gerec · 3 years
X-Men Rare Pairs 2022 - Please Read!!!
Guys I'm so so sorry but I just accidentally deleted one of the prompts my bad! Please whoever left the one about Erik/Logan (based on Logan's comment in DOFP about them both being survivors) please can you repost it?
SO sorry for the inconvenience!
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magnegirl · 4 years
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unearthlydust · 7 years
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cryinglestat · 7 years
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for @dernavigationsoffizier @unearthlydust @traumschwinge and all fellow magnerine shippers
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typical-trope · 7 years
Hey everyone! I am in desperate need of grumpy Erik fluff. What are your favorite ones? Plug your own, too!
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mnemo-ink · 5 years
gerec a réagi à votre billet : Lots of projects already started buuuut I’m...
It is hard to resist this idea... I guess it will depend if I can find pictures that work well for it!
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bocje-ce-ustu · 8 years
Fake Title Meme: Endless Days and Nights!
Thanks for asking! The answer would probably be a canonical missing-scene ficabout Erik’s ten(-ish) years at the Pentagon – but that’s an actual WIP ofmine (I hope to finish someday), so I guess that doesn’t count :D
Which iswhy you get the much more debatable post-apocalypse AU where a constantlypreternaturally-coloured sky makes it impossible to tell days and nights apartand most technology (means of communication and infrastructures etc.) has beenlost to the catastrophic event(s).
Flashback to some days before theapocalypse happened: estranged lovers Charles and Erik set up a secret meetingfor a few days later to exchange sensitive information (that’s what they callit these days). In the meantime, though, Erik gets captured by some evilgovernment organization™, drugged andtransferred to a shady lab in a secret remote location somewhere in Canadain the woods (do I need to say something else?) in order to be interrogatedabout his criminal activities and/or experimented on.
Flash forward to the day of theapocalypse: Erik knows something big must have happened when his cell doormagically slides open and he lets himself out to see armed guards runningaround in the desperate attempt to contain their mutant prisoners. Glad tofinally be able – after who knows how many days or weeks – to stretch his mutantsense once again, he yanks on the first metal source he finds nearby andlaunches it at his attackers – only it’s not an it, it’s a him. And nowhe’s annoyingly following Erik around in the vain attempt to get back at him.Erik doesn’t really mind, as long as that means he has a walking weapon at hisdisposal.
Once Erik is out in the open,having learnt from Emma Frost that the attack on the facility isn’t theBrotherhood’s doing and that the raging chaos is actually much more global –cue ominous deep red sky –, he orders his team to find out the source ofdestruction to congratulate them. He also tries to reach out to Charles(a little resented that Charleshasn’t tried to contact him yet) totell him that he’ll be probably be late for the meeting, but Charles isn’tlistening. Then, afterhelping the rest of the captive mutantsout of the facility and into a Brotherhood safe house, Erik – furiousmetal-clawed mutant in tow – sets off to find Charles.
Flashback to some hours earlier onthe day of the apocalypse: deeply concerned about Erik’s not showing up at themeeting, Charles resolves to use one of his enabler Hank’s lastconcoctions – a drug with the effect to enhance his telepathy so as to overcomeeven telepathy-shields and distance – to try to find Erik. Needless to say,it’s not Erik his enhanced powers put him in contact to.
Coming back to Erik and Logan: onceLogan finds out his memories may be restored by the man Erik is going to meet,his purpose shifts from killing Erik to joining him on this journey. It takes an undetermined amountof time to go from the government facility to the inconspicuous place of themeeting. Charles’s not there, unsurprisingly. The fountain next to which theywere supposed to meet is now a perfectly spherical crater. Again, Erik triesreaching out to him to no avail. But then again, he reasons, Charles isprobably back at the school to regroup and see that his students are safe. Erikand Logan are halfway to the school when Emma gets in touch again to tell Erikthat the apocalypse apparently started at Westchester. How can she tell? Somemembers of the Brotherhood have witnessed some of Xavier’s students literallywreaking havoc. And Xavier? Nowhere to be seen. It also seems someone out thereis trying to recruit mutants, and that someone may very well be the one behindall of this destruction. The worst part of it is that such destruction isn’taimed at key targets – it’s extremely random in its violence, thus constitutinga danger to mutantkind as well.
Concluding that Charles must bedead, Erik takes it upon himself to finish the secret business they had ongoing– that is using the intel stolen from the government gathered by Erik tofind and train alongside he Brotherhood members protect young mutants whomay be targeted by the government – and who could now be targets of thisanonymous apocalyptic leader.
As so Erik and Logan (because yes,the guy insists on wanting to help now) find themselves again on the road, thistime for a surely inordinate amount of time, to try and gather as many mutantsas possible before the new menace beats them to it. These endless days andnights also have the dreadful effect of making them warm up towards each other,eventually. Whenever they stop somewhere along the way to rest, they even beginsharing some words about themselves and somehow learn how not to always be ateach other’s throats – meaning Logan learns not to rise to the bait when Eriktries to argue for mutant supremacy and Erik actually stops feigning a yawn everytime Logan tries to piece together the fragments of his memories. They actuallyget along so well that Logan wishes they wouldn’t – Erik won’t stop waxingpoetry about his dead lover over and over again: Charles Xavier this, CharlesXavier that, Charles Xavier would appear to be a true model of mutantperfection, except for the fact that he was soterribly wrong about any and every principle Erik abides by. (Logan tellshim that only to regret it instantly when his claws rattle inside his arms asif they were trying to come out from the wrong side.) Logan swears if thiswasn’t for a good cause he would have ditched this lunatic a long time ago.
Turns out this Charles has muchmore in common with Erik than what Logan gave him credit for – as Logan discoverswhen a curiously armoured guy and his four mutant bodyguards beat them to thenext mutant’s, and Erik’s face shapes into a mask of horror, the word Charles dying on his lips.
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bikenesmith · 7 years
whats magnerine
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nikorys · 8 years
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some magnerines i made for @traumschwinge !!!! who made me fall completely for them with cute and heartreaking fics 
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gerec · 8 years
Sorry to bother ya, but do you know if magneto and wolverine have a ship name. I kind of dig that ship recently and know nothing of the names.
I’m not sure there’s enough Magneto/Wolverine out there to warrant an ‘official’ ship name, but the lovely @traumschwinge who is a huge champion of this pairing has been using ‘magnerine’ for their posts on tumblr! And you should definitely check out the amazing fics Traum writes for this pairing on AO3!!! 
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unearthlydust · 7 years
Ahem. I' ah... Wouldn't it be too much to ask you to make more Erik/Logan gifsets? Please? *puppy eyes*
I’m glad you liked the western au gifset! If I can find more scenes to mix together, I’ll do it. :) 
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cryinglestat · 7 years
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for @unearthlydust
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mnemo-ink · 8 years
Ok, now it’s bothering me: how many X-men pairings have names? I know Cherik, Xavierine, Cherigan, Magnerine, Charpocalypse...
But what about Hank/Raven? Alex/Armando? Irene/Raven? Azazel/Janos? Charles/Hank? Hank/alex? Erik/Magda? etc.
Is there somewhere a list of all the pairings names that exist?
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bocje-ce-ustu · 7 years
For the Salty Ask: 4, 6, 12!
Thank you for asking!!! 💛💛
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?*
I must say I don’t feel strongly about it, but I’m very rarely drawn to any ship involving Jean and/or Scott. They just don’t resonate with me at all.
6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?*
It’s not a pairing I hated, but a pairing I hadn’t considered before, and you, my dear, are partially responsible for changing that :D because it’s Xavierine I’m talking about!
Xavierine in turn made me consider the possibility of Magnerine, so let me tell you you’ve been instrumental in dragging me into deep Cherigan hell. I hope you’re proud of yourself.
12. Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
I’m not sure there is one. Probably the thing that’s closest to that is… Tony Stark’s evolution through the MCU (especially in IM3 and Ultron)? I mean, you can see the poor fellow make some really poor choices, but that kinda makes it clear that he doesn’t know what to do (and… that’s probably how the screenwriters feel too, but let us not touch on that now), he’s hurting and he’s trying to make things better but he can’t figure out how.
I don’t know if that makes sense, but to me it feels right that the plot points connected to him are a bit of a mess. They perfectly fit Tony’s inner turmoil.
Salty Ask List
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cryinglestat · 7 years
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for @unearthlydust and other fellow shippers =))
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