mintedcats · 8 months
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smokeclan-oc · 2 years
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Bluestream - pretty darker grey tabby with white on chin and throat with bright blue eyes
Family: Fogbreeze (father), Silversnap (mother), Snowpelt (brother), Stormfall (sister) Gender / Sexuality:  shecat / bisexual  Personality: typical bisexual femme girl, creative and patient, super kind, everyone loves her, the only person who can get through the grumpy one, makes anyone smile when they are feeling down Backstory: It was after the apprentice den was empty for two seasons that the senior warriors realized something had to happen. They did too good of jobs training the young warriors, and they were so focused on the clan, they didnt mingle. So the senior warriors and elders stepped in, arranging matings. The plan was to raise from a kit, the next leader of the clan. First contestant is Bluestream. The daughter of a kittypet father and a Smokeclan mother, Bluestream was the youngest of her litter. She was mentored by her kittypet father, who became a warrior to help raise his kits.  Bluestream is well liked by just about everyone. One on one she is a great listener, who can help you solve any problem. Even the grumpiest of warriors seem to warm up to her, and she will happily bounce after them when hunting together.  She’s often invited on patrols and hunting pairings, she’s excited to make friends. She’s just such a sweetheart. When she will be named deputy, the forest will be excited for Smokeclan, and her leadership would help reinvent Smokeclan’s image in the forest.  Ideal Partner: the grumpy one, or the equally energetic one, the one who wants her to have his babies fr (she gives feathertail vibes, do with that what you will) Position | Clan: Warrior | Smokeclan
Crowleg - small black tom with white on chest and toes
Family:  Duskmask (father), Nightsong (mother), Ratwhisker (sister) Gender / Sexuality: Tom / pansexual (whore) Personality: very social, talks too much in class, definitely has some problems focusing because he’s friends with everyone. Hes biased, but always for both sides so its like a catch 22.  Backstory: It was after the apprentice den was empty for two seasons that the senior warriors realized something had to happen. They did too good of jobs training the young warriors, and they were so focused on the clan, they didnt mingle. So the senior warriors and elders stepped in, arranging matings. The plan was to raise from a kit, the next leader of the clan. Next contestant is Crowleg. Excitable as a kit, his energy was just what the clan was looking for. Smokeclan has a reputation for being dark and scary and regal. Crowleg was such a smart and happy young kit, he could show the forest they can be dark and regal without scaring kits from taking help from a Smokeclan warrior when lost. Crowleg has no interest in having his own mate, or raising kits of his own. He’s rather make friends, and often takes up helping any mentors with apprentices. His smaller size makes people forget his age, so he bonds well with the younger apprentices looking to relate to the elder mentors. He’s great for sparring practice, and is always happy to help an apprentice out with a task. Speaking up for the younger warriors, Crowleg is a friendly face in the forest, and has more than once accidentally gone over the border chasing prey, and met another clan, and gotten away with his catch and a nice conversation. Ideal Partner: the warrior who keeps catching him crossing the border they bang and then you let Crowleg go home with his catch lmao, the elder apprentice, the young warrior in charge of an apprentice, a young warrior Crowleg spoke up for Position | Clan: Warrior | Smokeclan
Hollysnap - long haired dark grey tom
Family: Blackgaze (father), Longfur (mother), Jaydance (sister) Gender / Sexuality: Tom / bisexual Personality: serious, observant, approachable, calming effect, hes like the personification of the Stress Relief scent from BBW Backstory: It was after the apprentice den was empty for two seasons that the senior warriors realized something had to happen. They did too good of jobs training the young warriors, and they were so focused on the clan, they didnt mingle. So the senior warriors and elders stepped in, arranging matings. The plan was to raise from a kit, the next leader of the clan. Next contestant is Hollysnap.  Hollysnap is from the first litters of the arranged marriages, Hollysnap was a quiet Tom, who somehow won over his clanmates, and those from other clans. His presence is somehow calming, simply due to knowing a Tom as big and strong as Hollysnap is. He doesnt speak often, so when he does cats listen. With a rather thick pelt, he likely has Frostclan blood, but sharing a border with Frostclan now, the clan needs to work hard to get longer fur into the gene pool. Ideal Partner: the sweet lil one, the one who wants to be babied, the strong warrior who needs someone bigger and badder behind them, someone who needs muscle  Position | Clan: Warrior | Smokeclan
Magpiesong - dark grey shecat with white on chest and belly
Family: Silentfeather (father), Beechroot (mother), Longfur (sister), Cinderstride (brother), Ravenswoop (younger brother), Cloudstep (younger sister), Whitesnow (younger sister) Gender / Sexuality: shecat / pansexual  Personality: flirty, cuddley, snuggle up in her tiddies, her parents were silent and beech, so flirty and sassy, mixed with resting bitch face but cuddle monster Backstory: It was after the apprentice den was empty for two seasons that the senior warriors realized something had to happen. They did too good of jobs training the young warriors, and they were so focused on the clan, they didnt mingle. So the senior warriors and elders stepped in, arranging matings. The plan was to raise from a kit, the next leader of the clan. Next contestant is Magpiesong. Its been some generations since Smokeclan had a female leader, and Magpiestar has a nice ring to it.  The intent was to train Magpiesong for leadership, but her interest in the nursery is far too obvious. So they’ve adjusted their view, coaxing Magpiesong to think of raising the next strong warriors of the clan. Sharp and cuddley, Magpiesong can help bring even more strong warriors into the clan and gene pool.  She’s flirty, shaking her tail for a warrior while she hunts, knowing her training to be a strong leader makes her appealing to any cat.  Ideal Partner: the dude who always falls for the hot girls, someone who loves tiddies, someone who loves to cuddle, the one who wants to be a house husband with his house wife, they could run the nursery together, raise the next gen of warriors, queens nurse then leave the den to them Position | Clan: Warrior | Smokeclan
Family: Bluestream (mother), Featherswirl (sister), Spiderpelt (brother), Leafspark (younger brother), Driftears (younger brother) Gender / Sexuality: Tom / bisexual Personality: a forgotten kit among several, not someone who demands attention, very independent, smart, sweet, loves to do biiiig stretches Backstory: It was after the apprentice den was empty for two seasons that the senior warriors realized something had to happen. They did too good of jobs training the young warriors, and they were so focused on the clan, they didnt mingle. So the senior warriors and elders stepped in, arranging matings. The plan was to raise from a kit, the next leader of the clan. Last contestant is Mousestalker. With direct connections to Loudstar, a famous leader of the past, Mousestalker is an obvious choice.  His small size is remenescent of a more recent popular leader of Brookclan; Duckstar. Despite being full grown, Mousestalker is rather small for his age. This makes him a skilled hunter, and often brings home the most prey when out for a day. He’s often asked to join apprentice training, teaching the apprentices how to be good hunters. He will make sure the clan is fed for generations, and  being such a good provider, his rise to leadership will be easy.  Ideal Partner: the big strong one, someone who sucks at hunting and needs some one on one training Position | Clan: Warrior | Smokeclan
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sludgecenter · 18 days
yap abt my waca ocs YAYYYY
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this is the worst family EVARRRR… i wanted to do a whole post abt them but it was getting too long and nobody gaf so just like basic traits:
Newtstar: Toadstar’s nepo baby son/ rich trust fund college student. He goes insane when he finds out that starclan sucks and his dad is an asshole.
Frogleap: he’s actually getting a seperate post on him but i basically made him to be like a spoof on the the stock warrior cats character (kind warrior who goes on patrols and is loyal to his clan). hes a nice guy but will also give you a treatise on why it was perfectly ok that he chased a pregnant sick loner off their territory. Newtstar’s brother
Toadstar: Manipulative asshole who turned his clan into a cult of personality surrounded around him The Just and Fair former leader of mistclan.
Magpiesong: Hates all her kids (except for Hawkswoop) her lore is too much for me to fit here all that matters is that if she was a canon character she’d be on a “worst warrior cats moms” list right beside moonflower and leopardfoot
Hawkswoop: Newtstar’s half-sister and biggest hater. Plots to kill him multiple times.
Rookfeather: Hawkswoop’s sistser and Newstar’s narritive foil but instead of becoming a misogynist because her mom was shitty to her she just kills people.
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Pigeonfang was probably the one who encouraged the poly to take in Magpiesong
bc y'know
one of his dead daughters was named Magpiekit (who was also coincidentally black and white)
ooooh yes
I’m thinking maybe they were like “hey what up little child” and were just like you’re cool and then Pigeon told them “you know you can adopt her, right?”
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mercykatze · 5 years
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listen up and you won’t go wrong again float along on a verse-less song and then get to where the two ends meet
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razmerry · 4 years
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You might have heard of the situation on Twitter with one of the Erins. I’m not going to try and explain, I don’t use Twitter; you can read a better summary here if you want. 
But I would like to say that Warriors cats are trans! This is my OC Magpiesong, and she is the medicine cat of SunClan, from my comic “The Dog Star”. 
I hope you’re all having a good day, or if you’re not, I hope it gets better soon. 
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engioc · 6 years
Taking a stroll through the Adelaide Botanic Gardens, found some friends while I was resting on the grass. These are wild magpies, but I guess they get used to hanging out with people. This one even new the difference between the seeds in my hand and the container I brought it in, he/she was eyeing it off the whole time. #adelaidebotanicgardens #magpies #handfeedingbirds #friendswhilethefoodlasts #nature #relaxation #walking #htcu11plus #htc #cityofadelaide #wildbirds #wildmagpies #southaustralia #birdsong #magpiesong (at Adelaide Botanic Garden) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuPq8xaA4z_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=uxyahpdzyvdv
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defectivebug · 7 years
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earlier in the year I found one of my super old sketchbooks and at the back was a big list of my fan-made warrior cat clans. there was also a list of every clan’s leader, deputy and medicine cat (plus some important characters from the animated series I wanted to made, hah) and yesterday I decided, ‘hey why not just draw all of these’ so I did. that’s how I spent my sunday.
this is every cat I could find mentioned in the book (most of them only had written explanations instead of pictures), though the cats in the last image are new.
when Ivypaw was born there was a deadly prophecy (which I never elaborated on, A+ story-telling 14-15y/o Beth) and she was shunned by the rest of her clan. I imagine the intention was for there to be a mix-up with Magpiesong’s interpretation of the prophecy that meant Ivypaw was innocent and like, their chosen one or something. Basic warriors jazz.
Other bits from the book:
Eveningstar’s warrior name was Eveningshadow
Dogchase is Redpaw’s mentor
Brackenstar was Brackenclaw
Dyingstar was Dyingspirit and is the father of Heavenlypaw, they both suffer from the same mysterious illness that's passed down their family tree
Shellstar was Shellfur
Speckledstar is the only leader to have any art (he even has two) and yet his clan isn’t mentioned anywhere, I’m pretty sure I scrapped it
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jewellsfrommaruss · 5 years
The Jewells as Warriors
So that new preview has me Messed Up so here we go!
Morrigan - Wolfstar, Leader of Shadowclan, a Broad Shouldered Brown Tabby™ with tons of scars, missing most of her ears, looks like Tigerstar and Brokenstar had a spawn
Jadette - Doefang, Deputy of Shadowclan(nepotism is strong in Shadowclan), beautiful classic torbie mostly cream colored with a few spots of grey
Porcia - Dapplebrook, Grey spotted tabby with soft feathering, attempted to be a med cat apprentice but dropped out to be a warrior
Alwin - Magpiesong, Black ticked tabby tom, absolutely has a secret forbidden romance with a loner tom from the twoleg place
Abudemio - Mothmask, Brown sepia(burmese) tom with white toes, basically functions as a second Deputy but focuses more on the camp maintenance
Mishca - Blueberry, Solid tortie mostly a bluish grey with some orange spots, snatches birds out of the air, plays with all her siblings kits and adopts that kit they find on the border
Cecilia - Stormpool, Grey with white over her paws, chest, nose and tail tip, refused to be a medicine cat, trips cats who are jerks with her tail and pretends it was an accident(”I’m blind of course I didn’t know you were walking there.”)
Timothy - Coppertooth, Orange(from the amber gene) tabby, left Shadowclan to live with his mate in Thunderclan, Wolfstar was pissed but not surprised
Nevan - Doveheart, Medicine Cat of Shadowclan, white tom, took the job so he wouldn’t be called a coward for not wanting to fight anymore, 
Cheshire - Nightstep, A sleek black tom with neck fluff, has a scar across his face from when Wolfstar exiled him, currently living in Riverclan(cause its the Sexiest clan)
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Dark Forest Resident: Magpiepaw
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Aliases / Nicknames: Mags, Maggie, Magpie, ‘the stupidest apprentice that Starclan ever saw fit to grace the forest with’, ‘Troublemaker’, ‘Trouble’, ‘Stop that’, ‘get over here!’
Gender: demi-mollie (she/they)
Sexuality: bisexual
Family: Alderwhisper (mother), Ravencry (father), several unnamed siblings
Other Relations: Palestone (Mentor)
Clan: Thunderclan
Rank: apprentice
Characteristics: ran away from kits in danger, doesn’t have a lot of sense, lost most of her tail to a badger
Number of Victims: 4 (indirectly, accidentally)
Number of Murders: 4 (indirectly, accidentally)
Murder Method: abandoned victims when badger appeared
Known Victims: Ashkit, Munchkit, Reedkit, Larkkit
Victim Profile: playmates
Cause of Death: shock
Cautionary Tale: ??
Magpiepaw had never been good at following rules. Or even listening to rules. Basically if there was a rule-- even a suggestion of a rule-- she zoned out.
So when she was told ‘kits aren’t allowed out of the camp ever” she didn’t exactly absorb this information.
One warm greenleaf day, when she was ‘grounded’ for ‘inciting chaos and shenanigans,’ she decided to play with the kits. They were all close to being five moons old, so why shouldn’t they be allowed out of camp? What could the harm be?
The harm was a badger.
The patrol found her hiding in a hollow log, shaking like a leaf, glassy-eyed and dazed. Her tail had been torn off.
They found the kits.... elsewhere.
Magpiepaw was brought before the Clan and put on trial. Even her own parents looked disgusted as Palestone accused her of leaving the kits to die. The Clan collectively agreed that she had deliberately lured the kits there, that she was jealous of them. 
They put her under guard, and the medicine cat reluctantly bandaged her tail.
If the medicine cat had been concerned, they would’ve noticed that she was already in shock.
If Palestone hadn’t been busy yelling at her for the deaths of the kits, he would’ve noticed when she slipped away.
But no one noticed when Magpie finally fell silent.
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Additional Information:
--Submission by @ambitiousauthor​
--Ref by Turukhan
--She doesn’t talk much due to trauma, but she purrs sometimes
--She used to love playing, but now she doesn’t like to play bc she thinks that her playing was what got the badger’s attention
--Her warrior name would be Magpiesong
--She has a really pretty singing voice!
--The last thing she heard was Palestone yelling at her.
--She is the soon-to-be adoptive child of mainly Myrtlewing and Alderstar and also Grousemane and Hootpetal (who might be known as the uncle and aunt)
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mercykatze · 6 years
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some sisters i forgot to post! Magpiesong and Ibiswing 
magpie belongs to @kairyu-dragonite
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