It’s 2018—the start of a new year and new beginnings. However, as each year passes, we are left with the same unsolvable conundrum: What came first, the chicken or the egg? The answer to this question doesn’t hatch from our brains or cluck loudly in our ears. An egg can hold many things—chickens, dragons, confetti (if it is a New Year’s cascaron), and even the sun god of ancient Egypt. With just one crack, an egg’s magic is revealed. Starting this month, we will be looking for eggcellent poetry, short stories, and art for our first magical mini zine. Please send your work to [email protected].
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Inspiration. —T
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Mermaid Moon by Molly Harrison
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I love these GOT fairytale inspired poems. —T
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Part 1 of The Game of Thrones Meets Fairytales Series.
Little Red Riding Hood inspired by Arya Stark Maleficent is written for Cersai Lannister Cinderella is rewritten with Khaleesi vibes Merida is inspired by Brienne of Tarth Ariel is inspired by Sansa Stark
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—T and M
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Attention, Tumblr! Our website is live and we have published our first zine entitled, Pieces of Magic. Thank you to all of our contributors! We hope you enjoy what we have put together and we look forward to getting more submissions for future issues! —M
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Like Writing About Magic? SUBMIT to Tailor Made Lines. CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS
Tailor Made Lines is a small press that is just taking off. (Meaning, we are still figuring things out!) We want to be a place for new and emerging writers to share short stories, poetry, and more. We are interested in pieces about magic, and we believe that magic is a spectrum. We love the fantastical and the otherworldly, but we also recognize the magic we find in our everyday lives. 
Tailor Made Lines is accepting submissions for its Winter 2017 Issue, which will be released in December of 2017. 
Our first issue will be an online zine. The theme of this issue is magic. What is magic to you? How do you interpret the word magic? Is magic something that you see every day, or something that exists only in your wildest dreams? We want to hear about it all. 
To submit, please send your work as a Word and/or PDF document to [email protected]. Include “Issue Submission” in the subject line of your email. We will accept submissions of original poetry, prose, flash fiction, and short stories. The deadline for submissions is December 15th. 
Keep in mind that the content published will be chosen by the editors of Tailor Made Lines. Not every submission is guaranteed to be published. Content must be submitted exclusively to Tailor Made Lines. Submissions should not be previously published or published on other sites or magazines after being published on Tailor Made Lines. If you would like to republish pieces, contact [email protected]. All republished pieces must cite Tailor Made Lines as the original publication. 
We are looking forward to seeing your magic! 
If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected]
 XO. Tailor Made Lines.  —T and M
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