#major curators
blackkatdraws2 · 1 month
The Curator (White) [Blank Scripts AU]
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People from Tarragona, Catalonia, celebrating their city's festa major (local festivity) with castellers (Catalan tradition of making "human castles").
Photo by jobera on Instagram.
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chrisrin · 1 year
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some fun quick doodles of d&d pcs and npcs from the campaign i'm dming!
bonus! my little guy:
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avaritia-apotheosis · 2 years
"omg its so annoying to have to see all these crossovers when i don't want to see them!"
Wow! If only there was some built-in ao3 function to solve this!
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"well sometimes they still show up!"
Awww poor you, it must be so hard seeing all those crossover fics people worked hard to make and enjoy 😢 I guess the only solution is for you to make a rant post hating on people who like crossovers instead of, you know, taking barely a second to scroll past the fucking fic
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cornedbeefhashtags · 2 years
The fourth season of Stranger Things has been incredibly humbling. There’s no experience quite like watching a 15-year old teetering on the abyss—her saving grace the tenuous link to life and love afforded by the complex sounds of Kate Bush’s Hounds of Love album—and having to make peace with the fact that my version of that scene at age 15 would have involved 100% more Weird Al Yankovic.
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capn-twitchery · 29 days
btw i am so sorry to all of my beloved non-FL-dedicated blog mutuals but i keep missing FL posts and i'm trying to cut down on aimless scrolling so i'll be unfollowing for now!!
i love you all dearly. i am just easily distracted
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This video is a result of All Along going viral on Tik-Tok.
I do find the fact that Larry Stylinson is never going to go away fascinating. Both the reality of it - that those videos created for all sorts of purposes over ten years ago, curated by fans, and recirculated now - continue to be really powerful.
But also what it must mean for Harry and Louis when planning their lives. They can never really move on and the ground underneath them will always be unstable - because who knows when their younger selves will go viral again. There's something Black Mirror-ish about it - being unable to escape your 18 year old self and their actions, because other people are reliving them again and again.
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yikes077 · 4 months
Something that I find interesting about any kind of algorithm, or lack there of, on social media apps is the way some people now get their news. Like my main used social apps are tumblr, YouTube, and YikYak (this app has a point system for when people find me funny and therefore has a dopamine chokehold on me) and I never have any idea what is happening in the actually news unless I go looking for it.
Like right now on tumblr the popular tags make no immediate sense to me until I dig into what’s happening and look for myself. The tags seem very random, but if you know what’s going on you can see that it’s Palestine, social justice, and human rights because a big political war is going on and something just happened with it. The superbowl and Travis Kelce are trending bc the Super Bowl just happened and Travis Kelce was in it and something just happened. The Deadpool trailer just dropped and people are excited, something is happening with the Sims, and photography is really taking off. I didn’t even know those things were happening.
And if you look at either my for you page, or my following page, I am seeing none of it because my fav bakugou x reader headcannon writer just dropped several posts and I will be devouring it all immediately.
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lesbiansanemi · 4 months
Every now and then someone will follow me and in their ridiculously long DNI it will say “Renkaza shippers do not interact” and in that moment I always just. Have so many questions
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useless-catalanfacts · 10 months
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People from Vilanova i la Geltrú (Penedès, Catalonia) celebrating their city’s festa major (local festivity). Each town and city has their own festes majors, set on a different day depending on their patron saints. Festes majors are one of the biggest festivities among Catalan traditions, which are celebrated with traditional dance and music. Though there are festes majors throughout the year, most of them are in summer.
Photos by Ajuntament de Vilanova i la Geltrú on Flickr.
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pissmoon · 3 days
If u see a stranger on the internet complaining about some stupid shit they saw online and act smartassy about 'u should curate ur online experience. Lol clearly ur a loser idiot who obsessively hatefollows ppl you find annoying otherwise ud never see something u dislike on the internet' can you follow ur own advice. If u think my post is dumb and u never ever see dumb posts online because you 'curate your online experience' then why did u see it. Ur complaining about people complaining. Curate ur online experience to not see my posts if they annoy you so much maybe?
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rosareversa · 1 year
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Anselm Feuerbach Paolo and Francesca, 1864 Oil on canvas, 137 x 99.5 cm Schackgalerie, Munich
↪ Get this design on a notebook 🥀
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creativecommonsplants · 8 months
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Giant Honey Flower by je_wyer on Flickr.
This work is licensed under CC BY 2.0. 
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resplendent-chungus · 1 month
1, 2, 3 and 14 for the ask game!
1. Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic. Imagine a one-shot, either 1k or 5k words exactly. It's either a character study where very little happens but what does is kinda fucked, or a silly lil jaunt through comedy zone. Or better yet, an unfinished WIP that I lose enthusiasm for like 2 chapters in (I swear I'll update Tomorrow I'll be Perfect and the Funger au any day/week/month/year now). Those things are like crack to me.
2. Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to? Aside from pure smut tropes (I've never written about sex pollen I don't think soooooooo) I would say Only One Bed, or maybe Hanahaki disease?
3. Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole?
There's plenty of mediocre AU tropes I find boring (no one tell Mermaid AU and Mafia AU but they're so fucking boring. I've yet to find a single one that's had a better sales pitch than "Okay but hear me out. What if Blorbo from my shows was actually a mermaid/mafia head. What do you mean that's not a plot in and of itself?")
Still, I just find them boring, I don't hate them with enough intensity to justify the question. Nothing popular really fits the bill, not even the dreaded 5+1. The only thing that qualifies is historical AUs, especially AUs set in specific historical events. I will always care more about the history in question than the blorbos being shoved into it, which I don't think makes for good writing. Some people think making their blorbos kiss during the french revolution is more important than the dissolution of the feudal rights of the nobility. I am not one of them. Nothing is more important than the dissolution of the feudal rights of the nobility.
14. What’s the worst writing advice you’ve ever come across?
To care about your blorbos kissing more than the dissolution of the feudal rights of the nobility I really can't say. I've seen plenty of it, but nothing so bad it's stuck with me until this day.... I guess that Lily Orchard thread? It was dumb.
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"Are you proship or an anti" I'm an adult with a full time job thank you
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honestlyvan · 11 months
As someone who doesn’t use Twitter and hasn’t used it since 2016, at this point I feel like every even slightly Twitter-esque (let alone overt Twitter-esque) design choice Tumblr makes gets yelled about because People Really Just Fucking Hate Twitter whether they realise it or not.
Which, like. Fair ‘nuff. I also hate Twitter, which is why I don’t use it. But nobody ever really gives these design decisions any time to percolate on this site in favour of kneejerk “they changed it and we hate it” reaction. Public likes are not new. Multiple tabs on a dashboard (some of them not things you opted into seeing) are not new. Having to block ads with external tools is not new (and it’s a big deal that photomatt said the words “ad blocker”, like, you couldn’t get that shit on any other profit-driven site, everyone is too scared for their precious monetisation)
The new sidebar, also, I think is pretty ugly right now but it’s probably going to go through a few iterations. I, personally, really wish they’d put the search bar literally anywhere else (maybe group search and discovery together IDK I’m not an UX designer) and I think accessing sideblogs has been too complicated for a while now, but none of those are the same as “this looks like The Other Blue Site”.
Like I’m not a graphic designer. I am certainly not a fucking UX designer, and I think those people are either all nuts or all geniuses. I’m pretty sure the new layout is being extensively heatmapped rn, and what changes it’ll undergo are gonna be done based on that, based on comments that are along the lines of ‘this change would make me more productive’ and less on “WEEEEEH CHANGE IT BACK CHANGE IT BACK CHANGE IT BACK”. 
Your animosity towards change is not meaningful user experience information. You misclicking on shit more *is*. If this layout is really *that* bad and terrible, Automattic’s research tools will demonstrate it as such. The developers now are actually much better versed in Web 2.0 design, for better and for worse.
#van stuff#Also like yes I also hate the touchscreenification of desktop sites#as someone who does not have and does not want a touch screen computer#but that's not a design trend I get to dictate as I am in fact a minority user for this site#and the complaints I am tired of seeing are also coming from other legacy minority users of desktop#There are many good UX reasons to opt for a vertical layout instead of a horizontal one#and I think the majority reason is so that people who are on mobile and desktop simultaneously don't have to have two different brainmaps#for their muscle memory on this site#but like... the vertical sidebar is not the same as 'randomly swapping 'Close' and 'Post'' lol#the top of the screen horizontal bar still does things and there's way less empty space there now#and I get wanting negative space and less screen clutter#like... that's the ONE criticism of this update I can agree with#but that's STILL NOT THE SAME as 'arbitrarily fucking over the muscle memory of EVERY site user'#how many people on this site *ever* move out of their dashboard? I know I do!#but I think it's the minority of people considering the user-curated model of propagation this site is still#*actively* promoting#This site looking superficially more like twitter doesn't change that!#like the sky is not falling call me when they eliminate the ability to browse the tags in favour of a flat search#AGAIN#remember when we had that? Remember how *BAD* it was?#remember how much easier finding stuff became when we got 'browse tags' back as the default search?
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