#mainly because of tgcf season 2
purrfectlycontent · 8 months
that “it still bleeds” prompt from femslash february with beefleaf. do you see the vision
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lttawnymadison · 5 months
TGCF Revised Version Afterword by MXTX
Since I kept seeing snippets of this, I wanted to read the whole thing for myself. I'd already bought the book on JJWXC and did an MTL for this. It's so wonderful that she's back and sharing new things and that the revised is finally done! - Tawny --------------------------------------------- The author has something to say:
Seeing the small red clay stove again.
———— Afterword of "Heaven Official's Blessing" 2022
■ Finally done!
Long time no see! It's another afterword starting with "finally." Without further ado, seasoned readers would know that I make substantial revisions. For instance, scenes like the Bai Feng Mountain Hunt and the ending recognition of Sizhui in the serial version of "Mo Dao Zu Shi" were not originally there.
The revisions in "Heaven Official's Blessing" are the most extensive of all my works. It was a huge project, as it is also the longest in terms of length, serialized over eight months. Due to poor health and other reasons, the revision process was interrupted for a long time before I picked it up again, and it sporadically took about five to six months over several years.
In the era of web novels, there are endless new entertainments, and honestly, not many people re-read a story. Plus, some problems in the serialized version are structural and can't be changed, but I still tried my best to address my regrets. After all, when I was serializing it, I was almost always in a feverish and sick state, barely pushing through. Additionally, I often enjoy comparing different versions of my favorite authors' works back and forth, finding pleasure in the process. So, for readers, discovering "Wow, this part has changed!" is like starting a new journey with Easter eggs in a second round.
■ The new revised version includes about 100,000 words of new content!
These 100k words are mainly concentrated in the latter half of Volume 1 and Volume 3, but there are plenty scattered throughout the text. For example, I fulfilled a promise to A-Hua, giving him several new outfits. Seeing A-Hua dressed beautifully in a new hairstyle to meet his gege made me happy.
In terms of the intensity of revisions, personally, I feel it goes like this:
Volume 1 and Volume 2 > Volume 3 > Volume 5 > Volume 4.
Additionally, the new version cuts some redundant words and plots that weren't very meaningful. However, I tried to keep all the original interactions between Hua Lian as complete as possible. If some minor interactions are missing, they weren't deleted but moved around.
■ One day, I suddenly dug out something.
An antique from 2017, a folder called "Heaven Official's Blessing Setting Collection."
Curiously, I opened it and read with interest.
● Comparing the original setting outline and the main text, the highest fidelity is in the main storyline between Hua Cheng and Xie Lian.
A-Hua, restored at a ratio of 1:100.
Hua's character setting is the most detailed, and virtually every point made it into the main text, including details like "ghosts don't like the sun, so Hua Cheng sometimes drapes a red cloth over his head"...
Points not used, listed a few:
As a child:
· After being saved from falling off a city wall, he foolishly followed a parade over and over again, grabbing people to ask, "Who is that? Who is that person?" People told him, "That's the royal son, the future Celestial God, the most outstanding Crown Prince of Xianle Nation ever!"
(This point couldn't be used because in the text A-Hua was held in the Crown Prince's arms after being saved)
· At home, he was often punished to stand or kneel, not given food, and wore old clothes, accused of stealing money. Whenever he argued with his family, he would stubbornly sleep in the Prince's temple overnight.
· Went to Mount Tai Cang to volunteer sweeping red leaves at Huangji Observatory, just to sneak peeks at his future wife happily swinging.
After becoming the ghost king:
· One of his hobbies is buying and building houses everywhere.
· Very protective of his leather boots, would (badly) polish them until they shone.
· To other devout followers of Xie Lian, he said: "You have good taste."
· Secretly prepared many betrothal gifts for his beloved god, wanting to marry him!
The character setting of Xie Lian as a teacher in the serialized version compared to the initial draft, the serialized text subtly differs. The initial draft was more... exquisite and elegant, very serious. The serialized text is more... humorous. I think perhaps because some plot points were tragic, Xie Lian thought he should be happier to make the readers more relaxed, so he drove me to adjust his mental state! But due to the spiritual oppression at that time, the character's depth was not enough, while in the new revised version, I hope he can show a more self-content state on the same core basis.
Excerpts from the unused original setting:
· Super easy-going. Easy-going means: if given fifty bucks, he would happily dress in drag and dance. Accepts haggling. Thirty bucks works. Twenty bucks too!
· The observatory is small, the house is broken, wants to grow flowers. Leaks during rain, so he uses a bucket to catch rainwater.
· Because he can't afford a caretaker, he cleans himself, and also feeds chickens. Chickens eat flowers. Keeps a cat.
· Completely engrossed in discussing serious matters, he unknowingly finished all the broken sweet dumplings!
● Water, Earth, Wind original setting:
The highest fidelity is the main line between Hua Cheng and Xie Lian, followed by the Water, Earth, Wind subplot.
The main conflict hasn't changed. Just... how could the original setting of Water, Earth, Wind be so dark and terrifying!
The character morals in the main text improved a lot, otherwise, the original Black Water would be sheer scheming + murderous! The ending for the Wind Master would have been more tragic.
The Venerable of Empty Words suddenly became an improvised character. It seemed like an ancient fable-like monster, making the main text more interesting than the original setting.
Overall, the formal version is a bit better written than the original draft.
● The unfortunate life of Lang Ying:
Lang Ying? Is there such a character? I don't remember!
Ah? It seems there was such a person, but I don't remember any of his plotlines.
This is most people's feeling towards the character of Lang Ying. It's not a delusion because he barely had any significant plot. In fact, any valuable scenes could have been replaced equivalently, so in the new revised version, I deleted this character.
But, in the 2017 setting collection, I suddenly found that I had actually opened a separate document for Lang Ying, and his role was defined as a "growing-type BOSS!"
I was silent.
And immediately opened the document, curious about my initial setting. A "growing-type BOSS," how did he become someone whose deletion went unnoticed...? (I even don't know how to address him!)
Who knows, perhaps out of excitement, I accidentally pressed the wrong shortcut, and somehow it became irreversible, leaving only an empty document for me to stare in disbelief. The once "growing-type BOSS" has now forever become a mystery!
This is the unfortunate life of the deleted Lang Ying.
· There was another document in the setting collection called "Swordsmith." I opened the document and read it with interest.
I was shocked. Because I completely forgot I had conceived this story. Why didn't I write it?!
I know why I didn't write it. This story... it had no ending!
——————— Thus, the magical glimpse into the "Heaven Official's Blessing Setting Collection" concludes!
■ I like men with stories!
Maybe because I watched an outstanding work as a child. It was a memoir, the protagonist in the biography was gentle and affable, and the protagonist in the memories was cold and ruthless. The story was scattered with the poignant fragrance of white plum blossoms amidst bloody and stormy circumstances.
This almost perfect work deeply influenced my aesthetics, leading me to be most interested in the memory parts of characters in various works. Although many viewers prefer the present scenes, often asking when the memories will end, I actually find these intense and painful memories to be the most fascinating!
A story is the history of a character, as well as the key to their personality. A person with a story stands before me like a puzzle. The way to solve this puzzle is to understand their story. Because the biography makes one curious to know more about a character they like, loving them more now because of their past. When serializing "Heaven Official," my greatest pain initially was telling myself, "This time I don't want to write a memory slaughter," deliberately trying to avoid a structure similar to previous works, yet I still hadn't found a better way to express it, resulting in my deep dissatisfaction with the later part of Volume 1. I was also hesitant to fully commit to the memory scenes in Volume 2, and with the heavy mental burden, this part was very painful to write. When revising, looking at Volume 2 was almost unbearable, because I'm the type of person who, as a child, would immediately switch channels when a TV show's protagonist was about to be wrongfully accused or embarrassed. I couldn't help but knock on a friend's door and ask:
Me: Was the author suffering some kind of mental trauma at the time? This negative energy is too horrifying, the protagonist is so pitiful, I really admire anyone who could read through Volume 2 completely.
Friend: Do you even have the right to say that?
But the memory slaughter in Volume 4 was much freer, written in one breath, so the revisions for this volume were also the least.
So, will you still write large segments of memory slaughter?
Um, well, we'll see, haha, hehe...
■ Closing Remarks:
Lastly, I'll address the question some asked me, "Will the new revised 'Heaven Official's Blessing' be more torturous?"
Me: You're talking nonsense. 'Heaven Official's Blessing' is a sweet pampering story, thank you!
Shi Nai'an wrote in the preface to "Water Margin": "On snowy nights, about five or six people listen to my storytelling; on rainy days, about seven or eight; on bright and sunny days, about ten. I read, everyone listens, and we are all happy, with no other thoughts." When I read this as a young person, I was delighted. What divine days! Writing first to entertain oneself, then to entertain others. Self-expression and self-acceptance are certainly primary, but the affection of others is also a significant positive feedback. Thus, first, I thank the steadfast readers who have accompanied me all this time. I've thought about just walking away amidst the noisy disputes; abandoning the account amidst the tumultuous world! It seems not bad. But looking back, I can't bear to leave some truly sincere readers.
I've had authors I liked disappear from the internet, and I always feel like a part of my youth has vanished, a feeling quite distressing, reminiscent of overly grand and harsh things like the tears of the era or the torrent of history. So, I want to accompany my readers as long as possible, hoping that the day of parting comes later. Perhaps I'm not good enough now, but I will strive to be better in the future. Or perhaps you've never truly understood what kind of person I am, or even completely misunderstood me, but as long as you genuinely like my stories, we can sit down and chat.
And, I must mention my friends, who can be described as having the courage of a hero. Long time no see, Teacher Changyang's illustrations are still as beautiful as those of a celestial being, I hope Teacher CAS can go to bed earlier and worry less, and Teacher Kuohao, who despite a heavy workload, still fully honored our agreement. The "Heaven Official's Blessing" radio drama is really fantastic! It reminded me of the original intention of writing this story, and I was very moved. If it weren't for the silent companionship and efforts of these old friends, Mo Xiang Tong Xiu might have stopped writing back in 2016, disappearing from the world of martial arts, and thus, "Heaven Official's Blessing" would not have been born. I look forward to retracing the paths we once walked together when gathering ideas. And many friends who reached out to help and encourage me, thank you for accompanying me through the snowy nights.
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Now It’s time for me to pitch to everyone the Greatest Crossover of all time
(more popular than whatever the heck Infinity War and Endgame was).
Spoilers if you haven’t read and watched TGCF and watched The Last Airbender. Now here’s the worldbuilding!
-First things first, Avatars can’t ascend, because they keep reincarnating to continue the cycle, but they’ll occasionally be summoned to Heaven to help bring that 3rd realm balance with whatever help they can offer.
-Fire Lords can’t ascend because… they attacked.
-Heaven didn’t do jack squat to prevent the Air Nomad Genocide mainly because they were busy trying to defeat ghosts plaguing the land.
-The Windmaster wouldn’t be worshipped by the air nomads, but the Earth Kingdom worships Shi Qingxuan. Shi Wudu is worshipped in the Water Tribe and Earth Kingdom, same as the Rainmaster. The Earthmaster? You guessed it, Earth Kingdom. My OC, Leishi Ying, the Thundermaster is worshipped in the Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation. Tl:dr, all Elemental Masters are worshipped in the Earth Kingdom because of it’s diverse Geography and inspiration from ancient China.
-Toph could be a good candidate for the next Earthmaster, she wouldn’t need the shovel but a lot of the Heavenly officials would low key remind her of her parents. So Bumi would totally be valid as the next earthmaster since he’s very intelligent with his creative mind. Heck Katara would be a good candidate for the water master, look at how far she’s come in Book 3.
-I don’t think Sokka would ascend as a martial god, I think he would totally ascend as a Civil God because he’s a strategist. An interaction between him and Ling Wen would be similar to the time he trained under Master Piandao. Now imagine an interaction between him, Fu Yao, and Nan Feng.
-During Xie Lian’s 3rd Ascension to Heaven, a certain Cabbage Merchant happened to be really close in his vicinity… yeah I’ll let you guys guess what happened next.
-Aang and his friends wouldn’t need to ascend, they could just fly straight up there on Appa
Yeah, this was fun. Plz expect Thoughts I had on TGCF Season 2 February! Should I or shouldn’t I, do a part 2?
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rose-tinted-vision · 4 months
1, 11, 14, 16, 17, 19 for the behind the scenes of fic asks! ((this is hualianisms, i can't send asks from my sideblog🥲))
Hello @hualianisms!! Thank you for the asks (๑>◡<๑)
What was the first fandom and/or pairing that you wrote fic for?
(/。\)...am I going to embarrass myself on main today because the first fic that I published on ao3 was for the ReoNagi pairing from Blue Lock, but I technically wrote fic for Inazuma Eleven when I was a wee little child. What was yours?
If you could only write angst, fluff, or smut for the rest of your life, which would it be?
Definitely angst, it comes easier to me than fluff or smut 〜(><)〜
If you were stuck on an island with only two characters, who would you pick?
Only two? That's a hard choice >_< Shi Qingxuan (TGCF) and Yu Shisan (A Journey to Love), probably. SQX can just whisk us away~
What is your most underrated fic?
I'll take underrated to mean not doing as well as I thought it would since I really liked this? It's a toss up between one of my Link Click fics (Qiao Ling centric, S2 canon compliant) and one of my earlier Mysterious Lotus Casebook fics (Gen, LXY/LLH centric). I really enjoyed the process of exploring what went on in Season 2 of Link Click through Qiao Ling's eyes, and thought that there weren't enough fics featuring her, which is why it's a fic that's really dear to me. As for the Li Xiangyi centric fic (i must admit that imagining pre-canon stuff is a favourite of mine), I wanted to explore the process of Li Xiangyi becoming Li Lianhua, and how he had changed so much over ten years. It was fun to imagine him traversing the jianghu and picking up various skills along the way! But I do understand that Genfics aren't for everyone, so it's okay. I do have more recent ones that aren't doing that well but I have...complicated feelings regarding those
What fic are you most proud of?
(I also cannot simply choose one, my bad).
I have this ShiGuang fic that was loosely inspired by a manhwa called "The tale of the Yellow dragon", that was nearly complete by the time the S2 finale came out and I figured, why not throw Lu Guang's lines in there? and it fit, so I was really happy with how it turned out :D Another fic that I'm proud of is Tales of Tianji Manor, mainly because I wasn't sure that people would enjoy a fic told from Madam He's pov, but the fandom was so nice about it ^^ and it was fun to explore the OT3 dynamics from her pov!! and (last one, I promise!!) I was really happy with how the ZhanHua fic turned out :D Zhan Yunfei was one of my favourite side characters, and explore his ten years of yearning and devotion was interesting.
Who is the easiest/hardest character for you to write about? Why?
I'd say the hardest is Di Feisheng's (MLC) pov for me, I'm not sure if it's writers block or burnout, but trying to wrangle his character has been a challenge lately. Another would be Ning Yuanzhou (A Journey to Love), because the man thinks so damn much, and he has to be a leader, a lover, a father and a brother all at the same time. Oh and Yi Zhi Hua's (White Cat Legend) tone is quite tricky for me to grasp...
easiest would probably be what I call the "simp characters" (not that I'm calling them one-dimensional, it's just that they have Prioritised that One Special Person): Fang Duobing for one, he has a rather straightforward personality, he places his family and Li Lianhua first, and he's honest about his feelings. Qiu Qingzhi is another. (it's harder to see beneath his layers but) imo his motivations were mainly to protect Li Bing. and I just really like to write Yu Shisan, the man loves so deeply and freely.
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sasaranurude · 1 year
Okay I am going to go through the upcoming fall anime RIGHT NOW and see what looks interesting, because there's a completely absurd amount of anime coming around now and I need to be prepared. Could they not have pushed a handful of these back to summer which had all of like, one good anime? Come on man. ANYWAYS:
Hypmic season 2: obviously I am watching every episode of this. My mom also wants to watch every episode of this
Paradox Live the animation: I haven't followed paralive up to now beyond enjoying the music, but I am genuinely curious what's up with those characters (I think about checking out the drama tracks all the time but just haven't had the time/impulse yet) so I'll check this one out for sure
Sousou no Frieren: I remember when the trailer dropped there was a fair amount of hype, so I'll try this one out
Spy x Family season 2: I might watch this one with my mom. I can't remember if she finished season 1, though. ...I just asked her: we only watched a little, but she'd be up for more. So... maybe. (But she said that if it's either-or, she'd rather watch hypmic.)
Undead Unluck: I did start this manga, but my interest petered out after a few chapters. I'll still give the anime a few episodes. Honestly, seeing it get an anime makes me want to give the manga another try, because I can't actually remember why I stopped reading.
Kamonohashi Ron no Kindan Suiri: only hearing about this for the first time now browsing MAL. I like mystery, I'll give it a try.
I'm in Love With the Villainess: I read the first volume of the manga and... didn't hate it. I'll give the anime a try.
Disgraced noble lady naughtiness blablablabla: yeah sure man I'm always up for trying the new fantasy romcom shoujo of the season (even if I know I won't last more than two episodes)
Overtake!: wait is this one BL about racing? Fuck yeah sure sounds great. I love the character designs. WAIT AND IT'S TROYCA? FUCK YEAH MAN!!!!! ABSOLUTELY WATCHING THIS
Yuzuki-san chi no yonkyoudai: in "if I see good posts about this one I'll watch it" tier.
Migi to Dali: I only ever read a few chapters of the manga for this one, but it was fascinating, so I'll be checking out the anime mainly to see if it captures the same vibe.
Atarashii joushi wa do tennen: workplace comedy is fun, I'll give it an episode.
Bullbuster: gets an episode just for the title alone
Kawagoe Boys Sing: mal doesn't even have a synopsis. The character designs are cute. Yeah I'll watch an episode
And at this point I'm just hoping that a good chunk of these suck just so thatim not keeping up with 13 series airing weekly episodes oh my god. But also. High hopes for many of these!!!!!!
EDIT: oh my god i forgot tgcf. @zeeloniy will almost certainly be making me watch this
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baiwu-jinji · 3 years
@hunnibee26 very kindly informed me that they wrote a comprehensive post on China’s recent crackdown on the entertainment industry and danmei adaptations, so please go check their post out if you’re interested!
Also, uh, I originally didn’t intend to read Scumbag Villain’s Self-Saving System and was just waiting for donghua season 2, but the crackdown on danmei dramas got me worried about when season 2′s gonna air, so I started reading the novel and I’m now halfway through it (I didn’t read it as closely as TGCF or MDZS so it's a much quicker read)...
Some initial impressions are, I love MXTX’s humour as always, I love the way she writes about and highlights Luo Binghe’s eyes (I will write a post about this), but I can’t say it’s not a painful read mainly because Binghe is heartbroken for much of the story.
Also it will never not be funny that Shang Qinghua wrote a letter to Shen Qingqiu in English which passes as secret code in fantasy ancient China (learning English is mandatory in Chinese schools and we all had to write short English essays for exams, so I can kind of imagine what Shang Qinghua’s clumsy English letter looks like)
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sunmaylight · 3 years
TGCF Book 3 Reaction pt.3 - Wind Master’s Self-Designated Quest & The Events that Happen After
I am back again with reactions & comments for when I read book 3. 
This is honestly fun for me because I can look back at what I read and remember my first reaction to everything. I can also see how things connect to make up each arc by going back and reading them. 
I really want to start book 4, but completing this first so I compose myself and not be a mess of emotions reading it. Cause, any book that is mainly about Xie Lian’s past is bound to be filled with angst and possible tears for the guy.
Ch 102: The Love for All Seasons Stew, the stew Xie Lian made and Shi Qingxuan is enthusiastically wanting to try some, shares with Ming Yi. Hua Cheng eats it like nothing and gives Xie Lian feedback
- Me: Ah, RIP Shi Qingxuan and Ming Yi. It was nice knowing you two.
Start of the Venerable of Empty Words
Ch 103: The stew knocks out Ming Yi and sends Shi Qingxuan to tears. Then Shi Qingxuan hallucinates
- Me: You know, by this point Xie Lian should have his own warning label to prevent this from happening in the future. What if he made something for Jun Wu and kills him with his cooking? Actually, that sounds pretty funny. This just in: Heavenly Emperor Jun Wu defeated by a plate of questionable food made by his favorite Heavenly Official, Xie Lian.
103: Shi Qingxuan tells a horror story. Xie Lian feels a cold breeze and discovers it’s made by SQX.
- Ah, I think I’m understanding more that Heavenly Officials are really eccentric. Especially the upper court.
Xie Lian casually mentioning he has encountered a Venerable of Empty Words in the past and how that ghost left him after staying with the fallen god for almost a year.
- Me: *sobs* Xie Lian. 
Wind Master talking about his past before ascension and then post ascension
- Me: Okay, but did you actually ascend?
Learns about Heavenly Calamities
- Me: Well, that will surely be relevant in the future.
105: Investigating for the Ghost. Learns that from a tampered list that Hua Cheng killed vengeful, malevolent tyrants
- Me: Hua Cheng, who else have you killed? How the fu-dge is it that you are more productive than Heavenly Officials in making sure nothing bad happens?
As the group was going to leave, Xie Lian remembers the kids (& Qi Rong). 
Hua Cheng: I have already called a babysitter. Don’t worry about a thing Gege.
106: The group was teleported to the wrong place.
- Me: Well, aren’t things starting out just lovely.
Hua Cheng changed clothes and Xie Lian Noticed. 
Hua Cheng & Xie Lian exchange verbal communication passwords. Hua Cheng’s password has Xie Lian blushing.
Xie Lian’s password: “Just recite the Ethics Sutra a thousand times.”
- Me: ...Is that a joke? Xie Lian, if they actually had to recite that, it’s like saying you don’t want people to talk to you.
Xie Lian’s password is revealed to be just that phrase. He set it up as a joke
- Me: goddamnit. I have been bamboozled. 
Learning about the legend of the Potential Scholar He, who was mad smart but got a lot of people wanting to crush him out of jealousy. He died after getting his revenge against those who were gatekeeping him.
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng now have to play Mafia in a four man group.
Ch 108: A game to sniff out the Word Ghost. The game reminds me of the Japanese Game, King’s Game.
- Me: Is there a Chinese equivalent to the King’s Game?
SQX -’king’- Xie Lian and Hua Cheng have to strip each other. Just one layer
- Me: If this was me to my crush, I would be weirded out to do this in front of my friends. Unless if I was drunk
SQX to Hua Cheng (from the book): “What’s the worse suffering in the world?”
Hua Cheng: “To watch with your own eyes your beloved be trampled and ridiculed, yet unable to do anything. That’s the worse suffering in the world.”
- Me: (ToT) Hua Cheng. I got to mark this down. Hua Cheng’s beloved and him need their happy ending.
Ming Yi to Xie Lian: “What’s the biggest regret of your life?”
Xie Lian: “My Second Ascension.”
- Me: !!! Xie Lian, what the F*CK happened during the shortest ascension recorded in Heaven?
Ch 109: Hua Cheng lends Xie Lian a ‘bit’ of spiritual power. Xie Lian does a palm thrust and blows off the roof of the temple.
- Xie Lian & Me: ...Hua Cheng, that’s a little bit?
Hua Cheng: Was that not enough? I can lend you more.
Ch 110: Hua Cheng puts on a mini fashion show to Xie Lian in the middle of something important. 
Xie Lian: *focus is pulled away to stare at Hua Cheng*
- Me: Okay. Cute, but please focus. There is a time and place for everything. Now is not the time!
Water Master is suppose to prepare for the third Heavenly Calamity. SQX is kidnapped
- Me: What if this is the third calamity? Having to save SQX from the Venerable of Empty Words?
Xie Lian wants to do a soul-shifting spell, but Hua Cheng is stopping him.
- Me: Hm, does Hua Cheng know something? That is suspicious.
Ch 111: Venerable of Empty Words says: “Don’t worry, with your eyes wide open, you will watch the person coming to seek you die before you!”
- Me: *Thinks of Hua Cheng for Xie Lian* Shit, it got to Xie Lian. I really hope this doesn’t happen in the future. Cause, it’s not like Hua Cheng can die by conventional means since his ashes are ***** - Safe
Wind Master is revealed to be wearing a lot of treasures and gems on their person
- Me: Why is Wind Master wearing all of that?
Soul-Shifting spell ends, Xie Lian hears Hua Cheng’s voice
- Oh shit. I think Hua Cheng is mad.
SQX: “This is the Terrace of Cascading Wine. It’s where I ascended”
- Me: Wait, SQX is one of the Four Famous Tales? The odd one that is like Qi Rong that is about a guy who ascended for just pouring wine?
Learns that Xie Lian was actually sleeping when he ascended.
- Which ascension did that happen at?
SQX is in hysteria after Shi Wudu grabs him. SQX was acting suspicious before then SWD arrived.
- Me: Wow, what happened to SQX? D-did he actually fail his Heavenly Calamity and this is part of the punishment? Do Heavenly Officials get an advance notice that they have a Heavenly Calamity they have to face? Or is he behaving like this because of the removal of all of those artifacts and jewels?
Ch 113: Hua Cheng sent a step-litter, a step-litter that is very extravagant, to Xie Lian. Hua Cheng is giving Xie Lian a fancy carriage ride towards somewhere.
- Me: Wow. What an obvious sign that Hua Cheng has deep feelings for Xie Lian 
The whole Step-Litter Scene of Ghost calling Xie Lian Hua Cheng’s ‘lady’ while he was in the Step-Litter and everything after until they drop Xie Lian off at Puqi Shrine
Xie Lian’s new banner: “Return Babes through Miraculous Hands”
- No words
Hua Cheng helping Xie Lian do a task of working in the field. There is an indescribable tension that has been created through Xie Lian’s dense brain
- Me: Man, you can slice the tension with a sword and they still wouldn’t realize anything.
Xie Lian has a mysterious donor who filled his donation box with gold bars. He decides to return them
- Me: Yes, good for you Xie Lian. You do you.
The Drama between the Wind and Water Masters
- Me: You know, there is someone on YouTube who animated this part. I can now only visualize that while reading through my notes.
Earth Master forged his shovel to be his spiritual device. Ming Yi, Shi Qingxuan and Xie Lian travel through the tunnels dug by the Earth Master’s Shovel under Heaven
- Me: Wait, does this mean technically anything can be made into a spiritual device?
SQX can’t access his spiritual powers
- Me: shit. Did he actually fail a Heavenly Trial against Reverend of Empty Words?
The three are forced to dig and end up at Quan Yizhen’s palace with Pei Ming behind them
Pei Ming: QYZ, help me out and capture them
QYZ: *sees Xie Lian and remembers what he did for him during the Lantern Festival* - Grabs bed and throws it at Pei Ming- YEET!
Xie Lian tosses dice and the three end up at Puqi Shrine again. Xie Lian is greeted to the sight of a shirtless Hua Cheng finishing up some labour work with using E-Ming.
- Me: Is this going to be Xie Lian’s gay awakening? Will he finally acknowledge he has feelings for Hua Cheng?
Xie Lian immediately calms down and gets back into action
- Me: dang it!
The group, now with Hua Cheng, teleports to the Rain Master’s land. They exchange what they know and Xie Lian is drawing a very terrifying conclusion.
- Me: So, if there was a chart of the four famous tales compared to the four great calamities based on comparing their authenticity of tales
- Xie Lian    Hua Cheng       (They have to match somewhat)
- Princess who slit her throat         White No-Face      (Both have very little knowledge and seem very much bamf)
- General who broke his sword       Black Water       (Just vibes based on their names)
- Shi Qingxuan         Qi Rong     (Don’t really match the others, but are famous enough to get on the list)
Xie Lian connects the dots on Scholar He's name
- is that even possible?
Pei Ming arrives and then the group moves to Shi Wudu’s Heavenly Trial ground cause mortals are in danger. Their mission is to help the mortals and not get in the way of Water Master. 
Hua Cheng changes into a fisherman outfit
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng share a tender moment with a steam bun. General Pei watches them
- Me: Oh? Pei Ming, what did you notice? Did you notice the potential ship between the two of them?
118: The ship somehow wandered into the Ship-Sinking Black Water’s territory.
- Me: Oh no. The drama.
Alright, here seems good. The next part will be the Wind & Water Master Arc pt 2 (?). At least I think so since the Wind part was discovered and now it’s the Water part that’s next. 
You know, I really wanted to comment on a bunch of other stuff. Especially the Hualian moments, but decided against it cause there are some things that should be read
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