#isis mahad
viviraptor-art · 4 months
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a lovely pleashipping commission (ft. mana) for my friend @sistervirtue! are they the cutest or what!! 💛
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this is my guide now i have to. remember the priests' names
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wisyhana · 1 year
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Pleashipping commission! Plus baby!
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anioweczek · 2 years
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~a king is born~
Belated happy yugioh holidays to everybodyyyy
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likeadog · 10 months
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every friend group got the suicidal magician gym gay evil grandpa prophetic unmedicated bisexual dragonology kid gym gays interior designer boyfriend
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peridot-tears · 5 months
Remember when the anime decided to make the ancient incarnations of the Dark Magician and Ishizu Ishtar an implied romance and never addressed it again?
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bakorrra2 · 2 years
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Look at the shit he stole
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lledron · 1 year
Young and Beautiful II CROSSOVER
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mediocredoots · 2 years
wait whatever mahad & isis is im for that too. shahid kalim im sorry but y’all never stood a chance.
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antaresr · 10 months
Can we take a moment to appreciate the compatibility of unconventional Yamis and Hikaris?
As Atem and Marik were not masters of their destinies, they were the heirs of a great responsibility that they did not want, they were so small when the whole world fell on their shoulders and they did what they could with their lack of maturity to move forward.
They are both afraid of the dark (because of the initiation and being locked in the puzzle for 3000 years) and there were only two people around them to take care of them properly (Isis and Rishid and Mahad and Mana) they were children who had to become adults of blow, Marik was freed from his responsibility, Atem had to follow the rules.
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Art by: https://twitter.com/gaiya1287/status/1490025407898218500?t=naUkx01--BFoYz6EP3hBRQ&s=19
Bakura and Yūgi were alone and isolated from the others due to their particular characteristics (white hair and obsession with games) and they only had one consolation (Diabound and Grandpa). Of course, as they grew up, there was someone else who gave them what they needed to keep them company ( Zorc and Anzu).
They are both afraid of fire (the Kul Elna massacre and the fire in Black Clown), they were children who just wanted to be understood, Yūgi got it, Bakura didn't.
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Yami Marik and Ryou were isolated in their own body, sharing space with someone who didn't appreciate them, can you imagine the traumas those two had with impersonalization? Of not knowing how to be themselves because they didn't have time for that because they were locked behind someone else? Carrying the deaths of his family on his conscience and with the guilt, but Ryou was able to start living after Bakura was defeated, Yami Marik was vanished.
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Art by: https://shadow-chan93.tumblr.com/post/189852802032/merry-christmas-secret-santa-from-the-ygo-server
I mean, everyone loves Puzzleshipping, Thiefshipping, tendershipping (and I do too, they're amazing, I really love them) but the level of understanding they have for these couples is just amazing, imagining Atem and Marik comforting each other in the middle of the darkness because they know that the other feels, Bakura and Yūgi talking about how lonely their life was and how painful the fire is, Yami Marik and Ryou have a cathartic moment when they discover that they are their own people with a body of their own and can think about their future.
I don't know, I want to cry, they are perfect for each other and they don't get enough appreciation.
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bestygogirl · 9 months
Match 2
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please use this as an opportunity to say why you like a character, not why you don't.
Propaganda under the cut!
mana is the apprentice to mahad and her ka is dark magician girl. she is the basis for apprentice illusion magician. she is the first one to inherit the millennium ring after mahad, while it allegedly has yami bakura in it. her fate is left up to the viewer. another fun fact is she teases atem like he's her big brother and hides in vases. she makes fun of set's stupid hat and turns it in magical hats. she's a fun loving child who is put in a position where she needs to fight a war. and like. she's my daughter please vote for her.
Isis Ishtar
gorgeous, very caring sister, strong duelist, and the only woman to ever make Seto Kaiba squirm
anyways. not only as mentioned above is she the first woman to make kaiba squirm, but she was by all means going to beat him if not for the millennium rod's millennium interference. yami marik admits that she's a strong duelist with a strategy that's been working for literal years-- and given that she's not like, a professional duelist, thats pretty impressive
she also recently got some really cool meta bumps and let me point out that an "ishizu deck" now includes obelisk the tormentor-- which we knew she had prior to giving it to kaiba, but i think it only solidifies my opinion that she very much could wield an Egyptian God Card, an exclusive little club for top tier duelists
as a character she presents herself with an amazing amount of poise and grace, shes compassionate and kind and stays with mai and serenity even though she only just met them. shes struggling through living the past 5 years of her life drowning in guilt for her family's tragedy just because she wanted to make her little brother happy and shadi is a fucking liar. shes foretold her own death and marches towards it grimly but with so much love in her heart. and even then shes 20 years old and holds an important position in the egyptian government that typically requires a doctorate degree AND has been dealing with mariks off-and-on bullshit entirely by her lonesome. she also likes to flex her fortunetelling a little which is awesome i think she should do that more that scene where she tells the guy exactly how the stele is being transported was so everything
speaking of shes got such an attitude. "is it your destiny to waste my time?" iconic. never seen before will never be seen again. watch the duel between her va and joeys its so fucking funny
shes excult. shes doesnt flinch in the face of god nor death. seto kaiba and yami marik respect her. shes so sad and so sweet and battle city couldnt have happened without her.
also her parallels with kaiba are what motivate kaiba to give yugi the card he needed to beat marik.
kaiba, in duelist kingdom, was ready to jump off a ledge if yugi didnt let him through to face pegasus while trying to save mokuba out of sheer desperation to save his little brother. he KNOWS what that dedication feels like and the iron kind of will you need to have to make that kind of gamble. isis is being so fucking legit with what shes saying and he respects that and her judgement enough to change his mind and not only watch the duel, but give yugi a card that eventually helps him win, even if he has no real confidence in the odds. but theres a CHANCE, which is the same thing he taught her when he beat her in a duel. the layers its her faith that moves him to act. which is so crazy
anyway vote isis shes my best friend forever and a real rep for all the 20 year olds who honest to god did not sign up for this bullshit
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gx-gameon · 4 months
Because the idea is eating at my brain from seeing the asks about Aknamkanon helping Jaden, but Atem's entire court helping Jaden in Season 1.
Jaden about to be attacked by Gravekeepers despite winning that one duel? Mahad has come to shame the masses.
Need someone to help with the Duel Monsters Spirit Day? Mana and Dark Magician Girl are here to help.
Atticus having nightmares? Jaden asks if Shada or Karim can help.
Aknamkanon may be a grandfather, but this also means that Atem's old friends are aunts and uncles just like with Yugi's friends.
Oh I love this! Again probably not cannon.
But it all just lines up so well. Season 1 has a lot of callbacks to DM and it just makes this all so easy.
The Gravekeepers
The court watches over Jaden’s shadow game with the Gavekeepers. They are not happy about the shadow game but Jaden has been in two already and he accepted before they could step in.
Jaden wins and the Gravekeepers attack him anyways, the leader stops them and the court thinks that’s it. Jaden’s friends are freed and they are ready to leave when they are surrounded.
Gravekeepers assent and chief step in to try and sway the crowd but it’s not working. They are determined to keep Jaden and his friend there.
Suddenly a blast of golden light shots down between Jaden and the Gravekeepers. Mahad stands there in all his glory and the Gravekeepers immediately stand down. “Right this way my p-“ he pauses as he was about to call Jaden his prince in front of all of his friends and that would have raised some questions. He can see the slight panic on Jaden’s face. He quickly changes his words “friends. I’ll show you the way back to your world.” And he takes them back home, makeing sure they all arrive safely, before telling the Gravekeepers off and reporting to Atem.
Duel spirit day.
This one I was already planning on doing g because it is Dark Magician Girl’s spirit that comes to duel Jaden
This is absolutely Aunt Mana coming to spend time with her nephew.
At this point I’m half convinced the school sits on a “ley line” as a way to explain why duel spirits and dimensional whole pop up here every other week.
Manna has waited for years to be able to duel Jaden on here own. She pops into Atem and Yugi’s duels sometimes and every time the duel Jaden or their friends it looks like such fun.
Plus what a great way to spend the day with your nephew, doing his favorite activity.
She eats up the crowds attention, though she’s not so happy with them booing Jaden just because she winning. They’re having fun right now.
I never thought of him reaching out to Shada, Karim, or Isis.
But they would be great at helping him solve a lot of problems
Shada still having the ability to walk through someone’s mind and heart. He would help a lot in restoring Atticus’s memories or helping with Trauma.
Karim’s scales ability is the ability to fuse monsters. That was his job back in Egypt, to fuse monsters together. You have to believe that him and Jaden get on well if they ever did meet.
Isis has such a maternal attitude in the dub. She absolutely watches over Jaden and helps wherever she can.
Because you’re right they are Atem’s family and they absolutely watch over Atem and his new family in the realm of the living. They have to adore Jaden.
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sennenpharaoh · 22 days
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After a hard, tough, and very emotional night of reveals, fighting, yelling, and crying, he finally falls asleep in Roy's arms.
This is unusual, but not unwelcome. For once he opened his eyes he found himself...
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He's in his throne room, full Royal Attire. All his priests are with him. Must have been a celebration of some sort. Dancing, feasting, conversation. It's... nice. It's been a while since he's had a nice, pleasant dream like--
"Pharaoh!!! It's terrible!"
The palace doors swing open, a villager running into the palace in a panic, immediately stopped by his priest Seto.
"Who are you to enter the Palace uninvited?"
"Pharaoh, listen to me! It's terrible!" The villager continued. "The city is under attack! Giant flames enveloping whole villages! Everyone's running to hide but the flames... they keep coming! Everyone in the marketplace... they all... in one giant fire..."
"Everyone with me! We shall take down this fire assassin and bring him to the Pharaoh for judgement! Isis! Stay with the Pharaoh and make sure he's safe!" Seto took charge, calling out to all the other priests as they all left the palace in a hurry, leaving the Pharaoh and Isis.
"Unbelievable." Isis says, using her Millennium Necklace. "The attacker is setting fire to all the nearby villages. It's a single man... in blue garbs... He's... he's coming for the Palace!"
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"A single man is causing all of this? That's nonsense! There's no way that one man is capable of creating the damage you're describing!" He ran out of the palace throne room, just to get a view for himself, despite Isis' pleas to stay. As he was outside and able to see what was happening...
"By the gods..."
Fire. Flames surrounding every meter of the villages around Palace. Screams of panic filled the air, mixed with the smoke billowing from the rubble of destroyed buildings, marketplaces, homes.
"What in the gods' names is..."
Another explosion of fire, the flames seemingly reaching as far as the eye can see, more screaming filling the air. Screaming. Crying. Panicking. A Blue Eyes White Dragon roared in the sky before being engulfed by flames. The whole nation seemed to be in chaos. Chaos of fire, panic, and more than likely... death.
"The whole nation... who could have done such a thing...?"
The dream continues. He's back in his throne room, but the mood is certainly much bleaker.
"Never could I have foreseen such fire and death all over the villages..." Isis laments. "So much death, so many lives lost..."
He's also devastated. All those deaths... all of his people... gone.
"Pharaoh! We have him!"
Seto and a few of the palace guards drag their caught assassin, hands bound behind them by rope, head lowered, short black hair covering their features. With a shove the priest throws the blue garbed attacker down to the ground, the voice of the pained grunt sounding... familiar. The attacker tries to get up, only to be stopped by both guards, each drawing a sword to the attacker's neck.
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Wait... it can't be...
His eyes grew wide when he saw who it was. Blue garb... short black hair... using fire to attack his people...
The man killing my people... Roy? That was you...?
"The people of Egypt deserve justice, Pharaoh!" Seto exclaimed, drawing out his Millennium Rod and pointing it at the attacker. "This abomination caused the countless deaths of our people! Blood must call out for blood! With your permission, Pharaoh, I shall handle the execution of this mass murderer myself!"
"..." He felt himself reach out to the attacker as soon as he heard his cousin's declaration.
"Do not be alarmed, for I will not allow you to soil your hands with such a task." Seto brought his Millennium Rod even closer, touching the attacker's face. "I will carry out this deed."
Immediately he stood up, causing all the priests to turn around and look at him.
"Pharaoh?" Mahad asked. "Is something wrong?"
He said nothing, only moving forward until he was right in front of the attacker, looking down on him.
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"Why, attacker? Why attack my people? Why cause so much death to my people?"
The attacker lifted up his head, looking straight at the Pharaoh, and answered with a simple phrase.
"I was only following orders."
"Enough!" Seto pushed the attacker's face down. "You have no right to speak to the Pharaoh like that!" He turned back to look at his cousin. "Now, Pharaoh. Do I have your permission to begin the execution?"
All he could do was stare at the attacker... at Roy... while stepping back, causing concern among his priests.
"Pharaoh, is something wrong?"
"This assassin has killed so many of our people, Pharaoh. Justice must be served! Say the word, Pharaoh, and I'll end his existence right here and now! For our people!"
He took even more steps back, covering his mouth. That's when another voice rang in the palace. A voice only he could hear.
"A King must not emote."
A gasp. F.... Father?
"A King must not show weakness. No matter what. Kings do not c--"
"Pharaoh! What are your orders?"
He just looked at Roy one more time... before slowly and quietly... lifting his hand in the air, ordering the execution.
"May the gods judge you, you heinous murderer! Guards!"
He just looked as one of the guards raised their sword, and in one swift motion, sliced the attacker, Roy, right through the neck. A thud was heard as the head hit the ground, the body dropping to the ground right after. His stomach immediately turned when the pool of blood began to form, covering his mouth with his hands to stop himself from vomiting.
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Oh gods... Roy... no... what have I done...?
Tears began to form in his eyes as he continued to just look at the body, the head still looking at him with lifeless eyes.
"Pharaoh?" He could hear Mahad's voice. "Are you alright?"
He didn't respond, instead just kept looking at the decapitated body, trying not to let his tears fall. The voice of his father rang in his head yet again.
"If you become a pharaoh, you have to do something about your crying habit. A King must not emote. A King must never show weakness. A King must always smile, no matter what happens. Kings... do not..."
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Atem woke with a stir, sitting up and frantically looking around.
"Roy? Roy?! Roy!!" He didn't even notice that his Colonel was laying down right next to him, seemingly sound asleep.
He's okay. He's okay. He's not dead. He's not...
Feeling tears in his eyes yet again he layed back down, tried to curl up to him as best as he could without stirring him, and just cried quietly.
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"Oh dear gods, what have I done...? It was the right thing to do, but..."
Hopefully he didn't wake his Colonel with his crying fits. Wouldn't be the first time.
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bakawitch · 4 months
Casteshipping au where Atem is made god after his ascension to the afterlife (probably some kind of light deity under Horus) and he's given an option to pick an acolyte who will serve under him as a sort of assistant. He thinks for a while and visits his friends in the afterlife to help him come to a decision, and Mahad immediately offers himself. Atem still has some complicated feelings about him due to the whole keeping Kul Elna a secret thing from him and declines him as courteously as he can. He ends up talking to his mum about his regrets, which include tkb's death and his inability to appease him, and she suggests that he pick tkb as an acolyte in an effort to save his soul.
Atem does so, and the gods reluctantly give him tkb. They put a magic charm on him that makes him obey all of Atem's orders and unable to lay a harming hand on the new god. Bakura obviously hates not having full bodily autonomy and is unable to show any gratitude to Atem for saving him. Atem feels bad for not being able to give him full freedom, so he keeps his distance and lets him do whatever the fuck he wants as a sort of consolation prize. Tkb gets up to some mischief, which most of the gods don't appreciate, but when he starts noticing that Atem constantly covers for him and makes excuses, he starts feeling a little more appreciative of him. They start becoming closer, but they avoid the hard conversations for as long as possible. Bakura starts doing his job but immediately relapses into his old ways after some comments from Isis (goddess, not priestess) that suggest that Atem tamed him. They work through it and Atem starts talking about finding a way to remove the charm influencing Bakura.
One night, Atem gets totally hammered from trying to keep up drinking with the older gods and accidentally commands Bakura to kiss him. (It was a request, but Bakura purposefully interpreted it as a command so he wouldn't have to be held accountable for also wanting to kiss Atem.) They enter a shy avoidant state after that night, both wrestling with their feelings and attraction towards the other, until they have a fight which requires them to finally address the difficult subjects they couldn't bare to bring up yet. The argument probably ends with furious kissing.
They start regularly sleeping together, but Atem refuses to let Bakura do anything to him because he's afraid that the charm might be making tkb respond to his subconscious desires and tkb wouldn't actually want to do those things if he were free from it's influence. (Tkb still finds a way around it and just keep it to stuff Atem is less worried about) Seth helps them find a loophole and break the charm because he wants to spite Horus. Now that Bakura is able to enter the Duat, Atem takes him to see his family, which actually goes surprisingly well, and when the time comes for Atem to leave, he's surprised to see that tkb is also coming with him instead of staying with his family. They get back to Atem's residence and do all the things Atem was too worried to do before. The morning after tkb assures Atem that he doesn't regret a thing, and Atem admits he feels the same way. Bakura drops a pun.
The end :)
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kujakumai · 2 years
Atem really said "I have concluded that all the millennium items are evil because everyone I've ever known who uses them are evil. Except me. and Ishizu. and my dad. and my excellent and trusted friend Mahad. and Isis, she seems okay. and Siamun and Shada, of course, and Karim. Honestly, Set also seems pretty trustworthy. Shadi maybe? I'm still not sure whether Shadi was evil or not so I'm keeping him off the evil list. Anyway, as I was saying, everyone who's ever used a millennium item--"
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hoicacti · 3 months
Overall thoughts before I watch last six episodes
Wowzers, just wow
So happy to learn about the magic system and how the monsters work
Very much am :mamzai_loves_kpop: about that (if you know, you know)
I adore Mahad and Mana and wish them the best, Mahad have taken their seats as 6 and 7, respectively
I want to put Yami in a blender /pos
I am getting fed
Thank you for so much Yami content
Strangles him lovingly
I love how Yugi got a chance to duel by himself. He is his own person and is still strong even without Yami
Very happy in general about how Yugi main-charactered (if that makes any sense)
I find Mahad very interesting and want more but I know that we won't be getting that
Seto is also interesting
I loved when he said that his father died when he was a kid when he killed Aknadin, very powerful and I'm glad he's dead
I think that Kaiba is fated to never be king
Isis is wonderful
Zork is... interesting in a different way than Seto
I'm sorry but whenever I see his dragon thing, I have the urge to force pants onto Zork
Good villain, though
It's nice to see them struggle
We haven't met Atem yet, which I find odd bc we're quite close to the end and y'all said they were an s5 character
Oh well, I suppose
I have many more thoughts but I'm getting impatient and really want to learn Yami's real name
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