#maga demographic collapse
tomorrowusa · 10 months
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^^^ Hmm, I wonder why. 🤔 Couldn't resist the temptation to turn a good article into a meme.
The actual article from DailyKos:
The Washington Post is very worried that American women don't want to marry Trump supporters
If that means a shrinking population in red states then I'm all for it!
This photo from Alabama in the previous decade doesn't depict a Trump rally. But it would be surprising if the guys here were not fully on board with The Donald.
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Is it any wonder why there are so many Republican incels?
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
I've just watched Purple Heart on Netflix (don't, it's a waste of time for more reasons than fits in this ask box) but it reminded me once again that it took me some time when I was younger to understand why having a severe health issue would lead to financial ruin and debt in several American movies (I'm French). Some things would be tough in France, like being able to afford a really good wheelchair (more expensive than SS price cap), but not diabetes like the girl in the movie, or cancer. 1/2
2/2 I don't understand how people who would have all reasons to be in favour of a state-subsidised, paid-by-social-contirbution (it's cotisation sociale in French, not quite like a tax in its principle) health care system. We do also have discrepancies between rich and poor and our hospital is on the brink of collapse but that's under investment, not the the solidarity system.
Sorry I think I forgot a bit. I don't understand why people who would benefit form such a system are so resolutely against it. Just because of ideology?
As I have written about in various posts before, it is impossible to overstate the damage that forty years of hard-right messaging, starting with Reagan and continued in some shape or form by almost all his successors, has done on the American psyche. Until the 1980s, taxes were high, the welfare net was robust, things like college, health care, house buying, etc were either readily affordable or heavily subsidised, and somehow this was not viewed as Socialism, even in the middle of the Cold War. But then when Reagan and company got in there and revamped the entire economic system to chiefly and only favor rich people, they had to come up with a way to sell it to everyone else. Thus the Myth of the Free Market became America's guiding philosophy, and it worked. Oh boy, did it work. It still works now. You should reject any benefit or system introduced by the government because blah blah bad (as if the chaotic for-profit privatised broken mess we have now works so well, but shh, don't criticise the capitalism. That is, as we all know, Socialism!)
Anyway... yeah. I feel it important to note, however, that despite the stereotypes, the core base of Trump/MAGA/Republican supporters actually are not poor. They do fit some of the expected demographics: largely white, male, straight, and don't have a college degree -- but they often make $50k or more a year, which is definitely not poverty level. We are often sold the "Economic Anxiety" canard about Trump voters (ignoring the fact that voting for a Republican to fix the mess created by Republican policies is, uh, confusing), but the people at the Capitol on January 6 had enough money to leave their jobs, arrange travel and hotel in DC, and buy Trump merch and weapons and God knows what else. Some of them even flew there by private jet. So on the one hand, yes, there are plenty of poor and working-class white people who have been so brainwashed by Reagonomics that they reject even those reforms/programs that would help them (and also don't want those programs to help non-white people). But a lot of the MAGA support is exactly what it looks like: well-off white people for whom this unfair economic system is working pretty damn well, who do not want to be forced by the Evil Government to redistribute any of it, and are eager to embrace fascist and fascist-adjacent social and cultural policies as a result.
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orossii · 2 years
i’ve been thinking a lot lately about how inaccurate it is to frame the US working class as wholly and deeply conservative. i know quite a lot of lower middle class and poor liberals even living in the south. obviously they’re not as concentrated here and the working class does tend to lean conservative where i live, but the non-woke normie liberals, moderates, and disillusioned non-voters also make up a sizable contingent that will have to be won over as well, and even the right leaning people are not necessarily die-hard MAGA types. a huge portion of trumps voter base consisted of people that just wanted something different from the political establishment, which is also why a lot of them also voted for Obama in 2008 before growing rapidly disillusioned with him. that’s why i think marxists must be as non-ideological as possible
like, i’m all for treating conservatives like human beings and investigating their arguments for whatever merit you can find and use to recruit. these people aren’t demons by and large and the base concerns they’re operating on are often still valid even if the institutional right works hard to divert their anger in ways that take attention off of the ruling class and put it on their fellow workers. but the answer to appealing to these people isn’t to use the same divisive techniques as the ruling class and essentially turn yourself into some weird marxist wing of the Republican Party. the same mistake applied to liberals is why so many “communist” parties have become the marxist wing of the Democratic Party. if you’re consistently intellectually honest and motivated by a desire to build bridges within a fractured working class rather than a desire to Own The Libs you’ll avoid these partisan pitfalls that limit our reach
the recent drive to use the promise of a reinvigorated patriarchy may help you recruit from the terminally online andrew tate base. like you’ll have the support of the porn addicted crypto mark/school shooter demographic. but you’ll alienate the majority of women (whose support you will in fact require because we’re deeply imbedded in the political/economic/academic sector of the US whether you like that or not) who will not comfortably accept a reality they know to be untrue wherein women are fit only to stay home and raise children while being left outside of the world of production and management entirely. even most conservative women would balk at these American lunatics praising the taliban or saudi arabia on women’s rights and saying women are unfit for political power lol
it would seem absurd to most people to revert back to 1950s style gender relations at a time of declining (rather than ascending, as was the case in the 50s) economic prosperity, wherein we’ll need as many highly educated and/or skilled people in the work force as possible to quickly rebuild US industry when US imperialism/labor outsourcing abroad collapses. women’s liberation is a beautiful thing that i do have an emotional investment in, but it’s also just fundamentally and materially vital to the future stability of the post-imperial US. i think these people see how liberal identity politics are used to justify invasions and sanctions and election interference in the global south and think the answer is to throw women and homosexuals out with the bath water. you can earn back the trust of the global south by affirming your commitment to sovereignty and rejecting the imperial core’s weaponization of human rights in ways that destroy the ability of grass roots campaigners on those issues to make progress without being seen as agents of US imperialism. your main task as a marxist is to work within the reality of what people in your own country will actually accept and have material use for
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ramrodd · 10 months
That Most Wretched of Deaths--The Murder of Jesus of Nazareth
Jimmy, it's not so much that you are a chickenshit draft dodger who was scared shitless of going to Vietnam and a campus radical devoted to the collapse of the US government to end the war in Vietnam who continues to implement that political strategy as a academic fraud. People like you and Bart Ehrman and Dale Martin are important to a healthy university system engaged in a Hegelian dialogue. Having a living, breathing example of an insurgent from the Weathermen of the SDS. You are a relic of The Paper Chase.
The thing that offends me about you Jesus Seminar assholes like John Dominic Crossan and Bart Ehrman is that you are corrupting the literature of the Bible in the name of historicity but, in actual fact, theological disinformation and treachery. Everything you say about Pilate before Mark 15:1 is purely manufactured in the same manner the Josephus description was probably expanded by Jesus enthusiast.
Before 1995, there were no translations of the Palestine Bible that includes 600 Roman soldiers at the arrest on Jesus in John or elsewhere. Jesus was a total surprise to Pilate after Mark 15:1 to 16:8   The 10 Legion had begun to surveille Jesus when He took command of John the Baptist social movement described in Marx 3:8. Before Jesus was Baptized, the Romans referred to this demographic as Followers of John the Baptist or even Baptists or Dunkers. After Jesus took over, Jesus Followers were called Christians by the Roman intelligence community of the 10 Legion and Caesarea.
What the King James Bible presents before and after 1995 is this:
John 18L3  3Judas then, having received a band of men and officers from the chief priests and Pharisees, cometh thither with lanterns and torches and weapons.
What a Bible called The Amplified Bible with a translation after 1995 9i had never heard of this Bible whin I went looking for thi folloing forgery.)
3So Judas, having obtained the Roman [b]cohort and some officers from the high priests and the Pharisees, came there with lanterns and torches and weapons
This translation fits your political objectives in some way and fits in with the fiction that the Gospel of Mark is derivative of Paul's theology. The Epistles of Paul are necessary for sustaing the sexual arousal require for the political cohesion of MAGA Christians like Speaker Mike Johnson and the January 6 majority in the House. I don't know if you know what side you are on, anymore, but I know you are not on my side and  Whether you realize or not, you are engaged in the Nazification of Jesus.
All the literature of the Gospels emerge from the singularity of Jesus. There is no need to harmonize them: they are like pure rays of light coming out of an LED Disco ball. It is a useful method of analysis to deharmonize the Gospels to  grok their harmonies in fullness and synthesis. Once you break the harmonies down, conceptually, it is characteristic of the epistemology of Fascism that they are actually broken down, existentially.
The Jesus Seminar is what happens when your theological methodology is based on the libertarian logic of Any Rand's Virtue of Selfishness and Objectivism.  But with malicious intent.
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worldofwardcraft · 1 year
Endangered species.
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August 24, 2023
Back in 2019, the Center for American Progress issued a study suggesting that, if the Republican Party did not adapt to changing demographics, it would likely not be a national political party by the year 2036. The racial demographics alone should be chilling for Republicans. Given current rates of birth, intermarriage and net immigration, the US is on track to reach the point where non-Hispanic white people are no longer the majority ethnic group by 2044. Hardly good news for a party that's become the exclusive domain of aggrieved white Americans.
It gets worse. By stubbornly clinging to the wrong side of issues such as climate change, gun control, abortion and student loans, the GOP is also eroding its position with younger voters at precisely the time when Millennials and Generation Z are poised to become the largest voting bloc in the electorate.
Then there are women voters, who are deeply offended not only by the obliteration of their reproductive rights in red states, but also by the Party's MAGA messiah. Here's Sarah Matthews, former deputy press secretary in the Trump White House.
As the Republican Party has changed, I think that women, obviously, especially suburban women, have largely moved away from the Republican Party as a result of Trump because they don’t like his antics or his rhetoric.
Already, there are warning signs of a Republican Party in peril. It lost four of the last seven presidential elections and won fewer popular votes than Democrats in six of those seven. But it's not just about presidential elections.
Even though they (barely) won back the House in 2022, Republicans suffered a net loss of one Senate seat and two governorships and failed to flip a single chamber in any state legislature. Meanwhile, the Democrats gained control of four: one each in Minnesota and Pennsylvania, and both in Michigan.
The takeover of the Party by Donald Trump and his cult has only accelerated the process of destruction. Today, many state Republican parties are collapsing. Michigan’s is broke. Minnesota’s was, until recently, down to $53.81 in the bank. As of March, the Arizona party had less than $50,000 in cash reserves. And the Colorado GOP faces eviction from its offices because it can't make the rent.
Infatuated with election denial and violent fantasies, addicted to authoritarianism, wedded to hugely unpopular policies, saddled with clownish MAGAfied candidates, and burdened by Trump's never-ending criminality, even its gerrymandering and vote suppression tactics may not be enough to save an already minority party from total extinction. RIP, GOP.
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incarnateirony · 4 years
Wow. lol-jackles seriously thinks Jensen's less attractive, popular, well known, and talented than Jared. Jensen's never going to rise above being 3rd on the call sheet unless a producer like Jared designs a role playing to his (read: limited) acting skills. Everything Jensen (and Misha) do/have/say is crap. But it's the hellers and AAs who are jealous and MEEEAN to poor Jared. True MAGA hypocrite, ignoring facts and living in some alternate reality they've created in their minds
P much
I find literally none of them attractive personally because, you know, they’re men and all that.
But all it takes is one look at Jensen Ackles, even if you’re not personally attracted, to understand that he’s the more classically attractive of the lot. He meets every media standard of attractiveness, like some perfect shake and bake bag of classic attributes of male beauty. I don’t know what universe anybody lives in to pretend otherwise or like Jensen would have a harder time finding work from his looks.
Much less his acting. I’m sorry. Jensen Microexpressions Ackles vs Jared Macroexpressions Padalecki is not a contest. Not remotely. That’s not being “AA”. It’s literally observing the basic functions of their acting. 
Jensen doesn’t need to do shit like this
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or this
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He just doesn’t. Sam was equally over the top in 15.20. Again, he just was.
I think part of it is in the universe they built to shit down on Destiel, they had to shit down on Jensen’s micro work. They would rather imply, subdermally, that Jensen somehow underplayed Dean’s death in 15.20 than gave a solid (if directorially overdrawn) performance while Jared Manly Wail Dot Jpeged through it. Why? Because they also can’t recognize the same features of acting he applied in 15.18.
I swear to god it felt like they were acting two entirely different scenes with the energy in the comedically long 15.20 death.
Why? Because in both scenes, there was an I Love You with nothing back.
Given, they bro’ed the bro scene. Destiel fandom out here always “No Fear; Cas/Dean calling Each Other Brother: One Fear” and it was literally the bro scene that they crapped on by throwing “my baby brother” in when Destiel didn’t get that, despite all the other “When I first raised you out of hell/got you from school” “knowing you changed me/you didn’t take any of dad’s crap (so I learned not to)” and then they slapped the goddamn “my baby brother” on it and Sam also didn’t say it back and respectively, never ever has.
By bronly logic: Sam doesn’t love Dean, even as a brother. Unless of course, you only respect Manly Wail Dot Jpeg. And not all the nuance Jensen brings to his acting. (”No response; flat; underacted” etc.) -- understanding that would understand 15.18 instantly so can’t have that.
And that’s enduring even before 15.18. 
We won’t even talk about the fact that Jensen is currently out-trending Jared on every platform--be it imdb star rating for how often he’s searched, or google--while Jared’s constantly headlining articles on a new buzzy show and Jensen is.. shoveling snow? Posted a picture on instagram? Made a few statements several months ago? Has a production company with zero actual announcements or current products while Jared has one that’s actively attached to Walker? Has a show role for a show that’s going to air in 2022, that got announced half a year ago? IDK. Shrug emoji.
The same people currently don’t understand that 0.2 is a smaller number than 0.3 in the same year on the same timeslot on the same channel too. Nothing they say is grounded remotely in reality. The whole world is a conspiracy against Jarpad to them, and that’s why people talk about Chaos Machine and not Stick To Your Guns, I guess.
They’re in flat denial that this current show is--as someone on SR (the site they convinced themselves I somehow personally made in 2009 just to fuck with Walker in 2021 [which I don’t own]) put it-- in “Walker Try Not To Round Down To 0.1 In Your First Season Challenge” mode with its current ratings trajectory. Ebb and flow tells us it’s going to hover its current 0.21-0.23 for a bit but start draining on the back end and does genuinely risk dropping under 0.151 at this point. And I hate to break it to them again, but 0.1 is a smaller number than 0.3 still.
Flat-out: even beyond who’s more attractive, or who’s better as an actor, or who trends higher online: Jensen just chose his career path far more intelligently.
He courted multiple possible media suitors (WB, Disney, Amazon). He came out with a role on an Amazon show and an exclusive deal with the WB for a studio that can put his work anywhere from on the CW to HBO. He’s diversifying his recognition base and portfolio.
Jared chose a path that is plugging him back on the CW, and actually makes his popup studio in association with it wholly dependent on its parent companies, rather than being an independent operation contracted into exclusivity. If and when Jensen’s contract ends, if he doesn’t feel it’s fruitful, he can do whatever he wants with Chaos Machine, while having a strong bedrock of existing product and notoriety under it. Stick To Your Guns is a limited vessel and reliant on its current clout ladder. Jensen will be able to walk wherever he wants after this. Jared will not. Not as a producer. Not with a media company. He’ll be back to being an actor seeking casting that has some production experience. Which he should, by now, after being in acting for like 20 years. Maybe Stick To Your Guns will survive past and Pedowitz will order another series aimed for a similar demographic to also be on the CW. Because Stick To Your Guns isn’t going much of anywhere else. It even platforming Walker on HBOMax is a CBS-WB agreement for how they’re peddling product with the Netflix deal broken. It’s not gonna actively create content FOR HBO.
Add in Walker being on the CW, and being all but uncancellable as a CBS product on the CW, he’s tied in for at least 88 episodes or until catastrophic failure, whichever comes first. That means 4-5 seasons with its current episode format. That means Jared will have spent his entire professional life on the WB/CW, known as a “stupid teen network”--while, at worst, Jensen may produce content for that network while also handling things for HBO and other WB platforms and performing on other media throughout. 
Jensen and Jared both stayed true to SPN as a production--neither can be faulted for how much of their lives went into that and it’s generally an attribute. But one chose to step forward, out, and wider and the other just stepped laterally in the same space and that IS noticeable on a professional level. Again, that’s just reality. That’s going to be looked at by future media agencies. It just is. No amount of hollering on tumblr about the great AA conspiracy against Jarpad is gonna change that.
Jared has officially niched himself into a role where after this he’s pretty much gonna be forever cursed to play The Dad On That New Teen Show unless he does something DRASTIC after this. Period. Like end of story. That’s reality. Short of absolutely embarrassing collapse of Walker he’s not walking out of the show before he’s 43-44. Jensen was already shuffling contract work with his current clients at 41. And came out more independent for it. 
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elizabethleslie7654 · 6 years
A Suicide Pact, Unless You Can Avoid It
all kinds of cool jewelry and no shipping or getting mobbed t the mall
America’s mobile Constitutional crisis is marching steadily up from Central America. The 2018 migrant caravan is nothing more than a symbol of the real crisis, but it does force MAGA voters to face the immigration disaster that has been going on for decades thanks to the generally permissive attitude of the Left and Right to illegal and legal immigration, respectively. Immigration is itself only the most graphic example of the atrophy of America’s Constitutional order, but the contrast between southern California and southern Indiana has become so undeniable that the 2016 election was a re-litigation of globalist policies the Left thought had been universally accepted in the 1990’s. If the Left had bided their time they could have weathered even 8 years of Trump without too much damage to their cause, but on guns and immigration they are treating America as if it were one big college campus where the SJW mentality reigns supreme. As a result the Trump Presidency may soon change from being a thorn in the side of the administrative state and take on an overtly revolutionary character.
A revolutionary presidency does not consist of arresting foreigner invaders or deploying the military to the border, though the Left will treat such minor procedural acts as harbingers of totalitarianism. Trump’s real revolutionary act is refusing to accept the banana republic status ordained for the United States by globalists. The one great task of this presidency, at which Trump’s success is by no means guaranteed, is to make the federal government function in the interest of the citizens of the historic American nation according to written laws rather than the whims of the Leftist bureaucracy and culture. The Constitution has many problems, but at this point merely getting back to our flawed governing document would be a major achievement.
It is easy to blame the ambiguities and omissions of the Constitution for many of our current problems, but before we can improve the Constitution we must undo the multigenerational shift of power into unwritten agreements among the ruling class. Many new circumstances have been successfully incorporated into the American system, not without violence to the Constitution or the spirit of the founding principles of the country, though we used to at least go through the trouble of amending the Constitution. Politicians now generally leave the official documents alone and work through the federal courts, as they did in the nakedly talmudic Obamacare Supreme Court case. Welfare programs, war-making, and the budget are all run on a haphazard basis. The institutional aspects of America’s decline have largely been kept out of the public eye, but a migrant caravan is just the kind of attention grabbing event needed to expose the contradictions inherent in the modern American system that are obscured in civilian life.
Consider the scope of Clown World’s inanity. A group of foreigners are marching into sovereign territory illegally. The commander-in-chief cannot build a defensive barrier without Congressional approval, though Congress has approved border funding in the past that was never implemented. The National Guard has been unavailable to guard our nation for the past decade and a half because it has been away (unsuccessfully) guarding Afghanistan and Iraq from the Afghan and Iraqi people. Meanwhile, the most populous border state in the U.S. is already half filled by the relatives of the current invading migrants. If state governors do call up the Guard, Leftist activists and lawyers are ready to bring human rights suits, environmental impact reports, and any other frivolous case that will prevent the effective use of the troops. If the governors do not call up the Guard and Trump tries to overrule them, Libertarians will complain about the destruction of liberty, federalism, and small government. If any troops are deployed, all the migrants need is a screen of women and children at the front and a bevy of religious conservatives will argue against any use of force to stop them.
The commander-in-chief is not supposed to use the military to defend the United States. We have, you see, a long tradition of prohibiting domestic law enforcement by the military, which, while admirable, might be more enduring if we did not simultaneously invite our enemies to settle in our territory. If Trump attempts to deploy troops on the Mexican side of the border, Congress would suddenly and uncharacteristically assert their power to declare war—or not. The southern border is not like the laundry list of nations where American troops have deployed at mere hints of unrest. The massive Pentagon budget and militarized police forces are useless when the threat is actually at our own doorstep. The best we can do, assuming the cooperation of the states, is wait for the invaders to break in, arrest them, release most into the U.S.A. with legal status, deport a few, and imprison the rest at taxpayer expense. Even when America ‘wins,’ the American people lose.
The response to the migrant caravan will show just how close to catastrophic failure the American system really is. There have been many premature announcements of America’s collapse, so let’s not get ahead of ourselves. If columns of invaders do ever just walk right in from Mexico, at that point all bets will be off concerning the function of American government and law enforcement. But social systems do not just give up and die for no reason, and even the most cowardly politicians have a sense of self-preservation. Most congressmen, whatever their opinions on immigration, intuitively understand that they cannot allow a marching caravan to overtly flout U.S. law the way African migrants did in Europe. The migrants sense this too, and seem to be cleverly dividing up to make Trump’s National Guard deployment look like a bellicose overreaction to a minor problem.
There are probably still enough functioning American institutions to ensure that some kind of border security will meet these migrants. But the deeply ingrained political correctness of the military makes it unlikely that the National Guard will be opening fire on illegal border crossers. Mass detentions and incarceration are stopgap measures that can only delay America’s demographic transformation, unless Trump uses this crisis to transfer all immigration cases out of the American courts and into some sort of military tribunal system. This is also a perfect opportunity for Trump to push for aggressive measures against sanctuary cities and states that impede law enforcement. It is time for Trump to openly advocate for the White majority. Every avenue of communication open to the president should be used to counteract the media narrative on immigration and remind voters that Europeans have greater demographic and cultural connections to the United States than Mexicans do. Trump needs to take one step beyond the civic nationalist rhetoric of the GOP and adopt the talking points of Tucker Carlson and Steve King, otherwise the National Guard will have no more sense of purpose than any other government agency that needs to make sure paperwork is filled out correctly. If Trump seizes this opportunity to re-establish rule of law he will have an enduring, revolutionary legacy. Anything less and his presidency will be remembered as a marginally effective historical curiosity.
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