random-mailbox · 2 years
Random-Mailbox's Favorite Sailor Moon Fics - Week 14 - Slow Burn
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This week’s theme was chosen by the amazing  @daikon1 (as well as the last week’s!). In these stories our favourite duo take a little while longer to realize their feelings and even longer to properly communicate them to each other, but they all have a happy ending nonetheless (which I personally love), although some are left a bit more open ended than others.
As always, my apologies in advance for spoiling some of these for you (Fic Titles are linked to either FFN or AO3 entries).
Anything to Protect You - @kasienda
This is an aged up Doom Tree AU that takes place after the events of Dark Kingdom arc. Basic premise is similar, Mamoru doesn’t remember anything while Usagi suddenly does. As “Natsumi” sets her sights on Mamoru, Usagi offers to pretend to be his girlfriend to help him protect himself from his stalker. 
Idiots - @floraone
Usagi, who has been in love with Tuxedo Mask since she was 17, is trying hard to understand why Mamoru is not acting like himself all of a sudden. Throw in years of fighting Youma together with the Sailor Senshi as the backdrop, and our duo is slowly unravelling what is it that they feel towards each other, with insecurities and vulnerability taking the spotlight in this MamoUsaWeek2019 collection. 
Teammates Don't Kiss - @daikon1
This first season aged up AU is so bright and happy compared to most of the takes on the Dark Kingdom arc. With the reveal taking place super early in the story, Usagi and Mamoru get to try and navigate their feelings while deciding they have to remain teammates first and foremost. Umino and the alligator subplot is something I think about often when I need something to cheer me up and chuckle out loud. 
If You Would Accept It - @lyraterra
With Tuxedo Mask offering to help Sailor Moon train and Mamoru becoming Usagi’s tutor, it is no wonder it take this pair a while to figure out what the other means to them. With a tiny bit of psychometry thrown in, this Dark Kingdom AU is a slightly re-arranged take on the original story.
This is the last of non-festive posts for a few weeks. Next Monday we are doing Ugly Christmas Sweater as the theme because I needed to break up the crazy number of absolutely amazing Christmas fics out there. I might throw in a couple of Santa ones in there too, we shall see!
Here are the links to the previous Tumblr posts in these series to explore more amazing works based on different themes - make sure to check them out if you haven't had a chance! (Click on title name to go to the post)
Week 1 - Groundhog Day
Week 2 - Established Relationships
Week 3 - Sex Positivity
Week 4 - Unfinished Stories
Week 5 - Darker Stories
Week 6 - Potions 🧪
Week 7 - Reveals
Week 8 - 👻Halloween🎃
Week 9 - Wrong Perceptions
Week 10 - Non-Senshi AU
Week 11 - In-Progress Fics
Week 12 - Mutual Pining
Week 13 - Enemies to Lovers
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kama-ta · 5 years
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MamoUsa Week 2019 - Day 1: Free Day
 Uploading this early because I’m going to be out tomorrow
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floraone · 5 years
Aaaaand it’s Day 2 for @mamousaweek in my corner of the world now ;)
So, here you have some flashback time for the “Memories” prompt! (And yes guys, I totally love-squared up, here, lol)
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Let me know what you think, and also HAVE FUN DURING MAMOUSA WEEK AND CHECK OUT EVERYONE ELSE’S FICS, PLEASE! They’re awesome!!!
Ao3 version for those who prefer to read over there
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koheiri-neko · 5 years
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MamoUsa Week 2019 | Day 2 | Memories King Endymion and Neo Queen Serenity remember the past ✨🌹🌙️ @mamousaweek
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moonlightusa · 5 years
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Ok, so, I’m not much of a drawer. I consider drawing as one of my many weaknesses. However, my daughter is big into learning how to draw right now, so, I drew this as she was practicing her Eiffel Tower.
I know @mamousaweek is done, but I never did the first kiss prompt in my writing, so here is my terribly sketched submission of their first kiss as husband and wife.
Ohhh boy ok this is really exposing myself because again I am NOT a drawer and ok bye
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kasienda · 5 years
FF.net Version
Day six of @mamousaweek​ - Fight and Make Up Takes place during the R-Break Up Preview:  Mamoru watched her from his usual booth like he had everyday for the last week. He had no right, he knew it, but he couldn’t tear himself away. Usagi was light and he was a moth. She was morphine and he was a drug addict. It physically hurt to be in her presence when he couldn’t even speak to her, but it was somehow better than not seeing her at all.
He stared at the back of her golden head seated in a booth across the Fruit Parlor's dining room. They had progressed far enough into their break up that it was possible for them to inhabit the same room (well, a large restaurant in any case) without either of them bursting into tears or retreating completely.
But today, Usagi was stretching his tolerance. She had come in with a friend (a male friend). Though maybe, friend was too strong a word as it was quickly apparent that the boy sitting across from his girlfriend (his ex-girlfriend) was an assigned partner for some school project.
But even if it had been a date with romantic intentions, Mamoru liked to think he could have handled it. He wasn't completely confident he could make that claim, but he wanted to be able to say it was true. Because, more than anything, he just wanted to see Usagi happy.
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Click the link to read more! 
Reblogs and Reviews are love! 
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mamaladykt · 5 years
Omg. I did it. My first ever finished AND POSTED fanfic!!! I kinda wanna cry. But it's 3am and I'm a day late (and many dollars short, but I digress) so I will keep it together and blame exhaustion for all these emotions.
So here is my submission for day one of @mamousaweek 2019.
Thank you so @floraone who painstakingly walked me through and showed me examples of how to write descriptions between dialogue because my brain decided to freaking forget that skill!
To my beta @queenrisa14 who has read this word vomit of a story for months. Bless your heart for keeping with me and for going over it again and again today with me when I was so ready to throw in the towel. Thank you for believing I could do this.
@cassraven and @tinacentury thank you for commiserating with me.
I hope you all enjoy it. I love these two idiots but as many of you know of (and some agree with) me, there was a LOT left unsaid. So I present to you a conversation that desperately needed having.
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tinacentury · 5 years
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Here’s my contribution for @mamousaweek Day 3 (with technically Day 2′s prompt!)  Fair warning that it’s a real angst fest; enjoy! Oh, and please let me know what you think?  AO3 version here! 
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cassraven · 5 years
My first story for Day 1 Monday of Free Day for @mamousaweek
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I had so much fun writing it! AU! Bartender Usagi + Drunk Bar Customer ER Doctor Mamo-chan!!! This story is a belated June Birthday Gift dedicated to my fellow moonie, fanfic writer/author, friend @queenrisa14 so Happy Belated Birthday sweetheart!!! XD
Major kudos to my Beta-Reader @mamaladykt + to my moral support team @tinacentury + @kasienda for giving me wonderful feedback + advice when I was working on this story in the WIP Stage. Enjoy reading!
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shnuggletea · 5 years
2019 Fanfiction Year in Review
Tagged by the ever so lovely @moonlightusa here is my response to this assignment you gave me. I seriously had flashbacks to high school with this lol!
1. List of fics completed this year:
Okay seriously, I’ve done too much this past year in writing I guess. Here it is in order.
Poisoned Mind
Arranged Love
MamoUsaWeek2019: It’s Her Eyes, Now What?, Benched, Poppin, Jivin, Never Endin
Benefits Gone Wrong (co-authored with @darkenedhrt101)
Seven Month Itch
Vegas Baby!
Urban Legends: Bunny Man
Haunted Embrace (Gift Exchange 2019)
How Water Shapes the Earth (HaruMich Fluff Fest)
Whew I’m winded from writing down that list.
2. Number of words written:
This year for fanfiction...good god. Got to get out the calculator hold on a minute...oh jeez. I don’t know if I should share this, it’s a bit embarrassing. Okay so not including works I started last year and haven’t quite finished I’m at 551,899 words. So that means I probably wrote close to a million words last year since that doesn’t include the originals that I worked on/finished. Hamduallah I still have my fingers.
3. Your most popular fic this year:
I don’t really think any of my fics are ‘popular’ to be honest. The one that was more popular than I expected was Vegas Baby. I’m not sure what equates popularity, some go by review or follow/fave numbers. For me, it’s a combination. The type of reviews and what they say plus the number of follow/faves. That one took me by surprise how many really liked it.
4. Your personal favorite this year:
Man, that’s like asking me to pick my favorite child. Not that I put my writing at that level, I love my kid waaaaay more. Not sure how to decide a favorite among them though!! I guess I’d have to say Haunted Embrace. It was fun and also in the Sil Mil with is a fave of mine to write about. Although, it may not seem that way since I have 0 other than it set in that arch currently lol.
5. Your favourite scene:
Omg, you’re killing me smalls. Sigh. This is another tough one, I have a lot of faves. Okay in my work, the first one that comes to mind is from Enchanted when Serenity tells Mamoru goodbye before he heads off to war. Her innocence in giving him a lock of hair and how he treasures it from that point on just hits me in the feels. 
From other’s works, Blind Faith by @angelmoongirl when Mamoru shows up to give Usagi her first lesson without her sight and she rips into him about his parents. Oh man, tears. Because she is hurting and you know she doesn’t mean it or understand and he just responds back just as cold. Heartbreaking in the best way. My Ex, Your Crush by @darkenedhrt101 when Mamoru tells Usagi it’s not a game to him, not anymore and she tells him she feels the same way?? Pretty sure my eyes turned into those annoying hearts and stayed that way for a damn hour. Thanks. Her Eyes by @goligolak when we get a little jelly Mamoru? Why do we like that? What is it about a possessive side showing from a normally cool and calm man that just makes our engines revving? Mmmmm. Royal Affairs by @master-ray5 I can’t say what my favorite scene is because it’s a spoiler. But just know, I love it when the author misdirects you only to twist you back around at the end. You’re mad but not for long. A true “oh you little bugger” moment. Divinity Series by @nebelflecke when Gaia shows her powers to the Prince of Earth? God, she is such a badass I LOVE IT! There are scenes that I love from @sailormoonserenity489 as well but they aren’t published yet. The scene inside the bookstore for the nightmare fic you’re working on? So dark and beautiful, I love it. I can smell the dust from the books when I read it. Those are the scenes written THIS YEAR that I loved save for @nebelflecke because she has written for that fic this year but I’m so behind on the series, I haven’t gotten to it yet.
6. A fic or scene that challenged you?
The scene in Poisoned Mind where Mamoru finds Usagi dead. It killed me to hurt him like that and I had to dig a little inside myself and my own sorrow from death to get it right. That was rough. I had to step away for a few days after I got it all down. I wrote to where he brings her back before I stopped so I could sleep at night though.
7. A line of writing you’re proud of?
“It was an accident. I lost my parents and my memories of them. So...in truth, I lost them completely. The most you can lose a person, their death in your reality and in your imagination." "Like with us." His face changed into what she could only guess was confusion, having never seen the look on his face towards her before. "Huh?" "We died and forgot. Twice." There were hands on her, pulling her and she met something hard...and soft at the same time. Mamoru was holding her, tight. With his arms around hers, she couldn't move them, to hold him in return or push him away. He wasn't giving her a choice in this.
-Now What? 
I know the whole ‘story’ of Mamoru’s sad past has been done many times over. But the reason I’m proud of this scene is that it wasn’t intentional. I was just writing what made sense with the flow of the scene and their relationship. Just by doing that, it inspired fanart. I never expected that and it was the first time someone took my words and made it into a visual. A very pretty visual by @iamcharlotte that is also the cover art for the fic. 
8.  A comment that touched you:
I wouldn’t say this one touched me because that would be a little creepy but it still makes me laugh when I so much as think about it. And a little proud of myself too if I’m being honest. 
“Boy, you ruin my undies. This was really good.”
This wasn’t posted by a guest but in case they don’t want their name and ruined undies broadcasted on Tumblr, I’m not including the name of the reviewer lol. This is no way means I didn’t love or feel touched by any of my other reviews. You guys are awesome. Thank you for the love.
9. Something that inspired your writing this year:
Music. Always, always music. And reading. Really I can’t read or watch something without getting inspired. It’s why I don’t do a whole lot of either unless forced (aka hubby wants to watch something with me). Even my kid’s shows tend to have scenes for stories running through my brain. It’s nice except I worry I’ll still have things ‘to write’ left untouched when I die.
10. Your proudest accomplishment (that one scene; finally finishing that one fic; posting your first fic; etc)
I’d have to say my first fully completed challenge. MamoUsaWeek this year really tested me because I stupidly thought it started a week later than it did. There was no prep or time to write beforehand, everything was written the day of. Which explains a lot I’m sure lol. But I still got them done and I’m really proud of that.
11. Do you have any writing goals for the next year?
Oh god. YES! I have fics to finish and start posting (seriously posting is the WORST part in my book. I’d have someone else do it for me if I could.) And then fics I need to finish before I can post them. I plan to get my manuscript out to some publishers and see if that goes anywhere and if it doesn’t, self publish again. And I need to finish my other originals, like yesterday, and start querying publishers. Also, I started writing Inuyasha fanfics so once they are betaed, we’ll see how life is outside the SM fandom. 
I guess it’s a bit clique and overdone but honestly out of everything I’m proud of the fandom as a whole. My year here has been one of surprise, failure, and celebration. There were moments when we all pulled together and showed our strength as a group and times things fell flat. But all in all, I’m so happy with where I am in the fandom and thankful for all of you that follow me here or on ff. Thank you to everyone that has shown your support however you could.
Alright, this was fun but a bear. So I’m tagging all my betas and must-read writers for this one. You must all complete this report as I did!!! @darkenedhrt101 @master-ray5 @nebelflecke @angelmoongirl @sailormoonserenity489 @goligolak @knowall7k @beautymercurydragon good luck to you my friends!
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kama-ta · 5 years
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MamoUsa Week 2019 - Day2/3: Memories + Items
Suuuuper late but I got it done *phew*
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floraone · 5 years
MIDNIGHT, MIDNIGHT! So here I go starting with Day 3: Items and have Usagi run a little havoc in her massive freak-out lol?
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ANYWAY I ACTUALLY LOVE THIS CHAPTER LOL. Hopefully you agree, lol. (Yep she can be creepy and that is canon, my friends.)
Ao3 link for those that prefer to read over there!
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koheiri-neko · 5 years
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MamoUsa Week 2019 | Day 6 | A Fight and Make Up I am with you again) On this day I have this idea: season 2, when they quarreled. Sailor Moon summoned Tuxedo Mask to a fight, the winner could ask a question, and the loser must answer only the truth. As a result, the SM defeated him with a little trick and asked the question: why does he no longer love her? As a result, Mamoru confessed and told about the dream, and Usagi said that "it doesn't matter if she dies or not, she wants to be with him." And they made it :3 @mamousaweek
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moonlightusa · 5 years
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OKOK so I am a few hours (ok, 10 hours) late to the party, but it was one heck of a long, busy weekend! However! Here is my submission for Day 1 of @mamousaweek! It’s totally unedited and unbeta’ed... Hell, I did this between proposal review work XD But I hope that you find some humor out of it? Maybe a smidge?
I mean, just imagine Usagi trying to use a butchers knife to crush garlic. That doesn’t sound right, does it? XDD
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kasienda · 5 years
FF.net version
For Day 5 of @mamousaweek - First Kisses, I bring you this reveal. 
Usually it was Sailor Moon that was stumbling around barely dodging projectiles. Today it was Tuxedo Kamen. Really Sailor Moon would have been better off, not to mention far far safer, if he had skipped this one altogether.
He had only a moment to enjoy her arms circled around his waist, before she violently shoved him out of the path of what must have been the youma’s tenth blast aimed for him. He landed on the ground. On his side. Hard. She danced around his prone form, and shot off her own counterattack over his top hat. The attack landed beautifully, pinning the malicious creature between Venus’s light and Mars’s fire. Her senshi guardians made short work of the beast. Confident they were out of danger, he allowed himself to flop completely to the ground, lying spread eagle on the cement – torn between laughing at himself and screaming in frustration. That was just the kind of day it had been.
Click the link to read more. Special shout out to @floraone for beta-ing this one for me.
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mamaladykt · 5 years
Holy crappinoli what a beast this turned into. This is the very definition of a run away fic. Literally started this a few days ago (stopped to finish resiliency even though this one was coming much easier) and started back again last night. I didn't think it would take very long. All the ideas were there. But they kept coming and coming and before I know it, it's 5am where I'm at. But I like it a lot.
It's not beta'd so pardon any glaring grammatical errors. I'm crossed eyed at this point.
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@mamousaweek here's Mondays submission. Again in typical Usagi fashion, extremely late. I'll be in the hall, holding the water buckets.
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