#magnifico kin
brindibou · 7 months
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king magnifico
➜ for @caticfluid , general tumblr layouts
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dollarstore-kins · 6 months
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Transgender King Magnifico with a trans colored heart emoji crown for our very own Mod Teddy!!
-Mod ET
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luminescent-kin-help · 2 months
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Moodboard for a King Magnifico from Wish!! Hope you like it!
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theecosystemdid · 9 days
King Magnifico from Wish? :]
(Maybe like 2 versions, one for like at the beginning of the movie and then on for green eyes/evil version? But you don't have to)
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King Magnifico Introject / Kin Flag!
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So sorry for the delay, we got busy with work. Hope you enjoy!
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magnificoluvr · 6 months
i think magnifico has settled into being a passive interest
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annymation · 3 months
What things annoyed and infuriated you the most in Wish 2023 (or Canon!Wish)?
OOOOH BOY! You just gave me permission to open a whole can of worms! Let's gooo!
Okay so here's a list:
I don't like how weak the reveal of what Magnifico actually does is. Asha finds out that he doesn't grant all the wishes, awesome, that would be a cool reveal, except, it's not a reveal, she freakin KNEW THIS! Asha herself said to a kid "It could be you someday" COULD! Asha, you said COULD, as in, there's the POSSIBILITY he'll grant that kid's wish, not a certainty! Not to mention if he only grants ONE wish per month then OF FREAKING COURSE not all wishes are granted. Okay, case in point, there's no grand reveal that the king is doing something no one knew, Asha apparently just forgot how their kingdom works.
Now hear me out, I am NOT one of those people that says Magnifico is a hero and Asha is a villain, I wanna make this clear, because although I find people who legit think like that kinda funny and I reblog their takes from time to time, I also find it frustrating that Disney managed to make a STRAIGHT, WHITE, MAN, IN A POSITION OF POWER, MORE LIKABLE THAN THEIR SECOND BLACK PROTAGONIST! ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? IT'S SO EASY TO MAKE US HATE HIM!!!-ahem- But, although Magnifico is the most likable character in the movie, I do not see him as a hero, no no no, keeping the wishes away from the people of Rosas is bad, pretending that he'd grant Sabino's wish only to say SIKE was bad, saying he'd never grant Asha family's wishes was bad. So, am I saying Magnifico is a villain?... No. That's topic number 2, Magnifico wasn't a villain, he was a jerk. A jerk does not a villain make. I didn't feel threatened by that man for not a single minute, and that's including when he was possessed by the evil book, speaking of which.
That dang book both ruined and saved the movie honestly, because yeah, although it's a stupid way to make Magnifico an actual villain, but in a way that makes us sympathize with him since he's not in his right mind, and the last thing you want is for the audience to feel bad for your villain... Well, there's exceptions of course, but that's a whole other subject. But even though the book caused all this damage, it also gave us King unhinged, campy, straight up evil, fruity, voiced by Chris Pine having the time of his life Magnifico, and I loved every second of it, I ate possessed Magnifico up, I was living for every cringe cliche evil dialogue that came out of him, like hell yeah, that's what I've been waiting for, that's what it's all about WOOOOOO!!! I loved him so much I just copy pasted his personality into the Magnifico in my rewrite, although, my version is actually willing to kill teens, while Canon Mag seemed more hesitant for some reason, my headcanon is that Magnifico was fighting the curse deep down, and that's why his magic actually didn't hurt anyone, so... That's sad, hope he breaks out of the mirror and kills them all Idk
We're on topic 4 and this is not even half of my problems oh my... Anyway, Asha is boring. And I mean like, in a way that feels intentional, how did they do it? It's fascinating how she has nothing going for her, she doesn't stand out, doesn't have any internal conflicts at the start of the movie, something ALL Disney princesses have: Belle doesn't fit in with her village, Mulan struggles to make her family proud, Mirabel struggles to make her family proud x10.000, Moana wants to explore the sea but can't, Ariel wants to explore the land but can't, Jasmine wants to get out of the castle but can't, Cinderella is a victim of domestic abuse, ya'll get the idea, all these girls get their struggles that make them compelling, what's Asha's struggle that has been with her for most of her life?... Uh... Her grandpa, this dude we just met and seems pretty happy... Doesn't have his wish granted yet... Ok, what else? Oh yeah everyone in town seems to love her and dance along with her to show tourists how cool the kingdom is... Uhum... So yeah she has no compelling struggles that hook us with her from the start, and the conflict she DOES get, as I explained before, feels underwhelming.
The setting, oh the setting. Like, don't get me wrong, the architecture is pretty, but nothing about it screams SPAIN to me, where is the cultural food? Where are the bulls? Where's the stuff we associate with the Iberian Peninsula? They did such a good job in Encanto, what the heck happened? Oh and did I mention that most of the animals that appear in the forest are not even native to the Iberian Peninsula, there would be no racoons in a medieval setting there, considering they're an invasive species that was brought there from North America, something that, I assume, wouldn't be possible back then, as I don't think the americas were even discovered yet, but anyway, there they are, racoons hanging upside down from their tails, something they can't even do. Sorry for expecting biology accuracy from my disney movie guys, but you can't just make Encanto, that was freaking amazing with it's inclusion of so many gorgeous latin American animals, and then do whatever Wish is, like bruh where were the Lynxes??? They're an endangered species there, Disney could've raised awareness!!!
The music...
Valentino was absurdly annoying, and it would be SO EASY to make a baby goat cute! Baby. Goats. Are. Cute. SO WHY DID YOU MAKE HIM UNFUNNY GOAT THAT MAKES BUTT JOKES???
Characters were unmemorable, Asha's mom didn't do anything, Sabino, whose supposed to be the backbone of the story, is barely a character, and again, it's not like Disney hasn't made likable elderly people before, Moana's grandma, Mama Coco, but my guy Sabino was just... There.
Aaaand I probably could go on and on but I can't think of anything else, feel free to share your own problems with the movie yall.
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that0newriter · 2 months
Chapter 1: The Book Opens
“Even miracles take a little time.” —Fairy Godmother (Cinderella)
Once upon a time, before the wishing star, was a kingdom way out in the seven seas. The kingdom of Rosas, beautiful and grand- ruled by King Magnifico, who studied sorcery to grant his subjects deepest desires. And his beautiful queen and the love of his life, Queen Amaya- who helped the King spread joy and positivity across the land. Disaster struck however, The Queen fell to illness, leaving Magnifico heartbroken and distraught as wizards, witches, mages and others failed to aid. Not only did darkness fall across the kingdom, but upon Magnifico's heart as well. The King banned wishes and dreams alike; keeping magic to himself, growing wicked and cold at his loss. Yet one soul flourished within Rosas's walls- a child born with determination and light named Asha, daughter of Tomás and Sakina who was destined to do something incredible.
"¡Abuelo! ¡Abuelo!" The little girl rushed up to her grandfather who was quick to let out a chortle as he leaned down from his chair, allowing his granddaughter to throw herself into his arms with a gleeful laugh- Sabino lifting Asha up into the air as a smile graced his wrinkling face. "Dios mío, Asha. Mira lo grande que te has puesto- look how big you've grown! What have you two been feeding her?" The old man turned to his son and his wife, who both snickered and shook their heads. "Oh, Sabino, she just has Tomás's good growth!" "¡Mi Amor! Last I checked, I am still shorter than my Brother." Laughter filled the room as Asha settled down onto her grandfather's lap, looking up at him with excitement.
"Abuelo, Did you hear what the king was going to do-!? He's about to collect more wishes! I hope he picks me!" The adult's faces showed pain for a moment, knowing their Asha was still so naive to realize how the King was. However, Sabino was quick to recover- putting on a smile and looking softly down at his granddaughter and began to speak. "Ah, Ah, No te precipites, querida nieta. Don't jump too far now!" He gently taps Asha's nose before scooping her up and walking over to a nearby window, his son and daughter-in-law joining by his side as they all look up to the night sky littered with twinkling lights and stars. Despite the darkened clouds that painted themselves against the deep hues of la luna's canvas, the moon and her star children shined brightly. The child's brown hues widened in awe before leaning her head against her grandfather's neck, enamored by the stars before jumping up- her eyes dancing around her skull as she witnessed a shooting star, even pointing with a big curious smile.
"What was that-!?" Tomás lets out a light laugh as his daughter is returned to his arms, hoisting her up onto the windowsill. "That, Mi hija, was a shooting star. Legend says that if you wish upon a shooting star, that your dreams could possibly come true." The brunette lets out a breathy woah in response, her dark hues finding themselves drawn back to the sky in anticipation only to find herself suddenly disappointed. "Isn't there going to be more...?" The kid turns her body back to her family as a frown tugs on her lips- her papá scratching the back of his neck with nervousness.
"Well..." "Asha," her mother began, "It was a miracle to see a shooting star such as this but...they only come every so often. And most of those times all the village is asleep. I know it must disappoint you, msichana mzuri, but it's...it is life. It's something you won't understand until you're a bit older." Sakina kneeled onto her knees as she took Asha's hands into her own, fiddling with the light purple sleeves of her gown. The fabric is rough, but not uncomfortable to wear upon her kin's sensitive skin- and soon a soft kiss was placed upon Asha's braids before the gorgeous dark skinned woman stands up, motioning to her daughter to get off the windowsill.
"But, don't let this be a disappointing experience! After all, there could be another one. ¡No pierdas la esperanza!" The man in golden clothes ushered his granddaughter up the stairs, Off to bed now he spoke in Spanish, a wink following behind before he turned to Asha's parents who were already in a hushed discussion. Asha stayed by the stairs before defeatedly going up to her room and plopping herself down face first in her cotton sheets with a frustrated groan. Her face then tilts itself up as a pout painted itself across her freckled face- a huff drawing from her nose before she looks over to her goat plush that her mother made her when she was a baby- a soft jingle from the small bell it dawned on its collar rang out gently with each movement, purple fabric soon meeting the wooden backboard of her bed as she looks up to her room's sky line. The stars were even more visible from here than down stairs, something Asha had noted ever since her father told her all the ancient tales of the stars, but of course some with a spin that her dear grampa added.
"Mm..." Asha closed one of her eyes, feeling them grow heaven even when she tried to rub the sleep away. "Usiku Mwewa, Valentino...Goodnight..." A yawn escaped the younglin's lips as she tried to settle down under the cover of her bed before a shooting light caught her attention. Asha was quick to shoot up- staring up at her ceiling before quickly stumbling to her balcony, pushing the doors open carefully before crawling onto the railing. Her face lit up at the sight of the array of shooting stars- hope filling her eyes as she watched the shower before all of them slowly faded from view...hugging Valentino close, she closed her eyes with a smile. "I'm going to make my dreams come true..." Her gaze falls to the stuffed animal in hand before she falls back to her bed, fully satisfied to find that maybe there was another way to get a wish granted than giving it to the king. Contently, Asha closed her eyes- ready to wake up to a new day.
"Asha...Ashaaaa~... ASHA!" The woman lets out a yelp as she jolts up from her pillows, trying to blink the tiredness out of her eyes as Dehlia slowly makes her way through the room- relying on her rose wood crutch to keep her up as she places a tray down onto Asha's littered desk, a plate of Shao Bing Jia Dan and a small cup of Dou Jiang sitting on top. The older woman lets out a small sigh as she fixes her glasses, looking down towards Asha who was already messing with her curly hair before pausing. "Thank you, Dehlia- I swear it keeps getting harder and harder to escape from my dreams. They're just so..." "Magical?" "Uh Huh-!" "Whimsical?" The ravenette raises a brow as she watches the now seventeen year old scarfing down her food and warm soy milk. "嚼(Jué), Asha, 嚼(Jué)! No need to scarf your food down-!" Dehlia placed a hand on her hip before continuing "I don't need you to choke. After all, you need to be up and well for your Birthday dinner!" at the mention of her birthday, Asha's eyes lit up, carefully sipping on her milk while setting the empty plate back down on the tray and sliding herself out of her dark purple bed. A notion that her care taker took as needing to leave the teen to get ready for the day- but not without calling from deeper within the house remember your bag.
Books dawned every wooden shelf within the lilac painted room, cursive writing in a deeper purple and some sloppy art covering one of the walls. It was... different from the home the brunette once lived in. She bent over, shoving some dirty clothes into her laundry bag before rushing to the closet and pulling at the wooden doors- rustling through an array of colored clothes. Elegant teals to bright yellows that contrasted with her skin perfectly, but none compared to Asha's favorite gown that she tugged from her every day clothes. A purple half sleeved gown that dawned a midnight purple stash around the waist, the main purple cuts off at the shoulders and mid thigh in favor of switching to a lilac color. Darker swirls dawned the edge of the dress as Asha carefully combs through her hair- staring into the mirror with an intense look, concentrating on scooping some hair cream onto her fingers and brushing it through until she was satisfied with her curls. With a hair tie, the dama gathered her brown hair into a low ponytail before urging some stray hairs away from her face. Asha gives herself a self-assured nod after a few more look overs before sliding on her sapatu and wrapping her Jua Kilemba around the back of her head prior to retrieving her laundry bag and heading out her bedroom door. But not before placing three fingers against a photo in a wooden frame, a picture of her familia, a feeble smile dawning her lips. "Nakupenda sana, mi familia." A soft snicker falls from the teen's mouth as her feet moved across the hard floor, almost knowing that her parents would've lightly chastised her for using Swahili and Spanish in the same sentence. "Today's going to be a good day..."
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picavecalyx-a · 7 months
People, humanity. A curious bunch that she had enjoyed watching. Either through the eyes of stardust that remained silently hidden behind the skies scattered with her own kin she hoped to eventually remember. Memories to reminisce would come later, for with every little page she read in the book of humanity, she got one step closer to the life she had before.
Even so, she was glad to make new memories now. No less, to a new kingdom, one she had yet seen, but heard so joyous of. A city of dreams, of hopes made reality with each wish granted.
Who would she be, if not a star to know wishes, after all. No matter her fallen status, no matter the memory that lacked in her mind, stardust still flowed through her. The nebula taking form to what was most comfortable, a girl wandering amidst an empty night. To blend in, even as specks of blue and gold flecked off her hair as gilded paint might, sprinkled from paint brush to painting.
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" suuu pretty... "
A giggle as she skipped over the paths of stone and roses. She could feel something deeper, even with the night's bliss--how the city seemed to breathe...though was it the buildings, the people...or something else that really lived? Silva halted her step, realizing perhaps too late how she had casted past guards that remained fast asleep, and into the city's heart, near the spire in the center of it all. She stood silently, staring up at it. For a moment, she simply stood, breathing with the kingdom. It was only stopped when another's heart echoed in her ear.
The guised star snapped her head over to look, amber eye glistening with such fascination.
" hellu? "
@prettycdds ( magnifico ) // fallen star call
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citizenoftmrrwlnd · 1 month
So it's me…the initial anon asking about Disneykins. Could I get a stimboard please? I'm King Magnifico. I'm not a villain. I just made a mistake…I didn't mean to. I'm sorry I scared people. Just…I was scared at the time as well and I got carried away trying to keep everyone safe from what I thought was a threat and it all backfired and went horribly wrong.
Anyway, I'm rambling. I'm sorry. But I saw you were semi-open for whitelisted kin and when you get a chance, I'd love a stimboard. Gentle things in blue. I love stars and maybe things with glitter in them would be nice. To remind me of my wish room. Just calming happy things that I can look at when I'm feeling on edge.
(And if you include any pictures of me, please don't include anything with the evil magic possession. That's a bit of a trigger for me.)
Thank you for your time.
hello magnifico!✨ i’d love to take your request, but would you mind coming back when i’m open again? my requests are actually totally closed right now as i’m busy with my university graduation!
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bitchvirgo · 4 years
ppl have been assigning me kins without my consent. i am not juandissimo magnifico
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stefimari65 · 3 years
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KIN 175 AQUILA BLU RITMICA, giorno 6 dell'Onda del Cane Bianco, giorno 9 della Luna Cristallo (07.06.2021): Io Organizzo per Creare Equilibrando la Mente Sigillo l'Output della Visione con il Tono Ritmico dell'Uguaglianza Sono guidato dal mio potere duplicato Una giornata benedetta rubata al Tempo, una bolla di felicità sospesa, regalo meritato di un potente lavoro svoltosi in questo weekend di forte lasciar andare. L'Onda del Cane Bianco prosegue con un magnifico andamento alternato di picchi emozionali molto intensi, facendo sperimentare totalmente la presenza sia nei punti più luminosi e leggeri, che in quelli più bui. Comunque presenti, anche se a volte il respiro manca, e sempre con un maggiore distacco. Questo è un punto molto importante, dono della Visione dell'Aquila Blu: mentre i giorni appena passati, Viandante Auto-Esistente e Mago Intonante, ci hanno portato dentro recessi profondi di noi stessi, oggi l'Aquila Ritmica ci ha tirato fuori di lì, rivelando con precisione l'inganno che stavamo seguendo. Possediamo un corpo fisico che è un perfetto strumento empatico. Siamo pura sensibilità, pure antenne sensoriali e le frequenze che incontriamo ci fanno risuonare, attivando tante zone interiori, sacche di memorie. La lezione a cui ci stiamo avvicinando ora è quella di comprendere che lo stato di coscienza unitario passa tanto anche dal corpo quale canale empatico, un lavoro collettivo di allineamento, dove ciascuno risuona alla stessa emozione con sfumature diverse, ma siamo tutti uniti nel medesimo processo trasformativo di auto-consapevolezza. Le sincronicità che si sono manifestate oggi in questo senso sono state copiose, rivelando connessioni insospettate che hanno sciolto le difese rispetto a ciò che potevamo pensare fossero nostre fragilità, ma che invece riusciamo ora a sentire come naturali fonti percettive. L'accettazione della propria iper-sensibilità sta mostrando i suoi frutti, e ora, accorgendosi di quando l'empatia si mette in moto, distinguiamo l'origine dell'espansione del sentire, la sua preveggenza nell'anticipare gli accadimenti, e cominiciamo a percepirci in modo diverso, più centrato #inlakech #oracolidelsincronariogalattico #tzolkin https://www.instagram.com/p/CP1YiJzrbUh/?utm_medium=tumblr
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boozedancing · 7 years
Whisky Jewbilee VI was a roaring success in New York City not more than a few weeks ago. The Boys of the Jewish Whisky Company bring the fun o’ plenty and a smorgasbord of Kosher chow AND new whisky like their own new retail line, Westland’s Garryana 2017, Amrut’s Spectrum, and all of the 2017 Feis Ile Islay Festival Bottlings (!).  But as usual, and happily, it’s seeing all of the great friends and whisky family all in one place that makes Whisky Jewbilee so, so (not so-so) special! It’s like Thanksgiving without Uncle Leonard ticking off Grandma because she forgot to put sage in the gravy…
C’mon Leonard, give Granny a break and get back to your kanoodling with the new 24 year old wife (that’s her real hair color?!) and pass the dark meat and bourbon. You’ve had plenty of both!
Luckily, with whisky family, there’s only laughter, tasting notes, and more laughter. And sage. Never forget the sage. As we’ve said before, whisky is all about connections and reconnecting. It’s the SuperGlue of this nice little community keeping us together like your thumb and forefinger that get stuck whilst trying to fix that stupid mug you got at Joe’s BBQ in Kansas City so many years ago, then clumsily whacked against the counter leaving you permanently gesturing “Ok” all in the name of home repair when you could easily order another stupid mug from Joe’s semi-secure website plus the embroidered apron and 20 lbs of ribs with a quart of Joe’s homemade BBQ sauce shipped overnight. Cheap bastard has to fix things himself and instead buys said self a night of acetone washes and a few layers of skin wonting.
Please sit back with a stellar whisky and enjoy our slide show of Whisky Jewbilee VI with actual overheard conversations using actual electronic surveillance equipment purchased over the internet along with detailed drawings of every North Korean nuclear power plant built in the last 25 years including the one that looks like a Starbucks…
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“My fly is down. I can feel the breeze from the Hudson River.”
“Didn’t I tell you to check before we left the little boys room after you tinkled? Keep smiling; it’ll be over in 12 more clicks. How many photos does he need? I see vegetarian Kosher sausage that needs my attention!”
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“I can easily get into her purse and take her Blackberry. Wait, what am I going to do with a Blackberry? Is that even a thing anymore?  Probably only works in Canada.  I’ll take the garage door opener. Wait, why does she have a garage door opener in her purse?  She doesn’t even have a garage.  Juicy Fruit?!  Juicy Fruit?!  Oh, c’mon!  This is just silly.  Fine, I’ll take the damn Victorinox Outrider Damast Limited Edition pocket knife with Damascus steel and punctuated by robust and environmentally friendly black epicurean scales. She’ll never miss that.”
“I love your Instagram posts so much! I may cry! Please hug me. Please!”
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“Throw the damn bottle already, would you?! I’ve caught them in my teeth many times!”
“If I had a dollar every time I heard that line, I’d be living in bloody California by now.”
“If you don’t throw the damn bottle, I’m going to whack Joshua over the head with a Kosher chorizo sausage!”
“Go ahead. Make my day.”
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“I see a little silhouetto of a man… Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the Fandango? Thunderbolt and lightning! Very, very frightening me… (Galileo) Galileo… (Galileo) Galileo… Galileo Figaro… Magnifico-o-o-o-o…“
“I was only expecting whisky at this thing, but singing too? Wow! He’s not bad. What d0 you guys think?”
“He’s no George Michael.”
“He’s no Adam Lambert.”
“He’s no Paul Rodgers.”
“He’s no Roy Rogers.”
“Mmmm. Roy Rogers. Let’s get burgers!”
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“So this guy walks up to me. Says his name is G-LO. Now I don’t know this guy from Adam, yet he has the nerve to ask me where I got this glass. So I look this mook right in the eye and I tell it to him straight… I. Bought. The. Glass. With my own money. The guy just looks at me with this deer caught in the headlights expression on his face…I swear, they’ll let anyone in to this event. What ever happened to standards?”
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“Wait, I’ll google it. Is there wi-fi in here? Whatever. There’s a store nearby where you can get a burgundy sports coat. We’ll look GREAT! Do you guys know any Wiggles songs?”
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“I’ll smile for the camera, and you guys see how many of these that you can stuff into your pants.”
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“High Five me! I just got Brenne into the White House liquor cabinet and it’s only going to cost us, the American taxpayer, $1.3 billion. We’re making America drink again!”
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“I can’t tell you the code, but I can give you a code to get the code so you can get the recipe online which is in code. You’ll need a code for that too.”
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“Ladies and gentleman, please welcome to the stage…Mr. Skyfab himself, Tom Jones!”
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“Are you freaking kidding me?”
“I know. Captioning pictures wasn’t my idea, but how do you review the greatest whisky festival ever?!”
“Are you freaking kidding me?”
“Stop saying that.”
“Are you freaking kidding me?”
“You’re scaring me.”
“Get. Out!”
“You didn’t have to shove me in the chest.”
“Are you freaking kidding me?”
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“I’m not wearing shoes because I’m a Texan and we do whatever you all are afraid to do. Wimps.”
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“I know a guy downstairs looking for a burgundy sports coat. I bet he’d buy your blouse. I’ll text him. Do they have wi-fi in here?”
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“Two Gals and a Dork”. Season 1 available for streaming on Netflix this Friday.
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“It’s whisky. W-h-i-s-k-y. Very popular these days, I dare say. Yes, you drink it. No, you don’t do shots of it. Yes, it’s brown, but that’s ok. No, it doesn’t have an expiration date. Yes, it’s alcohol. No, it’s not free. Yes, it might find you a wife. No, it won’t make you go blind. Yes, you buy it in stores, but not 7-11. No, there isn’t a special prize inside the box other than the whisky itself. Yes, I am above average height. No, I most certainly do not have an accent. Yes, if I opened the window and you leapt out, you would die. No, we wouldn’t stop Whisky Jewbilee for that. Yes, we would be sad. No, we wouldn’t give your goody bag to anyone except next of kin. Yes, I’ll hold your glass. No, you should try the whisky before you jump. No, I don’t think it’s a good decision but it’s an excellent whisky, now available in a better spirits shops near you. Yes, they mostly likely will take credit cards. No, not Discover. Yes, they’ll charge sales tax. No, I haven’t tried Apple Pay. Yes, mobile payment services would seem to be the wave of the future. No, I don’t know how it works, but I don’t believe there are tiny bank people in your phone. Yes, there are a lot people here. No, I don’t like sad songs. Yes, it does burn a little on the first taste. No, my name is not Glen Tauchers. Yes, those people are Jewish. No, it’s rude to point. Yes, they can smote you with one phone call. No, you can’t use my phone. Yes, I have an unlimited data plan. No, you can’t have the rest of the bottle. Yes, you’re my only customer. No, more customers will only make my job more difficult. Yes, the food is included in your ticket. No, there is no pork, shrimp, shark, barracuda, snails, lobster, crab, sea anemone, rabbit, wild boar, frog, owl, pelican, ferret, turtle, capybara, or dragon. Yes, there are napkins. No, I gave at the office. Yes, I will pour you a wee bit more. No, I can’t drink on the job. Yes, my zipper was down earlier. No, it’s not anymore. Yes, I think the woman pouring that whisky over there is very pretty. No, I don’t think she’ll be your wife. Yes, it never does hurt to ask. No, you’ll make a lovely couple. Yes, I’ll be your best man. No, there is no wi-fi.”
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“The Tipperary is the soft beating heart of a small quail by morning’s light. Tender and tame like a Joe Montana to Roger Craig quick, simple and accurate screen pass on 3rd and short from the scripted first fifteen Walsh-devised plays where delicate touch is required and oh, so soothing. But, KAPOW, like a Batman boffo belly aching upper cut, it hits with the rugged security of the Dark Knight covering the city with vinyl bat wings casting their omnipresent shadow over a city in need of love and protection from the evils that scourge its alleys and streets. The finish is Finis; abrupt like the snapping of an 8mm reel moving picture, the kind we slept through in elementary school while waiting for the warm sunlight of recess to bathe us anew.”
“The Ohishi is Distilled Rice not A-Roni duh Haiku is funny”
Many thanks to Jason and Joshua of Single Cask Nation for once again hosting one of the greatest whisky shows that the world has ever seen!
#Whiskileaks: Overheard Tales from #NYC @WhiskyJewbilee VI! @monocaskism @jewmalt #WhiskyFabric Whisky Jewbilee VI was a roaring success in New York City not more than a few weeks ago.
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luminescent-kin-help · 2 months
Hello hello
Can I request a moodboard for a King Magnifico from Wish? Maybe with themes of magic, stars, and the wishes?
(I totally understand if you don't want to do this request either just because you're uncomfortable with my source or because the movie's just not really good)
Another Disney kin, hello! It’s posted, hope you like it, King Magnifico!
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