#gorlois merlin bbc
feelyoubehindmyeyes · 2 months
bbc merlin prequel WHEN
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chaos-has-theories · 4 months
Hunith leaned on her rake and watched as the car swerved into the driveway. It had barely come to a halt when the passenger door opened and Gwen climbed out. She looked tense. She was also drenched from head to toe. The hem of her jeans sagged, the rest of it looked damp and clammy. Her shirt must have dried during the drive home, but it had bits of seaweed stuck to it. Her hair was eighty percent frizz. When she saw Hunith at the fence, Gwen smiled unconvincingly, and sped towards her house just slow enough that it couldn’t be called a run. The driver’s door slammed loudly and Arthur came stomping around the car. He looked no better than Gwen: If anything, he was wetter than she had been. He didn’t even grab anything from the trunk, much less wait until he could lock the car. He just marched into the house and slammed that door behind him, too. Just as Hunith thought that scene couldn’t get any stranger, the back door opened and her son climbed out. The greeting died on her lips before it could escape. Merlin looked like a storm warning. Hunched shoulders, pursed lips, flashing eyes - oh, and he was wearing a dress. Not even a good dress. It was an oversized grey monstrosity and looked like it came from the garbage bin of a secondhand store. It was definitely not one of Hunith’s. Merlin had bunched it up at the hips in at attempt not to stumble over the long skirts, and he stomped past her and into the house with no sign that he had seen his mother at all. She could hear him all the way up the stairs, and then the slam of his bedroom door. Alright then. All the noise must have roused Gaius from his afternoon nap. He stuck his head out the door, looking exactly as bewildered as Hunith felt. „Was that Merlin?“, he asked. Hunith nodded. “And... a wig?” Another nod. „Hm.“ With a final puzzled look up the stairs, Gaius retreated to his study. Hunith turned back just in time to see Mordred clambering out like the smallest clown in the clown car. He was dry and dressed normally, but he was wearing an expression of utter defeat. With his towel held in front of him like a terrycloth shield he walked towards Hunith as if he’d much rather write a difficult math test. He dithered at the gate for a moment, and then met Hunith’s gaze only to sigh the world-weariest sigh she had ever heard. (Which was saying something. Hunith had lived with Gaius for most of her life, and would have previously named him world champion of sighing. Somehow this was still the most normal thing that had happened in the past ten minutes.) „My dads will pick me up in a few minutes“, Mordred told her morosely. „Can I wait here?“ „Of course“ Hunith hurried to say. „Do you want something to drink? Bal made cookies, if you want any. They’re in the kitchen.“ Mordred gave the door Merlin had stormed through a long, dubious look. „I think I’d rather wait out here.“ „Alright.“ Hunith watched as he settled himself on the doorstep, towel in his lap. With a deliberately casual air she picked up the shovel and continued weeding. „I probably don’t even want to know“ she said conversationally, „but what exactly happened at the lake?“ The child behind her made a noise like an upset mouse. „I don’t know“, he whined. „Merlin doesn’t tell me anything.“ Hunith looked over her shoulder to see Mordred scuff at the earth with his shoes, a frustrated expression on his face. „But I had to help Merlin put on a costume and Gwen and Arthur fell into the water and they both cried and everyone shouted and I think they broke up.“ „I see“, Hunith said faintly. That would fit with what she’d seen, but - she’d thought Gwen had broken up with Arthur a week ago? And anyway, none of this explained the costume, or really anything, but she’d decided to ignore that for now. „I’m sorry that happened. It sounds uncomfortable.“ „I’m sorry it happened too.“
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tiodolma · 22 days
Note: only Camelot is canon.
this is a remake of the previous poll. this is fascinating because for all of Uther's declaration that Gorlois was his best friend, we really dont know anything about Morgana's heritage, where she was from, what rank she holds. We only know that she had a "foreign-ness" about her despite being a local of Camelot.
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threemoonwatchers · 2 years
Fic where Morgana and/or Morgause try to do the Tiene Diaga on Merlin but (little do they know) he has magic so he’s just sitting in a room that sounds like it’s full of screaming toddlers (and I feel like he’d be used to loud noises from all the chaos he’s stopped/caused) so they’re wondering why the heck he won’t break/submit to their will and meanwhile he’s just like. Sitting there. And it scares the crap out of the sisters
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gaiussleechtank · 2 years
When Morgana first came to Camelot, she refused to eat or talk to anyone, no one could break her cold personality. She refuses any bribe from the King or pity from a servant, she locks the door to her new Chambers and screams and cries because no one understands. Her father is dead, the man who is meant to love her forever no matter what, and he's gone. She already doesn't have a mother, but her dad, her hero?
She spits at Uther when he tries to comfort her.
She hates everything about the man because he is nothing like her father, he is the opposite in every dastardly way. And when he tries so hard to replace him, her young venom towards him sparks in screaming and tantrums and meltdowns. The court avoids her.
She spends her days locked in her room, watching the pure be lit and listening to the screams. At night she wanders the castle alone to avoid nightmares of a ragged witch, no matter how sunken her eyes become, no matter how many times the old physician tries to prescribe her tonics and potions.
The hallways and corridors become her most trusted friends, until she encounters a young boy crying in an alcove.
"Why do you cry?" she asks him.
The boy with blond hair looks up at her with red rimmed eyes. "Father made me watch the execution."
Morgana sits down next to him, he was so small and innocent. "They're horrible. Why did he make you watch it?"
"'Cause it's my duty, or whatever."
"Being Prince and stuff."
That made Morgana want to flee, recoil from the child. From Arthur.
She wanted to hate him, but all she felt was pity. She should hate him, hate everything about him because he was Uther's son. Except all she saw was a scared child. Afraid.
They said nothing after that, Morgana stood up and held out her hand, Arthur took it. She lead him through the halls and into a lit corridor with guards.
"Goodnight, Arthur." Morgana watched from a dark doorway as Arthur sleepily rubbed his eyes and mumbled a reply, dosily stumbling to his door, to the guards surprise.
She went back through her friends pathways, and when she found herself in her bedroom, at her bedside table, she took the vial of sleeping tonic and drank it all in one.
Begging that this was a way to end her grief for a while, that she could rest, forgot for a while, that she would wake up less afraid and less alone.
The potion did work.
Because years later as she tore down the very kingdom she hated so much as a young child, she didn't once think about her father. Her true father, Gorlois. He was nothing but a blurry echo in the back of her mind, silent in the torrent of anger and rage and fear.
The potion worked and she forgot, becoming the very witch that haunted her nightmares.
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fluffypotatey · 2 years
Considering the amount of mom issues Arthur likely absolutely has, I do verily believe Hunith could get Arthur to do just about anything. Not, like. Consciously. But if they'd spent more time in Ealdor, and she got more used to him, she'd totally end up treating him like normal (Merlin gets it from somewhere).
Hunith: Arthur, dear, will you go down to the well and bring up some fresh water?
Merlin: Mum, I'll do it-
Arthur, already picking up the bucket: Yes, ma'am.
Merlin, can't even get Arthur to dress himself: What the FU-
Arthur "i blame myself for my mother's death and continuously try to gain my father's love and crave affection but am too scared to admit it because my upbringing was mostly being taught how to be the best knight and warrior for the kingdom" Pendragon would absolutely do whatever Hunith asked because all she did was smile at him in that motherly way and it's a smile he has craved ever since he learned why he never had a mother
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vampyreblogger · 2 years
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buttercupyellow · 4 months
BBC Merlin Timeline (canon info only)
Kilgharrah born - over 1000 years ago
Ashkanar hides a Dragon Egg in his Tomb - 400 years ago
7 of Camelot's knights are seduced by a sorceress and become The Knights of Medhir - 300 years ago
Uther conquers/usurps/is a laughing heir to Camelot
Morgause born to Vivienne and smuggled out of Camelot
Gaius begins working as the Court Physician - 25 years ago
Gaius and Alice meet - 25 years ago
Morgana born to Vivienne
Uther uses magic to conceive Arthur, Ygraine dies in childbirth, Uther begins the Great Purge of magic
Uther tricks the Dragonlords (Balinor) and Kilgharrah into coming to Camelot "to make peace" but kills them and captures Kilgharrah - 20 years ago
Balinor and Hunith concieve Merlin in Ealdor - less than 20 years ago (max 19 min 16)
Balinor is hunted into hiding by Uther/Camelot
Gorlois dies on the Northern Plains, Uther adopts Morgana as his ward - Morgana 10 yro
Uther holds a tounament in Arthur's honour, The Sarrum attends - Arthur 10 yro
Arthur leads an attack on a Druid camp but is unable to control his men and a massacre occurs
Arthur is challenged by Odin' Son to a duel, asks him to withdraw, and kills him in the duel
Elyan leaves Camelot - 4 years before S3, ep7
Season 1
The Dragon's Call
The Mark of Nimueh
The Poisoned Chalice
A Remedy to Cure all Ills
The Gates of Avalon
The Beginning of the End
Excalibur - Arthur's Coming of Age/Arthur's Birthday (approx April)
The Moment of Truth - Harvest time (August - September)
The Labyrinth of Gedref - Harvest time (August - September)
To Kill the King
Le Morte D'Arthur
Season 2
The Curse of Cornelius Sigan
The Once and Future Queen
The Nightmare Begins
Lancelot and Guinevere
Beauty and the Beast, pt 1
Beauty and the Beast, pt2
The Witchfinder
The Sins of the Father
The Lady of the Lake
Sweet Dreams
The Witch's Quickening
The Fires of Idirsholas
The Last Dragonlord
Season 3 - "Over a year" since S2, ep12
The Tears of Uther Pendragon, pt 1
The Tears of Uther Pendragon, pt 2
Goblin's Gold
The Crystal Cave - Morgana's Birthday
The Changeling
The Castle of Fyrien
The Eye of the Phoenix
Love in the Time of Dragons
Queen of Hearts
The Sorcerer's Shadow
The Coming of Arthur, pt 1
The Coming of Arthur, pt 2
Season 4 - "A year" since S3, ep12
The Darkest Hour, pt 1 - Samhain/Oct 31st - Nov 1st
The Darkest Hour, pt 2 - (Nov contin.)
The Wicked Day - Arthur's Birthday (approx April)
His Father's Son
A Servant of two Masters
The Secret Sharer
Lancelot du Lac
A Herald of the New Age
The Hunter's Heart - Ostara/Spring Equinox/March 20th
The Sword in the Stone, pt 1 - Beltane/May 1st
The Sword in the Stone, pt 2 - (May contin.) Arwen Wedding
Season 5 - "For three long years, we have been blessed with peace and prosperity"
Morgana and Aithusa captured by The Sarrum - 2 years
Morgana and Ruadan begin searching for the Diamair (at Ismere) - 3 Months prior to S5
Gwaine, Percival and some knights investigate Ismere - 6 Weeks prior to S5
Arthur's Bane, pt 1
Arthur's Bane, pt 2
The Death Song of Uther Pendragon - Anniversary of Arthur's Coronation, possibly Beltane/May 1st
Another's Sorrow
The Disir
The Dark Tower
A Lesson in Vengeance - Arthur and Gwen's Wedding Anniversary, possibly May
The Hollow Queen
With All My Heart
The Kindness of Strangers
The Drawing of the Dark
The Diamond of the Day, pt 1
The Diamond of the Day, pt 2
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twistedshipper · 3 months
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Control (a bbc merlin modern au): Mature, 15.9K, Stepsiblings, Anorexia, Trauma, Dead Dove - Do Not Eat Summary: Morgana le Fay is a promising university student with a secret. Since the unexpected passing of her beloved father, Gorlois, during Year 12 of secondary school, she has struggled on her own with Anorexia, or as ED afflicted girls euphemistically call her, Ana. One summer night, after having restricted her calorie intake for weeks on end, Morgana is found collapsed in the university library and rushed to the hospital, where she is admitted at last into treatment for her ED. Two months later she is discharged, physically appearing healthier, although her mental state is another matter altogether. It is here that our story picks up, when her sister Morgause picks her up from the hospital to inform her that while she was inpatient, her mother has remarried a man named Uther Pendragon and that she has relocated her family to live with him, selling their old childhood home. Morgana is distraught to learn this and fed up besides, until she meets Uther's son, her new stepbrother, Arthur, who may yet be a promising friend and ally as she navigates the real world after the hospital and comes to terms for the reason behind her ED. {watch the trailer below 🌊}
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The Rulers of Camelot - my BBC Merlin hcs
Do click on the images cause some got turned fugly
King Merlin Emrys-Pendragon (he/they/all) - representing Magic itself.
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Genderfaun gnc; Omni demiaroace and Monopoly - with a preference for monogamous relationships.
In a monofidelitous marriage with Arthur. In a qpr with Gwaine, Gwen, Lancelot and Morgana. In a simulship with Freya and Mithian.
Co-parents Aithusa with Morgana. Balinor and Hunith's child. Gaius' nephew. Gwen and Morgana's sibling-in-law. Uther and Ygraine's kid-in-law.
Is part of The Round Table, the Court Sorcerer, King of the Druids and Arthur's consort.
King Arthur Pendragon (he/him) - The Once and Future King, representing the pendragon dynasty and the knights.
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Cis man; Achillean greyaroace and Monopoly - with a preference for monogamous relationships.
In a monofidelitous marriage with Merlin. In a qpr with Gwen. In a simulship with Lancelot, Leon ans Mithian.
Chosen family: The Round Table.
Co-parents Mordred with Morgana. Uther and Ygraine's son. Morgana's half-brother. Agravaine and Tristan's nephew. Gwen's brother-in-law. Balinor and Hunith's son-in-law.
Is the Head of Camelot and Merlin's consort.
Queen Guinevere (Gwen) Du Lac-Le Fay-Pendragon (she/her) - representing the People.
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Cis woman; Bisexual (with a preference for men) and Polyamorous.
In an open marriage with Lancelot and Morgana. In a semiship with Mithian and Leon. In a qpr with Arthur and Merlin. In a wavership with Freya. In a senseship with Gwaine
Thomas' daughter. Elyan's sister. Arthur, Merlin and Mourgouse's sister-in-law. Gorlois, Uther and Vivienne's daughter-in-law.
Is part of The Round Table, the Blacksmith, the Court Advisor and Morgana's and Lancelot's consort.
Queen Morgana Le Fay-Pendragon (they/she) - representing the Old Religion.
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Nonbinary girl, Lesbian demiaro, Trixic aceflux and Ambiamorous.
In an open marriage with Gwen. In an quoi-distinguishable relationship with Mithian and Leon. In a foveo with Gwaine. In a queerotic relationship with Eira. In a qpr with Merlin. In a wavership with Freya. Polyaffective with Lancelot. Was in a queerotic relationship with Mithian. Had a crush on Morgause prior to finding out their sisters.
Co-parents Aithusa with Merlin. Co-parents Mordred with Arthur.
Uther and Vivienne's daughter. Gorlois adopted daughter. Ygraine's step-daughter. Arthur and Morgause's half-sister. Elyan and Merlin's sister-in-law. Thomas' daughter-in-law.
Is part of The Round Table, the High Pristess and Gwen's consort.
Other hcs
The Knights of the Round Table
Other characters
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thekingofthenameless · 4 months
Happy Pride Month!!!! OC that was previously cis is now transmasc!
That was the concept I was yelling about! Everyone I’ve told has loved it, and Tumblr’s getting it too.
I can say with the upmost confidence that he’s definitely never been transgender in any Arthurian adaptation before except fanfiction.
There isn’t really much of a story for why I decided to do this, though. He’s been cisgender for a little over three years, give or take, and I hadn’t had any intentions of changing it.
But I had literally just started work yesterday morning, and out of nowhere my brain was like: “Trans Merlin.”
And then I got consumed by it.
There isn’t much content about him being transgender; only ten posts tagged posts for it on Tumblr, 82 fics of it on Ao3. (Yes, I checked.) And it’s all for one adaptation only: BBC Merlin.
I’m going to be the change I want to see though >:)
So without further ado, here’s a few new facts about him!
Merlin was his name at birth, and he kept it after transitioning.
(In my opinion, it’s an ode to trans people who don’t change their name before or after transitioning, and it’s also a reference/mythology gag to female portrayals of Merlin, such as The Seven Deadly Sins!)
(Honestly thinking about it, I can’t believe in all these adaptations of Arthurian Legend Merlin isn’t trans in at least one?? Or queer in some way? This is so rude.)
In TKN, cambions can shapeshift easily, and there’s also a spell they can cast that makes the form they change into their base/true form, which is what Merlin did. (He cried when he finally saw who he wanted to be in a mirror.)
When he was deciding on how he wanted to ideally look before the spell, he decided he didn’t want to let his ear piercings close, and he also chose to keep his hair long and keep wearing jewelry.
(Older queers my beloved.)
He still got periods until he went into menopause because magic unfortunately, as he and I both agree can’t get rid of periods, and he actually didn’t want to change his genitalia! He still has every reproductive organ he was born with. His chest, however, gave him gender dysphoria, so he bound it during/after puberty before using the spell.
(I love how Merlin has gone from cis white to cis ambiguously brown skinned [glad I changed that lol] to cis black to transmac black. Just. Merlin my beloved.)
Charlie is one of the few characters who knows that Merlin is transgender: people already think Merlin’s crazy for his schizophrenia and psychosis, and/or an asshole for his misophonia, so he doesn’t want to risk another thing they’d use against him. Charlie is the best familiar and was fully supportive throughout his transition, and he loves him and is fully willing to accommodate his disabilities when no one will.
(Trans Merlin has been giving me so much euphoria all day oh my gosh. I love him so much.)
He still has a sister! Her name is Ganieda, and in some of the Legends she’s two years younger than him. Here, though, they’re identical twins!
(No offense to the og Legends, but for one reason, it’s because of Adhan having a second child only two years after being assaulted and getting pregnant from it. She would’ve gotten pregnant again at a year and three months after? It’s kind of strange, in my opinion.)
Also identical twins, and one of them being trans!
As a given, he knows what periods and feminine rage and experiencing misogyny are like! But in a world that doesn’t for the most part, he comes off as well versed in it to everyone else.
(This is just an idea for now, but I was thinking that maybe later in TKN, Morgana gets her period at Camelot, and after Merlin gets her taken care of/gently educates her about it, he astral projects to Igraine and Gorlois and is like: “Hey Morgana got her period, but I got her taken care of dw 👍” and their response is: “Wow, you’re really knowledgeable about periods!”
Merlin: Trans panic
He’s experienced both womanhood and manhood, and both of them are extremely important to him. He was raised as a daughter. He experienced being a sister. He went through puberty in a girl’s body. He has the right to tell her story, and his.
Anyways. Transmasc Merlin because I’m not going to stop screaming about it
Also I made this :D
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tiodolma · 2 years
Merlin Characters as Animated Villain Songs! Part 8
King Alined - Be Prepared (Scar, The Lion King)
[Alined] I never thought sorcerers were essential They're crude and unspeakably plain But maybe they've a glimmer of potential If allied to my vision and brain
I will be king! Stick with me and you'll never go hungry again!
[Trickler] Yay, all right! Long live the king! Long live the king! It's great that we'll soon be connected With a king who'll be all-time adored
[Alined] Of course, quid pro quo, you're expected To take certain duties on board The future is littered with prizes And though I'm the main addressee The point that I must emphasize is You won't get a sniff without me!
[Alined] So prepare for the coup of the century Be prepared for the murkiest scam Meticulous planning Tenacity spanning Decades of denial Is simply why I'll
Be king undisputed Respected, saluted And seen for the wonder I am Yes, my teeth and ambitions are bared Be prepared!
Sidhe King - Cruella de Vil (Narrator, 101 Dalmations)
The curl of his lips The ice in his stare All innocent children Had better beware He's like a spider waiting For the kill Look out for The Sidhe King
At first you think The Sidhe King is the devil But after time has worn Away the shock You come to realize You've seen his kind of eyes Watching you from underneath A rock!
This vampire bat This inhuman beast He ought to be locked up And never released The world was such A wholesome place until The Sidhe King, The Sidhe King
Tristan Gorlois/Black Knight - Headless Horseman (The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad)
Oh, when the spooks have a midnight jamboree, they break it up with fiendish glee. Ghosts are bad, but the one that's cursed is the Headless Horseman, he's the worst. That's right, he's a fright on Halloween night. When he goes a-joggin’ ’cross the land, holdin' his noggin in his hand, demons take one look and groan, and hit the road for parts unknown. Beware, take care, he rides alone. And there's no spook like the spook that's spurned. They don't like him, and he's really burned. He swears to the longest day he's dead, he'll show them that he can get a head.
So, when you're riding home tonight, make for the bridge with all your might. He'll be down in the Hollow there. He needs your head. Look out! Beware!
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So, been listening to this 2004 BBC radio play based on Arthuriana. Only two (non-sequential) episodes into it, but a few things about it:
The only place I could find it was archive.org (BBC don't appear to sell it anywhere so not quite 🏴‍☠️) but it doesn't label the episodes correctly. However, it took me until the end of what I thought was the second episode for me to figure that out, so I was going to comment on the weird but oddly compelling choice to skip from the Sword in the Stone to Mordred arriving at court until I realised I'd listened to episode 5 instead.
Apparently Ben Whishaw, famed voice of Paddington, voiced Arthur in the first episode, but I could not recognise it whatsoever. Granted, this would have been about 8 years before the first thing I remember seeing him in, but still it's mighty impressive.
Interested to see how Morgan plays out, because for one thing she's the narrator, insisting that she's the only one who can be trusted to tell 'the whole truth', and she seems to be friendly towards Arthur, but also I'm suspicious because they decided to syncretise Gorlois and Vortigern, so...
I am really glad they went with Merlin as a 'morally ambiguous but leaning towards antagonistic' character, because he's played by Ian McDiarmid, and for as good an actor as he is I cannot listen to his faux-innocent voice and not hear Palpatine.
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aerodynamicentity · 1 year
(hc's below the cut)
Hunith and Gaius are related, Gaius was born to a noble mum and dad, while Hunith was born to a peasant mum and noble dad. Gaius finds out that his father had another child (he found out when his dad was dying) and after sometime found Hunith and took her under his wing (like Merlin)
Igraine and Balinor met when they were teens (14-16)
Hunith hates, and I mean hates Uther
Hunith was born, raised and lived in Camelot for most of her life, only leaving 4 years before the purge
Gaius (as a kid) hated most of the noble kids
Balinor and Uther have a Gwaine and Arthur kind of relationship, but this time they actually hate each other
Igraine and Nimueh definitely dated for a while
To me Igraine & Nimueh have a Merlin & Arthur relationship if Arthur knew about Merlin's magic
Constantine III (Uther's dad) is the Arthur Weasley of the non-magical world
People think Uther and Balinor fucked at least once
Gaius had to deal with two generations of dumb gay ( + token straight) people
Gaius has always been the "old man"
Igraine is the second child (Agravaine is the oldest and Tristan is the youngest)
Hunith is besties with Gwen's mum
Balinor, Igraine and Nimueh the chaos trio of their generation
They also talk shit about everybody else
Hunith is very confused why Igraine likes her so much
Meanwhile Igraine kind of forms a crush on her and fully shows it
Balinor fell first and harder
Hunith is just as sassy as Merlin, Igraine and Balinor love her for that
I just had a realization that Hunith, Igraine and Balinor are just the love triangle of Gwaine, Merlin and Arthur
Like I already knew that I saw them like Gwaine, Merlin and Arthur, but not to this extent!!!!
Everyone had a crush on Hunith (can't blame them)
Igraine runs off on a daily basis (with Balinor and Nimueh, of course)
Balinor is more closer to the knights of Camelot than Uther is
Igraine is a gremlin child
Uther cheated on Igraine to have an heir, but got Morgana instead (Igraine and Morgana's dad don't know about this)
Igraine loves horse riding and getting away from the overwhelming castle life
Igraine never loved Uther, she liked him, thought he was a good person, but her heart always thought about her ex-husband (Gorlois)
(before the show started)
The longest time a servant stayed in Arthur's service was 3 months (they were on a mission, that's the only reason he didn't fire him then)
The norm for a person staying in Arthur's service is 1-4 weeks
Morgana the first week when she came to Camelot to live full time didn't come out of her chambers
Merlin one day just changed his bio s€x over night because he didn't like it
Hunith got gray hairs because of Merlin and Will, mostly Merlin
Merlin has been followed home by many animals (he wants to keep them, but Hunith says no, Merlin cried)
When Arthur came out to Uther (as in he told Uther he felt like a boy and asked if that was normal) Uther was overjoyed. He told everyone that Nimueh turned Arthur into a girl as revenge and he (Arthur) should be treated as a prince.
Leon has always been a babysitter for Arthur and Morgana
Uther hid every painting of Igraine because it hurt to much to look at her and store them in an unused room
Geoffrey hid every magical book, item, everything in a hidden room behind a bookcase that Uther had no idea about
Gaius helped a lot
Gaius also for a long time didn't stop doing magic, only 9 years later he fully stopped
Gaius tried to bring Hunith back to Camelot because she told him how much things have gotten worse
(during the purge) Magical people who wanted revenge for what Uther was doing strated attacking Camelot and during it someone lit the castle ablaze, thankfully it was only a small part of the castle, a part of the castle that Arthur was in. When Balinor saw what was happening (he was there to save whoever he could) ran into the burning castle and saved Arthur. He quickly after found Gaius and gave him Arthur. Till this day no one other than Gaius and Balinor know about what happened
Morgana saw Gwen one day, picked her up and has not put her down ever since
(During the show)
Merlin and Morgana gossip
Merlin has a new found hatred of poetry and the tavern
Gwaine has somehow removed almost all the doors off their hinges while drunk
Merlin gets all the sacrifices that the druids give him
Merlin: Hey, Gaius do you want beef for breakfast...and lunch...and dinner?
Gaius: Why do you ask-
Cow, dead laying in the middle of the room:
Gaius, deadpan: Why...?
Merlin, just as done with this: I don't fucking know...
He once woke up with two dead kids near his bed
That was a fun morning
Uther kind of likes Merlin, he thinks he would be a fantastic jester (it's a complement)
Lancelot goes along with everything Merlin does, so does Gwaine, but he thinks it's just for shits' n' gigs'
Merlin has seen things while being in Arthur's service, mostly Arthur doing ego shattering, pride reducing things
Leon and Merlin are the dad and mum of the group, I will die on this hill
Merlin can hide his emotions the best, not because of the fighting, but because Kilgharrah will just randomly start singing
When Merlin can't use his magic over a long period of time he gets the magic version of overstimulated
Everything feels like it's on fire, the lights are to bright, the noise is too much, you get the gist
Merlin takes the children out for an "adventure", when in reality it's him bringing them away from the latest burning for both the kids and himself
However there are times where he knows the kids know, just something in their eyes disappears
Those times he sits with them and let's them cry it all out
The noble kids adore Merlin because of how physically affectionate he is (thank hunith) and he shows them love so freely
As well as the peasant kids, every child see's Merlin as a brother/uncle/father/ect.
Gwen is the oldest, Elyan is the youngest
Gwaine has met Hunith while traveling (after he met Merlin) and absolutely adores her
Since magic is everything, especially in nature, Merlin is kind of mother nature
Merlin has always been able to hunt (since it wouldn't make sense for him not to) and he doesn't hate it
He does like it don't get me wrong, but he knows it's essential for survival
Merlin just doesn't like it when they hunt animals for sport
Merlin and Arthur have this deep understanding that scares both of them sometimes
Arthur fell first, but Merlin fell harder
Arthur has a crush on Merlin since s1/e4
And Merlin has a crush on Arthur since s2
Merlin grew his hair out one time and Arthur "band" him from cutting it
Merlin loves kids and is great with them, but doesn't know if he wants to have any
(post the show)
Merlin came back to Camelot, but did leave a few months after (he needed some space), but after two years (filled with letters) he came back with his mother
The gang (or what's left of it) found out that Leon's immortal. They all freaked out
When Gaius died, Merlin didn't come out of his chambers for weeks
Same goes to his mother
After Gaius retired Merlin became the physician
Everyone didn't know why Merlin didn't become the court warlock, but Gwen knew. He didn't tell her, but she just knew why
Gwen re-married for political reasons and after a while the gang excepted him, not fully, but mostly
After everyone died Leon and Merlin left Camelot and started traveling since they could never do it (merlin being poorer then poor and leon being a knight)
They became very close and considered each other their life partner (platonic)
When Leon and Merlin have a fight they just leave. No note. Nothing.
At first it scared them, but now they know their safe and they'll come back
Leon and Merlin call each other "grandpa"
They fucking hate it, but they will not stop
They also probably got married for tax or something
Like no romance, strictly platonic.
Just for some added benefits
When thing get rough (mentally) they just sit somewhere and hold each other, quietly, rubbing their thumbs over each others hand/arms/legs, play with each others hair. Just be there for the other
Merlin grew his hair out and will not cut it
There are periods of time he looks like a hermit and when he does Leon full on sword fights him into cutting his hair
He does eventually cut it, but it's still longer then normal
They definitely have a whole other language (think the whistling between merlin and arthur)
They travelled the the world together
They have been known as the forest wizard and knight (they find it fun)
Modern era
(pre-Arthur revival)
(post-Arthurs resurrection)
The first movie Merlin showed him was the Monty python and The Holy Grail and Disney's version of the story
Arthur despise both of them (mostly Disney's one)
Arthur definitely gets panic attacks and anxiety attacks
Merlin is always there to help him and comfort him
Same goes the other way around, but Arthur isn't that good at ✨emotions ✨
Merlin has an EpiPen on him at all times just in case
Arthur wears clothes that look like his old clothes, but they are made with modern fabrics (he does have normal clothes but only wears them when he has to)
Merlin is a ball of stress
Arthur is also a ball of stress but for completely different reasons
Merlin and Leon probably has a shit ton of money
Arthur fears going to sleep afraid he's not going to wake up (someone else's idea and i can't find them so i could give credit!!!!!!!!!)
Merlin has a ginger cat that he calls ginger
He just found him on a rainy day when ginger was a kitten and help them out
Now he kind of lives there
He's half indore cat, half outdoor cat
And he's an asshole
Leon is happy Arthur's back, but he's not happy that the tension and the staring is back
(That's it for now)
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myfaveisfuckable · 1 year
Rants under the read more
Nightmare blunt rotation: The cursed creation of like. 4 people on a niche fandom discord. Polycule consisting of pretty much every adult character in the series. It's awful and somehow the best thing ever. The potential for both crack and angst is unmatched. The divorced parents energy is OFF THE CHARTS. Marcia realizes she is a morosexual and has a crisis about it. Gringe confronts his prejudices by falling for a no-good wizard. Jillie Djinn is Marcia's ex and also dead and also GHOSTING ON HER COUCH which makes it very hard to bring her boyfriends over. Marcellus tries to be dramatic about the fleetingness of human life (except his) and gets made fun of until he confronts his trauma instead. Sarah and Mrs Gringe are having tea and getting a break from the drama.
Gorlois/Nimueh/Ygraine: I am pretty sure that I am litetally the only person invested in this ship.
2 and a half of these characters are dead before the show starts. The last dies within season one. One of them is never seen on screen, and they definitely do not interact.
But. They must have at least known each other, in the past. (the very vaguely defined only alluded to past).
Oh, and the "a half"?
Well. Buckle in.
This particular rarepair hell started because I realized that there are technically 4 characters in this show sharing the identity or name of one mythological character - and wouldn't it be so interesting if two of them (the Villain Nimueh and Morgana's mother Vivienne) turned out to be the same woman? So many interesting implications. So much canon to be reevaluated. This is how I started shipping Gorlois/Nimueh, and it could and should have ended there.
...except halfway through that process I got sad and invented a self-indulgent modern au instead. And since it's self-indulgent, I decided that Ygraine would divorce Uther. And since they were already neighbours, and parenting half-siblings, Ygraine and Nimueh became closer and closer in my mind, until I decided to let them kiss aboit it. After all, nothing makes you closer than bonding about being upset at the man who cheated on you/lied aout being in an open relationship. (except maybe the codependent co-parenting lavender marriage I envision for Ygraine and Gorlois.)
And now I even ship them in canon. I suffer alone.
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weird-tea · 2 years
So the continuity of BBC Merlin is a mess, for a lot of reasons, they clearly did not have a plan as to how they were adapting certin elements/chaaracters from the legend more than a season ahead. And don’t get me wrong there is something endearing about how much of a mess it is, and over planned tv shows can be bad as well because it doesn’t allow for creativity in the same way BUT that doesn’t mean I don’t wonder about an alternative universe version of the show that actually knew what it was doing a bit more and was more into acknoledging continuity.
Like, can you imagine if Agravaine has been forshadowed? As in way back in season 1 when the wraith of Tristan de Bois turns up and we get the story of Igraine’s brother challenging Uther to a fight to the death because he blamed him for Igraine’s death - imgaine if they had also mentioned that Igraine had another brother who is still alive but left camelot after Tristan’s death and has never even seen Arthur. Nothing big, just a throw away line seeding the idea that Arthur has a living maternal uncle out there who wants nothing to do with him. It would have been an intresting element for Arthur’s character to be established so early on, that Uther isn’t actually his only blood kin (They didn’t know about Morgana yet) but he is the only one who has anything to do with him. And like obviously it’s awful that Uther seems to hate Arthur, or at least not love him as he should, because of how Igraine died giving birth to him, but hey at least he didn’t just send him away to be raised by strangers, at least he still wants to have his son in his life. Where as igraine’s own brother seems to blame Arthur so much.
And then seasons on when Arthur is show Igraine’s ghost and almost kills his father, it’s not just that Uther got his mother killed and then blamed magic, there is the added twist of the knife that this Uncle we’ve only ever heard mentioned probably blames Uther for his sister’s death not Arthur, and Uther let Arthur beleive that Agravaine hated him. Then when Uther is ill and Arthur is regent and suddenly Argraine is there and helping him that message is doubled down on. That his uncle never hated him, just Uther. Agravaine could have a scene saying how guilty he has felt not being there for Igraine’s boy but he just couldn’t stand to be around Uther when he’d killed both his siblings (continuity reference to Tristian who I don’t think show Agravaine ever mentions). So Arthur’s apsalute trust in Agravaine dispite him acting shady as hell and Merlin’s warnings makes so much more sense because we’ve had his quiet longing to actually know his mother’s brother built up from season 1. And then the reveal that Agravaine really does hate Arthur and is plotting against him would hit the audience so much harder because he was actually a character we had wondered about and wanted in Arthur’s life for seasons.
Also, I feel like the fact that Uther cheated on igraine, his supposed great love, was not brought up nearly enough on the show. Like it focuses almost entirely on the betrayal of Uther hiding the truth from Morgana and Arthur and like a tiny acknowledgement that it’s fucked up he had an affair with his best friend’s wife but like, he cheated on Igraine. Arthur should have a lot of feelings about that! Especally when the whole Gwen/Lancelot thing happens. 
And speaking of the affair - where the hell is Morgana’s mother? We’re told she had a daugher, Morgause, who Uther belived was dead but was actually snuck out to be raised by a high priestess. And that is never explained. Is Morgause’s father Gorlois? Who knows! And then Vivienne has an affair with Uther and has Morgana who is raised by Gorlois beleiving he is her father, then he is killed in battle when she is a child and she is taken in as Uther’s ward - where is her mother in all of this? Did she die? It seems more like she left? What’s up with that? I feel like she got a lot of build up for her with the mystery of Morgause being stuck out of camelot. Imagine is Vivienne was a character in later seasons! Imagine if we got a scene with her and her daughters reuniting? The fact that Vivinne was made to leave camelot, leave Morgana, could have been part of Morgana’s reasoning for turning evil. Like her mother was forced to flee because she had magic or something and no one ever told her. And we could have had Vivinne and Uther scenes where she is worried about the dark path her daughter is on and blames Uther for being a shit dad. We could have had Vivinne talking to Arthur about his mother, about the person she was and how gulity she felt for betraying Igraine with uther. 
I know so many of these things can be ‘fixed’ in fanfiction form, but part of me mourns for the show we could have got. I love the show as is but there is so much wasted potential that just drives me mad. 
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