#male snowwhite
Not to be greedy or anything, but could you possibly write a part 3 to the yandere Snow White?
Is okay be a little greedy
Because I have more 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
“May I be the first to welcome you, your grace. I hope your travels were peaceful.”
Bowing deeply you held the overflowing fabric of your official garbs standing in the servant-filled throne room. You were well aware of the pronounced hysteria that had spread throughout the city thanks to a leak by one of the council members. No sooner that this was discovered were you unable to dissuade Snow White from hunting that man down leaving you to make the speech to calm your people. It dampened the mass fear if only a smidge as your people applauded and continued to prepare for the hopeful guest in the capital. You didn’t necessarily blame them, the King of the Moors had a nefarious reputation. Betrayed by the Northern Queen and true father to the discovered illegitimate heir. Murdering the Queen and King, he had made his mark by barring, the Moors and the Northern Kingdom with a wall of thorns and magical curses. His legitimate heir had married happily before suffering from an untimely illness that left his young queen widowed with a single child. But as it was well known when Snow White was sent to be betrothed instead hosted a bloody massacre of the only remnants of the fae-king’s family. This was truly an act of grace. 
“They were. As peaceful as one can have when any semblance of an heir has been destroyed.”
You dipped your head with the scathing remark as you motioned for the king to follow you further into the castle. Leading him past the various guards and servants that dared to come within five meters of your form. You forged on leading the fae-king into a grand conference room decorated in gold accents with your most apt maid and butler present. Seated, you offered for your staff to get him tea and with a demanding glance they rushed to fultill his wish. 
“I…feel it would be an insult to not hear what demands you have for you are most certainly in the right.”
He wasn’t just in the right, your kingdom by Snow White’s extension was wholly in the wrong. You were nearly a step away from falling on your knees and pleading that he didn’t decimate your father’s kingdom. The pale man gave a chuckle in a deep baritone that made your stomach flip watching his pointed fangs show as he pulled his lips into a smile.
“How humble…this is an odd response for a human in general. A royal no less.”
Your heart unexpectedly fluttered at the compliment as you debated whether to respond to it; should you tell him of your true origin perhaps it would gain sympathy or gain some reasoning to your rythym.
“I wasn’t born into royalty. I like to think that influences how I treat others.” 
You weren’t lying and honestly you felt no shame at that fact yet you couldn’t seem to hold the emerald gaze of the King. Bringing a gloved claw to his chin as he still seemed to be smiling amused at your confession. 
“That is…a naive thing to say to a possible enemy…”
“I’d hope that wouldn’t be the case but either way you greatly out rank me. A simple fact about me won’t stop you from making your decision about my kingdom.”
His chuckles turned into belly laughs as he occasionally slapped his hand against the table; unintentionally causing your maid and butler to shake with fear. You waited until he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose before releasing to stare at you with a ferocity you hadn’t expected before.
“Wonderful! Then I know precisely what I want.”
The butler shakily placed a pen and paper in your direction, watching with hope as you turned back to the fae king.
“Then if you’d please, so that I may make the official recor–”
The door slammed open with none other than your husband, Snow White. Stalking in like he didn’t just to disturb negotiations of peace after unofficially executing someone who gave your people a reason to panic. You clenched your fists as he loudly slammed the doors closed and not-so subtly standing behind you with crossed arms.You let your eyes flicker to the fae-king worried he may have shown signs of being disrespected only to find an amused smirk on his face. Feeling the tightening grip on your shoulders as the King of the Moors continued to smirk at the glare from the man behind you. 
“I am glad you can join us, human of snow, I am certain you will find my demands most intriguing.”
“And why is that?” 
The near growl from behind you was unfamiliar in its own right. Oftentimes you had witnessed his aggression towards outspoken nobles and council members with confidence. An overwhelming power difference was what Snow White thrived off of. It was of slight comfort to you that he’d finally know what it felt like to be on the receiving end of that.
“Because I want your spouse to provide me with an heir.”
“Fine. Have your pick of the bachelorettes all throughout our kingdom!”
“I am sure you are not that daft. I have already chosen.”
“They’re married, horns.”
You whipped your head around as he spat the name out. Finally looking at him you could see his pale face lit up with angry splotches of red as veins began popping from his temple. Visibly gritting his teeth as he continued to clutch at the loose fabric of your outfit that hung decoratively on your shoulder. You figured if this was like one of those scenes where the worried couple receive terrible news and the seated one places a comforting hand on the other’s. One with a tightened grip on the other’s shoulder as they lock their fingers in comfort to another before facing the situation together. But this wasn’t that scene. And this wasn’t a drama about a pair of royal newlyweds taking on the world and everything against them. This was your reality. A reality where you were fighting the urge to physically tear yourself from Snow White’s grip. With a nod of your head you urged the King to continue ignoring the audible sneer that your husband was making
“That brings me to my next demand…your king must endure the maze of thorns and be stripped of his title. This should take care of the concerns of my last demand.”
He spoke with a mocking drawl speaking directly to you as you recorded his demands momentarily making eye-contact before you broke away. Practically feeling the fumes of Snow White’s anger you quickly made motions to sign the document and having the King of the Moors do so as well. 
Once again leading the King outside the room where the remaining council members stood in anxious fear, with your staff behind them. You called for one of your hand maidens to come to your side as you bid your farewells.
“Should I set up a room for you, while we discuss…the arrangements of our deal?”
The humans in the room shuddered leaning closer, still interested in the confidential covenant you had made with such a grand being. He smiled at you once again holding your gaze with his slitted eyes. 
“No it won’t be necessary. However–” 
From his robes he pulled a staff you failed to notice before stomping it on the ground three times sending an illusion of green flames across the marble floor that had others squealing.
“My colleagues will ensure that everything runs smoothly until I return again.”
As he casually spoke to you the glow of sparkling dust revealed three new fae and the stomping footsteps of ghoulish tree guardians four meters high ducking in order to fit themselves in the tight space. 
“And my guards will personally ensure that your…Snow White will not run off again. Lest he’d like an early death.” 
Besides that the King of the Moors departed smoothly, being sure to hold your hand against his as he left with his entourage before leaving the capital. You wished to sigh and scream at the stress but the present had its own problems. Forcefully permitting the guards to quarantine their king with the intense observation of the guardians and you beginning to address the three fae left to actually sort things out with; that's not mentioning the sea of council members and nobles who intended to flood you with questions of your entire meeting. Collapsing on the empty bed with no need to prepare for the jarring presence of your husband or rather ex-husband as he awaited his punishment in a secluded tower. 
For the next months your days and nights were filled with paperwork and responding to letters of bordering countries concerned about the growing thorns surrounding the kingdom. Perhaps if your husband had actually contributed to your workload you may have missed him but you didn’t. Instead, spend any of your free time with the three human-looking faces dressed in green, red, and blue who were especially keen on the proper meshing of your cultures in the wedding and ruling. You had no time to grieve for Snow White or even question the nature of his punishment, only knowing the maze of thorns as a rumor that further added to the feared reputation of The Moors King, your new fiance. Speaking of said-fiance, in the nine months since he had left your castle you would have forgotten what he looked like if he didn’t send his…iconic letters every night. The first time it had arrived you were still in the middle of a council meeting when a giant bat crashed through the window before screeching at you to take the parchment he was so politely clutching. After nearly giving everyone present heart-attacks around the same time every night you’d dismiss yourself to wait on the balcony of the royal bedroom. 
While you had previously found yourself detaching yourself from your modernized views of love in marriage you couldn’t deny the rekindling of something as you reread the fae king’s letters. Filled with poems and serenades it was uniquely regal in the way he complimented you and encouraged actually knowing you…something only one person had ever done.
Speaking of the former king even with Snow White locked away and any of his orders requiring review it was a topic that required debate. There were still many who were intent on letting him rot in a mental tower and the politics of it were a lot to deal with. How you would rule your kingdoms was a majority of your struggle. Without Snow White to threaten anyone who so much as looked at you sideways it wasn’t any easier. You thought of using your fiance’s name but in the legacy of your father you’d do no such thing; willing to go through any systematic hoops to get him reinstalled as the substitute leader. 
But until the date of your union you were on the grind to make sure everything was in order. Thus you had no time to visit either of the remaining royalty as you worked only making time to read and respond to your future husband. 
The beginning of a thirty day festival was but a day away with the first ‘attraction’ being the punishment of Snow White. Dressed in black and armed with rotting fruits and vegetables the common-people rewelcomed the King of the Moors. The wedding festival itself stemmed from a fairytale of a beast and his beauty as they prolonged their own union by a year as they worked against a curse. Despite its implications both the fae and human subjects found the tale to be inspiring, making it easier …to accept the marriage in general. Thankfully the media was more than happy to perpetuate the livelihood of the celebration as you traveled across both kingdoms and perpetuated excitement for the various parades that revolved around different aspects of their ruler’s cultures. 
You sighed as the maids continued to dress you in your pre-wedding cape that complimented the fae-select choker. It was presented to you by the three accompanied fae who deeply bowed after an especially taxing day of compromise. He called it a gift from the King and demanded you wear it from there on forth. You did question him in his letters to which he explained the unique mating rituals that his specific species of fae. 
‘It's a piece of me that I give to you. It is a representation of our connection and will act as a sign of protection for anyone who attempts to challenge you. Be proud of your future mate.’
It brought a smile to your face as you recalled the endearing letter which delved into his own understanding of his power before asking if this would intimidate you. To any other person it would have done just that but it only spurred your own interest as you honestly responded. Stepping out into the open air of your castle as you watched the tree guardians appear with a suspicious clutch of magical plants.  No sooner than their appearance did you also see the fae entourage coming ever closer to the palace steps. You maintained your composure but were acutely aware of the streak of nervousness that appeared as you were finally meeting your pen-pal. 
Seeing the various lights and flittering sprites all around you couldn’t help but marvel at their differences from you. You were still reeling at the existence of the fae in general coming from a world that deemed them all fiction. Bowing as the horned king emerged from the ethereal horde to stand by yourside; bowing to you first and then nodding to the trio he had left behind. 
“It looks delectable on you…as I insisted.”
“You did…but I’m sure with something as gorgeous as this it’d look good on anyone.”
You both spoke with little movement, talking to each other in secret as you waved at the gathering crowds. Letting your guards guide you to the carriage with intentions to bring you two through the capital before beginning the traveling festival. You nearly jumped in surprise as you felt the tingling hand on your thigh and the fae-king lean into you. 
“It would not because it was made for you.”
You tried to halt the genuine smile that pulled at your lips as you refused to fluster so early in the ceremony. If the smirking chuckle wasn’t enough to show that he knew of your struggle,  the glowing glance you received as he pulled you onto the stage at the edge of the forest. Now seated in your portable thrones you were prepared for the event to have taken place. Noting the odd mixture of glee and grief, it reminded you of those history reenactments of executions. The notation was all the more apparent as tree guards opened the cage to reveal a haggard but still beautiful Snow White. 
“For your punishment Snow White I sentence you to the whims of the Moor’s Maze.” 
Gasps and guffaws resounded from the crowd silencing as the King held his hand up before continuing.
“Stripped of your royal title, stripped of your spouse, and stripped of any autonomy should you inexplicably survive.”
You saw Snow White raise his head with a glare at the King before one of the guards pushed him down. With no more than a look a wood-looking portal emerged from the ground with emerald flames of magic emanating from it. He looks at you and you steel your heart for the look of pain he was sure to give you. Instead he smirked as he began to revolt, mouthing words towards you that had you sinking in your seat. Immediately his struggle against the guards is halted by the throned vines that shoot out from the portal digging into his skin and pulling his thrashing form into the mirrorlike entryway. 
The crowd was silent for a bit before hollering in a haze of excitement. Sooner than you could register you were waving goodbye retreating to the inside of your closed carriage as the fae in blue began to conjure a giant glass looking ball. 
“Behold future-subjects of the fae let me be the first to entertain you with the glorious view of the exile of Snow White!”
In the spectacle of the glass looking ball the image of the pale man being dragged into the entrance of the maze once again had the crowd jeering and cheering at their former king.
“Annnndddd if you’d like to send a little ‘gift’ I’m more than happy to send them!” The green brother chimed.
“Buuuut if you want you can come here to add more challenges to the blackened Snow White!” Yelling louder the red brother shouted louder both conjuring the same glass bowl as bags of money were being shaken as the crowd divided to their preferred interest. Even through the cheers of your people you couldn’t bare to watch...not in horror or disgust but in fear of Snow White coming back. You tried to calm yourself reassuring the look that your affianced sent your way but it was set. The bubble of anxiety of what could be had already been birthed. You could find solace that he’d die. Because he most definitely would die from the maze…right?
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dreamsandimagination · 10 months
Wish rewrite with Amaya as the villain (spoilers)
While I love Chris Pine as the narcasistic King Magnifico, I feel like they wasted a opportunity to have Amaya as a villain.
Instead of a confident narcissist, Magnifico is a timid yet sweet wizard who stays in his lab, waers ragged servant clothes behind closed doors, and doesnt come out that often, except to grant wishes. Think of him as a male version of Elsa and Snowwhite.
the pressure to grant everyones high expectations and his own introvert nature causes him to often screw up the wishes he has to grant at the ceremony. Note that the wishes that he grants are all materialistic yet harmless, like, "I want a puppy!" or "I want a house!"
Amaya, who serves as Mother Gothel/Evil Queen to Magnificos Rapunzel/Snowwhite, married him solidly because of his sorcery and has been secretly breaking his self-esteem over the years. She installed the dogma in Magnificos head that only SHE can judge wishes accordingly and that people cant be trusted with them because they are all selfish (which is true, to a extent). Not only that, but she also keeps Magnificos OWN wish - to be a great wizard - to herself as a means to control him.
Then, enter Asha, who sees this emotional abuse by accident and boldly speaks her mind to Magnifico about this, planting the first seed in Magnificos head that Amaya is using him, much like the town is using him for.materialistic wishes. Magnifico doesnt believe Asha because of denial - the wishing ceremony is the only time his subjects actually pay attention to him and his sorcery is his only means of value to the community - and so, he banishes her from the castle.
The movie could then still follow the same broad lines with Asha meeting Star and convincing the townspeople to rise up.
Unlike the materialistic wishes that Magnifico can grant with his staff, Star's magic can actually do wondrous things - like, grant an infinite number of wishes, make people magically fall in love with you, bring people back from the dead, etc. Once Amaya gets Star, she plans to dump Magnifico for the better option. As her methodes become more and more extreme to quell the revolutionists and find Star, Magnifico keeps the fragil peace between the revolutionists (who want all the wishes returned to them) and patriots (who are on Amaya's side and believe wishes should be governed). his popularity skyrockets, as people start to respect and see him as more than just a genie in a bottle. in turn, Magnifico becomes more confident.
Amaya becomes furious that the balance in their relationship has shifted. Fearing Magnifico becomes too comfident and will free himself from the abuse, she locks Magnifico up in the highest tower, steals his staff and absorbs the bad/selfish/harmful wishes that Magnifico keeps contained in a seperate vault.
The final battle/climax would then play out almost the same as in the movie: Asha and Star lure the "Queen" in a wild chase scene while her friends free Magnifico.
Magnifico is at his lowest point as Amaya forces all of Rosas, including himself, to its knees with the bad wishes. He is powerless without his staff and equipment to stand up to her. Asha reminds him that "he is a Star!", not because of his magic but because of his good heart.
Magnifico is freed from Amayas magical grip thanks to the belief of Asha and his people. He fuses with Star (think of Rapunzel in the Tangled series, when her eyes and hair glow) to fight Amaya in a sorcerous duel that pays tribute to Merlins duel with Madame Mim. He wins, imprisons her in the Mirror, stores the bad wishes back into the vault and revives the good wishes.
rin the ending, Star grants Magnifico his wish to be a great wizard, giving him the ability to grant powerful wishes like Star. Magnifico then rules as the King of Rosas with Asha as his right hand.
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Announcing: Obiyuki Week 2024
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Welcome back one and all to our ninth annual Obiyuki Week! Our theme this year is:
Ballroom Dance
Each day will have a form of dance for a prompt, as well as a few themes that can be used to inspire works or continue existing ones. This ship week is open to all Obiyuki works, so even if a submission does not quite fit the day, please feel free to post and join in!
Day 1: Quadrille
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Introduced in France around 1760, the Quadrille quickly became popular in 18th and 19th century ballrooms across Europe. It is performed by four couples in a square, with one couple at a time dancing while the other three rest. Although not performed in modern competitions, the quadrille late gave rise to other popular forms of dance, such as the waltz and American square dancing.
Themes: Change of Partners, Ensemble Piece, Meddling Matchmakers; White
Day 2: Foxtrot
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Premiering in 1914, the Foxtrot was first danced to ragtime music before becoming the dance of choice for big bands from the late 1910s through the 1940s. Known for its elegant glide across the dance floor and quick steps, the foxtrot has since split into slow and quick versions-- also known as the quickstep
Themes: Compatibility, Banter, Swept Off Their Feet; Blue
Day 3: Paso Doble
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Originating in Spain, the Paso Doble's dramatic steps are meant to imitate the movements of a bullfight, with the lead playing matador and the follow being either cape or bull. It is often known as the "man's dance," since it displays the lead position-- traditionally male-- to its best advantage.
Themes: Conflict, Obi POV, Vying For Dominance; Red
Day 4: Viennese Waltz
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The first ballroom dance to be danced in closed position-- aka, partners hold each other while facing toward each other-- the Viennese Waltz caused a scandal when it was introduced in late 18th century ballrooms. It became fashionable during the Regency period, though it remained "riotous and indecent" as late 1825.
Themes: Scandal, Tradition, Falling in Love; Silver
Day 5: Rhumba
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The slowest of the Latin dances performed in modern competition, the Rhumba was first danced in the streets of Cuba before gaining popularity in the early 20th century and becoming what is now known as Ballroom Rumba. Known for its sensual movements and emphasis on hips, it is both known as the "dance of love" and the "woman's dance" for showing off the skill of its follow.
Themes: Intimate, Shirayuki POV, Hips Don't Lie; Green
Day 6: Tango
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Another dance tamed to the tastes of ballroom-goers, the Tango originated as an improvisational dance in the lower-class neighborhoods of Buenos Aires and was brought to the United States by immigrants in the early 20th century. It is characterized by drama and passion and precise footwork.
Themes: Passion, Close Quarters, Rivals-to-Lovers; Black
Day 7: West Coast Swing (Free Day)
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Evolving from the Lindy Hop of the 1930s, West Coast Swing started as an adaptation of the dance to fit a more crowded dance floor, before gaining popularity as a style all its own in the 1960s. Meant to be improvisational and playful, it best showcases the connection between partners.
Themes: Improvising, Adventure, Friends-to-Lovers; Gold
Dates: September 22nd-28th Tag: #obiyukiweek24 
[Guidelines beneath cut]
All work must be your own (eg. no plagiarizing other sources, tracing, pose stealing, AI art/writing etc)
The main pairing is Obi x Shirayuki
Must follow the day’s prompt, however loosely
Must be tagged #obiyukiweek24 within the first five tags
With Tumblr’s tagging system on the fritz, please also @ snowwhite-andtheknight in your entry
Please label with the day’s number!
All NSFWcontent must be tagged and under a Read More!
You may submit multiple entries for each day!
Be nice
Play hard
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Lunar appreciation # something:
I love, love, love the way marissa meyer adapted cinderella, red riding hood, rapunzel and snowwhite into cinder, scarlet, cress and winter; she gave them back so much power in their own rights while quietly but resoloutly acknowledging the strengths (like compassion, resilience) of their fairytale-originals.
What marissa meyer excells at is making all these female characters a certain type of powerful, giving them agency and skills born through each of their upbringing, and making them the main motor to the story, not their distress, while still acknowledging the strength and resilience it must have taken them each to battle said „distress“/aka their trauma, and live their happy ever after.
And she‘s managed to do that without getting back to the trope of „women are only perceived as badass bc they can kick male protagonists ass“ or the „f***-all-men-in-a-sarcastic-way“ that many, many female superheroes in mostly male dominated hero worlds were once/ are partially still being written into.
This is part of a series in which i randomly scream my love for these books into the void that is tumblr, if you wanna join me:
< previous / next >
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The reincarnated loz charater important to the au!
Herss the pokemon teams! Plus therapy pokemon because thats a thing in this au.
H.samurott (Mikau) (male) {cherish ball} (Quiet)
Luxray (Salari) (female) {Quick Ball} (Timid)
Rapidash (shiny) (Romani) (female) {Fast ball} (Rash)
Torterra (Mabe) (female) {Safari Ball} (Gentle)
Sneasler (Madorna) (female) {Love ball} (Quirky)
H. Zoroark (Mapla) (female) {Dusk Ball} (Hasty)
H.Decidueye (Enka) (Male)
Crobat (Jazz)
H.Arcanine (Rock n Roll)
Basculegion (Disco) (female)
Gardevoir (Opera)
H. Goodra (Metal)
Blissey (Sweet Heart) (female) {Friend Ball} (Gentle)
Roserade (Dewdrop) (female) (Rash)
Sylveon (Sunrise)-is missing a leg (female) (hardy)
Whiscash (Dreamdust) (female) {Lure Ball} (Docile)
H.Arcanine (Sunrise) (Male) (Adamant)
Honchkrow (Cottonball) (Female) (Impish)
Kleavlor (obsidian) (male) (Naive)
Ursaluna (copper) (female) (Jolly)
Magmortar (Bronze) (male) (Jolly)
Empoleon (Iron) (male) (sassy)
Lilligant (Ambrette) (female) (sassy)
Glaceon (Sterling) (male) (lax)
Red [agricultural corps]
Flareon (Frosting) (female) (Jolly)
Manatine (Jelly Bean) (Male) (serious)
Roserade (Alpha) (maple Syrup) (female)  (impish)
Lucario (Peppermint) (male) (mild)
Wydeer (Gumdrop) (male) (docile)
Weavile (Marshmallow) (female) (docile)
Espeon (Magician) (male) (Quiet)
Gastrodon {west} (Shiny) (Chariot) (male) (Naive)
Abomasnow (Emperor) (male) (Jolly)
Ninetails (Priestess) (female) (adamant)
Rotom (Death) (genderless) (lax)
Overquil (Empress) (female) (serious)
Umbreon (Gingerbread) (Female) (Naive)
Infernape (Gretell) (female) (Careful)
Walren (SnowWhite) (female) (Naive)
Electrode (Crystal) (genderless) (calm)
Garchomp (BadWolf) (female) (Mild)
Drifblim (Aesoph) (male) (impish)
Blue [Diamond Clan]
Vaporeon (Cumulus) (male) (Calm)
Carnivine (Contrail) (female) (Jolly)
Infernape (Cirrus) (male) (Bashful)
H. Avalugg (Stratus) (male) (Brave)
Bastiodon (Nimbostratus) (Male) (Hasty)
Gallade (Altocumulus) (male)  (careful)
Green [Pearl Clan]
Leafeon (Aspen) (male) (Timid)
Gyarados (Willow) (female) (Quiet)
Rapidash (Ash) (female) (Careful)
Froslass (Fir) (female) (Rash)
Purugly (Rosewood) (female) (Mild)
H. Braviary (Larch) (male) (brave)
Phantom [security corps]
Lopunny (Inaba) (female) (Mild)
Gliscor (Shiny) (Quetzal) (male) (sassy)
H. Lilligant (Dryad) (female) (Calm)
H. Arcanine (Koma inu) (Male) (Docile)
Tentacruel (Kraken) (male) (Naive)
Raichu (Raiju) (female) (rash)
Therapy pokemon
Jolteon (Thundra) (male) [Wilde] (Quiet)
Blissey (alpha) (Candy Cane) (female) [Red] (relaxed)
Chimecho (Star) (male) [Vio] (Relaxed)
Alakazam (Oak) (male) [Green] (Careful)
Wormadam {grass cloak} (alpha) (Belle) (female) [Shadow] (Relaxed)
Mismagius (Moonlight) (male) [Roolie] (Sassy)
Wydeer (alpha) (Asperitas) (male) [Blue] (Docile)
Gardevoir (Platinum) (female) (Lax)
H. Goodra () (female) [Phantom] (Rash)
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coketonton · 4 years
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Buscando a #Olav ⛄️❄️ #letitgo #frozen #snow #snowwhite #outdoor #outdoorlife #outdoorphotography #outdooradventures #travelphotography #travel #traveller #traveladdict #viajes #landscapephotography #landscape #blanco #men #male #snowypines #baldmen #bald #baldandbearded #ontheroad #hero5black #wide #snowy #pickuptruck #pickup (en Villa Pehuenia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBiOS2ppxkv/?igshid=ngxwvuy3l6oj
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mourgexistence · 3 years
Fantasy AU Finn Headcannons
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First time drawing finn . . . MY LINE ART GOT DELETED AND I COULDN'T GET IT BACK 😩😩😩😩😭😭😭😭😭
Now in the past i imagined him as a half goat half man thing
What if he was a elf BUT not JUST a normal elf but a MAGE
Like he's been taken under the wing of a mysterious magic user
Could be the listener. it could be one of the other OC's its really up to to you
I can still see him having a shop thats filled to the brim with spell books, candles, dried flowers, ect.
In this world its rare to find magic users because ot would be like a forgotten art
If you are a magic user then it had to be learned by someone who still uses magic
Like its a family tradition that had been pasted down over the years
He would only practice in light magic no dark stuff
And if someone comes into his shop looking for dark spells he would be like 'im very sorry sir, but I have to ask you to leave my shop.'
Probs would shoo them out with a broom
Be gone THOT
He would be very muched liked by the people in the village
I can see him preforming little magic shows for the elderly and the children
He would mostly spend most of his free time in the forest
He would probably be the blonde male version of snow White
Ok I'm gonna come up with a few ideas for different listeners so you can choose
Finns mysterious teacher
A fragile fairy with a wing disability
Or a hybrid of your choice (dragon/elf, werewolf/elf, angle/elf. Etc.)
Mysterious teacher
He would slowly fall for you overtime
I feel like this listeners teaching style would be like the strict strong gardian type
Like 'be careful now, this spell is highly dangerous. Many of my succesers have failed this spell had have parished. Do not threat. I have faith in your abilitys. If I didn't you would of never have took you under my wing little rabbit.'
Yes his nickname is rabbit
And listener gives me those kind of videos
I can feel like they would go on adventures that finn had never even thought were real
I think it would be funny if finn is asleep in bed and listener just breaks into his house like 'Get up I need your help.' 'Really its the middle of the night.' 'I don't care I need your help. you can sleep later, and if you want I can sleep with you if you like.'
100% flustered boy
This listener is definitely a flirty type
Like there not shy to throw some complements here and there
Finn would definitely confess during a very romantic type scene
Like standing under a tree by a cliff while basking in the moon light
But things would go south and would gave to fight some monsters
And after the dust settles and there both coverd in dirt and blood and stuff
Listener would pull finn in for a kiss
And maybe something else wink wonk
Fairy listener
He would find the listener when he would be walking in the woods
His little animal friends would lead him too the listener
They would lead him to a dim glow in some raspberry bushes and finds listener shivering and crying
Like the kind man that he is he would gently pick them up and like granny run back home to help them
Once home he would try to see what's wrong
Come to find out their wings are ripped
Now for a fairy their wings are very important for their survival
If a fairies wing is ripped or cut its would be similar to having your leg cut off mid thigh in a world that is constantly hunting you
So basically it's a death sentence
finn is their savior
They would be first very scared of finn thinking that he wants something from them
But it turns out that fin just wants to help them
After sometime the listener would start to bond and feel comfortable around finn
The listener would try to do small chores stuff they can handle with being so small
Finn would make them a small makeshift home with a old bird cage he had
Even though the listener has a small home they can still be found sleeping on one of Finns pillows above his head
Finn probably tailors small outfits for the listener
After a some time (a year or two) the listeners wings would of healed but they can't fly as well like before
Probably can only fly up a few feet
So they make a permanent home with finn
And they lived ✨happily ever after✨
Hybrid listener
This one is gonna be sad
So the listener would have been seen as a abomination that shouldn't exist
So they became a black sheep across the land
The listener would have met finn by going to his shop
They want a potion to make them 'normal'
Finn makes then a potion but before he gives it to them they ask for their story and why they want this
The listener would start to break down and tell him about the many tragic events in there life
After the venting is complete finn makes them a personalised tea blend and will explain what it means
In some way his voice and passion soothes the listener
Every morning the listener would come to Finns shop and finn would make them a small breakfest and talk about anything and everything
Soon they form a bond and get together
Even though the listener warns finn about loving them he doesn't care
Ok that's all the headcannons so far with finn and listener I hope you enjoy and sorry for the long wait
Schools been kicking my ass BUT im still creating some more stuff and I got a fan art ready to drop when the new bittersweet episode comes out. . . SO STAY TOONED FOLKS!!!
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agadas-official · 2 years
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'Cold Pursuit' / With my shutter speed cranked up high, I just managed to capture a few pictures of this young grizzly barreling up the icy river in the heart of Canada's Yukon. Juvenile bears spend much of their lives on the run, dodging the swift paws of protective mothers and the lumbering giant male bears guarding the best fishing spots upstream. To my eyes, she was perfect in her power, speed, and grace. At 1/1,000th of a second, however, a pair of wary eyes and ears pinned tight came into sharp focus; she had clearly heard or smelled some looming threat beyond the pines that sent her racing for cover. By now this bear must be an older female with a few cubs of her own already grown. But within my fine art collection, she remains in the quicksilver of those thrilling and harrowing years that define adolescence. To inquire about the piece or view my entire catalog, please use the link in my bio or visit paulnicklen.com. #fineart #yukon #canada #fineart #grizzly #grizzlybear #usa #usa🇺🇸 #uk #snow #snowday #snowboarding #snowwhite #naturephotography #naturelovers #nature #natural #livingthings #animals #animal #explore #creative #creativity #amazing #explorepage #explorer #explorepage✨ #exploremore #exploring #agadas_pulpit #agadas_official (at University of Ghana) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgXmPpaj3HP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sakuravulpes · 2 years
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✎ ( sponsor ღ DollHolic ) ՞₊˚๑
 · · • • • ✤ • • • · · 
 ★⸝⸝ .::PYPS::. Candy Gun 
★⸝⸝ .Tardfish. Flamingo 
★⸝⸝ Heaven Ocean Orange Backdrop - The Bearded Guy 
 Wow! The new round of DollHolic is just amazing! With tons of awesome clothing, make up and accessories, I'm wearing two fantastic items. 
 PYPS' Candy Gun is a fun accessory with interactive sound and animation (it really shoots candy!) it has bento and hold animation and a hud to change colors to mix and match. Exclusive drawing textures in fatpack! 
 The little friend on my head is Flamingo by Tardfish, a cute animesh baby that looks adorable. It's available in 5 colors. 
 My backdrop is made by The Bearded Guy, it's precious. Haven Ocean is available in 5 different colors and all of them look beautiful and magical. 
 ✤ ʟᴀɴᴅᴍᴀʀᴋ
✤ ғʟɪᴄᴋʀ
✎ ( sponsor ღ Planet29 ) ՞₊˚๑
 · · • • • ✤ • • • · · 
 ★⸝⸝ :: MOMOCHUU :: Jinah & Barat Choker - [FATPACK] 
★⸝⸝ Luas Ceylon Sandals 
★⸝⸝ moonwaii . milky way eyeshadow 
 Momochuu brings us this beautiful choker, with versions for both male and female avatars, fatpack comes with a hud to change colors. 
 Ceylon is one of the newest amazing releases by Luas, you're totally gonna love this shoes! They're rigged for Legacy, Maitreya, Erika, Kupra and Reborn. Only fatpack includes hud with all colors and extra exclusive colors and patterns for mix and match. 
 By Maoer we have two gorgeous items, Candy Lips with 22 tones for Lelutka EvoX only and Sunset Eyes, with a gorgeous design and 20 colors for Lelutka EvoX and also includes Mesh eyes. 
 And by Moonwaii I'm wearing the stunning Milky Way eyeshadow, it's delicate and soft, perfect for a natural look! It includes 21 tones for Lelutka EvoX. 
 ✤ ʟᴀɴᴅᴍᴀʀᴋ
✤ ғʟɪᴄᴋʀ
✎ ( sponsor ღ Okinawa Summer Festival ) ՞₊˚๑ 
· · • • • ✤ • • • · · 
 ★⸝⸝ ::SnowWhite:: blush_mai_LeLUTKA_EvoX 
★⸝⸝ YaYa*Sailor seifuku//FATPACK 
 By SnowWhite, this blush looks incredible. For Lelutka EvoX it contains 3 different colors with 4 tones each and also tintable layers. 
 And my outfit is Sailor Seifuku by YaYa, it's absolutely stunning! So sexy and cute! It's a 4 piece outfit, bra, panties, skirt and top are unlinked, and if you touch the bra, you can choose the "undress" version of the outfit. It's rigged for Legacy&Perky and Reborn. 
 ✤ ʟᴀɴᴅᴍᴀʀᴋ
✤ ғʟɪᴄᴋʀ
✎ ( sponsor ღ past & blogged ) ՞₊˚๑ 
· · • • • ✤ • • • · · 
 ★⸝⸝ more more. nabi skin_milk tone (no eyebrow) @Okinawa Summer Festival
Lyanna ღ
✎ ( outfit ) ՞₊˚๑
· · • • • ✤ • • • · ·
★⸝⸝ +Half-Deer+ Neon Angel Wings [ANIMESH]
★⸝⸝ [monso] Marin Hair /Mix & Pop
★⸝⸝ K{<3}P - Pastels - Luciana Garters
✎ ( extras ) ՞₊˚๑
· · • • • ✤ • • • · ·
★⸝⸝ LeLUTKA Avalon Head 3.1
★⸝⸝ [LEGACY] Meshbody (f) Perky Edition [+] Petite (1.4)
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Is the snow white series going to continue? If so, then for how long? Like srsly it’s great, thank you for gifting us such beautiful writing. 🥲🥺❤️
I'm so happy you love it!
And thank you so much! It means a lot
It was easy to forget that anxiety in the midst of the month-long marriage ceremony. From dawn to dusk, it was a constant party everywhere you went. Spending all your time re-immersing yourself in the cultures of the different people in your kingdom as well as bearing witness to the speedy assimilation of the fae to the human populous. It was everything you could hope for
As a leader, to find no public pushback during your entire journey was a miracle. In the back of your mind, you were well aware that your husband’s mere presence may have affected this outcome but too many times had you seen a creeping smile on his pale face. Something you overheard was quite the feat for the King consumed with grief. 
Looking at him during various festivities and performances you began to recognize the rekindling of something in those chartreuse sclerae. You couldn’t help but feel the swelling in your chest when you heard a muted chuckle or an occasional fang-appearing smirk. This was new. The actual heat that burned your ears when he would catch your gaze admist the excitement. The loud beating of your heart against your rib cage had you fearing for what your heart had in store.
It didn’t help that the faerie king was so eager to fluster you. Letting his huge hands dwarf your own or whispering huskily into your ear. It was a battle every day between trying to be regal during festivities and having to combat the blush that burned your cheeks at the king’s advances. 
This was new. But it was great. Even as the month began to end the high you thought would come to an end seemed to continue on. Even as your traditional royal marriage cloak was exchanged for the faerie equivalent the joy that had nestled in your heart only seemed to grow. And as you let yourself walk into the faerie circle and proceed with their rituals, you’ve officially realized something.
“This…is nothing like my first marriage.”
You whispered, your mouth unmoving. 
“I should hope not.”
The King reciprocated, letting his regal stone face remain unchanging as his advisor read out the vows.
“I didn’t have much of a say…I was unconscious for the first part…it just seemed like everyone else’s celebration...everyone’s but mine.”
He didn’t respond, at first, instead citing an “I will” before returning back to you. 
“And this time, you felt that this wasn’t the case?”
“Yes…this time was–” 
You cut yourself off annunciating your own “I will” before letting the advisor drone on so you could answer.
“This time was really special. I greatly appreciate it, so thank you.”
“Hmm? But I still have yet to officially marry you. Are you certain you wish to thank me now?”
He taunts, letting that oh-so-familiar tug of his lips begin to break into his face. You let your simple smile turn to a smirk yourself.
“Oh? Are you implying I ought to thank you for you offering your own hand? Then what of you? Are you going to thank me for offering mine?”
The music swelled and the young faes readied their baskets of magic dust as their King and the soon-to-be spouse turned to face one another. Taking their gloved hands into one another as they looked deep into one another’s eyes. All of the fae and human-kind, watching in person or through magic water globes and mirrors keened their ears and bit their lips for the words they were waiting for you. 
“I, (Y/n) of the White Kingdom, do lovingly take you to be mine.”
“And I, Malecifer of the Moors, do lovingly take you to be mine.”
The eruption of cheers and celebration barely noticed the way the King whispered into your ear after the soft kiss upon your lips.
“I thank you, (Y/n) (L/n). I will continue to make you feel special. If you’ll have me?”
You let yourself wrap your arms around his head letting him pull you against him by your hips. You jumped, letting him catch you as you nuzzled your made-up face into his neck. A single tear soaked and disappeared with your final vow.
“Yes! Yes!”
“It’s a miracle you survived this long.” 
Roblynn quipped as she watched the foul-smelling man hungrily devour the bread and fruit she placed on the table. She had been itching for a thrill, going on the dangerous mission of retrieving the moving maze thorns for her favorite little wizard. Only to find the first live person running around in there. She swooped in to save the stranger; secretly hoping he’d be of some use later on. 
“You uh a wizard or something?”
The stranger stopped eating to send a morbid glare at the hunter. Hands up in defense she figured that must’ve been a sore spot. Letting his hazel glare cease in its intensity to again focus on the food.
“Sorry to ask…I just don’t know what a slim peasant guy would have anything to do in that maze if it wasn’t for the magic plants.”
“I’m not a peasant…”
“Ah, so he speaks!” 
She considered that progress. Pouring some ale into a cup she barely put it down before it was snatched and gulped down in seconds. While the man was caked with dirt and his figure looked slightly malnourished, Roblynn knew beauty when she saw it. If she could clean him up surely he’d be grateful enough to do a favor for her.
“Hey uh what’s your name? If you’re gonna be eaten my food I ought to know you’re name!”
“My name is….Snow.”
“Snow? Well Snow, care to do a little favor for me?”
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hunterxassasin · 4 years
Some random ML aus I've thought of doing
If you want to hear more about any of these send an ask
Alice in Wonderland - Lila as Alice, Mari as the white rabbit, Adrien as the Mad Hatter, Nino as the March Hare, Max as the caterpillar guy (idk his name i forgot), Alix and Kim as Tweedledee and Tweedledumb, Alya as the Cheshire cat, Chloe as the red queen
Monster/Monster High - Marinette - Daughter of the Chinese dragon, Adrien - son of Frankenstein, Alya - Daughter of a Pharoah, Lila - daughter of a kitsune and a human, Nino - son of a salt water sea monster, Chloe - daughter of a gargoyle, Alix - daughter of a werewolf, Rose - daughter of a unicorn and a werecat, Ivan - son of a stone giant (creative i know), Kim- son of a ghost
Fairytale/Ever after High - Mari - daughter of snowwhite, Chloe - daughter of Cinderella, Adrien - son of Ariel, Lila - daughter of Goldilocks, Alya - daughter of Belle, Nino - son of Aurora
Fruits Basket - Marinette - Tohru, Adrien - Cat, Nino - Rabbit, Alya - Boar, Max - Monkey, Chloe - sheep, Alix - dragon, Luka - Snake, Rose - Horse, Kim - Dog, Juleka - Tiger, Nathaniel - Rooster, Myelene - Rat
Percy Jackson/Greek God - Marinette - daughter of Demeter, Chloe - daughter of Aphrodite, Adrien - son of Hera, Nino - son of Hermes, Alya - mortal (possible hunter of Artemis), Juleka - daughter of Hades, Luka - son of Apollo, Rose - daughter of Demeter, Lila - daughter of Janus
Pokemon - Marinette - Wigglytuff, Dotler, Sylveon, Ribombee, Galarian Meowth (will not evolve), Galarian Slowpoke
Adrien -Boltund, Raichu, Glameow, Noctowl, Persian, Phantump
Alya - Rotom, Mimikyu, Tangela, Furret, Ledian, Zatu
Nino - Blastoise, Tyrantrum, Espeon, Tortuga, Granbull, Ariados
Chloe - Furfrou, Galarian Persian, Dedenne, Teddiursa, Stufful, Steenee
Lila - Nickit, Gossifluer, Male Pyroar, Delphox, Umbreon, Lucario
Steven Universe - Mari - Dalmatian Jasper, Adrien - Golden Pearl, Alya - Orange Red Ruby, Nino - Green Star Sapphire, Chloe - Yellow Cirtine, Lila - Amber
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goldenchocobo · 4 years
Kingdom Hearts Disney Character Daemons
I’ve finally done it, and made a list of all 59 human Disney character’s Daemons that appear in Kingdom Hearts.
I’ve listed them in Game Order and then World Order, with Worlds appearing in subsequent games only listed in the first game they debuted in including all characters, even if they themselves didn’t appear in that game (eg. Olympus is only listed in KH1, but includes Meg). I’ve added notes as well for a ‘quick analysis or things I’ve found out while researching the animals, names or characters.
Since it’s a monster of a list, I’ve saved everyone some Dash space and listed everything under the cut.
Kingdom Hearts
Alice: Unsettled, usually in the form of a cat. Jacob (Dinah)
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Queen of Hearts: Anna’s Hummingbird. Basil
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Notes: I wasn’t sure if I was going to include the Queen or not- but I decided to, since there isn’t anything that says she’s not human. I chose a hummingbird for her for her frequent mood swings due to the fact that (male) hummingbirds can get very aggressive.
Olympus Coliseum
Hercules: Pegasus (he’s half mortal so, they’d be extraordinary)
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Megera: Ferret. Creon
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Notes: I’ve found myself with a stereotype that if I can’t find a particular animal for a Daemon, I simply make them a mustalidae, but I think it works with Megera as she gives off a fem-fetale confidence.
Deep Jungle
Tarzan: African Fish Eagle. Juana
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Jane: Jewel Beetle (Chrysochroa fulgidissima). Iain
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Clayton: Sabor
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Notes: These were some of the hardest Daemons I’ve had to place, since I could not think of what to give them (apart from Clayton). But looking closer at Tarzan and Jane’s personalities, I chose what I feel are fitting Daemons, with the Eagle being a symbol of bravery, and the Beetle being a symbol for intellect and quirkiness.
Aladin: Sadaf (Abu)
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Jasmine: Arabian Mau. Dara
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Jafar: Jacqueline (Iago)
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Notes: I did almost give Jasmine Rajah for her Daemon, but wanted something smaller and less imposing, but equally as outgoing, so I decided to keep in the Feline family. Also, TIL; Iago is Welsh for Jack.
Gepetto: Fidela (Figaro)
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Notes: I do want to say that I think that once Pinocchio becomes human he would get a Daemon, and that Daemon would be Jimminy, granted by the Blue Fairy. But considering Jimminy’s role in the KH franchise, I thought it would be weird for him to be traveling with Sora + co.
Wendy: Unsettled, Mostly takes the form of a Bluebird. Geoffrey
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Peter: Unsettled, usually the form of a Cuckoo. Ceil
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Slightly: Unsettled, usually in the form of a Vixen. Jackie
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Cubby:  Unsettled, usually in the form of a Black bear cub. Thea
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Hook: Slender Mongoose. Adelaide
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Mr. Smee: Mallard duck. Deryn
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Notes: Smee’s Daemon was going to be a Schipperke (a small black dog) until I looked up Smee’s name and found it was a common old name to call Waterfowl (mainly ducks and Smews), and his personality fit!
Kingdom Hearts II
Land of Dragons
Mulan: Cri-Kee
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Le Shang: Pallas Cat. Ushas
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Shan Yu: Hayabusa
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Ling: Japanese Macaque. Binh
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Yao: Hamadryas Baboon. Jie
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Chien Po: White-Cheeked Macaque.Yu
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The Emperor: Indochinese Tigress. Indrani
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Notes: I based Ling, Yao and Chien Po on the three wise monkeys in terms of Daemon themes. The White-Cheeked Macaque isn’t the best choice, however, since it was only recently discovered..
Beast’s Castle
Belle: Eurasian Jay. Clarus
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‘Beast’: Wild European Sow (Boar). Addison
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Notes: I wasn’t going to give Beast a Daemon at first- she’d only appear in his human form at the end credits scene anyway, but I chose to give him one of his design inspirations, since the personality matched.
Port Royal
Capt. Jack Sparrow: Sparrow Hawk. Wyleye
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William Turner Jr: Arctic Tern. Vilma
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Elizabeth Swann: Barnacle Goose. Aaron
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Capt. Hector Barbosa: Great Skua. Rossa
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Notes: Yes, they’re all birds because all of their names (apart from Barbossa) were names of birds. I changed Jack’s from just ‘Sparrow’ to ‘Sparrowhawk’ since I think that suited him more. Also, Skuas may look like a drab seagull, but they are mean little things that rob other birds for food and eat chicks!
Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep
Enchanted Dominion
Aurora: Boreal Owl. Garrik
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Maleficent: Diablo
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Flora: European Robin. Zephyr
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Fauna: Dunnock. Silvius
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Merryweather: Great tit. Onofrio
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Notes: I’ve already talked about the Fairies before and haven’t changed their Daemons. Aurora is an owl because owls are stereotyped into two things: being knowledgeable, and being tired all the time. Disney themselves play to this trope a lot too.
Castle of Dreams
Cinderella: Jaq
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Lady Tremaine: Lucifer
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Anastasia Tremaine: Lion Tamarin. Bion
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Drizella Tremaine: Peacock Pheasant. Felix
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Notes: I chose the sister’s Daemons for specific reasons. They’re both prideful in their looks, singing voice and being ‘better than’ Cinderella. the two most common animals that symbolize pride is the lion and the peacock. giving these animals as Daemons to the sisters gives them a falseness about them. They may see themselves as all these good things, but in reality- they’re nothing but a sham.
Dwarf Woodland
The Queen/Witch Hag: Panther(leopard)/Rook. Gunnar
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Snowwhite: Bluetit. Vardan
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Notes: When matching Daemons to characters, I like to do research on those characters, and as it turns out- the Queen was going to be given a black panther as an animal companion in early drafts of Snow White. This was changed to a crow that lives in her potions’ lair later on. I gave her two forms, because I could foresee her using magic on her Daemon to make the disguise more complete.
Dream Drop Distance
La Citè des Cloches
Quasimodo: White Dove. Natalie
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Judge Claude Frolo: Silver Fox. Agrippina
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Esmerelda: Djai
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Captain Phoebus: Goldcrest. Petra
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Notes: I don’t have much to say here other than Pheobus’ Daemon was chosen based on his name alone, since they are small birds with a very bright crest that looks like sunshine when it catches the light.
The Grid
Kevin: Tarsier. Doireann
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Sam: Marva (Marvin)
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Notes: I did this very late on and very quickly due to me forgetting that Sam and Kevin are humans in this world! even at a quick look, I think I got them right.
Kingdom Hearts III
Kingdom of Corona
Rapunzel: Pascal
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Flynn: Eurasian Magpie. Owena
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Mother Gothel: Orchid Mantis. Chrysanthos
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Notes: I only really had trouble with Flynn’s Daemon, but landed on a magpie because they both like shiny things- like enormous piles of money.
Elsa: Ermine. Vetle
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Anna: Mountain Hare. Kai
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Kristoff: Svalbard Reindeer. Bae
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Hans: European Wolf. Gerda
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Notes: I based Elsa’s Daemon from the early concept of Frozen, where she was going to be an evil queen with a coat of living Ermine. Other than hers, all other Daemons are based on the original Book’s characters, with Hans’ Daemon being named after the main character, which further amplifies the end twist.
San Fransokyo
Hiro: Japanese Beetle. Kei
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Gogo: Hedgehog. Hwan
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Honey Lemon: Bumble-Bee. Benigno
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Fred: Iguana. Pamela
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Wasabi: Mediterranean Mantis. Ginger
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Notes: I originally had them all as Insects, but I have forgotten what other insects I had for Go-go and Fred, but I still feel I gave them the right choice.
END If you’ve made it this far, congratulations! my days of hard work was not wasted!
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Broken || Belle and Rumple
Regina really had no interest in steering people either towards or away from the pawn shop.  She merely thought Rumple might dislike the notion that she might.  But talking to him was like talking to a stone, and Snowwhite and her daughter STILL had REGINA’S son.  Regina figured she had gotten all she was going to out of the interaction, and she now had better thing to do.
“Take care of that side” she said as she left, just because she knew that her noticing and talking about it at all was annoying him, and she wasn’t really in a position to DO anything to pay him back for endangering her son and attempting to MURDER her, the least she could do was annoy him a little.
She saw herself out, jingling the little bell above the door as she left
The library had been impressive!  Prehaps not quite as impressive as the library Rumple had made for her back at the Dark Castle, but STILL more books then she could read in a lifetime just the same!  She had only begun to explore when a man had shown up asking if he might come in to warm himself from the cold.  Asking if she were here to meet anyone.   Asking if she were alone…  And then abducting her!
This made the third time Belle had been kidnapped!  Belle was NOT the damsel in distress type!
She was NOT the delicate princess who’s appeal to the male protagonist was only heightened by her fragility and need to be protected!  
It iritated her to no end that she was falling (quite against her will!) Into the “damsel in distress” role.  She wanted to be the hero, she would accept the side kick, wise council, or even love interest… But NOT the helpless victim!
Dispite her protest she was lead unceremoniously to a shack in a part of town she had never been to before.
She realized that “help, let me go!” or “you’ll be sorry when Rumple catches you!” We’re the kinds of things a kidnap victim would say.  So, what would a hero currently in enemy custody say?
Most likely wouldn’t say anything. They would pay attention to their surroundings and wait for an opportunity to escape… So she did.
Moe normally wouldn't ask someone to kidnap someone for him, especially his own daughter. But he hadn't been sure what else to do. Not when the Dark One still had her.
At first he'd made some signs, like some of the other residents of Storybrooke had made to locate their missing family members, but Moe didn't think the Dark One would let Belle see the signs. He'd put a few up anyway.
But what he'd really needed was to get Belle away from the Dark One. So he'd asked Smee to look for her, and bring her here.
And it had worked. They'd rescued Belle from the Dark One.
Now he could see his daughter again, and she would be safe, away from that monster.
Moe walked into the room where Smee had brought Belle, and was relieved to see that she looked okay, even after all her time with Rumplestiltskin.
"Belle," Moe said, as he walked over to her.
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tacdlunaria91 · 4 years
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#AmDrawing #Anime I've been in such a fairy tale retelling mood that I've been wanting to draw my own retelling characters. Here's my male Snow White character, Prince Siegbert Stark. When started this image, I had no idea what to do with the background, but I think I did alright. Like with Rein, I'm looking forward to writing Siegbert's story. Poor boy needs some happiness in his life with the young man he loves ... I think I throw too many pain his way lol. Anyway, when it's time for me to get to his story, expect more drawings of him then. For more info on this and future characters, follow my #Writergram account, @a_j_torres0 #WhimsicalFeatures #Art #Artgram #Artist #Draw #Drawing #DigitalArt #DigitalDrawing #Photoshop #ArtistOfInstagram #ArtistOfIg #Fantasy #YoungAdult #YA #FairyTaleRetelling #SnowWhite #Retelling #Doodles #WIPs https://www.instagram.com/p/CGN7oVdDZz-/?igshid=1uduhyay12kjz
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tgsqrd · 5 years
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So I received 5 special gifts a few days back from a woman that was an animal horder. I managed to convince her to release them to me and now they are living happily in a cage they can actually fly in. These poor babes were in a small carrier covered in red mites and were covered in poop. After i recieved them i took them to the vet and got them treated for the mites and got them cleaned upand now they have started to warm up to me and sing so sweetly.
Also my niece named them as such : Ivy and SnowWhite(both white girls) Blueberry (blue girl) Superman & Captain America (blue males)
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B A S I C   I N F O
Name: JACKSON CLARK   Age: 29 Disney Character.:  THE PRINCE  Disney Movie: SNOW WHITE Faceclaim: HENRY CAVILL    Availability: OPEN
(+) charismatic, open-minded, devoted  (-) reserved, spoiled, selfish 
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