#man if Lilith would have an event similar to this I will cry and shake and scream
speedane · 2 years
The Joe posting these past few days has started to get to me, to the point of me dreaming? Hallucinating? about it (thank you me for eating way too much sugar last night, 0/10 would not recommend), and my brain just... thought an entire dislyte patch about it. I am brainrotting so hard right now I need people to know the things I discussed with @murkyike and @bluntfish and put it out in the wild-
It started with me going into the Echo, and lo and behold there’s two featured espers similar to the Ife and Brewster rate up:
Joe [Psyche], *5 Shimmer 
Someone not in the game who is also a *5 Shimmer, but visually he had tentacles, an electric guitar and has a black/white color scheme (???)
It felt like absolute hell to see 2 *5 Shimmers in the banner, but at least you can pick one for guarantee pity (I chose Joe of course).
The real focus of this post, there’s an event with a similar format as Desperado and Dreams Afar (so there’s the event instances and stages and a daily maze). The main character of the story is Joe, while the final boss is the other guy who was in the banner with him. I’ll summarize what I can remember in bullet form:
Story starts with Joe waking up in a room, disoriented with his surroundings with only a telecom to bring him back to reality.
Someone speaks to him from it, explaining to him that he was a part of an experiment, and he must pass through the maze in order to grant himself freedom. I’m not sure when exactly will it be mentioned that he was revived, but he gets informed about it somewhere in the story.
Joe, with having no other options, is now forced pass through trials, exercises, and interrogations as he traverse around the maze (and the mazes reflect this, from fighting stages [trials], gaining hearts [exercises], and questions [interrogations]). If he manages to survive, he is given either refreshments or first aid (I guess this is the “stamina regen” of the maze)
Along the way, Joe can ask questions regarding the experiment, but he can only ask one at a time before starting another trial. So piece-by-piece he slowly finds out what the experiment is about:
Divine Waves are similar to sound waves, and with the correct frequency it can possibly revive a dead esper.... in theory. The person wanted to test if this was possible I guess.
There were multiple attempts, and only Joe so far was successful.
The experiment is possibly done to see how long Joe could last, or if there are any adverse effects towards the revived person. This is just me speculating btw. 
Joe is still part light elf, but his very being is being held together by “something else” that is acting as his glue. Possibly the Psyche in him. 
The researcher didn’t want him dead. In fact, he wanted him to live, and wished that he could be nice to him. However, he also wanted results and data. 
At the end of the maze, Joe finally meets with the person who has been keeping him. The final trial he had to face was to beat him. (This is the Final Boss)
After Joe defeats the researcher, He was given the freedom he deserves... but also directed him to the Esper Union with an address, a phone (with the researcher’s contact number), and some allowance.
There is an Epilogue where the researcher calls for Meredith (who didn’t seemed too pleased to hear his voice) and asked for a favor. Basically, he sends Joe and his research data to the Esper Union, but Meredith has to give him observation data regarding Joe’s well-being and progress. It’s basically a weird request and the guy hung up before Meredith could ask further questions.
Basically Meredith had to wait for Joe’s arrival in the Union. Event Story ends here.
About... The Researcher
So the other event esper in the rate up along with Joe is neither affiliated with the Union or the Decree. He’s cooped into his lab/office, performing research on Divine Waves. He has tentacles that he used to operate his synthesizer and computer, while using his two hands to play his electric guitar. Man’s very weird, doesn’t seem have any motive other than research. Then again, dreams are pretty vague, but at least he was nice to Joe. I do not know what this man’s patron is but my friends suggested that it’s a sea monster (possibly Kraken). Sadly, I can’t recall anything about the boss fight. I assume his Divine Artifact is his guitar, so that’s his main weapon. He does bear similarities with Meredith, but with a more offensive kit. 
Final Thoughts
If you managed to get this far, congratulation! Pretty sad that Q wasn’t involved in any way (it’s okay, we can always come up with bounties LMAO) but it’s nice to see Joe in action even if things were blurry most of the time. I had to fill in the gaps about missing stuff obviously to make it comprehensible for everybody, and I wished this event was real now LMAO-
I’d gladly pull for a Joe esper.... but maybe please not make him a 5* Shimmer QwQ
Also might make the other guy an oc if I got enough energy... I was kinda interesting in my dream. 
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