#man of smells and business
bigman-birdism · 9 months
Tommy this shit SUCKS bro - @thefragranceman
what the HELL man !!! why are you so critical !!!
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fish-in-the-aquarium · 10 months
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Angouleme found the witcher and the vampire in the castle park; both were enjoying a walk and a quiet conversation (A. Sapkowski "The Lady of the Lake").
During my second bg3 playthrough and tumblr's "haha bloodweave" I was sweating cos I felt!!! the demon of my first old man yaoi!!!!
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buck-up-buck · 5 months
7x09 is titled "Unfinished Business" ....
Tell me that is not a revenge plot against Bobby. TELL ME. You can't. If I was not convinced before, I AM NOW.
hErE mE oUt.
I'm not saying they are going to burn down Buck's loft, I AM NOT... BUT, imagine Bobby is dropping a patient off at the hospital with Hen and Chim (I know this hardly ever happens but roll with me guys), and our friend, the Burn Unit Nurse, sees him, and is like...
"Bobby?" BECAUSE, he recognises him, from all those years ago in Minnesota. He lived in Bobby's apartment complex, they were somewhat neighbours, and he saw Bobby go into that vacant apartment that night (the night we do not DARE talk about), on his way to work, and was working a night shift at the hospital when suddenly, they get an influx of patients with burns and smoke inhalation from an apartment fire downtown, and he hears in passing from a nurse the address, and his heart sinks because no his fiance was at home asleep at that address and he hears from someone a few weeks later that the fire started in a vacant room due to an electrical issue with a space heater and HE JUST KNOWS.
And Bobby turns around to face him and is like "Sorry, do I know you?" Because Bobby was going through it back then, he doesn't remember this guy, and the guy is like, "Sorry, no, I was mistaken." And he walks away leaving Bobby all like huh.
Then the episode ends with the truck pulling into the firehouse and the camera pans out and we see BURN UNIT NURSE GUY STOOD ACROSS THE ROAD STARING UP AT THE FIREHOUSE BECAUSE DUN DUN DUN- He has some Unfinished Business to attend to.
If this so happens to lead to the burning down of Buck's loft because this guy does his research and he does some stalking and he sees a connection that Bobby has with Buck that he doesn't seem to share with the other members of the team, then well, ya'll didn't see it here first but I fucking called it if so, because you're telling me that is not a CRAZY storyline right there.
BUT, even if not, even if we do not get our beloved loft burning down scene that we have been writing and praying for on Fanfiction for years, you cannot tell me that there is not going to be some kind of dark revenge plot going on in the last four episodes. This nurse is about to cause some HAVOC I CAN SENSE IT. MY SPIDEY SENSES ARE TINGLING GUYS.
Anyway, @whollyjoly and @thetangycheesemanwithaplan had the absolute joy of hearing this from a very sleep-deprived me last week and now that the episode titles have been released, Buck's loft burning down and Burn Unit Nurses revenge plot is going to be my new personality trait. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU.
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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I don’t typically like when star trek characters reference legacy characters just to talk about how great and perfect they are but I do like this route where even though Tuvok calls him a great visionary in the end he brings Spock up to say he argued with him. I think this is the way of the future. Lean in. Star Trek characters should say things like ‘An old man cut me off in space traffic the other day. I think it was McCoy?’ and another should nod and shake their head like he’s always doing that shit
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gildinbainas · 3 months
"You mean more to me than anyone else." (from the priest)
Accidental Declaration of Love starters
:。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:・゚’☆ || @shachou
He  needed  to  clear  his  head.  Sparring  upon  the  sands  did  little  but  frustrate  him.  Karim  wiped  the  floor  with  him  the  entire  session,  eventually  conceding  by  using  the  king's  expression  as  an  excuse.
❝You  look  tired,  my  lord.  Perhaps  we  should  continue  another  day.❞
No  doubt  Karim  wished  to  spare  him  the  humiliation  yet  he  did  so  with  the  tact  that  was  expected  of  a  high  priest.  While  Atem  could  have  taken  honest  critique,  he  but  nodded,  dropping  his  daggers  in  the  sand.  Looking  to  the  skies  proved  easier  said  than  done.  With  sand  beneath  his  feet,  he  could  think  only  of  his  back  lying  in  the  warm  cushion  of  it,  his  purple  eyes  gazing  upon  striking  blues  he  sought  to  avoid  these  days.
Shaking  his  head,  he  slipped  away  to  find  the  next  best  distraction.  There  were  quite  a  few  letters  upon  his  desk  in  need  of  answering  but  words  were  not  the  best  idea  given  his  state  of  mind.  He  needed  something  more;  something  to  take  the  edge  off  and  if  sparring  wouldn't  do,  the  other  thing  surely  would.
Normally  he  stood  opposite  his  cousin,  but  it  was  Mahad  who  insisted  on  testing  his  prowess  alongside  his  apprentice.  A  two  on  one  would  make  for  a  test  of  strength  and  so  Atem  agreed  without  question  as  they  took  their  duel  below  ground.  Spirit  after  spirit  drew  forth  from  the  tablets,  the  clash  of  monsters  causing  the  ground  to  quake  beneath  them.  The  battle  lasted  several  minutes  with  the  two  mages  eventually  bowing  their  heads  in  defeat,  but  with  a  smile.  For  every  duel  their  pharaoh  won,  it  made  him  look  stronger  as  their  king.
Atem  let  lips  curve  into  a  smile,  the  first  all  day.  Despite  his  growing  anxiety  about  the  palace,  nothing  failed  to  earn  a  smile  quite  like  a  victory  in  battle.
Atem  made  to  step  forward  so  that  he  could  congratulate  Mana.  She  had  come  so  far  and  he  was  impressed  by  her  stamina  this  round  except…  except  things  suddenly  went  dark  and  by  the  time  he  came  to,  he  was  lying  in  bed  looking  around  his  chamber  in  confusion.
❝My  lord?❞
Atem  blinked,  sitting  up  in  bed  as  Seto  rushed  to  his  side.  He  looked  around  in  confusion  because  what  even  in  Ra's  name  had  happened?
❝I  don't…  understand.  I  was  dueling  and  then---❞
❝You  fainted,❞  his  cousin  explained  softly.  ❝Mahad  said  you  were  walking  towards  them  and  all  of  a  sudden  you  fell  forward.  Luckily  Mana  broke  your  fall  in  time.  I  know  just  how  fussy  you  can  be  about  your  face,❞  he  teased,  his  attempt  to  lighten  the  mood  proving  successful.  The  king's  lips  curved  into  an  easy  smile  although  it  is  short  lived.  The  idea  of  actually  fainting  after  a  duel…  He  often  passed  out  in  bed  after  dueling  Seto  but  fainting?  Out  there?  He  shuddered  to  imagine  what  the  vizier  had  to  say  about  it  all.  No  doubt  he'd  wish  to  ban  him  from  dueling  at  all  for  a  while.
❝Shimon?❞  Atem  questioned.  ❝Did  he…say  anything?❞
❝Only  that  you  are  banned  from  dueling  for  a  while.❞  Seto  paused.  ❝And  I  actually  agree  with  him  for  once.❞
Atem's  head  turned  quickly,  staring  at  his  cousin  in  disbelief.  He  could  not  recall  a  single  instance  when  Seto  FULLY  agreed  with  the  old  man  about  ANYTHING.  Even  during  court,  they  have  oft  agreed  to  disagree  for  the  sake  of  moving  things  along  but  this?  This  was  new  and  it  had  Atem  feeling  rather  affronted.
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❝I  am  fine,  Seto!❞  he  huffed.  ❝I  went  into  this  duel  underestimating  Mana.  I  did  not  think  she  would  push  me  as  much.  I  know  better  now  so  surely  you  wouldn't  side  with  the  vizier  when---❞
❝---it  was  about  more  than  Mana,  my  lord.❞
Atem  looked  upon  his  cousin  with  a  puzzled  expression.  Did  he  think  him  a  liar  about  it  all?  Or  did  he  truly  suspect  something  else?  ❝I  do  not…  understand.  It  was  two  on  one,  Seto.  I  was  pushed  to  my  limit---❞
"Precisely  the  vizier's  point,❞  he  added  quietly.  ❝It  is  unlike  you  to  allow  anyone  to  push  you  so  far.  Mahad  is  formidable  enough,  but  even  when  dueling  opposite  myself,  you  have  never  once  fainted.❞
❝I  was  tired---❞
❝---again,  proving  my  point.❞
Atem  opened  his  mouth  to  speak,  but  then  closed  it  just  as  quickly.  As  he  mulled  over  everything  he  realized  that  he  could  say  little  that  would  not  make  his  own  argument  even  weaker.  Fact  is,  he  had  left  the  sands  after  a  terrible  sparring  match  restless  with  his  mind  on  other  things.  This  anxious  energy  caught  up  to  him  after  the  duel  and  all  energy  exerted  nearly  led  to  him  faceplanting  in  the  tomb  below.  He  folded  arms  over  his  chest,  looking  away  from  Seto  like  a  petulant  child  who  was  receiving  a  very  well  deserved  punishment.  Except  it  wasn't  a  punishment  ---  not  really.  It  was  his  people  protecting  the  well  being  of  the  pharaoh.
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❝You  can  leave  now.  I  am  quite  tired.❞
He  laid  back  down,  rolling  over  on  his  side  away  from  Seto.  This  was  very  much  him  sulking  about  the  whole  ordeal  all  because  he  didn't  want  to  admit  that  maybe  his  vizier  was  right  about  something  for  a  change.
❝As  you  wish  my  lord.❞
Atem  could  hear  his  cousin's  footsteps  as  they  got  farther  and  farther  away  from  the  bed.  There's  a  pause  near  the  door  and  the  words  to  follow  had  the  king  clutching  his  quilt  tighter  in  an  effort  not  to  look  his  way.
❝For  what  it  is  worth  my  pharaoh,  you  mean  more  to  me  than  anyone  else  in  this  place.  I  am  always  on  your  side,  but  I  musn't  neglect  my  duties  either.  I  am  to  keep  you  safe;  look  out  for  your  well  being  at  all  times.  Sometimes  it  means  bringing  a  frown  upon  a  face  that  I've  no  right  to  look  upon  softly,  but  know  that  my  intentions  are  in  the  right  place.  Would  that I'd  be  a  lesser  servant  were  I  to  agree  with  you  always.❞
Atem's  breath  caught  in  his  throat  as  the  door  finally  opened  then  shut,  signaling  that  he  was  very  much  alone  again.  Emptiness  washed  over  him,  but  more  than  that  was  a  guilt  that  settled  into  the  recesses  of  his  heart.  The  last  thing  he  wished  to  do  was  push  his  cousin  away  yet  he  somehow  felt  that  he'd  accomplished  as  much.  But  that  was…  a  good  thing  right?
He  pulled  the  covers  over  his  head,  burying  his  face  within  his  pillow.  All  of  a  sudden  he  felt  a  crippling  sadness  while  his  body  reminded  him  of  just  how  right  Seto  had  been.  Body  aching  from  head  to  toe,  his  dueling  days  were  over…  for  the  time  being  anyway.
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tamaharu · 9 months
to meee :3 akechi and sumire arent exactly friends throughout january, (they only get really close several years later) but as a side effect of neither having anything better to do and the two constantly haunting kichijoji i think they inevitably fall together more often than not. ren takes sumire out for darts and shes weirdly better than she was last time (sidebar but the fact that sumire and akechi both mimic your throws but sumire sucks shit at darts too much for it to do any good is so cute) and shes like oh yeah akechi-san has been teaching me. oh wow i got a forty! unaware of the way she just blew rens mind.
#the clock chimes at midnight#its not all about you ren!!!!!#sidebar to the sidebar. of course sumire imitates your dart throws. of course.#again theyre too busy fighting for their respective lives in the time loop to actually become friends in january#but i do think in the years before meeting again they think of the time with fond bittersweetness of what couldve been.#theyre not really going out together but more mutually keeping each other company lol. its generally a pretty quiet affair.#sumire doesnt really ask him for advice as she puts herself back together (he tends to get acerbic if she tries)#but he can be a pretty decent sounding board for either really simple (red or blue glasses)#or really philosophical (do you think my time as kasumi irrevocably changed who i am and if so am i still sumire) questions.#he does not tell her anything concrete about why the other thieves are so tense with him and she doesnt ask outright#but she able to glean a bit more about him through these discussions. and sadly for both of them they both actually sort of like each other#they get food. play darts. practice mementos on their own a few times (THEY GET A SHOWTIME STOP LYING TO ME!!).#and i sort of think akechi smokes either hes always done it or very recently picked it up now that he no longer needs to be personable#and sumires like well. im going to remain myself but i still want to do smth self-destructive. smoke me up man.#(also all her clothes smell like kasumi and its freaking her out. she doesnt mind smelling bad if itll distinguish her.)#idk. akesumi smiles gently.
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tipytap · 7 months
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i love you nature! i love you creeks! i love you little feild mice! i love you coyotes! i love you deer! i love you snakes and frogs and fish! i love you bugs! i love you bones! i love you sunsets! i love you sunrises! i love you grasses and trees and flowers!! i love you mushrooms and moss and worms!! i love you dirt!! i love you mud!! i love you sticks!!! i love you rocks!!! i love you i love you i love you!!!!!!
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sukirichi · 3 months
i’m so normal about aiku haha
#suki rambles#rereading bllk for the third time and i’m still screaming over everything but now is the only time i reread it where my loyalties swayed#i was always a sae girly like... he just hits diff and he’s the prettiest UGH (chigiri is the prettiest but shhh)#BUT AIKU HELLO?!?! HE’S SO FINE AND WHAT FOR#and are we not gonna talk about that panel where he effortlessly tackled shidou and pinned him face down... yeah... THAT panel#ong that was such an iconic intro of him and he looks so scruffy and scrumpty and i wANT TO LICK HIM whoa what?#HIS BICEPS TOO OMG but mostly his face. i want to kiss him so bad 😭 i want to give him gifts and sniff him he smells expensive or like#leather i just know it#he also looks like someone’s baby daddy... it’s me i’m someone#when he said nothing gets past him and he’d be like the cop in the field ooh yeah OFFICER ARREST ME CUFF ME#he’s like soccer aizawa and my eye twitches every time i see him bcos i love aizawa too UGHHH AIKU OLIVER THE MAN YOU ARE#he’s so emotionally unavailable n that’s exactly my type. he’d leave me on delivered for hours and reply only after midnight then say#‘sorry baby haha was just busy’ he’d be so cold and nonchalant thru text but so cocky and smooth in person 😞 oh i’m in pain#he’s gonna break my heart and i’d let him! also the type of guy who doesn’t bring flowers in a date but would buy you one if u asked#then says its not that big of a deal when you go heart eyes at him... only ever wants casual shit n then avoids u when you start falling 😔#also his thighs too. damn. DAMN. looking respectfully sir i am in love with you please take all that i have 🙏🏻#karasu is my new crush too HES JUST SOOOOOO okay i love them IM SCREAMING#gnawing at the iron bars of my enclosure when my dark haired red flag soccer men come on screen#idk should i open requests for bllk i wanna write them for funsies 😞
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despairforme · 1 year
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3-aem · 2 years
I think the only silver lining out of this situation is the next time one of my annoying tech bro acquaintances tries to talk about how much they want to ride elon musk's dick i can just point to the smoldering stinky trash heap of twitter.
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griffworks · 9 months
Ty for the good lucks it went well !
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bunnyb34r · 1 year
I guess the new covid variant + it allegedly going to be colder soon (doubt.jpeg) has people anxious bc in the breakroom they were all talking ab having to start wearing masks again soon and how they're anxious ab everyone being inside soon ect ect and one coworker was like "not Mar, she wears hers religiously!"
Like yeah bc yall are gross sgdggdgdgd only time I don't wear it at work would be when I'm alone in my area bc im moving a lot and i get so sweaty with it on, but if someone is working near me I'll leave it on and suffer for safety™️
Anyway please wear your masks yall I beg you
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rubiesintherough · 1 year
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skeleton-squid-boy · 1 year
watching across the spiderverse was the most autistic experience of my life ssnsory overload and hyperfixation both dialled all the fuck the way up
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david-watts · 1 year
I’m gonna kill someone!! I really fuckin am at this rate!!
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lilac-melody · 2 years
I knew today was going to be a bad day.
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