#man I just wanted to post silly gay stuff freely
carlisle06art · 1 year
Twitter suspended my account yet again proving that Tumblr is the superior social media
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this might sound silly but one thing that I kind of hate about tumblr's lgbt culture is how they love associating random things with certain gender identities/sexualities ("gay people sit weird" for example) so I'm always paranoid of outing myself for some of my interests because of how people like associating it to afab she/theys on tumblr and now I can't express it freely without being paranoid of it. I love clowns, I love the clown aesthetic and I love drawing my characters as clowns, but i have never seen anyone that's not a nonbinary or openly trans person on tumblr drawing clowns and I've seen people outside of tumblr analyzing people's art and saying shit like "this looks like something a (slur against trans men) would make" so now I'm not posting any drawings I have with clowns in it because I know there might be a possibility of someone saying that about my art too. I wish this "gay/trans culture" thing didn't exist or at least not to this extent, because not everyone is fine with people knowing they're trans because they wear hawaiian shirts and that's a "transmasc thing".
I definitely feel you. And you're not wrong. Stuff that was started as a joke started genuinely becoming serious for some people and that's when it all fell apart.
That said. That idea is very much NOT mainstream. The mainstream stereotypes are basically the same as they've always been (being a masculine women=gay/feminine man=gay). Most people don't actually see Hawaiian shirts as a trans man give away. Honestly, I've had more people think I was gay because of my Hawaiian shirts than trans.
Unless the people are in the LGBT community or are involved in some way, you're gonna be fine. And even then, if you treat it casually then no one really questions it. Post clowns, don't mention anything you don't want to about your clowns. Most people won't bat an eye. And the ones saying slurs aren't people you wanna listen to in the first place. Especially if it's online, you can just block people.
Irl people's are gonna be a lot faster to assume you're gay than trans. It's just, not something that occurs to most people. Not sure if that's any better for your paranoia. But I know I prefer being clocked as gay than trans (cuz it means I pass as a man. Tho still shitty to assume I'm gay cuz I'm a bit too feminine for their approval).
Overall, I think it's important to acknowledge how this stuff has messed up stereotypes and just reinforced new ones. That's shitty. But it's also important to work on saying "fuck my paranoia/anxiety/bad thoughts, imma do/wear the things I want." The more you let yourself enjoy and express yourself how you want the easier it gets to ignore the people who made you feel bad about doing it in the first place.
Not sure if that's actually helpful. But one last piece of advice that might be better: get off tumblr for a bit. Go out and look at other guys, look at others art. You'll find a shit ton of cis straight men wearing Hawaiian shirts, and a lot of people drawing all sorts of shit coming from a variety of backgrounds. Sometimes we get stuck in these small circles and we forget that the rest of the world isn't involved in these circles. It's important to get out of them just to understand how much we're all alike. And how many people do the same things we do. And revaluate some of the assumptions we have about what different things mean. Cuz our circles don't represent anything outside of said circles. They can't really tell you much about the world. You gotta experience that yourself. I think that'll help calm down your paranoia, and maybe help get you outta and away from these circles that are making it worse for you.
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bulldagger-bait · 4 years
Sometimes I really hate the fact I was born female.
I hate that fact that men don't take me seriously.
I hate that I'm seen as a harpy whenever I show slight passion about a topic.
I hate that I was raised in a school where the boys thought I was insane for being a feminist. Where boys took pictures of me after saying "women only belong in two places, the kitchen and the bedroom", and then posting them all over social media calling me the "angry man hating lesbian feminist". I hate that a boy negged me on in chemistry class, sexually harassed me, and then when I lost it at him my chemistry teacher told me to calm down, that I was overreacting. I hate that when i told him to fuck off, and got sent to the deputy principal to explain myself. Me. Not him. Not the boy who was harrassing me, or the teacher that allowed it in his classroom.
I hate that when I told my dad a boy had been sexually harassing me, he went behind my back, contacted his parents and my school administration. I hate that I was then called into my deputy principals office and told that this had all "been blown out of proportion" and that I was being unreasonable. But it wasn't unreasonable for that boy to say he couldnt wait until I was 18 to get me drunk and high so he could have sex with me. When I was an out lesbian.
I hate that one of my friends was raped by a boy in our school. I hate that when she told the school they didn't believe her. I hate that they made her continue to share classes with him. I hate that she was threatened with suspension for spreading lies about "such a serious topic" and that he was able to keep harassing her on school grounds, unchecked.
I hate that one of my friends thought it was okay to threaten to rape me in front of my entire social group as a joke. And then I was seen as a hysterical bitch for telling my most trusted teacher. She actually did something about the situation. I was then ostracised from that group of friends. I "couldnt take a joke" apparently.
I hate that when I was nine years old I was riding my bike around my neighbourhood, and a boy five years my senior cornered me in an alleyway and tried to rape me not twenty meters away from my front door.
I hate that when I was younger a boy would hit me, scratch me, pull my hair, twist my arm, dig his grubby little fingers into my pressure points, making me cry out with pain, only to be told it was because he liked me. I hate that I believed it. I hate that I let it continue for two years. For two years my "best friend" covered me in bruises, and I let him because it made me feel pretty and wanted. I was ten.
I hate that when I was fourteen and desperate to convince myself I wasn't gay, a boy who i thought was my friend tried to pressure me into dating him only to then tell me about his porn addiction—his words, not mine—and call me an insensitive cunt for getting as far away from him as possible. After he told me about the things he'd like to do to me. Not with me. To me. As fourteen year olds. As children.
I hate that I was forced into pink and shaved legs and make up and long hair.
I hate that my mother made me cut up boxer shorts I had bought because I was sick and tired of wearing panties. Because some guy had made some comment about my grammy-panties. Never mind the fact that they were comfortable. I bought boxers because they were closer to shorts and I thought boys would just leave me alone. I bought boxers because they were cool and had superheroes on them and were comfortable. I bought boxers because I was sick and tired of the neon pink panties my mother had been making me wear for my entire life.
I hate that I wore pigtails to school and a boy called them "ride-me handle-bars".
I hate that when I cut my hair off the first thing people assumed I was, was a man. As if its that easy to take my womanhood away from me. As if all that makes a woman is long hair. I hate that I was called "skank who was trying to hard" when I had long hair, an "art hoe" when I had short hair, and a "dyke", "failed woman", "wannabe man" when it was cropped.
I hate that at 8 years old I was being bullied for being ugly. Because I had unkempt eyebrows. Unshaven legs. Tangled hair. Sweaty skin. Scraped knees. A crooked smile. Because I wasn't a child model. Because I wasn't some pedophiles wet dream.
I hate that I'm considered incompetent for certain jobs because of my menstrual cycle. Because women are too over emotional when they're "pms-ing" or "on the rag"
I hate that a man's go to insult for me is "cunt". Something that dehumanises me to my genitals. How silly of me to think I was anything more than just a hole for someone to fuck.
I hate that someone took advantage of my sexuality. Because I was repressed. Because I was a woman who grew up in a christian environment. Because I was a lesbian who was still convinced I could be straight. Because there was a pretty woman who knew she could manipulate me. I hate how there are people who still think its my fault, or that lesbian sex isnt even real so how could I be raped? Or that women can't rape. I hate that I had been convinced that what happened to me was normal. Because women are frigid bitches that don't want sex, but their partners do, and its "inhumane" to not put out.
I hate that I am paid less. And that people don't believe women arent paid less. Despite the fact that their is mountains of evidence to support our argument.
I hate that I had to do twice the work to get half the recognition in school.
I hate that a boy with no experience and no drive was seen as a more suitable leader than I was. Because I was a "controlling bitch". I hate that I did an incredible amount of work on the student council and he got to take the credit for it. I hate that he was a worse student but was seen as more acedemically gifted than I was.
I hate the double standards.
I hate how every part of my body is sexualised. I hate how my disability is sexualised.
I hate how when I mentioned my chronic pain condition to my male classmates, they made comments about how I would make a fantastic masochist. I hate that I internalised it. I hate that I believed them. I hate that when I got into a sexual relationship I let her hurt me—even though i didn't like it—because I throught kinky sex was the bare minimum and "vanilla" was for frigid prudes.
I hate that my body is not mine, but rather belongs to the public. For the government to legislate. For strangers to ogle at. For my father to control. And when I speak up I'm an unreasonable bitch. When I demand agency, I'm insane.
I hate how the odds were stacked against me since birth all because of that second x chromosome. All because some doctor said "its a girl" and immediately half of my opportunities were removed because they "weren't for girls".
I hate that in order to keep a job I am supposed to adhere to femininity. That not wearing make up is seen as lazy and unhygienic. That I need to "fix my eyebrows". That I need to shave my "gross gorilla legs".
I hate all this bullshit bagage that comes with being female. I hate it. I hate it so much. I hate that I am my own voyeur. I hate that even in my most private moments I am focused on how an unseen gaze would percieve me.
I hate that the slightest devience from "purity" will be met with threats of violence. That if someone doesnt agree with my politics I can be told to "choke on a dick" and to "kill myself" and whoever said that is safe in the knowledge that their community supports their words and actions. That if I step a toe out of line or make a mistake I deserve the full force of misogyny that people have been waiting to dole out to an appropriate victim.
I hate that my own father sexualised me. I hate that he abused me. I hate that he got away with it all because "teen girls make up that kind of stuff for attention". Because he was an "upstanding man". I hate that believes he is guiltless. I hate that he has manipulated and gaslighted me into believing his version of events. I hate that when I speak up I need to be careful because "he's a good man" and "he doesnt seem like the kind to do that" and that "you're blowing things out of proportion, I'm sure it was never like that."
I hate that when women accuse men of violence its "he said, she said". But when men accuse women of the same they are instantly believed. I hate that my voice holds less weight than a man's.
I hate that the religion I was raised in told me not to speak in church. Not to ask questions. To submit to men. To cover my head before god. That braided hair was sinful and vain.
I hate that I was taught there was no such thing as a female orgasm in order to discourage me from having sex. That I was told sex would be painful. And yet I was also told that when I married a man I should freely give him sex because it was my duty to serve him and bear children.
I hate that I'm seen as a baby factory.
I hate that I'm seen as a collection of body parts. A uterus. A pair of tits. A vagina.
I'm not those things. I am made up of those things, but they do not define my worth. I am made of carbon, but you wouldn't call me "an arrangement of carbon atoms" or "a carbon storage system" or "a carbon factory"
I hate that when I talk about my experience with womanhood I need to twist myself into knots to not step on any toes or offend. I hate that I have to be palatable when I am upset and enraged.
I hate that my anger is demonised and sexualised.
I hate that my love is fetished by heterosexual men. I hate that they see lesbianism as this empty thing to get off to.
I hate that I don't feel safe holding my girlfriend's hand in public. I love her more than anything in the world and my skin burns when I don't get to touch her. I hate that sometimes I get scared and call her my "friend". Not girlfriend. I hate that in public I feel ashamed to love her.
I hate it that my homosexuality is debated. I hate that it is seen as disgusting.
I hate that I have been taught and socialised that every single part of who I am is fundamentally flawed in some way.
And yet, despite all this, there are days where I am grateful for who I am. There are days when this body is not my enemy. There are days when I love my womanhood, however that may appear. There are days when I am unbothered by the thoughts of others. There are days where I am unafraid to love who I love and to love proudly.
There are days where the pain and anger of the past drive me to be happy.
I know those days won't last. They never do. There's always a slur, or a misogynist, or an abuser, or a traumatic memory. There's always a right being infringed upon, or an aspect of my body made public property, and it takes me right back to the anger.
I could never stop being angry. There is too much pain in this body to forgive and forget.
But sometimes, I don't hate the fact that I was born female. Some days I'm proud.
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Madara reacting to Kakashi and Gai's (Ridiculous) Rivalry
So in response to @raendown’s request for ^ I ended up writing some head canons, which sorta turned into a fic outline. It got kinda long so I figured it needed ts own post.  This would be taking place in an AU where Madara lives after being redeemed during then Fourth Shinobi War. Imagine Madara watching something like Kakashi and Gai’s race, during the Pein arc…
Honestly, I’m pretty sure Madara would be super jealous. Kakashi is cool and aloof and never gives his attention freely. Madara has had to fight to gain even a glance. I guess it depends on Madara’s feelings for Kakashi when he first sees Kakashi and Gai doing their rival stuff full on.
If Madara isn’t interested yet (and I don’t just mean romantically but if Kakashi hasn’t piqued Marada’s curiosity) then Madara will probably just be weirded out, and very derisive. Like, sneer of disgust, full on looking down his nose at them.
If Madara is even a bit curious about Kakashi, he’s going to be pissed—like, angry-jealous. “Why does that buffoon so easily garner his attention? And for such idiotic things?”
If Madara already has romantic feelings, he’s going to be super jealous—salty, even. He can see how close Gai and Kakashi are—Madara completely looks over the absurdity of their actions and sees the closeness of their bond.
The first time they get up to something, Madara tries to brush it off as just something silly. Still, part of him is burning because “why does that green idiot get so much of Kakashi’s attention?”
The second time, Madara tries to convince himself that Kakashi is just indulging the other man, so Gai will leave him alone.
But the more he sees it, the less Madara can lie to himself; there is genuine joy in Kakashi’s eyes, as much as Kakashi tries to play like it’s a bother. Gai and Kakashi know each other so well, are surprisingly in sync—Madara hates that someone else has that sort of bond with Kakashi, while also being reluctantly grateful that Kakashi has someone in his life to depend on. But Madara can’t help but want Kakashi to focus on only him. Madara has played second fiddle to Tobirama in the past, and he can’t stand the thought that he might get relegated to “back-up companion.” Madara is super insecure about his bonds, tbh.
Madara is going to be soooo salty about things…at first. Then he’s going to try and one-up Gai. Rival challenges seem to get Kakashi’s attention? Well, Madara is going to propose a challenge (not that it will be posed as a challenge or in the frame of a rivalry). (Have I mentioned before that Madara cannot flirt? Because he can’t. He’s so horrible at it—more on that in another post). Of course it won’t be with the same panache or to the degree of silliness that Gai’s challenges are. But Kakashi is observant, and he’ll pick it up for what it is. Kakashi may indulge Madara, but he’ll definitely tease him about it. Subtle comments that could be taken innocuously, but are a little too spot on. Madara gets so embarrassed (not that he’ll admit it) that he never tries it again.
Depending on Kakashi’s own feelings, things go three ways from here:
If Kakashi isn’t interested in Madara, he’s just going to tease Madara about it occasionally—when the opening arises. He won’t be looking for them, but when they pop up Kakashi will just have totally innocent comments that are far too casual to be anything other than hidden blades.
If Kakashi has feelings but he and Madara are not in a relationship, then he’s still going to tease Madara, but it will be more flirty: “there are better ways to get my attention, Dara-chan~ ;3”
if Kakashi and Madara are in a relationship, then Kakashi will tease Madara still—there is no relationship with Kakashi that doesn’t involve teasing—but he’ll also throw in “jealously” comments. Like “Maa…green is Gai’s colour, are you trying to steal that from him too?” But he’ll also be reassuring. Kakashi understands inferiority complexes—especially when it comes to relationships. So he’ll talk the piss outta Madara, but he’ll for sure make it up to him with slow kisses and lingering touches and so much more. Kakashi will also subtly remind Madara that while Gai is his best friend, they’ve never been and won’t ever be more than that.
With time, Madara gets used to it. He’ll still feel jealousy at Kakashi’s close bond to Gai, and he might let that cause an argument or two or ten or twenty. They generally go something like this:
Kakashi will stare deadpan and let Madara rant himself silly. When Madara pauses to ask if Kakashi has anything to say for himself, Kakashi will turn a page of Icha Icha (when did he pull that out? Madara will wonder) and give a classic “Maa…were you talking to me?” Which of course makes Madara even more mad.
Madara will learn that there is no such thing as an argument with Kakashi, that Kakashi himself didn’t start. You can rage at him as much as you like, but Kakashi won’t engage unless he thinks it’s serious topic—being jealous of Gai’s Rival Challenges most definitely is Not.
Maybe if Madara stormed out and didn’t come home one night, Kakashi would get worried, but he’d also be kind of like “well if he can leave so easily then he doesn’t deserve to be chased after.”
But then the second night comes around and Kakashi can’t sleep—”this is such a dumb argument why isn’t he back yet? Did something happen to him?”
By the third night, Kakashi is out looking for Madara. When Kakashi find him, that will lead to a fight where Kakashi calls Madara immature and Madara basically scoffs, saying “I’m immature? You’re the one indulging that boneheaded animal with your juvenile rivalry!” And now Kakashi is mad(der) because he might care for Madara but no one gets to deride Gai even if Gai is a little off his rocker.
So now Kakashi disappears, but not without some scathing comments. And Madara is not done with the argument, so he tries to chase Kakashi down. Only Kakashi has vanished and isn’t at his (or their—if they’re livIng together) home, and “where in the blazes did Kakashi go? He’s Hokage he can’t leave the village!” but Kakashi is nowhere to be found.
Eventually Madara will find him, and Kakashi will pull his disappearing act again—or he’ll try to. Madara will be ready this time, and Kakashi will end up pinned, and maybe Madara takes the opportunity to kiss Kakashi because it’s been a week now since they touched and Madara can’t really help himself when he’s that close to Kakashi.
[insert angry sex]
They talk about Madara’s jealously, sort of, but Madara doesn’t acknowledge it as jealously (to Kakashi, inside Madara knows what it is) and Kakashi explains that Gai is part of the package deal. Gai has stuck by Kakashi and supported him since they were children. He’s Kakashi’s oldest friend. Madara will just have to trust that friendship is the only thing between them, and the only thing that will be between them. Madara already knew he was being ridiculous, and has calmed down by now.
[cue make up sex]
Things are cool for a while, until the next crazy challenge and the cycle starts over again
Madara will eventually get over it. It’ll just take time and lots of reassurances. As the years of their relationship pass by, Madara loses his insecurity towards Kakashi leaving him/favouring others over him, which pretty much eliminates the jealousy…or most of it, anyways.
Madara will even start to tease Kakashi about the ridiculousness of the challenges themselves, which will actually fluster Kakashi a bit. Madara finds he takes great enjoyment in finally ruffling his love’s feathers, instead of the other way around (it’s so soooo much sweeter, having finally turned the tables).
Madara will start suggesting increasingly embarrassing challenges to Gai, which Gai will accept enthusiastically and with Youthful Tears of Joy because “the Love of my Eternal Rival has Finally Accepted the Blossom of Youthful Friendship!” Gai and Madara are in the Springtime of their Friendship, after Gai waited out the Long Chilly Winter of Madara’s Discontent. Kakashi will dread these challenges more than ever, but it’s a fair price to pay for Madara’s lack of jealously.
So yeah, apparently I have Feelings about this. Idk if I’ll write it into a long one-shot, or if it’s going to stay in this weird outline. But here are my thoughts.
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funface2 · 5 years
Dave Chappelle Doesn’t Need To Punch Down – BuzzFeed News
In his occasionally funny new Netflix special, Chappelle continues to make anti-trans and victim-blaming jokes. Why can’t he strive to be more thoughtful?
Tomi Obaro
Tomi Obaro BuzzFeed News Reporter
Posted on August 27, 2019, at 6:43 p.m. ET
Netflix / Via screenshot
Dave Chappelle in his new Netflix special, Sticks & Stones.
What’s the most embarrassing public statement you’ve ever made that you’ve had to walk back? As a Sagittarius and a former conservative evangelical Christian — and quite a zealous one — I have plenty.
I won’t regale you with all of them, but certainly one of my top 10 is when I logged on to Facebook dot com in the year of our Lord, 2009. Michael Jackson had just died, and my Facebook feed was disturbingly lacking in sympathetic words of sorrow. One girl whom I went to high school with posted a status about how she didn’t understand why people were so upset about his death — he was “a gross pedophile.”
I was in a vulnerable place. The high school I went to was full of white people who liked to listen to Dave Matthews Band and ask me whether I tanned. I had spent hours in a fugue state watching videos of Jackson when he was a lanky teenager, wiggling his sequined hips in the “Rock With You” music video, his skin still the color of a coconut husk. He still had that wide, broad, and beautiful nose that looked like my nose (and that I too had once hated).
I don’t remember exactly what I wrote under that girl’s status. It was something mean and cutting, and I definitely went on about how he had been acquitted. She responded by saying that swooping in to comment on the post of a random classmate I wasn’t even friends with in real life to defend Jackson was proof of how ridiculous I was being. Touché. I promptly unfriended her and reminded myself to never get into Facebook arguments; they were a black hole.
I thought of that time, and that current of righteous anger, as I watched Dave Chappelle’s latest Netflix stand-up special, Sticks & Stones, which came out this week and has been predictably pilloried for its dismissal of sexual assault victims and anti-trans jokes. Chappelle proudly confesses as much early on in the special: “I’m what’s known on the streets as a victim-blamer.”
He defends Jackson, conceding that even if the two men who came forward in HBO’s documentary special Leaving Neverland earlier this year were telling the truth, it would be an honor to be molested by a musical legend: “I know more than half the people in this room have been molested in their lives. But it wasn’t no goddamn Michael Jackson, was it? This kid got his dick sucked by the King of Pop! All we get is awkward Thanksgivings for the rest of our lives.”
Chappelle still wants it both ways. He is willing to address criticisms of his earlier sets that were more flagrantly, lazily anti-trans, but not actually apologize or admit to changing his mind or express any meaningful empathy.
It’s the kind of purposefully ludicrous statement that’s designed to provoke, of course — it’s not even funny so much as shocking. You hear the audience gasp. (But the loudest boos of the whole night are reserved for when Chappelle jokes about how there’s no such thing as good 36-year-old pussy, which is the punchline to an R. Kelly bit. It’s telling that you can hear an audible exhale when Chappelle concedes that Kelly probably did rape his alleged teenage victims, even though he throws Surviving R. Kelly documentary filmmaker Dream Hampton under the bus to make that point.)
“I’m sorry, ladies, I’ve got a fucking #MeToo headache,” Chappelle complains. “This is the worst time ever to be a celebrity. Everyone’s doomed,” He defends Louis C.K., freely admitting that he’s biased as he’s friends with the guy. “They even got poor Kevin Hart,” Chappelle says. He describes Hart’s 2011 tweet about smashing his hypothetically gay son’s head with a dollhouse as “obviously” a joke. That’s before he launches into a whole spiel about “the unspoken rule of show business,” which “is that you are never, ever allowed to upset the alphabet people” — those people being “the Ls and the Gs and the Bs and the Ts.”
At this point, we’re reentering a familiar cycle: Chappelle releases a special on Netflix, he says something incendiary, it’s quoted back to him in a headline, and Chappelle reacts to the criticism in another Netflix special.
But Sticks & Stones feels distinct in that it encapsulates Chappelle’s paradoxical urges. You could say he’s doubling down, as some critics have written, but that’s not quite right. It’s a low, low bar, but some of the more truly vile anti-trans stuff has been excised from this recorded special. (It was filmed in Atlanta in 2017, two weeks before his run of sold-out Radio City Music Hall shows, so maybe he had time to reconsider the “man-pussy” jokes.)
But Chappelle still wants it both ways. He is willing to address criticisms of his earlier sets that were more flagrantly, lazily anti-trans, but not actually apologize or admit to changing his mind or express any meaningful empathy. In his 2017 special, Equanimity, he talks about receiving a letter from a white trans fan who criticized his transphobia, using the remark to essentially make more tired anti-trans jokes (and it turns out some of the details of the bit were highly embellished). And in a surprise epilogue to Sticks & Stones, he tells another story about Daphne, a trans woman who attended several of his sets in San Francisco and laughed hard at every joke. Afterward, according to Chappelle, they chatted at the bar and Daphne thanked him for “normalizing transgenders.” The audience at Radio City Music Hall, where Chappelle told this story, applauds loudly. It’s cringe-inducing — such a blatantly cynical, familiar move out of the old “I have a marginalized friend, so I can make this joke” playbook. (When Louis C.K. joked about his black friends who have stood by him, I imagine he must have been talking about Chappelle.)
What is especially frustrating about Chappelle’s trans jokes is how he essentially acts as if black trans people don’t exist, and as if black trans women in particular aren’t more likely to be victims of violence. His truth-to-power comedy only works if he acts as though trans people and black people are wholly separate entities. It’s enough to make you want to tie Chappelle to a chair and force him to binge-watch episodes of Pose.
Even if you ignored all the offensive jokes — which is a big ask, so I understand if you can’t — you’re still left with comedy specials that aren’t even particularly funny.
It’s enough to make you want to tie Chappelle to a chair and force him to binge-watch episodes of Pose.
And it grates, of course, because he has been shattering the mythos constructed around him ever since he famously walked away from a reported $50 million deal with Comedy Central in 2005. Dave Chappelle! The funniest man in America! If he had lived in Midwestern bliss for the rest of his life, his legend as one of our most hilarious, biting, silly, essential stand-up comics alive would have stayed intact — even if he did always have a few sets and sketches that were stupid and sexist and racist. But now he’s just like any other rich, middle-aged has-been, bravely taking on “cancel culture,” even as he continues to nab $60 million deals with Netflix.
As Vulture music critic Craig Jenkins recently tweeted, this cycle of jokes, outrage, jokes, repeat doesn’t actually affect Chappelle’s bottom line. He’s still a millionaire — and one who’s still getting booked, at that. So what’s really to be gained from punching down on the most vulnerable? Despite his fearmongering about celebrities falling victim to “cancel culture,” it’s not like Chappelle has actually been shunned. It has merely become less cool to say that you’re a Dave Chappelle fan at certain parties in Brooklyn.
As a beleaguered fan (like “I once spent more money than I had in my checking account to split a cab ride with a girl I didn’t know to watch him perform in a suburb of Chicago and then got stranded in said suburb because there were no cabs going back to the city”–level fan); I want to believe that Chapelle is more thoughtful than he’s been acting lately. And even in Sticks & Stones, which is better than the last two specials, there are kernels of funniness. He still makes me laugh out loud. He can still tell a story with surreal, spellbinding relish — his bit on buying a gun is hilarious. His face is so expressive; his eyes twinkle with impish glee. The way he holds his cigarette and leans forward, looking like a mischievous little boy, shocked that he can get away with it.
But he’s not a little boy. He’s a grown-ass man. And it feels like he keeps making anti-trans and victim-blaming jokes just because he can, which, sure. But why not strive to be more interesting, more original, more thoughtful?
Toward the end of the special, before the epilogue, Chappelle appears to make a conciliatory gesture: “If you’re in a group that I make fun of, just know that I see myself in you. I make fun of poor white people because I was once poor.” I waited for him to say what he saw in trans people, in victims of sexual assault, or in gay men. But he never said anything. ●
Aug. 28, 2019, at 00:38 AM
Kevin Hart’s tweet about breaking a dollhouse over his son’s head was in 2011. An earlier version of this post misstated the year.
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Bài viết Dave Chappelle Doesn’t Need To Punch Down – BuzzFeed News đã xuất hiện đầu tiên vào ngày Funface.
from Funface https://funface.net/funny-news/dave-chappelle-doesnt-need-to-punch-down-buzzfeed-news/
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wishgavin-blog · 5 years
rules & mun.
general etiquette.
please be respectful. i don’t think that needs to be repeated. you’re free to critique certain aspects about my muse, but i can guarantee you their core personality is something i won’t change. also, if you’re going to critique my muse, just don’t be a dick about it, and be constructive please
i’m hugely all for the idea of casually IM’ing, and the concept doesn’t scare me, even if it’s just to spot-check on little details here and there. i’m also well-known for freely im’ing people, so just let me know if that makes you uncomfortable!
if i interact with you, it means i’ve read your bio, probably multiple times! you don’t have to worry about that.
hey so i have a life; please don’t pester me repeatedly about our threads. probably once a week is a good time to poke me.
don’t godmod ( attempt to control my muse during your reply ) cuz that’s pretty bad. if during your reply, you want my muse to do something, 90% of the time it’s cool, but please just double-check with me in an IM or something. 
in fact, i pretty much only roleplay with plots involved. they can be silly or lighthearted, or dark if you want, but i’m just no good at random starters where two folks who know nothing about each-other just kinda gotta smoosh themselves together. it’s weird sometimes okay. that being said, i’m cool with pretty much any topic and i’m always down for an interesting thread where they Don’t Just smoosh into each-other y’know.
my IMs are always open for plotting and stuff, and once we get to know one-another and i’m cool with you, i can hand out my discord.
i don’t rp nsfw. that doesn’t mean i’m against it; hell i’m all for it, but the idea of writing it out just seems to go on longer than i ever would like. i’m usually all for the idea of rp’ing foreplay and aftercare, but not really the act, y’know? fade to blacks are where it’s at with me. also if you’re a minor, i won’t even do that sorta stuff with you. it’s illegal kids.
i do rp other stuff, like violence, etc., and i will most definitely tag it as well as put a read more before the triggering thing happens. more on that in the tagging section. i’m usually okay with most topics ( unless it’s otherwise stated in my mun section with my own triggers ), but run it by me first.
while klavier isn’t most known for swearing, it might be on this blog. i curse like a sailor and i don’t usually think about tagging it, but if it makes you uncomfortable i’ll def make exceptions!
also while i have some pretty predetermined headcanons for my muse’s relationships with others, i’m always down to discuss it and compromise. it isn’t fair for me to have complete control, or you to have complete control, of the headcanon present unless we both look at each-other and agree with it. this goes especially for kristoph and daryan. even though they’re mentioned with predetermined relationships and dynamics in mind, i’m always down to change it with you specifically ( though it won’t be changed on the bio, it’ll still apply with your specific interaction, y’know? ).
i always kinda try to go with the writing flow, but not necessarily match length. i’m always down for one- and some-liners, but if i give you a paragraph, please don’t give me a one-liner. i get the impression you’re not interested, so if you don’t wanna give that impression just Don’t do that. i also won’t try to give you paragraphs if we’ve established a one- and some-liner flow. 
i also don’t use icons? so that’s a thing. it’s too hard to keep up with all of them man.
as on my description, i’m selective. i won’t follow you unless i wanna interact with you.
i’m also more selective about multi-verse characters, especially if it’s a fandom i don’t know ( and i don’t know a lot of fandoms, so just bear with me ). this counts for professor layton, since i haven’t played PL vs. AA. if you’re an oc, i’m cool with that, just please have a bio so i know who i’m working with and how my muse could interact with them best.
i don’t follow / rp with personal blogs. also if you’re a personal, please don’t reblog my posts.
i will not follow if ( don’t take these personally it’s not your fault! ) — you’re a double; you don’t have a rules / mun page; you don’t have an about; you don’t trim posts; i don’t see how our characters could interact ( within and outside of ace attorney fandom )
i will unfollow if — you post a lot of ooc things not relevant to rp; your rp blog is also your personal but also not sometimes you know the ones; you say something against my beliefs; if something on your blog makes me uncomfortable. i’m not really obligated to tell you why if we aren’t super close
hoo boy so klavier is a big gay. he’s literally never thought about dating a girl in his life. please don’t try to convince him or me.
this blog is multi-ship, and what relationships he’s in can be found in his verses ( if you care about that stuff idk ). ships are based off chemistry, as i’m the kinda person that likes the softer, more romantic feelings between muses and a lot of intentional strife for the sake of Ship Drama and Constant Angst makes me tired. like i’m all for occasional angst for relationship development but like please
if you even think about shipping klavier and kristoph please leave. actually let me know who you are first so i can block you and tell my friends to block you too. that’s how much i’m against it
there’s never gonna be a situation where klavier’s gonna have a healthy relationship with daryan. i’m all for it in an unhealthy way but if you try to make your daryan ooey-gooey and suddenly everything klavier’s ever wanted, it’s weird, out of canon, and i’m not for it. the man went to jail for smuggling shit in klavier’s own guitar and blew it up to destroy the evidence he doesn’t love him That Much.
klavier is a frivolous big gay flirt and he’ll probably flirt with any male muse that’s age-appropriate. i don’t ship klavier with anyone under the age of 20 ( so 21+ for the folks at home watching ). no minors, of course, for obvious reasons, but i’m also deeply uncomfortable with the idea of a 25 year old man being together with a fresh adult. it’s not pedophilia sure but i still find it morally wrong as to why a 25 year old man can’t find a relationship with people his age. don’t try to convince me or i’ll hard block you like so fast.
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    hello! i’m ji-ji, your local nonbinary blob on the internet! i’m 21 years old and use they/them pronouns!
i have clinically diagnosed depression, anxiety, and borderline personality disorder ( bpd ), and i’m currently going to university, so such things can definitely intrude on my reply speed and motivation.
i also happen to be a part of and mod a pokemon rp group, which is my main fandom! considering this is a secondary / side fandom, i might not be on this blog that often. that being said, i’m relatively new to indie rp, and especially that of ace attorney rp. the last time i did indie ( though it was here on tumblr ), was back before we had im’ing, if that tells you anything! so the new landscape of indie and how it works is rather daunting for me, so please be patient!
i have triggers, but they’re only brought about without proper warning, IE if you don’t run it by me and it happens very suddenly. these triggers are: major character death, verbal abuse, & emotional abuse — namely gaslighting. again, if this is brought up ahead of time, it’s fine, minus the major character death. please don’t have your muse up and die on me mid-thread.
the only games i haven’t played are Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney and Investigations 2 ( though i’ll get to it… i’ll get to it alright… )
i really love making new friends and ace attorney is one that i’m really passionate about and have been in for a long time! you’re always free to IM me just to talk about stuff!
thank you for reading this. you’re wonderful 💕
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