farafinetmedia · 5 months
Changements majeurs au sein du Parquet Général de Conakry
Dans une série de décrets annoncés à travers la télévision nationale, Falou Doumbouya a été nommé nouveau patron du Parquet Général de Conakry. Jusqu’à présent en fonction en tant que procureur général près de la cour d’appel de Kankan, cette promotion lui confère la responsabilité de coordonner l’ensemble des parquets de la basse et de la moyenne Guinée. Falou Doumbouya succède à Yamoussa Conté,…
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strawberryoverlordart · 7 months
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El Velo
//no re-posts, only re-blogs pls//
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hopefulkidshark · 4 months
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Cathédrale Sainte-Marie-Majeure de Marseille, France: Marseille Cathedral is a Roman Catholic cathedral, and a national monument of France, located in Marseille. It has been a basilica minor since 1896. It is the seat of the Archdiocese of Marseille. Wikipedia
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whats-9plus10 · 10 months
Venture Bros.: Radiant is the Blood of the Baboon Heart commentary and extras.
This is what I gathered during my first watch. Hopefully, I'll be able to upload the audio bits like I did for seasons 1-7 eventually! I'll catch all the little details then 💛
Let me get this out of the way. They did not answer the most important question of all.
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In the past, Doc and Jackson have said that what they say in the commentary isn't necessarily canon. What is canon is what's in the actual show, not what they explore outside of the show because they're always changing their minds. Sometimes they disagreed while answering questions. Take that as you'd like.
Jonas didn’t abandon The Monarch after the plane crash intentionally. He assumed he died or he ran away before he got there. They hinted that Jonas downed the plane himself.
When asked if Jonas loved Rusty they say he’s a bad person, the villain of the show, and a monster. Jackson thinks he might have been a boy adventurer himself. They compare him to baby boomers forcing their children to live the lives they wanted themselves.
Does Rusty have the other twin killed when only one dies? Jackson says only when they witness the death. He referenced Ice Station Impossible. Brock has done it before.
Ritchie Valens refused to join The Guild and Red Mantle and Dragoon’s (Buddy Holly and The Big Bopper) initiation was to kill him so he wouldn’t tattle.
Doc says the second sons are the ones who succeed in The Guild, not the first sons, because they’re most likely to become evil and that’s why Dean was chosen as The Guild’s successor.
Doc described two episodes he would like to do: 1. "Heads in the water." Which is the heads of characters bobbing in the water after a crash for the entire episode. An all dialog bottle episode. 2. An episode that starts off like a regular Venture Bros episode. Then a henchman dies and everything pivots. 21 calls his wife and says “Real sorry but your husband died in service” (Doc put on his 21 voice here). We then see the wife and daughter (from another marriage) and follow them in their lives.
What is The Monarch's favorite ABBA song? Doc thinks Waterloo and Jackson thinks Take a Chance. They riff as Monarch and Dr. Girlfriend for a few seconds.
Gary's a big Sneaker Pimps fan.
Rusty doesn't have a middle name. If you ask Rusty he'll say the S stands for sexy or science or SUPER science. Rusty’s favorite musical is Starlight Express or RENT (Jackson disagreed). He's never actually watched them but he likes the advertisements.
Brock Frog is the guy that "brings in bagels". A 3rd generation Italian American from "bricklayer stock." He fell out with his dad because he wanted to bring bricks into the future. He teamed up with Professor Vigo Dale, who screwed him out of half of the company after Brick Frog gave him all of his brick ideas.
Mantilla has the ability to make things invisible by touching them but claimed it was teleportation. “It’s all bullshit…and she had money from her past”
Mantilla has been "garbage picking" from The Monarch’s trash, such as Dr. Mrs.'s costume ideas in season 3 that she had thrown away and their wedding invitation.
The guys in the warehouse with Jefferson were all roommates in the 90s.
We would have had a full episode of Force Majeure and Jonas Venture's rivalry.
We would have had another episode of Billy and Colonel Gentleman "John Wicking" after Mischa was found dead right before a doggy costume contest.
Matt Berry was supposed to voice Force Majeure.
Why does The Monarch hate Doc so much? Jackson says “Obviously it (the thought that Debra left him for Rusty) bothers him a little more than he said.”
They called Gary's hair “the popular millennial cut” and made him "half Glen Danzig half Wolverine."
Doc has drunk his own urine multiple times because they pee in bottles in the Astrobase. "Recently".
During the last scene in the movie when everyone is talking, Gary and Hatred were talking about a loofah. Hatred asked Gary "Ah...you use a loofah?". Dr. O was talking about intermittent fasting.
24 made a guest appearance in the "Fan Questions" extra for a few seconds.
They refused to answer the questions about Scare Bear and what Rusty and Billy were doing in the time machine in case they're able to continue the story.
They made a joke about telling people just enough in the commentary to get them excited and want more. (A “joke” haha)
During Prom, Pete and Billy would have studied the Push It video extensively. Pete would’ve entered the dance floor and “boxed it out” to make space. Billy would’ve walked in the circle nonchalantly. Then they would have recreated the entire dance.
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thetimecrystal · 11 days
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knazebloko · 10 months
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I want a scene where Thaddeus and Malcolm are discussing what an asshole Jonas was
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tallaxia · 3 months
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Brad Dourif as Dennis Hoffman in Millenium s01 e13 - Force Majeure
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madscientistic · 8 months
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bobbi gif
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crystallinee-waters · 10 months
Okay so, Black Lagoon Chapter 116 - Balalaika is shown with a new look, all retro, and she is a casino owner now? (hmm she made Le Majeur dress up like a bunny for her) But what is going on with this new design - the meek expression and soft dialogue? Making her stick thin without muscle, aging her down like 20 years?
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Whichever assistant drew this, pls, where is the tired, physically strong, teeth-baring B who runs the underworld?
How did we go from this
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To this?
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Dunst said she got the role after sending Östlund an improv scene involving her as the bored woman trying to unlock her husband’s phone while he is asleep on the flight. “It turns out she doesn’t have the code, so she tries to unlock it with face ID,” said Östlund, recalling the scene. “But he has his mouth open. So she has to very carefully close his mouth. She manages to unlock the phone. And then, of course, finds out he’s been having affairs with younger women, so they are going to deal with this during this ride.” For Daniel Brühl the key to getting cast in Östlund’s new film was getting himself, and the director, very drunk. After meeting Östlund at an event in Cannes a few years ago, Brühl invited him to a barbeque at his home on Majorca. “I got the best wine, the best fish,” recalled Brühl, “and I was preparing all the clever things that I could say to this great auteur. [Then] within a second, I lost all my restraints, and we had the most wonderful conversation. Along the way, Ruben said: ‘Maybe you could be in my film.'” “Daniel got very drunk and started to open up about his family life,” corrected Östlund, who said it was the German actor’s emotional honesty that convinced him he was right for the role. “It was really like, no, bullshit, you know? Because we all know what it’s like to be in a relationship, when even if you love somebody, the struggles that come with that,” he said, “we were able to talk as human beings and say ‘seriously, let’s cut the bullshit.'”
THREE THINGS: (1) YESSSS! I was really hoping Brühl and Dunst would be cast as a couple. Even before this project was announced, I always imagined they'd be a good match, on-screen and off-screen, as they have a similar attitude towards fame and the projects they pick, seamlessly going from indies to Hollywood projects and back again. (2) I'm a little annoyed they revealed so much of the plot already but also intrigued because if they're so free to reveal all that, there's got to be a whole lot more in store.
(3) I *literally* just watched Force Majeure (also by Östlund) and I have a feeling this movie will be closer in tone to it than Triangle of Sadness. And if I'm right, it's gonna be WAYYY better than I was anticipating. Also, Östlund's films do really well at Cannes, this could mean top nominations — if not awards — for the leads and a ticket to the Oscars.
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reality-liver-n0 · 10 months
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Chapters: 1/12 Fandom: Roswell New Mexico (TV 2019) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Michael Guerin/Alex Manes Characters: Alex Manes, Michael Guerin, Max Evans, Isobel Evans, Clay Manes, Greg Manes, Flint Manes, Maria DeLuca, Liz Ortecho, Rosa Ortecho, Kyle Valenti, Walt Sanders, Original Characters Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Escorts, Enthusiastic Consent, Established Relationship, Canon Gay Character, Canon Bisexual Character, Canon Disabled Character, Disability, Siblings, the mortifying ordeal of being an alien Series: Part 3 of Contractual Obligations Summary:
Alex and Michael are building a life together as they navigate the challenges of a romantic relationship complicated by a Companion contract. And now that Jesse Manes is dead, Alex is shutting down Project Shepherd, hoping to erase his father’s legacy–until a routine document exposes new secrets.
This story is complete, updating Monday, Wednesday, and Friday each week.
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revys-closet66 · 4 months
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whats-9plus10 · 10 months
This Barbie is a supervillain.
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thevelvetgoldmine · 2 years
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BOJACK HORSEMAN S01E09 - "Horse Majeure"
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