#man this loooong
saltpepperbeard · 11 months
so, hastiness of the sex and the literal and figurative distance that follows aside, something was really bugging me about the morning after. i couldn’t put my finger on it for a while, but now that i’ve sat with things, i think it’s finally clicked in my head:
stede’s reactions to ed’s sweetness. or lack thereof, really.
because goodness, they just slept together. they just bared body and soul to each other. they just survived a dangerous situation and made it to see the sun rise once again. they’ve been through so much, and faced so much adversity.
and despite all they’ve been through, ed is kind. ed is thoughtful, and soft, and sweet. he brings stede breakfast in bed. he tries to make it as pretty as he can. and then weaves beautiful gratitude and admiration in the form of his goldfish tale.
something that should make anyone sigh with fondness, really. something that make eyes flutter with hearts to match.
…and yet.
and yet stede reacts almost…casually to it all. not glittery how he was at the end of episode 5, for example—so warm and so bright and so very clearly in love. it all felt a bit more…stunted? reserved? unnecessarily curt?
and upon sitting with it as i said, i have two lines of thought, two theories.
one, it’s a sort of look into the heightening poison in his system, the good ol’ villain that is toxic masculinity. he feels the need to perform around ed, to be a man worthy of his love. he feels the need to be more than just “adequate,” more than just an “amateur.” and so he feels the need to be more masculine as a result. he’s not quite at his peak of course, not quite in the absolute thick of it—he still has moments closer to himself throughout the day. but the more poisonous seeds have been planted.
and what does that sort of masculinity often lead to? reserved emotions. stunted reactions. you’re not allowed to show vulnerability, or softness, or anything of the sort; you’re expected to be just a wall of strength and flat composure.
which, also, would align with the show: ed actively tries to combat that mentality in the morning. he straight up tells stede that the man who saved him was a fantastic, orange, sparkly mermaid. not some swashbuckling hero. not some colder, mysterious, more reserved man. but a beautiful, soft, dazzling goldfish.
and stede sort of just shrugs it off—turns it into a “well i hope we’ll both get through the violence” as opposed to realizing that ed is complimenting his true character.
but that brings me to my second theory: maybe stede reacts the way he does simply because…he’s never been loved like that before. he doesn’t know what to do with it. he’s never been brought breakfast in bed before, and now there ed goes doing so for him.
he seems to be fine when he's the one in the driver's seat. like, he's very romantic when he's dealing out the romance. but the second it's turned back on him, he can't seem to conceptualize it, even when it's coming from a man he knows he's in love with. like, ed complimenting his shirt led to a more incredulous reaction. ed saying that stede wears fine things well also led to a more incredulous reaction. and like...
"then you shaved your beard off...for me?"
he just can't grasp it. he can't grasp something so new and foreign to him quite yet. and it's of course also wrapped up in a lot of self-worth issues, because how can anyone love him when he really doesn't love himself (which i think is also the same for ed. help them. HELP THEM)
you just...can't catch a fish unless the fish wants to be caught.
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celestial-sapphicss · 2 years
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Jeff Satur – Dum Dum (ดึมดึม)
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factual-fantasy · 1 year
I got 26 asks for ya’ll, sorry they’re a bit late!
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..Bruh. Where have you been for the last 4 months?? Scroll down on my blog for like 3 seconds. You’ll find dozens of posts talking about my FNAF AU. How I’ve spent weeks rewriting the timeline, how certain comics aren’t canon anymore, how I’m working on my Recap/Repair project WHICH MIND YOU, part 1 is the most recent post I’ve made.
Also I will give Gregory any story that I want, thank you very much.
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Hey, buddy. Listen, you’re up here at a 10 right now, I’m gonna need you to come down to at least a 4, okay?
Also I hate to burst your bubble, but If you want a faithful interpretation/version of Vanessa? You don’t want my blog.
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Ah, sorry. I don’t do commissions no.. Thank you though!
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AU comes first, movies later lol
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Awe, thank you! I did my best! :} Also I don’t have a jester Anon, feel free to take the title!
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Uhg. That’s really frustrating. But I actually heard word that he finally took them down. I never checked to confirm but its a nice thought. Also thanks for letting me know!
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Thank you so much! Also I don’t think I’ve actually seen any Don Bluth movies.. or if I have I didn’t know they were made by him-
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Thank you so much! Also nooo, sorry. Those game’s events don’t happen. I built my AU mostly on games that I myself have played/ones I know a lot about. <:/
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I haven’t actually thought about it too much. Just figured eventually they’d meet and hit it off-
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<XD I’ll do my best! Thank you for the reminder,
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Awww, you’re too kind. Thank you so much!
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Holy cow, that far back?? Man, well, I apologize for the completely unhinged content you were subjected to- <XDDD
But also thank you so much! Hearing that I have such an old fan is really cool! And your patience and support for my project means the world! 
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Thank you! I’m so glad you like them! :DD
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aaaa thank you so much!!! Same to you! :DD
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Does being glued to the couch for 8 hours because of being in a constant state if dizziness count as a break? :D If so, back to work I go weee!!
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AAAAA that’s so cool! Having no dead kids in the story is really refreshing! (something I never thought I’d type-) Also I love their designs! Especially Foxy’s, seeing him so tall is different to me, but cool! XD 
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XD You can always count on me to jump fandoms at the perfect time! Also oh man, that’s a tough one. I’m really torn between Engineer and Soldier.
On one hand you have Engineer. He has so many things I love in a character. He’s a tough Texan that has a healthy dosage of southern hospitality. He has total dad vibes. I love the way he interacts with the other characters as well. Like in Expiration date, taking off his helmet to show some respect to his team as he gave them the grim news. Also being mostly gentle about how he worded the news as well. He spent what he thought was his last 3 days on Earth, helping Medic to try and find a cure, overall just working in his last hours to try and help his team. Even when it should have been pretty hopeless.. Also the way he bursts into the room, “Guys! Hey, Fellas! Listen! Its just bread that gets tumors! :DD” Tossing his arms over Soldier and Medics shoulders and smiling with them, UHG he’s so cool.
I also love all the headcannons people have made about his character. A lot of people, me included, like to think that engineer cooks breakfast for the team sometimes. Eggs, Bacon, pancakes, you name it. I also love the thought that after a rough battle, where they lost and the whole team is cranky and aching. Engie goes out and fires up the grill and makes everyone some good food as a pick me up. Burgers and hotdogs, shish kabobs and sandwiches, just MAN. Such a fun idea and such an awesome character. 
His design is also really fun to me. Overalls and googles, with a hard hat that’s slightly crooked. And of course his wicked gunslinger that’s kept under wraps. Not sure why he covers it up, its awesome! ALSO His dialogue in the game is a real hoot, I also like his GAME PLAY. Although I’m a pretty lousy Engineer myself, I love the idea of being able to support my team the way he does. People can fall back and be fully protected by the Engineer. A sentry to keep you safe, a dispenser to replenish your ammo and health. And a kind hearted man to pat you on the shoulder and say, “You alright son? Here, take a seat for a while. You can get back out there when yer ready. I’ll keep an eye on you till then.” like OUHG, so much fun. I absolutely adore everything about his character.
On the other hand, there’s Soldier. He is so unbelievingly stupid, so mind blowingly absurd, and so incredibly big hearted and ridiculous. His antics and overall hilarity have brought me to tears multiple times and never fail to make me smile.
I don’t think I have a super gushy, character analysis-y reason why I like him so much. He’s just really funny, his character is so fun and ridiculous and he always makes me laugh. So that’s why its so hard to pick between Engie and him-
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Sorry, I dumped that comic long ago.. but who knows? Maybe someday I’ll feel inspired and come back to it. My hyper fixations have been known to be quite unpredictable-
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I straightened up and got 3 water bottles, I hope you’re proud of me! :}
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Thank you so much!! :DDDD
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Oooo, that’s so interesting!
Meanwhile there’s me who has completely deleted her from my brain and refuses to acknowledge her existence- XDDD
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All I’m hoping for is that they make it scary.
I want little kids to come into this movie chanting “FNAF! FNAF! FNAF! :DD” And run out screaming and crying moments later.
FNAF at its core, is a disturbing story. With gruesome themes and horrible tragedies and disgusting people. It is not meant for kids. I feel like FNAF recently has been really dumbed down and kid-ified. Which makes me kind’a sad..
I tried not to let that rub off on my AU. It may be light hearted for now, but the truth about the past and the disturbing story of William will not be buried for long..
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Thank you for the reminder, I’ll do my best!
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Awe, thank you! Once my Recap/Repair is done I gotta get around to drawing some of them!
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goodmode · 3 months
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small furry with a gun, what will she do
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autism-alley · 7 months
now that the show is over, i’m slowly revisiting things that are less fundamentally dysfunctional and more symptoms of the overall problems. one of those is hephaestus. the way his disability is so… reduced is. almost incredible. like, they started off on the right foot casting a disabled man, i appreciate that, but the way they utilize hephaestus’ disability, or rather don’t, leaves a lot of room to be desired.
first off, allow me to be annoying by saying he is not there in the book—but i don’t think the decision to add him is inherently a poor choice. it could work.
in the lightning thief, the way the kids get out of his trap is through annabeth’s intelligence in an action-packed scene. in the show, i was alright with the fact they changed the trap—foolishly assuming they were going to actually make something different of equal craftsmanship—but the end result is one of many instances of sacrifice way too early in the series, and an utterly underwhelming solution to that sacrifice—annabeth literally just asks hephaestus to free percy and. he does? i thought she was going to figure out how to reverse the throne’s trap; while she’s not a child of hephaestus, you’d think a child of athena with a passion for architecture would have some understanding of mechanics. it would have been different from the book, maybe not the best approach, but still emotionally satisfying. but alright, we’re… making an emotional appeal to hephaestus. putting aside my feelings about her rant of what exactly it is that makes percy different and worth freeing, why is the show’s hephaestus… so generally underwhelming?
my man was tossed from the fucking heavens by a parent—in pjo it’s hera—they could have visually used that to show hephaestus, like annabeth, does not want to repeat his mother’s cold and selfish ways. but he’s just. alright, first just look at these two guys.
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before we get to the meat and potatoes, tell me which of these two guys look like they’ve spent a millennia in a workshop? the guy covered in grease and sweat, dressed in a stain-littered apron, tool belt at his side, muscle built for lifting heavy parts and swinging a hammer century after century? or the man with a neatly brushed, trimmed, washed beard and head of hair, clean hands, remarkably unstained sweater and flannel, crisp, new overalls, and academic-looking glasses? which looks to you like the embodiment of blacksmiths and the flame of the forge? yeah. but that can all be lumped in with my other wardrobe complains of the show, now we get to the section of this post where i would like to tread lightly.
i want to start by saying not all disability is visual, or even overtly visual, but hephaestus’ is and that visual is important to his character and the story. as a disabled person, i love that they cast a disabled actor, but based on how it was handled in the show, i had no idea this man was disabled. i thought he was an able bodied actor, and i am so sorry i came to that conclusion, but i really see no other one i could have come to based purely on what was in the show itself. i had to google who timothy omundson is to know he’s disabled and with what disability (he suffered a stroke that left him paralyzed on his left side in 2017 and has been in recovery ever since—godspeed my man, i hope it helps where it can). i am so glad it was a disabled actor and not an able bodied one, but he’s still not hephaestus. while obviously no mortal has fallen from the heavens, i think they could have made it work, but a man who’s had a stroke and a man who’s had his body crushed are not the same. i am not here to belittle this man’s experiences or say one is more severe, i am saying they are different, and not interchangeable.
regardless, a disability that is visual is no less than one that is invisible and timothy omundson’s paralysis is visual, but it was hidden. it was NOT clear to the audience timothy omundson is paralyzed, or that he is disabled at all. the gods can appear however they choose, but it’s a point that hephaestus generally does not, or his disability is implied to be such a hindrance on him, no matter how he chooses to appear, he cannot escape his disability, how glaringly visible it is. his body itself is a story of how the gods betray each other, how they literally eat each other alive and are so hypocritical about it. think of how impactful the visual of hephaestus is—has a parent ever rejected your existence so violently, your divine body is broken and disfigured for all eternity? it is a brutal establishment of the godly norm as ruthless, cruel, and petty abuse. and the show, for all its talk of how the gods are awful, just did not highlight his disability and its origins it at all.
again, i think including hephaestus in this scene could have worked, but not how the show went about it. imagine. annabeth, desperately fiddling with the throne’s inner workings, makes her emotional appeal to hephaestus. he’s partly obscured by shadow as he stands, watching from afar on the balcony, but we see a gnarled hand grasp the railing. annabeth, still pulling back the machine’s inner workings, tearfully describes how her mother punished her for embarrassing her. as she does, we receive a few close up shots of hephaestus, still leaving him mostly in the dark, but providing peeks at his disfigurements, and a hesitant but pained look in his eyes tells us he is reliving painful memories—a conflicted bead of sweat runs down the side of his face. it wouldn’t cost any more run time to use these shots while annabeth makes her plea to him, and the disability is in the spotlight, the parallel between athena/hera and annabeth/hephaestus is clear as a younger, more hopeful version of this emotionally broken man begs him to help her be different than both their mothers.
free my friend, she says. and for a moment, he just shakes. he opens his mouth, and annabeth—and the audience—lean forward to hear his reply. but then his face crumples with regret and resentment. he is still apart of the same wheel that crushes everyone in their path—if he, a god, could not escape, why would a demigod? why should a demigod?
no, the god of the hammer tells annabeth, you cannot escape.
annabeth, in her hubris, replies, maybe you can’t—and we cut to her hands, tearing away a gear to reveal a switch—realization flashes across her face, and she grasps the trap’s mechanical release. percy is free, and hephaestus, in his misplaced anger, unleashes more of his creations (mechanical spiders!!) after them, mirroring the book as the kids use quick-thinking to escape waterland.
it’s not perfect, but that would work. instead, they finally show a god rather than just talking about them and it’s so underwhelming. and yes, this hephaestus carries a cane, clearly the potential to show front his disability was there, but you cannot throw me table scraps and tell me my frustration at not receiving the feast i was promised is unfounded. it’s laughable. most of the time it’s on screen it’s not in use and there isn’t even reference in the show as to why he carries a cane. casual viewers unfamiliar with the books or greek mythology might mistakenly assume this is just how this god chose to present himself and he doesn’t need this cane, and not that disability is at the core of who this divine figure is. it is NOT clear to the audience this is a disabled character played by a disabled actor. it is, indefensibly, a watered down depiction. what in the book needed to be ‘fixed’ with hephaestus—? this is a disabled god, you dare not give him to me in all his disabled complexity? you dare not show him as he is?
one of the most insulting things you can do to a disabled person is reduce our disability and the show has done it to the greek god of disability, with such a cheap payoff. if they did not want to be true to hephaestus, to his actor, they should not have shown him at all, and maybe—i don’t know, stuck to the book whose narrative makes sense in this scene?
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cherry-bomb-ships · 1 year
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I mean, what did you expect, R. Marie? Not like anyone else has ever kissed him before...
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prodigiousvisions · 4 days
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— ❝ Join me. Let us bear witness to this historical moment together. ❞ — multifandom multimuse. semi-selective, sporadic activity. envisioned by Izzy.
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theartsanityshoppe · 4 months
I like your detective stuff! Does he have a nemesis like Sherlock has Moriarty? And was he born mute or did he lose his voice? The sign language is really nice to see in a character!
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Why was this in the 'bashful' gif options
Thanks Anon!! I greatly appreciate the comment~ I myself, also really like my detective stuff and I mean reeeeeeeeeeeeally like it lmao
Otherwise, I'm going to write these answers out as the parts of the story these questions delve into is being currently reworked and some of the answers are kinda up in the air / half canon as of right now. This will probably be a longish answer so I'll put a quick answer up here, and a "read more" underneath that with my ramblings. Quick answers: Was he born mute or did he lose his voice? - He was born mute. Does he have a nemesis? - Yes and no... I've cycled through a few characters but the main one now, without spoiling much, is named F.E.L.I.X.. But I've been working on a couple others who could possibly take over as his main nemesis.
For longer, more rambly answers, keep reading!
So like I said the answer to at least his nemesis part is kind of up the in air atm. I also wanted to expand a little on the mute aspect~
Flint is primarily mute because I tend to view this world in the terms of a video game, in which of course the player would play as the Det. [and as Cy actually who hasn't appeared in the comics yet] and like a lot of video games I always imagined him as being a "silent protag" despite still communicating with the other characters. Like Link in the new BOTW/TOTK games.
The second reason behind it was I just couldn't imagine him with a voice?? No matter how hard I tried, it just felt. Wrong for his character if that makes sense? So I figured "hey why not just give him sign language! How often do you see a deaf or mute main character anyway?" I've started to see more ASL used in shows - most recently in Only Murders in the Building which I LOVE [both the shows and the inclusion/importance of the deaf character in the story] and I thought it would make him a more interesting main character tbh. I also really really REALLY want to learn ASL, as my first grade teacher taught us a bunch when I was a kid but I've sadly forgotten just about all of it as she was just teaching us for fun. It had nothing to do with the class lol.
As for Flint's nemesis[es]! He currently has at least two, one of which is still so under-construction they don't even have a name yet or a design hahahaha.
Originally his nemesis was supposed to be Prof. Specter, aka this guy, whose a literal shadow man. [Cuz. Yah know. Shadow vs Light/Flames?] He was supposed to be almost the Dr. Claw to Flint's Inspector Gadget, but I just never went anywhere with him?? I couldn't really think up anything good tbh, and I felt like Flint easily overpowered him. I also couldn't think up any good reasons for him to BE so evil/want to attack the town etc. So he just became a smaller villain, who currently works under the main big bad. I am a MASSIVE sucker for "opposite" characters - the "good" version vs the "evil" version basically, and I have been actively trying to utilize that in a story of mine FOR YEARS. Think like, Darkwing Duck vs Nega Duck. This shit is my JAM.
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For the first nemesis, his name is F.E.L.I.X. [Force Entity Learning Integrating and eXterminating] Flint, and he's a sort of "evil" version of Flint. [These are all cheebs of the various forms Felix currently takes in story]
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The littlest dude is ACTUALLY Felix, [he starts off by possessing a flash drive and transforming it] and the rest are just later forms he takes throughout the story. Originally he was just some weird little alien computer virus that landed on earth, a la Invader Zim style, here to prepare Earth for conquer by his Mother Program, which is still more or less the case? The reasoning behind him being in Neo Oldesville and him eventually taking on Flint's appearance have changed a lot though.
The main reason I hesitate to call him a nemesis atm is because he was originally just more of a comedic, but still kinda dangerous, character and Felix Flint was originally going to be a sort of split in Felix's personality/code that took life on it's own, separate from Felix, warped by the internet, others personalities, and probably some other villain's code. He was just gonna go kinda crazy as his coding was rewritten too many times and start attacking... but that idea has been scrapped due to the rewrites.
He was also smart, but not in the same ways the Detective is, so they weren't really butting heads like Sherlock/Moriarty do wherein Felix would be besting Flint at every turn or something like that. Instead Flint actually bested Felix pretty easily originally. Felix Flint was basically my solution to fix that major leveling scale issue lol.
The other character, the unnamed one, is a Mad Scientist/Cult leader, whose become basically the 'secret' big bad of what I would call the first season of the story. Idk maybe longer than that? I haven't decided on how long I want this story to be tbh. I'm still working on the character and their storyline and how it intersects with both Flint's and Cy's, (whose the deuteragonist to this story)... but the most I do know/will reveal here is that this Mad Scientist is the leader of a cult that worshiped two aliens that used to exist on planet who promised to help the humanoids [as people are generally referred to here] "ascend to a higher life form" but were later stopped and destroyed by a group of super-hero like super spy sisters who learned that the aliens were in fact extremely hostile and their idea of "ascending to a higher plan" was just assimilating all of this worlds knowledge/tech and then selling off its inhabitants as slaves. I haven't decided if the rest of the world knows this fact, or if the alien characters are considered martyrs or something yet... or even if the rest of the world knew they WERE aliens. Just that they're eventually defeated by these legendary super-spies, and that a small cult remained behind after everyone else moved on from their teachings.
The leader of this new cult basically wants to bring those aliens back - specifically by summoning one of their kin to the world to help fully restore one of the deceased aliens back to life, but what he summons is Felix instead, as the race of aliens the cult worshiped had all been destroyed and absorbed by Felix's Mother Program years ago. Irony at its finest lol.
This new mad scientist/cult leader character is supposed to have very deep ties with Cy, who in turn has pretty deep ties to Flint, and I've been planning on possibly making him a sort of Moriarty to Flint, but I'm still ironing out details.
One reason I haven't quite finished this all yet is because while I am planning on using some religious ideology [is that the right word here? or would mimicry be better] in the cult, I don't necessarily want to make it a "RAWR RAWR RELIGION IS EVIL RAAAWR" kind of situation, since it's specifically that CULTS are evil. I myself was born and raised without religion in my life outside of just being in America, so while I don't believe in any religion at all, I also don't want to be cruel to anyone who does. I do, however, know that a lot of cults use Christianity as a guise to trick their followers into controlling them though.
Mostly I just really want the two aliens from the original cult to look semi like a devil and an angel cuz I thought it'd be hilarious if they were basically the "angel and devil on your shoulders" lmao.
If anyone wants to know more I'm happy to explain even more in detail. I don't care about spoiling things haha I'm not planning on creating a huge comic or anything anytime soon - I mean I would love to turn this series into a game or something in the future but for now I'm just having fun I LOVE talking about my characters/stories.
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birdmitosis · 10 months
Fanmix-slash-playlist for Slay the Princess! Song list under the cut. There’s 96 songs on this fanmix/playlist, and it’s about 6 and a half hours long.
Some of the songs were not available on Spotify, and they will be linked to on YouTube below. (Some artists have 2 songs on the playlist; aeseaes, The Crane Wives, and Hozier each have 3 because they were just too perfect. Also, some songs are definitely on here because of other people's fanvids or even just suggestions, and I've made note of and credited all of those!) (All fanmixes/playlists are a perpetual WIP.)
aeseaes - All Things Devour
aeseaes - Semantics
aeseaes - Tongues
AG - Terrible Thing
t h e . a i m s - Violence & Blood
Alanis Morissette - Everything (friend suggestion)
Amanda Palmer & The Grand Theft Orchestra - Trout Heart Replica
Amber Run - I Found
The Amazing Devil - The Horror and the Wild
The Amazing Devil - That Unwanted Animal
Andrew Bird - Imitosis
AURORA - Your Blood
Baby Storme - This City is a Graveyard
Band of Horses - No One's Gonna Love You
Beth Crowley - Monster
Blindside - Withering
Bring Me the Horizon - Deathbeds
Camera Obscura - Fifth in Line to the Throne
Chonny Jash - The Soul Eclectic (inspiration)
City and Colour - Little Hell
Coldplay - The Hardest Part
Coldplay - Square One
Collective Soul - The World I Know
The Crane Wives - Curses
The Crane Wives - Hollow Moon (inspiration)
The Crane Wives - Tongues & Teeth
Crystal Castles - Suffocation (inspiration)
David Bowie - Changes
The Echoing Green - Starling
Electric President - Some Crap About the Future
Elizabeth & the Catapult - Do Not Hang Your Head
Elizabeth & the Catapult - My Goodbye
Ellie Goulding - Salt Skin
Eurielle - Hate Me
The Feeling - Mr Grin
Florence + The Machine - Kiss With a Fist
Florence + The Machine - What the Water Gave Me
Forgive Durden - A Dead Person Breathed on Me!
Foxtails Brigade - Long Route
Foxtails Brigade - Nun but the Lost
Ghost and Pals - DEATHBODY
Ghost and Pals - In Iolite
Hannah Fury - Angels & Absinthe
Howie Day - Collide
Hozier - Francesca
Hozier - In the Woods Somewhere
Hozier - Who We Are
Jack Conte - Kitchen Fork (inspiration)
The Jezabels - Hurt Me
Jhariah - Flight of the Crows
Kate Nash - Paris
Kiltro - Softy
King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Magenta Mountain
lasah - taixu (inspiration)
Lisa Hannigan - Oh Undone
Little Dragon - Twice
The Lord Dog Bird - The Shedding Path
Ludo - The Horror of Our Love
Madilyn Mei - Knotted Constellations
MGMT - Little Dark Age
Michelle Branch - Everywhere
Mili (feat. KIHOW) - In Hell We Live, Lament
Mirah - You've Gone Away Enough
The Mountain Goats - No Children (inspiration)
The Mountain Goats - Sudden Oak Death
Mr.Kitty - After Dark
múm - Prophecies & Reversed Memories
The Nor'easters - 715 — CRΣΣKS (inspiration)
Olivier Bibeau - Better Run, Better Hide
Passion Pit - Seaweed Song
PEGGY - Villains Aren't Born (They're Made)
Perfectly Human - Bad As
Perfectly Human - Fly Again
Racoon - Took a Hit
Reinaeiry - When the Sun Loves the Moon
Ricky Montgomery - This December
RIProducer - Fruiting Bodies
RIProducer - What Gave It Away?
Sarah Blasko - Bird on a Wire
Satin Puppets - Bad Moon Rising
Seeming - Someday Lily
Sharon Van Etten - It's Not Like
Shayfer James - Boots Worn Through (inspiration)
Sleeping At Last - Mind
Sleeping At Last - Taste
Snow Patrol - Open Your Eyes
Solas Composer - He Who Devoured the Dark II
Southwest Statistic - Fairy Tale (friend suggestion)
Stars - He Dreams He's Awake
Subsignal - The Bells of Lyonesse (inspiration)
Sunset Rubdown - For the Pier (and Dead Shimmering)
Talking Heads - And She Was
Trespassers William - I Know
TV on the Radio - Stork & Owl
Woodkid - Ghost Lights
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automatonknight · 2 years
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did the cat just learn how to fly? no, i’m only holding him up! 
image id: a digital drawing of wilson and wickerbottom’s cat from don’t starve. they’re both visible in full view and wilson is holding the cat up with an expression of slight suprise while the cat looks content, meowing. wilson is dressed in a labcoat, long, black protective gloves and goggles. the background is light blue and composed of abstract shapes, there is also rainbow text on the right saying “i am invisible!”. end id
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acidhued · 4 months
i know butchbear is a thing but is futchbear a thing.. that might be me
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deva-arts · 3 months
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FINE! FINE!!! So everyone had some name tryouts at first, and everyone has different themes behind their name! I think about this an embarrassing amount.
Sera is pretty on the nose with hers. Vincent had a lot of ancient Roman name themes. Nathaniel? tons of Latin. Sonia has a more American name, and Amon has both ancient and modern Egyptian names to his- er... name.
The name 'Seraphina' was my first choice. You can give her several nicknames! But I felt like it was super cringy- I still cringe here and there when I say that my MC has such a mouthful of a name! However, she quickly grew into it; it was the only name that fit her.
Other runners up were: Daya, Jena, Lark, Pheobe, Raven, Tori, Diane, Robyn, Vanessa, Karla, and Corrine. You can tell I wanted a specific vibe here. Her last name used to be Guerrero!
Herrera is a Hispanic surname. It literally means iron forge, but sounds so cute. And her middle name, Nephele, means cloud in Greek. You can tell she is my oldest oc goddamn four years now
Vincent has always been Vincent AFAIK, but his lab name had changed quite a bit, to the point that I decided to leave him nameless in the lab. A name implies an identity after all. I still sometimes wonder if I'll stick to the name, since the way he canonically gets it is kind of weak narrative-wise.
His beta lab names included: Livius, Lucius, Odysseus, Aetius, Nero, and Dante. Kind of teetering on cringe, even though I liked Dante... Oh well. It's for the best. My subconscious would've played the nastiest trick had I not found out:
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Now, Vincentius remains with his first and only name, its latin root, Vincere, means to conquer and prevail. He's the winner! He won! why is no one clapping...?
We move on! Nathaniel!! Ahaha I liked brainstorming Nate a lot...But his name was pretty straightforward. I just picked something off the top of my head and it stuck! kind of how it happens in Canon, lol. As Nathaniel grew his personality and character profile past "Hi! I exist to be your boyfriend!" Things quickly took form for our dear Wilson. I chose Wilson as a surname because of our og here:
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...I just think he's neat. The tattoo on his shoulder was going to be Inter Umbra, but I soon found that Noctis Umbra fit far better. Darkness in a night filled world. Toxie Noxie. Plus these names make a poem!
Nathaniel Wilson: God has given a son of will,
Noctis Umbra: A shadow in the night.
Sonia’s names were pretty straightforward. I wanted something playful and energetic! but also quite American. She's a carefree ginger with her heart on her shoulder... Even though it's doubtful this is her real name past just being a stage name. It might be something stupid. Like Marjorie.
Oof. Let's stick with Sonia. I wasn't thinking about any name meanings here, but it is kind of funnily ironic that her name means wisdom! ahah!
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Amon wasn't going to be Arab at first; I was leaning more towards Egyptian mythology rather than modern, Islamic Egypt. I found it a lot funner to meld Momo more in that direction. even though he is raised a lot more multiculturally and areligious past his teen years in canon. (He was working in the mafia since he was fourteen. He has become the definition of Haram.)
So, instead of making a character based off of Amon Ra, or Ammit, the crocodilian deity in ancient Egyptian mythology, Momo kind of evolved past just his character abilities! In canon, Amon uses this name as a nickname/street alias. Adra finds it cool! so she call him that too.. His real, birth name is Arham Hassan Ahmed. Not that he will use it much in the story.
Some literal Google search translations to his name- Arham, coming from the arabic word "rahma", which means merciful or compassionate. Hassan, meaning handsome. And Ahmed, from "al-hamd" meaning praiseworthy. Or so I have read!
Lastly, Eric. My mom came up with it, and my brother immediately went "gasp- RICKY." and it stuck. My brother also came up with Schraf as a surname. It doesn't mean anything, but it's cool innit? (This is also how he named Karl Strohl.)
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arkarti · 3 months
pretty sure i only followed because of the Markiplier art, but the fnaf stuff appearing on my timeline is nice too, especially that i like your art style
that being said, keep it up, i like seeing the funny
ohh thanks so much!! Glad you like it 🙏
I swear I'm not completely lost in the William void 👀💦 Actually have some Markimoo wips in my stash I've been cooking up~
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childoftheriver · 1 year
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Legs Lake and Mushroom Bobby on stage in Hyde Park - courtesy B.A. and her wonderful husband on FB.
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thego-through · 9 months
I'm dying these kids are way to good at being Percy and Annabeth.
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evelynnocto · 11 months
my favorite part of the fnaf movie is when the man behind the slaughter showed up, said "like zoinks Scoob, it's slaughtering time!" And proceeded to slaughter all over everyone
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