It’s 2018—the start of a new year and new beginnings. However, as each year passes, we are left with the same unsolvable conundrum: What came first, the chicken or the egg? The answer to this question doesn’t hatch from our brains or cluck loudly in our ears. An egg can hold many things—chickens, dragons, confetti (if it is a New Year’s cascaron), and even the sun god of ancient Egypt. With just one crack, an egg’s magic is revealed. Starting this month, we will be looking for eggcellent poetry, short stories, and art for our first magical mini zine. Please send your work to [email protected].
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magicaldessertzine · 5 years
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There’s just ONE WEEK until Yum Yum! Sweet Sugar Heroes, a magical girl dessert zine, opens applications!
If you love magical girls and designing cute outfits inspired by candy and desserts, check out our blog for information on our project, or follow our Twitter @magicalzines
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magicaldessertzine · 5 years
Applications are closed!
Over the course of two weeks we got four hundred applications, which is so much more than we ever could have expected! Thank you so much to everyone who applied, followed our social media, and shared our posts.
We’ll be going through the rest of the applications now and making our final decisions on who to accept as well as finishing up some housekeeping behind the scenes, but response emails should be going out to all applicants in the next few days. After that, we’ll start in on the timeline with check-ins and start the proper work of getting this zine rolling! 
In the meantime, we’d love it if you followed us here and at our twitter @magicalzines to keep updated with Yum Yum! Sweet Sugar Heroes. We are planning on going ahead with a print run, and since response has been so good we’re very hopeful about our odds! Keeping with our schedule a kickstarter should come sometime in September, but we’ll be here to keep you updated with our wonderful artists as well as sneak peeks at their soon-to-be wonderful art. 
Once again thank you all so much for your support and interest. I’m so excited about this zine and the chance to share it all with you, and it wouldn’t be possible without you! 
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magicaldessertzine · 5 years
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You’ve got just ONE WEEK left to apply as an artist to Yum Yum! Sweet Sugar Heroes, a dessert magical girls zine, all about cute mahou shoujos themed around desserts and candy.
Click here to apply!
Click here for our FAQ, and here for our askbox if you have any questions, and follow us on Twitter @Magicalzines
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