#I got an event idea for you qwq
speedane · 2 years
The Joe posting these past few days has started to get to me, to the point of me dreaming? Hallucinating? about it (thank you me for eating way too much sugar last night, 0/10 would not recommend), and my brain just... thought an entire dislyte patch about it. I am brainrotting so hard right now I need people to know the things I discussed with @murkyike and @bluntfish and put it out in the wild-
It started with me going into the Echo, and lo and behold there’s two featured espers similar to the Ife and Brewster rate up:
Joe [Psyche], *5 Shimmer 
Someone not in the game who is also a *5 Shimmer, but visually he had tentacles, an electric guitar and has a black/white color scheme (???)
It felt like absolute hell to see 2 *5 Shimmers in the banner, but at least you can pick one for guarantee pity (I chose Joe of course).
The real focus of this post, there’s an event with a similar format as Desperado and Dreams Afar (so there’s the event instances and stages and a daily maze). The main character of the story is Joe, while the final boss is the other guy who was in the banner with him. I’ll summarize what I can remember in bullet form:
Story starts with Joe waking up in a room, disoriented with his surroundings with only a telecom to bring him back to reality.
Someone speaks to him from it, explaining to him that he was a part of an experiment, and he must pass through the maze in order to grant himself freedom. I’m not sure when exactly will it be mentioned that he was revived, but he gets informed about it somewhere in the story.
Joe, with having no other options, is now forced pass through trials, exercises, and interrogations as he traverse around the maze (and the mazes reflect this, from fighting stages [trials], gaining hearts [exercises], and questions [interrogations]). If he manages to survive, he is given either refreshments or first aid (I guess this is the “stamina regen” of the maze)
Along the way, Joe can ask questions regarding the experiment, but he can only ask one at a time before starting another trial. So piece-by-piece he slowly finds out what the experiment is about:
Divine Waves are similar to sound waves, and with the correct frequency it can possibly revive a dead esper.... in theory. The person wanted to test if this was possible I guess.
There were multiple attempts, and only Joe so far was successful.
The experiment is possibly done to see how long Joe could last, or if there are any adverse effects towards the revived person. This is just me speculating btw. 
Joe is still part light elf, but his very being is being held together by “something else” that is acting as his glue. Possibly the Psyche in him. 
The researcher didn’t want him dead. In fact, he wanted him to live, and wished that he could be nice to him. However, he also wanted results and data. 
At the end of the maze, Joe finally meets with the person who has been keeping him. The final trial he had to face was to beat him. (This is the Final Boss)
After Joe defeats the researcher, He was given the freedom he deserves... but also directed him to the Esper Union with an address, a phone (with the researcher’s contact number), and some allowance.
There is an Epilogue where the researcher calls for Meredith (who didn’t seemed too pleased to hear his voice) and asked for a favor. Basically, he sends Joe and his research data to the Esper Union, but Meredith has to give him observation data regarding Joe’s well-being and progress. It’s basically a weird request and the guy hung up before Meredith could ask further questions.
Basically Meredith had to wait for Joe’s arrival in the Union. Event Story ends here.
About... The Researcher
So the other event esper in the rate up along with Joe is neither affiliated with the Union or the Decree. He’s cooped into his lab/office, performing research on Divine Waves. He has tentacles that he used to operate his synthesizer and computer, while using his two hands to play his electric guitar. Man’s very weird, doesn’t seem have any motive other than research. Then again, dreams are pretty vague, but at least he was nice to Joe. I do not know what this man’s patron is but my friends suggested that it’s a sea monster (possibly Kraken). Sadly, I can’t recall anything about the boss fight. I assume his Divine Artifact is his guitar, so that’s his main weapon. He does bear similarities with Meredith, but with a more offensive kit. 
Final Thoughts
If you managed to get this far, congratulation! Pretty sad that Q wasn’t involved in any way (it’s okay, we can always come up with bounties LMAO) but it’s nice to see Joe in action even if things were blurry most of the time. I had to fill in the gaps about missing stuff obviously to make it comprehensible for everybody, and I wished this event was real now LMAO-
I’d gladly pull for a Joe esper.... but maybe please not make him a 5* Shimmer QwQ
Also might make the other guy an oc if I got enough energy... I was kinda interesting in my dream. 
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jazjelspen · 7 months
scarlet and silver lining (part 2)
alastor w/ daughter reader
(notes: apologies for any inconsistencies!! not proofread!! apologies for slight ooc vox since im unsure of how he first acted when he recently died and how he got into power qwq. apologies for anyone ooc in general cuz my brain is stew. slight graphic depictions of violence. this is definetly not by best work but I'll make sure to try harder next time!)
(tags: @falsemain @aconfusedwonderland @stasiaclash )
Today was a certainly an... eventful morning?
Certainly unusual though, considering on what you have stumbled upon on this certain morning.
You had barley been here on your first day and this is what you were to see? All you wanted was food-- even cereal would suffice.
But god-- really Angel??..
Having walked down the steps from your room, gotten ready for the day you walked down with a grace you've held even during your days living and breathing. With careful and cautious steps you managed to not come across him and have your morning ruined too early.
You had accidentally stumbled upon everyone at the main seating room, you being here due to not remembering where the kitchen or dining area was very well.
Unfortunately, Angel was proudly presenting one of his porn films to the group. Few disgusted.. embarrassed.. or even weirdly-- enjoying it.. geez Nifty's certainly weirder than you expected her to be.
You scrunched your nose up slightly as you started to feel a bit grossed out yourself, simply because others seemed uncomfortable and you weren't exactly fond of seeing these kinda of thing often.. but it was hell so you couldn't exactly complain.
You walked up to the group while trying to mute the moans and squeals from Angel Dust on the television in your head, propping your arms up on the large gold headboard of the sofa Angel was laying on and when you finally spoke you managed to even catch Angel and the others jumping slightly from the unexpected surprise as they spoke amongst themselves.
"Geez Angie.. Really gotta be showin' everyone what you do?"
"--And you!"
Now you were surprised, your eyes darting towards the winged cat that, turns out, was speaking before you got there and was even pointing at you.
There was a pause. Your eyes and his meeting as he was pointing at you.. he narrowed his own set before becoming seemingly speechless.
"Actually I don't even know you yet, but considering how you act on that disgusting show and simply being here you probably got some kind of issue similar to your friend here." His eyed flickered to Angel as he spoke towards you. You being incredibly confused on what the fuck this guy was even saying by mentioning you but Angel decided to spit out his words before you.
"Oh yea? And what's my issue pussy cat?"
The cat, name being Husk from what you could remember the day before, scoffed at your friend. "Don't get me started. I see right through you and all of this bullshit and how fake you are."
Angel in response, seemed to laugh nervously.. almost in a way to cover something up. "Me? Fake? Wow.. I had no idea.." The spider's voice holding certain sarcasm continued, you just simply waiting to be able to ask your own question next. "Guess that's why I'm an actor, dumbass.. AND--" and just like that he was interrupted by a ring of his cellphone, having to quickly hold his finger up and mutter to Husk a 'hold that thought' before moving away to answer his oncoming call.
Meanwhile.. you finally managed to ask your question to Husk. "When you mean me having an issue similar to my friend's.. do you mean I seem fake? Wait-- why was I even mentioned anyway?.. I just got here!.."
"Depends. I haven't talked to you enough, but if you and him get along then I'm sure you must have some kind of fake act you hide behind as well.. you definitely can't be as cheery in person as you are on that show.
Oh and I was just revealing everyone's darn issues.. being a hell of a bartender works out for these kinds of things.." standing there almost mumbling his last few words just made you bite your cheek a bit as your face flushed in slight embarrassment. He's not exactly.. not totally wrong..
In the end Angel confessed that he needed to do an emergency shoot for his boss, whom you hated with all your guts as well with how badly that piece of shit treated Angel. You never did get abuse as bad as Angel's but still.. it all definitely gets to you on how both your bosses treated you and those around.
You frowned slightly while looking down at the sofa he previously sat on, dreading when you'll have to get back on TV as well.. although you were a bit unsure of how you'll get Vox's message if you didn't bring your cellphone.
Ah well.. not for you to worry about anyway-- if he really wanted to contact you then you're more than certain he'll find a way to reach you whether you liked it or not.
You snapped out of your thoughts once you heard Angel huff and puff out the door while exchanging a few hurried words to Charlie before slamming it in front of her face.. slight disrespect much? You felt a bit bad for the princess, seemed like quite the pushover.
You truly hoped she wouldn't rule the entirety of hell in this exact way, for if she did she'd get eaten alive for sure.
But while she was groaning and becoming frustrated as her girlfriend was helping her out you were still very much hungry. "Sooo.." you mumbled "Where's the food area? I didn't exactly wake up too early to eat with all of you.. if you did all eat together." You smiled nervously at what's left of the group, body facing Husk who was the closest.
He even responded to you! How kind-- although he was still quite grumpy.
He pointed a finger from his left hand holding the bottle behind himself at the nearest entry way behind and beside the staircase you walked down from. "Over there, turn left, head straight, see two large fancy doors? Open it. walk through it, ignore the empty tables unless you want to eat alone which would be fucking sad and head towards the door with the circular window at the top. That's the kitchen and eat whatever you want, don't complain if anything's spoiled since you chose to be here of all places."
You couldn't help but want to roll your eyes slightly, but with a minor huff of your own you walked passed him and tried your best to remember his shitty directions. "Thanks.. Husk.."
Once you started walking his directions were shitty indeed, simple but being a bit more descriptive definitely would've helped.
Walking through the hall you'd eventually go through your steps echoed against the walls, bouncing back and forth like the ripple of a rain drop on a puddle. Thankfully it was very clean, Nifty certainly seemed to have done her job right with how spotless this part of the hotel was! As weird as she is.. she does her job well.
Finally reaching said 'fancy' doors you opened it to see an entire dining room. Clean as well with newly furnished tables and chairs with unique tablecloths with intricate designs only reminiscent of the royal family. Even each of the tables had a vase and flowers set up and two small pepper and salt shakers, although you ere certain those flowers were fake considering the lack of realism to them.
Nonetheless, fairly charming.
You walked past them all to head towards a large door with the circular window that was described by Husk, peaking through it from a distance it was certainly to the kitchen.
Gosh.. what was that smell?..
It was a humble, nostalgic, delicious smell.
God-- what the fuck was it??..
As if the smell was leading your nose faster towards the door, pushing your body against it since it was those doors that simply would swing itself open or closed with a push.
"Ooo.. is that--" you walked in with a big smile, your nostrils filling itself with that childhood scent.
"It certainly is, ma puce."
You should've known.
The voice that disturbed your entire morning and mood turned around from the stove to reveal itself as none other than-- Alastor.
"Why.. it's certainly an absolute gas to see you up and awake! I even made you your favorite--" the radio demon exclaimed whilst picking up the pan he was using to plop whatever food he made onto the plate, with a swift motion he set down the pan to grab the plate and reveal your hot and fresh breakfast to you.
"--Jambalaya!" he cheered, a subtle audio track of an audience cheering could be heard from his staff that seemed to work as both a microphone and a speaker.
"Uh huh.." you frowned deeply while crossing your arms and raising your shoulder while taking a step back from him. "Actually I ate before I came he--" and even as you tried to escape him by turning back he managed to teleport right in front of you!
"Tsk tsk.. my dear you know you can't lie to me. Take a seat, enjoy your meal! You can't be telling me you aren't dying to try your favorite dish?" He put his hand on your back and the other holding the food as he pushed you through the door, then suddenly pulled you by your wrist, and sat you down on the nearest empty table. "Besides.."
"It's your Nana's recipe..."
Your Nana.
Your eyes softened at the mention of her but immediately glared at him with a sharp gaze which seemed to not even affect him in the slightest.
'This fucker..' he knew how to get to you, he knew your weakness.
"Don't you dare fucking mention her. You have no right to have her name roll down your disgusting tongue and through your rotten teeth."
"Oh, is that any way to treat your father little fawn? My.. you're not even little anymore! My mistake.."
His large smirk widened as he set down the plate and a pair of silverware in front of you.. it only made you want to strangle that thin neck of his.
You hated him.
He was the reason why you were down here.. although indirectly. You were blind, you were so caught up in his act even after he died--
it costed you your life.
"I'll only eat it because of Nana, other than that I would really appreciate if you could fuck off Alastor." Even as you told him to screw off he stayed ever so present! Even setting down a cup of hot coffee(or tea, whichever you prefer) in front of you that also smelled utterly delicious. "Besides you only started properly raising me instead of playing babysitter when you realized no one else would, I'm more surprised you didn't throw me back into the orphanage."
"Oh darling I'm certainly a monster but I'm not a downright devil!" Alastor you know damn well.. "Your grandmother loved you too much.. I couldn't just let you go so easily!"
"Yea yea whate-" you picked up your mug to take a sip of whatever was in it which to your surprise.. it was an old favorite drink of yours. One that you would drink every morning with Alastor during your teenage years..
"Hm.. not bad.." You mumbled as you took another sip of it, yet again another sense of home washing you over once more.
"I still yet remember your favorite morning beverage mon chere. What kind of father would I be if I wouldn't?"
"Uh yea-- when I was a teenager. A few years behind dontcha' think?" You scoffed at him while trying to seem as if his efforts were meaningless but the simple action of continuously sipping the liquid totally didn't just.. contradict that.
"Which is why I'd like to catch up a bit more hm? You begged me to leave you alone and I let you be your own independent self when I first found out you were associated with that.. thing." He pulled out the chair across from you to take a seat himself. Right after he set his staff resting against the side of the table and relaxed his elbows on the surface, his chin laid on the back of his hands while looking right at you.. inspecting you.
"If my memory serves correct I'd say around.. seventy-one years? Hm? Since I've seen you? I'm sure you've made some absolutely splendid decisions all those years."
You loudly sighed as you set the halfway empty mug down and replacing the item with the silverware beside your plate.
" Look my decisions aren't for you to judge. You're no saint and I'm not obliged to listen to whatever terrible advice you have. I'm ten years older than when you have last seen me alive and not even including the ninety-four years I've been down here in total." Intertwining your fingers with the silverware you picked up some food from your plate and bring it up towards your plate. The smell seemingly holy to you and once you plopped it in your mouth..
You could've sworn heaven took a delicious shit in your mouth. This was so fucking good...
The spices, the vegetables, the rice.. it was all just cooked to perfection.
You could definitely feel goosebumps crawl around your body and your mouth exploding in flavor.
Oh how you loved the taste of New Orleans.
"Just the way you like it dear?"
You snapped out of your thoughts as your eyes popped open towards the smirking overlord, seemingly proud of your reaction and it made you release a loud scoff from your throat.
"Just-- screw off. I don't want to associate myself with a murderer and a sadist." You set your silverware on your plate as you held your food on one hand and your mug in the other as you stood up from your seat.
"I sure do hope you know that your employer, that imbecile with one of those wretched picture boxes for a head, isn't any better darling." Alastor stayed in place but his eyes were the only thing that followed you while you took a few steps away from him with your back facing him.
Although his comment made you freeze on the spot you didn't dare turn around and face him for he wasn't even worth the action.
"Sure, he's not any better than you. But at least he didn't lie to me all my life and made me believe he was the most amazing person in the world, he didn't make me believe that he was a saint.. that he was actually a good person.."
You paused.
"So, yeah.. he may not be any better but he at the very least he isn't anything like you."
Just like that you resumed walking out the dining room, hands occupied and heart full.
You only amused your father albeit feeling a slight uncomfortable twinge in his chest that made him only want to reconnect with you more.
You just reminded him too much of your grandmother, noticing a few small actions and habits you did that you acquired through growing up with her.
You were all he had left of her, and you were all he had left of that little girl he had to leave behind.
Through selfish means it happened but..
He wished to try, just once more.
You let out a shaky sigh of fear.
It was your 12th year in Hell and you have been scraping by simply scavenging for scraps, fighting foes with any weapons you could find or trade for and trying to stay alive. You were basically living in squalor but in the nicest parts of town, and was surprisingly somewhat respected due to being affiliated with a few loan sharks that you helped in return for money of resources.. even working 'normal' jobs to at least rent out a small home.
It was now the day of the 'Extermination' Where exorcist angels from above would kill any demons they could find in order to keep the population at bay. You've managed to survive each year due to your connections but all your 'protectors' have been murdered by said exorcists or have fallen from their once high power.
Cruel for heaven but-- then again you couldn't blame them. Not with how power and money hungry these sinners could be.. maybe it was best for them to keep sinners on the low.
But god did you wish you could be pardoned from this the way the hellborn were.
You didn't mean to die the way you did.
You tried to do it for a good cause.
You truly trusted in your beliefs.
You really didn't think you'd get that angry.
You didn't mean to kill that man.
You regret everything.
Especially on the day you heard Alastor's broadcasts all over hell.. you were shocked that he was even in hell but he was even torturing and toppling overlords for his own amusement??
It feels as if the version of Alastor that you grew up with, your dad..
It felt like he died all over again.
Even yet you're still mourning over it.. not for Alastor-- but for your father.
You really should've trusted those detectives and cops huh? Should've trusted the newspapers, even the 'news' on the new picture boxes they invented spoke about his case like daily gossip.
You should've trusted them all.
Evidence was right there but since you grew up with him and saw no signs on your part you could've sworn you felt it in your gut that he was innocent! That maybe that deer hunter that shot him was framing him!
That had to be the case--
Preaching about good behavior, following laws yet rebelling when they are discriminatory or unfair, that life was beautiful and precious...
Pfft. Precious my ass.
He lead you to your death and he didn't even take any part in it.
But to you, your blood was on his hands.
Which is why you knew you weren't going to regret this next part but..--
inevitably.. you did.
You were currently on the floor of an overlord's abode.
You have been seeking refuge from the exterminations happening just outside and this place was the nearest one before an exorcist angel could cut you in half.
How you managed to get in? You were quite unsure at the moment.. it went so quick, did it in a panic, and you're losing blood from a slash on the leg?? Yea getting in here was all your body was begging you to do.
But you let out a shriek when you were once again having a weapon pointed at you.
Well-- two.
Two bodyguard-looking guys confronted you as you looked up at them in fear, a third more sophisticated figure approaching.
Vox, the television demon, his head a bit funny to you considering how small his screen was yet he terrified you as well due to his status.
"How did-- oh I'm going to fucking kill Betty for leaving everything except the back door closed." He eyed you, a look of disgust evident on said small screen. "Oh just kill he--"
They positioned their weapons to your forehead this time, Vox about to turn around until you mentioned he- who-must--not-be-named.
"I...I knew Alastor!!--"
A shriek of a television signal could be heard, a new kind of static radiating from the overlord.
He faced you-- in a scary yet almost funny kind of way..
"What did you just say?"
"I.." you gulped.. you can't tell him he's your dad! you're smarter than that even in dire situations like these.. it's only more trouble for you.
"I knew him.. I was his.. assistant! yes and I wrote his scripts and he uh--" you felt yourself cower slightly seeing Vox come closer and put a hand up which caused his bodyguards to put their weapons down. He didn't need them, but they caused that fear he needed.
"He got me.. killed.." you trailed off and flinching when he bent down to you.
Vox smirked "Killed huh? You were one of his pathetic victims?"
You nodded vigorously, hoping this will get you to live another day. "He.. He used me as a shield when some coppers tried to shoot him.. got me instead.."
"Does that make you hate him?"
"Yes sir.."
"Hate him so much you could strange him, open his stomach, twist his intestines and feed them to them old rats in the hotels and skid ro--"
"Yes! yes sir.."
Okay maybe this overlord went a bit too far with his hate but.. whatever to not get fucking impaled by an angel.
Vox's smirk widened as he then dragged you up by your arm in a way that was far from gentle. "You sure have a pretty face as well, sight for sore eyes." He inspected you as you only stood there in fear on one leg with your other still bleeding out "Water, some rest and your voice just may be as smooth as honey." He harshly grabbed your chin to look over your appearance even more, your hair, any facial marks you may have. "You say you wrote scripts too? If you're any good you may be able to make some interesting headlines if so."
"Hm.." he hummed in thought " I like you. Prove to be useful to me and I'll let you live.. and just maybe.. I'll protect you from the exterminations and let you live comfortably working for me. As comfortable as it can get.. "
Protection from an overlord.. job from an overlord--
Not the best choices but it's way better than what you're doing right now..
"What do you say, is it a deal sweetheart?"
You weren't that stupid to make a deal with an overlord.
But as mentioned before,
Your undying spite with Alastor might've been your biggest push to shake Vox's hand and give your soul away carelessly.
(It's 1AM I need sleep BUT I JUST WANNA POST THISSISISIS GRAHHHH im so tired but there's one particular scene I want to get to.. may take awhile but AHHHHHHHH I can't wait!!)
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awww I really liked the writing about "✉️" of the event I would like to request that for nayuta and hajun with a reader fem! plss (๑'ᵕ'๑)⸝*
Writer’s corner: Hey!! I'm so glad you appreciated it! I hope you will forgive me for being late at answering your request, sweetheart! qwq Of course I can do one with our dear Nayuta and our sadistic prince Hajun! I hope you will like it and, if you don't, please, tell me what you'd like me to fix or change! ♥ Enjoy and have a fantastic summer~!
mc's pronouns: SHE/HER (FEM!reader)
Warnings: none, just sfw and cute stuff♥
☀️𝐍𝐚𝐲𝐮𝐭𝐚 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐇𝐚𝐣𝐮𝐧☀️𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐜
✉️: if they went on vacation, what kind of postcard they would send mc (R)
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☀️Nayuta felt a strange feeling inside when he realized he would have been away from his usual slum-apartment and especially from you. As he has always been kind of serious and dry towards people around him, he cannot really hide his anxiety and slight sadness to you. Just while you were helping him preparing his luggage, Nayuta was sitting on the futon, with his big eyes fixed on you. You could see his puppy eyes sparkling softly and his throat occasionally letting some deep sighs. "What's wrong,my sweet boo?", you smiled warmly at him while folding some of his t-shirts and putting them into his suitcase. He sighed again and looked away: "You really can't come with me..?", you heard his low voice almost hushed. What you could only do was to look at his cute figure and smiled warmly: "Don't worry, Nayu.. It's only for a week. You'll see how fun it will be! And.. you know, you're not alone! Your brother is coming with you." As you spoke he turned and looked at you: "I want you to accompany me."... Those words surprised you and made your cheeks go redder.
☀️After his words, you decided to reassure him and the following day you saw him and Kanata getting on the bus and disappearing behind the corner's street. You felt how anxious both looked, especially because they had never been away from their slum, nor away from the city itself. But you smiled at yourself. "They need it.. I hope they will have fun and relax while away.", you said to yourself. Of course you started missing both Nayuta and Kanata, but you could see how usual Nayuta sent you texts like random: "I love you", or "I miss you", or even.. "Here sucks without you." You couldn't help but chuckle at reading his random texts or seeing his random pics. He even sent you a pic while laying on the bed and Kanata snoring in the background. One day, though, something surprised you, as you received a postcard from Nayuta, your sweet boo:
"Y/n, sweetie.. It's the first time I try to send a postcard, so I hope I didn't miss anything up. Why did I send it even if I texted you online? I don't know... You know when you told me to have fun? Well.. even if I'm on vacation with my brother, and even if I have never been on vacation before, nor saw all these beautiful places outside my city, well... I cannot have fun if you're not beside me! I cannot help, but think about you all day and all night. Like.. What is she doing? What has she done today? Is she happy?.. I didn't believe in love before meeting you, but... now I do because I have you and only when you're beside me I can say to be truly and fully happy... It sounds too wholesome, maybe too much, but I don't care. I just can't wait to come back, only for you. I miss you. Nayuta."
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☀️When Hajun got that he had to go on a trip with BAE, he looked happy at first. But when he got that you wouldn't have gone with the three of them, he changed his expression to one of sadness. The idea of going on a trip and being away from you kind of made him sad and especially concerned. You would have stayed at their apartment while they were away and Hajun spent all the last days buying a lot of stuff for you, like your favourite snacks and meals. Even if sometimes sadistic, he really cares about his friends, and especially about you. "Darling, I've also bought some chips and snacks, in case you want to watch a movie at night..!". You smiled at him, happy to see how caring he was behaving. You could see a soft fear in his eyes, a fear that he was able to hide but you could still see. So you got the chance, when you both were alone and he was preparing his own luggage: "Hajun.. It will be a short vacation. I won't forget you", you said chuckling surprising him. As his eyes met yours, you could see how reassuring your words were to him. He hugged you tightly and whispered to your ear: "I love you..."
☀️The following day you waved at him, Allen and Anne as you could feel Allen's and Anne's excitement for the vacation. Hajun tried to keep his usual confident and prince-like behaviour, but his eyes kept following your figure, especially after getting on the bus. He waved at you smiling especially after seeing your lips moving to form the words: "I love you.". The following day you missed cuddling with Hajun, but you even laid and slept on his bed when you felt like missing him a lot. You even checked online if he even sent you any text. Of course he didn't, actually. But one day you received a postcard from him, with some pictures of him buying ice-creams and cute stuff with BAE:
"Darling, How are you doing, my love? I'm sorry for not texting you, but will you believe me if I tell you that Anne did a huge mess in the kitchen while trying to help me and Allen cooking? Also I didn't text you actually because I wanted you to miss me... Did I manage to get you all sad for missing me~? By the way I hope that you're safe and fine at home. We're doing great here, even if it's not the same without you and your adorable clumsiness.. I bought something for you. I'll give you once come back~ I miss you too, darling.♥ Hajun."
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©hebimoonlightwrites_tumblr Please, do not copy my contents nor repost it without my permission.
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lunarleonardo · 23 days
I was thinking more about the ghost fic idea last night and honestly I think tye fact they're Inherently tragic when it's human x ghost is the draw for me personally
(which.. tbf I was so hyperfixated on tbhk for like 2 - 3 years that it genuinely altered my brain (/--)/(/--)/ )
But yeah I was thinking of ghost hunter "exorcist" kaito (and his on camera partner maki. Who actually knows she is a real exorcist) and their camera man shuichi who's like fated for death in a nene-like manner I just don't rlly know who to make alive and who to make dead besides Kichi and Miu (I have ideas for them... they will npt be miserable ofc /lie (^-^; ♡)
I should put in a note instead of an ask box but I saw the last ask and got inspired 💀
Of course SHUICHI is fated for death xD Why wouldn't he be? Also him being the camera man is awesome!! I imagine him being a little camera shy so Kaito and Maki take the spotlight for him. What a lovely little trio I hope none of them die haha wouldnt that suck
Kokichi would be so unserious as a ghost x_x every paranormal event that takes place in wherever they're haunting is a result of Kokichi and Miu fighting. They're throwing things across the room at each other. If you listen closely you can hear the faintest whisper of words I shan't repeat
I also think it'd be great if Miu just... refused to believe she was dead. You're telling me THIS gorgeous girl genius Miu Iruma DIED? ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ Yeah right
This idea goes so hard though and I can imagine two things that both are equally heartbreaking. Either both Maki and Kaito know that Shuichi is fated for death and dont know whether to tell him or not, or Shuichi knows he is fated for death and doesnt tell his friends . QwQ Kaito would try so hard to save him aagh
Oooh yall got me wanting to write a ghost hunting fic now. I have Ideas. But I can't start another project until I finish Love Letter q_q better get to writing
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tokusaatsus · 2 years
Can i request Madara, dating someone who is sweet, gentle, and calm person? 🥺🥺 They are also someone who's very known for their kindness. Imagine energetic Madara with a calm lover <3 Madara would be running all the way around while his lover only watched him from the other side, feeling awe by his cuteness.
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When you introduce the idea of you dating someone to your friends, they’re all understandably surprised.
You’re usually very calm–nothing can ever phase you, it’s how you’re able to put up with so many eccentric idols without even batting an eyelash–but somehow just talking about your partner seems to have an effect on you. You’re blushing visibly, and your composed demeanour is slowly shattering the more you talk as you hide your face in your hands.
They all make an attempt to guess who it is based on who they’ve seen you interact with, but none of them can remember anyone who makes you act like this.
Mama ♡
Remember to rest, Y/N-san!
Take breaks if you feel like it!
Don’t overwork yourself!
Mama is always here to help!
don’t worry i will :)
you take care too ok? be safe
love you <3
Mama ♡
Anything for Y/N-san!
I love you too <3!
The rest of the manga club watches with varying expressions of concern (Keito-kun, Jun-kun, Tori-chan) and near-terror (Mao-chan, Midori-chan) as you smile giddily down at your phone, a dreamy sigh escaping your lips.
“You don’t think…” Isara whispers, slightly fearful. Takamine has his head buried in his book like that will save him from the horror of this conversation. “That Y/N-senpai is dying, do you?”
“No, of course not.” Keito dismisses his worries easily. “I would know if that were the case.”
“But senpai is acting sort of strange, don’t you think?”
“I’m sure it’s nothing as drastic as that…” But a frown makes its way upon his face. There’s no way… Right?
So when you finally give the dramatic reveal (after reassuring Mao-chan that, no, you’re not dying, yes, you promise), the look of warring confusion and absolute horror upon Keito-kun’s face when he realises your ‘precious partner’ is none other than Mikejima Madara is a sight to behold.
Part of the reason everyone is so bewildered at this turn of events is the fact that you’re composed and quiet and Madara is, well…not.
Initially, you find yourself fielding questions from (hopefully!) concerned classmates–who only know of him as that scary guy from MaM–about whether you were coerced into dating him. You know they mean well but it still grates on your nerves, how they see him like some big scary bad guy when really, he’s the exact opposite?
But when they see your lovestruck expression as you watch your boyfriend run rampant as you trail more sedately after him, there’s no doubt that this is a true match made in…maybe not heaven, per say, but Yumenosaki for sure!
He’s always thinking about you, and it shows when he messages you at odd hours of the day to check in on you, or sends you pictures of things he thinks you’d like, or little trinkets to remind you of him. Your boyfriend is so adorable, God? You’re so lucky, seriously. How’d you get blessed with someone as amazing as him!? You must’ve done something really incredible in your past life.
It’s strange to see you acting so shy and different from how you normally are, but no one can deny the way you light up when Madara is near and the way he’s always looking out for you shows the depth of your love for each other.
WC: 556 words
so. i caved. hope u liked this anonnie! jeez i rlly got to get back into writing… it took me SO LONG to do this im sorry :(( hope u weren’t waiting for TOO long cries. anyways im gonna. go back to grinding for df mama soon! but hopefully i can finish all my reqs by this week (or at least most of them qwq) also haha pun im so hilarious ahaha
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deers-doodles · 1 year
I am extremely tired at the time I'm posting this but whatever-
Updated Vex's ref again to fit my current art style XD extra info under the cut u.u
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Still have no idea what I'm doing but fuck it we ball
Here's some more info about them because my handwriting is messy as all hell and couldn't fit it on the canvas-
They are very close with Shamura even tho they were meant to be more of a therapy pet of sorts for them
They were given as gift from Leshy a few hundred years after the whole Nari incident
They're also very old, still alive and well during the game's canon events
All thanks to the crescent moon embedded into their forehead
My only explanation for that is fuckin magic because I can't think clearly as I'm typing this
It also lets them speak telepathically with Shamura, these two love having conversations in their heads
Sometimes mura will read their mind out of curiosity only to hear either nothing, some random bs, or them repeating smth to themselves because said thing got stuck in there
Mura is very affectionate towards Vex even tho they absolutely hate it
They can fight surprisingly well despite their chronic pain in their leg and lower back
The purple eye can see better in the dark
The 4 markings on the sides of their neck were put there by Shamura, tho I haven't decided if they're purely cosmetic or not yet
They also love collecting bits n bobs, shiny things, and neat lookin bottles
They've got a serious case of the crow brain
Shamura isn't too thrilled about their collecting habits but can't bring themselves to stay mad at Vex
Vex often reminds Shamura of the other bishops in the way that they act
The way they eat sometimes reminds them of Heket, their crown brain reminds them of Kallamar, and their unpredictability reminds them of Leshy
Alright I think I'll stop there, got fuckin carried away again XD
If you read all that thanks bestie, you a real one. 💚 I haven't exactly been paying much attention to my little bastard Vex because I've been so focused on Venado and Kallamar qwq but honestly I really needed a break from drawing Vex and Shamura XD I could feel myself getting burnt out of them but they're still my little blorbos uvu
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marbarmars · 1 year
What other Fawful fanships do you like?
Ay good question! (Because I have several answers baha)
I know my ships I really showcase are OC x Canon, but I like canon character ships too!
This mayyy sound stupid(?), but I really like the idea of Fawful x Bowser, the idea of Fawful being flirtatious during BIS without really realizing it at first, and Bowser just having no idea and just wants his castle and shit back. I don't think it would be an actual serious relationship and moreso Fawful just having a gay awakening but hey, I def understand if not everybody shares the same perspective on it.
I'll go into some crossover ship territory now, starting with Dimentio x Fawful! They're like the most popular villains in their own RPG series, and while I definitely get the POV that some people see them as just having a bitter backstabbing rivalry, but also I like to think about them just getting along despite being so chaotic...besides these two are like my favorite Mario characters anyways so mayyybe I'm a little fricken biased hahaha
Some neat Dim/Fawf shippers I know are @snuffydoo and @omgtheywereroomates ^^ I'd check them out if you haven't already
Next up is Fawful x Spamton! This is kinda the one I think the least about, but I don't see anything wrong with it either, they've got a lot of silly similarities (makes me think Toby Fox is a Mario RPG fan xD) and I wish nothing but the best for these smelly weirdos /pos
Snuffy also ships this and that's how I got introduced to the ship :)
SO 👏other cool OC x Fawful shippers I know! Plug time! kjhkjdhgs
I'll start off with @the-spacewaffle aka Ronnie's ship of Reddo x Fawful! Reddo is an alien from another universe that gets transported into the Mushroom Kingdom, but in searching for a way to gain power back to his special artifact, the Diamond Star, Fawful encounters him and they decide to work together qwq it's pretty sweet
Another ship is from @parmsnik his ship of Naspi x Fawful! After the events of Superstar Saga, a very beaten up Fawful is taken in by fellow beanish Naspi, who takes care of Fawf and allows him a place to stay...and eventually they work together during the events of BIS and get married! Hehehe
One more ship up my sleeve for now is @localdealmaker their ship of Kaboo x Fawful! I enjoy this one even if it's bittersweet qwq, Kaboo is a koopa OC that met Fawful after the events of Superstar Saga and worked together as teammates after being persuaded to work together with Fawf. And Kaboo used to be a princess :D
So that's the other Fawful shipping stuff I like! I know more Fawful ships/shippers prolly exist out there, OC or otherwise! It's cool that we can all like the same character and treat each other as equals because of it ^^
But I'd also like to say that if anybody personally doesn't ship Fawful with anyone I like that too! I may ship Fawful a lot but it doesn't mean I disagree with those whom do not :)
Thanks for reading! :D
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narumika · 2 years
First of all I'm low-key sad I somehow only found you now even when I often go through Enstars tag on latest so come on Tumblr why qwq
If it's no trouble I'd like to request a fic on the selfship event, usually I go by Mutsu, also she/they pronouns though I don't really mind as long as it is one of those
Right now my main interest is being Enstars though I really love animals(mostly mammals except for monkeys/gorillas because I know of their sins) and I'd say I'm also pretty passionate about disability as I am disabled though only very recently started using a cane
Though my illnesses often end up making me both sleepy, have poor memory and change interests pretty often hence why my Enstars self is a Sakuma, I will leave you to pick if you feel more comfortable writting about Mika or Leo as I really love both and if you need anything feel free to contact me
>×> lastly because I think at this point my ask got long enough as it is, remember to take care of yourself ♡
500 event!
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contains: silly writing sorry it’s been a while, confessions, ritsu being ritsu
AMIA: aww its okay! i don't post as much as i used to anyways. and you too! i chose mika for this, apologies if its short!
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both of you were sitting at a bench, mikas mouth going at 100 mph talking about a new song idea he had, stopping slightly to take a bite of his crepe. you sat silently, taking bites out of your crepe every once and a while. "so i was thinkin', maybe somethin' about-- oh, hey ritsu-kun!" he said and scooted over a bit, giving ritsu room to sit down in between you both. "hi mikarin.. i just wanted to say hi.." ritsu said with a yawn, his voice laced with sleepiness. his head plopped on your shoulder and soon enough he fell asleep, soft snores coming from him.
you both continued chatting away as ritsu slept, enjoying your crepes as well. soon enough the area went silent, and he put his hand in yours. he took a deep breath and his face was red, he started speaking after. "there's been something i've been meaning to tell you--" ritsu yawned, and sat up. “me and mutsu have to get going, bye mikarin.” he said and stood up. “before ya go, mutsu i like you, a lot. err.. bye now!” he said with a flushed face before giving you a hug and speed walking away, ritsu looked at you with a raised eyebrow and you shrugged before sending him a text saying “i like you too!”
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sparklebeamx · 1 year
Tell me about your wynn oc!!
I have been prepared for this moment
So Siberite! Basically, they're stuck in a time loop. They first discovered that once they reached the end of their journey for the first time and then suddenly being brought back to where they started. On the caravan with Tasim and Aledar.
[Pretty much they're in the same position as the player with all the adventures that they go through.The time loop idea came from you being able to have multiple classes and just being able to replay the quests]
With each time loop, Siberite would become skilled with different weapon types. After some loops, they are able to conjure their weapons and switch between them. Though they can only have one of their weapons out at a time. Also, with every time loop completed Siberite would be the only one who remembers them.
Siberite actually got their scar on their eye from Alder when they first fought him and Tasim within the events of A Hunter's Calling. By the start of the second time loop, Siberite became alot more reluctant to be around him because of that and events in the Silent Expanse.
Over time Siberite kind of just became a lot colder and more distant towards others as they have trust issues (This mainly resulted from them finding out that they were going to be sacrificed at the EO). They can still be pretty easy going when around the right people.
I like to think that Siberite would be a lot closer to Tasim(casue the boy has done nothing wrong, and I really like him) mainly because they both know of each other's past before they came to Wynn and just shared life crisis IG. The two would defiantly adventure together when they meet up again in Gavel.
Finally, I want to mention is that they are wearing clothing that they got from the AJB gang + Tasim(Aledars cape,Elphaba’s sash,one of Lucios shoulder pads, and Tasim rope belt thing). How did they get them? Who knows, it's only for Siberite to know. The main reason for them wearing those is mainly for remembrance purposes as they care about them. Though they weren't quite sure themselves when they started gathering those articles of clothing
Whelp that's the most i got for them, unless I forgot somethings, but this is already kind of long QwQ
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thedarkmistress16 · 1 year
Do you have any app or mobile game to suggest? QwQ I wanna try playing something new
OOF there's so many mobile games I'm listing so prepare yourself
BATTLE CATS is the shit. Tough levels at points but there is a semblance of progress to be had. They added a lot of events and extra shit so it might be overwhelming for new people. i have no idea tho I barely started playing it again.
I'm a lover of the solitare genres (klondike and spider) but ugh the ads. I really only like them for the virtual customization of the themes that desktop comps dont provide enough of and having something offline to play on the go. ive been getting better at the four suit spider games, tho- i can feel my brain learning. 😁
Bingo games are fun! I don't have any one in particular I like the best, tho. Been a while since I played them.
Tinker Island 1 has great progression and you have the opportunity to collect the paid currency constantly, building up your gem vault. I like the garden minigame more than the actual gameplay XD.
I like Marvel Puzzle Quest for the match-3 gameplay with the marvel aesthetic. I'd recc. to play this one casually because progression is nonexistent with AND without $.
On the topic of match games, Bejeweled is a classic. 😊 I loved the butterfly rescue one back in the day and poker version was fun too- the tension is just MWAH.
Grand Summoners is for some reason spending a lot of money in ads because I'm seeing it everywhere despite having it on the exact device I'm seeing the ads on??? I'm not saying it's a problem it's just odd, lol. Micromanaging gear and teams will implode your brain but there is some strategy to it, even if you try to auto everything. They have crossover events all the time, on top of progression being kinda slow but still possible, and I'm quite happy with unexpectedly pulling a Hatsune Miku and evolving her. 😊
I would recc. trying out Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links out for a test run to see if the grind is up your alley. Very generous with rarity tickets the last time I played it.
For another simple game, billiards are fun too, and easier to play digitally than in real life, lol. You will be playing against other humans all the time, tho.
Injustice 1 or 2 and Marvel Contest of Champions have their own pros and cons, but both are finger-input fighting/brawl games with IPs so it depends on asthetic and progression i guess? If I had to choose tho, I would say Injustice is more organized in its content than Champions if that makes any sense?
Best Fiends is a cute and neat lil' bubble draw and pop game that has some progression to it, but it's been a while since I played it. Surprising for me that I even like this one since the mascots are cartoony insects.
Color Puzzle is a gradient-building/color-matching puzzle game. I played it during my art class and it made me more aware of how colors react next to each other though it can hurt your eyes.
Visual novel story/chapter games are ones you need to curate yourself to figure out which one you'll want to sit through. Chapters has sexual/explicit stories but a beefy reward system compared to Choices from what I remember, plus community engagement/contests. This likely could have changed now- I haven't checked. Other apps have (slightly) animated characters/establishing shots and some are more customizable in the protagonist and reputation systems (romance or otherwise). They all blended together in my mind like a big soup of colors, but i will tell you that the paid currency choices are never worth it.
(Pixel) Color-by-number games are fun pastimes until they hurt your eyes and drain your device battery.
South Park Phone Destroyer was fun for a bit. Until it wasn't.
Dream Girlfriend is the best Ambition gacha/character simulation game they have, prove me wrong.
side note: have you ever played a mobile game that got deleted? one that was solely a play-to-win that was also fun in general and you were close to maxing out your characters? yeah, it's worse than the pain you feel when you discover your fave fic has been deleted from the internet😢
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rouge-heichou · 2 years
I’m so happy you got Cyno! I want to go for him but I just don’t think I have enough primogems, that and I’m saving up for a character that might not even be playable in the end. 😅
I ran through Sumeru once for the treasure hunting event and it was soooo pretty but it was also such a maze. Thank god they added those hooks you can swing from because I would’ve given up trying to climb all the trees and cliffs. When I went through it there were so many dendroculi, like I’d move five feet and then 5 more would appear on my map.
Out of all my bow users I like playing Gorou the most but he’s level capped right now because I haven’t unlocked Inazuma yet and his ascension materials are from there. The only other bow user I liked playing was Tartaglia during his story quest. So if I go for a bow user it’ll probably be him, that and I want his lore. Other than that though, I think I mainly use polearm the most, or rather Zhongli has become my main. He’s definitely the most spoiled. I even made the Feiyun study room specifically for him even though I didn’t have him at the time.
I feel you and the other anon when it comes to interacting with other genshin players. I joined two genshin subreddits but I’ve been too shy to interact in them. I also have no idea what I’m doing, especially when it comes to artifacts. The characters that I have who have any semblance of a good build are probably Zhongli and Kaeya.
I honestly got lucky I got Cyno relatively early, I think it was my 75th wish??? Usually I'd be banking on a hard pity at 90 lol. In theory, I should start saving now too for whenever Ayato or Xiao get a banner... and I can't tell which one I want more... Ayato because he's broken good or Xiao because I'm simping just a teeeny tiny bit qwq Or maybe...
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I still need to explore Sumeru a bit more, I didn't spend nearly as much time in Sumeru as I did in Liyue, though the quest lines did drag me to through Liyue wheather I wanted or nah, so there's that! BUT, I did have that with Geoculi a lot. No matter where I went, there were PLENTY, pretty sure that's where I got most of my stamina at this point lol.
None of my bow users are fun :( So yeah they're really just there for hunting birbs. I don't know what it was, maybe just my inexperience in the first week or so, but I couldn't handle Zhongli at all during his play test, pretty sure I got him nearly killed. Gotta be the inexperience because Cyno and his polearm feel so easy to use?? And he's lowkey gonna be my new main, he's now Level 55, and the next round of ascension materials are a pain in the ass. These god damn Scarabs are so damn scarce and even with the Interactive map it's... not great, to say the least..
Honestly, when it comes to games I always feel a little... shy? to Join communities? There's some weird insecurity because as you said, I too have no idea what I'm doing, and I'm spooked of toxic player bases. Which in theory I shouldn't be because at some point no one had a clue what they were doing so it's not that weird? I like to think my Kaeya is built half decently, or as decent as it gets with the artifacts I have but, I feel like that's just wishful thinking LOL. I'm trying to pay a little more attention to Cyno's build now but I have really poor impulse control so as soon as I get something with like Atk. +5.2% my brain just goes "YEAH LETS LEVEL THIS TO ATK 25%" :') BUT I really am trying to now look at some electro damage bonus stuff which i guess means grinding regisvines... which I have found out, is no longer fun now that I'm World Level 4...
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deviliciousnavy · 2 years
Alrighty!! Time for part 2 of Monkie Kid season 3 special talk for ep 3 and 4!! This time gonna talk in general rather than in order of the events.
Well for starters Macaque was ICONIC here!! Also adorablex3 From his expressions to his redemption (which we'll prob see more of next season x3) I LITERALLY DIED WHEN I SAW HIM TIED UP LIKE OMG MY BOY XDDDD also don't get me started on how gentle he was with lbd's host. WELCOME TO THE DAD SQUAD MY MAN!!
Edit: I totally forgot to add the "hero and warrior" part huh? ^^' that was also one of the best parts of the episode! The fact that Macaque kept saying "I'm not a hero" because he doesn't SEE himself as one. So MK sees what this is about and tells him to be a warrior! That hit so hard it killed me qwq and his face while MK said that it looked so puuuure TwT (I'll also like to add the amazing moment with both of them transforming at the same time they looked so cooooooolx33)
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I'll also gonna go ahead and say I DIED from the dragonfruit content we got like, "don't you give up on me dragon girl!" I JUST CAN'T!! He was so worried the entire time for MeiTwT AND HE GRABBED HER BY THE CHEEKS! NOT EVEN THE SHOULDER THE CHEEKS!! AND HE CALLED HER BY NAME! HE HASN'T CALLED ALMOST ANYONE BY NAME!! and then the hug at the end omG I'M GONNA CRY!!! He was leaning on her tooooo QwQ the shippers ate good those 2 days UwU
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Let's also talk about the interactions we had with Macaque and Wukong cause I honestly loved every second of it! I'll be real I don't really ship it, I mostly see them as a sibling dynamic. I was super excited with the fight scene and the fact that we had some parallels from their first fight!! (now if that was on purpose for us to talk about or to make the animation quicker idcUwU) I'll add here the fact that we FINALLY got to see the monkey king use his freaking laser eyes!! I seriously got hyped there!! X3 and then we go towards the end with them bickering like the bros they are XDD it was super adorable and it killed me how cute and funny it was! I also appreciate how they didn't go with saying "I'm nothing like him" at the same time, making it more realistic!
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Now going to the epic final fight!! It was truly a sight to behold!! The way we got everyone helping out was just beautiful!! And the animation was the cherry on top!!
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I also wanna give some spotlight to our villain here! It's really cool that we got some backstory at the start of the 3rd ep. And you have no idea how I screamed when we got a reference from the original journey to the west, where lbd transformed into a young girl, an old lady, and an old man afterwards! I can't help but get excited when they do things like that!!! We also got more about the mayor! And how apparently he AIN'T one of the corrupted/ possest people and how apparently he also ages old! But the fact that we don't know wat happened to him after the defeat of lbd kinda concerns me... And talking about defeat, while I did want her ded after what she did to my boy, I kinda felt bad to how done she was afterwards, how she had accepted her "destiny" hehe... Also with what she said to MK about their pursuit always leading to pain I can't help but think we in for sth more angsty than what we got now sooooo... Ready ur tissues next season and let's pray that they get a little break before that qwq.
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Finally! Leaving my fav part for the end! MK and Wukong!(this one is gonna be longerxD) This whole situation started because monkey king decided to deal with lbd alone to protect the others.(and mostly MK let's be realUwU) I can't imagine what both monkey king AND MK were dealing with after lbd's cheap shot with possessing the king. The first time Wukong tried to attack MK he got saved last minute by Macaque! The 2nd time Wukong manage to break control for a few seconds thanks to MK!! Not only did he not hurt him, but he even threw him out of the way to make sure he doesn't end up doing sth worse to the kid!! 3rd time saved by Macaque AGAIN! (TY MY EMO MONKEY!!) And thank GOD the fourth time was the last, and our king finally broke free thanks to MK's trust!! And talking about trust, that's what I love about them. During the whole special, MK believed in The king, he knew that he was fighting for control! He trusted him so much that during the 4th attempt to hit MK, he didn't flinch! He knew Wukong was heading towards him and he didn't turn his head for a second nor did he try to defend! Giving Wukong the strength he needed to break free! (God the hug after that was adorable qwq)
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And not just MK, Monkey king also trusts in MK's strength! When the kid went to confront lbd Wukong was the one who stopped the others from interfering. Trusting that MK was more than capable on handling the situation!
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And during the end, the whole apology scene was everything I wanted to see! At first I thought MK was gonna be the one to start the conversation, but I'm really happy that Monkey king approached him instead. He was aware that he messed up and that he could obviously tell that the kid was still somewhat upset about it. He knows he's a bad mentor and honestly idk why people expect him to be amazing at it.
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This is the monkey king we're talking about! The same guy that made an entire mess up in the celestial realm cause he wanted to be called "great sage equal to heaven". He still has a long way to go to be able to learn how to properly teach but he will try! He's trying for his kid. It's good that they finally got the time to talk about it cause that will make their bond even stronger now!(also the fact that he said "I'm sorry MK" and not bud is so sweet qwq) Honestly I'm a big sucker for parent-child relationships especially when they play it right and when the characters are to die for x3
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I really can't wait to see what the future has in store for them in the next season ( and hopefully the one after that pls qwq)
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hebimoonlightwrites · 2 years
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⋆𝒮𝓅𝑒𝒸𝒾𝒶𝓁 𝟣𝟢𝟢 𝒻𝑜𝓁𝓁𝑜𝓌𝑒𝓇𝓈⋆
Hi, guys! It's me, Hebi! Thank you so much for helping me reaching this small goal of 100 followers! Actually I have never reached such a goal, even if I used to write fanfics and stories when I was a little bit younger on other apps, like Instagram or Wattpad.. but, anyway!
Even if it could seem a small goal to some other blogs who definitely are bigger than mine, well.. I wanna celebrate it properly as a serious beginning!
That's why I've prepared a "calendar" with this small special event :D I'll explain step by step what it consists of, do not worry!
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The Special 100 will be divided in three weeks. Each week would have its small event. Now I'll explain them properly!
During the first week, I will not take any kind of requests, 'cause first of all I need you to take a very small survey I've created. It consists of a choice among the three fandoms I write about. You'll be the one to choose the one you prefer and the chosen fandom will be the only fandom I'll take requests during the Special! Do not worry about the privacy or if you prefer or already are anon: the survey will not require you to fill up some answers with your personal informations or name :D ♥ Here's the survey!! I'll paste it even in my Welcome pinned post, so you'll find it even there on my blog if you want to fill it up later! This is going to last a week, from 28th November to 4th December. After that, I'll close the survey and you won't be able to fill it up anymore. Also I'll share the results and tell you which will be the chosen fandom! By the way my inbox will be open to anyone who'd like to know me better or simply talk :D
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From the 5th to the 11th of December, I'll take requests only about the chosen fandom and only if you'll use the hashtag #Hebi100Special. So do not forget about it, or I won't select your requests. Also I suggest you to be fast if you want to ask me any request, 'cause I will only take 10 requests this time! Also do not worry, 'cause I'll keep the ideas of those whom I won't post and perhaps I'll post them in future!
After that from the 12th to the 18th I'll post every request I got for the Special with the hastag #Hebi100Special. I think I will also create a kind of classification from the 10th position to the 1st one! Psst... I'll add some special surprises in requests.. I will not tell you about them though! No spoiler! You're going to discover about them soon!! :D
Finally what to say? That's all. I'll like to see many of you participating qwq if possible. Though still thank you so much for supporting me and liking my contents! I'm glad to see that they're appreciated and managed to make someone smiles qwq Do not forget of being happy and take care of youselves, 'kay?
Let's go to the next goal qwq
♥ Thank you♥
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lunarleonardo · 18 days
Ok, quick question, do you have an idea for how long you want Love Letter to be? Because I genuinely need a vague idea of how long it's going to be until the comfort because IM DYING. I NEED A RESOLUTION, PLEASE. YOU DONT EVEN HAVE TO TELL ME WHAT YOU'VE PLANNED OR ANYTHING, JUST AN APPROXIMATE ESTIMATE FOR HOW MANY CHAPTERS THE FIC WILL BE. I don't usually read stuff this gruesome, so I'm like suffering right now because of my own dumbassness because I need a happy ending. I'm slowly dying from the suspense. I eat your content up every time, and like out of the maybe 4 or 5 fics you recently have made on the saiouma tag, I've only recently realized you wrote them all. YOU WERE LITERALLY THE SAME PERSON AND I WAS JUST SHOCKED. (How are they pumping these out left and right?? What type of stuff do they think about to come up with this stuff? How do they stay so serious when writing?)<- genuine thoughts I had a few weeks ago. ANYWAYS, keep up the good work. I'll be waiting in dread until the comfort comes, but I'll still be eating the love letter chapters whenever they come out no matter what. Also, please shuichi do not cannibalize yourself. Please. Do not. That last paragraph in chapter 9 has e so worried.
Hi sorry! I would have answered this much sooner, but I got stuck in an Uno game that lasted for over an hour. BUT I'm finally free (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
I'm expecting Love Letter to be at least 20 chapters or so. There will be two more nighttime segment chapters (Shuichi's pov), and the rest will be the daytime segments with Kokichi and Maki. We're nearing the end of this arc, and after that, the recovery will start. I won't give away too much, but we're drawing ever closer! ^_^ As for an estimate until the recovery chapters... I'd say at least 7 or 8...? Maybe?? I don't have the last few days planned out chapter-wise, so we'll have to see for that one ;o; it's at least over 5
If you can't stomach the gruesome bits, I really don't recommend reading the fic (⁠。⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠) at least not the nighttime segments. Don't force yourself to read anything that makes you uncomfortable or ill!!
I can answer those three questions!
I have a lot of free time @_@ . Whenever I'm bored, I start writing. I have sooo many ideas and I love to share them! Everyone has been so supportive, and it's given me the confidence to post more and more of my stuff :) I write a lot and I write fast lol
Ever since I was little, I enjoyed the darker parts of fiction. I enjoy whump especially :p so I'm always thinking about different whump tropes and applying them to my favs. I also take a lot of inspiration from music and games-- M5DP was born between my replaying Your Turn To Die and an event that happened in a roleplay between me and my gf. The base idea for Fever Frost was born from the third Wings of Fire book, and reinforced with Kitchen Fork by Jack Conte. Impermanent Attachment happened because I found it funny to give Shuichi a gun, but also mostly because I had a Komahina timeloop fic I wanted to write for ao3 and just never got the confidence to at the time. (If anyone wants me to go more in depth with how I put these fics together, just ask. I have lots of notes o_O) I'm ALWAYS thinking and having ideas ^_^ trust me i would have way more fics up if i came to ao3 with the confidence to post my mer / vampire / dragons fics
? Honestly I'm not sure what this means, sorry QwQ I've been writing since my hands could touch a keyboard. I submitted a Pokémon fanfic for one of my 1st grade creative writing assignments. I take every story as seriously as the writer wants me to, and in the case of my own fics, there are some parts where the tone is serious and some parts where it's just like "wtf is going on". That "two late!" joke in Love Letter wasn't planned at ALL, it only happened because the idea made me giggle ;P
Anyhow, thank you!! Dread is a good emotion to have when it comes to Love Letter updates <3 /j I PROMISE the comfort will come. I cannot physically handle an unhappy ending,, or at the very least a hopeful one xD
As for Shuichi... well. I can't promise anything. O_o
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idv-sunsxin3 · 3 years
listen- joseph x male reader who time traveled back into the past.. like, from the future (2021) ??
Pins// This concept sounds juicy- 👀 I might think of it in a different way, so I hope there’s no mistake! 😅 Currently, I’m thinking a lot of things happening, but all it comes out is a summary of it-
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Joseph with Time Traveler! Y/N
Male! Y/N
It would be so confusing once you both meet each other, things would go up and down and left to right like a roller coaster-
“A roller… what?”
You even had to explain things about your era as well-
My headcanon about Joseph is that he lived a couple of years before the French Revolution-
So people were technically looking at you like an alien as you were the only who wasn’t wearing a wig in that ballroom.
Why would you, though. Wigs have no gender, lol-
Joseph saw you as a very unique person that stood out from a crowd of nobles- You somehow got involved undercover while trying to figure out how to go back to the present.
Luckily, Joseph was audacious enough to get you out of the public eye and hide you away with him from anyone suspecting you.
It took a while for him to believe you about time traveling, but it’s notable by how you were dressed.
He doesn’t understand why you don’t like suits and some pointy shoes-
Once hanging out with him, Joseph saw you as… Quite intelligent.
You know a lot about your time’s technology, and some history that happened after Joseph’s era. You were hesitant that the past will change if Joseph knows things about the present at first- but was he mentioned by historians before…? There’s only one way to find out…
You know that the only people who tell history and event records in the past were reporters and newspapers, so you sneakily check out the newspapers to see if Joseph(a member of a high-class, aristocratic family) was in them.
Seeing that he wasn’t often shown in the papers, Joseph also stated that he doesn’t achieve a lot politically and only was mentioned due to his profession; the photographer.
You then realized that cameras in those days were rare and even more expensive to rent one-
It was very interesting to learn things from you and it’s lovely to listen to you ramble a lot about your home, Joseph admitted that.
After years of figuring out while getting to know Joseph, you trusted him that he will promise to not tell anything you said to anyone-
After all, being the only who knows this information from you made him feel so special- x’D
Even over the years, he started to feel soft around you- As much as he didn’t want to admit, he became gay when he fell in love for you-
Like, who wouldn’t,,, 🥺
Forbidden love in France, as much as it sounded dramatically romantic- France back then was very harsh to common folks- no matter if it’s noble or poor, being homosexual was frowned upon its society….
Random idea- what if you both run away from the past to go back to present??? Maybe, maybe not?
Leave Joseph behind as you then know how to back home??? I wish not…. You can’t just leave someone you recently fell in love with- qwq
The ending of your love story is in your hands! :3
If you both were in the time he went to the Oletus Manor, you both would meet up somewhere to spend time together and talking about your eras.
He admitted that he was less busy in the manor than when he was in his home country…
Joseph// Let’s take a picture!
Y/N // Okay!
Joseph// Turns back with his camera but then looks at you confused*
Joseph// What is that in your hands, mon amour…?
Y/N // A phone :)
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hello dear barista! may i order one small espresso with chocolate powder on the top w/ childe? tysm! i hope i did this correctly qwq
Hey there, dear! Thank you so much for your request, I loved the combination of prompts and I really hope you like what I came up with. <3 So, here's your drink: a small espresso with chocolate powder on top. (Reblogs are very much appreciated. <3)
Prompts: fluff, there’s only one bed, “I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” (400 followers event: JJ's coffee shop)
Not enough space – Tartaglia x gn!reader
Somehow, you had already sensed that something would go wrong on your trip to Fontaine. Things always went wrong when you decided to accompany Tartaglia – you had started to call him a full-time trouble magnet a while ago because of that – and you had promised yourself to never travel with him again countless times – only to cave in immediately when he looked at you with those pleading eyes you simply couldn’t resist, no matter how hard you tried.
Most of the time, it wasn’t too bad, though, but you had lost count how often you had been stuck in a cave to seek shelter from the pouring rain because Tartaglia had refused to listen to you and return back home to avoid the storm, or how many times you had patched him up after he got reckless and overconfident during a fight. A bit annoying but nothing too bad, really.
But today… well, today it was a different story.
“No way,” you said as you stared at the guest room from where you were standing. It was tiny, so tiny that it could barely fit a bed, a dresser and a bedside table but that wasn’t what bothered you. No, it was the fact that there was only one bed – and a pretty small one, too.
“I’m not going to share that abomination of a bed with you.”
Tartaglia peeked over your shoulder, examining the room and letting out a quiet “Oh” when he realized what was the problem. Then, he leaned in to peck your cheek, a cocky smile flashing over his face afterwards. “We’ve been dating for almost one year now, and you’re embarrassed about sleeping in the same bed as me?”
You rolled your eyes. “No. It’s more about the fact that there’s not enough space for both of us – especially with your tossing and turning at night. You’ll shove me out before I can even fall asleep and I really don’t want to hit my head on that damn bedside table.”
“Oh, come on, now you’re over-exaggerating,” Tartaglia said and nuzzled your hair. “I’ve never shoved you out of bed once.”
“Because there’s always enough space,” you replied, reaching up to pat his head. “Which can’t be said for that bed right there.”
He let out a deep sigh. “I know. But it’s not my fault that they messed up our reservation and only have this room left.”
That was true, you had to admit it. But you also couldn’t help but be annoyed by the whole situation, especially since you had looked forward to this trip for quite a while now. Tartaglia had invited you to visit Fontaine together with him as a belated birthday gift after he hadn’t been able to spend your special day with you, so he probably was just as disappointed as you. It really wasn’t fair to blame him now.
“I know,” you relented, the tone of your voice a lot softer now. You turned around to face him and connected your lips in a gentle kiss. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to argue with you, I know it’s not your fault.”
Tartaglia sighed again but you knew him well enough to realize that he couldn’t stay mad at you for too long. “Don’t worry, I understand. This was supposed to be your birthday present and I’m sorry that things didn’t work out like I planned them to.”
You wrapped your arms around his waist. “We’re in Fontaine. That’s the best gift you could’ve given me. And don’t worry about the room, I’m sure we’ll find a solution.”
“I can sleep on the floor,” Tartaglia offered half-heartedly, silently hoping that you wouldn’t agree but much to his dismay, you nodded slowly and gave him a grateful smile. “Thank you,” you said and kissed him again. “You’re the best.”
“I know,” he grumbled. He already knew that it had been an incredible bad idea to offer something like that but now, it was too late to take it back. Oh well. Next time, he’d better think before speaking.
You couldn’t sleep. Maybe it was the bright light of the full moon that fell through the windows that kept you awake, or the fact that you couldn’t stop musing about the wonderful day you had spent with your boyfriend. After enjoying a truly splendid meal for dinner, you had taken a stroll around the town, admiring the delicate architecture and the fountains that could be found all over town, beautifully illuminated after dark. You could’ve spent hours watching the splashing water, much to Tartaglia’s merriment who hadn’t missed any opportunity to joke that you definitely should get a Hydro Vision if you loved water so much.
Speaking of Tartaglia… maybe you simply couldn’t sleep because the bed felt unusually empty without him by your side. It probably had been a stupid idea to agree to his offer but you couldn’t cave in now and ask him to join you, could you? But you also couldn’t deny that you missed him – you missed the way he always snuggled up to you before he fell asleep and the soothing sound of his quiet breathing next to you.
With a sigh, you wrapped your arms around your pillow but it really wasn’t a worthy replacement.
“Tartaglia?” you whispered into the darkness. “Are you still awake?”
He hummed in response. “Why?” he asked, then. “Are you feeling lonely up there?”
“… no.”
“Liar,” he teased in a soft tone. You heard the rustling of sheet, followed by quiet footsteps and then, you were gently being pushed aside. The next second, Tartaglia had already curled up under your blanket, wrapping his arms around you as he tried to make himself comfortable in the small space.
“Better?” he whispered, and you couldn’t help but smile. “Yes.”
For a while, the two of you lay in comfortable silence, enjoying each other’s presence while you dwelled on your thoughts. You let out a content sigh and closed your eyes, wondering why you had agreed to his offer to sleep on the floor in the first place.
“You know,” he said softly, his lips brushing against your forehead ever so slightly as he spoke, “today I realized something.”
“What is it?” you whispered back, hesitant to disturb the peaceful atmosphere that surrounded you. Now that you were in his arms again, you felt at ease, and you weren’t sure if you wanted to spoil the moment by starting a conversation. And maybe he was feeling the same way because he didn’t reply immediately but when he spoke again, you noticed a hint of insecurity in his voice. “I want to spend the rest of my life with you, (Y/N).”
“You – what?” Suddenly, you were wide awake again. The two of you had never spoken about the future before and that he brought it up now took you by surprise, especially since you had never expected him to think about things like that.
He chuckled softly, his hands trailing to the small of your back to pull you closer to him, his lips pressing gently against yours. “I know, I know,” he said. “It’s cheesy. But it really hit me today that I couldn’t imagine living without you and – well, I just wanted you to know.”
You buried your face in the crook of his neck when you felt your cheeks heat up to hide both your embarrassment and the idiotic smile that flashed over your face. “I love you,” you mumbled and nuzzled the soft skin of his neck. “And you will never have to live without me. I promise.”
He smiled, although he knew that you couldn’t see it. Before he had met you, he had never expected to ever feel this way. But now he knew that you were everything he needed to be happy.
Taglist: @blissmal, @aimicoos, @childe-support, @rim0na, @somemothgoingferal
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