bernejoseph-blog · 3 years
Stories & Lore
stories: books you remember from your childhood?      “I remember reading The Series of Unfortunate Events and being amazed that something so sad could be so entertaining.”
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lore: Answered!
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fckemms · 3 years
worst person you've thought about naked.
"uhhh. my middle school principal. not in a spicy way, just to clarify. he was involved in some sex scandal thing, and then of course your brain goes to those places. right? you'd think about it too. it just happens."
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tysondabs · 3 years
Sleep & folk
sleep: what is the most comforting thing at night time for you?
Total darkness and total silence, kind of like one of those sensory deprivation chambers. And someone next to you. Not just anyone, though... has to be the right person. Makes a world of difference. 
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marloncarter · 3 years
What is the first thing you would grab if your house was on fire?
Well my house is currently Dom’s house, so I’d probably grab Dom so he doesn’t cook to a crisp. Tyson too if he’s staying over. Those motherfuckers sleep through anything.
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If we’re talking objects though, my notebook. Got too much shit in there I don’t wanna lose. 
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grillmastergideon · 3 years
If you could give 18 year old you a piece of advice, what would it be?
“Spend as much time with your family as possible, and get your sister the hell out of town at the first sign of something being up.”
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sashamsmith · 3 years
What is something your muse loves being praised for?
Sasha is just horrific at receiving praise in general. There’s a generous amount of constant, negative self-talk going on there and a fixation on her own verdicts, and anything positive about her anyone might point out comes as a surprise and is met with polite and awkward disbelief. That said though she appreciates any kind of praise if only for the intention, bonus points if the giver sounds convincing enough about it. Just don’t expect her to know what to do with it or with herself when she gets it lol
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itsdanteshell · 3 years
What TV show could you watch over and over and never get bored?
Bobs Burgers and Rupaul’s drag race and Charity shop sue. 
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jettharper · 3 years
if you could only watch one movie for the rest of your life what would it be and why?
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Black swan... or skyfall. Natalie Portman is heaven on earth, And skyfall is awesome.  so either one of them, 
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eleanoratwood · 3 years
if you could eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?
Ask my muse personal questions!
“Probably pancakes from the Golden Griddle. I have a habit of eating them every time I get too drunk, so I’m sure they taste just as great when I’m sober.”
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eeshyeun · 3 years
Send “💭” For A Thought My Muse Had of Yours!
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          “some days, it feels like mags likes books more than she likes people. i wonder what she’d choose between me and a first edition jane austen novel if both were dangling from a cliff.”
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silverlake-rp · 3 years
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Due to inactivity of over 6 days, the following characters have 24 hours to become active:
The following players have 24 hours to submit their blog before their spot becomes reopened:
The following players are on HIATUS and are currently exempt from activity:
Stasia ( Valentina ) — 24/04/21 - 11/05/21 (extended)
Sparrow ( Brandon ) — 04/05/21 - 11/05/21
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phedova · 3 years
If you had to listen to just one song for the rest of your life what would it be?
“....click here.” 
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honesty hour.
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itsdanteshell · 3 years
"Must arrange a coffee with her, she seems fun and cool to chat too.”
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“I wonder what panties she wears? Doh! shit, must not ask her that.. she might now wear any..... oh god stop thinking!!!!”
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junigreen · 3 years
Nose, Knees, Tongue.
ask me about my body!
nose  - what is your favorite perfume/candle fragrance?
“usually lavender for candles or essential oils, however my go to perfume is pacifica’s island vanilla. ”
knees  - have you ever cheated on someone?
“never have i ever.”
tongue - what was in your last meal?
“it was a burrito bowl from flore, although it’s about to be a thin mint or three.”
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