#magmatic skins
chemsaway · 2 years
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cakeebly · 1 month
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pippatis · 7 months
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@theblueskyphoenix's post reminded me that I, too, once tried to draw the Magmatic skins in DST, and made me want to do it again. Well, Wilson, anyways. This is her design, though, it's cooler. I haven't drawn this dude in a few years, I hope I remembered how pfft
Forge 1 was where it was at. I also thought this particular set of skins was kinda boring
Here are the old ones, from 2018 lmao, for comparison. I only got as far as Wilson and Webber. The above drawing is from last night
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dipndotz · 2 years
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theyre a 10 but all they talk about is the robot uprising and how theyre going to kill you
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why wigfrid's magmatic skin sucks butt and why it needs a redesign a week ago
a (disproportionately) long and detailed analysis
Being a sequel to the gladiator skins- and, obviously, the Forge event that originally introduced them- it’s perfectly logical to harp on a more fiery motif than the previous, more barbaric warrior approach they went with previously. On top of that, a consistent theme with the Magmatic skins is the use of gold accents, which Wigfrid already has in her main aesthetic anyways. You could logically assume, then, that it would be no small feat to mix red and gold (colors she already has regularly) into a cool looking brawler-type outfit, right? Wrong. You would be wrong you would be the wrongest you’ve ever been in your life. Observe:
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The biggest and most obvious flaw with this design is the overbearingness of the saturation. Absolute misuse of the color yellow- especially when compared to the red and the glaring white of her skin (which can not be altered since that’s the shade that white skin tones take within this game, meaning that all skins should be built with this tone in mind). There is NO place for your eyes to rest here! All of the colors are simultaneously battling for your attention. Also, you really should never make gold that yellow like. ever. Gold always has orange hints to it, it’s not giving a gold, or even a brassy feel. It’s evocative of plastic.
I think the fairest skins I can use to compare the Magmatic skin to are her classic skin and her Forge skin. Classic is applicable for obvious reasons, but since Magmatic was supposed to be a follow up to the Forge, I think it’s perfectly fair to see why one fails and the other succeeds.
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Notice- even beyond the point of Magmatic’s sharp increase in saturation- a particular feature about the palettes of these three skins. Magmatic contains the least amount of color variation here. Even less than her original skin, which is only four colors. A skin that’s supposed to be more unique and lucrative to the original is sporting less (and worse) color variation.
Speaking of the quality of the colors, when compared to the other two skins you can notice something else about the colors. Her original and Forge skins have a complementing palette, meaning there’s not really any particular color that feels out of place amidst each other. While one could argue that the contrast between all three of Magmatic’s colors could stand on its own as a half decent palette of colors, they weren’t used properly enough for that point to matter! The other two skins sport a healthy use of all three colors, where Magmatic completely swallows the outfit in bold, clashing tones without any regard for tasteful splashes that wouldn’t melt your eyes out. “But Savvy-” I hear you calling into your electronic devices, “-But Savvy, you’re looking at the portraits. That doesn’t really matter when you’re critiquing the skins themselves!” first of all yes it does bc when people are drawing characters in skins they hardly ever pull up the skin itself; they pull up the portrait, since it’s usually more detailed. But the Magmatic skin still fails to be as good as its predecessors within the actual game sprites!!
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Outside of her original skin (which is supposed to be stripped back in comparison to the others, obviously), the other two skins do gain a bit more color variety than their portraits would suggest. Where Forge gains an extra two (technically three) tones, Magmatic only gains one. “One is better than nothing thou-” no it isn’t and here’s why.
The extra tone Magmatic receives is a deeper shade of red- meant to separate her hair from her clothing, which the portrait would suggest is the same shade (and, just as a side note: that candy cherry red in the portrait is abnormally bright. Considering that her in-game hair color is the exact same as her regular and Forge skins, it’s a mystery why they chose to portray it that way). But if we actually take a closer look at that deeper red, we can see some orangey tints to it- a little bit of a natural rustiness. This is good, in a vacuum- some more natural tones would very much be appreciated in comparison to the hot colors we’ve previously received.
But there’s no point to the different shades of red. They’re so far away from each other that you would barely notice in casual use. Compare it to the Forge skin, where three different shades of red overlap to create some fun visual contrast. The strip of paint to draw your attention to her eyes and face, the deep burgundy of the twine that holds her hair back, or the strips of her helm. The color difference is useful, and employed in a way that highlights just how much color variation there is, and how it's used to its full potential.
And if you think I’m nitpicking, yeah, I am. I have to. Because there’s only four colors, and one of them is useless. 
Another thing I think is an absolute tragedy is the misuse of armor. Out of all the cast, Wigfrid and Wilson are the only two characters to include armor in their Magmatic skins at all (pardoning WX, who is made of metal already so I don’t think they count). And where Wilson can get away with only having some shoulder pads, half a chestplate, and… a groin protector?? Wigfrid absolutely can’t.
Just LOOK at her Forge design. The 3D-esque effect of the helmet as it grips to her head, the scaling of the arm protection that drapes all the way down to her wrists, the detailing on her gloves, the attention devoted to the legs and feet even with their lack of space to utilize, the strips of leather that bound everything together. Wigfrid is a warrior, she was born for badass armor designs, and Magmatic completely dropped the ball.
A body devoted mostly of what looks to be red cloth of some variety, accented few and far between with a chestplate sporting a singular strip, what appears to be a sash that keeps the golden texture somehow, and hands and feet that sort of just look like she took a little dip in mustard. Where I can appreciate the design that went into the shoulderpads, it pales in comparison to the Forge’s dedication, and for a skin that’s supposed to be Forge Two it’s a major miss. 
To me one of the biggest issues I have with this skin is that it doesn’t really feel as though it harps on any motifs, themes, or design choices that are really evocative of Wigfrid as a character. I can appreciate the attempt to harken back to her helmet and the wings on it by bringing that motif back in her headband, shoulderpads, and feet. However, not only do I find it to be a bit of an overuse of the design (it’s just one trope stapled onto her three times), but I find the bird aesthetic of her headpiece to be confusing as well.
Certainly, Valkyries in Norse myths are hearkened to and compared to ravens, but even if its meant to be a raven carved into the front, the bright gold is such an un-ravenlike color that it kind of just turns into looking like a generic bird of prey. The attempt to conform so heavily to one attribute of her aesthetic ends up taking two steps back, instead of even half a step forward.
But really, what’s most jarring about this skin to me is the hair. Wigfrid’s usual twin braid look is the one defining feature that makes Wigfrid’s profile look like Wigfrid at all. More- I would argue- than her head and body shape.
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If I were to ask you which of these two characters is Wigfrid it would take you less than two seconds to tell me. But if I were to show you, for instance, a silhouette of her Verdant head (JUST the head, not the rest of the design here since we’re just focusing on hair)-
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-I would be surprised if you could tell me who she was at all. And even then, it would probably be more the fault of the leaves that frame her head rather than anything particularly indicative about the hair itself.
More often than not, Wigfrid’s skins conform to this motif of braided hair. And even the ones that don’t will usually stick to one of two ‘back up trends’ to vaguely keep her silhouette recognizable. They’ll either:
Keep the hair shorter, but still frame the face symmetrically 
Or- in the case of specifically her Refresh skin- keep the hair braided, but let the style get an asymmetric twist
Even when the skins don’t stick to the trend of twin braids, you can at least make a case for why they wouldn’t be doing so. Her Roseate and Triumphant skins are braided back to give the illusion of a more refined air, and even then, the nubs that stick out from behind the back of her head hold symmetry. Her Refresh skin, while only having one braid, excuses itself with its focus on a more aerodynamic and sleek appearance- which comes through in the posing of the portrait specifically.
The twist on her Forge skin’s hair was perfect; a slightly wilder look at the ends, tied together with some sort of twine or leather. It gives the look of needing to make due with resources at her disposal, keeping her hair in check and a little more out of the way without dampening the impact of the warrior feel.
But not only is her Magmatic hair inconsistent from the portrait to the in-game sprite (the portrait makes it resemble more of a ponytail, while the sprite doesn’t show any sort of layering between the back of the head and the dangle of hair), and not only is it asymmetrical with no stylistic benefit, but the style itself is completely purposeless! It doesn’t make a statement about the situation she’s currently in. It doesn’t tell a story or fit aesthetically with the rest of the design. It doesn’t make Wigfrid look or feel like Wigfrid at all!
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automatonknight · 2 years
walenty would main testament if anyone’s interested
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metlbeetl · 11 months
everytime i see his magmatic skin i think of that one picture
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Dance with the Devil - A Luca Changretta/Reader Smut Short.
Looks like my Luca brain rot shows no signs of slowing, besties! :D
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Words - 734
Warnings - Smut below the cut, minors DNI!
To dance with the devil beneath the silver of the moon, it was your every fantasy come true. Yet you knew you were just as wicked at him, caution discarded as easily as your nightdress in your boss’s hands, your care crumbled, eroded to nothing.  
To think, his wife trusted you, and here you were, nanny to their children, about to let her husband defile you out on the lawn of their country residence. You knew you were just as bad as him, but it acted little in the way of cessation.  
Sometimes, the devil is too strong to fight against. Especially when he had lust darkening the electric green of his eyes.  
The waves of longing mingling together wash over you as Luca sinks to his knees, laying you back onto the well-manicured lawn behind the rose bushes, ones his wife planted there herself. His hands roam, your mouths locked together, your hands making short work of his clothes. 
Finally, you experience the press of his hot skin against yours, the sensation divine, your entire body enthralled, humming, consumed by rampant desire. He shifts his weight, a hand slipping down your body, heated skin tantalising his fingertips, no more so than when they meet the supple, dewy folds of your sex, sinking in deep, your gasp spilling like wine.   
Glimmers skitter, conjured by the skill of his fingers sinking into your core, twisting, pressing, until you whimper, your body rippling like a wave against his. He’s all power and darkness, and you’ve longed to be cast beneath his shadow, no matter how fiercely the guilt of your desire has prickled at you. His cock skims against you, your widening thighs granting all the permission he needs to sink into you with one fluid move, filling you with a guttural groan, your nails digging into his shoulders.  
“Stop,” he demands, taking both of your wrists in a one-handed grasp. “Can’t leave any marks on me, doll.” He pins you there beneath him, stretching the soft of your cunt around his hard, long girth, swallowing back each of your little cries with kisses glazed in fire and honey. 
You’re blinded by the passion of him, such raw sensuality, your legs gripped tightly around his narrow waist, the rhythm of his fuck wrapping you up until all that exists in your world is him and the moment of pure, raw passion, any tentative resolve or doubt weakened to the point of extinction. 
 He chases each sinful throb around his cock with a harder thrust, intruding into you so deeply, you never want to let him go again, be without a man who fucks so wild, and who makes you feel so beautiful as he does it.  
“Bella donna.” he whispers, releasing your wrists, fingers raining over your cheeks as he kisses the gasps from your lips, that magmatic touch moving to your thighs and gripping hard as he drives himself into you with ferocious abandon. His shaky breaths are propelled forward by each rasping groan, a sound unlike any other, unbridled and sumptuously erotic, a carnivorous rumble, more devil than man.  
And you are the sorceress to stir it within him.  
Clenching around him, he grits in response, cursing words in Italian you don’t know yet somehow understand, his teeth nipping at your neck, the snugness of your cunt making his insides spark.   
He has you breathless, glimmering, your back arching off the ground as he moves to his knees and pulls you up with him, his hands gliding over your flesh as he bounces you on every last thick, hot inch of his cock. Lightning begins to strike at the base of your spine, ecstasy fizzing through your bones, right through to the very marrow as you feel herself teetering, reaching the precipice.   
With trembling thighs squeezing against his hips, you feel him charging to the same destination, until it’s upon you both, a fiery tempest, sweeping you up as the tingles of release erupt, dragging you under. It’s chaotic, steeped in magmatic heat, leaving you breathless and quivering, utterly undone and boneless in the wake of such calamity. 
Looking upon his handsome face, illuminated there beneath the moon, you know it in your heart. It won’t be the last time you let the devil dance with you. After all, he’s been longing for somebody who truly knows how to keep up with the steps. 
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ds-towhoknowswhere · 7 months
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Holy buckets this took longer than it should've. Started out as me making sure I had my outfits nailed down for Wilson in To Who Knows Where and then it turned into "Let's draw every skin! Oh, and let's redesign some of them!" ... Why am I like this?
Anyways, pretty self explanatory. Wilson and his various outfits from the skins he's gotten to this date. 16 total outfits. My hands are sore.
Most of them are pretty much the same save for two. Magmatic and Moonbound. Admittedly wasn't crazy about either of them so decided to redesign them. Quite happy with them. (And I guess Merry Maker since I took the holly out of his hair. It wouldn't make sense in To Who Knows Where how that came about so just normal hair for him.)
If more skins come out you can be this will be updated. For now... let me sleep. Also if you wanna see me take a crack at the other survivors let me know. (Truth be told I wanna do a whole redesign thing for the Magmatic since that set in particular is my least favorite. Let me know if that interests y'all.)
Oh and bonus thing because I wanted to do some silly outfits for giggles. See below the cut for the extra Wilson outfits.
I'm gonna go rest now... *thud* ... *pulls up IPad* and work on the next act. It's coming I promise. Just had to do this first.
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One was for my sister. The other was for me. I had to okay?
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wilsonphiggs · 1 day
something I’ve never seen done but think about a lot is survivors always having SOMETHING in their “next life” that indicates how they died in a previous one. for example, let’s say wilson dies from a hound. in the next life, he’ll have a marking that looks like a hound bite. then let’s say he dies from freezing. he won’t have that hound bite marking anymore, but instead, his fingertips seem to be tinted blue and his face is a little more red than usual.
it would likely be a little different for non-human survivors and natural causes. let’s say, WX and wormwood die of freezing. for WX, instead of the blue tint on their fingers, they’d have frost on some parts of their body. for wormwood, his leaves are a little shriveled and curled inward, as if seeking warmth. let’s say wurt and webber die of overheating. since wurt is a merm, I imagine her skin would be a little less moisturized. not completely dry, of course, but drier than it normally is. for webber, his fur around his head would be tinted red and yellow at the tips—similarly to his magmatic skin, but less controlled-looking.
for wanda, she can’t really naturally die. she only dies due to the “passage of time.” therefore, she wouldn’t be marked… but her clocks would be. she’d see dents, engravings, markings—all different indicators of how she died.
(shoutout to @steeloptic for helping with wormwood and wanda. @ubersaw check this shit out)
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chemsaway · 2 years
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Snow & Magma 
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alchemists-eve · 9 months
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“Let’s go get dinner.” Suggested Sarah.
“Breakfast.” you corrected
Sarah placed a hand on your shoulder and shook her head. “Nah, babe.”
“At the Corner?” Damien hesitently asked, testing the water.
“Of course.” Sarah replied.
Damien groaned but nevertheless turned off the TV and went to get ready. You stretched and looked down at the stain covered clothes you were wearing. He was right, you did stink of weed. Definitely not ‘outside’ appropriate.
You threw back the last of your coffee before turning to Sarah, “Thank you,” you say in a voice intimate and small.
Damien was approaching the bathroom with his towel and products just before you shoved passed.
“Hey!” He shouted
“Tits are out!"
“You bitch!!” He scolded back.
“I need to stop smelling like weed. Won’t be too long.”
His groans grew quieter as he left.
You dropped your clothes and finally got to take a good look at your body. You were covered in burn scars. Flesh warped and transformed. Your nipples looked like half baked shrinky-dinks and your belly looked stretched and loose like you’d just given birth.
You felt for your lighter, the urge to smoke welling. Well, not the urge to smoke so much as the urge to cry, but a smoke usually helped you through that. Looking over at the empty shower, you couldn’t help but be overwhelmed by defeat.
Instead, you snatch a can of deodorant and bathed yourself in that. Throwing your clothes back on, you announce that you have freed the bathroom from your gargoilic clutches for Damien.
“Oh, okay!” he shouts from his room, with a dull tone as if you had never taken it from him.
You return to your room and try to find something to wear. All your clothes were piled on the floor, only moments ago exposed directly to your hotbox.
“Sarah!” you cry.
“Yeah babe?” she replies, relieving herself from beyond the edge of your door frame.
“My clothes stink. Can I borrow some of yours?”
The could see the cogs tick inside her head.
“I’ll do your laundry?” you bargain.
She looked over the floor blacked out by clothes and the half empty chest of draws, drained of its contents. “No you won’t. But find. The usual stuff?”
“Yes please.”
Without another word she leaves, quickly returning with a small pile of clothes: a pair of jeans, a flannel shirt, an overcoat and a bra far too large for you.
You toss her the bra back. “Nice try, but I can manage without that.”
“How cute is it though?”
“Very. And thank you.”
“Well, I figure you’re a bit traumatised. Least I can do.” She smiled sweet, “Oh,” she added. “Stop fucking with Damo. You know how he is.”
Half out of shame, but half out of a commitment to be subtler in your fucking-with, you nod and gesture for her to leave.
The weather had turned to a dull overcast, catching the orange of the evening sky. The three of your wrapped up to leave.
The walk to the Pub was pretty long, but it was a trip you were intimately familiar with. The three of your lived in the industrial district of the capital city. As you passed the brickfield, Damien spoke up. “Did you know that not all bricks are the same? A bricks deviation from the standard is measured by its Dimensional Quality Level.”
Damien always had something interesting to say about bricks.
“The category DW1 means that the height and width of a brick differs from the standard by less than 50mm.” He continued. “DW2 means there’s a difference of only 40mm. Anything larger than a DW1 is called a DWO.”
“What’s a brick that’s DWO?” You ask.
“I dunno. A rock?”
As you round the road to the Corner Pub, you’re shocked by the commotion. Voices roar and the streets shake. You all rush in to see what’s going on.
A television broadcast.
A pit opens in your stomach. You see a creature; a demon. With skin like magmatic rock that glowed in the night. Far away the beast appeared. Fire ripped from its mouth as it scorched the city.
Suddenly you were stood over Kata’s body. His empty skull staring back at you. It was blacked, and as dark as the earth around it. Embers glowed and smoke billowed.
You were frozen.
The figure you free approached before you again, emerging from beyond. You felt their warmth radiate over you as they approached.
“Thank you.” the You said.
Your heart got stuck in your throat. In a quivering voice said, “I need to go home.”
The You grinned a nasty grin. “Alright.” Your’s voice was like a cloud your thoughts were adrift on. “Come with me.”
You’s body changed. Stone grew deep within. Flesh grew thin and shined purple and grey. Skin bruised as the growing rock pushed against the boundary of You’s body. Their sides burst and then slipped away as a demon stepped free from its prison. The creature stretched deep and long for the first time in an age.
Without a thought you climbed on board. You gripped onto You tight. Their body began to glow. Their temperate grew until flames burst from where you touched them. But fire didn’t hurt anymore.
“Eartwhile.” You said.
“Yeah?” You reply.
“Erstwhile?” You’s voice was filled with panic.
Then you were back. Sarah had you by the shoulders. Slowly the voices of the Pub became distinct. “Are you okay?”
You looked back up at the Television. And there was You.
Art by the outrageous @oni-ino
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inbarfink · 8 months
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inspectorcrayon · 6 months
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It's about time this gets finished- A compilation of Windell's skins that took months to complete. So why did I spend so much time drawing back sides to his skins? It's the skulls, baybe. Its always the skulls. Me rambling about design notes under the cut- It's Very Long.
Nostalgic Windell's design is in part, made to contrast regular Windell's appearance. Windell wears blue and Nostalgic Windell wore a brown jacket.
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This is what he wore in his last day on earth, right before he gets yoinked to the Constant. He has a festive look as he disappeared during a trip to a carnival. ------ Windell's Guest of Honour was designed really early on, along with his Survivor and Triumphant. Which was around 2017ish.
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GoH Windell never deviated much from his oldest design, I didn't really put much thought on his outfit other than 'Windell, but fancy'. He loves dolling up people but he's not really a fan of partiying himself, that's why he looked really sad here. ---- The Survivor skin was... It was a mess trying to make it not at all cluttered.
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I loved the idea of him looking stitched up and sporting a stubble along with other accessories, but I decided to drop that in his more recent designs because idk, I just personally didn't like how he looked in my new style. I'm just very uncertain with this design in general. The stitched pants was something I think is neat ig. ----- Roseate Windell went through a lot of changes because I didn't know what to do with him for a while??
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My main problem with his earlier deisgns was I was trying to make him feel 'distinct' like a proper skin from regular Windell. And I just struggle to give him a hairstyle that is not only not a pain to draw every time but also... actually nice to look at??.
I hit that sweet spot in his 2022 design and as MUCH as i LOVE his tentacle-like, spiny coat, it just doesn't look good when I imagine them as dst sprites. (It's not like I'm actually gonna make sprites of this skin but making sprites for his mod made me understand dst's design conventions(?) a bit more??)idk.
Roseate went from 'ew he looks really boring to me' to 'omg a personal fave'.
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Also he looks like this without his extra coat ----- Gladiator Windell... Fun fact: His armor is heavily inspired by Killer Queen from JJBA.
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It really shows in this old portrait pic. Simplifying his design was painful but it had to happen. I had no idea how to color him back when I first designed him so I just did the easy thing and colored him with Windell's existing palette. I made him grey in his final redesign because again, I didn't want him to look too similar to his usual look, but I doooo think the blue looks better on him ngl... -----
I love Snowfallen Windell (Even if his hair will give me grief one day) He took some inspiration from Elsa frozen.
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Though, he did have an older look. As with most of my 2020 designs, as much as I love the older version, his hair just doesn't look like a separate skin. Hence he changed radically in his redesign. The final design is in a way, a fusion between the older designs. ----- Contender Windell is a case of me designing a skin and ending up with a suit. As much as I adore suits, they can begin to look same-y after a while.
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I watched some WWE as a kid and I always found it hillarious to see suited people in the ring. Windell's first design here references that. Also there's the steel chair meme. I like the concept but he looked really plain next to the other contender ppl when I drew him fr. The 2022 design is the result of trying to fit him in with the others and I think he looked great. His final design didn't change much apart from the hair to further make him different from Windell's og hair. ----- Magmatic Windell The Magmatic skin set itself is a bit of a mess when it comes to theming. So I just took reoccuring design features and mashed them together for this.
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Fire nation fashion, gold(?) accessories and flre-like hair. There's little thought involved in the process. Though, the addition of the red tattoo-like markings on Windell made him better to look at ig. I dare say, this design warmed up to me. ----- So many horror icons... but which one would Windell embody? His Hallowed Nights is the Corpse Bride (but genderbent) and I had fun with this one.
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I know, I know this is yet another suit, but he has enough details to offset that. For a dash of irony, he's supposed to have drowned. :) -----
Windell is Irish (Welll, Irish-American to be specific) This is all the notes you'll need-
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His final design have better colors :D ----- I decided to go by a theme among my own ocs with the Merrymaker skins based on A Christmas Carol, since Maxwell is clearly Scrooge. Merrymaker Windell is another one of my personal favorites-
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He's supposed to be the Christmas Ghost of the Past. ----- Windell used to have a proposed mechanic where each skin has several designs and they get cycled every time he gets ressurected through a certain way.
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Victorian Windell's final design is heavily based on a particular alt of his og victorian design that I liked more. I just added stuff to make him look cooler :B ----- There is little in the way of customization in the Line Cook set. But whatever, he still gets a skull on the back of the fit.
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His frock used to be green too. ----- His Halloween Costume is of a tentacle. His favorite mob.
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I made his redesign also akin to a little gnome/witch. Also someone called him Gargamel once and that makes me smile to this day -----
Swashbuckler Windell already existed long before Klei released the set. He was part of a pirate au and he's supposed to be a pirate hunter.
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So ig he became canon when Klei decided to make that set. His cape had to go though. ;-; His final design was also partly inspired by P from Lies of P. ----- Moonbound Windell was a challenge to design as he's supposed to bounce off from his Tri design. This skin is supposed to be everything that Tri isn't and so his colors will have to be mainly white and I had to discard my first design of him
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I loved WX's and Webber's moonbound designs so that also bled onto Windell's. As Triumphant Windell is calm yet menacing, Moonbound Windell is an angrier Windell. Alter whispered forbodden knowledge onto him and that only Pissed Him Off. ----- Maquerader Windell is heavily based on the costumes they wore in Cats (The Broadway one). Particularly Mr. Mistoffelees. I hated doing his lineart, but coloring really endeared him to me. Now, he's also very much beloved. ----- So Klei releases either a Nostalgic skin or a skin that's really out there with it's theming whenever a character refresh happens. This is what Windell would have in that case- Windell's refresh skin would be themed around being a sailor, inspired by Ishmael from Moby Dick. It's kinda a what-if as well. What if Windell decided to confront his fear of the ocean head on, becoming a sailor and joining a group of whalers. He still hyperfixates on the ocean as he does in canon. Also here's an alt design for this particular skin-
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----- And last but not the least- Triumphant Windell OH BOY. Man has history- Way before Klei unveiled the triumphants, I had this idea for a really old rp where Windell decides to join the shadows like Maxwell as Their spy in exchange for shadowy powers and stuff. But the twist is, he Looks Like Everyone else to blend in better. I loved the idea, but then when the triumphants came around. Windell just looked so plain next to them and so I drew this doodle and that was before I became inactive in the fandom until 2020.
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His 2020 incarnation was from a joke I made about Windell's 'real' triumphant was this jock who is also a bully and he has an eldritch car that he uses to run over ppl in the Constant. Also he's voiced by Bo Burnham :B Shortly after that I released his non-joke Triumphant design, which was heavily based on his 2017 version. He also can turn into an eldritch creature made of needles and yarn. He's called The Yarn Man because of this. More on Yarn Man- (cw: there is body horror) My problem with Yarn Man is, his hair just changes in every drawing because I didn't know how to properly draw it. Until his 2023 version. _____ THERE YOU GO. THE WINDELL SKIN LORE.
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if klei needed to remake one of the skinsets entirely which would you tell them to remake
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the-soul-starved · 5 months
Woodie or warly for the ask thing?
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Woodie: My buddy my pal my friend and my actual main its not Wortox. I can spend hours just running around as the goose and the moose is great for my awful combat skills
Best skin is i think magmatic but i usually just out him in the pyjamas or overalls
I cant actually out my fav quote here because it would dox me so ill just go with this i hope it counts
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I do have hc where the gooses wings are mysteriously clipped everytime they grow out long enough for flight. They are long enough for short flights but not for anything controlled which is why when you fly you cant choose where you land ect
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WARLY seems like one of the sweetest guys there. Hes so genuine. Nnumber 1 guy id be friends with irl i think
Victorian skin forever BUT i drew the carrat skin because when i was first playing and looking at all the outfits for everyone i didnt knew carrats were a thing so i thought that out of all the cool creatures in this game they put him in a carrot costume and thats kinda stuck in my mind
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I like the quotes that mention each other it makes it seem like an actual community rather then just a collection of singleplayer characters just thrown into one game if that makes sense
I think in generals hes the least involved in camp drama and petty arguments. Just a guy doing his cooking in his own little world tuned in only the birdsong and the forest
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