Mha Aizawa x female wife reader
Reader has a quirk that is literally her just being a cat magnet. Reader finds out she’s pregnant and decide to tell Aizawa in the cutest way possible with cats.
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The Cat’s Out of the Bag
Warnings: none!
Word count: 3,104
A/N: this has got to be my favorite request I’ve gotten so far! I kind of went a little above and beyond the request but I think it turned out rly cute :)
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Posted: October 23rd 2021, 1:30 PM EST
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Since you’re quirk had first developed when you were a child, it had been drawing things closer to you; cats, specifically. It had started as the stray you passed daily on your way to school following you home, everyday being shooed away by your parents and everyday returning. Eventually one cat turned to two, and two to two dozen. It got to the point where they would be littered outside your house simply waiting for you to step outside, some even working their way inside and happily curling up next to you.
After some time of this continuing and the number of cats growing, your parents had taken you to a quirk doctor who confirmed that it was in fact your quirk attracting all of them. Despite the slight frustration it caused you all had no other choice but to accept it and learn to live with it.
The cats, especially the ones that consistently appeared, became your best friends. Because they refused to separate from you, you spent most of your time with them and thus went through your everyday life with a feline friend by your side. They were a constant company and ensured that you were never alone, even as you went to sleep at night as they took the available spots on your bed and lulled you to sleep with gentle purring.
By then nearly everybody who knew you knew of your quirk. It was well known that wherever you went at least one cat would follow and if there was a random sighting of a cat - or more frequently multiple - in a place they didn’t belong, you were somewhere nearby. Despite how the cats provided you endless company, they isolated you as well. The other kids at school found them as a sort of annoyance and began avoiding you, even your best friends eventually fading away as your quirk persisted. You were alone, ostracized from everyone else; that is, until you met him.
With a book in hand you sat with your back against a tree, your hand every so often leaving the pages to stroke the head of one of the dozen or so cats around you. Many of them bathed in the late summer sun with faces of contentment, an occasional breeze rustling their fur as well as your hair. It’s relatively silent as you lose yourself in the imaginary world of your book - or it was silent until the gentle sound of footsteps caught your attention. You look up to find a cat rounding the corner of a nearby building and walking towards you, shortly followed by a boy. Upon further inspection as he neared closer you were able to make our his appearance. Long black hair obscured his face and despite his taller frame he hunched over, you assumed to look at the cat he tailed behind. He appeared about your age and is adorned in a uniform; not one from your school but one you oddly recognized.
Eventually he worked his way up the hill you sat atop, his eyes widening upon seeing the crowd of cats the other had led him towards. You can’t help the small laugh that passes your lips, the boy finally seeming to realize you’re there as his eyes meet yours.
“Sorry about all the cats.” You say, watching as he takes in the sheer number of them.
“I was just trying to get the one I was following…” He says, “Why are they all right here?”
He kneels in front of the cat he had followed, a tortoiseshell kitten with a half missing ear, and scoops it into his arms with a small smile. You smile as well as an older gray cat nudges your hand, forcing you to put down your book to pet it.
“They just like me.” You reply, “You could say I’m a cat magnet.”
He hums as he moves to sit on the grass a few feet away from you, the kitten in his arms now playing with the loose strands of black hair that fell past his shoulders.
“Do you like cats?” You ask, though the answer already seemed obvious.
“Yes. It looks like you do, too.”
You breathe a small laugh, the boy giving one as well.
“I’m Y/n, and you?”
“Aizawa. Shouta.”
“Nice to meet you, Aizawa.”
After a few minutes you expected him to walk away, to return to where ever he had come from and that would be the first and last time you met, but as more time passed he stayed. You looked at him curiously and noticed he had taken out a laptop from his school bag and begun silently working. After staring for a few moments you returned to your book, both of you silently sitting in each other’s presence.
It became a daily occurrence for Aizawa to show up after following a cat to you, the two of you sitting under the same tree and either working or simply sitting together with the plethora of cats around you. Overtime the distance between you closed, going from Aizawa sitting a few feet away to a foot to a few inches until you eventually sat shoulder to shoulder. The closer he sat the closer the two of you became, small, short conversations turning to long and animated ones filled with laughter and light banter. Despite how your quirk had once isolated you, it had led you to, or more specifically led to you, the person who became your best friend.
“You know, your uniform looks really familiar.” You start, looking at Aizawa out of the corner of your eye before returning your gaze to the sky.
The two of you lay beside each other under the tree, peering through the bare branches at the pure blue sky above. Despite the cold chill of midwinter and the snow that blanketed the ground you lay on you both remained outside and so did the cats that cuddled close to your sides for warmth; much like you did with each other.
“I think all of Japan would know it.” Aizawa replies, moving his arm under his head as the tortoiseshell kitten curls up on his stomach.
“Oh really?” You laugh sarcastically, “What school do you go to then that’s so famous?”
You pause for a moment before propping yourself up on your elbows, looking down at him with a look of disbelief.
“Are you joking?” You ask to which he shakes his head.
“I just started my second year.” He says nonchalantly, “You seriously didn’t know until now?”
“How would I know if you didn’t tell me? But seriously, you? In U.A.?”
“Is it that hard to believe?”
“I’m not saying it like that.” You say while gently shoving his arm. “It’s just surprising that you’re training to be a hero; it’s cool. What’s your quirk?”
He explains his quirk and how it works all while you stare at him in amazement, Aizawa occasionally making eye contact though quickly looking back away.
“That’s so cool!” You exclaim when he’s done, “Why didn’t you tell me before?”
He shrugs. “It’s never been brought up. I like your quirk better, anyway.”
“Trust me, you wouldn’t want my quirk.” You sigh while lying back down, “Everyone else thinks it’s annoying.”
“I don’t.” He replies, “I like it, all the cats.”
“You only hang out with me for the cats, huh?” You joke to which he rolls his eyes.
“I like the cats, but I like your quirk because it’s what brought me to you.” He says, voice quieter this time though tone softer and more serious.
You blink in surprise for a moment before turning your head to face him.
“Don’t be.” You say quietly. Aizawa turns to face you as well, your faces a mere inches apart from each other’s. A rosy color tinted both of your cheeks that you hoped you could play off as the cold weather, your eyes meeting and refusing to look away despite the part of you that urged you to for the sake of your own embarrassment.
“I like you.” You whisper, catching yourself by surprise as the words pass your lips. Aizawas eyes widen in seemingly shock before he smiles, a small puff of air emitting from him made visible by the cold.
“I-“ He starts, though is cut off by the kitten letting out a loud mewl and plopping itself down in the space between you. Both of your laughter breaks through the silent air as some of the previous tension is lifted, the fluttering of your heart the only notion of what had taken place before.
After Aizawas hero debut, despite how quiet it had been in order to keep himself more hidden from villains knowledge and his despise of the press, you had made it your job to congratulate him. He had worked as a sidekick at a smaller agency for a few years before this debut which, in your opinion at least, made it only that much more exciting.
A smile tugs at your lips as you hear the door to your shared apartment open and close shortly followed by heavy footsteps that made their way towards you. As Aizawa rounded the corner into the kitchen you stepped out from behind the wall you hid behind and pulled the string to the confetti popper in your hand, laughing slightly at the slight shock on his face.
“Congrats!” You exclaim as confetti fell to litter both of your hair.
Aizawa looked to you before looking around the room, a banner reading “Congratulations Eraserhead!” Strung across the middle of the ceiling the first he sees before the small cake on the counter and floor now coated in colorful confetti. The cat you had taken in as your own, the tortoiseshell with the half missing ear, adorned a small white scarf and makeshift yellow eye covers like the ones Aizawa used and it meowed at him as if to say it’s own congratulations. Aizawa smiles while taking off his own scarf and eye covers before setting them on the counter.
“Thank you.” He says with a small, genuine smile.
You return it with a wide, adoration filled grin. “Of course! You deserve it, I know you’ll make a great hero, Shouta.”
He doesn’t reply, only steps closer and pulls you into a hug and rests his chin atop your head. You happily accept it and wrap your arms around his torso, giving him a small squeeze as you let your eyes slip shut. To you, this was the most comforting place you could be; wrapped up in each other’s arms and letting the rest of the world slip away until it was just you and him left. This is where you belong. This is all you needed.
After a few minutes Aizawa pulls away slightly to face you, his expression softer than usual as it settles on your face. You keep your smile but draw your brow together, one of your hands coming up to rest against his face.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” You ask with a slight tilt of your head.
“Because.” Is all he answers.
“Well come on, we have to eat the cake before it dries up.” You say, pulling away and walking towards the counter. You’re stopped, however, by Aizawa reaching out to hold your hand, preventing you from walking away. You turn back around and look between your hands and him, giving him a confused look as his grip persists.
“Shouta? What’s-“
“Do you want to get married?” He asks, cutting you short and effectively making you fall silent. Your mind runs blank as you try to process what he said, part of you not believing it as your mouth opens and closes trying to find something to say.
“Are you- did you mean- I…” You stutter, trying and failing to somehow reply to the sudden question. Your eyes met his, kind and waiting laced with nervousness and anticipation as he waits for your answer. His thumb brushes over the top of your hand where they still joined in the space between you, drawing your attention there before your eyes trail up his arm and back to his face. In that moment it all seemed to click and you smiled, fully turning so you now stood in front of him.
He flashes you one of his rare toothy smiles before pulling you back in by the hand, a laugh escaping you before it’s cut short by him placing his lips on yours. You melt into the kiss and smile slightly as the stubble on his face scratches yours, Aizawas hand gently cupping the side of your face as yours rests on his shoulder.
“I don’t have a ring.” He says as he pulls away, “That was a spur of the moment thing.”
You laugh softly, “It’s okay, it’s perfect the way it is.”
A nervous breath escapes you as you twist the golden band on your finger, your cat happily tucked against your body as you carried it through the halls of U.A. Highschool. As you made it to the hallway holding classroom 1-A you set down the feline in front of you, crouching so you were now about level. You let out a small sigh as you stroke its head, a small smile crossing your face as it purrs.
“Remember, all you have to do is walk up to him, okay?” You say quietly, making sure you couldn’t be heard through any of the open doors. You rolled up a piece of paper and tied it together with a small ribbon before looping it through the cats collar, tying it in a small bow before double checking it’s secure.
“Are you excited, too?” You ask, breathing a laugh as the cat meows. “I hope he is.”
After taking a moment to collect yourself you stand up again, looking down at the tortoiseshell cat and gently nudging it with the side of your leg. It seems to get the hint and happily strolls down the hall with you following behind up until you make it to the classroom door. You stay out of sight though the cat continues, letting out a meow as it spots Aizawa at his desk.
“Hm? How did you get here?” Aizawa asks, swiveling his chair around as the familiar cat approaches him.
As soon as it’s close enough he picks it up and sets it in his lap, smiling slightly as it nudges his hand for a pet.
“Did you come to visit me at work?” He asks, “Why would you leave Y/n… what’s this?”
He reaches out to the small scroll on the cats collar, his brow drawing together as he pulls the end of the ribbon and releases it from the collar. Though confused he proceeds with untying the ribbon and unrolling the paper it held.
“This new baby doesn’t have fur…?” He reads aloud, “Did Y/n find a hairless cat?”
You laugh silently to yourself as you wait for him to unravel the rest of your message, anticipation making you antsy as you peak around the door.
The note was now fully visible as Aizawa holds the top and bottom apart, his expression still displaying confusion as he scans over the black and white picture.
“An ultrasound…?” He says, pausing as he realizes what he said. His eyes widen in surprise as he reevaluates the picture that held the undeniable shape of a baby. “An ultrasound.”
You step into the doorway and smile as Aizawas eyes meet yours, glancing between you and the ultrasound in his hands.
“Surprise.” You say, trying to hide your nervousness behind a smile.
You walk closer until you’re standing a foot away from his chair, fingers still twirling your wedding ring as you wait for him to say something.
“This is yours?” He asks and you nod. “You’re pregnant?” Another nod. “This is our baby?”
“Mhm.” You hum, still trying to figure out how he felt as his tone, as well as his expression, had been next to emotionless.
After a few seconds of staring at the ultrasound he sets it on his desk before lifting the cat in his lap and gently placing it on the floor, wordlessly rising to his feet. He blinked a few seconds before pulling you into an abrupt hug, his grip tighter than usual as he buries his face in your shoulder. You lace your fingers through his hair while your other arm goes around his back, slightly reluctantly as you try to decipher his reaction.
“Are you mad?” You ask nervously, feeling as if a weight is lifted off your shoulders when you feel him shake his head.
“It’s just…” He starts, his sentence trailing off as he seems at a loss for words. “A baby. Our baby.”
You laugh slightly, your fingers combing through his hair as you feel a wave of joy wash over you.
“Yes, it is.” You reply, “So I take it you’re happy about this?”
“Of course I am.” He says as he pulls back just enough to be able to face you. “I love you.”
He leans in for a short-lived kiss that’s broken apart by both of your wide smiles, the two of you opting for letting your foreheads rest against each other’s instead. One of Aizawas hands leaves it’s spot where it rested on the small of your back and trailed towards the front of your body before cautiously resting on your lower stomach.
Aizawa looks up temporarily to look over your shoulder, breathing a laugh through his nose at what he sees.
“Looks like they’re excited, too.” He comments, directing your attention to the cats that trot into the room before looping around your feet.
A laugh escapes your lips as you turn to look down at them, your head resting on Aizawas chest as well as your hand as his hand lays on your shoulder. A warm feeling blossoms in your chest and settles in your stomach where your baby was growing, a strong sense of family surrounding you and enveloping the room in comfort. This, you believed, was the perfect moment which you owed all to your quirk and the cat you silently thanked as it pawed at Aizawas arm from its spot on the desk.
“You know, between all the cats, the students, and now this, I’m starting to think I have too many kids.” Aizawa says.
You laugh, “I think there’s room for one more. And maybe one more cat.”
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My masterlist
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I’m literally crying this shit was hella funny
awkward moments during sex with bhna boys? 😐
Every moment is an awkward moment w them 😓
weird shit they do during sex
Deku: somehow finds a way to incorporate all might into it which is already overkill since his whole room and underwear and socks are all might merch and now he’s even mumbling to himself to last longer “pLuS uLtRaAa” before he nuts like 😐
Shouto: everything is abt pissing his dad off. He’ll literally go out of his way to manually decline every incoming call from his dad instead of just putting his phone on silent. And he makes sure to read every message sent but reply to none. He’ll be balls deep inside of you and still be preoccupied with making sure his dad feels intentionally ignored. Literally feels like he’s right there 😐
Bakugo: his mom walked in on u guys having sex once and his initial reaction was to fling your bra at her 😐
Kirishima: drinks a pre workout shake before sex and makes ur lovemaking feel like an exercise. Like he alternates his strokes into reps, u can hear him counting under his breath 😐
Kaminari: shocks u. He’s already staticky but when he’s honey he gets charged all the way up. Every time your skin slaps, it delivers a little shock w it. Your hair is always a mess after 😐
Sero: once activated his quirk and ended up taping your bodies together but he was so invested into his nut he didn’t even notice 😐
Shinsou: he’s weird abt ur pussy. Like he projects his adoration of cats on your vagina. If you don’t shave he reaches down to pet your pubic hair 😐
Hawks: he leaves crumbs everywhere. There’s wood skewers and empty sauce packets all over his apartment. Something was digging into your back while he was fucking u and it turned out to be the bone from a drum stick 😐
Dabi: burns everything. Burns your clothes off, burns his fingers into ur skin, burns ur headboard. Routinely sets off the smoke detector in ur house and tells the firefighters to fuck off when they arrive 😐
4K notes · View notes
seventh heaven | s. todoroki
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contains : f!reader, service dom!shouto, pre-established relationship, dubcon [reader under effects of lust quirk], pet names, pillow humping, spit, oral [f!rec], snowballing, praise, raw sex, quirk play [temperature play + branding], cervix fucking, creampie, cum stuffing, overstim. 5.1k word count.
bisous, twig : vewy self indulgent + poorly proofread + certain parts recycled from a post on an old blog :> if you liked this, you can also reblog it <3
mdni ♱ masterlist
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shouto doesn’t think he’s ever driven as recklessly as he is now— running red lights and stop signs, abusing the horn of his car, going nearly 25 mph over the posted speed limit while muttering profanities under his breath. it’s a bad look for a pro-hero of his caliber, but frankly, he doesn’t have it within himself to care— especially after the phone call you had given him not ten minutes prior.
your voice plays in his head as he thinks back to the shakiness of it, desperation obvious in its breathlessness, ‘shou, can you come home— please come home? r-really need you here.’
you had hung up before he could even open his mouth to ask you what the matter was, and it wasn’t much longer after that when he’d abandoned the lunch you packed for him this morning, leaving it sitting on the desk in his office while he rushed to his car— which is where he is now— avoiding crashing and causing collisions as he tries to make it back home to you as fast as he can.
worry sets in his chest as he flits through all the possible worst-case scenarios he could think of: had someone broken in? maybe it was a villain with a personal vendetta against him— or just a regular thief… no, it couldn’t have been; the house’s security system was far too strong for a low life criminal to be able to break through.
whatever it may be, shouto mentally prepares himself to face what’s on the other side of the front door when he arrives in record time— 15 minutes from the heart of the city to the gated neighbourhood in the suburbs where the two of you reside in a house you always complained was too big for just the two of you.
the harsh friction of rubber on pavement screeches loudly as he pulls into the driveway, disregarding his poor parking job before making a beeline for the front door. he inhales deeply in an attempt to calm his nerves and the frenzied voice in his head before shakily punching the four-digit code into the padlock. throwing the door open, shouto rushes in, eyes darting around the space of your home to look for you and any signs of disturbance.
everything seems to be in place in the living room— the photos of you and him and your mutual friends on the fireplace mantel, the empty sake bottles and deck of cards on the coffee table from saturday night’s drinking escapade, the bouquet of burgundy roses he had placed on the closed lid of the grand piano— nothing had moved an inch from where it was this morning when you sent him off to work with his lunch and a goodbye kiss.
he continues his inspection of the first floor, making thorough work of the kitchen and powder room before skipping every other step as he hurries up the spiral staircase. stopping at the top, he looks both ways— snapping his head towards your shared bedroom from which he hears muffled whimpers.
“honey?” no response. he feels his heartbeat audibly in his head and fear settle in his bones when your noises only increase in volume as he nears, his right hand covered in frost in preparation to confront the situation going on behind the closed door, “honey, are you alright?”
his eyes shoot wide open at the break in your voice, all sense of precaution flying out the window when he runs towards your room and flings the door open.
shouto didn’t know exactly what he was expecting to be welcomed with when he barged in— dark red painting his mulberry silk sheets with his lover bloodied and beaten and on the brink of death or being held at gunpoint... but he definitely was not expecting to find you curled up and writhing on the bed, nothing adorning your frame but a shirt that belonged to him.
he stands breathless and dumbfounded at the doorway as he tries to make sense of your current state, but is quickly knocked out of his thoughts when another whimper of his name pushes past you, “baby, what happened?” shouto rushes over to your side and raises his hand to cup your cheek soothingly, only to slightly retract it from how abnormally warm your skin felt, “you’re heating up…”
“i, hah— lust quirk… my co-worker accidentally hit me with it…” you whine out through little gasps of air, and suddenly his attention is averted to the pillow you had in between your legs— his pillow, and shouto feels a blush start to cover his face when he sees your bare cunny grind against it.
he finds himself in a trance— cool palm stuck to your heated cheek as his gaze travels up and down your body: from your parted lips to the labored rise and fall of your chest, all the way down to the wet patch on the pillow in between your thighs that only seems to be getting larger with each passing second.
he’s heard of lust quirks before— heard of their side effects: increased stamina, better orgasms— he’s also heard cheeky remarks from his friends about how they wished their lovers had them. he remembers you telling him some time ago that someone you worked with had one, but never in his wildest dreams did he think that you’d ever be affected by it.
with your whiny panting, glazed-over eyes and arched back as you try to get off on his pillow— shouto doesn’t think he’s ever seen you this needy when he hasn’t even laid a finger over your most sensitive parts yet. it has the initial worry dissipating from his blood to be quickly replaced with a burning desire as he toes off his boots and leaves them at the foot of the bed before climbing onto it to hover over you.
he can’t help the tightening in his pants and the lust evident in his gaze as he stares down at you squirming against the cool sheets, hips rutting against the pillow and sweet, needy cries falling onto his ears— but he also can’t help but feel slightly guilty for getting so aroused at your plight.
he can only imagine how frustrated you felt.
blue flames rip through your limbs, head clouded with a carnality that has you short of breath and searching desperately for release— you’ve never felt this way before; you can feel your heart pounding against your skull and the throbbing of your clit in your fingertips. it’s overwhelming, and it has you impatient as your hands reach up to entangle in his two-toned hair and pull him closer, “please, please, shou— need you so bad— please—”
it shakes him out of his thoughts, the drawn-out whine of his name sending blood flooding down to his cock, “it’s okay, baby, ‘m right here. you have me…” shouto shushes you and removes the palm from your cheek to replace the pillow in between your legs with his clothed thigh, breathlessly laughing when he sees your cream begin to coat the fabric, “so wet… ‘nd i haven’t even touched you yet.”
“uh huh, ‘s all for you— only you,” your thighs clench around his, a pleasured wail pushing past you at how much more friction there is with it than his pillow.
“you’re so cute when you’re this turned on…” he leans down to coo at you sweetly, brushing his nose against yours before slotting his lips in between your own .
the kiss is sloppy—lewd and filthy as spit get tossed between your mouths with little care for the way it dribbles down the corners of his lips, to his chin, to fall as fat globs onto the expanse of your chest.
a fire begins to burn in the pit of his stomach when you grind up on his thigh, and shouto can only bring himself to respond with a low moan as he sucks on your tongue. his palms travel up from your hips to cup your breasts, squeezing the soft mounds slightly before tracing his thumbs over your pebbled nipples through the fabric of the shirt you were wearing.
it belonged to him— the white dress shirt he had worn out to dinner with you last night. he wonders why you chose to reach for it, and is quick to arrive at an answer, “does this shirt smell like me, angel?”
you shy into the large neck of the shirt, nodding meekly as your thighs rub against his upon hearing the sweet adoration lacing his voice.
“you’re— hah— so perfect,” he pulls away from your lips, a string of saliva connecting him to you as he looks down, mouth parted and eyes lidded with lust as he watches every slow roll of your hips against his thigh, muttering an expletive when he feels your slick seep through the thick fabric of his pants to meet his bare skin, “baby, can i taste you?”
it comes out as barely a whisper— almost a plea against your lips, and the sultriness of his voice has you taking in a shaky breath and nodding your head frantically, “uh huh, wan’ you s’bad, shou…”
he leans in once more to capture your lips— softly, this time. shouto falls deeper when your grip on his hair tightens and your tongue slips into his mouth, but he pulls away just before he can drown, gently shushing your protested whines, “i know, honey, i know.”
with one final lingering kiss placed to your brow, he sits back on his haunches to roll you over onto your stomach, running his palms up the curves of your waist under his shirt you were wearing to tug it off of your frame.
you’re fully exposed to him now; he feels a lecherous heat radiating off of you and can see the thin sheen of your essence coating the insides of your plush thighs— he can smell it too— it’s smells like you, like the sugarplum sweetness he’s used to, but it’s unexpectedly strong.
unexpected, but most welcome.
it consumes his senses— has his head spinning and spit pooling at the tip of his tongue, and if anyone were to look into his eyes, they would be able to see just how dilated his pupils were, leaving little space for the grey and blue of his irises to show through. it’s almost as if your scent were casting a spell on him, and shouto can’t help but wonder whether this is an effect of the quirk you’re under.
he’s quick to remove his hero costume, leaving only his wrist guards and boxers on before clambering back on top of you to place his open mouth on the nape of your neck, evident hard-on pressing down on your ass, “jus’ let me take care of you…”
cool fingers trace down your spine, warm kisses following in their wake until they reach the dimples at the bottom of your back into which he digs his thumbs, wrapping his large hands around your hips to angle you up onto your knees. a little mumble of ‘arch your back’ followed by a quick rustle of the sheets and a subsequent ‘good girl’ has your cunny landing right in front of his face. he can see you so clearly like this, translucent slick sliding down your folds to collect on the swell of your clit.
did you always get this wet?
shouto examines your sex more closely than he thinks he ever has before, one hand leaving your hip to gently rub circles onto your nub with his thumb, slowly gliding it up and down your folds as he revels in the way your essence coats the pad of his finger in a thick glaze.
he’s teasing you— unknowingly— thumb continuing its assault on your clit while he finds himself enamoured by the way your cunny clenches down around empty air at his ministrations. he’s shaken out of his trance by a hurried wiggle of your hips and a muffled whimper of his name reaching his ears, quickly mumbling out a chuckle of an apology before leaning in to slot his pointed nose in between your folds and suck sweetly on your nub.
the soft, warm plush of his lips on the place you needed to feel him most has you crying out, arching your chest further into the mattress and one of your arms flying back to find the grip of his hands on your hips.
you’re incredibly sweet— tooth-rottingly so, and it’s not long before tender suckles turn into harsh licks up the length of your folds as he gets drunk on your taste, his tongue finding a home within your walls to try and taste more of you.
more, more, more.
insatiable; that’s what he is, humming contently at the slick that travels across his tongue and down his throat, slurring almost incoherently against the hot, tight ring of muscle, “y’taste— fuck— so good…”
the vibrations of his baritone voice send blood rushing down to your ever-swelling clit and his words of praise do nothing to stop the tightening of the coil in the pit of your stomach.
you feel yourself floating— head in the clouds and brain fogged from how he draws hearts onto your clit and the lewd squelches of him cleaning up your drooling cunt— it all feels so good, too good, and you slide the hand you had on top of his to grasp onto his fingers in a failed attempt to keep yourself grounded.
failed, because your actions have his other hand, his right hand flying down from your hip, cool thumb flicking over your throbbing nub and slightly cooler middle and ring fingers scissoring and sheathing themselves inside you.
you kick your feet against the mattress and gasp out when he finds that one shallow, sensitive spot that lies within your gummy walls, sending the tight coil in your stomach unravelling at full tilt sooner than you had wanted it to, “shou, p-please— cumming, ‘m cumming—!”
it’s a broken, drawn-out moan, and it travels straight to shouto’s cock as he grinds his crotch down into the mattress and hums, quirking his fingers faster and replacing his thumb with his lips.
he removes himself from you when your thighs begin to shake, turning you onto your back before hovering over you to lean down and take your lips in his. you feel him smirk against you after he pushes his way into your mouth, letting your cream spill from his tongue to yours, “see how sweet you taste, baby? gonna give me a cavity…”
you can only hum and lazily smile in agreement, chest heaving as your catch your breath. looking up at his muscular frame, you reach one hand out to trace your fingers down the lines of his sinewy torso until they arrive at the elastic waistband of his boxers, gently tugging his lower half against yours as you wrap your legs around his lithe waist for leverage, “wan’ you here…” you take his hand in yours and press his palm to your abdomen, “… please?”
his chest constricts at how sweetly you beg for him, your fingers tracing shapes on the back of his hand while you look up at him with dewy, bambi eyes.
“you’ll have me, angel… i’m yours— all yours, just as you are mine,” he hastily wipes your drying essence off his chin before leaning down to kiss you again— slowly and lovingly, running his thumb along your cheekbone to seal his promise.
you’re quick to spring into action, the both of you letting out a languid moan when you grind up along the outline of his cock, feeling the cool, sticky mess of his pre-cum seeping through the thin fabric of his boxers against your hot cunt.
shouto’s breath fans across your neck when he looks down, palming his cock briefly before pulling his boxers halfway down his thighs, shuddering at the cold air that sweeps from the open window over his leaking slit.
you marvel at how it twitches against his stomach, beads of pre-cum oozing out when he pumps the length a few times and runs a finger along the large vein on the underside; you know it as his most sensitive area.
using one hand, he angles your leg higher on his waist while he uses the other to guide the head of his cock to tap your swollen clit a few times, proceeding to then slide it in between your warm folds. he thumbs at his slit, coaxing more pre-cum out from it to lubricate you further as he struggles to push his red, bulbous head past the tight ring of muscle lining your entrance.
“y-you’re so much tighter… fuck—" it comes out as a strained groan when he manages to get half an inch inside you, fingers digging almost painfully into your waist.
you can only mewl out an apology in response and pull him in closer when your thighs tighten around his waist, a silent plea for him to fuck you.
“i know, honey, j-jus’ wait…” shouto takes a moment to draw his mind away from how your cunny sucks on his slit with every clamp down on it— knowing he would be sure to cum pre-maturely if he had spent any longer thinking about it.
with a low growl, he eases himself into your slick warmth— inch by agonizing inch— his girth brushing delicately against all the pleasure points that line your walls in a way that has your breath hitching in your throat and your hands flying up to grip onto his biceps. after what feels like an eternity, he finally sheathes his full length in you, head of his cock weighing down heavily on the sponge of your cervix.
it hurts— ever so slightly— the slow burn ripping through your core and down to your entrance, but shouto's kind enough to let you adjust to his size against what feels like your “virgin” walls. when he hears you let out a needy whimper, urging him to move, he begins to grind his hips down onto yours experimentally as he massages your cervix with his tip, groin simultaneously rubbing against your puffy nub in a way that ignites a fire in your stomach and has you writhing beneath him.
your noises are angelic— sweet, drawn-out moans of his name that ring in his head as his eyes roll back into his skull at the plush grip of your spongy walls— it has the muscles in his chest contracting and cock twitching inside of you almost frantically, in search of release.
after keeping his ministrations up for some time, he can tell you're about to cum by how the sounds that leave your lips increase in volume and frequency, and he takes this as the perfect opportunity to pull back out of you almost fully and drive back into you with a harsh, erotic groan.
shouto stops for a moment to catch his breath, the grip of your gummy walls around him making him feel like he might cum with just another thrust alone. you’re incredibly tight, almost painfully so, and it has the fire in the pit of his stomach only burning brighter with each passing moment. he draws back and forth deep into you, knocking your cervix with every thrust as they progressively get faster and rougher.
"i- ahn, right there, right there- fuck!" your mind goes numb from how he abuses the most sensitive spot that lies within your walls, and you weakly claw at his back in search of purchase.
your words prompt shouto to hoist your legs up onto the tops of his broad shoulders, the new angle he's hitting you at making your jaw fall slack and back arch, chest pressed flush against his own as he leans down to swallow your cries, "t-that feel good, angel?”
"mhm— gonna cum—!” he knocks your cervix repeatedly, the velvety feel of his dick squishing up against it finally getting that coil in your stomach to snap loose. it sends you reeling, walls spasming around his length and your eyes squeezing shut while you ride out your wave of pleasure.
shouto thinks he’s going to cum too— he can tell by the way icy hot pleasure courses through his veins and into his palms when he subconsciously heats one of them up and cools the other one down. before he can fully process his actions, the words spill out from his lips as a begging request, “can i brand you, baby?
“mhm, y-yeah—please…” your sweaty palms land on top of the backs of his hands, pressing them further into the fat that wraps around your hips, “make me yours, wanna be your pretty girl forever ‘nd ever…”
and that he does.
with a breathless proclamation of his love, he manipulates the temperatures radiating from either palm to leave a faint burn mark on your right hip and frostbite on your left while he spills inside your womb, thrusts faltering when you clamp down around his length— the pleasured pain from his quirk tumbling you into another orgasm as you cream around his cock yet again.
but it’s not enough— the mass of arousal from the lust quirk still weighs down heavily on your abdomen, and your hands find shouto’s to intertwine your fingers with his.
holding them to your chest, you lazily open your eyes and look up to meet his heterochromatic ones, sighing happily when he reaches down to kiss away the tears that spill onto your cheeks, “one more?”
his cock stirs awake from its place within your walls at your tender plea, and he raises your hand to plant his lips over each knuckle, “of course, angel… as many more times as you want; i’ll be right here,” with a final kiss placed to the inside of your calf, shouto leans forward, folding you nearly in half while he nestles his cock deeper within you— so deep you swear you can feel him in your womb.
he slowly draws his hips back and forth; this time around made a little easier from his milky seed smeared against your walls, and he calculates his thrusts so that the fat head of his cock prods that one spongy, sensitive spot that has you keening against him and your fingers holding a vice grip around his larger hands.
your gooey walls are quick to pulse around his length, breathless pants picking up their pace and whines of, ‘please, please, please!’ getting higher in pitch— the sweet noises reminiscent of those that you made when you came around his length not five minutes ago.
shouto frees a hand from your grasp, moving it up to cup your face as he kisses you deeply, muffling your shaky cries with his low groans, “that’s it— let go, baby,” his voice is silky and saccharine on your lips, and it, along with a final nudge of his cock against the deepest pleasure point inside you, sends you toppling into a third orgasm— this time stronger than the past few as overstimulation settles in your bones.
you’re shaking profusely under him, body wracked with trembles— and the only thing you can bring yourself to do is mindlessly babble against his skin while you cream around his cock, “i love you, i love you, i love you—!”
“f-fuck, i love you too— s-so much,” shouto lets out a guttural groan at your proclamation, the words travelling straight to the fire in the pit of his stomach as he buries his face in your neck and spills inside your womb—creamy seed sloshing around your walls to paint them an opaque, milky white.
he jerks slightly on top of you, jolts of intense euphoria shooting through his limbs— but before he can catch his breath, shouto’s leaning down to swirl his tongue over your nipples after another meek whimper of, ‘one more?’ falls onto his heeding ears.
one more time turns into three more times turns into more times than shouto can count—it’s been nearly six hours since he’s arrived home and the sun’s begun to set now; it shines down on your body from the open windows of your bedroom and casts a warm orange glow over your skin. if shouto weren’t so focused on engraving the sloppy mess of his cum and your cream coating the base of his cock and groin into his brain, he’d be looking deep into your eyes, admiring the way they twinkle and glow a few shades lighter under the setting sun.
but he’s far too gone for that now, his hips slapping erratically against the backs of your thighs while your legs tremble atop his broad shoulders— cum gushing out of your worn cunny and dribbling down your skin to soak the bed sheets with every hasty thrust.
the air is thick with the smell of sex and lewd sounds of your shared moans as you cum around his cock for the sixth time that day— an additional two times on his tongue and fingers.
this was too much, even for a man with his stamina— filling you up with his hot seed nearly enough times to count on both his hands— yet he can’t find it within himself to stop; not with your angelic mewls, not with the way your nails scratch red wings onto his back, not with how the wet walls of your cunny suck him in— it all sends him spiraling as he chases high after high after high.
shouto’s convinced he’s shooting blanks inside you at this point, cock beat and overstimulated, veins protruding from his biceps as the sweaty hold he has on the headboard only gets tighter. he’s uncharacteristically talkative in this state, too— stuttering and hiccupping on words that spew from his lips almost nonsensically, “b-baby, oh, god— so s-sensitive— you’re so fucking b-beautiful— h-hah, fuck—"
he continues to rut uncontrollably into your sopping cunny, unable to think straight— but he can tell he’s almost done for. his arms are trembling from holding up his weight for the past few hours, two-toned hair wet against his forehead and sweat dripping down his body onto yours. you’re spent too— he can sense it in the way your high-pitched whines of his name turn to incoherent babbles and how your hands fall limp from his back to grip at the silk sheets.
with one last push, he slows down his thrusts, angling them so that the head of his cock fits in between the opening of your cervix, thumb tiredly massaging circles into your near numb clit as you fall into a final orgasm.
your heels dig into his shoulder blades, not sure whether to pull him closer or push him away when you feel an unfamiliar hot streak rip through your abdomen and down your limbs, body breaking into trembles as your back arches off the bed and your hands weakly clasp at the edges of the pillow your head lay on, “f-feels funny, shou— ‘m gonna—!”
“‘s alright, b-baby—oh, f- fuck— m-me too,” and with a quick snap of his hips forward, shouto fills you to the hilt with his length, cock twitching frantically against your pulsating walls as he empties himself inside you one last time, teeth clenched to suppress a wanton groan when he feels a thick gush of your arousal spray all over his abdomen.
his limbs give out from under him, and he lowers himself down gently onto you before rolling over onto his back and cradling your head in the crook of his neck, his other hand on the small of your back to press your chest flush against his.
you feel each other’s heartbeats like this, and you share a tired laugh when shouto’s cock softens and slips out of you, the cum he’s plugged you up with slowly following suit as it leaks out onto the already soaked, taut skin of his tummy. you lay together in the remnants of your arousals, too blissed out to be bothered by the messiness of it all.
shouto speaks up first after he catches his breath, voice raspier than usual from overexerting it in the hours prior, “you had me worried, y’know… thought someone had broken in, or something.”
“‘m sorry…” you lay slow kisses over the expanse of his chest apologetically, shyly smiling when you realize he’s tracing hearts into your back with his finger, “i tried taking care of it myself, but it’s jus’ not the same without you.”
warmth floods his chest at your words, and he leans his head down to place his lips firmly on the crown of your head, “i’m glad you called— that was… amazing.”
“maybe i should get my co-worker to accidentally hit me with her lust quirk more often,” you smirk up at him mischievously, poking his cheek when he returns your look with fake incredulity.
“and keep me from doing hero work?”
“you would be doing hero work; rescuing a poor civilian who got hit with a lust quirk, helping them tough it out…”
he only responds with a cheeky hum as he glides his tongue over his top row of teeth, to which you scoff incredulously.
“what— would you rather i call someone else instead the next time this happens? what if i called baku—”
“alright, alright, i get it,” shouto interrupts you before you have a chance to finish your statement, laughing heartily as he wraps his arms around you tighter, almost protectively— and runs a heated finger up and down the groove of your spine.
you lay in comfortable silence a tad longer— watching the sun set and the moon rise, listening to the singing of the birds as it dwindles off into the chirps of the crickets.
shouto opens his mouth to ask about getting you cleaned up, only to shut it just as fast when he notices you passed out, little snores pushing past the part of your lips where drool dribbles onto his chest. he smiles down at you with adoration and stars dancing around in his eyes at how sweet— how innocent you look like this— his beautiful girl.
taking your hand in his, he brings it up to his lips to plant kisses over your palm and fingertips— silent vows of protecting you and keeping you out of harm’s way for as long as he lives. and then, his fingers find your hips, rubbing soothing circles over your slightly burnt skin from when he had branded you in the hours prior— a symbol of your love, and how you belonged to him and he belonged to you.
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tags : @izu-fi @dekuphilia @koucaine @crybunnysimp @murr-supremacy @httphimitsu @yourlocalmoon-lover @flamefoxx @onyxsumi @haironi @lilkiwikiara @gratefulstranger @satoris-fingers @taijuwu @jolynegf @yougivemeglobalwarming @xforever-yoursx @rottenshroom @hirachan @prettybitchfatwitch @little-miss-chaoss @theferaldarling @babydollxa @getosbunny @msundefinedperfection @yex1298 @itachislut @fictitiouslover @sav-21 @aimingway @babietopia @urkittycat @entimbed @hyoika @atsumeii @katsoon @pan-cakez
thanx for reading ily ! rbs + comments are so appreciated :] !
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𝚆𝚎𝚍𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙳𝚊𝚢
𝚆𝚌: 𝟺𝟸𝟸
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"Y/NNNN" the sounds of yelling.
"NOOOOOOO" the sharp pain in your stomach making you wince in pain.
"Ahh" the faint whimpers coming from your throat. The blood dripping from the blade splattered onto the bunch of anemones.
"E-h...Eren" you sob out holding onto the blade pierced into your body.
"No...No...No....Y/n y-your going to be a- alright...., alright stay with me" Eren says trying to hold his tears.
"Fuck...SOMEBODY...SOMEBODY HELP PLEASE" He yells holding your blood drenched body close to his. Your beautiful white gown now a mess with your blood
"E-ren....i-im so-rry" you say. He holds your face wiping your tears.
"W-why...why do you have to leave me n-now please just a bit l-longer please our journey is just b-beginning please stay with me" he cries.
You couldn't speak, the urge to say one last word to your newly fond husband before your life ended was devastating.
"Please Y/n baby please don't leave me please I want to have a life with you" Eren sobs out holding onto your ringed hand.
You body feeling cold, the tears that started to dry on your face, the blood drying up staining your beautiful wedding dress, and the gasps for breaths.
"I- Love You Eren-" was the last words from you. There Eren Yeager held the lifeless body of his Wife in his blood stained hands.
"Y/n-" His words stuttered and all he could say were stammering sounds. Tears run down his face. His hoarse breathing and teary eyes stayed for a long while, and he stayed there in sorrow.
Eren who once was splendid, caring, and loving, even who had dreams, and needs. The one who found meaning in life was now everything but what he was before.
There wasn't any sparkle in his eyes like when you smiled at him. He resembled a plastic doll, eyes in a shock, far off, no emotion. Maybe he was in every case elsewhere. His right state of mind, maybe? Or then again perhaps somewhere else.
A state of mind in which he separated himself from the world, isolating himself in devastation. He no longer had the need to fantasize a life with you any longer. He needed nothing now.
At heart, nothing had any meaning anymore since you left him traumatically.
What's more, the gleam in his eyes never to return again, Surly killed him now, congratulations on getting married before death, Y/n Yeager.
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Just Read it I promise you it’s worth your time
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bakusquad boys x reader
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PAIRING.  (very scummy) frat!bakusquad boys x fem!reader
LENGTH.  19.8k words (ao3 link)
GENRE.  nsfw, aged up characters (20+)
EXTRA.  art by @/crikeygatormate !! <3
CONTENT.  gangbang, bukkake, virginity kink, corruption kink, sexual coercion + manipulation, very dubcon, tagging noncon just in case, power imbalance, intoxication, exhibitionism, creampie, noncon creampie, dacryphilia, double penetration (one hole & two), cum eating, cumplay, oral (m & f receiving), stomach bulge, spit kink, impact play (choking, slapping, biting), objectification, teasing (+ bullying), degradation kink, humiliation, praise kink, breeding kink, multiple orgasms, noncon recording
SYNOPSIS.  are you sure you want to tag along to that frat party? your roommate’s friends might not have the best of intentions.
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𝙼𝚢 𝙾𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝙷𝚊𝚕𝚏: 𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚘 𝚃. 𝚇 𝚈/𝚗 𝙷𝚒𝚝𝚘𝚜𝚑𝚒
𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚜 𝚖𝚢 𝚍𝚒𝚜𝚌𝚘����𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚞𝚎𝚍 𝚠𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚙𝚊𝚍 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢. 𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚘 𝚃. 𝚡 𝚈/𝚗 𝙷𝚒𝚝𝚘𝚜𝚑𝚒
𝚈/𝚗 𝙷𝚒𝚝𝚘𝚜𝚑𝚒, 𝚜𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚏 𝚂𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚘 𝙷𝚒𝚝𝚘𝚜𝚑𝚒 𝚋𝚘𝚝𝚑 𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚄𝙰 𝙷𝙴𝚁𝙾 𝙲𝙾𝚄𝚁𝚂𝙴 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚄𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚐𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍 𝙷𝚎𝚛𝚘 𝚃𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝙴𝚊𝚛𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝚊𝚔𝚊 𝙼𝚛. 𝙰𝚒𝚣𝚊𝚠𝚊 𝚂. 𝚈/𝚗 𝚑𝚊𝚜 𝚊 𝚌𝚛𝚞𝚜𝚑 𝚘𝚗 𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚘 𝚃𝚘𝚍𝚘𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚒; 𝚜𝚑𝚎 𝚍𝚒𝚍𝚗'𝚝 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚏𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚎𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚕 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝚃𝚘𝚍𝚘𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚒 𝚊𝚜𝚔𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚖𝚎𝚎𝚝 𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚕 𝚁𝚘𝚘𝚏. 𝙻𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚍𝚘𝚎𝚜 𝚈/𝚗 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚑𝚎 𝚑𝚊𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚊𝚜 𝙷𝚎𝚛. 𝚆𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚑𝚒𝚝 𝚒𝚝 𝚘𝚏𝚏? 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚞𝚝! 𝙴𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢!
𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝚒𝚜 𝚍𝚒𝚜𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚞𝚎𝚍 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚋𝚎 𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚎𝚠 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚌𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚕𝚘𝚝 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚕𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝚜𝚘 𝚔𝚎𝚎𝚙 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚒𝚗 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚍.
𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚊 𝚠𝚊𝚜 '𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚢 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚓𝚎𝚌𝚝'
𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚞𝚜: 𝙳𝚒𝚜𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚞𝚎𝚍
𝚆𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚙𝚊𝚍: 𝟸𝟶𝙼𝚊𝚊𝚛𝚒𝟶𝟸
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𝙱𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚐𝚘 𝚡 𝙵 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝙾𝚗𝚎 𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚝
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2\20\2021 Happy Birthday Katsuki Bakugo.
This Is a One-shot for Kingesplosionmurder aka Katsuki Bakugo!
It was 3 hours before The one and only Katsuki Bakugo's Birthday. He was currently on Night Shift at his Agency Texting you how much he misses you.
Suki: Teddybear~, I miss you please come to me!
TebbyBear: Aww it's okay Baby You'll see me In 2 hours and I have a Suprise for you if you're a Good boy~     
Suki: 'Typing...'
                                                                            INCOMING CALL
You Smirk and answer the Video Call. "Hi Baby," You said happily, The only thing he responded with was 'tch' He moved the phone down to his crotch there was a Boner visible through his Hero costume. You Hung up the phone and Teleported to him 
You walked over to his desk and pushed his chair back sitting on his lap kissing him aggressively. All You were wearing was a silk robe, you pull away from the kiss "You so naughty Katsuki" he pulls you in my your chin and kisses you biting your lip for entrance. "Mmmm" you moaned into the kiss while he took off his costume nor daring to break the kiss.
He freely explored your mouth as you started to rub his buddy moaning into your mouth. "Get on your knees you dirty slut" (Omg I'm sorry don't take it as an Insult) You Obeyed him and got on your knees as you were staring at him in the eyes you licked the precum from his tip the sweet and saltiness covering your taste buds muffled groans coming from his mouth.
You weren't planning on wasting any more time so you took his full length into your mouth gagging a bit as his tip touched the back of your throat. You began bobbing your head at a slow but okay speed he gripped his hand into your hair pushing you further down his cock tears started forming in your eyes as he did so. He took control and face fucked you he actually enjoyed it but would never admit it seeing you helplessly take his cock like the good girl you are.
"Fuck, mmm goddammi~ Y\N~" You felt his cock start to twitch in your mouth. Tears falling down your cheeks as you took in his cock faster and faster with every passing second. Your robe fell off your shoulders revealing your Breasts he was so close to his release when he started to gag you with his cock. His moans and your gagging filled the room he released in your mouth and you held it in while he pulled out your pretty little mouth.
"Swallow it all Baby Girl" you looked him in the eyes you swallowed his cum not wasting a single drop your licked your lips and Showed him that you didn't miss not one drop "Good Girl now remove the rest of the robe, ... And lay down on my desk," he said and you did as he said laying your back on the cold surface watching him as he removed the paperwork on the sides of you.
He lined his Cock up with your BADUSSY and teased your lips moving it up and down causing you to squirm and moan at the contact "Please Katsuki" you pleaded "Please what Teddybear, tell me what you want" He continued to tease you "Please I want your cock in me fill me with your Cum until I can no longer hold any in please" With that, he slammed into you not waiting for you to adjust "Ahhh~" you moaned out In pleasure and pain it was the best feeling ever The mixture was the chef kiss and felt immaculate.
Once you got used to it you wanted more "KATSUKI FASTER P-PLEASE" He went faster and you clenched around him feeling the knot in your stomach. Katsuki knew you were about to orgasm so with that he flipped you over onto your stomach and held your arms in one hand behind your back. The feeling of spinning around his cock made your eyes roll to the back of your head and tears fall down your face "K-Katsuki mmm~ I'm going to c-cum" you moaned out and he went faster "Oh you cum around daddies cock, Good girl cum for daddy" you cummed hard around him cock and clenched so hard around him.
"Y\N, y
, y
, Oh my god~ I love you baby so much~ I love you~" He moaned out and Cummed painting your insides white the warmness filling you up. His chest met your back as he kissed and sucked on your neck before pulling out. "Shhh," he said then pressed a button on the phone and it rang before you heard a man's voice on the other side "Hi what can I do for you GroundZero?" "Hi, Ruki I'm going home when you're done with your shift make sure to lock up thank you have a nice night" "Alright You Have a Nice night too, And Happy Birthday Sir" "Thank you" and then he hung up and Looked back to you smiling.
"Baby, Are you okay with teleporting us home so we can shower and turn in for the night?" You Nod your head and wrap his arms around you holding his hands and you teleported the both of you home onto the bed. He got up kissing you and wrapping you around his waist and neck so he can carry you to the bathroom.
He ran the warm bath water and put bubbles in it, He checked the temperature before sitting in the tub and sitting you in front of him back to his chest as he Kissed you softly on the cheek "You are so beautiful my Teddybear I love you so much Thank you" "I love you to Thank you Baby" you kissed him back softly on the lips.
For the rest of the bath, you both washed each other's body and hair before getting out drying off, and throwing on clothes aka Bakugos Sweats and T-Shirt. "Happy Birthday Katsuki Bakugo" "Thank You baby" he kissed you and You guys snuggled on the bed watching a romance Movie before you fell asleep and he turned off the TV he pulled you close into his chest and Held you tight whispering "I Love you, Y
Happy Birthday Katsuki Bakugo We All Love you so much! I hope you enjoyed this at first it made no sense but then I was like okay the smut part is what really matters so sorry if you didn't like it but Thank you for Reading the Bakugo One-Shot (Birthday Special).
Love you all Stay Safe and Thank you
- Mari
~Happy Birthday Bakugo~
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𝙼𝚢 𝙾𝚗𝚎- 𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜:
𝚂𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚖𝚊𝚢 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚒𝚗:
𝙼𝚢 𝙷𝚎𝚛𝚘 𝙰𝚌𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚊
- 𝙺𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚘 𝚃𝚊𝚔𝚊𝚖𝚒 (𝙷𝚊𝚠𝚔𝚜)
- 𝚃𝚘𝚞𝚢𝚊 𝚃𝚘𝚍𝚘𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚒 (𝙳𝚊𝚋𝚒)
- 𝙷𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚊 𝚂𝚎𝚛𝚘 (𝙲𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚙𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚎)
- 𝙺𝚊𝚝𝚜𝚞𝚔𝚒 𝙱𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚐𝚘 (𝙺𝚊𝚌𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚗)
- 𝚃𝚊𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚘 𝚃𝚘𝚢𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚝𝚜𝚞 (𝙵𝚊𝚝𝚐𝚞𝚖) 𝚒𝚗-𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚐𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜*
𝙰𝚌𝚌𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚁𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚜👇🏽
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𝑇𝑜𝑢𝑦𝑎 𝑇𝑜𝑑𝑜𝑟𝑜𝑘𝑖(𝐷𝑎𝑏𝑖)𝑥 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟
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You were both in your hotel room doing whatever until you got up and got dressed with a lingerie set and a cute little black dress to go over it.
As you were about to put the dress on Dabi whipped his head up from his phone and looked at your changing figure.
"where do you think your going miss mamas" he said grabbing the pillow and putting it over his lap trying to cover you know what.
"I'm going out" you say as struggle to put the dress on. "Not like that you are" he says still watching you struggle to put the dress on.
"Why even try to put it on if I'm going to take the shit right off of your sexy ass" he said getting up and walking over to you.
You are unaware that he had gotten up and went over to you until you feel a sharp pain on your ass that causes you to let out a lovely moan.
"Mmm, I like the sound of that baby girl do it again please" he says grabbing you by the hips and bringing you close to him so your ass on his buldge.
"No, I have somewhere to be and if you want to come then get dressed and your driving" you tell him as you finally get the dress on.
He sighed and walked away getting his clothes and changing into them putting on his shoes and grabbing your hand and the keys.
You both get down to the parking garage and Dabi holds the door open for you and closes it behind you then gets in the car himself starting it and pulling out.
"Where are we going" he asked as he stopped at a red light. "Go to the shopping court please" you say as you connect your phone to the aux and play a random suggested song.
Kali Uchis started playing specifically 'Your teeth in my neck' and you started singing along "You know better, you know you know, It's your teeth in my neck, Your teeth in my neck" you sing and just vibe to the song.
In the corner of your eye you see Dabi shift in his seat and letting out a groan. "What's wrong" you ask him pausing the music.
"Your making me fucking hard and that stunt you pulled earlier, your not getting off the hook baby girl" Dabi said pressing on the gas.
"I mean I can help you" you said. "Also I wasn't the one messing around" you said with a smirk knowing he couldn't do anything at the moment.
"Fuck Y/n" he says and looks at you before looking back at the road.
You take off your seatbelt and lean over to his lap undoing his pants.
"What are you doing" he asks trying to focus on the road in-front of him.
"I'm helping you though you didn't ask but since I'm a kind and Innocent soul I'm doing you some good deeds" you say with a cheeky smile.
"Kind and Innocent my Ass- ngh fuck" you suck on his tip coating it with your spit stroking it and tracing your finger along the vein of his cock.
You begin to slowly bop your head up and down building a pleasuring Rhythm making him moan and tighten his grip on the steering wheel.
"Fuck baby please, ugh...ngh" he moans out as you continue to bop your head up and down.
You nails gripped into his thighs leaving marks. Tears pricked in you eyes as you deep throated him making him meow in the back of his throat.
"Please Y/n I'm cumming, let me cum please" He begged as he stopped the car at the red light.
He throws his head back on the seat in pleasure as he reaches his high moaning loudly. Strings of his warm salty cum coats the back of your throat as you release his cock with a 'pop' sound.
He pants heavily and is sweaty. He grabs you by the throat and says "thanks for that baby" and kisses you passionately tasting himself on your lips.
He wipes the tears that fell from your eyes and you sit back in your seat putting you seatbelt back on smirking.
He parks in the mall parking lot and you both get out and enjoy the rest of your day, little does He know you have things planned for later.
𝙲𝚛𝚎𝚍𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚖𝚢 𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚎 𝚌𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚜𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚖𝚎, 𝙰𝚔𝚊 𝙶𝚏'𝚜 𝚑𝚞𝚜𝚋𝚊𝚗𝚍 :)
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You were about to give birth to you and Keigos child when Your phone started to ring it was from Keigos agency they called to say that he wouldn’t be there because he was in the middle of fighting a villian that killed most of the hero’s. You wanted to cry that the father of your unborn baby couldn’t the there to watch it come into the world. Keigo had tried his best to take care of your for the past 9 months and he was really looking forward to helping you through this but sadly he couldn’t be there.
You gave birth to a beautiful baby boy he has tiny wings and his fathers eyes and hair with streaks of your hair color in it and he looked so handsome just like his father.
It had been 6 hours since you’d given birth to your baby boy and you haven’t heard anything from your husband.
The nurses turned on the news for your and that’s when you seen the battle between the villian and Hawks.
He was drenched in his own blood his wings ripped off his back as he was pinned to a building. He looked so hurt you started to cry, what if he didn’t survive what would happen. You asked yourself the nurses ran in and took the baby from you so they can watch him while you sadly watched your husband.
“Please Keigo please” you whispered as you said that his Golden eyes looked to the camera and he flashed his iconic smile and mouthed the words “I love you Y/n” he tried to fight back but with out his wings he was helpless.
You bursted out in tears as you watched praying he’d make it. The villian brought his bloody hand up to your husbands neck and started to choke him.
You knew that it was the end “PLEASE KEIGO NO” you cried out pleading and crying. The news station cut the camera at the sight of the #1 hero’s lifeless body.
You screamed and cried you watched your husband die there was so much more you wanted to say and spend with him.
Years after the tragic death of Hawks you and your 6 year old son stand at his grave…
This was quick and not planned
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This is all the ay to chapter 67.
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A two toned student ran through almost the entire campus in search of someone. He opened the door to the roof and almost went back down after a quick glance but he noticed something out of place. There, on the floor was the person he’d been looking for. He let out a sigh, a mix of hot and cold air escaping him. He jogged over to them but a furrow formed in his brows. They weren’t dead, but nor were they worried. They looked like they didn’t care that the world was ending that night. They laid on their back, face up to the stars while their pajamas pressed down slightly onto the ground. “Hey, are you okay? We need to g-” before he could finish his sentence they interrupted him. “Look at the sky.” He blinked, surprised by their slightly hoarse voice. They must have woken up recently he thought. But he listened and tilted his head up. His breath left his lungs at the beauty. A mix of reds and blues and purples and pinks and greens and oranges and yellows all exploded like fire works. But they were far. Almost hiding behind the stars. They patted the space next to them. “Come. Lay with me.” He listened and wordlessly laid himself down next to them. The two stayed silent and watched the moonless night. “You know... we’re going to die right?” He asked hesitantly, listening to the sigh that left their lips. “I’ve always wondered what it’d be like to die. How I’d die. When. With who. For who. But... right now I don’t care. If this is the last thing I see... then I don’t think I mind dying.” Their voice came out soft, gentle and reassuring almost. He grabbed hold of their hand and the two intertwined their fingers together, almost like if that were going to keep them together for eternity. “It really sucks that we only started dating a few days ago, huh?” They let out a breathy chuckle and a smile appeared on Todoroki’s lips. “Yeah. But I’m glad to have you here now, Todo. I don’t know what you believe in, but I hope I meet you sometime again. Maybe we will forget all about each other by then but I hope to fall in love with you all over again.” They said, clasping dearly onto his hand. Suddenly, the faded sound of an alarm went off. Not a siren like alarm, it was like one you’d use to wake up in the morning. He looked at them with worried eyes, almost letting the tears that rimmed them fall down into his cheeks. “You’re not really here, are you?” He sniffled and they smiled looking at his trembling lips. “It’s okay. I’m okay. Everything is okay.” The two sat up and they wrapped their arms around Todoroki. “You’ll be okay. I promise. See you later, my prince.” He shut his eyes as they gave him a small kiss to his cheek. Then, the alarm got louder and he gasped, waking up in his bed. He looked around at the room. Around him were four bunkbeds, him on top one of them. On the other beds were some of his friends from UA. Izuku Medoriya, Tenya Iida, Fumikage Tokoyami, Eijiro Kirishima, Denki Kaminari, Hanta Sero, and... Bakugou Katsuki. Bakugou and Todoroki had taken Y/n’s death the hardest. Their boyfriend and their best friend. Everybody else began to stir in bed after hearing the alarm go off. But Todoroki laid himself back down and thought back to that night under the stars. Hopefully someday, they would see each other. Even if they didn’t remember one another, Todoroki hoped to fall in love with them all over again.
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Please im begging anyone to make a Wattpad Story about Lab Parents were Y/N is a UA student and she gets partnered up with Shoto Todoroki to be Parents for the project. Please
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Theif: "Give me all your Money or I will kill you"
Me: "Bold of you to Assume I have Money"
Shoto: "Bold of you to assume I want to Live"
Theif: "I-" *Leaves*
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I found this today for my Custom Background and I wanted a GIF and I found this its pretty cool cause I searched ‘80′s Anime’ and I got so many Gifs I may have downloaded many cute ones but I like it and Its helpful just if your looking for gifs <3
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