#magp 12
juneofbones · 2 months
“I wonder who bonzo is aligned to, maybe the stranger, or slaughter maybe- oh god flesh. Okay it’s the flesh.”
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ms-paints-sometimes · 2 months
i love that alice dyer's deadname is canonically jesus christ. the magnus protocol sure is a podcast.
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starsandwriting · 2 months
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I never said this with tma, but The Magnus Protocol actually IS a comedy.
[ID: Excerpts from the transcripts of The Magnus Protocol episode 12.
1. The cover had this awful comic sans title: "Mr. Bonzo's On His Way" and I wasn't exactly thrilled by this.
2. Slowly, awfully slowly, it raised its head, tilting it coquettishly
3. And it boomed playfully "Bonzo? Bonzo Bonzo?
End ID]
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sure magp 12, you could say im getting off. getting off this cliff bc of “coquettishly” what the fuck
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keyllys · 2 months
MAGP 12 got to me guys holy shit. Fuck Mr blobby man. Nahhh
Even Alex's "Bonzo, Bonzo, Bonzo" was funny but fecking terrifying at the same time
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bookkeepersnake · 2 months
As I am going through my notes for episodes 12 and 13, I noticed an inconsistency. The case file descriptions for episodes 10 and 12 are both Mascot (kids). The DPHW index values are completely different though, 2275 for episode 10, and 4748 for episode 12! An additional but unrelated piece of information that I found interesting is that the incident from episode 12 happened the month after the incident from episode 6, on the day... needles and then Bonzo.
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calypso2511 · 2 months
I think the groom from episode 12 might be Klaus!
Cause, didnt Lena say that Gwen knew who and why that happeded?
Here it is:
"Lena: A name and an address.
Gwen: But for who?
Lena: I'm sure you've already worked that out. But just in case you haven't, keep an eye on the case loads over the next few days. It should become abundantly clear."
And at the beginning Gwen tried to blackmail(?) Lena cause Lena had failed to kill Klaus.
And if Gwen is supposed to know who this person is, it is plausible that its him, right?
And i think its Lena making sure that the guy that she did not kill is now definitely dead.
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haehaehaehae · 3 months
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bro is yearning for the analog
more tma
mixing my imagery mixing my metaphors idgaf here tha speedpaint😽💚
magp friends how we feeling with the hiatus🥲
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juneofbones · 2 months
Very uncomfortable with a Bonzo themed episode titled “getting off” STOP TWINKIFYING THE MONSTERS!!!
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ms-paints-sometimes · 2 months
haven't listened to the whole thing yet but i noticed something in the pre-case segment
y'all know how in archives everybody drinks tea and in protocol everybody drinks coffee? well everybody exept for celia! and we know she's most likely from the archives universe!
this doesn't mean much but i just think it's a neat detail :3
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trans-jon-rights · 2 months
Let's adress the case numbers in TMAGP !
Spoiler warning up to episode 19
Here are all the cases by categories and ranks :
CAT 1 :
MAGP 1 (Case 1) : 'Some of him' // RBC
MAGP 6 : Needles // RB
MAGP 10 : Bonzo // RB
MAGP 12 : Bonzo // RB
MAGP 14 : Snakes // RB
MAGP 15 : Lady Mowbray // RB
MAGP 16 : Ink5oul // RB
CAT 2 :
MAGP 18 : Corpse talking // RC
MAGP 19* : Newton's science project
MAGP 1 (Case 2)* : Red Canary // RAB
MAGP 3 : Guy who becomes a tree // C
MAGP 5 : Voyeur // RB
MAGP 7 : Charity shop // RC
MAGP 8 : Brutalist Architecture // RBC
MAGP 11* : 'The deep will care for his bones' // RC
CAT 3 :
MAGP 17 : Weirdly successful Double // RC
MAGP 1 (Case 2)* : Red Canary // RAB
MAGP 2 : Tattoo // RB
MAGP 4 : Murder Violin // C
MAGP 9 : Murder Dices // RB
MAGP 11* : 'The deep will care for his bones' // RC
*The Red Canary Case and the 'Deep' Case are labelled as CAT23, so I put them in both CAT 2 and CAT3
MAGP 13 : Murder Crypto // RB
MAGP 19* : Newton's science project
Okay ? Okay.
*MAGP 19 is labelled as CAT13, so I put it in both 1 and 3.
So now I think we can say each category have a thing :
CAT1 is for 'living' manifestations (that used to be human/animal or not)
CAT2 is for specific places (MAGP 3 is a garden and MAGP 5 is the cinema)
CAT3 is for artefacts/non-living manifestations.
About MAGP 1 (Case 2) and MAGP 11, I think they are in both categories because it got to do with both. For Red Canary it was both the Institute and the box he took from there, and for the other it was both the tattoo and the ocean/cliff (unsure if its one or the other).
You could argue that MAGP 5 got more to djo with the movie than the cinema, and I would agree ! However, I think the movie is also part of the cinema, in some way. The whole place was creepy, and if it was only the movie, it could have been done with simply a DVD or something. The fact that it was in a cinema was intentional.
For the ranks, I think it's pretty much self explanatory : RA to RC to categorise the levels of danger.
What is concerning about it however is that :
A) The Institute is ranked AB, which is the highest on this list for now.
B) All 'living' manifestations are ranked B or below, which means that our heroes would be pretty fucked should they encounter a rank A.
C) Some cases (namely, MAGP 3 and 4) are simply labelled 'C' without it being an actual rank. I could pass it off as a typo, but were talking about Jonathan Sims here, folks.
Another theory I have is that the O.I.A.R only handle B-ranked Externals, and eliminate those whose rank is higher. We'll need to verify that once the next External turns up, but until then I'm running with that. Bonzo and the Lady are both indicating that.
The case of MAGP 17 is a bit more tricky. My current theory (see the final comments on this post) is that whatever caused it was the therapy room the subject was in.
MAGP 1.1 and MAGP 18 are a bit similar in the kind of manifestations I think, as both has to do with dead people talking, though the MAGP 1.1 one is seemingly more dangerous.
Here, that was my rambling. Have a good one <3
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starsandwriting · 2 months
Ok but are we gonna discuss WHY Mr. Bachelor was on the UK government's hitlist??
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brettanomycroft · 2 months
Big questions and takeaways I have after MAGP 12:
Does Celia like-like Sam because her response says "Yes, but also I have to consult the entities inhabiting/possessing my body/causing me to sleepwalk" (to which her solution was "Let's go right after work/before I have to go to sleep")?? I need to know
I ship Sam x Happiness, which is a shame because that's one ship that's definitely not going to be canon
Sam has a high EQ and is doing nothing to dissuade my impression that he's super empathetic and has few qualms about using that to manipulate and get what he wants. Example:
Alice: gets jealous and digs in about Celia Sam: deflects by bringing up her helping him with his Magnus Institute mystery*rinse and repeat*
Did Sam and Alice break up because Alice is simultaneously too possessive and also unwilling to admit/talk about it? I'm pretty firmly on the "Sam broke up with Alice and tried to do it in the gentlest 'We're better off as friends' way possible" camp and Alice is sooo not over him
Cases are definitely not randomly assigned. This was clear with Sam and The Magnus Institute case(s), but it's clearly not just a "Sam's a special boy" instance, as it does not seem like a coincidence that Gwen got the Bonzo case
*If* cases are not randomly assigned, then who is in control? Lena? Freddy? JMJ? All of the above?
Bonzo has TWO LAYERS OF TEETH his first teeth are not soft and his second teeth are not blunt
The level of coverup involved in Bonzo-related murders has got to be STAGGERING (hehe). Mr. Bonzo TORE through that stag party and the bartender but left most of them alive. He was not being discreet. It's astounding that the most the media has to say about it is "Mr. Bonzo was spotted at the scene of five murders" when he's out there merrily cavorting with his prey like a cat playing with a mouse before killing it. Not to mention whoever was involved in placing the lunchbox and CD
Gwen's post-case conversation would have been WAY different if it had been Sam rather than Alice who came across her first, but I'm not sure if it would have been because Gwen doesn't know Sam enough yet to show her vulnerable side or if it's because Sam would have taken her seriously from the start
To that previous point... Sorry y'all, Alice (intentionally) fumbled this one. Gwen tried opening up to her and it was like the moment Alice saw it happening she went "Nuh-uh absolutely not, not getting involved in whatever's got you shook up, do not want to fall down the spooky rabbit hole" and shut Gwen down with joke after joke. Gwen attempted to communicate and Alice shut her out, and I think it's unlikely Gwen tries again until things are waaaay past the point of no return (unless Sam intervenes). I interpret this as Alice knowing there is something Very Wrong and really now wanting to dig deeper/get involved, but I'm not opposed to the theory that Alice knows more than she's revealing. I am still holding out for some Sam-Gwen conspiracy buddy investigations though.
Anyway, my jaw was on the floor for most of the case... and so was Baz's.
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Notes/Theories on 'the Protocol' as of Ep. 20:
First known enactment (as of now) is most likely the Great Fire of London, 1666, the event which is widely accredited in pop culture with ending the plague in London. (This is infered from Hooke's letter in Ep. 19, as he talkes about the 'Dread emmission', a possible reference to the plague being 'bad air', and about his book Micrographia, published in 1665, which was the first major book on observations through a microscope, i.e. plague fleas)
The enactment which followed Hooke's letter was most likely Newton's Lab Fire, which occured in the 1680's (probably not long after 1684 in the Protocol timeline), and was invoced with the purpose of destroying his alchemical notes and studies.
The Protocol was also invoced with the destrction/burning of the Magnus Institute, 1999. At the time of this enactment, the head of the (now defunct?) Response sector of the OIAR was name William Price, a name shared by a C.19th druid, who happens to be the man who proved in court wasn't illegal to cremate people.
The Protocol also seems to have been enacted on the Hilltop Centre of the Oxford People Trust on 01/12/2015 (see Ep. 7). It was burned to the ground.
All together, while the Protocol seems to present itself as a more desolation-aligned event/pseudo-ritual, I am hesitant to mark it as anything supernatural just yet. Going of the description of the enactment of Ep. 7, it seems to be more of a standard technical reaction to the supernatural occurings, more along the lines management-wise of Joshua Gillespie's ice-on-the-coffin-key and Alexander Scaplehorn's fucking-booking-it-out-of-there than anything else, except more focused on eradication of the supernatural. Thank you for coming to my T(MagP)ED Talk, please throw any corrections/additions at me.
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summugus · 2 months
gang what the fuck was magp 12 i am not recovering and i’m so concerned please send help get me some chill pills i’m going insane
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bookkeepersnake · 1 month
EP 12 - Getting Off
Break room Sam and Celia
Sam invites Celia out for drinks
dinner/breakfast, saturday at 6
Alice listening in and tease Sam, sounds actually upset??
Glitch when Sam said no = lie?
Claim review
Employer’s liability
Oho jacks 9 carlyle street
Crime report, medical report
Hse communication
Group with names like ozzar or rosser
Gift - yellow/purple lunchbox (cracked CD case)
Mr Bonzo’s on his way!!!! CD
Audio wont stop playing
Joey the bouncer dead?
Music grows louder and distorted, coming from all speakers
Bonzo spins a man around, rises to full height, and rips arms off the man.
Hand pushes into mouth and rips jaw from head
Viscus liquid inside: putrid water, rancid foam, and meat
Slams the body remains into ground until pulverized, then eats it… (Yikes!)
Face means split and reveals more teeth, then speaks. Only says its name
Tears through the rest of the people present
Cameras did not work during incident
Gwen terrified by reader statement (understandable!!)
Alice concerned for Gwen
Gewn questioning the OIAR, who benefits
Alice knows why they’re doing this (no glitch)
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