azrithart · 18 hours
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Commission for my friend @magmethius of their lovely Moss, and the Emperor! Something a bit softer! 🍄 💜
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wisp-of-chaos · 9 months
i too am writing some lethal tooth rotting illithid fluff. if no one else will feed us then we must feed each other \( ' - ')/
This, my dear friend is the spirit! *Salutes you*
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pickled0ctopus · 3 months
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Intertwined for @magmethius
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tricksterwish · 4 months
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Sappy sad comfort squibs... for dear @magmethius
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bbqsean · 1 month
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for @magmethius <3
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magmethius · 8 months
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when you are trying to balance your ledgers but your tiny squid wife keeps radiating raw affection and it's highly distracting, e: if you like this. consider reading my sappy fluff fic about em. if u want,
by magmethius! tumblr / ko-fi
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astralprisms · 16 days
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@magmethius motorboat height indeed
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Last line challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like).
Thank you for the tag @desfraisespartout
The flow is going... unsteadily, but if I get the correct music, it flows a lot more, I'm right in the middle of it so might as well put it there! It WILL need some trim and proper organisation, but the stream of consciousness does for some poesy ^^''
Sa tête, sa magnifique tête aux cheveux autrefois si blonds, que j’avais tant caressé, celle à qui j’avais juré fidélité et amour pour l’éternité, se tourna lentement vers moi. La vibration du monde s’intensifia encore. Sa bouche ouverte que j’avais tant embrassée, avait peut-être cessé de chanter, tandis que la mienne, qui ne chantait pas, mais implorait, se réverbérait dans l’univers entier me semblait-il, mais son essence, infiniment plus puissante, plus complexe, plus multiple que la mienne continua d’en ébranler ciel et terre. Sa main, que j’avais tant senti sur moi, caresser mon visage, se tendit vers moi… Et ses yeux qui avaient autrefois recelé tant d’amour pour moi, qui s’étaient écarquillés dès l’instant où ma voix s’était ajoutée au mélange, se chargèrent soudain d’une telle haine que tous les sortilèges que j’étais en train d’installer se brisèrent instantanément, et j’en tombai à genoux, foudroyé d’une telle rage.
Her head, her beautiful head with hair that once ago were so blonds, hair I so tenderly caressed once upon a time, the one woman to whom I swore loyalty and love for eternity, slowly turned towards me. The vibrations of the world intensified tenfold again. Her open mouth, that I used to kiss so long, may have stopped singing, while mine, who did not sing but beg, was reverberating in the entire universe or so I thought, but her essence, infinitely more powerful, more complexe, more multiple than mine, still rattled upon heaven and earth. The hand I felt on my body, caressing my face, so much not so long ago, reached toward me... And her eyes who once upon a time held so much love, that had widened as soon as my voice entered the mix of her song, suddenly filled with such hatred all the spells I was weaving around us instantly broke, and I fell on my knees, devastated by such rage.
If they want to, I'd like to tag @astralprisms @chaosteddybear @zelyna-w @endeavour12345 @revoleotion @magmethius - and any other that would like to participate, just tag me, I want to read you ♥ AND IF I'M LATE PLEASE TELL ME!
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andyyoureastarr · 4 years
d-do u have any ~~vintage zadr~~ recommendations that aren't smut? :'d (nothing against that stuff, it's just not for me)
heck yeah! here are some “oldies” from long ago (like 2012-2017) 😁    (warning: long post)
Cartography by Word-Spitting-Dragon | ~286K | T | In Progress
Summary: Resisty!Zim AU: When the Irkens start exporting dangerous goods outside of known Irken space, Zim and his fellow R.E.S.I.S.T.Y. members decide to take a look, hoping to expose something they can use to finally end the Irken Menace. But what lies out in the farthest, uncharted corners of space? And could it really help the rebel cause? ZADF eventually ZADR
Notes: I’m obsessed with this fic. It’s funny, it’s in-depth, and it takes its time (hence the word count). It’s honestly worth taking the time to read it, though. All of the characters are great; the author clearly put time into making them their own while still being true to canon with main characters like Dib and Zim. Lots of romantic tension, lots of drama, and lots of twists and turns. I have a weakness for crying Dib, and this fic delivers. It’s the main inspiration for my current WIP, and I can’t say enough good things about it.
The author doesn’t seem too worried about including smut, and has said that, if they were to do so, they’d probably keep it out of the fic and publish it as a side-story oneshot so that people who are less into smut don’t have to worry about skipping around in the story.
Say I’m the Only Bee in Your Bonnet by DesdemonaKaylose | ~6K | M | Complete
Summary: “Magazines and a vague feeling of inadequacy.” Zim fantasizes about the future and Dib did not ever intend to join the football team.
Notes: Technically kind of pre-ZaDr, but worth mentioning. Absolutely phenomenal fic. Zim and Dib are in-character. Rarely do IZ fics with a teenaged Dib truly dive headfirst into making him a ridiculous, silly teenager (as all teens are, sorry, teens). This one does it and does it well. The writing is great, and Zim is spot-on and hilarious. Can’t say enough good things about it! 
Verd’ika by DesdemonaKaylose | ~7K | G | Complete
Summary: “Maybe it starts with zombies. Maybe it starts with a rescue mission. Maybe it starts somewhere outside of what scientists and historians can quantify. But it is universal, wild, and unabashedly stupid.’Do not touch him,’ the Irken says. ‘That soldier is mine.’”
Notes: Written by the same author as Say I’m the Only Bee in Your Bonnet, this fic is also just so good. It’s styled as being part-story, part-encyclopedia entry about irkens. It’s also not strictly romantic, so I guess also pre-ZaDr, but both of DesdemonaKylose’s fics are so good, I literally can’t get enough of them and they should be on every ZaDr reclist, in my humble opinion.
Chicken Soup, Approximately by (you guessed it) DesdemonaKaylose | ~3K | G | Complete
Summary: It was like he was going to be sick, only, if he puked now there would just be little cartoon hearts all across his boots. Wow, he thought. Look at the Dib-Monkey go.
Notes: Ok last one by this author, but I’m sorry, it’s so perfect. Dib goes feral and Zim is Into It. Literally what more could you ask for? Plus a Zim POV fic is a rarity in itself and this one is just *chef’s kiss*. (Also I realize that this is from Summer 2019 so not certifiably vintage, but we’re letting it slide this time.)
a swarm of bullets tearing the air by punk_rock_yuppie | ~2K | T | Complete
Summary: Dib has a question. Zim has an answer. Or, how Dib embarrasses himself by testing out different possible alien kissing rituals.
Notes: Silly and cute, written by a talented writer. Honestly, I would be captivated by the way this writer describes water. I believe they have at least one other non-smutty ZaDr fic that you can check out as well!
The Human Kribliss by Swing-21 | ~44K | T | Complete
Summary: ‘This hatred belongs to Zim and no one else,’ muttered the alien with contained fury. ZADR
Notes: The summary really doesn’t go into details on the story, but it’s your classic fun space adventure where Zim and Dib get into lots of trouble. Love the OCs in this one – the author takes real care to tell their stories as well. I’m obsessed with Kinn, personally. Additionally, this story is super fun, Dib and Zim are ridiculous and great. I would add that this story’s sequel, The Uprising, is especially fantastic; it has the same elements as the first story, but you can tell that here is where the author really hit their stride. Keep an eye out for Dibship, who makes his first and I think only appearance in IZ fanfics. 
The Cosmic Exclamation Mark Series by cupidty11/@gaylienz | ~3K total | G-T | Complete(?)
Summary: Wherein Zim and Dib are traveling in space and this is a kind of glimpse at that. Where they are partners/friends/and somethingmoreish.
Notes: These are all great little fics starring a spacefaring Zim and Dib. This author is probably the most prolific IZ writer out there, period, and I reread a lot of their works when I get the chance (including the smut fic that I recommended to @foolishwormhuman a second ago, lol). This series I think is especially well done, and provides neat little glimpses into Dib and Zim’s life together
That’s about all I got for right now! I hope you enjoy yourself some ZaDr: Classic 😊😊
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couch-house · 5 years
magmethius replied to your photoset “forgot to post but years ago there was a fic I really liked ft zim...”
oh yeah hideousblob's gen zim fics were really good... wonder what happened to her
I still follow her! she deleted/orphaned pretty much all her stuff that i know of and moved on to a new fandom.  I don’t exactly remember why but I know she’s just really done with iz and doesn’t want to be bothered about it anymore.  she seems to be doing well with her new space though and still creating cool stuff
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wisp-of-chaos · 9 months
Ok, alright lads, it is done! Here it is:
Some soft, doemstic illithid fluff we all crave.
I mostly blame @magmethius for this one bc they asked so nicely for this and are overall just a cool fellow!
To everyone stopping by and taking a look at it: Have fun! Because I sure as hell had fun writing this
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dailypixeldailies · 5 years
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Set 2 of 2 Sources: https://twitter.com/silk_acid/status/1147514206473871363/photo/1 https://twitter.com/MagicTu98958612/status/1147488779453763584/photo/1 https://twitter.com/Jusiv_/status/1147439147172450304/photo/1 https://twitter.com/Magmethius/status/1147285389885018113/photo/1 https://twitter.com/SalamiChild/status/1147338300329529345/photo/1
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tricksterwish · 4 years
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Artfight revenge for @magmethius OC Lee!! She’s a pretty cute and wonderful fish.
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bbqsean · 3 months
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Com for @magmethius 😃😃
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magmethius · 3 months
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and when you say my name, like white horses on the waves i think it feels the same as an ocean in my veins and you'll be diving in, like nothing is out of place~
the bathhouses in waterdeep are divine
by magmethius! tumblr / ko-fi
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pixelscapes · 6 years
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kitty park by magmethius | tumblr / twitter
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