#malum monarchy
rainrayne · 2 months
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So uh.. kindergarten 3, huh? I will draw the new characters soon. This is the best I can give you for now
+ (Malum Monarchy)
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Also, an art I was supposed to post yesterday but I forgot to 💀 too late now but..hey..
Extra: Jerome: Uh.. guys any ideas on what a "Wednesday" is?
Penny: Um..that's the first time I ever heard of a term like that..
Ozzy: Never heard of it.
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malumonarchy · 1 month
What’s the relationships between everyone?
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[There are no canonical romantic relationships because I want to give people the freedom on whatever they wanna ship. (excluding proshit, obviously.)]
Be free to make any comments based on this chart! (Also sorry this took long to answer)
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ketchupandpickles · 2 months
Attempted to draw my two favorite designs from Malumonarchy (by @rainrayne
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also bonus Cindy because I'm on a Cindy Kick and I love her design
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It's a cool Au go check it out
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angelabsol · 3 years
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decided to draw some symbols for the royals and some of the various groups of royals.
Royal Monarchy: the royals as a whole, shows off a crown with the royal goddess behind it.
The Royal Army: The royal army is contained of a few generals who lead massive raids to free captured royals. They follow a strict code that primarily focuses on causing as few casualties as possible, not wanting to be the monsters those that hurt them think they are. It follows the same design as the monarchy, only with a red jewel and a feather representing the armada.
The Rouges: Royals who have felt the army or monarchy has failed them formed The Rouges. Unlike the army which tried to limit as many human casualties as possible, The Rouges are the opposite and will have no shame in causing human casualties in their raids. It follows a similar design as the monarchy, only with a broken crown and swords.
Followers Of Shadow Canyon: Some royals have completely broke away from the Monarchy and Army and instead formed their own group called The Followers of Shdow Canyon. These royals follow a being called Malum, the royal's equivalent to a devil. Instead of going after bases that hold royals captured, the followers go after the source and target members of their hunters. It uses a skull, crossbones, and 3 claw marks to represent malum. this symbol is also used by those who make deals with the devil.
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For questions regarding the ask game (idk if your still doing this, but here we go anyway): Rho and the guard
Rho - Is your narrator reliable? Or do they have secrets?
Well I have six of them for one so you're bound to have a few unreliable points. They're mostly only human, so you're bound to have some memory issues here and there. Not to mention how they don't know all of the details about each other, either, so they make assumptions that are incorrect throughout the story too.
Lucas, Josephine, Celine, and Lucius tend to be more open with both the readers and the others, though William and Alexis are a bit more secretive. Don't worry, they'll get along better eventually :)
The Guard - What type of rule of law exists in your WIP?
Okay I had to look this up but I think I get the gist of it? It varies a bit from kingdom to kingdom, though the mainland four are relatively similar absolute monarchies. Everyone is subject to the same law, though if need be, the rulers can perhaps pull a few strings to turn the tides. Imperium is a bit different in this aspect that the ruler is quite literally one of the Gods, and so Malum is technically above the law (not that she would break it anyway, but you get my point).
The islands get a bit iffy in this point, though, because they're all under one technical democracy with minor individual governments in each island discluding Dux's island. Dux stands only under the democracy as that's where the head of government is located. Imagine a less dysfunctional America, where popular vote and such actually plays somewhat of a part and the president can't just close the entire government to get what they want without repercussion. The leader of Dux's island (and thus the technical leader of the Elysium Islands) is elected by the people for one term (undecided as for now, I'm thinking maybe every two years?) and must run again in order to continue. They're subject to the laws of Dux's island as much as anyone, and if not, are under even higher scrutiny than the average person.
Anterres' island functions more or less like a constitutional monarchy with minor democratic influence from Dux's island. Currently the Leader of Anterres' island, Aarave, makes decisions based on the established rules, advised by Terrin, her adopted son, and in a way the heir to her position. While she technically isn't above the law, she does have more than a few loopholes to get out of trouble if need be... Not to mention a bit of Godly power in her favor beyond Anterres' blessing, though that's a story for another day. (As is Anterres' island as a whole tbh because that island is a huge mess of lore)
Praetur's island is like that one town they refuse to acknowledge. Thanks to a few power-hungry people and no one wanting to get involved, it's practically devolved into a turf war between gangs in recent years. No one usually goes there because of Dux's island stopping all assistance from going there to convince them to calm tf down. So right now, Praetur's island is quite the lawless land, though a lot of shady stuff also goes on there behind closed doors...
Praevus' island is a special case, because it was largely uninhabited until recently. A family bloodline has ruled over the Adoruna, a cult there worshipping one of the Gods, though until now, they haven't exactly been involved in the world at large. Cult leader whom I shall not name for now happens to be involved in a larger play now, and though CL is quite immune to any sort of judgement from the Adoruna unless it would come from the God themself (no, the God isn't Praevus, by the way, Praevus' island just happened to be uninhabited), CL does have a reputation to upkeep elsewhere in the world...
And Anguis's island is entirely uninhabited apart from Anguis himself, and Unathet, who I've mentioned in a few Flash Fiction Friday drabbles. Safe to say there's not exactly a government there for rule of law to apply to.
(Okay wow that question got drawn out woops-)
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hunterartemis · 5 years
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The Assistant: an addition
This post represents the current members of one of the Richest and Oldest French Pureblood family Valois. It took me two weeks to find the right kind of images and people (most of whom I don’t really know) to represent what was the perfect image of the Valois family
The Image at the very top is the family crest of the Valois, and in real life, it is actually the Crest of Valois, found on the tomb of Charles the Bold, the original founder of the Valois line.
The next one, “Tres haut, tres excellent, tres magnanime et tres puissant” is the official writing on the tapestry of the allied Valois-Bourbon line. It means “most high, most excellent, most magnanimous and most powerful”, it is the praise of the family, and only the High Nobles have.
Hrothgar Bartholomew Valois: I have chose an edited version of Timothy Omundson on this one. Hrothgar has dark eyes, Timothy Omundson had blue. In the panel next to him, is a Crown. The name ‘Hrothgar’ has been taken from the Angle Saxon Epic Beowulf, Where Hrothgar is a Danish King. The exact meaning is not known, but Hrothgar means “Spear”. His middle name “Bartholomew” means “Pirate King”. Pirates don’t care for morality or codes, they just plunder and conquer. I have placed the names of Legitimate and Non-Legitimate Kings side by side to highlight Hrothgar’s diplomatic nature that hold both ruthlessness and shrewdness together.
Marguerite Lucrezia Valois: “Marguerite” is the French version of “Margaret”. This figure, “Marguerite” is inspired from “Marguerite de Valois”, one of the earliest Queen Consort of the Valois dynasty.  The Name “Marguerite” means “pearls”, a very sought after object by European nobles, and an important symbol of Virginity and Purity, often worn by Elizabeth I the Virgin Queen of England. “Lucrezia” is an Italian name that means “wealthy”. Marguerite is from the family of Orleans, which in real life assumed the July Monarchy in France. So her name in total means “Wealthy in Pearls” or “Wealthy in Purity”. She is a reddish blond haired woman, with hazel eyes
Menelaus Cepheus Valois: the Eldest Valois son has the name of Mythical King of Troy, Menelaus. Menelaus means “Strength of the People”, the eldest Valois son is also named after a gracious King, like his father and his middle name “Cepheus” is a name of a Constellation, which also means “King”. I have picked Gabriel Aubry for this role. he has a darker blond hair.
Svetlana Arkyadevna Valois: The Elder Daughter-in-law of the Valois hails from the Russian nobility, Gruzinsky. In real life, the Gruzinsky are Georgian Nobility and Subject of Russia. Her name “Svetlana” means “Luminous” or “Light” in Russian, and I have been inspired from the Russian Ballerina ‘Svetlana Zakharova’. Her middle name “Arkyadevna” means    “daughter of Arkady”. It is a common tradition in Russia that a person’s middle name suggests whose son or daughter they are. Her middle name was inspired from Tolstoy’s heroine, ‘Anna Arkyadevna Karenina’. “Arkady” usually means “someone from Arcadia”. So the whole of her name means “Arcadian Light”, another Grecian inspired name, coinciding with her husband Menelaus. She has red hair and blue eyes. 
Magnus Cetus Valois: The Younger son of the Valois is named after the famous “Whale” constellation. ‘Magnus’ is Latin for “Great”. The literal translation of “Cetus” is Whale. It was coincidental that during both of the son’s birth the Constellations Cephus and Cetus were in the front line, so it was decided that their middle names would be after these stars. Magnus’ name keeps up with the mother. Whale is an oceanic creature and pearl is found in the ocean.
Elena Vittoria Valois: Magus’ wife, Elena Vittoria is from the Italian house of Orsini. In real life, the Orsini family existed in medieval times and Renaissance and produced a number of Popes to give to the Roman Empire. Therefor this Orsini too, is of old origin. ‘Elena’ means “blessed”, a common Italian name, and “Vittoria”, another common Italian name (Italian Version of ‘Victoria’) means “Victory” or the Goddess of Victory herself. Her name therefore means “blessed Victory”. She has platinum blonde hair, gray eyes and neurotic disposition. She is currently with child.
Maxine Adrienne Odessa Valois: The youngest child of Hrothgar Valois who possesses her father’s looks. She has three names, unlike her brothers. “Maxine”, a name that was chosen by her father (all of the sons were named by their mother) that means “Greatest” in Latin; “Adrienne” a name that means “dark”, was given because she was the first child of Hrothgar who was born with the same black hair like his. Her last name ‘Odessa’ was given in a whim, a name that is the female version of “Odysseus”, the famous Greek Traveler. Later in life, she traveled around the world, wandering about, in search of knowledge. I have chosen an edited version of Vittoria Ceretti, an Italian model. she came closest to my idea. I am aware that her hair does not totally match Maxine’s but it is to be remembered, Maxine’s hair is not curly, it is wavy. The roots are straight, but the length is not.
I have chosen to edit them B/W and not in colour or in that fashion of 1920′s to indicate how they are trapped in a mental state of 19th century and aristocratic supremacy. Maxine is in colour to depict how different she is from them.
I have put many quotes here, these are to showcase the values of the family, and to use them as aesthetics. These are the vows of the Valois Family
“bono malum superate, capax infiniti, faciam quodlibet quod necesse est   “ :  overcome evil with good, holding the infinite, I’ll do whatever it takes.
 “Compos mentis, concilio et labore, coniunctis viribus, Resurgam” :  in control of the mind,  by wisdom and effort,  with connected strength, I shall rise.
“Deus et mon droit, et it doit etre pre avec tous les mouyens“: The God and My Right, I will take it by any means.
The last quote is in French, and the part “Deus et Mon droit” is the true motto of the Valois. However, I have put this in French to echo the mindset and realness of Maxine.
Narum Ligno Domum: This is the motto of the Wizarding Pureblood family of the Valois. The quote means “the backbone of the dynasty is made of wood”. It is said that There were not one, but two men that established the Valois family. The Muggle one was established by Charles de Capet, Son of King Philip III and Isabella of Aragon, and his unknown brother Jean-Baptiste de Capet. In the medieval age, when Jean-Baptiste was born with magical blood his Royal parents kept him a secret. When Charles found the Valois house in 1284, Jean-Baptiste, now educated in Magical Arts, threatened to end him. To avoid conflict, bloodshed and exposition, both Charles and Jean-Baptiste signed a treaty that there will not be one, but two Valois branches, one non-wizard another wizard, and both will be bound to each other. The pact consisted-
1. If a non-magic child in born with magical blood, he/she would be the responsibility of the Wizarding Valois family and Vice Versa.
2. The Non-Wizard will protect the secrecy and existence of the Wizarding Valois family. 
3. In return, the Wizarding Valois family will protect the Valois-Capet Dynasty with magical means. This condition became null and void when the Muggle Valois family went extinct in 1589.
The motto literally meant that the Muggle Valois Dynasty is and has been protected by the wood (wand) of the Wizarding Valois.
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frussette · 2 years
Greenskeeper Gathering 2022 checklist under the cut.
At Odds (Aberration f) x1
One With the Forest (Aberration m) x1
Pitstop Plants (Bogsneak f) x1
Grass Butterfly Bells (Fae f) x1
Summer Coat (Gaoler m) x1
Enlightened Green (Obelisk f) x1
Malum Immortalis (Pearlcatcher f) x1
Gladeveined Promenade (Ridgeback f) x1
Madam Monarchy (Skydancer f) x1
Butterflies-Garden (Snapper f) x1
Ginkgo Biloba Butterfly (Spiral m) x1
Mossy Greens (Spiral m) x1
Noble Soul (Veilspun f) x1
Apiarist’s Dream (Wildclaw m) x1
Nature’s Charm x10
Foliage Blind x10
Malachite Gladekeeper x2
Bladed Flatleaves x800
Chests x3
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char-writes · 6 years
Influence Tag Game
Thank you so much to @homesteadhorner  for tagging me!!
Rules: Give a short summary of your WIP, and then provide seven sources of inspiration for your work. Tag seven people to share their own influences!
Tagging: I’ve not yet interacted with many people so I’ll tag a few of my followers at random! Sorry if you’ve already been tagged and feel free to ignore! @iwritethemworlds @sauwrites @dantedevereaux @editedandwrittenbyhannah @reinkings @calexawrites @byjillianmaria
Summary: I’ll use Traitor for this, a story which takes place in a time where the world has been divided into three separate empires— our protagonist, Elizabeth Hall, has learned them as Hostile, Alliance, and her own nation of Malum. When war breaks out between the Alliance and Hostile nations, Elizabeth— Princess of Malum and heir to the throne— is used as a pawn in a treaty set between her nation and the Alliance: in order to assure Malum will not interfere, she is sent to live in the Alliance capital until the war is done. Here, she meets Anya, a prisoner of the Alliance and a princess of the Hostile Empire. Secret meetings with this prisoner lead Elizabeth into thoughts she shouldn’t have; interactions with Alliance leaders cause her to question her loyalties. After a tragedy strikes Elizabeth’s life, she’s left to choose between the virtues she was raised with and the emotions she feels for the girl she’s meant to hate. The novel deals with ways in which betrayals are defined differently by different people and how some seem to be the only choice to be made.
Friends. This isn’t in the light-hearted way one may expect friends to influence a story; rather, my friends influenced it by giving me the first spark of passion to write the story of a girl betraying her own friends. I’ve had many toxic friendships in my life, something that took me a long time to realize and even longer to escape. Though I was hesitant to ever call my friendships toxic at the time, I did find myself projecting a lot of the traits of the friendships into what I was writing, which resulted in toxicity becoming an important theme for Traitor. While it is on a more intense level than what I went through, I still feel it became something I used to cope with what I was faced with.
Historical Events. Namely, wars and monarchies, as well as imperialism. Traitor takes place in a world where kingdoms rule and wars are common so I’ve spent quite a bit of time researching each facet of this in order to most accurately portray what I’m attempting to write. It’s been fascinating to find older battleplans or wartime strategies to be used again in a different way for this and I’m excited to see if any of my characters can pull these plans off!
This may fall under historical events but The Cold War is a great influence on how many of these empires exist. Alliance and Hostile are the most powerful of the empires so I’ve found myself drawing from the similar tensions in the Cold War in order to emphasize the power of each kingdom.
Code Geass. It may be silly to reference an anime as an influence but Code Geass is the one anime I’ve watched that still sticks with me in terms of character and plot. The protagonist in the show is fascinating to me and is one of my favorite grey-moral characters. By all means, he’s a villain and an awful person but, because of his intentions and recognition of his own faults, he’s still sympathetic— at least to me. By watching the show, I’ve learned quite a bit about how to develop a character whose morals may not always align with what is right and also feels real.
Music. Another silly answer but a lot of my ideas for this story came from a good brainstorming/music-listening session. Songs like “Let It Burn” by Red and “World on Fire” by Les Friction are some of my favorite songs to listen to while planning out the story or daydreaming about it. Though these songs, and others, have lyrics that match the story a bit, I’m more interested in the emotions these songs evoke. I emotionally attach to songs quite easily and each song, for me, has the potential to convey an exact emotion. I’ve made a playlist of songs that remind me of characters or plot points based solely on the way the song makes me feel. When I’m writing, I’ll listen to a few songs beforehand in order to get into the right mindset of whichever scene I’m plotting or writing.
Classes. As a college student, I’ve had the chance to take a few creative writing courses and I’ve gone into each one with the mindset that there’s something to be learned within them— a mindset that’s important for me to have since I do have a habit of getting cocky in class. While nothing specifically related to Traitor, a lot of the exercises we were given and lessons we were taught translate beautifully into my own personal writing. One of my favorite memories is of the critique groups we would have. It opened me up to quite a few genres I never would have glanced at otherwise and allowed me the chance to learn how to overcome the sting of criticism— while also taking the criticism into account. It taught me that my writing doesn’t need to be perfect and that sharing a piece is a wonderful feeling.
Friends. I’m saying this again because, now, I have friends who do support my writing and are great at motivating me to get things done. One of my current best friends is my biggest cheerleader and also a writer so, I suppose, we influence each other by tossing ideas out back and forth and asking questions about each other’s plots. Having someone to bounce ideas off of is one of the best things I’ve had for my work yet.
Thank you, again, for tagging me!!
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rainrayne · 3 months
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They are here! Malum Monarchy! Civilians + Royalties (click for higher quality)
(⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠) Close-ups and some messages underneath!
Just to be clear from the start! If you are planning to make fanart you can absolutely insert your headcanons! Like changing their eye colors, body types (excluding the characters that are canonically fat, DON'T make them skinny.) (ahem ahem Buggs), adding moles, freckles, scars, I really don't mind! Have fun!
The adults and the hall monitors will have reference sheets too but not for now.
Close ups (higher quality):
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This took me two weeks to finish and I'm so happy it's finally finished!! Please tell me your favorites (if you want to) I'll be really happy!
Also Happy April fools! even tho I don't have a joke to make.
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malumonarchy · 5 months
Oh look a spider! (Points to a spider I’m the corner)
Felix: Pfft-
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Ted: I-I will not allow such a creature in the same presence as mine! I-I will be brave! I will fight for my father's honor!
Felix: Wait, huh-
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Ted: *takes out a teacher's pointing stick from.. his pocket?* I'll handle this, Felix!
Felix: What the!? The- Teddy, where did you get that from-
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Ted: ATTACK!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! *Ted tries to hit the spiders with the pointing stick..while his eyes are closed.*
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Felix: (My, he's hopeless..)
[Ted is closed for asks as he is currently having the battle of the century. Felix is still open for asks, however!]
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rainrayne · 6 months
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Malum Monarchy Cindix
It's currently 1 am.
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malumonarchy · 5 months
Penny!! Are you a robot?
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Penny: A robot? I'm not. But why do you ask? Do I... look like one?
Penny: Even though I'm not one... It would've been cool to be one, right? Robots are fascinating! Especially the ones who are helpful for humans!
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malumonarchy · 1 month
what is the AU about??
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Kid: Well, that's one of the things I'm trying to figure out also. The last thing I remember is getting hit by thunder while I was trying to get the Talisman ending in the last saving file.
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Kid: I didn't know that it was even possible to fail that ending, considering that I didn't have a problem like that with the other save files. And somehow failing to get that ending, brought me here. And now we're (The player, me and Nugget..I guess. ) just trying to figure out how it all happened. And also how to go back to my original timeline.
Kid: I wish I could give you a clearer answer, but I can't.
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malumonarchy · 5 months
Hey Ted, Hey Felix! Where’s your mom?
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Ted: Sorry, I don't have an idea on where Mother could be right now. I don't see her much along the day.
Ted: *stares at Felix*
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Ted: I only see Mother at dinner time so I'm afraid I can't help you.
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Felix: Errm..I wouldn't know. Probably wherever Father is at, she is also with him. Or somewhere close to him. Whatever. Whatever it is that she does.
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