#mama Muto
chaoscheebs · 1 year
Brain suddenly was struck with the mental image of Seto Kaiba, after a long, particularly trying day, casually letting himself into Yugi’s place, walking past Yugi’s mom and grandpa, possibly physically picking up Yugi along the way if he’s not at the end goal already, climbing into Yugi’s bed (with Yugi) that is definitely not built for Kaiba’s tall self, and zonking the fuck out.  Sorry, Yugi, it’s like living with a cat, but much bigger and clingier; you’re stuck there until whenever the hell he wakes up.
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paintingpuff · 6 months
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Meet my OC: Muto 🇧🇷 🇯🇵
Pronouns: they/them
Age: 14
Local teenager who was training to become a proper Shepherd before encountering Bellum and getting roped into raising an infant god.
More lore under the cut!
They have an RSI in their forearms that results in chronic pain and severe cramping that leaves their arms non functional if exacerbated too much. This is due to a combination of an old childhood injury (see scars) and their own overworking. Their arm bracers help with the pain, and the patches warn if they are about to cramp and drop everything.
Parts of their outfit are made up from their late mama's Shepherd uniform, since their family can't afford to buy a new one.
They have an Innate magic known as Antithesis, where any and all spells they cast create an equal and opposite effect. This has caused trouble at the Shepherd Academy and forced them to become skilled at various magic expressions very quickly in order to keep up.
They're often reckless and overenthusiastic about new magic with little regard for their safety, something Bellum has to pick up the slack for.
have some more dumb doodles
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kaliido-s · 1 year
*chittering noises*
*walks in holding a miniature Hokmuto in my arms, with his legs and wings dangling*
MUTO ecology headcanons? MUTO ecology headcanons?
Kaliido, you have opened the floodgates.
So, I headcanon that MUTOs are a coastal species, because everywhere a MUTO was willingly, it was a coastal environment. The Philippines, Janjira, Honolulu, San Francisco, and Hoboken, where Barb was sleeping. Yucca Mountain and Las Vegas are outliers- but Femuto didn’t go there willingly, she was taken to Yucca as a spore, and the rest of it is her seeking out radiation and then heading to the coast. (A non-ecology headcanon of mine is that she remembers Monarch cutting open and running tests on her as a fetus, which explains her being slightly more aggressive towards humans in the beginning than Hokmuto (who might have even learned to associate humans with food by that point)). Then, of course, the nest blows and she becomes way more aggressive.
Also, Hokmuto was able to dive deep enough to catch that Russian sub (or snatch it from the surface if it was surfacing at the time) and then carry it to Hawaii, where he proceeded to enjoy his nuclear missile munchies. He performs a similar stunt with the nuke boat in San Francisco Bay, diving on it from the clouds (in what I consider to be one of the most visually stunning shots of the MonsterVerse), then swimming underwater with it to the shore.
This leads me to believe that male MUTOs would fly out to sea to hunt, snacking on smaller ocean-going Titans such as Genitors or Squidfaces (the Skull Island Final Boss Thing), before carrying their catch back to the coast for their mates and babies.
Which brings me to the females. I believe that they would use their long forelimbs to root around in the mud and sand for prey such as Mire Squids, Trapdoor Crabs, or Sirenjaws. Nesting spires and cocooning sites would be dug into high cliffs or expanded from naturally-occurring sea caves to keep them safe.
Not sure how Primuto fits into all this but nobody cares about her.
In short, preferred feeding territory would be the open sea, barrier islands, brackish inlets, saltmarshes, and estuaries. Another tally on the “coastal” theory involves their preferred nesting host, Titanus Gojira- an ocean-going and semiaquatic species. Males would lure the Gojira to the coast, where he and the waiting mate would work together to subdue it, having lured the Gojira onto land, where it would be much clumsier and easier to bring down.
Another headcanon I have involves the nesting spire- namely, you can hear the babies chirping and chittering from inside their eggs. I believe that this was to allow them to coordinate their hatching time and to alert Mama and Papa to have food ready (Some crocodilians and birds do the same thing).
Another involves the spire itself, as well as the cocoon and the spores- namely, it’s a mix of the MUTO’s thick saliva and dirt/other materials. Spores that are injected into a host will form their shells from chewed-up bone or carapace matter.
As for the unseen larval stage- I believe it to be semi-aquatic, given the theories I have stated above and below, and the fact that baby Hokmuto was hauling ass over sea from the Philippines to Janjira.
My final headcanon is that I subscribe to the “MUTOs are derived lungfish” theory. Look up a lungfish skull and tell me that’s not the most MUTO thing you’ve ever seen. The metamorphic life cycle could be a form of neotenal larva developing into a fully formed adult (like an amphibian, but with an added cocoon for protection, given the transformation takes longer due to size and energy needs). Lungfish have working lungs, as their name suggests, meaning it’s not inconceivable that they could evolve to be full air-breathers as adults (esp. with Hollow Earth fuckery/by kaiju movie standards). The multiple limbs can be explained as being like a sea robin’s fingers (look it up). Lungfish cocoon themselves with saliva during droughts to survive. Etc. Not sure how the EMP factors in- mayhap could say it has something to do with the lateral line? One could say that their “eyes” aren’t even really eyes, but modified lateral lines (this explains the radio light flashing in time with Femuto’s “eye” pulsing). I do thing they have some form of visual sight though.
I’m aware some of these ideas contradict themselves, but a lot of the canon stuff about the MUTOs is contradictory as well.
Anyway, that concludes my lecture. Apologies for the long post, as you can tell I’m so normal about my lil buggy boys and girls.
So sorry for not responding to this ask sooner but I fucking love this!!!! The canon explanation for MUTOs and their biology has mostly left me unsatisfied (the parasite thing feels underdeveloped and all the different forms just don’t make sense? what is the purpose of the Prime or the Queen?? Why do they exist and why do they BOTH need to exist?). I love when people go “fuck canon” and just run wild with reinterpretation, this shit is my jam. Especially when it comes to the MV and reemphasizing that these monsters are animals with lifestyles beyond “graaah scary predator”. Awesome shit right here anon.
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
i miss being a little kid in grandpa's shop!! he'd make me pancakes and mama would get me cute little clothes... i remember a little frog hoodie! and they'd laugh with me when i said something silly and we played all sorts of games... mama said i was the smartest little boy she'd ever known. i miss her. my mama now reminds me of her. i miss being little yugi tho, i wanna be little yugi muto again.
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The Queens Gambit: The Story
The most powerful piece in chess is the queen.
When this piece joins the game of Duel Monsters anything will change.
With two dragon sisters, a magician and her descendant, the queen will take her rightful place.
As it should have been.
8th Millenniums Items
Atem/Yami YuugiXOC
Yuugi MutoXOC
Seto KaibaXReborn!Kisara
Anzu MazakiXReborn!Mana
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Here we are now people, in chapter 3 with the first duel :D I admitI took Yami and Pegasus duel as a base and my dear friend Light guardine35 helped me to write it. So if you haven’t read any of her stuff do it now what are you waiting for?! Enjoy the chapter and tell me if the duel was okay if you could follow along, all right?
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Chapter 3: Card Games through a TV
Redone: 29/08/24
I mixed a bit of Japanese dub with English dub, I hope it's okay ^^
The next few weeks in Sehrazat's life were… interesting to say at least.
She and her whole family and friends got Afya, the spirit of the Millennium Fragment and her supposed ancestor, to know.
Afya was 100% a queen, no doubt. Her presence, how she moved, how she talked, the way she could command a whole room…it screamed it.
And her soul room was a giant ass ancient Egyptian palace.
Sehrazat had now for a few times visit it and the place seemed to have no ends. What really surprised her, were the Duel Monsters carved on a few doors that wouldn’t open. Not even Afya knew how to open them or what was behind them.
Anyhow, the most important place was the little arena the palace had. There were a lot of weapons, mostly swords, and shields and Afya made it her quest to teach Sehrazat to wield a sword.
No kidding!
So Sehrazat got her ass mentally kicked once per day and her respect for Afya grow.
The woman was a merciless teacher, but how she kicked butt was art!
So elegant and deadly!
It doesn’t mean that the blue-haired girl didn’t want to make her ancestor a bit suffer. She could literally feel all the wounds Afya had inflicted on her, even if they didn’t show on her body.
So she did what she could do best.
Challenging Afya to a children’s card game.
Also known as Duel Monster.
Before her father died he had taught her anything about the game. She didn’t want to praise herself, but she was a damn good duellist. She had won the last Europa Championships and if she hadn’t moved to Japan she could have participated in the World Cup.
Sadly you had to still live in Europa to be the champion, so her title had gone to the creepy Paulo Ramirez, the third place in the classify since Kihana played Duel Monster too and was second place.
Anger couldn’t even describe how Sehrazat felt about that.
Stupid technicality.
To get back where we started, Sehrazat was a damn good duellist and would beat Afya’s ass in Duel Monster.
That evaporated in a few minutes in their game since Afya picked it up fast and completely destroyed her.
Afya was even better than her in Duel Monsters!
How the heck the ancient queen managed this was beyond Sehrazat.
After that brutal loss, she had gone to her Mama to get comfort. It was so unfair!
It didn’t end there, Afya wiped the floor with Kihana too and Maja gave up after a few turns.
Afya was not only a formidable swordswoman but also an incredible duellist. Even if she repeated she preferred her sword over cards.
All in all, it was an experience that was not forgotten and Sehrazat asked herself if she and Afya teamed up if they could have beaten Seto Kaiba, the former World Champion.
Yes, the former.
A boy named Yugi Muto kicked the rich kid and three of his Blue Eyes White Dragons behind with Exodia.
If Sehrazat ever met this Yugi he would get a big Kudos from her.
That was impressive.
Today in the Faizan and Schariq household Maja was to guest since they all wanted to watch together how the Japanse Championship ended.
After a nice supper, all were in the living room together.
Sehrazat was snuggled up against her Mama, with Maja leaning on her. Sadiye was sitting on Aunty Rahila’s lap and Kihana had taken one of the armchairs for herself. Afya, as spirit, was also out of her Millennium Item and sat down on the other armchair.
Various snacks and beverages were laid out on the couch table and everyone, besides Afya of course, took some snacks and drinks.
Then it was time for the final duel.
The Announcer was full of energy as he said: ”To the millions of Duel Monsters fans, it's time for the tournament finals! Among the 200 duelists who won their regionals, who will stand at the top? Here come the competitors! Representing East Japan, 14-year-old Insector Haga! Representing West Japan, 15-year-old Dinosaur Ryuzaki! ”
“Are these the guys’ real names?”, asked Maja and bit into her chocolate bar.
Kihana finished drinking her coke answering her: “No, I’m pretty sure that’s are invented names. Who would name his kid Insector or Dinosaur?”
“Someone with bad taste.”, said Amira, which made everyone laugh.
The all-female group watched how Insector Haga destroyed Dinosaur Ryuzaki with his tiny insects.
Sadiye pouted like no tomorrow as she had to give Maja her Yens since she bet that the Dinosaur Dude would win. Her mother and sister hugged and kissed her, so she felt a bit better.
But she wouldn’t bet again against Maja.
 “Presenting the award is Industrial Illusions CEO and the genius creator of Duel Monsters...”, told the announcer. “Mr. Pegasus J. Crawford!”
Pegasus, holding a trophy, was raised by a platform into the middle of the duelling arena.
“The creator personally, what an honour for the young boy.”, said Rahila, stroking Sadiye’s black hair.
“That guy has some serious fabulous hair. What shampoo does he use?”, wonders Maja.
Sehrazat wants to answer her, yet she feels something in her mind. Or more she feels the connection she shares with Afya. Her Yami stares at Pegasus with a frown.
“What’s wrong, Afya?”
“I don’t like this man…something is strange about him. How he gives himself, his posture…it rubs me the wrong way.”
Meanwhile, Pegasus walks over to Insector Haga and kneels down. He gives him the trophy and congratulations, Haga is of course really happy.
That’s when Pegasus says something which turns all attention back to him: “You are granted entry into an upcoming event sponsored by my company.”
“That’s a first.”, says Amira. “Pegasus never hold an event or sponders something.”
“Oh that reminds me!”, shouts Rahila.
She puts Sadiye down from her lap and runs out of the living room.
The rest of the women and girls look all at each other confused.
A few seconds later she returns with two boxes in her hands.
“These packages were delivered today to us. One is for Sehrazat and one for you Kihana, my child.”
Still confused both take their package. Sehrazat shakes it.
“I wonder what’s in there.”
“It’s from Industrial Illusions!”, gasp Kihana surprised.
Amira crosses her arms and Afya’s frown deepens.
“Pegasus announces an event sponsored by him and you get the same-day packages from Industrial Illusions. I don’t like to say it girls, but something about this is fishy.”, says, Amira.
“You think so, Mama?”
“I agree, it is a bit of an obvious coincidence.”, admits Rahila. “But, Mira, both our daughters are top duellists, it’s not strange if Pegasus wants them in his event .”
“Can we not just open the boxes and see what’s inside them?”, whines Sadiye, who is sitting now on Maja’s lap.
“I’m curious too.”, agrees Maja with her.
Well, what else should they do? So together Sehrazat and Kihana open the boxes under the eyes of their family and friends. Both find a glove, two golden stars, and some cards.
Only Sehrazat’s one has a VHS in it. She picks it up with a frown.
“Why do I get a VHS?”
“Don’t make us watch it Sehra!”, shrieks Sadiye and hugs Maja tight. “That thing could be cursed!”
“Did you watch again bad movies, even if I didn’t permit them, Sadiye? You are still too young.”, scolds Rahila.
“Sorry, mommy!”
“We will talk about this later, young miss.”
Sehrazat looks to Afya, who has crossed her arms fixing this strange device with an uncertain look.
“Well, let’s just watch it.”, she decides for anyone. “We will know then what’s it about.”
So Sehrazat puts the VHS in the VCR.
The woman and girls huddle all close together till the static shows Pegasus on the TV screen.
“Greetings, my dear Sehrazat girl. I am Pegasus J. Crawford.”
“Hello?”, greets Sehrazat and waves awkwardly.
“Did you really say hello to a pre-recorded video?”, whispers-shouts Kihana in disbelief.
The blue-haired girl just shrugs her shoulders.
“It’s quite a shame that just because you moved to Japan you aren’t the Europa Champion anymore. You and Miss Schariq are formidable duellists, but you Sehrazat are even more a special case.”, tells her Pegasus. Afya stands now beside her with crossed arms, fixing the screen with a sharp look. “In fact, I've decided to investigate your amazing duelling skills personally. Right here, right now, we shall hold a special duel. We will play with a strict time limit of fifteen minutes and when time's up, the player with the highest life-points will be the winner. Are you ready?”
“This guy nuts, he is on a videotape.”, points Maja out.
“How is this going to work?”, wonders Sadiye.
Suddenly Pegasus laughs really evil. Something behind his hair glows in gold.
“With magic!”
The woman and girls let out a shocked sound. Her mother, Aunty Rahila, Kihana, Sadiye and Maja turn black and fade into the background.
Only she and Afya are still standing.
“Gran-Gran are you feeling this?”, she asks her Yami. “Everything's growing dark and cold and the others aren't moving.”
“Yes, I do. This is some kind of magic I bet with you!”
“Pegasus what have you done to my family!”, Sehrazat demands to know.
“Don’t worry, they are fine, you should worry more where we are now, little Sehrazat!”, tells her Pegasus.
“He is right. This place…this isn’t our normal world.”, informs her Afya.
“Do you want to take over, Gran-Gran?”
Afya just nods.
The symbol of the Millennium Items appears on Sehrazat’s forehead and her Millennium Fragments start to glow. With closed eyes the switch takes place and where once Sehrazat was in control of the body it is now Afya.
The spirit opens her eyes and smirks at Pegasus.
“All right, let’s duel and then you unfreeze my family and friends!”, declared Afya in her more mature and womanly voice.
Pegasus nods.
“Certainly. Let's begin. But you should know one thing, someone like me you never faced in a duel.”
The VCR timer is set to 0: 15.00 and both duellists get their cards ready.
“You will pay for what you did to my family!”, growls Afya and draws the Alexandrite Dragon.
Again something behind Pegasus’s hair glows
“You won't save anyone with that dragon card.”, he tells her nonchalantly.
“How did you?!”
“I told you, you've never faced anyone like me before.”, he reminds her. ”I know every move you'll make. Before you can even make it.”
Afya just growls angrily at him.
“Knowing every move you'll make gives me a distinct advantage, wouldn't you say? For example, I can anticipate your next play and counter it with this Dragon Capture Jar.”
“It will draw the Alexandrite Dragon from your card and imprison the beast. Trapped. Never to be played against me.”
How can he see my cards and make my monsters real?!, thinks Afya desperate.  There is only one explanation!
“You have a Millennium Item too, don't you?!”, shouts Afya accusing.
“Right you are Sehrazat girl or should I call you queen?”, he smirks at her gasp. “Since you inhabited the body of your descendant.”
“How do you know this?”, wants Afya to know.
“My Item showed me a lot of things, including the little secret of the Faizan family. Now back to our game, my Dragon Piper has his flute of resurrection frees your Alexandrite Dragon, but puts him under my control.”
I have to defeat myself!
“I play Amazon of the Seas!”
The mermaid-like monster appears before her and the Alexandrite Dragon.
Alexandrite Dragon: ATK2000/DEF2100
Amazon of the Seas: ATK1300/DEF1400
The Alexandrite Dragon attacks the Amazon of the Sea.
I can feel the heat of the attack!
Afya’s life points are reduced from 2000 to 1300.
“A bit too hot for you my dear queen?”, asked Pegasus amused. ”I imagine it must be a long time since you played a Shadow Game, you seem a bit rusty.”
“Don't be so sure Pegasus, I will beat you!”, promises Afya and draws a new card.
Pegasus lifts his hair aside to show his Millennium Eye which glints with the image of a woman in a golden dress with six white angel wings. Afya’s eye also glints with the same image.
I have to turn this duel around, maybe with my Wingweaver?
Suddenly Pegasus laughs out loud and the once queen of all of Egypt gets insecure.
Wait a minute, he definitely knows what I'm about to do. I bet it's his Millennium Item that gives him this power. He must see the cards I draw with it, but what if I don't know what I play?
“Hurry up now, Queenie. Time is running out for you and your family. I already know what you will play and have a surprise for your little fairy type.”
Afya looks at him with cold orange eyes and takes blindly a card from her deck.
“Don’t be so sure of yourself, Pegasus! I figured out how your power works. You may be able to see the cards in my hand, but you can't see the cards I pull from the deck.”
Pegasus narrows his eyes at her.
“My next card is... the Dark Magician Girl!”
The Dark Magician Girl appears with a twirl and a cute smile. She hovers protectively before Afya.
“Your little cute Magician and Alexandrite Dragon how the same attack points.”, points Pegasus smirking out.
Dark Magician Girl: ATK2000/DEF1700
Alexandrite Dragon: ATK2000/DEF100
“What do you plan on doing my dear queen?”
“I will use this handy spell card.”, now Afya is smirking and shows him the card. “I play the magic card, Magic Formula which will give my Dark Magician Girl 700 more Attack Points!”
 “Well, if you think this will help you. Then go on.”, say’s Pegasus nonchalant.
“It will do more than that!”
Dark Magician Girl: ATK2700/DEF1700
Alexandrite Dragon: ATK2000/DEF100
“And now my Dark Magician Girl destroy the Alexandrite Dragon!”, shouts Afya, as her monster twirls her staff and sends the dragon to the Graveyard.
Pegasus Life Points drop from 2000 to 1300, yet he seems very calm. Afya narrows her eyes at him.
“I have taken a good chunk of your Life Points how can you be so calm?”, she questions him.
The man just draws his next card.
“Oh my dear queenie, you are so old, yet so naive. But by using your Dark Magician Girl, you've let me manipulate you once again.”
“You are lying!”, accuses Afya, while Dark Magician Girl hovers closer to her with a worried look on her face.
“By playing that one card, you have ensured my victory.”
“You are out of your mind!”
“We shall see, Queenie. Oh, a very rare card. This is the fearsome Faceless Mage.”
“I've never seen that card before.”, admits Afya. “But my Dark Magician Girl never let me down.”
Dark Magician Girl: ATK2700/DEF1700
Faceless Mage: ATK1200/DEF2200
“But how will she fare once I combine my Faceless Mage with the, equally rare, Eye of Illusion?”, wonders sarcastically Pegasus.
“Dark Magician Girl get ready, use your powers to defeat it! Dark Burning Attack!”, commands Afya.
Dark Magician Girl attacks, Faceless Mage holds up the Eye of Illusion and her attack has no effect.
Both the duellist and Duel Monster are shocked.
“How can this be?!”, shouts Afya.
Pegasus does not give an answer, just laughs at her desperation.
It didn’t make any sense. Pegasus Monster should be toast! The ancient queen looked worried at the timer. 0: 05.00. She didn’t have much time left! She needed to end this Duel.
“I attack your combo with my Amazoness Paladin!”
The female warrior appears on the playing field swinging her sword.
Amazoness Paladin: ATK1700/DEF300
Faceless Mage: ATK1200/DEF2200
“My fearsome Amazon will cut your Faceless Mage down!”, promises Afya.
“True, your Amazon is fearsome. But you have once again underestimated the incredible power of my Eye of Illusion! Hah hah!”, laughs Pegasus in her face. “Dark Burning Attack!”
Amazoness Paladin shatters, and Afya's life points are reduced from 1300 to 300.
“How can this be?! The Faceless Mage doesn't have a Dark Burning Attack?”
It’s like lighting struck her as the once queen of Egypt realized what this meant.
It was my own Dark Magician Girl that attacked me. Pegasus is controlling her with the Eye of Illusion.
“Well, queenie, our time together is nearly up, and as I have more life points than you, it appears I am the victor.”, informs her Pegasus giddy.
Fractionally Afya looks for a way out and draws a card, but before she can summon it, the timer hits zero!
“No, please no!”, she screams. “I was this close to ending it!”
“It seems luck was not on your side queenie, but you were a formidable opponent.”, mocks her Pegasus.
“What do you want? Why are you doing all of this?!”, demands Afya too.
“It’s quite simple. As you already guessed right I possess one Millennium Item, the Millennium Eye. My goal is to have all eight, then who shall have all eight of them shall have a power beyond imagination!”, tells her Pegasus passionately. “But I have to win it from you, or his power will not be mine.”
Shocked the blue-haired woman grips her amulet.
“I will never hand you over my Millennium Fragment! I’m done playing games with you!”
“Oh, you will. You see, I have found that given the proper incentive, anyone can be made to play my game.”
The Millennium Eye glows and pulls Sehrazat’s mother’s soul into the television screen.
“Amira?!”, shouts Afya in disbelief.
Amira appears on the TV screen, crying for help: “Sehrazat!”
Afya gets formally kicked out of the body and Sehrazat is again in control. Crying she puts her hands on the TV.
“Mama, MAMA!”
“Yes, we will duel again, Sehrazat. How else will you reclaim your mother’s soul?”, asks Pegasus a rhetorical question, till the TV turns into static.
The world returns to color and Sehrazat’s Family and friends are now able to move. Amira's eyes are blank and she falls over.
Her screams of pain and anguish can be heard even outside of their home.
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briamichellewrites · 11 months
Bradley was forced to publicly admit to cheating on Bria. Yes, I was unfaithful to my fiancé. Even though his publicist was making him do it, every word he uttered was sincere. He was one hundred percent remorseful. His interview with 20/20 went viral across the news media. He apologized to her for his inappropriate behavior and for the pain he caused her. The only person he could blame was himself. Bria didn’t watch the interview. She was too busy inquiring about adopting a new kitten.
She found an advertisement for Scottish Fold kittens available for adoption in Manhattan. The listing had a phone number that she called. She answered questions about her experience with kittens. Did she have any cats already? Yes, she had two American Shorthairs that she raised from kittens. They were both five years old. Where did she live? She had a townhouse in the Upper West Side.
Mike listened to the conversation, though all he could hear was her side. She was so excited about adopting a kitten! Instead of being adopted from a shelter, she was adopted from a breeder. She did her homework on how much Scottish Fold kittens cost to adopt and how much they cost to take care of; their medical concerns, what type of food they needed, and whether they got along well with other cats. They were expensive!
Adopting one could cost her upwards of a thousand dollars! They were expensive because they were rare. She was also paying for the cost of breeding and the care of the parents. It was a splurge, but she could more than afford it! She and the woman made a day and time for her to come by her townhouse and do a home inspection.
The woman just wanted to make sure the kitten would be going to a good home. She had no problems with that and she understood completely. When the interview was over, she thanked the woman before ending the call. Mike asked what happened.
“She gave me a short interview about my experience taking care of cats and where I was living. That sort of thing. She’s going to come over next week to meet me and make sure that my house is safe, along with meeting Slash and Mama. I totally understand why she’s doing that. I wouldn’t want to give a kitten to someone who isn’t able to take care of it.”
Neither would he. If Misty had puppies, he would want to make sure they went to good homes. Shiloh didn’t know what they were talking about. She was too focused on giving a bottle to her stuffed bear. It was amazing what toddlers could come up with. She spent all day with her grandparents. They played with her, gave her lunch, and put her down for a nap before they dropped her off. They were surprised to see Bria. Was she back in LA? No, she was just visiting for the week.
Muto joked about keeping Mike in line. She was always doing that. They laughed. Shiloh waved bye-bye to them. They waved back to her. As the front door closed, they heard her announcing loudly she had to go potty. They both laughed. Their granddaughter was adorable! They loved every second they shared with her. She loved playing with her silly grandfather.
They took her to the zoo, the park, and other toddler-friendly activities. They let her explore her imagination by watching her dress up in costumes or watching her play with her dolls or stuffed animals. She treated them like they were her babies. They showed her how to feed, burp, and change their diapers. When they cried, she held them close to her chest and she patted their backs until they stopped crying. She was learning the language quickly, so they had to be careful about what they said.
Muto wanted to teach her the Japanese language and culture. Mike and Brad encouraged that. They wanted her to learn as much as possible. He read her books about little children in Japan and he gave her Japanese toys to play with. She had a Japanese doll that looked like her. It was one of her favorites. She also helped him in the kitchen with making authentic Japanese dishes.
She was unable to use chopsticks because her hands were too small. Instead, she used a big girl fork. Just like her grandmother. Muto felt fortunate to have a granddaughter to whom he could pass on his culture. Just like he had with Mike and Jason. They were proud to be Japanese, though only Jason could speak the language fluently. One day, she would be able to have full conversations in Japanese with her uncle and grandfather.
After going potty, she washed her hands in the sink before going to play. It was almost time for dinner. Bria and Mike went to the living room with her. She needed to take a bath before going to bed since she got dirty playing at the playground. It had rained the day before and the dirt wasn’t fully dried. It got on her skin, her clothes, and in her hair. They didn’t have time to wash her off.
That was fine. It was just a sign she had fun. She got to run around, swing on the swing set, and climb on the equipment. It helped her get her energy out. Muto and Donna joked about her getting a good night’s sleep. She took a nap after lunch but she had so much energy, she needed to burn it off. Mike and Brad also noticed that. They were going to ask her pediatrician about possible ADHD from her birth mother. If she had it, they wanted her to get help for it right away.
Mike asked Bria about her ADHD when she was a toddler. She couldn’t remember being that young. The earliest she could recall was maybe five years old. She had a ton of energy. That was a mild exaggeration. She could not sit still longer than five minutes and she had to fidget. Since she had trouble paying attention, she had trouble with her memory.
“For example, a teacher would tell us to put our jackets away and then sit down for snack time. I would put my jacket away but get distracted by the toys nearby. So, another teacher would have to come over and remind me it’s time to have a snack. Or I would get distracted with playing with my toys when I should be cleaning my room. ADHD takes a lot of patience and reminding.”
“How is it for you now?”
“It’s a lot better. I still have trouble focusing, especially during things I hate to do. Like housework. I have to push myself to do it. My energy levels decreased around the age of eighteen. Medication helps a lot with focus, energy, and impulsivity. As does support. People with ADHD are more likely to be creative. That’s one of the most awesome things about it.”
He didn’t know that. When Brad came home, he would tell him everything she said. While on his laptop, he looked into famous people with ADHD. He found entrepreneurs, singers/songwriters, actors, and even Albert Einstein. They just needed to use different methods to get them through their day. That made him feel better. Both he and Brad would do whatever it took to help their daughter if she received a diagnosis, as would her grandparents.
“Dirty doggie. Dirty doggie!”
After dinner, Mike cleaned Shiloh off in the bathtub with baby wipes. He then filled the bathtub with water, so she could play. It was the best way to settle her down for the night. She had toys that she liked to play with. It was a game of cause and effect.
She learned that dumping a bucket of water on her head made her soaking wet. Uh oh! Mike had to laugh. It just meant he had to make sure her hair was dry before she went to bed. It needed to be washed, anyway. She rubbed her eyes because the warmth of the water made her tired. After washing her hair, he wrapped her in a hooded towel before helping her out. She rested her head on his shoulder. My daddy. He rubbed her back. Yes, he was her daddy.
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @alina-dixon @fiickle-nia
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stcrcrcsscd-blog · 6 years
@baldurs-servant from here
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“We did our best to make sure it didn’t happen, mama... But we’re only human and we make mistakes. I’m really sorry! This wasn’t planned, I swear!”
He starts crying, hugging himself as he shakes. He hated making her upset. 
“I’m sorry Mama!!!”
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Happy (late) Mother's Day!! Arck!! Why am I always late to these things?! D'X Ugh! But anyways, here's some Mama Muto with her son Yugi. I wanted to add Atem too so there's a bonus. She loves them both(though ya know, she had to get use to Atem being around too) but who can't love a 3000/5000 year old pharaoh? 8'D Anyways, hope y'all mothers out there had a good one! X3 ❤
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mutogamingco · 6 years
She gives him a squeeze and then pulls back, a hand finding its way to brush some of those blonde locks from his face. "I know sweetheart, just..Seeing my baby boy get so big makes Mama feel old."
“But you’re really not that old, and it’s not a bad thing. Doesn’t Grandpa always say ‘you get better with age’?” Of course Yuugi is never embarrassed by the affection. He doesn’t shrug her off like some his age might. 
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sukunasbabymama · 3 years
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMRaSwkeg/ omggg Hola guapo xdd *lo nalguea y le compra 3 pollos asados*
Definitivamente no estas ayudando en el Mucho brainrot que ando teniendo… y me parece perfecto. Amén.
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This is the link guys. Watch out cause I fight for what’s mine.🤨
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kidmoddo · 5 years
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theotakulifechoseme · 5 years
AU? Idea? Possible future? Canon? Idk...
The only thing I do know is Joey Wheeler is a fantastic cook and eventually opens his own restaurant that combines both of what he loves; Dueling and cooking.
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He is surprisingly a really good cook, which surprises a lot of people (except Serenity, cause she’s his official taste tester). And when he opens up his business, he has basically and “dinner and a show” type theme going on, where the show is a Duel Monsters duel.
And if someone cannot afford a meal, he has it where they duel for their meal, and regardless if they win or lose, they still get fed as long as they duel honestly.
He has a partnership with Yugi and Grandpa Muto for card packs, so those without a deck can build one and keep. The Muto’s are VIP and have a private booth close to the kitchens so they don’t get hounded by fans and challengers, and also get to eat for free.
Joey even has a number of Duel Monsters themed menu items. And Mokuba stops in a lot to try the desserts, and takes some back to Kaiba.
Kaiba is completely mortified when he finds out his favorite Blue Eyes sundae is made by that 3rd rate Duelist Wheeler.
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mutomcther-blog · 6 years
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Logs on here to give you...Mama Chin
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
i love you mama!! i think of you every day. i made sure to drink lots of milk growing up, just like you wanted me to. i'm much taller now, and i still love games! i'm gonna try to be a game designer like i always talked about! thank you for always looking out for me. i love you so, so much. again. haha! happy mother's day.
-your son, yugi muto <3
0 notes
The Queen's Gambit: Season Zero
Sehrazat never believed the ancient magical stories of her family and the Millium Fragment they had kept safe for over 3000 years, was just an amulet.
Nothing more.
This all changes the day when she meets Yugi Muto and his unfinished Millennium Puzzle.
Where was Kihana when she needed her?!
Yugi/OC, Yami/OC
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So yeah, watched Season 0 on YouTube and the plotbunnies plotted. So have this little Spin-Off Series to Queen's Gambit. It's not canon in the normal Queen's Gambit Universum, but more of an alternative universum.
I'm making Au's of my AU's, that deep I'm now XD
Anyway, enjoy Season Zero with Sehrazat and a very dark Afya :P
Chapter 1
Sehrazat wondered where all had gone wrong in their lives.
Was she dramatic?
Her mother wasn't supposed to teach at Domino University yet! She should have begun teaching there next half year.
However, the Professor, who currently had the job, decided one day after another that he was sick of city life and not only quit his job but also moved into the wilderness of Japan.
So Domino University called desperate her mother, who still taught in Lisabon, if she could come sooner.
Domino in Japan had a special place in her mother's heart, that's where she had met her husband and Sehrazat's late father.
This was the main reason why she wanted to teach there.
So she said yes.
Also started the Faizan and the Schariq's, Kihana (Sehrazat's best friend) family to pack their things for Japan.
Of course, that's when Uncle Djamal had an accident at his work, breaking both his legs.
He couldn't travel like this!
For the first time in 3000 years, the Schariq and Faizan had to go for a while their separate ways.
Sehrazat and her mother Amira would move first to Domino and wait that the Schariq's, Rahila, Djamal, Kihana and little Sadiye, would join them after Djamal was healthy again.
The big house they had decided to move into together, stayed empty and Sehrazat and Amira moved into a flat.
It was so weird.
Sehrazat wasn't used to being really alone with her mother.
Since she could remember, there were Aunty Rahila, Uncle Djamal, Kihana and Sadiye with them.
Let her rephrase it, not weird, it was just plain wrong.
She missed them all so much, the most Kihana.
What should she do without her best friend at a new school?
Or even in life?!
Kihana protected and loved her.
Sehrazat never faced the first day in a new school alone.
Oh dear Isis, she felt like throwing up.
Brushing her mid-length dark blue hair, the Egyptian girl looked into the mirror.
By the Goddess Isis, Domino High School Uniform was an eyesore. Orange Blazer with green skirt and bow.
She may have orange eyes, like Topasz, but still what a colour combination, it didn't make her look good.
Unenthusiastic she made her way to the kitchen where her mother had made her pancakes.
At least something nice.
"Now princess, I know you are nervous since you will be without Kihana.", began Amira, looking at her daughter, who poked her pancakes more than eating them. "So I want to give you this."
Amira placed a little golden box with hieroglyphs all over it before Sehrazat.
The 14-year-old nearly choked on the bit of pancake in her mouth.
"You want to give me the Millenium Fragment?!", yelped Sehrzat, eeying the box. "But...but don't I have to wait for my 15th birthday to inherit it?!"
Her mother signed and caressed her hair: "My little princess, all is so different now. I think the gods will forgive us if I give it to you now. I think you will need its strength."
Oh no, not the magical mambo-jumbo bullshit!
The dark blue-haired girl wanted to protest, yet she saw the worry in her mother's eyes.
For Amira, it wasn't easy either to be away from the Schariq's, from Rahila her best friend.
She should accept how her mother just wanted to protect her extra, now that they were only in two.
"Okay, Mama."
Sehrazat put the box in her backpack.
How bad could it be to carry around a rumoured ancient magical item?
In Domino High School a young and really short boy named Yugi Muto listened to what his classmates were so excited about.
Since he really didn't have any friends, he could only so get the newest gossip, rumours and information.
"Did you hear?", said Anzu Mazaki, a girl who was the closest he had to friend, to Miho Nosaka. "We get a new student!"
"Oh is it a boy or a girl?"
"A girl, and she is so short. It's really adorable!"
"Oh, cute!"
Yugi admitted he got excited.
Maybe...he could make friends with the new girl?
If he managed to talk to her at all.
Soon their teacher enters the classroom with the new girl beside him.
Whispers broke out, about how tiny and beautiful she was. Some even said they never saw someone black so up close.
"Kids, this is your new classmate Faizan Sehrazat-Chan.", introduced Sensei her. "Please welcome her to our class."
Faizan-San made a perfect bow in greeting.
"It's nice meeting you all."
Oh, this was interesting she had a soft British accent.
"Would you like to tell us something about yourself Faizan-Chan?", asked the teacher.
The girl turned bashful and played with her fingers.
"Erm...there is not really much to say. I'm 14 and was born in London, but I'm originally Egyptian and I like games?"
She made it really sound like a question.
Yugi had to agree when nearly to whole class whispered she was cute.
Sehrazat was really, really cute.
Their teacher had mercy on her and told her to sit down beside him.
Beside him!
Happy Yugi raised his hand to show her where to go.
Maybe he really could talk to her!
Faizan-San sat down and he turned with a friendly, hopeful not creepy smile to her.
"Hi I'm Muto Yugi, you can call me Yugi."
When Faizan-San turned to greet him, their eyes met.
Topaz and Amethyst found each other.
And both gasped for breath.
Now that she was up close, Yugi noted how utterly beautiful Sehrazat was.
Not only cute but so beautiful it took your breath away.
And these eyes of hers...so brilliant and unique...he had never seen orange eyes...like topas...nonetheless he felt he had looked into these eyes a thousand times...like he was coming home.
Meanwhile, Sehrazat had similar thoughts crossing her mind.
This Yugi...his eyes reminded her of beautiful Amethyst. Eyes that she knew...even if it was impossible...it was like she had found a missing piece of herself.
He was a handsome young man!
Yugi turned red like a tomato, while Sehrzat hid behind her hair.
Both were sweating buckets.
None of them knew what do to now.
Unknown to them Yugi unfished MilleniumPuzzle and Sehrzat Millenium Fragment glowed for a brief second.
It was like the two items wanted to say hello to each other.
Somehow Sehrazat found the courage to crook out to Yugi: "I'm Sehrazat or just Sehra, nice to meet you."
Still, they didn't look at each other.
"Likewise...", mumbled Yugi back.
To their luck, their Homeroom Teacher started the lesson.
They could worry later if they made a complete Buffon before the other.
Finally, it was Lunchtime at Domino High.
Happy Sehrzat got her Bento-Box out and read in her little old family book hieroglyphs.
All Faizan learned from a young age to read the writing of their ancestors.
The classroom was nearly empty beside her, Yugi, who was building a card house and a boy with a basketball.
"Hey Yugi!", called the boy with the basketball out to him.
This in turn made Yugi lose his concentration and his card house fell down.
"Quit playing by yourself.", said Basketball Boy. "And come play basketball with us for a change, will ya?"
"Well, no thanks...The Team I join usually ends up losing...", reminds Yugi bashful.
"That's true."
With that Basketball Boy left and only Yugi and Sehrazat remained in the classroom.
The girl tried to eat and concentrate on her hieroglyphs.
She wouldn't look at the handsome boy and get tongue-tied around him.
Where was Kihana when she needed her?
For away in Spain was the answer.
However, she didn't look, but Sehrazat heard how Yugi talked to himself about how to finally finish something.
A treasure he always carried around with him.
The sunlight hit his treasure and its golden shine made Sehrazat aware of it.
She looked over, gasping shocked.
"You have a Millenium Item with you?!", she shouted.
This suprised Yugi so much that he nearly fall from his chair.
"Huh, what? What are you saying Faizan-Chan?"
Faster than he could look Sehrzat stood at his table, gripping the edge and staring at his treasure.
"I can't believe it! This must be the puzzle!"
"Excuse me Faizan-Chan.", asked Yugi wondering. "Why are you so excited and how do you know it's a puzzle?"
Without a word, Sehrzat took a similar, yet smaller box from her backpack and put it beside his.
"See? I have one too, it's the Millenium Fragment."
Now Yugi was the one who gasped.
Both boxes seemed to be a pair.
The blue-haired beauty nods in agreement.
"I never thought I would find another Millenium Item here in Japan! They are originally from Egypt."
Before they could talk more, a tall blond guy took Yugi's box.
Surprised Sehrazat blinked up at this intruder, while Yugi said his name in question.
"Yugi, whatcha talking about with the cute new girl? Are you boring her?"
"He didn't bore me!", talked Sehrzat, yet Jonouchi ignored her.
Okay, rude!
Grinning he held Yugi's box up and poor Yugi tried to reach it.
"G-Give that back!", begged Yugi.
"You are really rude.", mumbled Sehrzat, she wasn't courageous enough to say it louder.
Without Kihana she had zero courage.
Jonouchi didn't listen to either of them and threw the box away before he caught it.
"Man, caring so much for a box like this...", grumbled Jonoichi. "You know, Yugi...It's that part of you that...well, it really pisses me off. So I'm gonna have to put you through some trainin' so you can be a man and talk to girls right. How about it? Ya want this box back, right? Then come at me with all you got!"
Sehrazat made a face, while Yugi shouted: "I hate fighting and violence!"
Both Jonouchi and Sehrazat hold their ears.
Damn, Yugi could be loud.
"You may not have got any guts but you sure got a freaking loud voice!", pointed Jonouchi out.
"Anyway, just give me back that box!"
"That's right!", said another boy's voice. He was a brunette with really pointed hair. "Knock it off, Jonouchi!"
"Oh did you say something? Honda-Kun, the first year, who wants to make the school a better place by running for Student Council president but ended up rejected and falling to Janitor Patrol!", sassed Jonouchi.
"It's not Janitor Patrol!", corrected Honda angrily. "It's called the Beautification Patrol!"
"Your voice is friggin' loud, too!"
Then Honda started to talk more, but since Jonouchi and Yugi talked over him, Sehrazat didn't get what was going on.
Too many voices at once.
She only saw how Jonouchi opened the box and proclaimed the inside as boring.
Out of nowhere a tall brunette girl took the box from him and walked over to Yugi.
"Masaki!", said Jonouchi and Honda together.
"Anzu!", said Yugi happy.
Ah, was she his friend?
Jealousy raised its ugly head in Sehrazat.
This Anzu was taller than her and a pretty girl too.
Sehrazat had only bigger breasts.
Anzu scolded Jonouchi for taking Yugi's box and didn't back down as Jonouchi started his spiel about making Yugi a man.
Then another girl appeared, with lilac hair and a yellow bow in her hair, and thought Anzu was scolding her.
"Miho-Chan!", called Honda out to her.
This Miho took a few steps back.
"That wasn't directed to you, Miho.", explained Anzu.
"That sure surprised me!", told Miho. "I wanted to eat lunch, but there's still so many people in line..."
Like horny horndogs Honda and Jonouchi stated they would get her something and off they were.
"Those two are hopeless...", summed Anzu perfectly up.
Miho just followed after them.
Sehrazat looked at how Anzu gave Yugi back his box.
"You're sure something.", praised Yugi with a tiny blush. "One word from you and they were scared off, Anzu."
"Guys like that would just get cocky if I didn't tell them off.", she explained. "You need to stand up for yourself once in a while, Yugi."
Oh...she reminds Sehrazat of Kihana...
That's when Anzu saw the other golden box on Yugi's table.
"Is this your too?"
"No, it's Faizan-San."
Anzu smiled friendly at her and Sehrazat felt bad that she had been jealous of her.
"Both your boxes seem to be a pair, that's cute."
The brunette sat down on the table before Yugi, Yugi back in his seat and Sehrazat in hers, so turned that she could talk with the other two.
"We were talking about them before this blond guy showed up.", told Sehrazat.
"Yeah, Jonouchi has the knack to interrupt everybody."
"Jonouchi-Kun is not really that bad of a guy.", said Yugi shy to the girls.
"It's because you think like that you get picked on.", rebuked Anzu. "By the way, what are your boxes, if you don't mind me asking."
"I wanted this to explain to Yugi-Kun before the blond interrupted us.", began Sehrzat and had the attention of the two others. "These are Millennium Items. Mine is called the Fragment and Yugi the Puzzle. There exist 8 of them and they all come from Egypt."
"Wow.", chorused Anzu and Yugi together.
"Do you know more, Sehrazat-Chan?", asked Anzu.
"I only know that the Fragment and Puzzle are supposed to be connected to each other, but the way it is right now, we can't check."
"What do you mean?"
Yugi answered her: "I'll show you, Anzu, if you promise to keep it a secret."
"Sure. I won't tell anyone, so show me, show me!"
Dramatically Yugi opened the box and the pieces of the Millennium Puzzle were shining in gold.
"Wow! It's pretty!", said Anzu and Sehrazat together.
Anzu picked a piece up.
"I understand now, why it's called the Puzzle, these are all puzzle pieces, right?"
Yugi nodded.
"My family runs a game shop. We've got games from various countries. I found this in the corner of a shelf, covered in dust, and I was allowed to keep it."
Then Yugi told how Sehrazat had been right about the Puzzle coming from Egpyty since it was found in a tomb there.
"Here! See these strange hieroglyphs written on the front? I bet they translate to something along these lines...Whoever solves this ouzzle, shall be granted one wish. Yeah right.", laughed Yugi. "That'd be too good to be true! You must be making fun of me with that look..."
Anzu laughed and promised she wouldn't then asked Yugi what he wished for.
Now he was a bit cheeky and said that this was his secret.
"Erm...if I can say something...", shyle Sehrazat raises her hand.
Her two classmates turned curious to her.
"What is it, Sehrazat-Chan?"
"Erm...the box actually says: Ye who solves me shall gain the power and knowledge of darkness."
For a moment, all was still.
"You can read hieropglyps?!", yelled Anzu surprised.
"Family Tradition.", Sehrzat shrugged her shoulder and got bashful. "Everyone has to learn how to write and read them."
"That's so cool.", complimented her Yugi, which made Sehrazat only shyer.
"What does your box say, Sehrazat-Chan?", asked Anzu excitedly.
"Erm...It says: Ye who inherited me shall gain the power and knowledge of darkness. Pretty much the same."
Then she put the two boxes besides each other and pointed at the back.
"To you see this, here is another text. Only when you have both boxes you can read it."
The brunette girl formally jumped in her seat.
"Oh, tell us Sehrazat-Chan!"
"Please.", added Yugi.
"Okay, it says: Alone we are nought, together we are one. Thy great pharaoh and thy great queen shall rise again."
Anzu and Yugi let out surprised sounds.
"So these items belonged to a pharaoh and queen.", summed up Anzu.
Sehrazat nodded.
"Yeah, pretty much the same is told in my family. The Fragment has been with us since 3000 years."
"So long, wow, and you kept it safe, that's impressive.", told her Yugi.
"Meh, I actually believe this is all a scam...some stories around the Millenium Items are just too crazy."
Before either Anzu or Yugi could ask what she meant by that Luchtime was over.
Both owners of Millenium Items put them back in their backpacks and Anzu made her way to her seat, as their other classmates came in.
When it was getting interesting, darn it!
Finally, the school day was over and Sehrazat could walk home.
Well, she would have if she hadn't stopped to watch some buff guys train.
What were they doing in Osiris' name?
And the boss from these buff guys had huge eyebrows.
"Faizan-Chan!", called Yugi out to her and came beside her standing. Damn, he was at least five fingers taller than her. Sehrazat was really tiny. "Are you going home?"
"Yes, Muto-Kun, you too?"
Awkward silence falls over them.
"Erm...do you need something Muto-Kun?"
"O-Oh...Please call me Yugi!"
"Then call me Sehrazat or Sehra."
"Alright, Sehrazat-Chan I wanted to thank you for showing me your own treasure and reading the hieroglyphs, it's nice to know that my wish could come true."
Well, how he got that from inheriting dark powers Sehrazat would surely not know today, since Big Bushy Browns came over to them.
"Stop you two...You're Muto Yugi-Kun and Faizan Sehrazat-Chan, right?"
"Yes?", they said together and got a bit shy that they said it together.
"I actually have something I'd like to ask you.", said Bushy Eyebrowns. "Are any of you being bullied by any particular students in your class?"
"I just moved here.", answered Sehrazat confused, while Yugi disagreed with Bushy Browns.
"Now wait. People who are bullied often say that they are fine.", counter Bushy Browns. "I've been looking into the matter. But you two can rest at ease, Yugi-Kun and Sehrazat-Chan. Starting today, I, Ushio, shall take responsibility for you as your bodyguard."
"But we are really okay!", told Sehrzat. "Please we don't need your service. Let's go home, Yugi-Kun."
With that both turned towards their homes, not knowing what Ushio already had planned.
"That guy gave me the creeps.", confessed Sehrazat as she walked with Yugi home.
Both lived in the same neighbourhood as they found out.
"Yeah, me too.", agreed Yugi and shuddered.
Together they signed and then looked at each other with little shy smiles.
"Hey Yugi-Kun...shall we walk from now together to school and back?", took Sehrazat all her courage together.
Yugi's brain formally short-circuited.
Did a beautiful girl ask him to walk with her to school?!
"R-Really you want to walk with me?"
"I-I mean we talked a little bit only, but I would love to get to know you..."
"Me too!", shouted Yugi, which made Sehrzat smile pretty and the boy had nearly a heart attack.
"Okay, this is my stop.", told him Sehrazat and pointed at an apartment complex. "I live there."
"A-Alright, I will pick you up then tomorrow."
"Awesome! Till tomorrow Yugi-Kun."
"Bye Sehrazat-Chan."
Waving at each other they turned to their homes.
Not knowing what tomorrow would await them.
0 notes
So which prompt would you pick?XD hehe
Which prompt would I pick? You see, I love angst, sad sad angst! So I saw this one and DIED!! Knew exactly what I wanted to write. My dear friends, watch this!
83. ‘Just this once.’
Drabble Prompts Accepting (Already did 24, 25, 58, and 36 being written)
It was two in the morning and the Pharaoh stared at the table, with a cup of coffee he had made, it had gotten cold before he even got to drink it. He was too distracted, he couldn’t stop thinking, couldn’t get his mind to slow down, all the racing thoughts played over and over. Which brought him confusion, frustration, and pain. He was so lost in thought, he didn’t even realize someone was in the kitchen with him…
“What are you doing up this late?”
He jumped at the voice, turning his head to look who was there. In the door way stood Yugi’s mother, or Mama, as they called her. “You startled me.” He smiled softly.
“You startled me.” Mama replied as she walked into the kitchen. “I’m not used to people being up when I get home.” She gave a smile to the Pharaoh. “Or more that someone is sitting at my kitchen table this late, instead of in his room, talking to himself.”
The Pharaoh sighed and looked back at his cup. “I know, I just, couldn’t sleep.” He sent a glare at the reflection in the liquid. He was mad at himself for having those thoughts.
Mama reached for the cup, left her hand on it for a moment, then took it. “It’s cold, I’ll warm it up for you.” Was all she said before she turned away from him and walked over to the microwave.
“Mama?” The Pharaoh strained, saying that word, calling her that, felt weird.
“You don’t have to call me that.” Was her reply, her back still turned to him.
He nodded his head. “I know, but I want to. Between what I know about you, from Yugi’s memories, and how you treat me.” He sighed. “You deserve to be called that. Besides, Mrs. Muto, sounds weird.”
Mama brought the cup back to him, having a cup for herself as well, she sat down next to him. “You can call me whatever you want, I don’t want to make anything awkward for you.” She smiled. “It’s not like it’s already awkward between us.”
“Yeah.” The Pharaoh exhaled.
“I mean, you’ve been here for almost two years, and I didn’t get to meet you, until just last month, but I’m glad I did meet you.”
The Pharaoh gave her a confused look. “You’re glad that I am here?”
She nodded and took a sip of her tea, she wasn’t a coffee person, so tea was her go to drink. “Yeah. Why wouldn’t I? I mean, you’re one of the best things to happen in this house.” She placed the cup down and turned to face him. “Before you, Yugi was beaten almost daily, he had no friends, he stayed in his room from sun up till sun down when he wasn’t at school or in the shop.” A frown formed on her face, the wrinkles around her mouth were more noticeable. “I hated watching my sweet shy little boy, curl into a ball. The world was cruel and I couldn’t save him.”
The Pharaoh didn’t know what to say to that. He knew Yugi was shy, timid, and kept to himself most of the time. He still kinda was like that on some days, but to know that his mother was also struggling with the bullies. “Did you ever tell Yugi?”
Mama shook her head. “Nuh uh. You see, I didn’t want anyone to think that Yugi needed his mom to save him. That would have just made matters worse.”
“You got a point there.”
A smile formed on her face. “That’s where you come in, you were able to help him, build his confidence, and show him who he really is. The boy that’s asleep, I assume, upstairs.”
“Yes, he’s asleep.” A small smile formed on his face. “I wouldn’t say I helped, Yugi had it there all along.”
“But he needed someone to show him it was there.” Nodding her head, Mama added a great point.
The Pharaoh took a few sips of his coffee, avoiding eye contact. She tend to keep him speechless, not knowing what to say or how to even approach her. Yugi made it look so easy…
“You don’t remember your mom, right?” Mama asked, breaking the silence between them.
The Pharaoh shook his head. “No, I don’t. I don’t remember anything. I don’t know who my mom or dad was, if I had siblings, or even friends.” His shoulders slouched and he let out a sad sigh.
“It scares you doesn’t it?” Mama knew how to ask the right questions.
“It does. What if I was a horribe King or I had no one. What if my parents were murdered?” He rambled on about all the what ifs he could make out in his mind.
“Okay stop!” She raised her hand, stopping him dead in his thoughts. “The what ifs are not something you should be worried about.”
“Why?” The Pharaoh almost demanded.
Mama sighed. “Because they are thoughts that don’t matter at this moment.” She placed her cup down. “At this moment, you should be curled in bed, holding Yugi.” His eyes widened, she knew. “Yes, I check on Yugi in the middle of the night sometimes. I’ve seen you two in the same bed.” She paused a shook her head when she saw his worried look. “No, I don’t care, as long as you aren’t-”
“I’m not!” He interrupted knowing where that was going.
“Good.” Mama nodded giving him a stern look. “Anyway, you are too worried about the what ifs of the past. Have you considered the what ifs, of the future?”
The Pharaoh nodded. “I have.”
“I’ve been told what I need to do.” He shrugged. “I need to find my memories and destroy the Millennium Items.” He said with a blank tone.
Mama’s face dropped at that. “What happens to you?”
“I leave.”
“Like, forever?”
He only responded with a small nod. They both stayed in silence for a few minutes, sipping on their drinks, avoiding eye contact. Soon, Mama spoke…
“Is that what is suppose to happen?” She asked as she met his eyes.
“Yeah, I suppose.”
“Is it what-” She stopped for a moment, thinking her words carefully. “Is that what you want to happen?” She finally just said it, concern in her voice. She knew, if he left, how Yugi would feel.
“Since I found out I was a pharaoh, people are always telling me what to do!“ Feeling the tears form in his eyes, he knew he was opening up to her, saying things he might regret later. But he couldn’t tell Yugi, not yet anyway. “Instead of telling me what to do. Why can’t,” He swallowed the lump in his throat. “they ask me what I want?”
"Well, how about this.” Mama paused for a moment. “Do you know what you want?”
He sighed. “No, I don’t.”
“Then how can you answer that question if you don’t even have an answer for it?”
He tried to hold it back, hold back the fact that he was indeed unsure, the thoughts once again coming to his mind. The what ifs were every where, in everything he did, in everything he saw! He was tired of it and the tears finally escaped from his eyes and fell down his face. He shook in the chair he sat in and he closed his eyes tight. “I don’t know…” He was able to choke out, his hands fell to his lap and he clung to the pants he wore, so tight his knuckles were turning white.
“Oh Pharaoh.” Mama whispered as she stood up and brought her chair as close to him as possible. To the Pharaoh’s surprise, she reached for his head, bringing it to rest on her shoulder. “It’s hard, I don’t understand exactly, but I can imagine.”
“I…I…” He wrapped his arms around her chest and clung to her tightly.
“Shhh.” She began to rock him. “Don’t talk, just cry. It’s okay to cry…” Closing her eyes tight, the tears fell.
Besides the Pharaoh’s sobs, they sat there in silence, Mama rocking, while he kept his arms wrapped around her chest as tight as he could. He needed it, even though he didn’t realize it, he needed it.
After a few more moments, the Pharaoh pulled away from her chest, wiping the tears from his face and eyes. "Thank you Mama.” He was able to smile. “I hope my mom was like you.”
Mama returned the smile and wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him in a tight embrace. “You may not know your mom, but I think I do.”
He returned the hug but had a confused look on his face. “What do you mean?” He asked.
“I mean. I am pretty certain she was very proud to call you her son.” Pulling away, she looked eyes with his. “Just as much as I am.“
The Pharaoh saw the tear fall down her cheek, her smile warm, and he felt his chest tighten. “Thank you.” Was all he could say, before hugging her once again, as tight as he could, Mama returning it as well.
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