriali. Voglio dire, credo che lo sareste anche voi se ci fossero così tante aziende che provano a strapparvi illegalmente i vostri territori? In ogni caso, di solito non è un problema. Noi rimaniamo nella nostra zona, loro rimangono nella loro.
La parte peggiore è il numero di scienziati coglioni. Finisci sempre col sentire le stesse battute ripetute e ripetute sull’Olocausto Cannibale. Cioè, certo, tecnicamente praticano il cannibalismo, ma è solo la cenere delle ossa dei loro parenti e dei loro cari, quindi tipo, datti una calmata, Dottor Livingstone. Non succederà mai che rispettino il tuo culo sudaticcio abbastanza a lungo da almeno considerare mangiarti. Comunque, sto perdendo il filo.
Di solito esco con l’altra tecnica per i campioni, Fernanda Mikado, una locale.
E con locale, intendo che viene da Minau, a circa 200 miglia di distanza. Il Brasile è piuttosto grande, e se c’è una cosa in cui lei è davvero brava e io no, quella è il meteo.
Faccio abbastanza pena a capire come sarà in un giorno qualsiasi, e devo solo fare affidamento su qualsiasi segno del meteo nel quale al momento sto smettendo di credere. Non aiuta il fatto che il meteo nell’Amazzonia è semplicemente strano, con piogge che arrivano dal niente, mesi prima che il vento dovrebbe portare le nuvole, e nessuno sa perché. Ma Fernanda, lei può non sapere perché, ma in qualche modo sa sempre quando, al punto che se lei dice che potrebbe essere brutto, io annullo la spedizione. Non serve alcuna prova. Non quel giorno però. No, quel giorno avevamo un climatologo estremamente pignolo che ci stava col fiato sul collo, il Dottor Nikos Anastos.
Cioè, ho letto i suoi studi e il suo lavoro è buono, certo, ma dal modo in cui si comporta avresti pensato che gli oceani ci avrebbero sommerso tutti domani se non saremmo usciti. E da come parlava era tipo, voglio dire – non era la prima volta che io e Fernanda incontravamo scienziati accondiscendenti che ci spiegavano il nostro stesso lavoro, ma il Dottor Anastos era a un altro livello. Ci parlava come se fossimo state bambine di cinque anni che gli avevano appena chiesto cosa era il riciclo. Fernanda era certa che avrebbe piovuto, ma lui aveva “controllato online” e a quanto pare diceva che sarebbe stato bello. Tra l’altro, lui era appoggiato da qualcuno con davvero tanti soldi, quindi non avevamo potuto insistere più di tanto. Alla fine ci siamo addentrati nella giungla, e persino io potevo dire che il colore del cielo oltre il fogliame non prometteva bene.
Il Dottor Anastos stava cercando di misurare i livelli di agenti inquinanti e di plastica in alcuni fiumi nei dintorni. Le varie leggi di protezione ecologica dovrebbero voler dire che virtualmente non ce ne sarebbero dovuti essere né dell’uno né dell’altra, e lui stava cercando qualcosa collegato alla trasmissione di agenti inquinanti e diffusione chimica da impianti industriali. Se non fosse stato per gli accordi di non divulgazione standard che ci fanno firmare, gli avrei già potuto dire il genere di risultati che avrebbe ottenuto; non era il primo a venire qui per questo genere di lavoro, ma avevo le mani legate. Se ve lo state chiedendo, per la cronaca, la risposta è piuttosto dannatamente inquinato, principalmente a causa delle varie miniere illegali e operazioni di abbattimento e l’espropriazione di un terreno nella zona.
Il punto è, ci trovavamo a malapena da un’ora sul sentiero quando il cielo si è rovesciato. La pioggia era fitta – fitta come ho scoperto può esserlo solo nella giungla, dove non sono gocce, ma più -più come se l’aria si fosse trasformata in acqua. La visibilità è calata a zero in un istante, e ho iniziato a valutare velocemente con Fernanda se potevamo tornare indietro, o se era il caso di cercare riparo. La pioggia era brutta, ma avevamo avuto a che fare con peggio ed eravamo completamente calme.
Non si poteva dire lo stesso per il Dottor Anastos, che era chiaramente in preda al panico. Ci urlava, gridando sopra i rumori della giungla bagnata che dovevamo tornare indietro immediatamente, prima di partire a gran carriera nella direzione sbagliata. (Sospira) Ovviamente desideravamo abbandonarlo alla sua stupidità e lasciare che se ne occupasse l'Amazzonia, ma sapevamo entrambe che le scartoffie non ne sarebbero valse la pena. Quindi l’abbiamo seguito, cercando di fargli rallentare il passo abbastanza da comunicargli che stava andando nella direzione sbagliata. Ma o lui non poteva sentirci, o, più probabilmente, non aveva voglia di ascoltare.
Alla fine, l’ho afferrato per il braccio, facendolo fermare. Ha detto qualcosa che non sono riuscita a capire e ha dato uno strappone, cercando di farmi perdere la presa, ma chiaramente non aveva considerato che io ero la più forte e quando la mia presa è rimasta, lui si è sbilanciato. Ha spostato le gambe, cercando di mantenere l’equilibrio, ma è scivolato sul terreno ormai fangoso, cadendo e trascinandomi con lui. Istintivamente ho afferrato Fernanda cercando stabilità, ma sono finita per trascinare giù anche lei, tutti e tre siamo ruzzolati giù per una breve discesa fangosa e siamo atterrati pesantemente nel fogliame.
C’è servito qualche momento per rimetterci insieme. Non era stata una caduta pazzesca, ma mi sentivo stranamente disorientata mentre mi rialzavo in piedi, scuotendo la testa nel tentativo di disperdere un po’ della confusione che l’aveva invasa. L’avvertivano chiaramente anche gli altri, anche se controllandoci, sembravamo aver avuto fortuna. L’unica cosa che avevamo rotto era la nostra attrezzatura, anche se il Dottor Anastos aveva piagnucolato così tanto che sarebbe potuta essere benissimo un osso.
Ho cercato di raccapezzarmi, ma anche se nel peggiore dei casi ci eravamo spostati lateralmente di qualche metro, stavo avendo seri problemi a farmi un’idea di dove ci trovassimo. Non riuscivo a capire esattamente da che direzione fossimo arrivati, e non riuscivo a vedere bene la posizione del sole tra le fronde e le nuvole. Fernanda non stava avendo più successo che di me con le bussole, in quanto o erano rotte o qualcosa di magnetico nella zona le stava incasinando. Si limitavano a girare e girare pigramente. Per lo meno c’era qualcosa che assomigliava a un sentiero, anche se non una che riconoscevo. Onestamente, avremmo solo dovuto aspettare fino a quando non saremmo dovuti tornatre al campo e loro avrebbero mandato una squadra di recupero, ma ci sarebbe voluta quasi una giornata intera e potevo vedere negli occhi del Dottor Anastos che era impossibile che avrebbe aspettato così a lungo. Quindi, abbiamo scelto una direzione e abbiamo iniziato a camminare sul sentiero.
Appena ho visto le strutture, il mio istinto è stato quello di rigirarmi e andarmene. Da lontano, quelle - quelle sembravano quasi degli shabono, l’anello gigantesco di fronde intrecciate che gli Yanomami collocano attorno ai loro insediamenti come riparo. Non sembrava aver senso però. Non potevamo essere andati così fuori strada da finire nel territorio degli indigeni, assolutamente impossibile. C’era qualcos’altro, qualcosa nella loro struttura che sembrava strano, in qualche modo sbagliato, al punto tale che Fernanda mi ha afferrato il braccio con urgenza e mi ha sussurrato che dovevamo andarcene, l’ho scrollata via e sono andata avanti per vedere meglio. È stato allora che mi sono accorta di quanto silenzio ci fosse. Tranne che per la pioggia la cacofonia della giungla si era semplicemente fermata.
Come mi sono avvicinata allo shabono, è diventato evidente cosa era che non andava. Anche se ogni tetto era intrecciato normalmente, i fili non erano fatti di foglie, ma di ogni genere di materiali disparati. Lunghi filamenti di plastica, schegge di metallo arrugginito, addirittura pezzi di cemento dalle forme irregolari. Si avvolgevano gli uni attorno agli altri come un normale intreccio, ma la consistenza, il colore, - ogni cosa era diversa in un modo che mi faceva venire un nodo allo stomaco, anche se non ero esattamente sicura del perché materiali non erano organici o naturali.
Ho scambiato un’occhiata con Fernanda. Lei non ha detto niente ma c’era bisogno. Sapevamo entrambe quanto isolazionisti gli Yanomami tendevano ad essere, quanta resistenza opponessero alle influenze esterne. L’idea che avessero avuto il desiderio di costruire, o anche l’attrezzatura per costruire qualcosa del genere, era ridicolo. Allora quali erano le alternative? Era stato fatto da una delle operazioni di estrazione illegali per inimicarseli? Possibile, credo, ma ci sarebbe voluto molto lavoro per praticamente nessun motivo. Non aveva alcun senso.
Il Dottor Anasta non ne sapeva abbastanza sugli Yanomami o le loro costruzioni per essere a disagio, e invece urlava per l’irritazione perché ce ne stavamo lì a chiacchierare piuttosto che cercare aiuto. Ha raggiunto una delle aperture nello shanono ed è entrato dentro. Per quando ce ne siamo accorte, era già entrato. Io e Fernanda lo abbiamo seguito, sperando disperatamente di essere comunicatrici decenti abbastanza da far arrivare le nostre scuse a chiunque fosse dentro. Ma l’interno era proprio come l’esterno, e nel peggiore dei modi.
Non c’erano delle persone dentro, ma il che non vuol dire che fosse vuoto. Invece c’erano delle… figure. Da lontano assomigliavano a degli esseri umani, che se ne stavano  impossibilmente immobili, ma avvicinandosi la bugia si rivelava. Erano solo delle sagome grossolane, ottenute da un’accozzaglia di centinaia di pezzi diversi di spazzatura: uno stendipanni metallico rotto come cassa toracica, la gamba di una sedia di plastica come braccio, viti arrugginite come denti. In alcuni casi, sembrava come se qualcuno si fosse sforzato molto per far combaciare la costruzione con l’anatomia. Ne ho vista una con un termos rotto dove ci sarebbe dovuto essere lo stomaco. Un’altra aveva due bombole di ossigeno al posto dei polmoni. Erano perfettamente immobili, ma avevano un qualcosa che mi ha fatto seccare la bocca e sentire il bisogno di fuggire. Non sembrava che fossero statue. Sembrava che avessero deciso di non muoversi.
Il Dottor Anastos non sembrava provare lo stesso disagio per la situazione come me e Fernanda, mentre esaminava e toccava le figure con evidente divertimento. Forse pensava che l’arte avant-garde della giungla fosse una cosa che esisteva là fuori, non so. Non ho mai avuto la possibilità di chiederglielo, perché improvvisamente si stava meravilgiando per qualcosa che aveva raccolto da terra. Il terreno che adesso mi accorgevo essere solo un centimetro di terriccio smosso sopra un enorme trampolino di plastica. Era un pezzo di cemento che sembrava essere della stessa forma e dimensione di una vipera crotalina, fino ai dettagli sulla testa. Il dottore sembrava abbastanza preso dall’oggetto, ma Fernanda si è accorta immediatamente che qualcosa non andava e ha fatto un passo indietro, tirandomi con sé.
Quel che è successo dopo è stato quasi talmente veloce che non sono riuscita a seguire bene. La vipera inanimata di cemento si è rigirata, ha spalancato la bocca e ha morso il Dottor Anastos sul polso. Lui ha gridato, ma solo per un secondo perché subito dopo aveva la bocca piena. Ha iniziato ad avere le convulsioni mentre del cemento grigio ha iniziato a colargli dalla bocca, dal naso, e dagli occhi. I suoi arti si sono irrigiditi e si poteva vedere come il suo corpo si stesse gonfiando. Non so se ero io a urlare o Fernanda. Forse entrambe. Ma so che è stata lei la prima a notare che le figure di detriti avevano smesso di rimanere immobili.
È stata l’ultima cosa che abbia mai visto del Dottor Nikos Anastos. Non ci siamo neanche mai chieste se fosse stato possibile salvarlo. Non so per quanto abbiamo corso ma sono passate ore prima che ci sentissimo anche un po’ al sicuro. La giungla sembrava di nuovo normale, e cosa più importante, i suoi suoni erano normali. Abbiamo cercato di parlare di quel che avevamo visto, ma… dopo aver confermato di aver testimoniato la stessa cosa, ci siamo rese conto che non avevamo niente da dire al riguardo. Solo questa paura incandescente che non è ancora sparita del tutto.
Alla fine abbiamo incrociato un gruppo di veri Yanomami. Sono stati davvero gentili, una volta che hanno capito che ci eravamo perse sono stati molto felici di riportarci nella parte di giungla che sapevamo essere vicino alla nostra struttura. Ovviamente, non avevamo una buona spiegazione per cosa fosse successo al Dottor Anastos, quindi in pratica abbiamo perso immediatamente il lavoro, ma sapete cosa? Ho chiuso con la giungla. Là dentro c’è qualcosa, e non so cosa mi spaventi di più. Il pensiero che è qualcosa oltre a quel che ci siamo lasciati dietro? O che quello è tutto quel che è, e che non possiamo sfuggire alle rovine del nostro stesso futuro.
Fine della dichiarazione.
C’è, um, anche una nota qui. Sembra la grafia di Gertrude? L’inizio di una lettera a Dekker, lo ringrazia per aver mandato Judith, anche se non sembra sia mai stata finita o spedita. Suppongo fosse un’altra che stava provando a usare per dimostrare l’estinzione? Di sicuro ne ha qualche elemento, i rifiuti dell’uomo che danno vita a qualcosa di terribile. Però poi, la paura dell’altro. Figure umanoidi inanimate, fa molto Sconosciuto no?
(Sospira) Non è mai semplice, vero? Quasi sono sorpreso che Peter non sia arrivato con altre osservazioni. Non lo vedo in giro da un po’ a dire il vero. Cioè, (heh) non è come se mi mancasse, ma perlomeno era qualcuno con cui - (se ne rende conto) Ah. Già, ha senso. Giusto, va bene. Solo io tutto solo per un po’, allora.
Poteva essere peggio. Per lo meno c’è pace. Non mi mancano tutte le urla, anche se srebbe - aspetta.
Mi scusi - mi scusi, quest’area è interdetta al pubblico.
Non può venire qui. Non è permesso.
Oh, scusi, um, Melanie mi ha detto di aspettarla qui.
Oh, sei- sei qui per Melanie?
Già. (presentandosi) Georgie.
Mi dispiace - scusa, non me ne ero accorto. Io - sono certo che è qui in giro da qualche parte.
Tu devi essere Martin.
Sì. Melanie ha parlato di me?
Oh, um… Jon ha parlato molto di te.
Oh. Oh, aspetta – aspetta, pensavo che la Georgie di Melanie e la Gorgie di Jon fossero…
La stessa - la stessa Georgie.
Oh. Ah, quindi tu e Jon….
Non ci parliamo più praticamente.
Perché no?
Cosa scusa?
Perché non vi parlate?
Perché credo finirà per distruggere sé stesso, e chiunque gli si avvicini troppo. E non voglio essere tra quelle persone o che ci sia Melanie.
Forse ha solo bisogno di un po’ di aiuto.
L’ho aiutato, per quanto potessi senza pericolo, ma lui ha continuato per la sua strada comunque.
(Sovrapponendosi) Sì, tende a fare così.
Mi sono resa conto che se avessi continuato a provare mi avrebbe fatto pià male di quanto fossi disposta ad accettare.
Beh, a volte aiutare le persone fa male.
Certo, ma questo non vuol dire che qualsiasi cosa dolorosa sia d’aiuto.
A volte le persone hanno dei problemi che ti distruggono molto prima che tu possa intaccarli, e alcune persone non vogliono essere aiutate, vogliono solo che altri soffrano con loro.
Jon non vuole questo.
Lui non sa cosa vuole. E da come sembrano stare le cose pare che il tempo per decidere sia finito.
È facile giudicare dall’esterno.
Un altro motivo per rimanere fuori e osservare.
(risata tesa) E- E pensi che valga la pena salvare Melanie?
Non si tratta di valore. Ma sì, lei sta cercando di migliorare, quindi l’aiuterò.
Questo posto non è una malattia -
No. Credo sia peggio.
Guarda, stiamo solo tutti cercando di fare la cosa giusta.
Forse. Guarda, la vita ti costringe a prendere decisioni difficili, ma non potrò mai fidarmi di qualcuno che se ne va in giro a cercare decisioni difficili da prendere.
Cosa intendi?
Saltare su una granata è eroico solo se non sei stato tu a lanciarla.
Non è quel che sta succedendo.
Okay. È comunque qualcosa di cui non voglio fare parte.
Beh, fortunatamente il personale è al completo, quindi…
[Statiche leggere in sottofondo]
Hey, sei pronta?
Oh, cosa? Sì, quando vuoi.
Con chi stavi parlando?
Oh, era, um - (una pausa)
Nessuno, a quanto pare.
(Sospira) Sì, questo posto tende a portarti a tanto. Andiamo.
[Un rumore leggero, Martin sospira]
[Traduzionoe di: Victoria]
[Episodio Successivo]
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tma-latino · 2 years
MAG149 – Caso 0131305 – “Jungla de Cemento”
Testimonio de Judith O’Neill, sobre su tiempo trabajando en el Amazon Trust Anglo-Brasileño. Grabación de audio hecha por Martin Blackwood, asistente de Peter Lukas.
[Disclaimer/ Aviso]
[MAG148] | x | [MAG150]
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daethsticks · 5 years
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dykehozier · 5 years
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jon talking about martin when he couldnt go back to the institute bc he missed him i’m 😭😭😭😭
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alternativesaga · 4 years
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soveryanon · 5 years
Reviewing time for MAG149! /X_X/*
- Statement-giver was a pure delight and I’m still snickering every time over this passage:
(MAG149, Judith O’Neill) “I usually head out with the other specimen tech, Fernanda Miqado, a local – and by local, I mean she’s from Manaus, about 200 miles away. Brazil’s… pretty big. And if there’s one thing she’s really good on that I’m not, it’s the weather. I’m pretty hopeless at figuring out what any given day’s going to be like, and just have to rely on whatever weather site I’m currently losing faith in. It doesn’t help that the weather in the Amazon is just plain weird, with rains coming out of nowhere months before the wind should actually be bringing in the clouds, and… n–no one knows why. But… Fernanda, she might not know why but, somehow, she always knew when – to the point where, if she said it might be bad, I would just cancel the expedition. No further evidence needed. Not that day, though. No; that day, we had the world’s pushiest climate scientist breathing down our necks. Doctor Nikos Anastas.”
I’m So Glad Martin read that one because his snappiness was so good with Judith’s voice. They can all be pretty snappy but… Martin sure is something.
(- Not sure if it’s “doctor Anastas” but at the very least: Judith/Martin/Alex ABSOLUTELY gave up on pronouncing his name towards the end, and we got “That was the last I ever saw of Dr. Nikos [Asantas]”, and I’m still laughing every time too.)
- Judith knew that you speak Portuguese in Brazil! Progress from MAG033’s Carlita and her trouble getting understood due to her “bad Spanish” =D
- At first, when the statement appeared to be in Brazil in an isolated area, I thought about the Tundra again. And it’s true that the Extinction statements technically have technically been happening in remote areas – isolated or inaccessible or hidden in plain sight or in what felt like an alternate reality (Bernadette in Garland Hillier’s flat, Judith mentioning feeling disorientated after the fall and that something was wrong), and I’m vaguely suspecting that Peter and/or Adelard’s reading of the new Fear may indeed be… off, and that their summary of it only matches with the statements they consulted but not with the essence of what it is actually…? I can see how Gertrude was dubious about it, since every statement so far is also reminiscent of other stories/elements involving other Fears.
- Faaaaaaaaaaavourite “Holy Heck” moments were (because I’m super easy):
(MAG149, Judith O’Neill) “They were completely still, but there was something about them that made my mouth dry up, and my mind scream to run. [STATIC:] It didn’t feel like they were statues. It felt like they were choosing not to move. [/STATIC] […] I don’t know if it was me or Fernanda screaming. Maybe it was both of us. But I know it was her who first spotted that the detritus figures [STATIC:] were no longer choosing to stand still. [/STATIC]”
… And the tape recorder went all static when the statues were described + Judith’s Fear:
(MAG149, Judith O’Neill) “There’s something in there, [STATIC:] and I don’t know which scares me more: the thought that it’s more than just the things we left behind? Or that that’s all it is, and we can’t escape the ruins of our own future. [/STATIC]”
It had also reacted to Garland’s door and the “description” of the Inheritors, and to Gary’s numbers, before…
- The Extinction statements are getting closer and closer to the current in-universe present time, and this was the most recent statement about The Extinction involving Dekker:
* MAG134: Statement of Adelard Dekker, taken from a letter to Gertrude Robinson dated 22nd January 2006. * MAG144: Statement of Gary Boylan, given October 3rd, 2009. * MAG113: Statement of Adelard Dekker. Statement undated, likely circa 2012. * MAG149: Statement of Judith O’Neill, given May 13th, 2013.
… How convenient for Jon that Adelard hadn’t mentioned “The Extinction” by name in MAG113, and that there wasn’t any note talking about it either ^^
Assuming that Jon’s approximate dating of MAG113 had been right, then this statement was also the closest in time involving Adelard Dekker at all. That’s still… five years before current time, and we haven’t heard of what his status has been in the meantime. What happened to you, dude.
(Also, according to Gertrude’s note, Adelard had sent Judith to the Institute… and yeeet, it’s a written statement. Gertrude was way better at the “not jumping on people for their live-statements” thing than Jon, but it also raises the question, once again: why was Gertrude choosing to record some? Why Walter about the old Archives, why Lucia about the Last Feast? Why couldn’t she ask them to write it down, in those cases…?)
- … Isn’t it funny how, so far, each of The Extinction statements had something that felt like a personal jab at Martin. Garland Hillier had the bad poetry; Gary Boylan had the concept of being stuck with a parent (and the fear of being like your dad, or becoming like him)
(MAG134, Adelard Dekker) “[Garland Hillier] spent the next twenty years publishing widely derided collections of poetry, as well as essays on belief and atheism that were roundly ignored by the philosophical salons of the time. He was supported by several literary friends, as he was reputedly a gifted editor, even if his own work was often all but incomprehensible.”
(MAG144, Gary Boylan) “Something kept me rooted there, sleeping in a bedroom that hadn’t changed since I was fifteen, and caring for a man who I’d rather just shut up…! [SIGH] We were both… trapped there, I think. Bound together in a sort of wordless misery. I would look at him, and see a grim sort of destiny for myself: trapped here, until I became him – any future I might have had, sacrificed to his. [SIGH]”
Here, Judith actually had a degree, contrary to Martin… but was hired for another reason (and why did Elias hire Martin exactly?).
- So, Martin’s isolation was kind of the point of Peter’s training, and it had been installed as a requirement from the start, with Basira explaining to Jon that she&Melanie weren’t seeing Martin much anymore, Martin trying to cut the interaction short the two moments it happened with Jon – and with multiple mentions, recently, that Peter was growing significantly more absent:
(MAG126) PETER: You talked to him. MARTIN: I… I, I tried not to, I–I, I didn’t mean to… PETER: You talked to him. And that’s understandable, Martin, of course it is! Please don’t think I’m upset, it’s just… not ideal. Shows how much work we still have ahead of us. MARTIN: If I keep avoiding him, people will get suspicious. PETER: [CHUCKLING] They’re already suspicious, Martin, that’s not the problem! I had hoped that all this time apart would have given you the space you needed, but… […] MARTIN: A–a simple “hello” isn’t going to make any difference to– PETER: We’ve been over this. The sort of power you’re going to need relies on your– MARTIN: [SULKY] Obedience. PETER: Isolation. It needs to be you, Martin. You’re the only one who could possibly balance between the two.
(MAG134) PETER: … Look. I’m not gonna pressure you into doing anything you don’t want to. It won’t even work unless you’re willing to commit. In any case, I have plenty of preparations to work on myself, before it’s ready. I’ll see what else I can find to help with your reservations in the meantime, mmkay? Just… don’t hesitate too long. We are on a deadline, after all. MARTIN: … Fine. [SHORT SILENCE] PETER: Right! Then, if you’ll excuse me, I have a family thing to get to.
(MAG138) MARTIN: So… so what? What does it mean? Am I supposed to be reassured that new Entities can be born? That there’s some, some kind of… precedent for The Extinction? … Peter? [SILENCE] Huh. Maybe he has gone to a party. [HUFF] Anyway.
(MAG144) MARTIN: And you? PETER: I have my own explorations I need to attend to. And a, hum… meeting. To arrange. For you…!
Aaand going hand in hand with that, Martin had begun to casually admit that he was beginning to embrace that isolation:
(MAG134) PETER: … Anyway. Point is, I’m not your captor or your torturer. I’m not gonna tell you to stop talking to him, or even saving him if it comes to it. If that’s not a decision you’re willing to make yourself, me scolding you isn’t going to help.
(MAG142) MARTIN: I… can’t believe he’d choose to do something like that. … No, no, I, I can’t think like that, though, I, I can’t let myself, ‘cause I mean, if, if he’s already gone, then all of this is just… [PAUSE] [SIGH] Th–the worst part is I don’t even want to talk to him about it. I’m just… [SIGH] I suppose I’m just getting comfortable with the distance. [SIGH] Cut off. [DRY CHUCKLE] “Lonely”. [INHALE] Mind you, Peter’s not wrong. It really is easier than actually just trying to communicate with people. I should probably try to get him this tape, let him know what happened, that someone came in to… But then, ahah, would that just come across as an accusation? Like, because I don’t wanna… And then, then I guess he’d… hear this bit as well, so… I… I… [LONG EXHALE] What do I do…? […] DAISY: Yeah. Just a… a bit empty around here. You know? MARTIN: Not really. DAISY: Melanie’s out, and… [EXHALE] Jon and Basira’re still off. Bit worried. But they can take care of themselves, you know? MARTIN: Again, not really. [SHORT HUMOURLESS LAUGHTER] No one talks to me anymore. DAISY: ‘Cause they reckon you’re working for the bad guy? MARTIN: Pretty much. … Don’t you?
(MAG144) [VERY SHARP SQUEAL OF DISTORTION] MARTIN: [LONG SIGH] … Well? PETER: I’m impressed! And grateful. MARTIN: I didn’t do it for you. PETER: Even better. MARTIN: … It’s easier, this way. I’m sure you’d have had no problem sending her away. PETER: I hadn’t really thought about it. And now, thanks to you, I don’t need to.
(MAG149) MARTIN: Sort of… surprised Peter hasn’t rocked up with some more… “insights”? Haven’t seen him around for a while, actually. I mean… eh, it’s not like I miss him [CHUCKLING] but, at least he was someone to– [PAUSE] … Ah. [HUFF] [PAPER RUSTLING] Yeah, that makes sense. [EXHALE] A’ight, fine. Just… me on my lonesome for a while, then.
1°) A bit surprised that it doesn’t feel like Martin got reaaaally involved with The Lonely to get Lonely powers, but then, it’s the Institute and Peter has been hovering around him for months so… it probably served as a catalyst?
(MAG149) MARTIN: A’ight, fine. Just… me on my lonesome for a while, then. … Could be worse. … Peaceful, at least. … I don’t miss all the shouting. [CHUCKLE] Even if it w– [FOOTSTEPS IN THE DISTANCE, COMING CLOSER] MARTIN:  … Wait. [RUFFLING OF CLOTHES] Excuse me! Excuse me, this area is off-limits to the public.
Martin is getting so used to being on his own it’s painful, and:
(MAG144) MARTIN: … It’s easier, this way. I’m sure you’d have had no problem sending her away. PETER: I hadn’t really thought about it. And now, thanks to you, I don’t need to. MARTIN: Yeah, well. It seems to be your go-to move for dealing with anyone. PETER: I’m just not big on confrontation. You understand, I’m sure. MARTIN: We. Are not. The same. PETER: Of course.
3°) Oh, Martin… you’re “not the same” but you sent Jess’s tape without being there (… or only invisible? Though he would have ranted or screamed about Hill Top Road if he had been aware, I think, given his reaction to the Svalbard trip in MAG142?), thus avoiding the… confrontation. And you nop’d out again as soon as Melanie arrived.
I’m curious about his “I don’t miss all the shouting”, though: what is that about…? Is it just The Lonely colouring his memories, and any discussion/slight disagreement is now a Shouting Contest by comparison? Is it about his memories of season 3…?
- Although Martin had kept himself isolated from the Archives but… not from visitors? He took Jess’s complaint in MAG142, and stepped in when he saw Georgie approaching (he wasn’t surprised to see her or that she could see him so… it wasn’t unusual).
(MAG149) [FOOTSTEPS IN THE DISTANCE, COMING CLOSER] MARTIN:  … Wait. [RUFFLING OF CLOTHES] Excuse me! Excuse me, this area is off-limits to the public. GEORGIE: [VOICE ECHOING] Sorry? MARTIN: You can’t be here, it’s not allowed. GEORGIE: Oh, sorry, hum… Melanie told me to wait for her here…? [ECHO DISAPPEARING] MARTIN: Oh, you… you’re here for Melanie? GEORGIE: Yeah. … Georgie. MARTIN: [COUGH] … Sorry. Uh, sorry, I–I didn’t realise. I’m, I’m sure she’s around here somewhere.
;; But aouch, he was… so dry with Georgie when he took her for a random lost visitor? And he only mellowed down when he understood that she was here for Melanie? I’m not sure he is aware of how snappy and cold he sounds – comparing how stern he was here with how he had interacted with Melanie in MAG084 (just before she signed up)… aouch.
Also! “[this area] is off-limits” sounded familiar, AND YEP IT IS:
(Trailer S1T2) ARCHIVIST: Hello? … Hello? … This archive is off-limits. [MUFFLED THUD] Is anyone there? … Martin? Martin, is that you?
(MAG047) ARCHIVIST: I’m sorry, I didn’t… Can I help you? This place is off-limits. MICHAEL: I disagree. ARCHIVIST: Who let you in here?
… I’m not sure where Martin was, exactly, this time, but it indeed sounded like it was possibly in the Archives themselves? No clock in the background, so it wasn’t Elias’s office (… and I doubt that Melanie would tell Georgie to find her around there). The distant voice + door closing combo puts me in mind of MAG084, which had a similar situation and setting: Martin spotting someone right outside his/an office after reading a statement, discussing a bit in the corridor/other room, further from the tape recorder, then coming back inside with the person (though there were more Door Sounds in MAG084, and only the sound of the door closing with Melanie&Georgie’s departure in MAG149).
- … I’m not that surprised/shocked/in pain about Martin pulling a “sharp squeal of distortion” and disappearing at the end of the episode because I… had been assuming… that he had been able to do that for a long while………………………………
(MAG127) BASIRA: … It was a few months back. After the attack. He’d started spending time with Lukas. At least, he said he was. And I wanted answers. He kept telling me to trust him, to hear the guy out even though he still wouldn’t actually show his face. I told him he could… drop me an email or vanish me. ARCHIVIST: … Right. BASIRA: Honestly, I kind of regret not just… grabbing Martin and shaking an explanation out of him. But I didn’t want to push it. He was in a… bad place, what with the attack and his mom and everything, so I didn’t press it. Now, I try and bring it up, he just… disappears. Nothing to be done.
^There was the ambiguity of whether Basira meant “disappears” as just a figure of speech (“he runs away”) or quite literally; but given the wording, I was inclined to think that Martin fading from the scene supernaturally was A Thing already, back then. And Martin’s heavy sigh in MAG149 after Georgie&Melanie’s departure still keeps that open to interpretation: is Martin used to it (and feels blasé about the whole thing, and the sigh was also… mostly about the conversation he just had with Georgie, the fact that Jon is seen as a lost cause by someone who used to be close to him, or about the rude concept of Other People Having Friends And Doing Things Together), or was it a sigh about himself and the fact he… had finally used Lonely powers for the first time (and what it meant for him)? I’m guessing that if this was the first time ever that Martin disappeared, Peter will be obnoxious as hell about it and will make it official, so we should have a confirmation pretty soon.
Other things I’m not sure about: I’m not sure how to interpret the timing of Martin’s disappearance?
(MAG149) GEORGIE: W–… Jumping on a grenade is only heroic if you weren’t the one who actually threw it. MARTIN: That’s not what’s happening. GEORGIE: Okay. It’s still not something I want any part of. MARTIN: Well…! Lucky for you we’re fully staffed, so… [STATIC AND (FAINT) VERY SHARP SQUEAL OF DISTORTION] MELANIE: Hey! You ready? GEORGIE: Oh, uh – yeah. Whenever you are. [SQUEAL OF DISTORTION FADES] MELANIE: Who were you talking to…? GEORGIE: Oh, I was, uh– … [HUFF] No one, apparently. MELANIE: [SIGH] … Yeah. This place will do that to you…! Come on. GEORGIE: Sure. [DOOR CLOSES.] MARTIN: [LONG SIGH] [CLICK.]
And I see several options:
1°) It was unrelated to Melanie and/or it’s actually because of Martin that Melanie hadn’t been there until now (in the same way that in MAG108, Martin had called Basira, Peter had popped up, and Basira had only answered Martin’s call after Peter’s departure, as if he had only just shouted her name a second ago). Martin chose that timing because the conversation had been unpleasant and he wanted to put a stop to it and/or because Georgie accidentally increased his loneliness.
2°) Peter had imposed a specific prohibition over Martin interacting with Basira&Melanie (who were the only Team Archives members around when Martin began to work for Peter), and Martin is still following that order. It would match with Basira explaining to Jon that she hadn’t been able to see/interact with Martin much in the last months; and indeed, since the beginning of season 4, we have only seen Martin interact with Jon (who surprise! managed to wake up from his coma, something Peter hadn’t factored in his deal with Martin – MAG126: “… You said he’d probably never wake up.” “And he beat the odds. Which is good. But it does make things more complicated. It doesn’t… actually change… anything.”), although Martin cut the conversation short both times; with Daisy (MAG142, MAG144), who had officially been “dead” when Martin made his deal with Peter; and with visitors (Jess in MAG142, Georgie in MAG149).
3°) … Martin specifically disappeared because Melanie was coming; either because “two is a crowd”, either because… It’s Melanie.
And Martin and Melanie’s relationship had never been, uh, the fluffiest ever:
(MAG086) MELANIE: I… I just feel like you two don’t want me here. TIM: We don’t. Martin’s not big on change. I don’t want anyone to be here.
(MAG106) BASIRA: Oh, what? You’re gonna judge me? I literally don’t know anyone here you haven’t made cry. MELANIE: You only know Tim and Martin! BASIRA: And Elias. MELANIE: I made Elias cry? BASIRA: I don't know. Probably. You can be very mean.
(Though there were kinder things: Martin did go have a drink with Basira&Melanie at the end of MAG099, and it was once again the plan at the end of MAG106 (though it didn’t apparently happen, or at least without Melanie, according to MAG108).
… But Elias, at the end of season 3, had commented that Martin deliberately going against Melanie’s pulsion to go for the kill… could make things veeeeeeeeeeeery bad between the two of them:
(MAG118) MARTIN: We… we need to leave. MELANIE: We need to kill him. Look at you! He. needs. to die! MARTIN: … no. No, I… I knew what this was gonna be. MELANIE: It’s not just for you! If we leave him alive– MARTIN: Melanie. Melanie, please. MELANIE: … Alright. Let’s get these somewhere safe.
(MAG120) ELIAS: Hm. No Melanie? MARTIN: [SIGH] ELIAS: I’d have thought she would have wanted to gloat. MARTIN: N… no. I, I d– ELIAS: You didn’t tell her. [CHUCKLE] Worried she might create too much of a scene. I understand. I just hope she… doesn’t hold it against you. MARTIN: That’s– that’s not– […] It’s better than you deserve. ELIAS: Perhaps so. But I’m glad you were sensible about it. I was concerned you might have bought into Melanie’s… fixation.
We don’t really know how they interacted before Martin made his deal with Peter but it… didn’t bode well, back then, already. And we’ve seen Melanie six months later, when Jon came back: ready to jump at anyone’s throat, threatening and fundamentally angry. I… don’t think she was exceptionally kind to Martin in that period.
(+ Does Martin know that, in the end, her anger had been supernaturally focused by The Slaughter’s bullet? The surgery happened in the tunnels; even if Elias indeed doesn’t have access to them (which… is something… we’re still not entirely sure about…), he had been able to guess that it had happened – possibly because Jon and Basira had discussed about it in MAG127. But Peter? Peter has never mentioned Melanie’s ordeal: he talked about Breekon and the coffin and Daisy’s comeback, but never about Melanie.
Did Martin just assume that Melanie was like this… on her own? Like Tim had been angry about Jon and the Institute? I don’t think that Martin would need that to consider that uh, Melanie is not more worth saving than Jon (because Martin always has had his biases) but… it’s possible that he just doesn’t know that Melanie had been so antagonising and violent because it was favoured by the bullet? and that it isn’t the case anymore?)
- … Another Big Question raised by Martin Whooshing Himself Away… lay with Georgie’s comment:
(MAG149) [STATIC AND (FAINT) VERY SHARP SQUEAL OF DISTORTION] MELANIE: Hey! You ready? GEORGIE: Oh, uh – yeah. Whenever you are. [SQUEAL OF DISTORTION FADES] MELANIE: Who were you talking to…? GEORGIE: Oh, I was, uh– … [HUFF] No one, apparently.
Was Georgie casually savage (“Since Martin chose to disappear, I’m taking this as him fleeing, so that means he’s not worth mentioning and is “no-one”)? Was Georgie extremely descriptive (“… Welp, there is nobody there anymore”)? … Or did Georgie forget about even interacting with Martin and did Martin… make himself “forsaken” in her mind…? ;;
(Because if it’s the last option, AOUCH… Would Martin start disappearing from people’s memory, proportionally to how present he had been around them? Something more gradual than what happened to Sasha? Georgie barely knew Martin outside of Jon’s talks and was meeting him for the first time here; Basira&Melanie… didn’t share a lot with him. But if Jon were to witness, slowly, people around him forgetting about Martin…)
(- Insert horrible snicker here because:
(MAG039) ARCHIVIST: Martin… You’re not, uh… You didn’t die here, did you? MARTIN: What? What? N–no… what?! ARCHIVIST: No, I just… No, just the way you phrased that... MARTIN: Made you think I was a ghost? ARCHIVIST: No… it’s– MARTIN: […] A ghost? Really? ARCHIVIST: [TIREDLY] Shut up Martin.
… Well, Martin kinda become a ghost here. For a few seconds. ……………… Oh no, if Martin is to die soon, will he die IN THE ARCHIVES for maximum irony……………)
- Re: Martin’s own Spooky Sounds when disappearing. It’s definitely close to Peter’s “sharp squeal of distortion” (as it was transcribed in MAG100), but way fainter. Interestingly: Peter’s is a constant background noise when he’s there; here, it only happened when Martin supposedly made himself invisible… and the tape recorder stayed with Martin (we could hear his final sigh). So, the tape recorder doesn’t react to Martin as strongly – and either it means that yeah, Martin is way less of a spook than Peter, either that the tape recorder is a bit desensitised to the Archival staff?
Plus: I’m not suuuuuuuure that there is no static when Peter is there (the distortion is too strong for me to hear) but there was definitely more static than distortion in Martin’s case – a bouquet of static, pretty strong, and it sounds like the usual one… but then, I’m not sure it wasn’t also the same one as the sound we could hear when Jon “forgot” about his lighter in MAG136?
(And technically… Okay, I want to “Hope” (el o el) And Be In Denial until I can’t Think About Web!Martin anymore but!!! If Georgie forgot about Martin’s presence and Melanie was unable to process that he was there: it would be pretty much mind-manipulation and really close to what the lighter is doing with Jon, right?)
- SOBBING because ahaha:
(MAG144) [VERY SHARP SQUEAL OF DISTORTION] MARTIN: [LONG SIGH] … Well? PETER: I’m impressed! And grateful. MARTIN: I didn’t do it for you. PETER: Even better. MARTIN: … It’s easier, this way. I’m sure you’d have had no problem sending her away. PETER: I hadn’t really thought about it. And now, thanks to you, I don’t need to. MARTIN: Yeah, well. It seems to be your go-to move for dealing with anyone. PETER: I’m just not big on confrontation. You understand, I’m sure. MARTIN: We. Are not. The same. PETER: Of course.
… as mentioned above, it wasn’t clear exactly what made/pushed Martin to “disappear” but. Although Martin tended to hide or try to defuse the situation sometimes (encouraging Tim to not blow up at Jon, lying low re:Elias after they had learned what the deal was with the Institute), he also used to be able to explode at people’s face when he had enough (calling Jon out on his Sceptic act in MAG039, savagely ranting at Tim in MAG079, keeping the Receipts of Elias’s actions to throw them in his face in MAG118 – … that’s his “end of season” thing isn’t it.). But here, just fading away in front of Georgie when they were having a disagreement over Jon and/or when Melanie was coming… was quite the “not big on confrontation” thing, and Peter would be so glad and so proud, and I hate Peter so much.
Bonus with:
(MAG134) PETER: Martin… My patron, hopefully our patron someday, doesn’t give me any sort of special insights. I’m not quite the accomplished voyeur that Elias was. I have to keep tabs on things the old-fashioned way. MARTIN: What, turning invisible and eavesdropping? PETER: If you like.
Complete with Martin’s own (faint and static-y) “sharp squeal of distortion”… Martin presumably heard them leave, since he seemed to be on the same “plane” as the tape recorder. So. Uh. Yes. Martin, you’re turning into exactly Peter, and what does that say about you ;;
(My “holding-onto-theories-as-long-as-Jonny-hasn’t-gleefully-and-maniacally-bashed-them-in-with-a-pipe” bleeding heart says “Martin looks exactly like his dad!” and “Lukas!Martin!”.)
- Anyway, getting Lonely or not, Martin is… still a Beholding baby, dutifully recording – WELL, unless he hadn’t noticed the tape recorder this time around, but he had been aware of them last time, so?
(MAG134) PETER: I can’t help but notice you’re recording right now? MARTIN: It… was a statement, right, that’s what we do.
(MAG138) MARTIN: I don’t know what Peter’s planning, but my-my guess is that it might involve something below the Institute. Hopefully, by the time you get these tapes, I’ll have something more concrete for you. [PAUSE] Good luck, Jon, I– … [HUFF] Stay safe.
This time again, Martin was veeeeery “taken” by the statement and gave it his voice, and I’m laughing that, by contrast:
(MAG149) MARTIN: Statement ends. [SHORT INHALE] There’s… hum, a, a note here as well. [PAPER RUSTLING] Looks like Gertrude’s handwriting? Start of a letter to… Dekker, thanking him for sending Judith to her, though… it doesn’t look like it was ever finished or sent. [PAPER RUSTLING] “I assume this is another one he was trying to use to prove The Extinction? It… certainly has something in it. Mankind’s trash giving rise to something terrible. And again, fear of the other, inanimate humanoid figures. That’s all very… Stranger, isn’t it?” [SIGH] [LOW]… It’s never simple, is it…?
… I’m ASSUMING that Martin was quoting Gertrude’s note due to the content (being able to call the similarity with The Stranger, and overall reserves about the concept of “The Extinction”) but… his tone was absolutely not making it obvious. He didn’t read it in Gertrude’s voice or as “someone else’s voice” overall.
So yeah, at the very least: still under Beholding when reading a statement!
(And, small Martin thing: I’m so fond of the fact that he still has trouble introducing the statement – mostly when reading the cases numbers:
(MAG149) MARTIN: Martin Blackwood, assistant to Peter Lukas, Head of the Magnus Institute, recording statement number… 0131305. Statement of Judith O’Neill, given May 13th, 2013. [INHALE] Statement begins.
So many pauses and little hesitations while he reads the numbers! … And, uh. Tim hadn’t bothered with the case number when making An Attempt in MAG086; Melanie didn’t either in MAG086 and MAG106 (Basira did in MAG112 though)… So, uh. Martin has read, what, eleven statements at this point? But I’m still not sure he’s understood that the case numbers are actually constructed from the date, and that giving both of those pieces of information is unnecessary. Hence, probably, why Jon doesn’t bother with it. It had taken Tim 33 episodes to solve The Mystery but. I’m not sure that the information spread.
I’m not sure Martin knows.
Oh, Martin…)
- I’m SO GLAD to hear Georgie’s stance about Jon, and why she… stopped trying and doesn’t want to get involved. To be honest, I’m surprised it… took her this long and happened only after Jon woke up? I had assumed that she had been shaken by Oliver’s encounter and reminded a bit too much of Alex’s situation, and that Jon insisting that he was fine when he couldn’t be had been the things tipping her over, and… it probably contributed. But Georgie really did everything she could in season 3 – housing him, hiding him although she knew the police was searching for him, trying to get him out of his mindset:
(MAG083) GEORGIE: Sure. I just… I know that you get obsessive about stuff, and this right here, I… I’m guessing someone dragged you into something weird, you got hooked in and then it all went wrong. ARCHIVIST: I mean, that is almost exactly what happened. GEORGIE: So what you need now is… distance. ARCHIVIST: You’re right. You’re right. I just… I need to record it. GEORGIE: No, you don’t. This [paper rustles] is not going to help. It’s part of the problem, isn’t it? Look me in the eyes and tell me that it’s not part of the cult or whatever the hell it was that left you homeless. … [SIGH] Come on. What’s it been, four days? ARCHIVIST: Yeah. [SOFTER] Yeah. GEORGIE: It drops through the letter box and you spend four days… like this. It’s not– It isn’t right, Jon. You don’t sleep...
And in response, Jon… had been far from an ideal guest (breaches of trust, insisting he couldn’t stop, being an overall mess):
(MAG083) GEORGIE: Okay. And just so you know: not keen on your weird stalkers knowing my address. Not keen on that. ARCHIVIST: Right. [DOOR CLOSES] Right.
(MAG085) ARCHIVIST: I was just, uh… GEORGIE: You didn’t say we got another one. ARCHIVIST I didn’t want to worry you. GEORGIE: I knew it was something. You’ve been weird all day. ARCHIVIST I’m sorry, I… I don’t know. ARCHIVIST : Look, I’m really not sure about this. ARCHIVIST: I just need to borrow it for a half hour or so. I, I’ll look after it. GEORGIE: Wha– No, I don’t– You can blow it up for all I care. It’s been in the loft for, like, twenty years. If I need tape hiss, I’ll add it in post. ARCHIVIST: So, what’s the problem? GEORGIE: With playing an unmarked tape from your stalker? ARCHIVIST: Uh… Look, you just have to trust me, okay. GEORGIE: Yeah, and I want to do that, but how can I when you still won’t tell me what’s going on? ARCHIVIST: You wouldn’t believe me! GEORGIE: Try me. […] Come on, I’m not throwing you out, Jon. I know you wouldn’t be here if you had anywhere else to go, and I… I do want to help, but… y’know, you’re a good person. You were, at least. But whatever this is, it’s messing you up! [SIGH] Look I’ve, I’ve got work to do. You listen, or don’t listen, or cross-record, or whatever you want, just… just think about it first, okay? You can choose to leave it alone. [DOOR CLOSES] ARCHIVIST: [SIGH] [TAPE PLAYER IS LOADED] [CLICK–] […] GEORGIE: That’s it. Whatever the hell this deal is, the tapes, documents, I don’t want them in my house. ARCHIVIST: Look, look… No, no… Look, you, you don’t need to be scared. GEORGIE: I’m not! You are! Look at you, you can barely stand! ARCHIVIST: But I… But I need– GEORGIE: Listen to me, Jon. I can’t stop you doing… whatever secret bullshit you want to do, and I’m… not going to throw you out on the street, but I’m not having it in by home. ARCHIVIST: No… No, they won’t. I’ll make sure it doesn’t… I’ll keep it far away. GEORGIE: No, you need to stop. ARCHIVIST: I’m not sure I can.
(MAG093) ARCHIVIST: Georgie, I just, I needed to do one more. GEORGIE: I asked you not to record them here. ARCHIVIST: I’m sorry, I… I honestly forgot. It’s been a hell of a week. GEORGIE: Yeah, not just for you. What, you think you just disappear for five days, then turn up looking like the, like the end of Die Hard, and I’ll just write it off? “Classic Jon, what an interesting life he must lead.” ARCHIVIST: No, I– GEORGIE: Where have you been? And what happened to your hand? ARCHIVIST: I don’t want to talk about it. GEORGIE: Tough. ARCHIVIST: Look, I’m moving out anyway, so just… just forget it. I’m out of your life. Alright? GEORGIE: No.
(MAG099) ARCHIVIST: You know that’s not what I mean. I feel like I’m putting you in danger. GEORGIE: Well, yeah. You are. A horrible mannequin thing turned up. Had to change all my lightbulbs. ARCHIVIST: Yeah. This, this is my point! GEORGIE: I said I’m fine with it. At least until you’re properly back on your feet. You’re not doing well. You keep apologising and saying you're changing, but it's all just the same. If you leave, I think it's just going to get worse, and I don’t want that.
(MAG149) MARTIN: Why aren’t you talking? GEORGIE: Ah…! … Because… I think… he’s going to… destroy himself. And… anyone who lets him get too close. And I don’t want that to include me. Or Melanie. […] But, he just carried on anyway– MARTIN: … Yeah, he will do that… GEORGIE:  –and I realised if I kept trying, it was gonna hurt me more than I was willing to accept. MARTIN: Well… [AUDIBLY SMILING] sometimes, helping people hurts. GEORGIE: Sure, but that doesn’t mean… everything painful helps. Sometimes, people have problems that will wreck you long before you can make a dent in them. … And some people don’t want help, they just… want other people suffering with them. […] MARTIN: It’s easy to pass judgement from the outside…! GEORGIE: One more reason to stay on the outside…!
I’m mostly sad that in the end, it all accumulated and went so badly that Georgie changed her mind, but she’s been… the most irreproachable of all, I feel? She did try, really hard, and it didn’t work to pull Jon out, because Jon kept repeating that there wasn’t any problem and proved himself untrustworthy (he still recorded things in her home and… caught her in his nightmares, and never acknowledged nor apologised about it).
Though, regarding Georgie’s perception of the situation:
1°) I didn’t really understand the “grenade” image…?
(MAG149) MARTIN: Look, we’re all just trying to do the right thing. GEORGIE: Maybe. [SIGH] Look… Life forces you to make hard decisions. But… I can never trust someone who goes around, looking for hard decisions to make. MARTIN: And what do you mean by that? GEORGIE: W–… Jumping on a grenade is only heroic if you weren’t the one who actually threw it. MARTIN: That’s not what’s happening. GEORGIE: Okay. It’s still not something I want any part of. MARTIN: Well…! Lucky for you we’re fully staffed, so…
Or was that literally about The Unknowing – the fact that they had placed bombs there? Does Georgie know that it had been the ritual attempt? (She knew Jon was ~trying to save the world~ but maybe she didn’t know that it had happened then?)
2°) Georgie used a lot of sentences presented as maxims or proverbs, as Objective Truths, and it made her words feel very stiff and sometimes cold…… and at the same time, it makes sense. She can’t feel fear; it would make sense that she learnt to function by rationalising, hence putting aside the emotional aspect of things when it comes to self-preservation, because it’s the only way she is able to tell that things are getting bad.
3°) ;; Her descriptions put me in mind of…… what had happened to Alex – and I wonder if she’s not assimilating what she experienced with The End and what Jon is currently doing?
(MAG094) GEORGIE: As the woman got closer, I could see something in Alex tighten, wind so taut that it finally snapped. She lunged forward, grabbed the corpse by its shoulders, and began to scream into its face. What did it want? What had it done? Demanding answers. The dead woman with the shaved head ignored her grip, leaned close to her neck and opened her mouth. For a moment I had visions of teeth sinking into Alex’s flesh, of arterial spray coating the clean, white laminate, but all that passed between them was a whisper. Something soft spoken into Alex’s ear. Her arms dropped to her sides, and she turned to look at me. Her eyes were different. They were still hers, and I could tell they still knew me, but something in them was gone. As my gaze met hers, Alex gave a simple, small shrug, so slowly, it was if every ounce of will she had went into that one small gesture. Her head drooped, staring at the floor, and she gently lowered herself down to lie there. And just like that I was on my own. It feels strange to think that even then I couldn’t find the strength to run. If I’m feeling generous to myself I try to believe it’s because I was unwilling to abandon Alex, or maybe the thing had some power to keep me there, but honestly, it was fight, flight or freeze. And I froze. I saw the dead woman approaching me. Smelt the chemicals that kept her from rotting, saw her lean towards me, saw her lips begin to form words. In desperation I slammed my hands over my ears and shut my eyes, willing myself not to hear, not to understand. As far as defences go, it was basically nothing, but I still think it saved me, at least a bit.
(MAG120) ELIAS: Another dissection room. Another figure standing in its centre; but this one is calm. She simply looks at him sadly, a pity in her face that burns him worse than any flame. More than anything, the Archivist wants to look away, to turn his Eye from her gentle sadness, from the disappointment for what she sees in him; but he cannot. So he watches her, until she simply fades away.
Georgie witnessed a friend running into danger, getting destroyed in the process, and was almost taken by it in turn. She already experienced this. Of course, she would feel like Jon is threatening to do a repeat of the situation, although more gradual.
- …
(MAG149) MARTIN: Oh. … Oh, wai–wait, I thought Melanie-Georgie, and Jon-Georgie were… GEORGIE: Oh, uh, s–same, same Georgie. MARTIN: Oh. … Ah. Aah, so you and Jon…
Does it mean that Georgie and Melanie are friendly exes too. Does it mean that Jon & Melanie have actually kissed the same person, and would it count as a kiss by proxy. How many seconds before Melanie would gouge her eyes out at the notion.
(Melanie had mentioned Georgie to Basira, but not onscreen to Martin! So Martin used to be on talking basis with Melanie, enough for her to talk about her close ones…? ;w;)
- I’m assuming that Georgie was taking Melanie to therapy again and Hhhhhhh, I’m so glad that 1°) Georgie DID POINT OUT that Melanie is currently making efforts to get better – unlike Jon, and that that’s why Georgie is ready to help in Melanie’s case and less so with Jon (we could hear in MAG145 how… no, Jon isn’t really trying at all), 2°) Melanie indeed sounds quieter and more peaceful. Still really hoping that, whether her therapist is a surprise Lonely/Web/Beholding/Extinction!spook or not, it’s actually valid and regular therapy at work.
- The Martin-Georgie exchange also revealed that they hadn’t met each other at the hospital when Jon was in the coma! Though we still don’t know if Martin was a frequent visitor (we only heard him during the s4 trailer and there was no indication as to whether he had been visiting often or not).
… I was fearing that Martin would be meaner than this given that Georgie is Jon’s (friendly) ex but he (more or less) behaved, amazing. Bow down to Georgie’s powers, able to master Martin’s pettiness.
(Although yes, there is an undercurrent of… “I would do this if I were you!” in what Martin is telling her, so Martin is fully aware of who she is and what she represents for Jon <33)
- I’m half-laughing, half-sobbing over the fact that, when people are telling him that they aren’t talking with Jon, Martin’s reaction is to inquire Why and treat it as a serious issue:
(MAG149) MARTIN: Oh. … Ah. Aah, so you and Jon… GEORGIE: … aren’t… really talking anymore. MARTIN: Rrright. [SILENCE] … Why not? GEORGIE: Excuse me? MARTIN: Why aren’t you talking?
Martin, please. You really can’t fathom that people might not want to talk to Jon and his Charming Personality, or that they have their Own Agenda Preventing Them From Talking With Jon just like you, uh. (Forget Fear Patron-shopping: Martin is Jon-aligned in the “do what I say, not what I DO” department.)
- MmMMMMMmm so, Daisy had already made it transparent that Jon was talking a bit more about Martin than we hear on tape:
(MAG144) DAISY: I, uh… I mentioned our conversation to him; he asked me to check on– MARTIN: Just leave. DAISY: Sorry?
……………….. but the novelty is that APPARENTLY, Jon was talking about Martin behind our backs in season 3 already?!
(MAG149) MARTIN: Oh, you… you’re here for Melanie? GEORGIE: Yeah. … Georgie. MARTIN: [COUGH] … Sorry. Uh, sorry, I–I didn’t realise. I’m, I’m sure she’s around here somewhere. GEORGIE: You must be Martin. MARTIN: Y–yeah. Has… Melanie been talking about me? GEORGIE: Oh, hum… Jon used to go on about you a lot.
(… To be fair, there were two other guys working in the Archives and one of them is dead, so identifying Martin on sight… probably wasn’t that hard. Still, “to go on about you A LOT” is… Big, from Jon.
And he had immediately equated “talking with the others” (Georgie’s advice from MAG099) to “talking with Martin specifically” (in MAG102, one month and a long kidnapping&sequestration later):
(MAG099) ARCHIVIST: Is it… Why are you so insistent on keeping me around? GEORGIE: Because you’re trying to cut yourself off, and that’s… that’s really bad! Look, when’s the last time you spoke to someone who wasn’t me? ARCHIVIST: That’s… I… I–I talked to Martin a, a… a… a few weeks ago…? GEORGIE: Did you talk to him? Or did he talk to you, while you tried to find a way to escape? ARCHIVIST: I… uh… GEORGIE: Look, you’re worried. I get it. But if you really think you’re turning into something… inhuman, you need people around you. You need anchors. ARCHIVIST: All my “anchors” are just as deep in this as me. GEORGIE: Well, you still need them. ARCHIVIST: [SIGH] Maybe you’re right. I… I’ll talk to the others.
(MAG102) ARCHIVIST: In the meantime I… I have a new flat. I should try to get comfortable, change the locks. Even if I might need to be leaving it for a while. Oh, and… I suppose I… I did tell Georgie I’d try to talk to Martin.
Jon. Joooooon…)
(- I’m!! Still!! Unsure!! Whether Jon’s brooding over Martin in season 4 is meant to be potentially romantic or not. There are so many issues entangled right now that it doesn’t feel like a primary option: Martin is doing something dangerous, is the last one of Jon’s original team alive, and was representing a bit of stability/familiarity. It’s only natural and obvious that Jon would be sick-worried over him and longing for any contact, since Tim is now dead and Jon has been sinking further into spooks and monsterhood.
But the idea that Jon was (positively?) talking a bit more about Martin unprompted in season 3 already… Mmmmmmmmmmm…)
- It was an excellent confrontation of different points of view, with much awkwardness (Georgie and Martin both obviously trying to say Where They Were Standing about some issues even when the conversation wasn’t exactly about it – it really felt like they… weren’t really able to talk “together”, mostly exchanging point of views and mutually using the other as a way to justify themselves), but. At the same time. I feel like Martin’s stances were almost completely invalidated given his situation and what happened with his mother?
(MAG118) [STATIC BEGINS] ELIAS: Your mother. MARTIN: [BREATHES SHARPLY] ELIAS: She’s always been… “difficult”, hasn’t she? You take care of her for years, feed her, clean up after her and now, with her condition degrading even further, she is the one that asked to move into a home, to have it left to the nurses! She is the one that refuses your visits. MARTIN: Sh– she’s always been– ELIAS: Strong-willed? Stubborn? No. No, Martin; you know the reason. Your mother… simply hates you. You just don’t know why! It’s not your fault. Though I know that isn’t any consolation, it’s just bad luck, really. How old were you when your father left? Eight? Nine? When you mother began to sicken and he decided he was done with you both. Not old enough to remember him with any great clarity, especially when your mother refused to keep any pictures of him. She never recovered from that betrayal. He just tore her heart right out!, and took it with him. The thing is, though, Martin: if you ever do want to know exactly what your father looked like… all you have to do~ is look in a mirror~ MARTIN: [HEAVY BREATHING] ELIAS: The resemblance is quite uncanny: the face of the man she hates, who destroyed her life, watching over her; feeding her; cleaning her; looking down on her with such pity– MARTIN: [RAGGED] Shut! Up! ELIAS: Do you want to know what she sees when she looks a you? [STATIC INTENSIFIES]
(MAG149) MARTIN: … Maybe he just needs some help. GEORGIE: I did help him! As much as I safely could. But, he just carried on anyway– MARTIN: … Yeah, he will do that… GEORGIE:  –and I realised if I kept trying, it was gonna hurt me more than I was willing to accept. MARTIN: Well… sometimes, helping people hurts. GEORGIE: Sure, but that doesn’t mean… everything painful helps. Sometimes, people have problems that will wreck you long before you can make a dent in them. … And some people don’t want help, they just… want other people suffering with them. MARTIN: Nn, Jon doesn’t want that.
… It’s not only that “sometimes, helping people hurts”: it’s also that sometimes, trying to force your conception of “help” over someone who doesn’t want it hurts them on top of hurting yourself.
Fortunately, Jon is not Martin’s mother, and Freud can remain Buried, but. Martin, oh, Martin… you learned absolutely nothing, did you…?
(I’m wrecked over the fact that you could HEAR that he was forcefully smiling, when saying that “sometimes, helping people hurts”. You could just. Hear it. And gosh, Martin, no…)
- ;; Extra-wrecked that, so far, no, Martin’s conception of care… hasn’t really helped anybody. It didn’t work with Tim when Martin was more or less trying to check on him in season 3, and Tim even cut any contact with Martin when he went on his own crusade against the Circus; Basira dismissed him a bit about it in MAG110; trying to tend to his mother… didn’t really work either. Jon has been craving Anything Martin in season 4, though, which is the main difference with the others. So maybe just being there could help, indeed, and that’s precisely something Martin doesn’t feel like he can afford to do at the moment… If he indeed consciously sent Jess’s tape to the other assistants, it means that although Martin hesitated, he was able to step in and take measures after learning that Jon was on the wrong path. So maybe hearing about how isolated Jon currently is, and how even Georgie has given up on him, could push Martin to send another message…?
- I’m a bit relieved by Georgie’s stance about Jon, too, because… yes, if someone should have these feelings about him, it’s her. And at the same time, I feel like the fact that she made them explicit is also a way to say that this is not the only option – it’s hers and her perception of current events, but it’s not… fundamentally the ones other characters will choose and pursue. There will probably be alternatives, there will probably be many different ways to interact with Jon; we’ve already seen Basira’s and it’s not certain that Martin will keep doing his best to not interact ~for everyone’s greater good in the long-run~ now that he’s getting more information about how bad things are going currently. (Or not, and he could still persist in his isolation anyway.)
I’m still curious about Daisy’s and Melanie’s stances because both of them know they’ve been under influence, and Jon was the one who gave them other options. Both would have personal reasons to feel very mad at him (Jonathan “Do what I say, not what I do” Sims had told Melanie it was time to heal, and told Daisy that There Were Always Choices… when he had already attacked two people), with various degrees of betrayal. I’m sad in advance for Daisy, as she had grown kinda close to Jon since she had come back from the coffin and he… hadn’t… told her… about the live-statements… although she would have been the most likely to understand…, and it’s probably not a good idea at all to have them interact without supervision (if Daisy was beginning to “hear her blood” when thinking about Elias, what would happen now that she knows that Jon had been going more monster-y?) but. I want to hear Daisy’s perspective on these things. (Although I’m worried about Jon’s hesitation in MAG148, please, don’t be Hunting again ;;). As for Melanie, I want her to kick Jon’s butt and call him out on his hypocrisy about “healing” and (break of) trust; at the same time, given that she’s currently making efforts to make better, she’s probably in the best position to do so in a productive way.
(Though there is still the question of What Can They Do?, re:Jon… Melanie got a clearer head (and some additional trauma) following the bullet’s removal. Daisy, who had been a Hunter for a looong time, was cut from The Hunt thanks to the coffin. But how could they possibly cut Jon from The Eye? He was still using his powers in the coffin and his personality has been aligned to Beholding for a long time (Georgie had pointed out that Jon had always been the kind to ask questions that could get himself punched), to the point that it’s extremely hard to establish if Jon had been influenced or if it had been him without any spook involved at various points in the series – the gnawing curiosity about the tunnels all through season 2 is a prime example, and although most of Jon’s actions made sense in context (coming along with Basira to be there to help if Hill Top Road turns out too dangerous; seeing the Dark Sun to neutralise it; agreeing to come with Basira to the North Pole to make sure that The Dark wouldn’t succeed its ritual; going down in the coffin to save Daisy; going to talk to Jared and agreeing to exchange a rib against his statement to learn who had sent Jared after the archival staff; planning Melanie’s surgery; going to The Unknowing because he was worried about Tim’s safety; etc.), it’s still possible that Jon wanted to know and experience these things, first-hand, and was only rationalising to himself secondary reasons to put himself in danger like this.So how would they be able to remove him from The Eye’s influence in the same way that Daisy got cut from The Hunt in the coffin…? Could using The Dark or The Stranger or The Spiral help, given how they feel like opposite to The Eye? Gouging Jon’s eyes out? Anchoring him to another avatar like what happened with Gertrude and Agnes…?)
- ;; Kinda hoping that this isn’t the last we’re hearing of Georgie, nor of Georgie-and-Jon… because we already got the “Jon used to get along with x person for years / Jon fucked up hard / too many fuckups / now x person is giving up on him, and it’s Definite And Absolute and their relationship is broken forever” scenario with… Tim? And the series tends to break more long-lasting bonds than it creates (I doubt that Basira&Daisy will stay a duo for long, especially now with the fact that 1°) Basira had hidden that she had let Jon extort Floyd’s statement, 2°) Basira had hidden she has been following Elias’s leads through the season; Basira and Jon, who used to share the same humour, are a Disaster this season; Melanie, who was kinda getting along with Basira as a gossip unit, felt objectified by her; Melanie and Jon never really got along to begin with… There is still Georgie-and-Melanie at the moment, and a bit of Melanie-and-Daisy in the background, but… that’s it.
And in Georgie-and-Jon’s case: there is the fact that Jon mentioned to Melanie, back in season 2, that their break-up had been… bad, at least according to him. Yet, they were still able to be super friendly in season 3. Which means that they have a history of Patching Things Up even though their relationship changes. As mentioned, we already got The Definitive Fall-Out thing with Tim, so I still want to hope that Jon&Georgie cooould… manage to talk things out at some point, or at least have a proper goodbye to give themselves some closure or something. Unless Jon launches The Watcher’s Crown in the next 10 episodes.
… I want to see The Admiral and hear him purr again, gdi.
(- AND I’M STILL “????” OVER THE NEAR ABSOLUTE ABSENCE OF TIM MENTIONS THIS SEASON… From Melanie&Daisy&Basira, I’m not surprised; and right, he’s been dead for a year at this point, and Martin additionally had his mother and we didn’t hear his own feelings about it either; but it’s only been a few months from Jon, and I’m still ? over the fact that Jon… wasn’t able to remember how they had neutralised The Unknowing, back in MAG122.
Especially right now, with Georgie bringing up self-care and cutting yourself from toxic people, and how some people just spiral into their own destruction… Because, surely, the bottom line can’t be that dying is the best option? Daisy brought that notion back when talking with Martin in MAG142 (about how maybe Melanie had been right to want to kill Elias), and we had a glimpse of that through Tim’s spiralling descent into anger&revenge with a bit of suicide ideation thrown in the mix; it was his Answer to everything that was happening to him, it was the only option he deemed acceptable, he was embracing it and admitted in MAG117 that he probably didn’t want to survive The Unknowing anyway… And so, it was sad as fuck and not something to glorify.)
- And all these Relationship Fall-Outs are a good occasion to remember that Peter Lukas has been running the Institute for around a year, now, and HOW CURIOUS it is that characters have been (even more than usual) unable to work together or to trust each other efficiently.
(… Though, nowadays, Peter is apparently less and less present. So, if he’s indeed been… making things worse just by being there, who is currently casting The Lonely on the Institute? Is it Martin?)
- Also brought up again in the midst of the discussion: the fact that the Institute in itself… isn’t neutral, and potentially influences people:
(MAG062) MARY: Mm. Well, they don’t understand up there. They don’t know what this place is. You do, though, don’t you? We’re on the same side, really, even if Elias disagrees. GERTRUDE: If you say so.
(MAG065) ARCHIVIST: I–I don’t know. But I don’t think I can fire you either. TIM: What? ARCHIVIST: It’s this place. TIM: I don’t understand. ARCHIVIST: Neither do I. [STATIC FADES] I’m trying to figure it out, I’ve– I’ve got the shape of it but… I’m sorry, Tim. Truly I am. But I cannot, and will not, trust you. This place isn’t right, you see that now. I don’t know how or why, but there is something very wrong with the Archives. And I don’t know who here is a victim of it… and who is an agent. TIM: So… what do we do? ARCHIVIST: For now? I suppose we just… do our jobs. TIM: I don’t want to. ARCHIVIST: No…
(MAG079) TIM: There is something in this place, and it’s messing up our heads. It watches us all the time. It stops me quitting. I’m pretty sure it would stop Elias firing Jon even if he decided to actually try running this place for once. MARTIN: You’re sure you don’t just want to stay? TIM: I’m sure. MARTIN: But, like, deep down– TIM: No. MARTIN: … Oh.
(MAG080) ARCHIVIST: This place belongs to one of them, doesn’t it? LEITNER: You know the answer to that. ARCHIVIST: The Eye. LEITNER: I have also heard it called Beholding. ARCHIVIST: And I… LEITNER: You belong to it too.
(MAG090) TIM: … You do know, right? I mean, you must know. ELIAS: Know what? TIM: About this place. About what it does to us. ELIAS: [SIGH] Tim, this place is very old. It has all sorts of... idiosyncrasies and not all of them are good for the people who work here. TIM: I think I’d prefer asbestos.
(MAG092) ELIAS: Jonah Magnus did leave him in that place, Jon. He got the letter, oh yes, and was on good terms with Mordechai Lukas. He could have interceded, perhaps even saved him, but he did not. And it was not out of malice, or because he lacked affection for Barnabas Bennett […]. No, it was because he was curious. Because he had to know, to watch and see it all. That’s what this place is, Jon, never forget it. You may believe yourself to have friends, to have confidantes, but in the end, all they are, is something for you to watch, to know, and ultimately to discard. This, at least, Gertrude understood. […] There’s so much of this place, of ourselves, twisted by forces far beyond us. I just wanted you to know– [DOOR OPENS] […] Yes, I was just saying to Jon. It’s very important to me you understand that no action I have taken has been controlled. I have done everything because I wished to.
(MAG098) TIM: Look, it’s not that. I… [SIGH] This place is evil, Martin. And I think doing what It wants? Probably makes us evil. And It wants those things to be read. I mean, I’m not going to stop you, but, at the same time… MARTIN: I– I get it.
(MAG114) TIM: Anyway, you’re a spook too now, aren’t you? This place loves you too much to let you get swapped.
(MAG123) ARCHIVIST: I don’t understand. MELANIE: No? You don’t, do you? He’s still alive. You are still alive. So THIS PLACE is still–! [HEAVY STRANGLED BREATHING] ARCHIVIST: Melanie! Melanie, this isn’t you–
(MAG128, Breekon) “That was the first time we saw what would become this place, The Eye’s Pedestal. But we were drunk on the dawning horror of transportation and took no heed of it.”
(MAG149) MARTIN: … This place isn’t a sickness. GEORGIE: No, I–I think it’s worse. […] MELANIE: Who were you talking to…? GEORGIE: Oh, I was, uh– … [HUFF] No one, apparently. MELANIE: [SIGH] … Yeah. This place will do that to you…!
How fitting, that Melanie, who sounds better lately… has also been getting out more, at least for therapy. Thus removing herself a bit from the Institute, after spending months holed up in there with Basira. (… This is not an invitation for Jon to go roam outside unsupervised again.)
(And Peter had told Martin that he needed the Institute for his plans, and Martin suspected that it was about the tunnels under it. … is the building getting destroyed by the end of the season. BURN, BABY, BURN.)
- What a perfect time, also, to remember that Jon had wondered out loud back in MAG139 about why they had been “chosen”, and hadn’t been able to find an answer. But we know, concretely, about Some People Who Did Some Choosing, and who are doing their damn bestest to be perceived as comedically useless recently, uh. Peter keeps being away and fake-friendly and not helping with anything even about dealing with The Extinction; and Elias allowed Basira to come see him although he was expecting to get beaten up, and pretended that he had messed up here and there and didn’t know much about anything. But. Elias, why did you specifically pick Jon as the next Archivist, even though Xiaoling had offered someone for the position. Why did you specifically send Peter to meet Martin in MAG108, and why Peter’s fixation with Martin.
(I’m still ?? over that last point because, strategically? Elias had just wrecked Melanie after she had tried to kill him multiple times and wanted to keep going; he wasn’t above doing that. And meanwhile, Tim had provoked him, made it extremely clear he would go against the Circus solo even though Elias was telling him not to – and as far as being lonely/isolated went… Tim was like, the perfect option? Still at a loss with what had happened with Sasha, still grieving his brother? So why did Elias choose to send Peter to Martin, who wasn’t a threat to him at the time? Was it only because of the hopeless pining after Jon – since Melanie&Basira had just made it explicit in MAG106 (… and some part of me still wants to believe that Elias. Hadn’t picked up on it until then. Hadn’t noticed. Because he tended to never take Martin into account)? But then, those were Martin’s feelings for Jon, not the reverse, so even if the plan was to isolate Jon more, it wouldn’t have changed anything…?)
- orz orz orz And it’s always a good (bad) moment to remember that:
(MAG126) MARTIN: … When all this is over, I’m telling him everything, with or without your permission. PETER: Martin… when it’s over, you won’t want to. MARTIN: … Mm. PETER: But he will be safe. They all will. MARTIN: … Yeah.
(MAG138) MARTIN: I think he wants me to join The Lonely. ELIAS: Then it sounds like you have a decision to make. […] MARTIN: I don’t know what I expected. [INHALE] Right. Right, we’re done here. [CHAIR SCRAPING ON THE FLOOR] [STEPS LEAVING] ELIAS: Don’t forget to keep in touch, Martin. There are so many people in here, but without one’s friends… [DOOR LOCKING] it does get rather lonely.
(Gasp, yeah, it sounded almost like ADVICE coming from Elias’s mouth, under the obvious gratuitous jab. Shockingly.)
(Aaaand Peter hadn’t been clear about what would make Martin not want to tell Jon: whether it would be because of Jon’s evolution, or because of Martin’s. Right now, we’re getting both, and Martin is getting more comfortable in his isolation…………………. I still hope that if he had a Plan to backstab Peter, he’ll still carry through it and manage to pull that one off (hey, he had already revealed that he was recording the statements for Jon and intended for the tapes to reach him at some point) but ;; In any case, it won’t be pretty, uh…)
Title for MAG150 is… *Undignified French snicker* Écoutez, je suis une personne simple, on peut vraiment réutiliser le titre de façon dégueulasse si on enfonce cette porte ouverte.
It’s funny, because there is an English equivalent for this one, and Jon was using it so much in season 1 and 2 that I had begun to make the compilation of its occurrences, and it had been used both in its concrete and abstract meanings. … It had specifically been used in MAG041, too, which put me in mind of the tunnels under the Institute (title would fiiiit) and the circle of worms, so I wanna Believe In A Corruption Statement because I’ll do that every week under The Filth gets its share in season 4.
Other options: mmm, we know that Gertrude and Gerry had travelled in France when tracking The Stranger so there could be something additional to this and/or the return of Jon Fluently Reading/Understanding languages he doesn’t know? Or it could be a reference to the movie of the same name – Lonely one, then, possibly? Would be a good title for a Buried statement, too, though we already got the coffin mini-arc not that long ago. Literally, it also puts to mind MAG005’s statement (… and in more than one way) so… could be… about that… too… (in which case: Flesh? Hunt?).
Second meaning of the title is L-O-L, that’s. That’s a nice summary of this little soap opera you call an Archive’s current state of affair. (And it’s… nice to think back to the concrete meaning and how, to get out of one, you have… to admit that you made a mistake and take a few steps back in order to revaluate your options. … Or to pursue your initial plans and to crash against the wall/make the wall crumble. Oh no.)
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shkspr · 4 years
149 and 150 can suck my dick.
Oh Yes........yes.......very much so :)
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pronouncingitwang · 4 years
last 2 days have been busy but now i am returning to My Girl
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scarletfish · 3 years
There are so many parts of TMA that were incredibly impactful for me, but MAG149? When Martin meets Georgie and confronts her about helping Melanie but not Jon?
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I'm not exaggerating, I have never seen this in media so explicitly before, and it hit me like a bag of bricks. My first listen through, I was upset with Georgie- and everyone except Martin, really- for abandoning Jon.
Because the Georgie who took in her ex when he was on the run from the cops and accused of murder?? Without asking questions?? That's what we expect from protagonists. The "good guys" think like Martin- sometimes helping people hurts, but that's our duty, right? John doesn't want to hurt anyone, so he deserves support.
The thing is, Georgie and Martin BOTH have valid points. People now just seem to expect reactions like Martin's. We almost never see protagonists setting emotional boundaries, or dealing with compassion fatigue in a healthy way.
And Georgie has complex feelings about her decision later! She apologizes to Jon in the tunnels, saying she's not sure it was the right decision. He reassures her there's nothing she could have done. Maybe he would've felt better with a friend by his side, but maybe she would have felt worse.
Tldr; I think about this episode every day of my life, and how it's never your job to save someone, including the people you love, at your own expense.
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bugsinthebayou · 2 years
can u believe it guys. im on mag149
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