lledron · 3 years
Compartir la baraja
Isis: Mahad me preguntó si ... si yo quería compartir la baraja con él. 
Yugi: ¿¡Compartir la baraja!?
Kisara: Eso es muy ...
Yugi: Íntimo
Isis: Le dije que sí. 
Seth: ¿Compartir la baraja? Ese es un gran paso en una relación. 
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This short story was just something I had somewhere deeply buried in my laptop. After a long time of thinking if I should share it or not, I chose to share it with you all. I hope you enjoy it. :)
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Send 💞 to ask Mun their Shipping Properties! They will answer all below!
What’s your OTP for your Muse?:
Oh gosh honestly it’s a toss up between Sealshipping (AtemxMahad) and Pleashipping (MahadxIsis). While I wouldn’t call it an OTP, a shout-out to Ringshipping (TKBxMahad). It’s probably the only ship I like that isn’t based on actual romance or where one party doesn’t want it.
For Mana, I’d have to say probably Vaseshipping (AtemxMana)
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?:
Anything goes, honestly. Fluff, angst, abuse, manipulation, nsfw. Really whatever my partner is okay with.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?:
I’d say about ten years maybe?
Are you selective when shipping?:
I need to know that there’s chemistry between the two first, but I’m not really selective. I mean, don’t go forcing a ship on me or anything, but if you wanna talk possibilities, then sure.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?:
As soon as genitals are mentioned, it’s tagged and put under a cut. I may ask to take the fade to black approach because a) I’m usually kind of uncomfortable writing out the actual deed and b) I’m not very good at writing it.
Who are other Muses you ship your Muse with?:
*rolls out a ten page scroll* 
@ancientgoldboundspirit is honestly the only one so far that I ship with on this account that isn’t from my OTP (and oh man do I really like this one)
I do adore close platonic relationships, too, so even if we don’t romantically ship our muses, close platonic ships are my absolute jam
Does one have to ask to ship with you?:
I am always open to discussing ships, but chemistry between our muses must be present. I like being able to talk to the other mun about it, especially since we can scream and cry about the ship together. 
And then you will realize I am Satan when I send you angst for the ship
How often do you like to ship?:
If it happens, it happens. I’m not going to force ships to happen. Shipping also isn’t my main priority here.
Are you multiship?:
I am! I try to keep it to one version of a particular muse per ship though. I’m not going to have a harem of Atem for one of my muses, but each one can be shipped with an Atem. For muses like Bakura, where there’s three different versions of him (Ryou, the spirit, and Thief King), it’ll still be one of each. Does this make sense? I’m still sick so idk.
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?:
*laughs nervously and shoves all of my ships into my purse like breadsticks* 
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?:
Oh gosh that’s hard um… Sealshipping and Mizushipping (Priest SetoxKisara)
Finally, how does one ship with you?:
You: hey you wanna do the thing?
Me: k.
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lledron · 3 years
@ elia-martell-creative-fest
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