anzuhan · 1 year
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makaidraws · 1 year
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chromaji · 2 years
i grew up w/ the disgaea series & i love it but its difficult to recommended bc the female character designs are like 60/40 “this is fine” & “dog there’s a 10 year old wearing less than two nickels and a dollar bill” like i cant do this
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killia · 1 year
DRPG is like We're big fans of the D5 cast. Usalia, Majorita, Liezerota, Seraphina... looks at smudged writing on hand killer
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wonderalmighty · 2 years
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“Is it time for people to be dumb again?” Oh so the Majorita wakes up
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memitodu29 · 2 months
"C'est pas possible de considérer comme démocratique un scrutin majorita...
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fanany1966 · 5 months
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Hidup itu sesungguhnya ringan, jika tidak berat. Demikian pula sebaik-baiknya baik, hidup tidaklah berat sekiranya ringan.
Hampir semua filsuf setuju dengan hal itu, kecuali filsuf yang tak setuju. Jika demikian halnya, ngapain juga mengikuti yang tak setuju jika engkau setuju...? Demikian pula ngapain mengikuti yang setuju jika engkau tidak menyetujuinya...?
Maka bermain-mainkanlah pikiran dan perasaanmu sendiri, sebelum engkau dipermainkan oleh orang lain. Entah itu yang bernama dokter, psikolog, atau bahkan psikiater, sosiolog, politikus, dukun, pemabuk, wapres milenial, bekas penculik budiman sudjatmiko, pakdhenya jokowi, luhut, kraeng galesong, hoping --gali keturunan tionghoa yang menguasai sarkem bagian rel sepur.
Karena yang paling ngerti diri kita adalah diri kita sendiri. Kalau ada yang mengatakan orang lain paling ngerti dirimu, atau bahkan mengatakan engkau tak tahu dirimu sendiri, bulshitlah dia, karena itu artinya dia sendiri tak tahu dirinya, setidaknya tak tahu diri. Diri siapapun.
Semua orang pasti tahu dirinya sendiri. Hanya mitos, legenda, klenik, mungkin juga agama, yang mengatakan kita belum tentu tahu siapa diri kita sebenarnya. Kalau memangnya demikian, lantas bagaimana pula disebut manusia adalah makhluk paling sempurna ciptaan tuhan...? Atau kalian mau menghina tuhan sebenarnya...? Awas, pasal UU-ITE masih menyimpan senjata untuk pasal karet berkenaan nganu. Dan Pemerintah Indonesia, kayaknya makin beranjak takut kepada yang bernama majoritas.
Diri kita adalah diri kita. Diri mereka, juga milik diri mereka masing-masing. Karena di antara mereka adalah berbagai individu, dengan berbagai karakter. Wong yang bernama saudara kembar pun bisa beda. Wong yang bedapun bisa kembar, bisa sama, bisa menirukan, bisa memalsu.
"Hidup hanya menunda kekalahan, tambah terasing dari cinta sekolah rendah, dan tahu, ada yang tetap tidak diucapkan, sebelum pada akhirnya kita menyerah," tulis Chairil Anwar (1922 - 1949), seolah menyindir dirinya sendiri. Karena, mungkin dia tahu siapa dirinya.
Berkata Gandhi, "Bumi ini cukup untuk tujuh generasi, namun tidak akan pernah cukup untuk tujuh orang serakah." Karena menurut Sang Mahatma, di mana Gus Dur mengaku sebagai pengikutnya, ada 7 dosa sosial yang keji Yakni :
(1) Kekayaan tanpa bekerja.
(2) Kesenangan tanpa hati nurani.
(3) Pengetahuan tanpa karakter.
(4) Perdagangan tanpa moralitas.
(5) Ilmu tanpa Kemanusiaan.
(6) Agama tanpa pengurbanan.
(7) Politik tanpa prinsip.
Yang terakhir itu saya tahu siapa saja...? Tapi biarkan saja jika tak mengakuinya...!!!
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Αποκαλυπτικός Κώστας Βαξεβανης: Ο βρόμικος εκλογικός στρατός του Μητσοτάκη
Τον Ιανουάριο του 2023 ο ιστότοπος newsbomb.gr δημοσιεύει ένα ρεπορτάζ με τίτλο «Σκάνδαλο Majoritas: To Μαξίμου χρησιμοποιεί ευαίσθητα προσωπικά μας δεδομένα για πολιτικές καμπάνιες». Στο εν λόγω ρεπορτάζ, το οποίο δίνει υπόσταση σε φήμες που υπήρχαν για ρουμανική εταιρεία που χρησιμοποιεί ο Κυριάκος Μητσοτάκης για να κάνει καμπάνιες προσωπικής στόχευσης, κατονομάζονται η εταιρεία Majoritas και…
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thoughtfullyblogger · 6 months
Αποκαλυπτικός Κώστας Βαξεβανης: Ο βρόμικος εκλογικός στρατός του Μητσοτάκη
Τον Ιανουάριο του 2023 ο ιστότοπος newsbomb.gr δημοσιεύει ένα ρεπορτάζ με τίτλο «Σκάνδαλο Majoritas: To Μαξίμου χρησιμοποιεί ευαίσθητα προσωπικά μας δεδομένα για πολιτικές καμπάνιες». Στο εν λόγω ρεπορτάζ, το οποίο δίνει υπόσταση σε φήμες που υπήρχαν για ρουμανική εταιρεία που χρησιμοποιεί ο Κυριάκος Μητσοτάκης για να κάνει καμπάνιες προσωπικής στόχευσης, κατονομάζονται η εταιρεία Majoritas και…
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greekblogs · 6 months
Αποκαλυπτικός Κώστας Βαξεβανης: Ο βρόμικος εκλογικός στρατός του Μητσοτάκη
Τον Ιανουάριο του 2023 ο ιστότοπος newsbomb.gr δημοσιεύει ένα ρεπορτάζ με τίτλο «Σκάνδαλο Majoritas: To Μαξίμου χρησιμοποιεί ευαίσθητα προσωπικά μας δεδομένα για πολιτικές καμπάνιες». Στο εν λόγω ρεπορτάζ, το οποίο δίνει υπόσταση σε φήμες που υπήρχαν για ρουμανική εταιρεία που χρησιμοποιεί ο Κυριάκος Μητσοτάκης για να κάνει καμπάνιες προσωπικής στόχευσης, κατονομάζονται η εταιρεία Majoritas και…
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Αποκαλυπτικός Κώστας Βαξεβανης: Ο βρόμικος εκλογικός στρατός του Μητσοτάκη
Τον Ιανουάριο του 2023 ο ιστότοπος newsbomb.gr δημοσιεύει ένα ρεπορτάζ με τίτλο «Σκάνδαλο Majoritas: To Μαξίμου χρησιμοποιεί ευαίσθητα προσωπικά μας δεδομένα για πολιτικές καμπάνιες». Στο εν λόγω ρεπορτάζ, το οποίο δίνει υπόσταση σε φήμες που υπήρχαν για ρουμανική εταιρεία που χρησιμοποιεί ο Κυριάκος Μητσοτάκης για να κάνει καμπάνιες προσωπικής στόχευσης, κατονομάζονται η εταιρεία Majoritas και…
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tearosepedall · 9 months
JARANG TOH... so far i baru nemu like, 3 wkwkwk
salah fandom kali :v
Kemungkinan besar- kebanyakan fandom majoritas orang luar tp ada ketemu orang indo beberapa di fandom space- Special rasanya jd langkah wkwkwk
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chromaji · 1 year
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i like how Usalia went from “Yay I did it!” during the chapter where she thought she killed Majorita, to “i hate her, but if we kill her, we’d be no better than her😔” in the final chapter, and now to “i hate you and you better be FUCKING thankful we dont kill you” in the postgame
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theshatteredrose · 1 year
Nugatory: The Secret War (Chapter 35) - Disgaea 5 Fanfiction
AN: Hope everyone enjoys reading~
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Chapter 35:
Void Dark’s castle, Dark Demise, was as impressive as Samuel’s imagined it would be. How the egotistical man had managed to generate such a stronghold, he could only speculate. He had more sway and power over his Lost Soldiers than Samuel could ever imagine.
It was not an easy Netherworld to reach. It really took Gorgeous Reborn barrelling into it for them to make their way onto its outer reaches. If only the Anti-Netherworld Combat canon, or whatever that blast was, worked. But Bloodis, more powerful than before, blocked it.
Incredible. Samuel was not looking forward to facing him in battle again.
Of course, Seraphina stumbled from the ‘force of the impact’ and landed straight into Killia’s chest and arms. That was not an accident.
He would have to give her kudos for that one.
Sadly for her, Samuel did not need to ram a Netherworld into an enemy’s fortress to find his way into Killia’s embrace. So, he would give her that little win. For now.
But because of that certain collision, Gorgeous Reborn was now connected to Dark Demise. Lost Soldiers were able to come and go as freely as they could. They had no choice but to plough forward and defeat every enemy they came across and end the war, one way or another.
That was not what was troubling Samuel the most, however.
Immediately upon stepping foot within the Outer limits of Dark Demise, they were attacked by unfathomably loyal Lost Soldiers. Yet, they were not ordinary soldiers. They were elites, yet they had also been enhanced.
But not by Seedlings.
No, it was from Majorita’s doing. Broken Faith Magia.
Yet, she, too, had given time limits. Not exact time limits like that of Seedlings. And they did not have the agonising deaths where Snap Draingons sprouted from their bodies. Their bodies simply overheated and they disappeared into the ether.
Different method, same disregard for life.
That child was vile. Truly vile.
That deeply troubled Samuel. Had she taken inspiration from the Seedlings? Were they just experiments in her eyes? Did she take delight in watching victims succumb to them? How did she know about them?
Samuel was not a murderous brute by any stretch, but he was greatly against Usalia’s choice to leave Majorita alive so that she could repent for her sins. He did not believe she had it in her to seek redemption. Not without constant supervision.
He could only hope that Usalia’s choice did not come back to haunt her. For if Majorita did not do an about face and change her ways, her future victims would also be blood on Usalia’s hands…
The only thing they had going for them for the time being was that their enemies did not have the same extreme power that Seedlings were able to grant their victims. Samuel’s Overload Skill was not necessary. They were strong enough to defeat them under their own combined strength.
Still, if they continued, they may be exhausted by the time they reached Void.
“Killia, I sense that Bloodis is up ahead,” Christo announced.
Killia simply nodded his head. “Yeah, his powerful spirit is undeniable.”
Samuel, on the other hand, could not help but wince. “Killia, want for me to-?”
“No, save your strength,” Killia quickly answered. “I need your support for when we face Void Dark in battle. I’m relying on you to ensure everyone’s safety. I…don’t want Void to hurt anyone again.”
Killia’s power had grown significantly that he could very well protect everyone on his own, but it was bolstering for Samuel’s own self-confidence that he needed him there for reassurance.
“I understand. I’ll keep everyone safe.” Samuel smiled and clasped a hand on Killia’s shoulder. “Besides, imagine the look on Void’s face when he realises he can’t hurt anyone.”
Killia gave a small, half smile. “It’ll be worth the wait.”
… … … … …
Bloodis was Goldion all along. Ever since the first time Killia and Zeroken used Adviya Holy Water, all the way back on Dark Testament. All through their battles. Throughout every magical spear. Through everything Void Dark had done.
Everything he had done was in order to help them grow stronger? To teach Killia the Ultimate Demon Technique, Ultimate Skill, Macrocosm?
He…had endured many hardships himself. Forced into a role, by his own murderous and violent son. As Demon General Bloodis, he had devastated many a Netherworld. But as Goldion disguised as Bloodis, he had tried to help them from the shadows the best he could without raising suspicion. A delicate balancing act, one forcing him to watch helplessly as his own son slaughtered millions.
How could he…?
Samuel stood back with the others as Killia and Zeroken spoke to their old master, not entirely sure what to think. He was not close to the man; he never knew him or his legacy. He only knew him as Bloodis, which was truly a shame.
He should not have to pay the ultimate price for the actions of his unworthy son.
It was not fair.
Samuel did not want to insert himself into the conversation, as both Killia and Zeroken looked pained, devastated to see their former master is such a state. To know that he was to be lost to them. For good. And it was something that he, himself, had planned. His time was running out.
But…he had to know something.
Samuel stepped forward cautiously, reluctantly. “Excuse me, Goldion? I need to ask you a question and I need you to answer it honestly, please. Is there a man, a demon with brown hair, half of his head shaved, and with a grey scar covering half of his face, working with Void Dark from the shadows?”
Even with his heavy, fortified armour, Samuel knew that Goldion had turned his head to stare at him, contemplating whether or not to answer his question.
“Please, I need to know,” he implored.
“…There is.”
Samuel drew in a sharp breath and his hands curled into fists at his sides. Damn it!
“Samuel?” Killia called to him, questioningly with concern.
“That is the Arch-Overlord of Nugatory,” Samuel said simply. “I’m afraid Void is the one who’s been used and manipulated here.”
“What do you mean?” Goldion asked.
But Samuel shook his head. It would take too long to explain and Goldion did not have much time left. “Has this demon been gifting your Lost Soldiers objects that look like seeds, but gold in colour with the symbol of a sun with a water droplet etched onto the surfaced?”
Goldion paused before he nodded. “…That is correct.”
Samuel sighed and immediately raised his hands to rub his temples. “That is how Seedlings have been distributed throughout the Netherverse. The Arch-Overlord is behind everything.”
“But why?” Christo was the one to ask.
Samuel shook his head again, this time answering in the negative. “I don’t know.”
He paused suddenly as a realisation struck him. He dropped his hands from his temples and turned around to look at Christo. “Wait…according to legend, the Tree of Death is the misshapen form of a prison, one that holds the manifestation of destruction. Could Arch-Overlord believe in that legend? If so…he’s after the power and energy that Void has been gathering from the Netherverse. Then that means…”
Lieze was…
Samuel spun around to face the man in the dark armour once more. “Goldion, one more thing; Lieze…she’s here, isn’t she?”
Goldion fell silent.
Samuel could not help but allowed some of his frustration to show. “Please, I don’t have time for your silent treatment. If she’s here, then her very existence is in danger.”
“…She is here.”
Killia’s eyes widened. “What?” he uttered out in a short, breathless gasp. “Wh-what do you mean? How-?”
Samuel, himself, felt as though someone had punched him in the chest, but he gritted his teeth and hoped it did not show.
So…he was right.
He knew it was a possibility. Void himself said the war was for his sister. He told him himself.
He knew that there was a chance that Lieze was alive.
So, why did his heart clench and all but stop when Goldion revealed that Lieze within Void’s castle?
It was because he knew that she still had full reign over Killia’s heart, wasn’t it?
Samuel violently shook his head sharply and looked over his shoulder. No, it was not about his feelings. It never was. Now was not the time to think about himself.
“Void used Alma Ice Sculpture,” he said as he looked over at Christo.
Christo returned his gaze and nodded his head grimly. “And the war is an excuse to gather energy needed to ensure Alma Ice Sculpture’s continuous use. Yet, why the sudden uptick in power? If I understand correctly, Lieze was injured long before the war. Does prolong use of Alma Ice Sculpture require more and more energy?”
“The main question is, though; how long does he plan on keeping her alive through this method? How does he plan on bringing her back to life?”
Christo’s frown deepened. “…Broken Faith Magia.”
Samuel’s eyes widened. “Of course. That’s the reason why he’s kept Majorita around, despite her continuous loses to us. He must have been waiting for her to evolve her Overload Skill. To either steal or to sacrifice her in some method. Then…we shouldn’t have left her…”
They should not have left her alive. She was at Void’s mercy now. If she was not already dead, her Overload stolen. But if they had not, Lieze wouldn’t…
Samuel shook his head. “Sorry, Killia, Zeroken,” he said sympathetically. “I didn’t mean to interrupt your time with your master.”
He stepped back, away from the group and Christo promptly joined him. The two huddled together as they continued their discussion in whispers in hushed tones.
“What do you think?” Christo asked him.
“Nothing good,” Samuel admitted. “Arch-Overlord may be attempting to use Lieze as a vessel. All the power and energy that Void Dark has gathered is to go to her. And Arch-Overlord wants to use her to power the tree. Why he hasn’t yet, I don’t know. But he must be planning something. He wouldn’t unleash Seedlings throughout the Netherverse for the thrill of it.”
He was definitely empowering the tree for a purpose.
“He must be waiting for Void Dark to revive her through the use of Broken Faith Magia,” Christo suggested.
Samuel nodded. “I think you might be right. A living vessel would be more useful than a dead one.”
The most frightening part to his revelation was the fact that brutal and violent as Void Dark had been, there was a strong possibility that he was being manipulated by Arch-Overlord. What was that demon capable of? Was he simply good with words and pretty promises? Or did he have the strength to back them up, too?
Both Samuel and Christo winced and shot each other sorrowful glances when they heard Killia’s voice desperately call out to his master.
Samuel turned around in time to witness Killia and Zeroken kneeling by their master’s side, each holding a hand in theirs, unable to do anything as their master’s body began to dissipate into the either in small orbs of light.
Then…he was gone.
Samuel dashed forward and immediately made his way to Killia. He dropped down to his knees and hugged him from behind; folding his arms across Killia’s stomach and torso as he pressed his cheek against back, between his wings.
That was all the comfort he could offer him for the moment.
Killia truly lost a precious person because of Void Dark.
But there was still a chance to save the one that had residency in his heart.
… … … … …
The encounter against, what they thought at the time was Demon General Bloodis but was actually Goldion, was not an easy battle. And the aftermath was even more devastating. So they returned to Gorgeous Reborn to recuperate for a short while.
And for Killia to take a few moments to gather his whirlwind of thoughts.
Samuel was partly to blame for that. The questions he had asked Goldion revealed a lot of distressing replies, but they were answers that they needed to know. Especially those regarding Lieze. But it was best that it was Goldion that revealed her existence and not someone else.
With a flutter of his wings, Samuel made his way onto the walkway above the main bridge and he quietly made his way to the lone figure sat on the corner platform. Killia stared out through the windows, at the Netherworld Dark Demise with an stoic expression.
“How did you know about Lieze?” Killia asked him as he approached.
Samuel bit the inside of his mouth to hold back a wince. “You remember the Netherworld where we met Void for the second time, don’t you?”
“When Void suddenly appeared and separated us? Yeah, I remember.”
Samuel lowered himself down to sit next to him. “Back on that world, when I was left alone with Void, I knew that there was no way I could fight him. So, in desperation, I attempt to engage in conversation with him. And, for some reason, it worked.”
Killia snapped his head toward him, to look at him incredulously. “What?”
“It wasn’t much of a conversation,” Samuel said with a forced half smile. “But I did get a few pieces of information out of him.”
Killia fell silent as he continued to look at him. “…Was it then that you realise that Lieze may be somehow involved?”
Samuel gave a slow nod of his head. “Yes. I asked him if the purpose of this war was his sister, and he confirmed it. She was the reason he was gathering energy. And with him having already stolen your Overload skill Alma Ice Sculpture, I put two and two together.”
The man beside him fell silent once more as he turned his head to look out over at Dark Demise once more. His expression was as impassive as before. Contemplative, Samuel hoped. Yet, he could not help but feel a little panicky.
“I didn’t want to hurt you, Killia,” he began. “I didn’t want to raise the possibility and for it to be false. I didn’t want to break your heart. That is why I didn’t tell you about my theory from back then.”
Really, how did one start that kind of conversation?
“I wanted to say something earlier,” he continued to ramble, “but then Killidia happened, and then the Seedlings, and then I had my own breakdown and issues.”
Killia continued to remain silent and Samuel felt nauseated.
“…Are you mad?” he asked weakly.
“No.” Killia finally turned to look at him. “I understand why you did it. You did it for my sake. Everything you’ve done has been for someone else’s sake. This is no different.”
Samuel felt like he could breathe again. “Killia…”
“But there’s something else, isn’t there?”
Samuel didn’t want to say it, but he had to now. “I don’t know what condition she may be in. Arch-Overlord has been confirmed to be involved. I don’t know what he’s capable of. I’m worried. If it was just Void, then there was a chance that he was just trying to bring her back to life. But Arch-Overlord’s involvement brings many unpredictable possibilities.”
Killia frowned as he suddenly looked at him with concern and…guilt? “You…you’ve been carrying this with you this whole time?”
“Ah, I guess so.” Samuel shook his head before he placed a hand on Killia’s shoulder, pivoting slightly to face him. “But this isn’t about me, Killia. This is about you. Lieze may be saved. How…do you feel about that?”
An uneasy expression flickered across Killia’s face and he released a deep sigh, his shoulders slumping forward. “…I don’t know,” he admitted. “I don’t know how I feel honestly.”
Samuel did not know how to feel about it either. His head was a mess and his chest, his heart ached. So much.
It was selfish. Oh-so selfish, but he was scared that he was going to lose Killia. That the strong connection they had built up over the time they had spent together was coming to an end. It was going to be severed.
And there was nothing he could, or would do, to stop it.
If Lieze was alive, if she could be saved, Killia was going to choose her over him. There was…there was no doubt in his mind that he would. And when he did, Samuel would have no choice but to leave because…seeing Killia with someone else, even seeing him happy with someone else, would be too much for him. And his heart.
And he was afraid what would happen if his heart was constantly broken…
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dingo-doods · 2 years
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Since I've only played through the first two Disgaea games, I'm mostly unfamiliar with all the extra characters in Disgaea RPG, so I've been playing through the Netherworld History mode, which goes through the stories of the games (most of them). Anyhow, I'm currently playing through the story of Disgaea 5 and came across this character, Majorita, who is one of the first units I pulled in the game. Turns out she's one of the villains! So I doodled this lil thing up.
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the-dood · 2 years
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When you slaughtered a Netherworld full of bunni
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