#man the reveal that lucy took being killed pretty seriously and is like yeah the others are decent and even sweet
bacchuschucklefuck · 4 months
love thinking kipperlilly spends her afterlife looking for lucy in a familiar forest
#not art#fhjy#fhjy spoilers#like. does she have a mean of knowing lucy and yolanda got sent to cassandra's domain to hang out for a bit#kipperlilly's isolation means so much to me. she is punished for everything she's done she just doesn't pick up on it#until the moment she dies! one more funky thing that mirrors riz in which he's actively tried to cultivate a community and denied it#until the bad kids. while kipperlilly does not want or care about a community she just wants someone who validates her#but she does Need a community so she latches onto the person she lets closer to her to fulfill her emotional needs#she took the ritual willingly so this might genuinely be her first death. probably terrifying#probably not even enough bandwidth to feel mortified. maybe immediately seeking something comforting out of instinct alone#lmao honestly thinking too much abt fantasy high afterlifes gives me a headache And a visceral fear#Im not religious but I grew up in a culture with a dominantly buddhist/taoist cosmology its Scary that u just go to A Place after u die!!#and then ur still urself!!! thats scary to me what do u mean u stay like that forever. thats fucked#but yeah I think this influences how I see kipperlilly turn out a little bit. in a sense I think of her as being a ghost now#yknow. trying to solve something from life so she can move on and. stop living this life etc#man the reveal that lucy took being killed pretty seriously and is like yeah the others are decent and even sweet#and probably was just trying to hold her party together and do what she thinks is moral by hearing kipperlilly out#lol lmao etc. gods I gotta wonder how kipperlilly's mindset handled jawbones' help#it really is damn tragic tho. I stand by what I said folks like this will complain and be nasty to be around#but they dont have enough desire to inconvenience themselves to off the bat do something abt what they find unfair or whatever#its when theyre handed the seemingly very easy means to be right that they'll start being dangerous#its horribly tragic that the supposed metaplayer and the self-perceived mastermind turned out to ultimately be just an useful idiot#yknow what. I think personally in my heart kipperlilly moves on from her afterlife the moment she says sorry#doesnt even have to be to lucy but that's probably gonna be who received it#ah.... teenage rebellion. teenage gamejacking
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thoushallnotfall · 4 years
Hi! Would you say David was obsessed with Michael or had real feelings for him? I saw a girl talking once about how David, even after his brothers getting killed, still talks to Michael to "stop fighting him" and still asks him to join them. I was thinking about that and I wondered if this was just a form to David to tricky him again or he was really trying to convince Michael to give up and stay with him? And if so, would it be because of feelings or because he hates to not get what he wants?
Real talk? 100% honest opinion? David is a repressed bisexual wreck and this movie is as gay as the Fourth of July.
Now I feel like I’ve touched on this a little bit in some of these previous “deep dive” questions (thank you guys so much for continuing to send me these I swear I am on cloud nine right now) but honestly what I personally feel the characters themselves would realistically do/feel/how they would react to things as real beings with complex emotions/backstories, and how this 1h 38m horror/comedy movie treats their reactions are not the same thing.
Look, as much as we love the characters and as writers and fans have expanded on them as much as we can and actually care about them as individual characters with like, actual thoughts and feelings--they’re the monster antagonists of the film. This was also the 80s. They’re not really meant to have complex motivations. 
Even when I read the prequel script Schumacher literally cares so little about developing the personalities of the other lost boys that aren’t David he just kind of throws their names in at random when they have to talk, and I know that because at the end when the fifth lost boy that was just in the prequel script had died, they still gave him a line postmortem because they literally don’t care who says the line--they just plug their names in at random. 
All the personality we get for the other boys comes 100% from the actors, from how they developed their characters. Yes, they get direction and I’m sure Schumacher had an idea of what he wanted for each one, but I think it was only at a surface level (I would murder someone for a copy of Lost in the Shadow so I could read more about this, but c'est la vie). They’re background props in the movie; I mean I don’t even remember hearing Dwayne’s name in the movie. He’s got like, maybe three lines? One of which we all just choose to ignore as writers because it’s so out of character for him. (I cringe whenever I get to that scene in the movie every. single. time) It took the actors actually caring about their roles and trying to develop them further for us to be able to pick up on all the little things and wring out what personality we can from their performances.
So as far as the David/Michael dynamic. I would say David 100% has feelings for Michael. No doubt in my mind. This movie is gay to the max. I already talked about the reasoning behind David changing Michael in relation to Max. I think he brought him into the cave with the intention of having Michael be Star’s first kill, but I think David and the boys genuinely enjoyed hanging out with/messing with Michael and on a whim David changed his mind and decided to turn him. But if we’re being real I think David was repressing a mad crush he was forming on Michael at the same time.
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That is the face of a conflicted bisexual man who’s suddenly realizing, “Oh no, he’s hot.” I don’t make the rules.
Seriously though, I think David genuinely had feeling for Michael. It’s not like David and the boys hang out with other guys on a regular basis aside from each other, and I see their relationship with each other in a more brotherly way rather than sexual, particularly when you look at their relationship from the prequel script (are you guys tried of me talking about the prequel script yet?). So for David, this would be the first time in probably 80ish years that he’s actually just hung out and had fun with another guy that wasn’t one of his brothers. He’s probably feeling a lot of repressed feelings coming to the surface and Michael’s a good time, so why not? Plus he’s a snack. So I agree with the movie on this part, I think David would have gone through with turning him for his own reasons (not because of Max).
But after his brothers were killed I don’t think David would have still been trying to recruit him. I think the movie is sincere in this line though.
I think movie!David is still trying to get Michael on his side, most likely because of Max (again, from my previous post, I really think the secret villain reveal hurt the characters in the movie more than it helped) because Max still wants Michael to join them because he wants Lucy. 
I think if we’re being fair to the character though, no matter how heartless people might think David is, even when it comes to the other lost boys, (I’ve talked about that too) he’s not. This is an 80s horror movie, this is before the villains/monsters were allowed to be complex and have real feelings (fun fact: that tear David sheds in the movie after Marko dies and the Frogs/Sam flee the cave? It was actually because the glass contacts Kiefer had to wear. You could only keep those things in your eyes for like 5 minutes before they dried your eyes out really bad, hence the tear; but Schumacher liked that it fit the scene so he kept it in the movie. That’s the only reason we get even an inkling of emotion from them post-Marko death.) so we don’t get to see the complexity of his character as much as we’d like. I do think Kiefer, the absolute king he is, really did an amazing job of trying to throw in a lot of layers to the character. 
So to wrap up my rant here, I personally think there are two answers to your question.
I think, in the movie, David is genuinely still trying to get Michael to join him. Whether it be for Max’s benefit or not I can’t say, but I think, for the sake of the movie, yeah, that’s what that scene was trying to do. I think movie!David is totally crushing on Michael and that’s why he turns him, but I don’t think that has anything to do with why he’s still trying to get him to join after the boys are dead. Pretty sure that ship sailed; it’s all business now.
But if this character was allowed to exist outside the sphere of a 90 minute movie? If he was allowed to deviate from furthering the agenda of the “secret villains” plot? No. No way in hell would David still be okay with Michael after what he’d done to his boys. He’d being flaying him alive. 
Thank you so much for the question! It was such a good one! ❤️ Feel free to send me any more! I am always down to answer these kinds of questions. (I’m genuinely surprised anyone actually want me opinion on this stuff. It’s bonkers. You guys are amazing.)
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nerdypinupcrystal · 5 years
Every Breath You Take Chapter 9: Girls Night
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I’m BAAAAACK! I’m so sorry for taking forever to update, guys. I had so much going on; school and work back to back, I seriously get no days off! My aunt was in the hospital for a month, but she’s okay now. And I was also hit with the dreaded writers block.  But I’m finally here with a new chapter, it’s a fun lengthy one, I hope you guys enjoy it!
Chapter 9: Girls Night
After our talk in Matt’s apartment, he walked me back to my place to rest, obviously noticing how drained the talk left me. With one more lingering, spine tingling kiss, he walked back to his apartment with the promise to see me later. 
I called Lucy to invite her to have a  sleepover with me. This day of honesty has encouraged me to want to open up to my new “best friend” as Lucy fondly titled herself. 
I slept the day away until a knock on the door woke me up. I reached for my phone to check the time. My eyes widened with disbelief at reading the large bright numbers on the screen. 6:15 PM 
Holy shit that talk really did drain me!
The knocking continued until I heard a familiar voice through the door. 
“Iris, open up! The strippers are getting restless!” Lucy yelled impatiently. 
I let out a snort of laughter as I made my way towards the door, opening it to reveal my quirky best friend wearing a yellow dress and carrying a green stuffed animal with little tentacles in its face. 
“Good evening, Miss. Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior Cthulhu?” Lucy asked, sounding every bit like a missionary. 
“I was under the impression you brought strippers with you.” I replied, arching one brow up as I patiently waited for her response. 
“They got impatient and went back to Chippendales. Now you get Cthulhu.” She responded as she thrust the green stuffed Cthulhu doll into my hands. “He like praises, occasional human sacrifices, and cuddles.”
I giggled as I held the stuffed monster like a baby. “Thank you, I’ll do my best.” I opened the door wider for her, “You may enter if you dare.”
“Thank you, kind gentlewoman.” Lucy replied with a curtsy. She stepped inside carrying a medium sized overnight bag on her shoulder, but surprised me with the tall pink train case she rolled in behind her. 
“Please don’t tell me you have luggage for Cthulhu.” I pleaded, my brows furrowed in slight worry. 
Lucy was quick to respond. “Nope! I came prepared with some essentials.”
She unlocked each compartment of the large case and proceeded to open and separate the case. Each compartment, to my amazement, revealed an assortment of pastries and desserts from the bakery. The top compartment had a protective container filled with a variety of cupcakes; the second compartment held a wide selection of French macarons, truffles,and fruit tarts; and the third compartment held various cronuts, puff pastry treats, and dulce de leche cookies. 
My eyes nearly bugged out of my head at all the sweets. “Holy shit, Luce! There’s no way we’re gonna finish all of this tonight!”
“Oh don’t be silly!” She replied as she started handing me the desserts to put in the fridge. “Some of this can be our breakfast too. Maybe you can even take some over to Matt.” Lucy wiggled her eyebrows at me with a smirk. 
I blushed at the thought of Matt, my lips still tingling from our kiss this morning. 
“And besides,” Lucy continued, interrupting my thoughts. “You haven’t seen the best part. Guaranteed to hype up that appetite.”
With that, she opened the bottom largest compartment. Revealing six bottles of Stella Rosa wine. 
“Three for you, three for me!” Lucy exclaimed in excitement as she pulled out the bottles and set them on the counter. 
“Holy shit.” I said, too speechless to say anything else. But then I realized to my dismay, “I don’t have a corkscrew.” 
Lucy, being the ultimate problem solver replied. “No worries, I have one on my keychain.” She held up said keychain in all its pink bedazzled glory. 
“Always prepared.” I spoke with admiration. 
“Never know when you’re gonna need it. My sister and I learned that in Girl Scouts.” Lucy replied as she uncorked one of the bottles. 
My eyebrows raised in surprise, “They taught you about corkscrews?”
“My mom was our scout leader, she insisted. But enough about that,” She thrust the open bottle to my hands as she opened a second bottle. “Let’s drink.”
“Shouldn’t we get some wine glasses?” I asked perplexed. 
Lucy scoffed. “Sweetie, please. We’re ladies. We drink straight from the bottle.” I let out a laugh as I put the rest of the bottles in the fridge to chill. “Now let’s sit down, drink up, and talk about what’s going on with you.”
We got to the couch, I took a healthy gulp of the wine and told her everything. 
She took it pretty well. 
“I’m gonna fuckin kill him.” Lucy growled as we both wiped our tears. “I’m gonna fly out to Miami, and kill him to death!”
I let out a snort of laughter. “How do you kill someone to death?”
“Oh there are ways.” Lucy was quick to reply. “I can get quite creative when the inspiration hits me.”
“I don’t doubt that for a second,” I chuckled. “But I just got away from him and I hate the idea of you being in the same room as him. What he did to me was horrible enough. The thought of him doing anything to you or anyone else I care about terrifies me.” I felt a chill of fear go up my spine just saying it. 
Lucy frowned in sympathy and pulled me into a comforting embrace. “Hey now, get that thought out of your mind. He’s thousands of miles away back in Miami. We’re in New York. You changed your look, it’s a huge city, and he thinks you’re dead. And most importantly, you’re not alone anymore. You have me, and two adorable kick ass lawyers that will fight for you. Especially Matt.” Lucy finished with a wink. 
My cheeks reddened at the thought of my sweet, gorgeous neighbor. “That’s a pretty valid point.”
“Does he know?” Lucy asked. 
I nodded. “Yeah, I told him this morning before I called you.”
“How did he take it?”
I hesitated before I answered. “Better than I thought. At first, though, he was silent. I guess he was processing everything, but I was so sure he hated me.” Lucy looked confused before I elaborated. “For lying. For running away from my problems like a coward.”
“Oh sweetie, you’re not a coward!” Lucy exclaimed, her eyes meeting mine. “You were being abused, you were alone and scared! You said yourself that cops couldn’t help you. It would’ve gotten even worse the longer you stayed. You did what you had to do, and on top of that, you snuck out to move your mom and faked her death to protect her even though you knew that you were gonna get hurt for disappearing like that. That took a lot of guts, you must know that by now.”
I nodded shakily, fighting the tears threatening to shed. “I do now. Matt said as much himself.”
Lucy’s face brightened. “See? That man is as smart as he is gorgeous...”
“And kissable.” I muttered as I took a sip of my wine. 
Lucy continued, “Just like my Foggy- time the fuck out!” 
My eyes widened at the sudden outburst. “What?”
“You kissed Matt?!” She asked excitedly. 
“Oh, yeah, I did.” I replied with a timid smile, my cheeks flushing into a rosy pink. 
Lucy could barely contain her composure, her hands were flailing and her body jumping from excitement. She shot up off the couch and rushed to the fridge, returning with the container of cupcakes before going back to the fridge to grab two more bottles of wine. She gingerly sat back on the couch, her legs folded like a kid eager for story time. 
“Okay, I’m ready! Tell me everything.” She begged with glee. 
Exasperated, I shook my head and replied. “Luce, there isn’t that much to tell. It wasn’t hot and heavy, it was sweet and tender during a vulnerable moment.” 
“You say there isn’t much to tell, but I don’t care. Tell me about it anyway!” Lucy exclaimed impatiently. “Finish your first bottle and we can share all the dirty fantasies about our guys.” Her eyebrows wiggled suggestively as she nudged my open bottle towards me. 
“Luce!” I laughed out. “I don’t really talk about this kind of stuff.”
“Oh you will,” Lucy stated. “Now sip sip.”
30 minutes, one and a half bottles of wine later….
“Matt’s so fuckin beautiful, it’s unfair!” I cried out dramatically, fully feeling the effects of the sweet wine. Lucy giggling like a drunk hyena as I continued. 
“Like, he’s so sweet and precious with that smile made of sunshine, but he’s also sexy as fuck with that body- oh God, that body! I’ve bumped into him like a billion times, he even caught me in his arms once, and sweet baby Jesus that man is pure muscle! I wanna play with it like a jungle gym. Like every time I look at him...I feel it in my bones,” My eyes welled up with drunk tears, “I know his dick is big, I know it! I know it’s big! Oh God, my heart hurts!” 
I was full on sobbing as I bit into my fifth or tenth cupcake. 
Lucy was no better off than I was. She was on the brink of tears as she hugged me sympathetically. “My poor, sweet, thirsty flower child needs to get Murdocked so bad.”
“I really do!” I replied as I wiped my tears. “I’ve never had an orgasm and I really really wanna know what one feels like before I die of old age or something.”
“You what?!” Lucy exclaimed with and inhuman sounding gasp of breath. “How have you never had an orgasm?!”
I rolled my eyes and took a huge gulp of wine. “I was a virgin when I met Paul. He insisted we wait until after the wedding to make it more ‘special’. And the whole time during our honeymoon, it was uncomfortable and kinda hurt like hell, but he was a little gentle with me.” My mood began to dampen as I went on, “When he showed his true colors, he stopped being gentle. He took what he wanted and I just laid there and let him. It was better if I didn’t fight.”
I took another gulp of wine as Lucy processed everything. “Could he be any more of an asshole?!” She yelled in disgust. “If he has to be so controlling that he doesn’t care whether or not you cum, then he’s probably shit in bed anyway.” 
I nodded in agreement, “That actually makes so much sense. He’s…..” I hesitated for a second. 
Come on, girl. Say what you want about him. He’s not here to stop you. 
I stood up on the couch, holding my bottle up high and proudly cried out, “Paul Burney is a fuckin asshole! I hate him with every inch of my body, and I deserve a better man that will give me all the love and orgasms I want!”
“Fuckin A, babydoll!” Lucy cheered as she clumsily stood up on the couch alongside me, holding her own bottle up high as she pledged, “Love and orgasms for us! A lifetime of STDs and...um...unlubed anal for Paul!”
I laughed so hard, I couldn’t control the sudden spray of wine from my mouth. I collapsed onto the couch, struggling to breathe through my drunken laughter. 
“What the fuck?” I managed to ask. 
Lucy hopped off the couch to sit back down. “It’ll be my birthday present to you.”
“My birthday isn’t until October.” I replied. 
Lucy’s eyes widened in excitement. “Ooh only two months away then! What day? I wanna start planning now.”
I snorted in amusement as I replied. “The 31st. “
Lucy looked almost ready to have a heart attack. “NO WAY!!! Your birthday is on Halloween?!” She waved her hands ecstatically. “Halloween is my Christmas! And you get to have it for your birthday! That’s so cool!! It must’ve been so fun celebrating it.”
My smile dimmed. “It was when I was with my mom. When I got married, I didn’t get to celebrate either holiday anymore. Paul doesn’t like celebrating holidays, especially Halloween. He finds them childish.” 
I looked down at my feet in shame, hating myself for letting him control me for so long. Lucy’s smile dropped; her face turned red, either from anger or the wine, or possibly both. She shook her head in disgust, relaxing her face back into a smile. 
“Well he’s not here, and this is a new start for you, right?” I nodded for her to continue. “So it’s decided. I’m throwing you the spookiest, most epic Halloween birthday party ever! Costumes, Halloween themed birthday cake, booze, candy, the works! What do you say, birthday ghoul?”
Lucy wasn’t prepared for me to pounce onto her into an attack hug, she let out a yelp as the impact caused us to fall off the couch and onto the floor. She giggled hysterically as I peppered her face with drunken kisses. 
“I take that as a yes?” She asked with excitement. 
“Can we make jack-o-lanterns?” I asked, my eyes widened with childlike glee. 
“Are you kidding? That’s gonna be the first thing we do, of course we can make them!” Lucy replied happily. “We’ll have a day at the pumpkin patch, ooh and I’m sure there’s a corn maze out there too. This is gonna be so much fun!” She clapped with excitement. 
I was too drunk to keep any ounce of composure, l squealed and kicked my feet in the air like I just didn’t care. Then a thought occurred to me. 
“Do you think Matt and Foggy would wanna join us? Would they even be into that sort of thing?” I asked, starting to feel a smidge of doubt. 
Lucy gave my hair a gentle tug. “If they’re as into us as I’m pretty positive they are, then they’ll totally wanna join in. You can find out when you see Matt tomorrow.” She replied with a wink. “Besides, you pretty much have to be a soulless asshole to not wanna celebrate Halloween- let alone someone’s birthday!”
“Well, that explains Paul.”
Lucy scoffed. “Fuck that dumpster fire of a human being with something hard and sandpapery.”
I let out a snort of laughter, “Oh Luce, you have such a way with words.”
Lucy grinned with pride. “It’s a talent. However speaking of assholes…” 
I caught her finger before it had the chance to poke at my bruised cheek. 
“Who’s the asshole that hurt your cheek? What the Hell happened? Tell me everything!”
My clouded brain didn’t understand what she was talking about, until a certain sexy vigilante in black pajamas flashed through my mind. 
“Oh my god, I totally forgot about that!” I exclaimed. “I had a crazy night last night.” 
“Well don’t leave me in suspense, Woman! What happened???” Lucy asked impatiently. 
I sat up before I started my tale of the night before. “So, I didn’t go home after seeing you. I needed to go somewhere to breathe. And while I was out, I made some new friends. Like this nurse who I ended up spilling my guts to about my situation, and she gave me a checkup. Her name’s Claire, very cool chick, she gets a free treat from the bakery, I can’t wait for you to meet her. Oh and I met this super cool group of musicians and jammed with them at Guitar Center, they’re my own band of gypsies, you’ll love them!” Focus, girl. “Anywho, I was walking home and it was dark. Then this dirty creepy guy dragged me down an alley. My dumb ass thought it was Paul, but nope, I was just being mugged. I tried to get away, but he threw me against the wall, which caused this,” I gestured to the bruised scrape in my cheek. “He started groping me and wanted to do other stuff to me,” I shivered at the memory. “But then, out of nowhere, this guy shows up, throws the mugger off me, and beats the mad shit out of him!”
“No way!” Lucy exclaimed as she sat up facing me. “Who was it?! Ooh was it one of the Avengers?”
I shrugged, “I don’t think so. Do any of the Avengers dress in head to toe black and fight like some kind of sexy acrobatic ninja?” 
Lucy let out a dramatic gasp. “Oh my god, you lucky bitch! You got rescued by Daredevil!”
“Who?” I asked, not familiar with the name. 
“Oh that’s right, you haven’t lived here long enough to be familiar with him. He’s our local vigilante, also known as the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen. He’s been around for about a year now, I think, trying to clean the streets of criminals and scumbags with some epic ass kicking from what I’ve heard. And you got rescued by him!” Lucy finished excitedly. 
I sat there in disbelief. I couldn’t believe that not only did someone care enough to save my life, but that it was by an apparently famous crime fighter. 
“What happened after that?” Lucy asked. “Did he talk to you? Or did he disappear mysteriously into the night?” She finished with a dramatic whisper. 
I blushed as I remembered how close and intimate my moment with the masked man felt. 
“He spoke to me…” I trailed off. 
“And????” Lucy asked impatiently. 
She wasn’t going to let it go until I told her, so I let out a sigh and continued. “He asked me if I was okay. He got really close to me, he touched my cheek…” I felt my heart race remembering his touch. “It felt so intimate. Like he really genuinely cared about me. Like he wanted to hold me, you know?” Lucy dreamily nodded as I continued. “He told me to go home and be safe. I thanked him, and then he was gone.”
Lucy sighed. “That sounds so romantic. Having your own superhero to keep you safe. What a dream!”
I couldn’t help but agree. “He certainly got my heart racing, that’s for sure.”
“I heard he has a killer body under those black pajamas.” Lucy pointed out. “How did it look? And most importantly, did you check out his ass?” She asked, causing me to almost choke on my wine. 
“Oh my god, Luce, warn a girl next time!” She simply shrugged. “And seriously? I was in danger. I saw him beat up that creep who wanted to hurt me!”
Lucy’s excitement deflated , “You’re right, I’m sorry-”
“Of course I checked out his ass!” I cut her off. “I’m not stupid! If my life was about to end, I needed something good to look at.”
Lucy let out an excited giggle. “And how was it?”
“Round and juicy, like a perfect peach. If I were to rate it, I’d give it two palms up.” I replied, holding my hands palm side up with a grabbing motion; causing Lucy and I to burst into hysterical laughter. 
“You’ll have to get a good grip on that peach the next time you see him.” Lucy wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. 
I snorted, “Groping a vigilante? Oh yeah, I see that working out well. He’ll probably have me arrested!”
Lucy shrugged, “You know a couple hot lawyers that’ll defend you.”
The thought of him instantly sobered me up. 
“Fuck, how could I have forgotten about Matt? I shouldn’t be thinking these things about some masked stranger! What’s wrong with me?” I asked, frustrated with myself. 
Lucy seemed unfazed by my thoughts. “Don’t worry about that. He won’t mind.”
“What makes you say that?” I looked at her in slight confusion. 
Lucy’s eyes widened as she took a huge gulp of wine. She hesitated for a second before replying. “Maybe...he’s into kinky shit and would be open to a sexy three way. Then you really would be the luckiest bitch in the world!”
I just barely swallowed my wine before cracking up. “I don’t think Matt and I are at that stage of our relationship to talk about that kind of stuff yet. We haven’t even really talked about what we are yet. And besides, I doubt he’s into threesomes and stuff like that anyway.”
Don’t act like the thought didn’t cross your mind. I shrugged at my thoughts. 
“Hey, don’t rule it out,” Lucy insisted. “Just because he’s blind and catholic, doesn’t mean he’s not kinky as hell. In fact, he’s probably very adventurous indeed.” She finished with a wink. 
I rolled my eyes and replied, “I’ll keep that in mind, you weirdo.”
“Dancing!” Lucy exclaimed out of nowhere, immediately changing the subject. “We have to have dancing at your party! Ooh the Time Warp is a must, remind me that we seriously need to go out for a Rocky Horror night, by the way. Ooh we can do the rockabilly stroll! That’ll be a fun and easy dance to do.”
“What’s the rockabilly stroll?” I asked once Luce stopped to take a breath. 
She immediately jumped up and ran for her bag. She pulled out a portable speaker and her phone. A moment later, rockabilly music filled the air. Lucy grabbed my hands, yanking me to my feet. 
“You’re gonna learn today.” She declared before my new dance lessons began. 
The rest of the night was spent dancing, eating, drinking, and leaving all my troubles behind. 
Next Morning 
I woke up the next morning expecting a killer hangover despite Lucy making me take some aspirin and orange juice before passing out, but no such hangover occurred. I wanted to go back to sleep, sure, but thankfully there was no splitting headache from all that wine. 
The smell of coffee brewing prevented me from falling back asleep. I slowly started to rise up from the scattered pillows and tangled blanket on the...floor?
I guess we were too tired or too hammered to make it to the bed. 
“Rise and shine, Ginger!” Lucy called out from the kitchen. 
I forced myself up and clumsily stumbled towards the kitchen. Lucy stood at the counter wide awake and perked full of energy. 
“How are you so full of energy?” I groggily asked her. 
“High metabolism and an iron liver. I get that from my mama.” Lucy replied with a cheeky grin. “How do you take your coffee, my sleepy ginger snap?”
“Sweeter than Matt’s smile.” I replied dreamily, still half asleep. 
“What was that?” Lucy replied with a chuckle. 
“More cream and sugar than coffee.” I clarified, blushing at the realization of what I said. 
Lucy complied, handing me my fresh cup. “One sweet ass coffee for one thirsty ass lady.”
“Thanks, darling.” I replied, drinking the coffee. “So what time are we opening the bakery today?”
“Well I think we can get away with opening up shop a little later today. The boss is pretty lenient.” She winked. “So we can take our time getting more awake and ready for the day.”
“Sounds like a great plan.” I readily agreed. “I love my boss.”
“Love ya too, doll.” Lucy replied with a wink. “But first thing’s first.” She made her way to the fridge. “You’re gonna brush your teeth, get dressed, and take some goodies over to the handsome Mr. Murdock.”
“You don’t mind if I leave you behind for a few minutes?” I asked, not wanting to be rude to my friend. 
Lucy put that worry to rest. “Don’t worry about me. I might take advantage of your shower if you don’t mind?”
“Knock yourself out. I’m just gonna freshen up real quick.” I replied as I raced to my room to change and brush my teeth as well as my birds nest-looking hair. 
I was ready in no time; I rushed over to the kitchen where Lucy had just finished putting together a container full of pastries for me to take. 
Lucy looked at me knowingly. “Wow, someone is eager to get Murdocked.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, you perv.” I replied innocently as I reached for the container. “Thanks for putting this together, Luce. I think I’ll bring him some coffee too. I think he’ll appreciate that.”
“Aww that’s so sweet!” Lucy gushed. She grabbed her overnight bag and pulled out a small stack of to-go coffee cups and lids. “Here, take one of these. Last thing we need is a coffee accident.”
“Thanks, Mary Poppins. You seem to carry everything!” I exclaimed. 
Lucy scoffed. “Sweetie, Mary Poppins has nothing on me. Now go get your Murdock fix!” She started nudging me out the door. “I want details!” She finished with a slam of the door. 
I shook my head with a giggle as I walked over next door. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach as I raised my hand to knock on Matt’s door. 
The door opened after the first knock, revealing Matt, who was looking absolutely sinful in a black suit and tie. His beautiful eyes were already covered by those familiar red sunglasses. 
“Morning, Matt!” I greeted cheerfully, feeling more awake in his presence. 
“Good morning to you too, Iris.” He replied, flashing that gorgeous smile I love so much. “You sound better today.”
“I feel better today.” I replied, the memory of our kiss causing me to blush. 
Matt opened the door wider. “Would you like to come in? I have to leave soon, but I can definitely spare a few minutes for you.” He finished with a wink, causing my organs to bounce. 
I cleared my throat before I could get lost in my dirty thoughts. 
“Why thank you, don’t mind if I do.” I replied with a slight curtsy before entering the apartment. Matt smirked as if he could see my gesture. 
“How are you?” He asked as he closed the door, moving towards me. “I know yesterday had taken a lot out of you. Are you okay?”
He lifted his hand to my shoulder, giving me instant warmth at his thoughtfulness. 
“I am.” I replied with a smile. “For the first time in a long time, I really am.” I leaned up to kiss those sweet lips of his, which he eagerly and gently gave back in kind. “Thank you for listening. And for accepting me and the truth.”
Matt smiled as he caressed my cheek. “Anytime. Thank you for trusting me. I know it wasn’t easy.”
“It wasn’t.” I agreed. “But it feels better to not have to keep this to myself anymore.  I even called Lucy over to tell her.” 
I looked down at the goodies in my hands and remembered the initial reason I was there. 
“And speaking of which, she brought over practically half the treats from the bakery, and I thought you might like some for breakfast. You can maybe share some with Foggy if you want.” I gently nudged the container into his hands. 
Matt’s smile was priceless. “Thank you so much, Iris. That’s so thoughtful of you. Foggy will appreciate this for sure.” He then sniffed the air. “Is that coffee I smell?”
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“Yup!” I replied, carefully placing the hot cup in his hands. “I thought you could use a pick-me-up.”
“Wow, thank you! You’re a goddess.” He sighed appreciatively as he smelled the coffee. 
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I blushed at the comment, “It’s no problem. I don’t remember how you take your coffee, so I left it black.”
“I actually do take it black, so you did perfectly.” He praised. He took a sip, letting out a soft moan, giving me goosebumps. “Thank you so much, you saved me from having to make some myself.”
“Anytime.” I replied. “I’m happy to help.”
Matt smiled back; he was about to speak, but he was cut off by a robotic voice calling out “Foggy. Foggy. Foggy.”
Letting out a huff he pulled his phone out of his pocket. “I’m sorry, Iris, can you give me just a second?” 
“Of course, go ahead.” I assured him as he answered the phone. 
“Hey, Foggy.” Matt greeted. 
I couldn’t hear what Foggy was saying, but from Matt’s expression, I would guess Foggy was getting impatient. 
“I know, I’m sorry I’m running late. I overslept.” He explained. “I’ll be there as soon as I can.” He tightened his grip on the container of pastries in his hand. He continued with a smirk, “And I’m even bringing breakfast. Courtesy of our favorite ladies.”
I felt my face flush even redder at the comment. Matt had to have known how he was affecting me, his smirk grew with a chuckle. Either at me or at what Foggy was saying, I have no idea. 
“Okay. I’ll be there soon.” He finished before hanging up. 
“I take it this is your cue to go?” I asked, already knowing the answer. 
Matt nodded apologetically. “Yeah.  I’d rather stay, to be honest, but we’re meeting a client today, and we have to prepare for that.”
I immediately felt guilty. “Oh god, Matt, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to make you late.”
Matt tilted my chin up to look at him. “Hey, don’t ever apologize for coming by. You’re a very welcome distraction.” 
Our noses touched oh so softly, only a breath between our lips. My heart pounded in my ears, I think even Matt could hear it. 
This man will be the death of me. But what a way to go. 
The logical part of me should back away before we get carried away. But the aroused part of me wanted to keep going. 
I gave in and eagerly pressed my lips against his, feeling lighter than air. I could feel Matt’s hand lightly grasp the back of my neck, his fingers combed through my hair as he held me closer to him. My hands clawed at his back, trying to get him even closer. 
I felt the tip of Matt’s tongue at the seam of my lips, begging for entry. I let out an eager gasp in response, I softly began to greet his tongue with mine….
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“Foggy. Foggy. Foggy. Fog-”
Letting out a groan of frustration, Matt broke apart from our kiss and answered the phone while still holding me close to him. 
“What, Foggy?” Matt asked through clenched teeth. 
The deep growl sent thrilling chills up my spine. Why does it sound so familiar?
“I knew it!” Foggy yelled on the other end, which I could hear loud and clear this time. “Get your tongue out of Iris’s throat, and get your ass over here!”
Foggy hung up before Matt could even respond. 
We both let out a sigh of disappointment, Matt leaning his forehead against mine. 
“I guess you really have to go this time, huh?” I asked dejectedly. 
“I don’t want to, but he’ll hunt me down if I don’t.” He replied with a half hearted chuckle. “May I walk you back to your door?”
I giggled back, “Of course. Don’t forget the container. You’re gonna need those pastries to calm him down.”
Matt chuckled again, “You might be right about that. Though I think we’ll have to stop by the bakery so he can see Lucy in order for him to forgive me.” 
“That can be arranged.” I replied as we made our way out the door. 
He locked the door just as I noticed something was missing. “Oh Matt, you forgot your coffee.”
He turned to me with a smirk. “It’s okay. I already had my pick-me-up.”
Damn he’s smooth. 
“You’re incorrigible.” I responded, flushing as red as a tomato. 
“And you’re irresistible.” Matt replied with a wink as he held my hand. 
“And you’re running late.” I replied back, trying to control my racing heart. 
Our short walk ended as we stopped in front of my door, our hands still clasped together. 
“You’re right,” He said, sounding disappointed once again about leaving. “Thank you for stopping by. It really made my morning.”
I grinned. “Anytime.” Then I decided to continue my bold streak. “In fact, would you like to come over for dinner tonight? We could whip something up in the kitchen together, it’ll be fun.”
I felt unreasonably nervous waiting for his answer. 
You just soft core made out with the man in his apartment. I don’t think he’s gonna say “no”.
Matt smiled sweetly and replied, “I’d love to. What time should I come over?”
“How about 6:00?” I asked. Lucy won’t mind letting me off before then. 
“Perfect.” He replied. “Want me to bring anything?”
“Just yourself.” I said, not wanting to let go of his hand. “Are you craving for anything in particular?”
I know what I’m craving for. 
Matt smirked as if he heard my thoughts and replied, “How about we bake some dessert for dinner?” His calloused fingers lightly caressed my hand. “I’m suddenly craving for something sweet.”
I suddenly felt hot enough to break a sweat, and my rapidly beating heart certainly didn’t help.  Keep it together. 
“Okay,” Why did I sound so breathless? I cleared my throat before continuing. “I’ll think of something for us to make. I’ll see you tonight?”
“Looking forward to it.” He said as he leaned down to leave a soft, lingering kiss on my lips. “See you tonight.”
“Bye.” I whispered, biting my lip to try to hold back my bashful grin. 
I could faintly hear Lucy’s footsteps shuffling quickly away from the other side of the door. Matt had an amused grin on his face as he turned away and walked towards the elevator. 
I drifted through the doorway of my apartment like I was floating on a cloud. Even Lucy’s knowing smirk couldn’t distract me from the excitement tonight will surely bring. 
A/N: And that was chapter 9!!! I hope it was worth the wait and that you loved the bonding between Iris and Lucy. I love them so much! And Matt...*sigh* he makes my heart sing! I hope y’all liked it, please be sure to follow me, reblog and leave a comment telling me what you think. Your comments truly make my day! Well that’s all for now and I’ll do my best not to take forever on the next chapter. Until next time...*kiss noise*
@jobean12-blog @cametobuyplums @tomhollandeu @writeyourmindaway @annavega333 @lullabylike @persephone-of-tartaros @emilymarie0422 @andrasta14
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elssiie · 6 years
Walk through the fire
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4
You can also find the story in fanfiction.net 
Strategist and priestess Lucy Heartfilia gets caught up in the turmoil of war. Torn between duty and love she must decide whether to follow her heart or mind because the destiny of two nations rests on her shoulders.
Chapter 5: Instinct 
There is no instinct like that of the heart
  Natsu was moving through the trees as fast as the forest let him. His men were far behind him but right now he couldn’t afford to wait for them. Fucking hell! That little witch had been giving him a massive headache for a while now. He seriously hadn’t needed Romeo to magically show up in the middle of the battle camp and put himself in danger like that. What was even going through the kid’s brain? Hey, I see a suspicious person walking into one of the most dangerous places in the empire. I’ll mention this to the nearest soldier and then indulge myself in an epic adventure following said suspicious person in the woods. Brilliant, Romeo. Just fucking brilliant.
Natsu stopped for a moment to sniff the air. The witch’s scent was anything but witch-like. Soft and clean, the smell of spring. It was too vivid, too strong. She and Romeo were close. He sprinted following their trails. There. Just behind those bushes. He could distinguish their voices now with his ultra-hearing. They sounded frightened. Then he felt the presence of other creatures. Shit! He quickly moved through the bushes and found them.
Just in time to see the deadly spear flying in the air straight towards Romeo. For one terrifying second Natsu froze, unable to say or do something. His eyes widened as he watched the strategist’s body blocking the spear’s path. A horrible, blood-chilling scream tore from her mouth as she crashed on the ground. He registered in the distance of his mind that the forest people were turning their attention to him, ready to take him down as well. He didn’t care. His vision was pure red. The usually calm and quiet fire in his chest was now blazing furiously. Red markings covered both his arms, neck and cheeks. His skin glowered in a faint gold color and he knew what his eyes looked like, what kind of effect they had on the enemies. The forest people screeched in despair, trying to quickly get away from him. He wouldn’t let them. The white hot fire covered his hands. Burn, motherfuckers.
The first thing Lucy noticed when she woke was that it was nice and warm. She strained her muscles in order to move but every single nerve in her back screamed in pain. Holy gods! What in the world was this pain?! She had been laying on her stomach probably for hours if she had to judge from the missing sensitivity in her arms and legs. She realized with horror that she was back in the tower. She was a prisoner again. Then she remembered the forest people and the hit she took. Ah. That’s why her shoulder hurt so much.
She had to get up. Lucy clenched her teeth and slowly, so very slowly pushed her body up. Gods, someone was tearing her skin apart! Piece by piece! Her arms trembled, too weak to do this kind of physical activity. She groaned as the pain became unbearable.
“No. no. Stop.” Big, warm palms dropped on her lower back and gently pushed her to the bed. “Stop.”
“I want to get up.” Her voice was rusty. It sounded too exhausted like she’d been screaming for a long time. Maybe she had but she couldn’t remember a single thing since she got unconscious in the forest.
“You need to lay down.” The male voice was coming somewhere above her head. The palm moved slightly up her spine, leaving behind a nice hot feeling.
“Please.” Lucy whispered. She didn’t really have the energy to explain how awful her limbs were feeling or how she wanted to at least see what was happening around her and not have her head on one side, leaving her defenseless.
For a moment he didn’t say anything so she thought he was ignoring her request but then strong arms wrapped around her stomach, his head briefly touched hers and he softly breathed out in her ear, “This is gonna hurt.”
She nodded.
He carefully started lifting her body while she desperately tried not to cry out. He helped her turn herself over and after another five agonizing minutes Lucy was finally sitting in her bed. She was panting, her eyes full of tears and her shoulder burning in agony but she was at least seeing the room.
She couldn’t believe it.
It was Dragneel who helped her. There was something different in his stare. A newfound spark she hadn’t seen before.
“What happened?” she asked.
“The forest people hit your shoulder with a wooden spear. You’re lucky they didn’t manage to hit your lungs or you’d be dead by now.”
“The boy… Romeo, is he okay?” The fear was evident in her voice.
He was contemplating her, sizing her up with his stare. “He’s fine. Just shaken up.”
Lucy exhaled shakily and closed her eyes.
“Pretty good idea, by the way.”
Her nose wrinkled. “What do you mean?”
“Saving a kid from my camp in hopes of getting away from torture.”
“What?” She asked flatly. Surely he wasn’t implying that…
He shrugged.
“I’m just saying it’s a good strategy. You knew I was going to find you so you decided to put the boy in harm, then getting injured while saving him. We both know I can’t afford to torture you right now cause there’s I high chance you’ll die in the process. It was reckless but in the end a pretty good idea that actually worked.”
She gaped. Was this guy for real? Oh, gods, he was. He was for real! Her anger bottled up in her throat. She wanted to smash his thick pink head with a table so hard!
“Wow. Are you that amazed that I figured you out?”
He laughed but there was a certain stillness to it. His whole body was tense. His eyes didn’t sparkle with their usual humor.
“How could you be so… aggh!” The sharp pain from her wound stopped her from punching him in the face.
“Hey, be careful.”
His hands flew towards her, probably to help her, but she was so done with him. Lucy smacked his palms and he blinked caught in surprise. Good. Let him be surprised.
“I had no idea where that bloody spear would hit me! I could have died on the spot! Yes, I would have done almost anything to get away from here, I did not want to betray my country but I would never -”, she was panting now. Her shoulder was killing her and she was pretty sure her wound opened up but she was so angry. “I would never bet the life of an innocent person just to save my own! For you to think I would do that to a little kid is beyond me! Making up that kind of twisted story truly tells terrible things but not about me. It’s about you! Don’t you dare say such bullshit like that to my face again!”
And she was even swearing now. She hadn’t done that in years. He really pissed her off.
Warm streaks of blood fell down her back. Suddenly her head felt too heavy and dizzy. Dragneel, who’d been in total shock until now, quickly shook off his mixed feelings and called for the doctor. Seconds later a middle aged man came in, saw her condition and heavily scolded the General. While the doctor started changing the bandage he asked why the wound opened up again. For the first time since Lucy knew him Natsu Dragneel kept his mouth shut and didn’t fire with a smartass comment. Well, then she’ll answer it.
“He was being a jerk.”
From the corner of her eye she saw Natsu’s body cringe. Dull, unpleasant pain hit her head and she groaned. Her forehead and neck were sweaty. She couldn’t even keep her eyelids open any longer. She was just so, so tired. Everything hurt.
“What’s wrong with her?”
Did she imagine it or Dragneel sounded genuinely concerned?  
Ah, never mind. She just wanted to sleep.
“A fever, I believe.” The doctor almost growled. “Her body is weakened not only because of the blood loss but also because of the intense pain she feels. Opening up her wound isn’t helping her either, General! I will give her some strong herbs but they will keep her dizzy. General, with all due respect, I will ask you to leave the girl alone for some time, at least until she recovers from the fever.”
Natsu nodded. He couldn’t tear his gaze from her tormented expression. He thought about her stubbornness and wills to fight, how brave and strong she’d been. Now she was laying completely powerless and shaken up by the pain. Something sickening curled up in his chest. It was awful, this feeling, whatever it was. His eyes traced the sensual shape of her eyebrows down to her feverish cheeks and stopped at the sight of her slightly opened lips, out of which painful sounds were coming. Her shoulder and half her back were completely exposed to him, revealing soft milky skin, delicate curves. She was so small, so fragile. Why the hell would he think about torturing this creature which was about to break any moment?
“General! You are only making my job harder! Please, leave immediately!”
The shout broke the strange trance Natsu had fallen into. He sharply turned and flew out of the room before he did something. Before he did what exactly?! Godsdammit, he was such a mess. That woman was truly a witch. What had she done to him?
“Why are you frowning at the air?”
Natsu almost jumped. Almost. Gajeel always showed up at the best of moments. He hadn’t heard him approach which was kind of strange. But this whole day was just fucking over the scale of strangeness.
“How is the strategist?” He just had to ask about her, didn’t he.
“She is…” Natsu clenched his fists, then deeply exhaled. Hot gray smoke came out of his nostrils and that glowing, heavy feeling in his chest started fading. His rhythm slowed down until only the familiar quiet but tense fire in his heart was left.
“That thing with the smoke is still as freaky as I remember it.”
Gajeel was giving him one of his worried stares again. He knew something was off. But Natsu would never admit to anyone how thrown off he felt. Instead he asked, “Where’s Romeo?”
“With Sting and Rogue. You know, that whole lecture you gave really upset him.”
“Yeah, well, he deserved it. That brat isn’t going to pull a stunt like this again in the near future. I almost had a heart attack because of him.”
“Natsu Dragneel and his lectures on responsibility. I’d never even thought you had that word in your limited vocabulary.”
“Very funny. I’m dying from laughter here.”
Gajeel was waiting for Natsu to spill the beans. But Natsu had a dignity to keep. He just passed by him and said in a nonchalant voice, “The strategist has a fever so I left her with my personal doctor to look after her. We’ll have to wait for her to get better.”
Yeah, Gajeel was seeing right through his bullshit but thank the gods, he wasn’t feeling asshol-ish enough to mention it. Natsu would take what he could get. He needed some time, to cool his head and heart down. So he forced himself to smirk lazily at his cousin and walked away.
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twilight-deviant · 8 years
crystallized-atlantic replied to your post “clarkloveslana replied to your photoset “I very much love Garcia…”
my worst nightmare is if they turn out to be related in some way. I hope more than anything that is not the case because they should’ve revealed or at least hinted at that before i started wanting them to be a couple. abigail herself said their relationship felt romantic… so im super hoping they don’t surprise us with something that makes that weird.
Yeah, I know a lot of people (shippers especially) are a little anxious that Flynn and Lucy might be related in some convoluted way. I’ve seen theories that he’s her father, she’s his mother, they’re siblings, but I think the longer the show goes on, the less realistic any of those options sound.
I’m here to free us from this argument.
Beneath a cut because I spared no logic trying to disprove this once and for all.
Flynn is not Lucy’s father.
We’ve met both of Lucy’s parents now. The father she grew up with wasn’t her biological father, but Benjamin Cahill definitely is. And even if you wanted to doubt that anyway, Flynn still can’t be her father. Lucy was born in 1983. Flynn was born in 1975. He can’t go back in time and sleep with her mother because he already existed then. He is not her father. Carol lied about Cahill, but that was probably because she was cheating on Henry Wallace with him. Since Lucy said her parents met and fell in love in 1979. They got married in 1980. Whoops. You don’t cover up a lie with another lie. Certainly by that point (after being caught) Carol would just come clean about the charming European man. And if she’s going to keep telling a lie, why would she choose this one? She doesn’t like Cahill. May we, as a fandom, stop feeding this theory? It was really popular when Lucy’s paternity was first questioned, but the mystery has been solved. Close that case file. Flynn is not Lucy’s father.
Lucy is not Flynn’s mother.
We’ve met Flynn’s mother. 1.08 dropped the theory Lucy was his mother and dropped it hard. Maria Thompkins is Flynn’s mother. And “usually so shy around strangers” Gabriel is his brother. She made a point to say how well Flynn and Gabriel clicked. “There must be something about you.” We now know that’s because they’re brothers. They’re brothers because they share Maria as a mother. Maria is Flynn’s mother. Okay? I can’t wrap my head around any possibility that Lucy is Flynn’s mother. It’s so much legwork it becomes illogical. Lucy exists in our time, so Flynn would be conceived in the future? Then she… went back in time to 1975 Croatia… and gave her son to the Flynns to raise…? There’d be some sort of record about this. A forgery probably, but a record all the same. And if anyone other than Maria was Flynn’s birth mother, Rittenhouse would know, right? They’d do a very quick check and say, “Oh, this is not Maria Thompkins on the birth certificate. Flynn was adopted. Let’s not waste our time sending someone back to kill this girl in 1962. It won’t actually do anything.” And geez, certainly that’s something Lucy would have written about in her journal. Don’t you think? Giving birth to your enemy turned partner is pretty significant. I mean, I’d probably write about that over the missing Watergate tape. Just me? And one more point, then I’m off this one. For Flynn to be born within the next few years would mean our Flynn has to die within the next few years so he won’t coexist. The journal has determined that is a lie. Flynn’s still alive. Lucy is not Flynn’s mother.
So unless Lucy is Flynn’s father, nobody is anybody’s parent. But we still haven’t met this “Asher Flynn,” if that is his real name. Maybe we should keep our options open. Who knows?
They are not siblings.
Then you have the siblings argument. And I swear the greatest defense I’ve seen of this is that they look alike. You guys know script writing happens before casting, right? Abigail and Goran just happen to both have dark brown hair. It’s a very popular hair color. That’s not even a big coincidence. None of their features are alike after that. I don’t… see it. (Granted, I do have a touch of face blindness. But I have consulted my sister who is very, very good with faces, and she says no.) I won’t leave it at that though. I will logic this thing into the ground.
Okay, so we have four parents. If Flynn and Lucy are siblings, they have to share at least one of these. Let’s start out by disqualifying the obvious.
Carol is Lucy’s mom. She had an unconventional pregnancy during college and has no reason to lie about that. (She did lie about Cahill, but we’ll give her the benefit of the doubt and say she was really pregnant.) Carol is not Flynn’s mom. She would have been seventeen-years-old at the time. (Or 13/14? Carol's years as a college student versus her birth year in the family tree Jiya made are inconsistent.) I mean, I… guess… you could argue she had a child at a young age, put it up for adoption, and it was taken in by a couple in Croatia? But that’s so weird and what are the odds that Flynn and Lucy’s paths would ever cross again? Like seriously wtf? And, again, there’d be record of this and Rittenhouse wouldn’t try to kill Maria! Carol is not Flynn’s mother.
If Carol is Lucy’s mom, Maria is not. Flynn would have noticed if his mother was pregnant when he was eight-years-old, right? He would have wondered where that baby went? And sending a little baby girl to America to be raised by a college student instead of by a stable married couple is… weird. It’s weird. Hey, maybe don’t do that. Maria is not Lucy’s mother.
Benjamin Cahill is Lucy’s father. Can we not challenge this? Would they really put us through two fake fathers? This is not a soap opera, and Lucy being heir to the Rittenhouse legacy is much more important to her story. What’s more, she writes the journal a few years in the future, and the journal says Cahill is her father. Flynn confirmed. So at the time of the journal being written and filled, Cahill is still her father. Nothing in the span of the next few years is going to contradict that. There is no new evidence. Cahill is Lucy’s father. Period. So there’s really only one question here: is Cahill also Flynn’s father? *taps mic to make sure it’s working* No. Let’s see, okay, as of 1971, Maria Thompkins was in Europe. In 1972, Cahill was answering Rittenhouse’s phone. But maybe over the course of the next 2-3 years he got some promotion or just took a vacation in Europe. Where he proceeded to sleep with a married woman. And many years later, when Garcia Flynn came onto Rittenhouse’s radar and they combed through his life, Cahill didn’t think, “Oh, thirty-nine years ago, I slept with this man’s mother in his country of origin. He… may be my son.” He hasn’t realized this since? If Cahill were Flynn’s father, that would mean Flynn is also Rittenhouse. And if a legacy found out the organization existed (like… idk, Lucy did), certainly the protocol is to bring them into the fold instead of having them exterminated. (Like Lucy.) Cahill is not Flynn’s father.
Asher Flynn is not Lucy’s father. No one’s gonna fight me on this, right? I just… *see above* And once again, why would Carol lie about sleeping with these European men and say Cahill instead? Just own it, girl.
So there you have it. Flynn isn’t her father. Lucy isn’t his mother. They are not siblings. I refuse to argue further about the possibility of them being cousins, uncles, aunts, or grandparents. Don’t make me go through all of that. Let’s just agree that’s stupid. And if Timeless did it, it would be stupid. I would call them stupid. Flynn and Lucy are not related. End of story. (I hope.) So maybe I can help a few people ship a little easier now. Take a deep breath, my darlings. We’re good.
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