#mambo spellman
caossource · 2 years
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italymystery-swanqueen · 10 months
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baubeautyandthegeek · 6 months
Strange Bedfellows - Marie LaFleur/Mary Wardwell/Zelda Spellman/Lilith
A/N: Day 31 for @polyamships Multiamory March.
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It starts when Lilith seeks shelter. Mambo Marie had been with Zelda Spellman since she brought her back from the beyond and now, slowly, their polycule was expanding. Slowly. Mambo Marie had been a little uneasy, at first, slowly learning to trust Lilith. Next comes Mary Wardwell. Small, shy, broken and breaking Mary Wardwell. Now, here, Mary felt safe, she was unsure of many things, of her own sexuality quite often, but she knew deep down that Zelda would never let her be hurt, that Marie was brave and true and, much as she was growing used to sharing her face with Lilith, she was learning that it was easy to love herself with Lilith pouring honeyed words into her ears. Co-living was not always easy but this is their new normal.
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state-of-being · 8 months
I like that Zelda starts discovering her met tet (translation: Master of the Head) when she becomes Headmaster.
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euphoricnyctophilia · 2 years
I will get to Mary Wardwell another day. But the fucking heartbreak, betrayal that Zelda Spellman suffered was grotesque, and uncalled for. They fucking broke her down again and again, and for what? Her family is shattered, she’ll probably never love again. The caos writers are so fucked for this. I hate them, and I hope that their careers fail. I want everybody responsible for this atrocity, abolished. Take them out.  there was no point in making her suffer the way that she did only for it to be for nothing. I don’t care where the fucking direction of the show was going. My baby did not deserve this.  seeing Zelda with Marie was so refreshing, and I was so excited for some fucking lesbian representation. 
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danisnotmyname · 9 months
Hi! I thought I another prompt if you want! Zelda doesn't turn Lilith away when she asks for help. Lilith gets jealous of Marie getting Zelda's attention and affection and starts acting out and causing scenes to pull any of Zelda's attention on herself. Zelda and Lilith are clueless about their real feelings, why Lilith doing it, why Zelda's quick to fix whatever happened even when she's not needed. It's obvious to everyone else and finally someone snaps they can't take it anymore and they need to go on a date already. Mortification, blushing, denial, angst, acceptance, locked room, whatever you want! 😁
Here you go anon. I'm sorry that it turned out to be SO different.
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hattersarts · 4 years
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zelda spellman / mambo marie commission !  almost upset how excited i am for s4 bc of them.....
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neighinthenight · 4 years
I want a fucking do over on that finale
Honestly what the fuck. 
Seriously they got Hilda back from the dead last time so why couldn't they do it for Sabrina? Not to mention we saw that Sabrina is there when Zelda is on her death bed.
Like, what is the point.
And the implied suicide at the very end. Unacceptable.
And don't get me started on Mambo Marie. I fucking loved that character. And I loved her with Zelda. Then they basically jump on the 'bury your gays' bandwagon. We finally get some bi representation that isn't made of stereotypes/assumptions or pushed aside and glossed over and then it gets ripped from us.
Zelda lost so much. My poor baby.
I'm livid.
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caossource · 1 year
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High res promotional stills from Hilda and Dr Cee's wedding (s4 ep2)
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follow me on instagram: @ilymirands
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I will miss them
#Repost @skyepmarshall
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Dear @Miranda.Otto ,
I was simply a fan of @sabrinanetflix until one lucky day, I got the call to audition for it. When I booked #MamboMarie and came to my first cast read-through, you were the only person I asked to sign my first script because 1. I was a solid Zelda fan and 2. I didn’t want to miss the opportunity thinking we probably wouldn’t have any scenes together (HA!). To my BIG surprise, our characters became love interest and you were my first on-screen kiss.
Your grade-A talent, professionalism, humor, boldness, kindness and artistic feedback as my main scene partner was a Master Class that I will cherish forever. Thank you for being You, ma cherie. xo
#chillingadventuresofsabrina #sabrina #zeldaspellman #mambomarie #Zarie #netflix
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kutekoolkat · 4 years
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spacelessbian · 4 years
So CAOS Part 4 was a mess
I used this exact same title for Part 3 but it seemed very fitting for Part 4 as well. I just want to preface this by saying I didn’t expect anything before watching (well, I expected it to be bad, which gave the show a chance to surprise me), I just hoped that my friends shipping Zelda and Marie would get some sweet sapphic content and well... Let’s get to it. 
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I must say Part 4 was not as nonsensical as Part 3 and I must give credit where credit is due. It also returned to the monster-of-the-week format which I love. The Eldritch Terrors were a good concept with mostly fine execution (although the Terrors could have been a little more diverse... Would it kill the writers to give one more of them a female voice? And on that nore, why not hire Janet from the Good Place to voice the Void? They missed out on that so bad!). Other things I liked, in no particular order:
Vinegar Tom coming back to life and Zelda being truly happy for once
giving Agatha her sanity back
Prudence and chainsaw, ‘nough said
Lilith finally murdering her abuser the way she and we as the viewers deserved
the OG aunties and their whole episode
Ambrose, the light of my life, and all the adult cast (except for Lucifer, what the hell was that)
Unfortunately these are mostly minor positives and I don’t have the capacity to cover everything bad with Part 4, so I’ll just stick to what I started at the beginning of the post – Mambo Marie and the wlw representation in the show. Prepare for long-ish post.
It was weird from the start. We got a cute scene in the first episode (with horrible lighting I must say, I immediately felt sorry for y’all who make gifs) but then Zelda and Marie barely interacted. Yes, they were often standing next to each other, but I don’t think they had a single meaningful interaction since. I don’t think they even touched, let alone acted romantically towards each other. Marie was also extremely shady the whole time, she was constantly acting on her own (only after the fact was it acknowledged that the rest of the coven knew, but to me it just looked weird), that I really thought I was right with my joke prediction of her being the surprise villain. Turns out she’s a surprise man and the villain is Roberto, the showrunner! 
From the start of the show it must have been obvious to Roberto and the rest of the creative team that a large number of fans wanted to see some lesbians (specifically Zelda and Lilith getting together). Obviously the creators do not have do anything the fans want, but giving us a canonical sapphic relationship and then being like “syke! fooled you, there were no lesbians actually. no homo uwu” just seems extremely ignorant at best and malevolent at worst. Plus the fact that in the alternate “perversed” universe, Zelda was called Madam Spellman. Who does that??? WTF. 
I must also mention that the reveal, that comes out of nowhere and leads to nothing, means that Zelda’s two consecutive partners didn’t care about informed consent. Big yikes. Of course none of this was acknowledged in universe, so thanks for that, Roberto, thank you very much.
And now to minor grievances:
Theo and his boyfriend, whose name I don’t remember, go through unnecessary conflict that just takes up time and space
it almost looked like the Blackwood twins will become real people with their own thoughts and actions, but no
the afterlife doesn’t make sense, also the glorification of suicide
people constantly bring up the color of Sabrina’s headband like if anyone cared about that to notice (I expected some twist with Sabrinas changing places and the reveal being the headband, but no)
you turned an octopus into a... diving equipment???
Sabrina and her huge crisis that she doesn’t have a boyfriend for 5 minutes (so she has to make out with more than one Eldritch Terrors)
Roberto not being capable of letting babies exist after their extremely traumatic prolonged birth scenes (yes, I’m coming back to Part 1, too, what about it)
Aaaand I think I’m ready to breathe again. I’m happy the show’s over, not because I’m an evil hater (I am definitely evil though) but because it had (and still has) so much potential, but it is obvious the writers can’t write for shit. The cast is amazing and I love almost every single one of them, their kind interactions with fans were really a joy to watch (that cannot be said for some fans but what can you do). I hope I will have the opportunity to meet some of them when the ‘rona is finally over. I also met a lot of lovely people through CAOS and I am eternally grateful.
If you’re still reading, you’re a star ♥. This was a wild ride.
(Please note I will not respond to any aggresive or nasty comments but I’m eager to read any of your hot takes or polite disagreements.)
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witchlena · 4 years
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hattersarts · 5 years
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caos said “and ye SHALL receive kissing milf rights”
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thetealfaery · 3 years
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Marie Lafleur & Zelda Spellman I love them dfshjl they definitely deserved better, in a perfect world they’d be together without any lies between them. I have to say, painting the beads was so much fun lmao
I have yet to post these on my insta or twitter but here are the links anyway
instagram | twitter
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