#magical girl miracle ★ usami
ikilledtvguy · 3 months
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redraw of usami ^_^ !!!!!!!
og image + w/out filter under the cut :3
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she’s so silly i love her
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eggs-can-draw · 1 year
Can I rq a little doodle, just one for an ask or smth I love seeing your art
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ok so this one has a liiiiiittle bit of a story behind it sit down get your popcorn So it's kinda based on/inspired by this reblog by @ohwell-itsme-but-danganronpa that made me slowly realize that despite the big role Nanami is probably gonna play in the Jabberwock kid's lives(esp Kokichi n Kiibo), she's also never going to be able to hug them - unless they like sneak into the NWP for the sole purpose of giving her a hug, which I honestly wouldn't put past Kokichi tbh - and sent me into a long long thought into how much she cares about just about everyone and AAAGH it made me think a lot about her in the au so please know that despite being all ai she's basically everywhere all the time
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angel-oftheday · 4 months
The Angel of the Day is...
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From Danganronpa series
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stars-and-cows · 5 months
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My design for human Magical Girl Miracle ★ Usami
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rsirpeu · 3 months
Magical Miracle Girl ★
~ Usami
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Usami is my favorite DR2 character, I really relate to her a lot, and she has one of my favorite quotes of all time. I really felt bad for her and (in my opinion) she didn't deserve the treatment she got in the games.
Honestly, I'm actually really happy how this turned out, even while experimenting with different styles, so I'll do another Danganronpa character.
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despair-to-future-arcs · 11 months
It’s possible that when Monokuma turned her into Monomi he riddled with her programming;;;; and waking her up didn’t automatically fix that. Can you guys do something about that to fix it…?
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Yes, that was exactly what happen...
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MONOMI: That evil Monokuma had re-wrote my program and made me into an exact copy of him, pretty much as long as monokuma, Junko and the virus were in the program; I would be stuck like this and much weaker, I couldn't do anything but watch...
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MONOMI: However due to removing Junko and Monokuma, the virus was remove and I even regain my form and we won't have anything to worry about!
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So if your worry about me not having my form back, don't be! I can turn into my form whenever I want to!
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So wait does that mean you can return back to Usami?
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Indeed so, I can even change to my Usami form if I want to, watch!
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Hello everyone, your favorite teacher has return! Magical Girl Miracle ★ Usami has return and better then ever!
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However, this form can only last for a small bit so I can't keep this form forever - especially if the virus is still in the program and even the despair among your friends as well...
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And it's very draining to keep that form... I can't stay in it for too long, so I'm stuck like this until all the despair is remove...
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Indeed, seems she was able to remove Junko and Monokuma however the virus is still here and that form was only for a while...
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But don't worry, I'm sure we can manage if we work together.
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gontagokuhara · 1 year
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usamis-stick · 1 year
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"I'm Usami...Magical Miracle Girl ★ Usami. I'm an itty bitty girl who's sweet like milk!"
→ danganronpa
→ pngs, pink overlay, headers
→ rb/like if being used, don’t need to credit (don’t say it’s yours)
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ssvampiez · 2 years
Hi Mod Chiaki! May i request Chiaki Nanami, Usami/Monomi (Platonic) and Mikan Tsumiki from danganronpa that they notice the reader has a scar on their wrist and is suffering from sh? (s*lf h*rm) I hope thats fine with you! Can i also get a non killing game AU? which is like normaI in the island? I'm really sorry if this triggers you.. :( - 🍬
Hello! Thank you for requesting, please don't hurt yourself. It wont get any better! You are super strong >__< If you need someone to talk too you can just chat me :) don’t be shy!!
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Characters: Chiaki Nanami, Usami/Monomi, and Mikan Tsumiki 
Pairings: Chiaki Nanami x Reader, Usami/Monomi and Reader (Platonically), Mikan Tsumiki x Reader
Warnings: Mention of S3lf H4rm and Mikan’s backstory (Mentions of abuse)
Post type: Headcanons
A/N: Sorry if Mikan’s part is short :”(
Word count: 638
✎ You were in Chiaki’s cottage just chilling around while you watch her play video games on the consoles, she was just laying on your chest while you wrapped your arms around her
✎ She asked you why you wear long sleeves
✎ However, you decided to change the topic to something fun and not answer her question
✎ Chiaki knows something is wrong but doesn't push you to say it
✎ An hour has passed and it's getting midnight so you decided to go back to your cottage 
✎ "Uhm, I should go back now. I'll see you tomorrow 'kay?"
✎ You stand up and walked to the door
✎ But Chiaki held your wrist which makes you flinch and stings
✎ "Huh? Is your wrist bleeding?" She said letting go of your wrist
✎ You turned around "What? No!" you were sweating and anxious
✎ Chiaki already knew you were lying and she needed to know this situation
✎ “S/o, let me see your wrist.” She said calmly
✎ You give her your wrist and show her the scars on your wrist
✎ Her eyes widen and she quickly pulled you into a hug
✎ “You know if you’re having a difficult time you can just tell me..”
✎ The next day Chiaki is patching you up :) and made a pinky promise you would never do it again
✎ She won’t understand why you have a scar on your wrist, she will probably think it was an accident or someone hurt you
✎ Of course, she will get worried and tell you what’s wrong
✎ If you refuse to tell her it’s fine she respects you but will give you a speech to take care of yourself like what she would often do to the students.
✎ She would ask either Sonia or Chiaki why is the reason you have a scar on your wrist
✎ They will tell her that you are having a difficult moment and the way to relieve that is to hurt yourself
✎ Man, this poor innocent stuffed animal will be so shocked and disappointed in you, but why did you try to hurt yourself to make everything better? She didn’t understand anything.
✎ The next morning, Usami decided to talk to you about this
✎“[name], I noticed that you are hurting yourself. But why?”
✎ You couldn’t respond to it, you just shook your head and pretend that you never did it
✎ “You know hurting yourself is a big no-no-no right? So please don’t do it!”
✎ “If you ever need someone to talk to, the Magical Miracle Girl ★ Usami...A.K.A. Usami your squeezably soft teacher will help you out!” She said with confidence
✎ Will ask Mikan to bandage up your scars ^^
✎ Usami also cares about the other students too! But no one pays attention to her except for Sonia, Chiaki, and you
✎ Please protect this human at all cost
✎ She’ll understand what’s wrong with the situation
✎ Because she experienced it herself :(
✎ She was abused from a very young age so she take care of herself
✎ Would ask what happened to your wrist though, to make sure if you’re alright
✎ Will apologize if she makes you uncomfortable or annoys you
✎ Will take care of the scar on your wrist
✎ Bandages you up like hers
✎ Gives kisses to your wrist so it can heal easily
✎ Please give her kisses and loves too!
✎ “H-hey s/o? Do you p-p-promise not to do this again..?”
✎ Mikan is really sweet and caring, although she can over-apologizing
✎ But there's nothing wrong with that, right? :)
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crttvset · 3 years
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magical miracle girl ★ usami !
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xolborsaysstuff · 2 years
Danganronpa: Goodbye (Teruteru's) despair. | Cured ham (Hanamura) AU Prologue part one.
He awoke to the sound of the waves and the sun beaming down on him. It would have been pleasant, but he was a bit too confused for it to be nice. What was going on? He tried to rack his brain, for any memories of the situation.
'Wait... I... Remember... I remember now...'
Memories gently floated back to him. Hopes peak, Ultimates, his friends...
And then, the harsher memories came back too.
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He was Teruteru Hanamura, the Ultimate Cook. But people called him the Ultimate chef.
And he had helped the world end.
Teruteru slammed the door open, falling over as he entered the classroom.
He remembered everything. The remnants, the tragedy, the deaths, and Chiaki- Oh God Chiaki.
He was shaking as he stood up, but he didn't care, his fists were clenched, gripping his apron like it was responsible for what had happened. He grit his teeth as his eyes were blurred with tears. He had to lean against the wall for support at that point.
"Gaddamn-.. Everythin's - And everyone too, it's all- goddamn it -" he groaned, finally releasing his apron, hands going up to his head to do the same with his hair now.
He had helped destroy the world, he had actively taken joy in doing so. Everyone he knew and even people he didn't suffered because of him, because of his terrible, disgusting actions--
He was jolted out of his mind by the hand on his shoulder.
He spun around, eyes wide and he was finally able to see past the tears and actually look around and-
He saw the imposter in the disguise he remembered them wearing before everything went to hell, staring down at him with their hand reached out to him, they were saying something, but he didn't register it.
His eyes frantically looked around the room, and he saw all his other classmates too.
All of them.
His eyes stayed on what must have been a hallucination. The illusion stared back. The fake Chiaki tilted her head as they stared at each other.
"What da... " He rapidly blinked. A voice cut through the fog of his mind
He shook his head rapidly, looking around at the room itself. He noticed at the desk sat an... Eerily familiar got bunny rabbit. It looked similar to a monokuma. Some of the others looked back at the bunny.
Oh right, that thing, I think it's a stuffed animal?" That's right, I am a squeezably soft stuffed animal. Magical Girl Miracle ★ Usami...A.K.A, Usami! I may not look like it, but I am your squeezably soft teacher! Nice to meet you all! " It said, standing in one foot and posing.
...Wait what?
F, really sorry and all for the short ending, but do you know how many times I have tried to write the entire scene, but the device I use keeps dying, or turning off, or reloading while I'm in the middle of writing? So many deleted process. Well, the script has changed significantly as well, though. There is a valid reason for Teru being the last one to enter BTW, I promise. Hope you all enjoyed queens kings and royal beans, and as always have a good one!
• Xol.
I lost count after 9 rewrites cause I stopped caring and went numb to the pain of rewriting it. Might rewrite again, but I'm too done with this at the moment.
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dangan-happy · 3 years
Password: Miss Sonia, can we, um, h*ld h*nds please?
To Monosuke, Tenko, and Usami if they're available.
Oof I hope this is advice/comfort worthy.
This has been on my mind a lot. I had a friend who was close to me from a young age. We were practically family. Unfortunately, we're drifting away. We don't have the same interests anymore. If we talk, it's usually about school or work. We don't hang out anymore either. It came to the point where I was the only one inviting them to do things but they were never available. Though they didn't give me a reason why they were so busy, it was because they were hanging out with someone else every other weekend. We've only seen each other a few times in months. At that point, things were one-sided so I stopped. It can be a bummer losing someone who you thought would be there 'til the end. Even though I feel down in the dumps, I'm still grateful for what we had. I guess it's time to move on now.
Hey there, my dear anonymous student! Uwah, the sound of a drifting friendship always brings tears to my beady black eyes. And I can understand why it's been on your mind a lot lately. This situation is definitely advice and comfort worthy, so don't worry about that part, my anonymous student!
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I can definitely help with the comfort aspect of things, so take a comfortable seat and listen up for a session of Magical Miracle Girl ★ Monomi’s Comforting Words and Reassurance! Yay! Believe me, my anonymous student, as someone who's experienced the sadness of drifting friendships and as someone who personally knows someone else who's experienced this as well, just like you said, it's still a bummer. After all, you were doing your part; you were the one who was asking them to hang out during that time, only to get turned down without any proper explanation. Still, I'm at least glad to hear that you're grateful for what you two once had, and that you're willing to move on, or at least see that it's probably about time that you should try to move on. It takes a lot of courage, self-awareness, and strength for that to happen, so pat yourself on the back for that!
Still, while it may be tough and rough in the beginning, I know you'll be able to properly move on and continue moving forward, my anonymous student! I have hope that you'll be able to get out of the dumps and into the glittery stumps of happiness, if that makes any sense, tee-hee. I can tell that you're someone who genuinely tries, and in this case, you tried your absolute best. And while it sadly didn't work in the end, what matters is that you tried. And for that, I am super duper proud of you! I really am!
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And with that, that officially concludes today's session of Magical Miracle Girl ★ Monomi’s Comforting Words and Reassurance. Now, before Monosuke and Tenko take care of this and do their parts, how about I give you a super duper soft, squishy hug first? You sound like you could use one, so I hope this hug makes you feel better, even if only by a tiny bit. Don't hesitate to come back if you ever need anything else, okay? Love love, my anonymous student!
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Arrrggghhh… That rabbit’s aura is so facken’ fulla glitter and rainbows it’s making my eyes bleed just by lookin’ at ‘em.
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Ahem. Anyywwaayyy yeah, gotta agree with the bunny cosplayer on this one, losin’ someone close to ya’ sounds like it sucks. Especially after many years but hey, that can happen to anyone y’know. Haven’t experienced it myself first-hand since, yeah. Y’know. But I can… “sympathize”.. with you, if that’s even the correct word.
I can try to give advice or er uh, comfort for this surely. As Ms. MagicalBib said, this wasn’t ya’ fault, you did your best to save the friendship and it just wasn’t meant to work out in the end. It happens. You clearly cared for them and if they’re just gonna turn a blind eye without explanation it wasn’t meant to be in the end, so rippin’ off the bandaid is for the betta’.
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If you’re expecting a “squishy” “super duper soft” hug from me too… I’m good. I’m only obligated to accept the hugs when the anon asks for one and ya’ didn’t so I get to skip it. Buutttt, you seem like you need something so I can give you an uhm… pat. On the back. Yeah, you get a pat on the back. “”””Love, Love””” or whatever.
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How does Usami do that with her mouth? Grrrr, now I want to know too!
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Uh, anyway, I'm really, really sorry to hear that you're drifting away from your friend, a non. I can only imagine how much that hurts. Especially one that you've been friends with for so many years.But you should know that it's not your fault. As Usami said, you did the best you could to keep your friendship, and it's not your fault that you're drifting apart. If it didn't work out in the end, then it probably wasn't meant to be.
I can tell that you really cared for that person, and they did you wrong by ignoring you like that. I guess the best thing for you to do would be to move on. I know how painful that could seem right now, but if you're feeling really bad about this, then trying to move on is the best thing to get you back to being you.
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Now I would totally love to join in to that soft, squishy hug! Can I hug you too, anon?
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thesquirrelbaby · 9 years
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❝ There is no need to become a famous hero. There is no need to demand the respect of others. Using such things to reproof yourself, and resent others... looking at others with jealousy. You don't have to do this. Even if others do not acknowledge it, you only need to act in a way that you can be proud of yourself! Because you yourself are your greatest fan! If you can love yourself... that love will cheer you on for the rest of your life. Love..Love..! ❞
Monomi/Usami (モノミ/ウサミ )  🎀  TOP 15 DANGANRONPA CHARACTERS 10/15
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despair-to-future-arcs · 11 months
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Yeah, it's a game called 'Magical Girl Miracle ★ Monomi' which after me and Usami awaken we ended up on the beach.
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In fact we even found ourselves at the trial grounds where Hajime and the others couldn't make that decision until we stepped in... it's on the first island if asking...
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escl-ert · 11 years
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