#magi x pregnant reader
queenofanime · 1 year
Can you do kouha ren headcanons with his wife but she’s pregnant
Why of course I can! (Secretly one of my favorite characters. LOVE that little psycho)
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Kouha Ren x pregnant wife reader
Kouha has always been and will always be protective. He was protective of his mother, of his outcasts, of his brothers and sisters, so it's only obvious that he will be protective of you. 
Honestly, I don't believe the pregnancy was planned. Kouha wasn't trying to prevent it, but he definitely wasn't trying to conceive either. 
After he finds out about it, he doesn't react the way you would have hoped. In fact, he doesn't react at all. The old Kouha would have probably been ecstatic and excited. Now, he feels detached from the situation. 
His aloofness makes you wonder if he has lost interest in you (believe me, that is far from the truth). That man adores you! He loves you all the way to the moon and back. It's just that sometimes his head can get in the way.
After everything that happened. Hakuryuu, the betrayals, the execution, Kou, Sinbad. His faith has taken the hit. He feels a bit of a failure, and he doesn't want to keep failing, failing you.   
You'll have to confront him about it. And save the poor guy from his own demons. 
Throughout the whole pregnancy, Kouha will be leaning on you more than he should, but I mean, you did marry a toddler. 
Once your belly starts showing, the reality sinks in, and the emotion in his eyes will return. He already treated you as royalty (technically, you are), but as the months progress, Kouha will treat you like porcelain. 
Kouha never thought about all the things that could go wrong in a pregnancy. Therefore, he is visibly distressed when you're in pain but he makes up for it. The best at cuddles and comfort. Him, talking about everything and nothing, helped you get distracted.
Won't ever say what gender he wants out loud, but he secretly wants a girl. He would spoil her rotten (lucky thing). He even came up with the nickname 'pineapples' and has his heart set on calling his daughter that. 
Very goofy when he feels the baby's kicks. Can't stop looking at his hand all day, reliving the sensation.
The doctor said the baby would arrive on April 29. That gave Kouha a chance to organize his thoughts and have time to prepare. That plan, however, goes out the window when you go into labor at 26 weeks. 
Kouha will never forget your scared expression. When the baby is born, it is so small and fragile that the doctor tells you not to keep your hopes up. Premature babies rarely survive. Your spirit might be shattered, but Kouha isn't giving up on his child. Truth be told, pineapples survives. (That's not how you name your child, don't worry)
After the scare, Kouha will never be seen without his daughter/son.   
We all know he loves fashion, meaning he chooses the clothes, you don't. Also braids hair so don't worry if you suck at it.
Overall, he becomes a more attentive husband and dad (something you didn't know was possible). He always tries to make you smile. 
You know you marry one of the good ones.
Hope this is okay. I really enjoyed writing it!
If you enjoy my writing, even just a little bit... can you follow my insta?
I'm trying to grow my newly created art account: nena_rpa
Your support would mean the world to me :)
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bluetooththereptile · 2 years
The black Rose
Yandere bat family x fem pregnant reader (vampire au)
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(Gif by unknown)
( English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes in the following text.)
(This fic is one of the multiple choices of this post)
Note: Black rose may seem depressing and a sign of grief, but it also means rebirth and another chance!
Summary: For the first time in your relationship with your former Master, you decide to take a step first to change your relationship's situation...
Tw: Mentions of pregnancy and death
Looking down at the bat-shaped toy you just had finished, you couldn't help but groan in frustration at the sight of its mismatched wings. It was hard to sew something without anyone helping you and you had tried to sew matched wings countless times, and it had not worked. You sighed and put the toy down in the toy basket as you shifted in your place, but you were stopped by the sudden movement of the cat that was taking a nap on your lap.
"Oh sorry, Alfred!" You said as you patted the demonic cat's head, making it purr as it stretched its little legs out. He was not mad at all, it looked up at you, its red big eyes gleaming as it let out a soft meow, carefully rubbing its head to your bulging belly. You smiled at its gentleness, for a cat that had a demonic side, was surprisingly well behaved around you. Perhaps it was because of its master's influence? Damian's pets were under his mind control so it was sensible to think the boy looked after you through his pets as well.
You pushed your window open to let some fresh air come into your room as you took in a deep breath, the babies'  weight was becoming a real problem now that they were growing heavier. Alfred yawned lazily enjoying its time on your lap, but suddenly its body jolted up and it jumped off your lap, hissing to the darkness out of your window as its tail puffed up. You gasped at the sudden action and were going to move away from the window, as much as your body's state let you, but hearing a familiar voice relieved you. "Hey stop you little beast! I'm no danger!" Jason's head popped in as he pulled his cloak's hood off, glaring at the hissing cat.
"Now I have to ask permission from you as well?" He said as he shoved the cat to the side so he could sit on the window's edge. Alfred hissed at him one more time before walking back to you, growling as it protectively laid on your lap. Jason snarled at the cat and showed off his long fangs, but the cat just growled in response, making Jason roll his eyes. "Just like its master, it's a brat!" You frowned and smacked his head gently "Shush! Don't talk about Damian like that!" "What? I'm telling the truth!" You wanted to smack him again but he stopped your hand by taking it in his much larger one. "Alright! Alright, momma!" Hearing the word from Jason made your cheeks flush in embarrassment, making him grin.
"How's the momma and the two cakes in the oven doing?" He said as he kissed the back of your hand, letting you pat him by putting your hand on his head. "We're good..." you paused, noticing the cut on his cheek "What have you been up to? I haven't heard from you for a week!" Jason nervously chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck "Well...." he trailed off with another chuckle making you narrow your eyes at him. "You know hunting down ghouls can be a dangerous task..." "But you had promised me to not hunt until the hunting season starts!" Jason looked down as he chuckled again, mumbling an apology.
You and Jason were close enough that he saw you as a motherly figure he could trust. You were like this to all of the Wayne family members, those people felt like a connection to you, like children to their mother, and no one knew why, even you were not aware of the familiarity potion Alfred, the head butler of the family, had used in the family members  daily dose of blood the very day you had stepped into the Manor. You could swear that old Dampier knew things that could shake the world, you had suspected he had some magical futuristic visions powers but you didn't have anything to prove that, no one but the ancestors of the Wayne family was aware of the fact that the old man was an assassin of the dark God's shrines way before the war of the heavens happened and was blessed by them. Alfred knew the family needed you, that was why in the first place he had let his master know about your existence, he was the one who had received the information about you after all. 
You were the only person besides Alfred that could connect to the family members of the Wayne household easily. That was why Jason had let you see his softer side and had trusted you in knowing his secret life as a vampire hunter. You sighed and fixed the white strand of hair on his head "You shouldn't be this reckless Jason...Master Wayne and others worry about you! I do get worried about you! You want to make your pregnant stepmother worry and distress her babies?" Jason narrowed his eyes and leaned closer to you, making you let a questioning hum "hmm?" "You're still angry with the old guy?" He asked, making you sigh as you pushed his face away. "Oh come on! We both know that thing because Bruce had to do it!" You gave him a bored look "I don't want to have this conversation right now Jay..." Jason rolled his eyes "You are both stubborn, neither he apologizes to you properly nor you forgive him for what he did!"
"You don't know how hard it's to even think about it, Jason! He cheated on me with the queen just on our wedlock night! How can I ever forgive him?" "I don't say you should forgive him fully Y/N, but you can overlook some issues in your relationship! I still can't forgive him because of not killing that ghoul master, joker, but I still come to his house, because I know I belong here! You shouldn't take it hard on yourself as I did! Your twins will be born in months and you surely don't want to raise them when you are this cold to their father!...plus he has been taking things too hard on himself lately..." he mumbled the last part with a sigh. "Think about it Y/N...if he didn't love you wouldn't be his wife now! If he wanted to play with you like other people he had in the past he wouldn't have freed you and then let you become the spouse of a noble like him!" You only nodded your head at his words, letting him know you'll think about what he had said.
Jason was right, Bruce loved you, but the process of loving you hadn't reached its peak easily. At first, Bruce was not a good master to you, only letting you out of your room when you were needed, and whenever he talked to you, you were addressed coldly, you couldn't even think about the possibility of having his children to free yourself from him, maybe he had set that condition because it was impossible? Bruce was a man that rarely trusted people. Your situation was so bad for you that you even considered running away from him, though that plan was exposed by the silent daughter of the family, Cassandra. It was not until the day you had saved Bruce from a ghoul's attack while he was sleeping in his coffin that he started to trust you. If you were loyal enough to save your master who had been harsh on you, you were surely a good person to trust.
Your relationship grew stronger little by little and soon after the first time he confessed his feelings for you, you found out about your pregnancy. The family was glad to know that their lonely father had found peace within your arms, and to prove to you that Bruce was genuine about his feelings for you, he proposed to you when you were still a human. It was the first time in his family, that someone had married a human who had not turned into a vampire yet, but he had put all of his family's values and traditions aside long ago when he had adopted dampiers as his children. You were given freedom and the surname Wayne had joined your name.
But the dream bubble was destroyed when your husband left your side in hurry on the very night of your marriage. You had thought that it was an urgent matter of politics or something like that, but when you had heard from the gossiping friends of Stephanie, Richard's Fiance, that he was summoned by the queen who was seduced by him in the past so they could...make love...your heart was broken. He had cheated on you with the unfaithful queen of vampires on the first night of your marriage? You were too devastated that you ran away from the Manor and if it was not because of Richard and Duke, the other sons of your husband, you'd have got away from them as much as you could. You were trapped in your shared room with Bruce since then, spending your months of pregnancy in captivity, though to be honest, it didn't feel too lonely since your family members were there for you all the time. Especially Damian, the boy who had his father's cold attitude but was genuinely in love with you, had his eyes on you to an extent that he didn't leave your side, and if he was not able to do that, his pets did that role for him.
With Jason's kiss on your cheek, you were brought back to reality. "Don't be that way Y/N, let me see you smile before I go!" He said as he pulled on your cheek, making you smile. He smiled back in return as he pulled the hood of his cloak on his head, and left your side after giving the cat on your lap a final snarl. You sighed as you became lonely again. You shifted in your place, feeling uneasy with the weight in your belly when someone knocked on the door. "Come in!" You said as you stood up, noticing Alfred’s gloved hand come into the room and put a boutique of black roses on the floor before closing the door without saying anything, the old man was sneaky sometimes.
You walked to the boutique and noticed a note on it. Picking it up you read it out loud "Give him another chance..." it was Alfred’s handwriting...how did...how did he know that you had considered forgiving Bruce? Was he listening to you and Jason right now? You looked down at the black roses and raised your eyebrows in surprise. Black roses meant another chance in flower language, and Alfred expected you to give them to Bruce? "Meow?" You heard little Alfred question the existence of the flowers, making you smile as it tried to smell them but sneezed because of the pollen. "I think I have to take the step this time..."
You left the room with the flowers as Alfred walked after you, its tail raised in amusement. You walked through the corridors of the Manor to get into Your husband's office, but he was not there, there was only one more place that he could be when he was not in a good mood, the cave under the Manor. Thankfully you knew how to get to your husband's lair and by pressing two different keys on the piano of your husband's office you found the passage to the cave.
"Mother!" Damian's surprised voice made Duke raise his head and his eyes widen in surprise, you'd finally come out of your room? Damian ran to you, taking your hand tightly, you were still not used to being called his mother and it made you feel a little uneasy, but you couldn't help but give him a smile when he looked at you with excitement, you were the only one that could bring the young vampire to show his emotions like that. Duke smiled at you, and if it was not because of his hands being greasy he would have come and hugged you.
You looked at your husband sitting on his large chair as he stared at the magical orb that supplied the Manor with energy, not turning back to meet you in the eye despite knowing you were there. You walked to Duke and whispered in his ear "Will you be kind enough to leave us two alone?" Duke gave you a nod before wiping his hands clean and taking Damian out with him as the boy shouted and resisted.
"You don't want to turn around?" You said as you put your hand on Bruce's shoulder, making his muscles jolt up. Oh how much he craved your touch! But he didn't respond to you, instead, he just took your hand in his and guided you to walk in front of him. You put the flowers down and picked one out of the bouquet as you walked in front of him. Bruce's piercing gaze met yours and the vampire let out a tired sigh, his eyes softening at seeing you again. Only dark gods knew how much he had suffered knowing he had hurt you because of keeping his place in the court.
He opened his mouth to talk but you stopped him by putting your fingers on his lips, letting him know you wanted to tell him something first. He kissed your fingers and looked up at you with questioning eyes as you gave him the black Rose in your hand. "Let's start over again..." you said, letting him know you were giving him another chance. Bruce's eyes widened in shock, not believing what he was seeing...you had forgiven him?
He gently pulled on your hand and let you sit on his thigh so he could feel your warmth again. "I...I don't know what to say!" He said, voice low and still shocked. "Just let's not acknowledge what had happened..." you said as you looked down at the rose, sighing happily as Bruce's strong arms pulled you closer to him. "I'm sorry..." he whispered in your ear before starting to kiss your neck, making you smile. His lips found your jaw and then your chin and just when he was going to kiss your ĺips, Alfred’s loud meowing made him freeze in his place.
"You are enjoying the show?" You said frustrated by the fact that you couldn't have the kiss you were missing a lot, "You want some snacks to eat while watching?" Alfred gave you another loud meow as it watched you two, making you let out a groan. But your groan was stifled by the passionate kiss Bruce planted on your lips, letting your melt in his arms as you both chuckled in the kiss.
Years later you'd find out that forgiving Bruce was the best decision of your life.
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To Request Something
Okay if you want me to write you something here are the rules..
.Right now I'm writing a part two to telling Genshin men you are pregnant prank
IDK Y IT IS TAKING ME FOREVER 😭 But don't worry I only have one left💅
First: I'll write anything but if you are shipping yourself with a toddler I will not write that 😗 💅 I'll only write cute and wholesome things for children....
second: I WILL WRITE FROM ANY FANDOM!! cuz yes! it just may take me longer if I do not know it but that's cuz i'm learning about it so I can write it for you.
Third: I'll write NSFW and SFW (Angst,fluff,smut,ETC)
I'll also do gender-bend with characters
Fourth: I am German half Mexican! so you can come at me with German or Spanish 😎
Sorry If I take forever to do your request but I do, do some quicker!!....some.......It you want a character x Character expect it to take forever 😃
When you request I would love it if you include what gender you want the reader to be (gn-girl-boy)
I would also like if you gave me a bit of a vision of what you want (Like example ----
:I would like a gn reader that tells (person) that they want to break-up, like they just bluntly say it to them out of no where)
You get what I'm saying? BUT YOU ALSO DO NOT HAVE TO!! I'm just saying what I would appreciate it.
I love straight up doing any request there is barley any that I would refuse! So you got a kink? Well I'll write it!!
Bro if you want to be shipped with anyone AND I MEAN ANYONE then i'll write it
(Bro no judge on some frfr shit.....my bud come on I had and prob still have a crush on Shirubā Fang from One Punch Man 😖 Okokok hear me out...Have you seen this man-
Fandoms I already know and will write faster
-One Punch Man &lt;;33
-Bnha -_-
-Record of Ragnarok <33 I love this plz request
-Seven deadly sins&lt;;33
-Vinland Saga <33 Got me so pissed off in season 1 🤧
-AoT...bro..mood changed so much
-Demon Slayer&lt;;33
-Mairimashita-Iruma-Kun...idk man
-Tokyo Revengers..Yes
-Soul Eater&lt;;33
-Magi(both Sinbad and labyrinth)&lt;;33
-Boku Dake Ga Inai Machi..-real tears were shed.
-Death Note&lt;3
-Danganronpa(any game/anime)
-Blue Exorcist&lt;3
- Genshin Impact..(i'm not that far but I see my brother play so I know the whole game)
-Gunjō no Magmell<33 not very much of this is on here😞
-Angels of Death &lt;;33
-Black butler &lt;;33
-Tokyo Ghoul
-Creepypasta...ok hear me-
-Obey me...HEAR ME OU-
-Mononoke( Medicine seller)
Might add more_-
You can also dm me if ya want! I'll answer)( I can write things for just you if you want!! And i'll write anythings! cuz i'm down bad😗
I love when you request!! It makes me so happy!!
I just dont answer fast😀👍
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Me and Le-Orio FRFR ✊😞
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ablackfangirlwrites · 4 years
Masterlist last update 5/23/2020
A/N~ If it says coming soon chances are I’m working on it and it’s in my draft If it says coming eventually I haven’t started on it yet but I do plan on it 
~As for the Attack on titan links they may or may not work it’s an old page I used to run and I wanted to add her but Tumblr is stupid and said there all N*sfw  -.-
My hero academia 
Aizawa | Eraserhead
A relationship with Aizawa 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Random headcanons 1, 2
Dishonest (cheating Aizawa) 1, 2
Jealous Aizawa 
Bald Aizawa
Big bro Zawa
More big bro zawa
Even more big bro Zawa
Single dad Aizawa
Aizawa with a Australian male s/o
Aizawa breaks up with you
Aizawa with a s/o w/ box braids 
Aizawa with a young finance 
Aizawa turning into a monster 
Aizawa’s s/o is kidnapped 
Aizawa trying to make you feel better 
Aizawa dealing with Mic and his s/o
Aizawa’s s/o meeting class 1A
Aizawa’s s/o is clumsy 
Aizawa meeting your family 
Aizawa surprising you when your up to no good
Aizawa and you have a baby
Aizawa’s daughter dating 
Aizawa’s s/o is kidnapped 
Aizawa with a vigilant male s/o
Aizawa with a sour patch s/o
Aizawa seeing his male s/o shirtless 
Aizawa with a popular s/o male
Aizawa meeting an adorable cat quirk hero
Aizawa calming your nerves 
Aizawa getting to know his fiance
Your baby can teleport 
Using your quirk for Aizawa
speaking a different language w/ Aizawa
Cat quirk you and Aizawa
Warg quirk you and Aizawa
Qurikless you and Aizawa
So you had a bad day
Das a big bunny
Take a break 
Modern-day beauty and the beast 
New years kiss 
Finding a hickey on his s/o
Bad weather
Chilling in his clothes 
caught in the act
Bath time with bea
Drunk confessions 
laying with Aizawa 
48 hours 
chin kisses
First kiss
Safe pt 1 Part 2 eventually 
Number ask 
“Are you trying to seduce me?”  Aizawa
  “Stop staring and go talk to her.”  Aizawa
“I’m not wearing any panties,”  Aizawa 
“You can’t expect me to believe nothing happened, not when you flinch every time something touches you. ”  Overhaul
You want to do this right now? Even though we could get caught?”  Overhaul
Multi ship And/or headcanon scenarios
Dabi & Aizawa  - 1  2 3
Hawk and Dabi - Coming eventually 
Hawks Aizawa Dabi present mic and all might react to you saying let me see you shake that ass
A relationship with Dabi 1, 2, 3, 4
Dating Dabi
Breaking with Dabi
Sweet & innocent you and Dabi
Warg quirk you and Dabi
Bath time with bea
Dabi with a ditzy s/o
24 hours 
Dabi’s s/o has an eating disorder 
At midnight things change
Possessive Dabi with his s/o 
kai chisaki
Chisaki with a ditzy s/o
Chisaki with a younger sister
Present Mic
Mic trying to make his S/o feel better
Show me those hands! 
Random hawks headcanons
Hawk and his vigilant 
Hawk surprising you when your up to no good
Hawks waking you up with his wings
Hawks visiting his teacher s/o
Hawks working with a cold reader
Hawks snacking into the UA dorms to see his s/o
Drunk Confessions
Doing Hawks makeup 
72 hours
Bad weather
 In his clothes 
Your fault
 Finding a hickey on his S/o
speaking a different language w/ Keigo
I promise 
Caught in the act 
Bath time with bea 
Jealous pt 1 part 2 eventually  
Babysitting a drunk S/o
Growing up with Keigo Part 1 other parts eventually 
chin kisses 
All nighter
New Neighbor part1, 2, 3, 4  Part 5 soon
sleepy bird
First kiss
It’s the thought that counts
Falling through clouds
A real relationship 
All might | Toshinori Yagi
Dating All might 1, 2, Part 3 coming eventually 
Finding a hickey on his s/o
Speaking a different language w/ Toshi
Creepy crawlies
My heart is true to you
Hot for another teacher 
Fluffy headcanons 
Happy birthday from All might
Kids that are scared of big might but not little all might
1 hour
Kindom hearts 
I know the sighs 
“Higher, further, faster, baby.”
meets your pet alligator
One Punch man 
meets your pet alligator
Attack on titian
Older brother Marco
Erwin, Jean, Levi, Reiner reactions about their S/O being pregnant
Cuddling with Mikasa
Ymir with a taller s/o
Erwin and the smart recruit
Erwin and Levi reacting to a s/o from our world
Eren declaring his love to s/o
Levi, Farlan, Reiner, and Eren react to a pregnant s/o
Hanji realizing her feelings for another girl
Mikasa, Annie and Hange react to their s/o dying
Erwin, Mike, Levi, and Hanji go Christmas shopping
Erwin, Mike, Reiner and Bertl on their wedding day
Erwin, Mike, Bertl and Reiner react if their S/O was declared MIA
levi dating a noble girl from
Eren, Levi and Armin reacting to a love confession
Character headcanons
Modern LeviModern Armin
Modern Erwin
Modern Mikasa
Dating __ would  include
Ship headcanons
Erwin x Hanji (Sfw)
Jean’s male partner gets jealous
My Ocs
FFxv Ocs
Bnha Ocs~coming eventually 
Fanfictions and one-shots by me 
Us (childhood friends Levi x reader) Completed
Your problem(bad boy Levi x good girl reader) Completed
You’re a lot of trouble(Teacher Levi x student reader) Completed 
Forever yours (sequel to you’re a lot of trouble) More chapters eventually 
Neighbors  (Levi x reader) More chapters eventually 
My Escape (1920 Levi x reader Au) More chapters eventually
Once upon a dream (Reader x levi One-shot )
Overdose (cheating reader x cheating Levi One-shot) N*fw
444 notes · View notes
My Current Writing Que
Writing Requests // Reader Insert ‘Codes’ // Masterlist // NSFW Alphabet Template
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I've currently got 25 asks right now (I will try to do them in the order they were asked, but I may write some before others if they feel a bit easier to write(also, please don’t ask for a specific story if you see it already in the que!)):
-Tobirama x Student!Reader (UPDATE: I will do this one, I’ve come up with something)
-Sebastian/Undertaker x Ballerina!Reader (DONE!)
-Undertaker NSFW Full Alphabet 100 Follower Celebration (DONE!)
-Undertaker/Sebastian/Grell x BabyFever!Reader Headcanons (DONE!)
-Hakuryuu x Pregnant!Reader Fluff (IN PROGRESS)
-Judal x Reader NSFW
-Adult!Aladdin x Mage!Reader
-Elizabeth x Fem!Tomboy!Reader
-Undertaker x Reader NSFW
-Ja'far x Reader (Considering this character was not on my list for Magi, I am up in the air about doing it. I didn't forget to put him on the list, I just am not confident in writing for him. We will see.)
-Undertaker x Shy!Reader NSFW
-Tobirama NSFW Full Alphabet (I’m sooooo excited, I love doing these!)
-Kankuro x Strong!Reader
-Gaara x Mother!Reader
-Ciel/Sebastian/Undertaker x Innocent!Reader Headcanons? Maybe? Probably.
-Undertaker x Reader
-Gaara x Crush!Reader (DONE!)
-Jealous!Tobirama x Reader
-Undertaker x Reader
-Father!Gaara x Mother!Reader
-Jealous!Neji x Reader
-Father!Tobirama x Mother!Reader
-Makishima x Reader
-Jealous!Minato x Reader
-LittleSpoon!Sasuke x BigSpoon!Reader
-Undertaker x Pregnant!Reader
-Claude Faustus/Sebastian Michaelis x Former Angelic Military Leader!Reader
-Elizabeth Midford x Photographer Male!Reader
-Ciel/Sebastian/Alois x Reader Harsh Breakup
Updated September 27, 2020
Thank you for bearing with my slowness attempt moment >.< But thank you SO much for reading and enjoying my stories! It seriously means the world to me ♡
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white dragon
fandom: magi
pair: hakuryuu ren x fem!reader
chapter: dream [1/15]
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It was always the same dream
He was running, he could tell by the click-clacking echo of his boots. Where exactly he was running to, he did not quite know, but what he did know was that he was running from something, towards someone.
And he felt so small, smaller than the child he was in that dream, so weak, scared, and helpless that there was nothing more he wanted then to run into the safety of his elder brother's chambers and curl up into the secure warmth of his brother's arms, protected from all that would dare to harm him.
But he couldn't do that; not while trying to escape the smoldering flames that so quickly ate up the path behind him, covering and destroying everything in its wake, leaving nothing but ash. Closer and closer they grew, he could feel the heat lick at his skin. The fire would eat him up too, just as it did his beloved brothers, if he didn't hurry.
The thick fumes of smoke blinded and blurred his vision, clouded his lungs, but he didn't care. He had to escape. He had to find them. He had to find her.
Through the sounds of the flickering flames and drawn out yells of servants and nobles alike, he would hear a voice that fell familiar on his ears. A pleading, desperate voice that cried out his name—so close, yet felt so far away.
The darkness was an endless, spiraling hall that pulled the voice further and further away the closer he came to it. It would grow louder with each cry of his name, the tone more frightened than the last.
And it tugged at his heartstrings, plunged a knife in and twisted it. He could feel the cry build up in his throat as he pushed himself harder, his mouth falling open and her name escaping his lips in a soundless call, repeating over and over like a pleading prayer.
He stumbled, tumbling to the ground and falling in a heap of weakened, exhausted bones. Liquid slides down his cheeks, thicker than tears and redder than water. He tries to lift himself, but his limbs have turned to stone. Gravity becomes his enemy, and suddenly he can't move at all; no matter how hard he tries, how hard he wills himself to do so, he couldn't move.
But then suddenly, the halls seem to melt away, and he sees her.
Beautiful as ever, despite the blood and bruises that cover her body; hair a mess and white robes tattered, torn, and burnt, tears staining her lovely face and looking so helpless, as a dark figure hovered over her fallen frame.
In the figure's hands, a steel sword, long and sharp, glistens with blood in the dim light of the fire. One single step they take towards her is enough to send her scrambling backwards as quickly as she can, eager to put as much distance between them as possible.
Another step.
The figure becomes visible—
—And Hakuryuu feels his heart stop, his breath caught in his throat. And around him, the world becomes cold.
Because there, standing with cold, dead eyes, tall and fearsome with his white robes stained with blood—is him.
No, that's not him, that can't be him—he had given up his hatred and desire for vengeance and destruction. He had moved on, moved forward with his life. So why was he standing there with those cold, hateful eyes he once had years ago, looking down at her with such disdain, covered in her blood. He had hurt her.
He would never hurt her—he had hurt a lot of people in his life, by which he still held much regret for that in his heart to this day—but not her, never her. He loved her, how could he ever want to hurt her?
He continues forward in slow, agonizing steps as the woman tries,  but fails to get away as the figure suddenly lunges forward, and then has her trapped, the shadow of his body straddling her panicked form, keeping her stuck beneath his weight.
Her cries escalate into hysterics as the figure raises the sword, the tip of it glinting in the glow of the fire.
And he can do nothing but watch in horror— scared, weak, helpless, poor little Hakuryuu—useless as always
The sword swings down and the sound of blood splattering fills the air as the screams give way to silence.
Mismatched blue eyes snap open as the former emperor of the  Kou Empire is startled from his sleep by the worried call of a female's voice. He jerks up, sweat pouring down his forehead and heart racing as he tries to catch his breath,  anxious blue eyes scanning the area around him.
Inside of  his chambers, he realized, it was rather dark, save for the faint glow of a dimly lit candle. But it was the same, pale colored wall aligned with various trinkets and paintings, the same papers stacked neatly in the corner of his desk; no smoke, no flames, no terror—just the simple decor of his chambers.
"Are you okay, Hakuryuu?" The gentle voice interrupts his racing thoughts and a small hand places itself on his shoulder, causing his gaze to break away from the setting of the room and rest on the owner of both the voice and hand, his beloved.
He doesn't give an answer, and before he could stop himself, his hands grasp her shoulders in a tight grip, all but roughly turning her smaller frame towards him as he frantically scans her form. Every inch of her skin, her body, checking any and every part of her that could possibly have been harmed or out of place.
Now, if this kind of thing were something out the ordinary, [Name] would have smacked his hands away and demand that he tell her what was wrong, as his strange behavior was scaring her and at her current state, she could not afford to be scared—because being scared would lead to being stressed, and stress would not do the two of them well at all.
But safe to say, sadly, she had grown quite used to this.
Grabbing her husband's wrists, she gently removed his shaking hands from her shoulders and took them into her much smaller ones, thumbs messaging  his clammy skin.
"It's okay love," she leaned in placed her lips against his own in a quick, gentle kiss. "We're okay...you were just having another bad dream."
Soothing as her words were, they did not do much to help against the tight ache in his chest, the tremor of his body.  Though, the softness of her body against his was enough to keep him sane at least. He swallowed as he felt heartbeat slow down to the normal pace, his breath slowly becoming even again.
"Do you want to talk about it?" She asks, eagerness lacing her soft tone, then frowns when he shakes his head. There he went again, keeping his troubles to himself. As he always did.
It was a long period of silence before he spoke.
"I...apologize if I startled you again." His voice is husky with sleep, eyes drained by exhaustion. He attempts to pull his hands from her grip but refrains when she tightens it. "Did I wake you?"
"No, Ryuu, I was already up," smooth lips form a soft smile and she lightly gestures towards the swell of her belly, growing bigger and bigger with each passing day. "This little one makes it a bit difficult to get some good rest anyways."
He gives a weak chuckle. "I suppose I should apologize for that as well?"
"What? No, of course not!" She removes her grip from his hands, much larger than her own, and moves to cup his scarred cheek. "You should never apologize for such a wonderful thing, Ryuu. After all, I love our little Hakuro so much already. Being able give him a younger sister or brother and having our family grow is truly a blessing."
"I know love, I know." He pulls her into his arms and smiles when she snuggles into his chest. "I was only kidding."
He lays back down on his back, the tightness in his chest now gone as he's able to finally breathe again.
"But still," he speaks after a long moment of silence as he turns to face her. " It is not fair for me to bother you with my burdens. In your current state—"
"Hakuryuu, I'm pregnant, not an elderly ill woman. Whatever 'burdens' you carry, I can carry as well. We can handle them together. Please, do not be afraid to share them with me."
"But you shouldn't—"
"No—You shouldn't try to keep anything from me." She sits up once more and gives him that look she always gives him when she's serious. "Hakuryuu, I am your wife. As I promised you from the day we got married, I will be by your side, always. I will carry your burdens. Always." She grabs a hold of his hand once more and laces her fingers with his own as her gaze softens. "You are not alone anymore, Ryuu. I need you to understand that."
And you never will be again.
I do understand. I understand perfectly, it's just that— He goes to counter, but before he could her lips immediately meet his, claiming them with such a passion he knew she could not express with words, and like always, she leaves him breathless.
Before long, they part for breath and she rests her forehead against his. "I love you, Hakuryuu. Very much. As does our little Hakuro, and Judar, Kougyoku, and all of the others. And soon, this little one will love you just as much."
Her words pierce through his heart, and a light feeling, a warmth, spreads throughout his chest and body as he feel tears start to form in his eyes. Not tears of distress or pain, no, tears of joy. Of relief. Never in his life, had he been touched by such words.
In such a cruel world that had always been controlled by destiny, he had always thought he was doomed to live the rest of his life alone, where he would most likely waste away until he ended up in an early grave; put there by either by war or by himself, being driven mad and consumed whole by his hatred.
Living life with a beautiful wife at his side, surrounded by their children, friends, and family, free from all torment and ghosts of the past was simply something he only ever dreamed about, something that he had secretly longed for deep down in the lowest depths of his heart.
But he was no fool. Dreams like that only existed in the fairy tales his brothers used to read to him at night. He would never be a Xu Xian, he would never find his Bai Suzhen. Someone like him would never find love or happiness.
Or so he thought.
When he first tried, it had been a failure.  Though Morgiana was a strong, beautiful women who he had once wanted by his side, she had not been the one for him. Her heart belonged with another man, and that man would be the one to give her his in return. He had been bitter about it, before, yes, but that had been in the past.
Now, he lived for the future. For his godsend, his beautiful wife who stood at his side, as well as their child.
Because sometimes, the things one searches for in life doesn't exist only in dreams; they can be right there alongside them the whole time, but they have to open their eyes to see.
And he had been so blind before.
"I know," he finally speaks, and he moves to press his lips slightly against hers, trailing light kisses from her lips, to her nose, to the corner of her eyes, and finally, to her forehead. "And for that, I am truly blessed. I shouldn't keep my troubles to myself."
"No, you shouldn't."
He smiles as their fingers intertwine once more. "Because you are with me."
"Because I am with you."
They lay like that, together, as the world around them seemed to melt away, all previous problems from before seemingly vanished as they took comfort in each other's presence.
Then suddenly, a soft knock on the door.
Husband and wife pull away from each other and sit up once again as the door slides open, and in the doorway is a small figure, who stands with stuffed dragon clutched in hand, dark hair tousled,  and rubbing his tired [e/c] eye.
Worry washes over Hakuryuu like a tidal wave as he looks at his son. "What's wrong, Hakuro?"
Said boy clutches his stuffed animal tight and looks at his parents with tears in his large eyes. "Roro have bad dream," Hakuro speaks in a small, shaky voice. "Roro wants to sleep with Mama and Baba."
Seeing his son in such a state just felt all to familiar. It tugged at his heartstrings, a boy so young and innocent like his son didn't deserve to suffer through any nightly terrors; he should only dream of pretty gardens by the lake, and flying on white dragons.
"Of course, baby, come here." [Name] opens her arms which is enough to send Hakuro running straight into them, mindful of her growing stomach of course. She lays the boy between them as Hakuryuu runs a hand through his son's midnight hair, before leaning and giving him a kiss on his small head.
"It's okay, little one. Your mother and I will be here to keep all the bad dreams away." Lying down in a comfortable position and ready to get some rest this time,  Hakuryuu wraps an arm between the two (or three) people he loved most in the world.
Hakuro yawns, snuggling into the warmth of his father's chest. " M'kay. Night Mama, Night Baba."
"Goodnight, baby."
"Goodnight, little one. Sweet dreams."
And sweet dreams they all did have, any trace of nightmares gone and forgotten at that moment as a peaceful slumber had finally lulled them into it's grasp.
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I love you
(Sinbad x Fem! Reader)
I’m basing this one-shot off of this scene ->https://youtu.be/tfX01lURXFk  from star wars because with the recent chapters of magi it just fits in my opinion. Plus I like the idea of Sinbad as Anakin and I just couldn’t help myself. I also wanted to do something for the fourth of may.
As we say in the star wars fandom, May the fourth be with you.
~~~ You sat on the ship breathing heavily, nervous of the landing in Mustafar to see Sinbad. With all the terrible things Yunan told about Sinbad, you had every right to be scared. You looked out the window seeing the lava erupting from the surface, something common on the planet of Mustafar, you spotted Sin running towards the ship. You left C-3PO on the ship and ran out to meet him. You hugged him with all you might as he caught up to you. “I saw your ship, what are you doing out here?” Asked Sinbad, concerned. You were pregnant as of now and being on a planet made up of mostly lava wasn’t such a good idea with your bloated stomach. “I was so worried about you. Yunan told me terrible things.” You breathed heavily from running and fear. All those rumors about him brought you to a higher state stress than normal and making excuses of the baby on account of him being a Jedi didn’t help. “What things?” Asked Sinbad, raising a brow. He didn’t think you had heard about anything, especially from Yunan. “He said… You’ve turned to the Darkside… That you… Killed younglings.” Tears began to gather in your eyes, the part about the younglings gave you anxiety an account to the pregnancy. “Yunan is trying to turn you against me,” he said, feeling betrayed that you would listen to Yunan and not him. “He cares about us,” you said, insinuating that Yunan knew of your relationship with Sinbad. ”Us?“ He asked, no one was supposed to know about your secret relationship on account that attachments were forbidden among Jedi’s. You took in a deep breath, “he knows. He wants to help you. Sin, all I want is your love,” you said looking into his golden eyes. “Love won’t save you, (Y/N). Only my new powers can do that,” he said looking down to his hands which were holding your arms. “At what cost? You’re a good person. Don’t do this.” You clenched your fists in his robes, fearing the worst. All you wanted was to live a peaceful life with him. “I won’t lose you the way I lost my mother,” he said referring to when his mother died at the hands of Tusken Raider back on Tatooine, “I’m becoming more powerful than any Jedi has ever dreamed of and I’m doing it for you. To protect you,” he said firmly. You brought your hands up around his neck, stroking his hair, "Come away with me. Help me raise our child. Leave everything behind while we still can,” you said in a persuasive tone, hoping that he would forget about all of this. "Don’t you see, we don’t have to run away anymore. I have brought peace to the Republic. I am more powerful than the Chancellor. I-I can overthrow him, and together you and I can rule the galaxy. Make things the way we want them to be.”  He smiled at you, but this time it was different. It wasn’t the same smile you fell in love with. You took a step away from him and shook your head, “I don’t believe what I’m hearing… Yunan was right. You’ve changed,” you breathed out as you continued walking away from him.
Sinbad looked at the ground for a moment and then looked back to you with anger burning in his eyes, “I don’t want to hear any more about Yunan. The Jedi turned against me. Don’t you turn against me,” he said threateningly. Tears ran down your cheeks, “I don’t know you anymore. Sin, you’re breaking my heart. You’re going down a path I can’t follow,” you said, your voice breaking with every word you spoke.
He looked at you, betrayed, “because of Yunan?" He inquired, looking at you as if you were a criminal.
“Because of what you’ve done… what you plan to do. Stop, stop now. Come back! I love you.” You cried, not even bothering to wipe the tears flowing down your cheeks.
Sinbad looked up to see Yunan on the ship you were on and looked back to you, enraged. “Liar!” He yelled with malice, walking closer to you in a threatening manner. You looked and saw Yunan, you turned to Sinbad, “no!" You yelled, shaking your head to deny anything he could be thinking. "You’re with him. You’ve betrayed me! You brought him here to kill me!” Sinbad yelled, enraged bringing his hand up to force choke you. You brought your hands to your neck as if trying to pry them off, “no!” You choked out. You didn’t want this to happen, you only wanted him safe and happy, with you. Yunan walked down the ramp of the ship, “let her go, Sinbad!” He yelled as he glared at his old apprentice.  You shook your head “Sin…" You choked out once more, trying to call out to him and get through to him.
"Let. Her. Go.” Yunan said sternly, still standing at the ramp of the ship. Sinbad released you and you crumpled to the ground unconscious, he didn’t even give you a passing look as he glared at Yunan. That would be the last you ever saw of Sinbad ever again as he soon became one of the most dangerous sith lords the galaxy had ever seen.
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