baby-blue-ana · 21 days
sorry for not posting much... again
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I blame him. I've been building a diet & workout plan based on him, and it's been all-consuming.
I've also been eating 800 kcals and under for like a week and I'M NOT FUCKING USED TO IT SO I CAN'T THINKHOWDOYOUPEOPLEDOTHISOMFG-
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I mean I'm literally 95lbs, but I usually fluctuate between eating whatever + occasionally restricting calories (not a good indulgence control track record ngl), forgetting to eat for 10-12 hours at a time, or sporadically timed fasts. Plus always prioritizing protein & sodium while aiming for low sugar & fat. Sooooo new experiences 😀
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fuzzarchive · 1 year
aaaaawwwwrright class 2dae we begin r unit on sparkledog repwoduction OwO
first, t3h f3mal3 will get hr0n hr0n. u can tell she iz hr0n hr0n bcuz she will b reading yaoiz XD
den t3h mal3 will search for any f3mal3s dat r hr0n hr0n >:3. when he finds 1 he w1ll pr3s3nt her w1th his B1G COLORFUL KN0T 0F D00M!!!!!!!111!!1! XD
den th3y w1ll y1ff an y1ff unt1l t3h mal3 cums rainbowz :3. t3h f3mal3 w1ll bcome preggers!!!!!!!!! OwO
while t3h f3mal3 iz preggers t3h mal3 w1ll br1ng her fewd liek wafflez an spleenz. den t3h f3mal3 will lay eggz. t3h numbeh of eggz she w1ll ovip0s1ti0n will b RaNd0m!!!!!!! 0.o
each egg w1ll hatch in2 a nu sparkleh babbeh. an dats how babbehs r maed ^_^
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aita-alternia · 1 year
AITA for culling my mat3spirit’s kism3sis?,
I (9 mal3 Purpl3) hav3 a mat3spirit (9 mal3 Rust), who I am flush3d for v3ry much., R3c3ntly, h3 has gott3n into a kism3ssitud3 with his 3x-morail (9 f3mal3 Bronz3).,
Normally I would be v3ry supportiv3 of my mat3sprit (who I’ll call “R”) taking a st3p towards troll s3r3ndipity, as h3 is a v3ry withdrawn person and bar3ly has any fri3nds (despit3 b3ing a sw33tbloodpush3r and his dashing looks <3), how3v3r, his 3x-Morail (who I’ll call “B”) has always put m3 off.
Th3y brok3 up b3for3 I m3t., but R says that the story goes like this;, th3y both us3d to fly around in a flying machin3 that they built tog3th3r (how p3culiar)., This was a common occur3nc3 for them, however, on3 day, whil3 th3y w3r3 flying ov3r the oc3an, som3thing t3rribl3 happ3n3d and th3y plumm3t3d to the oc3an. R n3v3r told m3 what happ3n3d that night. But th3 morning aft3r, h3 3nd3d up wash3d ashor3 and that’s how w3 m3t. How Romantic <3,,,
Anyways, aft3r that B ended up blaming R for th3 accid3nt, and 3v3n mad3 him b3li3v3 sh3 was d3ad for a whil3 and brok3 up with him., R f33ls t3rribly guilty for what happ3n3d and isolat3d hims3lf (h3nc3 his no fri3nds), and basically l3t h3r walk all ov3r him.,
I think that R b3cam3 B’s kissm3sis in ord3r to h3r back at him., Sh3 usually giv3s him the cold should3r, so I found h3r sudd3n int3r3st in him suspicious., H3 invit3d h3r ov3r to his hiv3 for th3 first tim3, and I got a bad f33ling., So I us3d on3 of my fancy charicull3rs to G3’s to h3r hiv3 b3for3 sh3 did.,
I confornt3d h3r in front of his hiv3., My chuckl3voodoos told m3 that son3thing was up. B had this slight trac3 of dark 3n3rgy (not lik3 the dark carnival, but som3thing that was against th3 caurnival) around h3r, so I grabb3d my fan (my strif3 sp3cibi) and cull3d h3r on th3 spot., I n33d3d to fufill my Subjugating quota anyways.
R saw th3 whol3 d3bacl3, and got v3ry ups3t. H3 call3d m3 hurtful things such as that I “murd3r3r3d his b3st fri3nd” and that I am “Obs3ssed” with him. I 3nd3d up using my chucklevodoos to calm him down, but it was a lot harder than usual (I will us3 my chuckl3voodoos on him tomorrow as w3ll, and aft3r that h3 will hav3 forgott3n all about this <3)., This mak3s m3 think that I might hav3 cross3d a lin3.
R is my knight in shining armor, I want3d to b3 abl3 to sav3 him for onc3 <3.,
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lunarsilkscreen · 1 year
Malachi (Pragmatism)
Is a weird chapter. This section is titled "Breaking the covenant by withholding tithes." (Taxes):
Mal3:6: "I the Lord do not change. So you, the descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed. 7 Ever since the time of your ancestors you have turned away from my decrees and have not kept them. Return to me, and I will return to you,” says the Lord Almighty.
It's written as the Lord God speaking through a person named Malachi (the messenger). But, if it's like Jacob, then it's Malachi interpreting the negative situation of whatever crisis he is writing about.
The first thing I'd like to note is the first line "I the Lord do not change." This reflects what is in Lao Tzu's teaching "The Dao that can be told, is not the eternal Dao."
Both mean the same thing. The Dao, or for the Jews, Muslims, and Christians, the Lord God. Does Not change. (A lot of people stopped reading because I just introduced pagan terminology to both sides and they do not like it.)
It is instead the interpretation of God, or the Dao, or the Force, that does change. And why writing down what is commanded by God, or what is right or wrong by the Dao depends on context.
This coincides with teachings on moral absolutism. Deontology. Or Pragmatism: "The right thing to do depends on the situation you are in"
Equating Aetheistic teaching with Christian teaching ALWAYS pisses off the Catholics. So it's the cool thing to do. (It also pisses off the Aethisitic extremists that really hate that religion exists, even while citing ethical theories developed by Christians and Buddhists.)
Alternatively: Just because you signed a contract, doesn't make that contract good for either side. (Or on a macro scale, good for the environment, Morally and Ethically, the Dao, or God himself.)
The rest of Malachi is about how the people who claimed to be religious stopped fearing God because they were "faithful". They called themselves Jewish, Muslim, or Christian, or whatever. They said they believed in God, meanwhile Malachi 1:6
“A son honors his father, and a slave his master. If I am a father, where is the honor due me? If I am a master, where is the respect due me?” says the Lord Almighty. “It is you priests who show contempt for my name."
There is a lot more to that chapter, and there can be a lot said about "contradictions in the Bible" such as how it talks about "Divorce is NOT OK" Even though Moses had early said it's "aight". Because of the lack of accountability for the children abandoned in divorce. Divorce, in that instance, I would interpret as "Divorce from the Child" and not explicitly "Divorce from the Wife".
In conclusion:
Malachi is talking about people who turned their backs on God while still "going through the motions" and they believe that because they're "going through the motions" that they're doing what is right.
But they don't understand why they do it, or how it could be interpreted as "dick moves". Or why it's better to fear God than it is to worship him.
Because God will send a hurricane to drown everybody in Florida if there's not enough "thoughts and prayers".
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dulcewrites · 2 years
I saw girls in Tik Tok claiming that Nettles was in the way of Daemon and Nyra..they are blaming a 16 year old instead of the 50 year old man, the MaL3 wifeee that was supposed to be by her wife's side as she was grieving her sons' death.
Wow.Just wow.
Also people there claiming she is his Daughter when he never cared for his daughters in the first place in the show; also in the books, when Nettles left, Carexes' screeches broke the windows and he disobeyed Nyra's order that wanted the girl's death.
Feel bad for Nyra..he lost her sons, her family and Daemon is there fooling around with a child and the sad thing, Nyra will never blame her..groomer(if people said that their relationship is normal for medieval's standards, I'm gonna fight them, it's still creepy and disgusting)
Sorry for the rant
Also people telling that D is out of character at the end of the episode..the man killed his first wife, neglected the second and he ignores his two daughters🙄
Also people there saying the author is going to be involved in season 2 writing and changing Daemon's character because he is his favorite..I don't think so..you can love character and acknowledged how problematic they can be annd people stating "Dameyra is gonna win, D will never do that☺😡" oh boy..the point of the dance of the dragons is not the romance, but how war can change people and doesn't spare anyone from despair, death and suffering.
Gonna start right off the bat and say people give George way too much credit when it comes these shows. I haven’t finished got (the show) but based on popular opinion, it went to shit… and he still got ‘back into bed’ with hbo for hotd, and probably more shows in the future. He wants a bag. Do I think he’s proud of his work and likes certain characters? Sure. But the people making up rumors or saying he’d get involved just for daemon are pulling it out of their ass bc they are upset about his portrayal (for some reason). George signed off on s1. He does not care like that so people will just have to die mad about the changes made 🤷🏽‍♀️ (myself included).
Also tangent but people have gone as far as to make really disgusting comments about Miguel’s wife.. all bc she thought it would be a good idea to have Rhaenyra and Alicent have a close relationship? It’s funny that the people who think they are doing the pinnacle of feminism by supporting some fictional white haired girl will turn around and attack real people (Emily, Olivia, and now Alexis). Blaming his wife on a decision that was signed off by a room full of majority MALE showrunners/writers
Now onto Rhaenyra, daemon, and nettles. As long as their is a white man to champion and lift up, it really doesn’t matter what Rhaenyra or nettles do, he’s gonna somehow be the victim. In the book, Rhaenyra says some fucked up shit about nettles and that’s on her (idk if they will even adapt the classism and racism knowing how they are characterizing hotd nyra). It’s one of the reason I truly dislike book Rhaenyra and wonder why her hardcore fans would want a direct interpretation of the book. But the way people just skip over daemon leaving his wife is crazy. He groomed her, then cheated on her (first with mysaria), and now in the show abused her… so yeah she’s not in a great headspace. People can complain about how they have painted daemon, that’s their prerogative if they like him, but acting as if they have made some great character into a bad one is just false. He sucked in the book… he does in the show. There’s nothing morally grey about a good 70% of the stuff he does
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cl0wn1ngar0und01 · 5 months
H3ll0! H3r3 ar3 my rul3s! Als0 cherryanon001 and Lipstickmootie/Lipstickmoot pl3as3 st0p f0ll0w1ng m3 0n my s0c1als, I'm unc0mfy and hav3 t0ld b0th 0f y0u t00 st0p.
R3qu3sts: 0p3n
Angry s3x
S0ft s3x
Must b3:
18+ t0 r3qu3st
Any ag3 t0 r3qu3st fluff
And that's 1t!
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Upper Deck Marvel Annual (2018-19)
#27 Medusa
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andreasgaertner · 6 years
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Jetzt. #Mal3 #Stappitz #Austria #Kärnten #coffee #coffeelife #coffeelove #coffeeporn #coffeegram #food #foodporn #foodie #foodpicoftheday #foodpic #foodgasm #instafood #yummie #drink #cup #breakfast #sugar #dawn #cake #sweet #hot #restaurant #espresso #traditional #chocolate #spoon #pastry #delicious (hier: Café Donath) https://www.instagram.com/p/BmqmhwcAwfJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1an1nxgm50cr5
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shinraapologist · 5 years
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the-acid-pear · 2 years
something i find extremely hilarious is how my dad finds my short exact answers weird, like, he literally described me as serious and as of few words today (i was eavesdropping) bc i don't do it on purpose. I literally just like that and i can't help it amfnbngbhhg
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esotericable · 3 years
which one is it??
fus1on fall sp3c1f1cally op3nfus1on s1nc3 fus1on falls now d3func7. 7h3y n3v3r 1mpl1m3n73d 7h3 f3a7ur3.
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corrupt-faerie · 3 years
it/its n0nbinary prid3 flag
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i mad3 a flag f0r th0s3 wh0 ar3 n0nbinary and us3 it/its. this is n0t t0 b3 us3d by any0n3 wh0 us3s it/its but id3ntifi3s with/as a binary g3nd3r
c0l0ur m3aning: as this is d3riv3d fr0m th3 g3nd3rqu33r flag, th3 c0l0urs r3pr3s3nt similar things. lav3nder t0 r3pr3s3nt th0s3 wh0 f33l th3y’r3 a c0mbinati0n 0f mal3 and f3mal3, whit3 t0 r3pr3s3nt th0s3 wh0 f33l a lack 0f g3nd3r, gr33n t0 r3pr3s3nt any0n3 wh0 f33ls th3y ar3 c0mpl3t3ly s3parat3 fr0m th3 binary syst3m and black t0 r3pr3s3nt th3 disc0nn3ct fr0m humanity that m0st it/its us3rs 3xp3ri3nc3
[ID: a flag with 4 coloured stripes. they are lavender, white, dark chartreuse, and black. it is captioned “it/its nonbinary pride flag. i made a flag for those who are nonbinary and use it/its. this is not to be used by anyone who uses it/its but identifies with/as a binary gender.
colour meaning: as this is derived from the genderqueer flag, the colours represent similar things. lavender to represent those who feel they’re a combination of male and female, white to represent those who feel a lack of gender, green to represent anyone who feels they are completely separate from the binary system and black to represent the disconnect from humanity that most it/its users experience]
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clownzsworld · 3 years
Ha1111!!! 1m Jeff!!!! N0 "Th3 K1ll3r part s0rry!!!!
1m 20!!!
1 l1k3 th3 c0l0r p!nk!!!!
1 us3 sh3/mew/nya/purr/scene/it
1 am a kandicatic, catgirlgender, girl!! D0 n0t call m3 mal3. :(((
1 l1k3 c0ll3ct1ng th1ngs and b3ing a l3sb1an!!!
1 d0nt have a r0l3 rn...
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guidofrancoferrari · 2 years
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“Casa” Oleo/tela. 60*40cm. ‘22. La última au plein air y un potpourri otoñal. (en Villa La Angostura-Patagonia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CceG_H-MAL3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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meudje · 3 years
Maxims for the Purity of the Heart.
Listen and be blessed.
Video Version:
Greatest Prayer of a Heaven-Bound Christian: "Create in me a clean Heart, O God; and Renew a right spirit within me.
True Spirituality is not in Titles such as Pastor, Priest, Bishop, Evangelist, etc...True Spirituality is in conforming oneself to the Laws of the Spirit of God ( Rom8.2)
True Spiritual men do not accumulate material things, they are a river and not a lake of God's material blessings, …They are free from materialism; They live above the slavery of possessing things for vanity and self-glory
The Goal of the Heart of the Spiritual Man is to please God and not to please self
If the Purpose of the Heart of the So-called Christians was to please God, there would not be much division in the Body of Christ
The Heart which serves God and God Only is not bound by denominational barriers
The Thoughts of the Heart of Men speak louder in heaven than their deeds on Earth
"My Choice and decision were taken at once...I wanted what God wanted and I wanted it for the Same Motives As God. "TB Joshua
My Daily Heart Cry: The Perfect Victory that My Heart Desire, I desire it for Your Glory O Jesus My Savior.
The Holy Spirit will shine with all God's glory in a ministry were no credit will be given to man, therefore straighten your motives before God
Your Greatest battle as a Christian is to keep your heart pure and blameless before God; He that is born of God keeps himself pure and the devil cannot touch him
God will not give abundant financial resources to the carnal and foolish Christian ( Prov23:4, 2Co9:10)
Christian financial prosperity will come as the result of the burden they carry for the advancement of the kingdom of God ( Math28:18-20, Zach1/17
The greatest challenger of the love of God in the heart of man is mammon ( the god of money and materialism)
Your Motives are more important to God than your actions, therefore submit your heart to the searching and purifying fire of the Holy Spirit
The default state of the heart of men is wickedness ; Only the Spirit of God can purify a heart which submit to faith in perfect work accomplished by Jesus-Christ and the entire Biblical Gospel
Your Spiritual Strength, Your Confidence in God, Your Boldness in face of adversity is in direct proportion of the level of purity of your heart
There is not intimacy with God without submission to the purifying work of the Holy Spirit ( 1Thess5:23, Mal3:3)
No Man has the Power to purify his own heart; it is the Work of the Holy Spirit; But You Must Submit 100% ( 1Thess5:23, Mal3:3,
Happy are the pure in heart for they shall God.
For more of such message, please
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If this message has blessed your heart and you need spiritual help and advices to develop a healthy relationship with Jesus-Christ, Contact us via WhatsApp at +237651540532
Apostle Barthelemy
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Upper Deck Marvel Annual (2018-19)
#88 Scarlet Witch
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