#makin noise
nagashtheundying · 1 month
the corpse formerly known as trazynstolemygender
TW for untagged hard kinks not limited to but including cnc, intox, fauxcest, sadism, terato, breeding, piss, and more
like what i do? you can help me out here!
- nobody likes you when you're 23
- bile by name, bile by nature (aka you can call me bile)
- it/its pronouns (yeah i know i rbed a post with he/him for the pov but shhhhh)
- poly (not with you, that is say not looking on tumblr)
- pervy butch wolfdog older littermate
- can i call myself t4t? aaaah who cares, hot trans folks to the front of the line
- dms are mutals only, feel free to flirt or tell me what you want to do me or vice versa or talk movies and ttrpgs, though i do ask that you at least say hi before starting sexual talk
- asks are wide open for everyone and anyone! any topics allowed, any ask games i reblog no matter how old, thoughts, questions, comments, whatever is on your mind. though if you're submitting an old ask game please add the questions not justnumbers so i know what im answering.
tags what i use
- #wolf posting- dommy thoughts, breeding, sadism, primal play, werewolf stuff, anything that makes me feel particularly wolfish
- #awooo..., #awooo- feeling subby, petplay when im subbing, really just whenever i feel like a dumb little ouppy
- #necrodermis- oh hey its me!
- #makin noise- if you so desire to hear my voice
- #cute mutual !- you know what this one is.....
- #gorgeous people- non mutuals picture tag
- #ama (ask me anytime)- when im feeling like a pimp and a philosopher, ask tag
- #me n bun- thinking about my lovely partner
-#spewing bile- my writing
- #the hound- knight posting
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lylahammar · 6 months
does anyone else feel like they become neurotypical while they're in the shower
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taterswithranch · 2 months
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skeleton time :)
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vampirenoise · 1 year
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the byoc doom 2 noise and peppino sprites but i edited them to look like pizzelle and pizzano
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sinestrosmind · 6 months
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so more shenanigans with @tinyghostotus this time with @so-called-yokai
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pinkyjulien · 10 months
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Valentin & Mitch | 649/?? 🥺👉👈 TankTop by @kharonion!
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liltordle · 1 year
Peppino chucking Theodore Noise into a wall, full force?(Splat)?
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that’s gonna leave a mark,,,
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suck dick quieter >:^(
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monster-noises · 13 days
I spend perhaps too much time thinking about Alternate Paths of Reality, not like.. changing decisions to avoid bad things that have happened in my life
But like
Where's the me who followed his more Academic dreams?
What's Bartholomew the Archavist who studied art history and the medieval period up to? And what about Bartholomew the Curator? Or Bartholomew the Crematory Operator?
Are they having a better time than I am? Does Knowing Things make them feel more... Human? I have to imagine they're more satisfied and content, just, overall.
Never sure where these thoughts are going but I spend a lot of time on them.
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scriv3lloirl · 21 days
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brick-a-doodle-do · 2 years
HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! ITS HALLOWEEN! THAT MEANS ITS TIME FOR A HAUNTED AU BECAUSE WHY NOT? :D I've been working on this for literal MONTHS because procrastination and writers block is a biiitch
The Act of Making Noise (i)
Words: 2427
TW: Swearing, Slight panic
“Techno, why are they so tall?” Tommy asked, leaning against the wall beside the hole the two of them used as a doorway. Near him, still inside the tunnels they’d made, was his brother, grunting and mumbling things  to himself as he pushed a glass bottle through the last little bit of the corridor. 
Techno huffed, in amusement. “They’re humans, Tommy. They’re tall. What did you expect?”
Tommy shrugged. While he’d never encountered a human nearing anywhere his size, he still had enough experience with them to understand that, typically, they were much shorter than the two that chatted incoherently in the living quarters the home had to offer. The blond folded his arms. 
“Of course they’re humans, I’m not fucking stupid. They’re taller than they should be.” Tommy pondered on what to say for just a moment, eyes scanning all over the home for a useful comparison. “You see that window?” He pointed to it, despite knowing full-well that his brother’s attention was on everything but him. “Well, usually, they don’t go very far above that little…bar in the middle of it. They’re nearly to the top of the window, though. Something is wrong with them.”
Techno let out a sharp exhale as he let go of the breath he’d held while pushing the glass onto the counter. The pinket looked at him, a faux look of interest all over his face. “You.. you found an alien, Tommy.” 
Tommy folded his arms, “I'm just saying,”
His brother huffed again, turning his attention back to the bottle. “Are you helping me with this?” He motioned to the glass that easily tripled his size. Tommy stared it up and down, eyes flicking back-and-forth from the humans to the bottle.
 “Is that really a good idea?” Tommy questioned after a small moment. 
Techno’s face fell, eyes glaring into his own. He snickered, trying to stay quiet. To be fair, he still was on the fence about it. While it seemed like a good idea and was often their go-to in situations like this, there was something off about the humans. Not the height or their appearance, but something Tommy couldn’t quite place. They looked so calm in a place that humans typically found unsettling. Between the quiet, brief fits of laughter and the subtle smiles on their face, nothing there looked like it usually did. And he found that a bit discomforting, even if his brother doesn’t. 
He watched through the corner of his eye as Techno shrugged to himself and returned to the bottle, leaving Tommy’s unsaid response in the dust as he prepared to continue on the job independently. He shifted his weight to his feet and joined the pinket, allowing Techno to make room for him before he placed his hands on the glass and applied little pressure while the two of them took small steps forward. “Won’t they see this?” Tommy spoke up, quieter now. 
“Humans aren’t that observant.” 
“If I saw a glass bottle fucking wiggling around on the counter, I would notice it,” he tried to defend himself.
“Tommy, that's why you’re a borrower, not a human.”
Tommy rolled his eyes, once again fucking defeated. He murmured to himself, reassuring his pissed off mind that he was right and they’d be caught any minute. Don’t get him wrong, he did agree with Techno that humans were more than dumb when it came to using their senses, but again, that feeling in his chest told him that the humans the two of them are currently dealing with aren’t like the typical cocky teenagers they get. But, he knew there  wasn’t room for argument when it came to his brother, so he kept his mouth shut.
Eventually, after a few moments of nearly stumbling over his own feet, they reached the edge.
This was the hardest part. 
Not the final push, that was easy, but the run back to the walls. The bottle didn’t take a while to fall, if anything by the time they began to make their journey back to safety, the glass would’ve already shattered and caught the humans’ attention. Usually they were pretty good at hiding.  But those were the days where the trespassers were spread out around the house, and didn’t have the same relaxed bodies like the current ones did. He assumed it would be easy for Techno, seeing as he’s older than him and has much better stamina than him, but Tommy doesn’t know if he’ll make it without tripping. 
Soon, before Tommy could form a proper plan and discuss his worries with Techno, his hands were no longer touching the cold material. Tommy wasted no time in leaving. Panic flooded throughout him as he took the lead easily, focussing far too hard on keeping his footing steady as he ran along the old counter. He approached the hole in the wall too slowly for his liking, still only a little bit over half-way when the bottle shattered on the ground. Shit. He added another tone he didn’t know he had to his speed, and found himself nearly sliding into the hole. His feet slid on the dusty surface, but he still huffed in relief of now being hidden away in the shadows. He panted, now slowing his movements down while he stepped aside, away from the opening. He watched as Techno came in after him, however at a much more calm speed. “You’re faster than me, that’s an improvement.”
“You didn’t give me a fucking warning,” Tommy complained, now holding a hand to his chest as it heaved, harsh inhales and exhales traveling through his lungs.
“Are you still scared of humans, loser?”
“No,” Tommy scoffed.
Techno looked like he wanted to say something, but he shut up when he noticed the new arrival of the humans.
The tall duo still held that awful smile, just adding to his theory. Tommy watched the two of them crouch and go almost out of view. The only thing visible was the very top of their heads, where similarly-colored hair lay atop. He swallowed, attempting to try and listen in on the conversation. But, it was pretty damn hard to do that when his heart was pounding in his ears. 
Tommy frowned, standing. No use in watching them if he couldn’t hear them, it would just pile frustration onto him. So, he walked past Techno and set off down the dark tunnel only slightly luminated at the end, where their makeshift home was.
The place itself was much more modern and clean than the rest of the house, but it still was small. It was a given, since they decided to dedicate most of their storage to different types of empty bottles and other fragile objects. Tommy noticed as he entered the main body of their home that they were running low on their stock of said bottles. A few of them rested in the corner, but not enough to last for more than two parties, if that.
The blond huffed as he sat on his bed, the almost-stiff “mattress” under him failing to act like a real one, instead making the dramatic fall almost uncomfortable. He has to admit that, even if he enjoys the so-called “easy life of a borrower”, he still hates the fact that their living conditions are so shitty. It would be much easier to live a life they had now, but in a home occupied with a human. Then maybe his life wouldn’t be so miserable when he overthinks it. But, then again, if they lived with a human, then he wouldn’t be able to have that freedom the two of them crave. But, then again–
“They left,” Techno announced, somewhat of a smile on his face. Tommy returned the expression, though his was more genuine and far more visible. The blond shifted to the side so his brother could take a seat next to him.
“Are you sure? They didn’t look scared.”
“I watched them walk out the door. Unless they climb back in through the window upstairs, they’re gone, Tommy.”
“They were weird, Techno. I thought you were supposed to be ‘observant’ or some shit.” 
“Weird or not, they are gone.”
Gone. They were everything but gone. The evening came and went, and by the time Techno was finally stirring with the sun, Tommy had already been awake for two hours to watch the humans. They arrived at an oddly early hour, with mounds of equipment that Tommy couldn’t name. Something was wrong, and he was right about that. And he thought Techno was supposed to be the more put-together and “smart” one. That’s total bullshit. 
Tommy hadn’t moved. He just sat in the shadows, right in front of the opening, studying every little thing the duo did. One thing that made Tommy disappointed and doubtful was the sheer amount of stuff they had. Under normal circumstances, humans usually only had a little backpack, if that – usually they had nothing.
But even after they’d discarded the overly-packed backpacks and multiple other things Tommy didn’t recognize, they still had equipment all over themselves. The one thing Tommy could recognize was a flashlight, something he’d seen the humans have more than once. And if he’s not mistaken, they’ve also set up many cameras around the home, which just added to the uncomfortably tight feeling in his chest. While he watches, he wonders what Techno would say. Tommy had been right this entire fucking time and Techno just had to be the “correct” one and not even stop to think for a second that sometimes Tommy can be exceptionally bright despite being the younger and the more unorganized one in their lonely duo. 
Small footsteps broke his train of thought and he looked up and to the side, where he could just barely make out the outline of Techno, who’s long hair was frizzled and made his appearance a small bit frightening. “They’re back, Tech,” Tommy said aloud, sounding a mix of unimpressed and cocky. 
“What?” Techno asked, his pace quickening as his brother rushed to the small opening in the wall. Tommy watched with a gentle smirk as Techno’s expression shifted into something of shock, where his eyes widened and his mouth went agape, like he was rethinking everything he’s ever said. 
“See, you should listen to me. And, and, they’ve got fucking cameras everywhere. Look at the bags by the window, Techno! I don’t think they’re leaving anytime soon,”
The man looked defeated. And, Tommy didn't expect him to do this, but he nodded. “..you’re right,” Techno admitted, and the blond scoffed. “Of course I’m right! I told you from the beginning that–”
“Now is not the time to argue about–”
The two of them paused when eyes landed right by them. Logically they were safe within the shadows but they still stumbled back behind the walls. “What the fuck, could they see us, Techno?” Tommy huffed, struggling to find his brother in the dark. “No,” Techno said, but he sounded unsure of himself, like he was just saying it to make himself feel better. 
Tommy tried to calm himself, knowing that even if the two humans had seen them, they wouldn't jump straight to the conclusion of a borrower, they’d start smaller. A mouse or a rat would be just as plausible. 
“Can we go?” Tommy asks. 
“I think we have to. To get a better plan.”
Tommy nodded and stood up, straining his eyes so he could make sure Techno did the same. They set off down the hall again. 
Actually visiting a house was fairly common, but returning a second time just a day after was a bit less frequent than they’d like to admit. Everything in a supposedly ‘haunted’ house intrigued both Wilbur and Ranboo, especially when they both agreed that something may be there, but their more advanced  equipment didn't typically make an appearance unless they were certain that something was there. And, after the events with the bottle, multiple apparitions appearing in photos they took around the house, and the uneasy feeling around the entire home that the two of them both noticed, was definitely enough to make them suspicious. Not completely convinced, not yet, but pretty damn close. 
“Here, set that there, and– yeah,” Wilbur instructed, watching as Ranboo set up one of the many cameras they had. The shorter of the two was working on a motion sensing device, one of two that they had. A lot of people they came across said that they might be a bit over-equipped, but seeing as this was just for fun, they had no problem with going all out. Besides, more is usually better. 
“Ranboo?” Wilbur asked as he leaned over to get a new device from his bag. He pulled out random shit he packed while looking for something easy to set up. “Yep?” 
“You know the bottle, from yesterday?” He pulled another camera out, however this one detected skeleton-like objects that stood in front of it. This was one that rarely displayed anything other than real humans, which was a little disappointing to them. But, then again, he couldn't really say that some of the other stuff they got didn't make up for a possibly-faulty piece of equipment. 
“I'd be concerned if I didn’t remember it. I mean, my memory is bad but not that bad. Why do you ask?”
Wilbur laughed, “I don’t know, I was just wondering if we could put something up there. Maybe another bottle, or a can, or something for this thing to move.”
Through the corner of his eye, he saw Ranboo’s head go in the direction of the kitchen, which was just across the house. Wilbur followed his gaze, staring at it. “It's worth a try, but do we have a bottle?”
Wilbur shrugged. Just as he did, movement from under him caught his attention. He looked down at the camera, hope sparking. “Ranboo, Ranboo, come here,” Wilbur gestured excitedly for his friend to join his side. He heard Ranboo set something down then shuffle his way. “What the hell? It works?”
On the screen, small green bars and white dots built up to create a perfect figure, however nothing was actually there. “I–I guess–” Wilbur exhaled, eyes wide and alert. There was a high grin on his face as he continued to study the unexistent figure. It moved just barely, the skeleton-like outline’s arm moved like it was waving. The duo were at a comical loss of words as they were both amazed and humored at the action. 
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sanguinaryrot · 9 months
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when the actual ink ur supposed to use for block printing gets here I’m gonna make shirts that will make me look so offputting
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angelbabydoll28 · 4 months
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atherea · 4 months
fighting gods toughest battles rn
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navar44 · 1 year
On hot days I wonder if borrowers try to find a way to hang out in fridges. I know I’d set up shop in the back of the fridge in winter clothes so I’d be nice and comfy.
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clovemon · 1 year
Did u know that there's actually not very many academically sound studies on how much language pokemon can actually comprehend and how much is learned behaviors to certain phrases. I think there should be more research on this actually
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