#manchester city birmingham city
softshuji · 8 months
hi so I was thinking abt doing smth, I tend to visit a lot of different cafe's and coffee shops (that aren't starbucks cos i hated those them even before boycotting) but i was thinking of making a thread of independent coffee chains and cafes (at least that operate in the uk where I am) so that ppl have an alternative if they don't know anywhere else. thoughts?
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Selfridges was founded in 1908 By Harry Gordon Selfridge , its first store opened on the 15th march 1909 , the second largest shop on Londons Oxford street. Selfridges is unique in having only four locations.
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thewrongblues · 6 days
we won guys, dare i say up the blues (boaf of them)
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edwisefoundation · 12 days
Best Cities to Study in the UK for Nepalese Students
Choosing the right city in the UK for your studies can greatly enhance your educational and cultural experience. Cities like London, Birmingham, Manchester, Glasgow, and Leeds offer a perfect blend of top-quality education, vibrant cultures, and excellent career opportunities for international students.
London is a bustling metropolis with world-class universities and rich cultural diversity.
Birmingham is known for its industrial history and strong academic reputation.
Manchester is both affordable and lively, with strong job prospects.
Glasgow offers a budget-friendly environment and a large international student community.
Leeds is a student-friendly city known for its vibrant nightlife and affordable living.
Would you like to learn more about studying in these amazing cities? Visit Best Cities to Study in the UK for Nepalese Students for in-depth details and guidance.
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rinksrollermagic · 27 days
Why You Should Visit a Roller Skating Rink in Liverpool This Weekend
Roller skating is experiencing a revival, blending fun, fitness, and nostalgia in a way that appeals to all ages. Whether you’re a seasoned skater or a complete beginner, a visit to a roller skating rink in Liverpool this weekend promises an exciting time. With its lively atmosphere, great music, and a welcoming community, Liverpool’s roller skating scene has something for everyone. Here’s why you should lace up your skates and hit the rink.
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therealefl · 1 year
Birmingham City Managerial Candidate Speaks Out On Links
Former Derby County boss Wayne Rooney has been linked with the Birmingham City job over the past week should John Eustace leave for new pastures. The Blues have had an excellent start to the 2023/24 campaign in the Championship and are sitting fourth in the table, having picked up three wins and two draws in their first five games. Birmingham and Preston North End are the only teams without a…
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aventurinedeep · 1 year
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Study in UK
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emailsicansab · 1 year
eics tour uk + eu nonsense outros 💌
june 11 - june 27
dublin, ie - june 11
glasgow, uk - june 13
manchester, uk ~ coming soon
birmingham, uk ~ coming soon
london, uk ~ coming soon
paris, fr ~ coming soon
brussels, be ~ coming soon
cologne, de ~ coming soon
amsterdam, nl ~ coming soon
berlin, de ~ coming soon
more about uk + eu tour 💌
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shannon-treatment · 1 year
A fundraiser for Shannon's treatment - Help Shannon regain her health and joy
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kichisaburo3 · 2 years
Manchester City vs United at Birmingham in 1926 Twitter Reblogged
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TAG of Nostalgy Football Stadium in My Tumblr https://kichisaburo3.tumblr.com/tagged/ nostalgy football stadium
Manchester City vs Manchester United. Birmingham. 1926. pic.twitter.com/HCpyRlFJZ6
— Nostalgia Futbolera ® (@nostalgiafutbo1) November 17, 2022
01 DEC 2022 Thursday
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baddywronglegs · 5 months
England doesn’t have a North-South divide. But if it did have one, Cornwall would be in the North.
Now I’m not saying there isn’t a big geographical divide between like, Manchester and Canterbury, or that the country’s a homogeneous patchwork, what I’m saying is this divide isn’t north-south and thinking about it as such masks a lot of things.
Oh, and I am, for necessity of discussing this divide, going to be ignoring the Midlands. I hope you forgive me ignoring the deep cultural ties between Birmingham and Rutland.
Map Men made a video about the North-South divide in England (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENeCYwms-Cc&ab_channel=JayForeman), which focused on the line determined by Danny Dorling in 2008.
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… Which isn’t a north-south divide. It’s a northwest-southeast divide, going up at more than 45 degrees – it’s more an east-west divide than it is a north-south. It also includes Wales in “the North” but we’ll get to that.
But it was a north-south divide he set out to find, so a north-south divide he sort of drew, excluding exclaves and enclaves where the metrics he was looking at would make that not a north-south divide.
Notably, several would seem to put the west country peninsula in “the North”… So what’s up with that?
(Dorling's full paper is here, and I recommend looking through the whole thing to see how he arrived at the divide he eventually concluded: https://www.dannydorling.org/wp-content/files/dannydorling_publication_id2938.pdf)
Anyway. This is what’s up with that:
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This is a geological map of Great Britain (and the Isle of Man, which isn’t actually part of the UK or any of its constituent countries but I guess it’s here anyway.)
Here again, in the boundary between Jurassic and Triassic geology, is that diagonal line from the Humber to the Severn, but continuing past both. For convenience, here are those two lines superimposed on one another.
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With Danny Dorling’s line (frequently following county boundaries or other administrative boundaries) in blue, and the geological divide in red.
One line was drawn in 2008, the other has existed over 200 million years.
This isn’t a coincidence – it’s the reason for the divide.
What made “the North” is the industrial revolution. And one thing that drove the industrial revolution was the mines: coal, iron, silver, tin, the rocks beneath our feet and the people who dreamed they were worth more than the people they sent into the dark to bring it into the light.
Towns grew around mines, from Walker to South Crofty, and more than just the mines defining them, it was the mines closing that would cement the divide.
“Byker Hill and Walker Shore, collier lads forever more”
“Cornish lads are fishermen and Cornish lads are miners too”
- Two folk songs about regional identity’s roots in its industry, from opposite ends of this dividing line
In the West Midlands, the Black Country didn’t earn that name with caviar; it, like Manchester and Leeds, reinvented itself when the industry collapsed: cities built in the brick ruins of the temples built to the exploitation of the workers, blackened by the smokes of the cremation of its labour industry. When the light catches the steel and glass just right, you can still see the ghosts.
Even the country life outside the cities is shaped by this geology: the terrain north-west of this line doesn’t lend itself to large, flat expanses of land for arable farming, and the divide is visible again when looking at agriculture:
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With the majority of land south of the Jurassic-Triassic line being arable, mixed and market gardening, with a fair amount of cattle in the Cotswolds and Chilterns and along the north side of the Thames, and the majority north-west of it being cattle and sheep – which are almost absent from the south side of the divide with the exception of the Isle of Wight and therefore, ironically, Cowes.
Not all farming is the same, the yearly flow of labour and of marketable goods between livestock and arable having little in common beyond being intensive work out-of-doors and taking huge amounts of land to accomplish.
But one thing that also goes hand in hand with this is that sheep aren’t mostly farmed for their meat but for their wool, and what drove industrialisation in the Pennines was the steam-loom: the mechanisation and mass-production of wool.
(Incidentally, on this map arable farming and market gardening also correlate with several types of English traditional dance: Molly, Border an East Midlands and East Riding plough dances, which began as a way for seasonal farmhands to make ends meet by busking with menaces in the winter off-season, but that’s for a later Morris ramble).
But hang on, that puts Hull on the same side of the divide as Kent, not, for example, Liverpool. So what gives there?
The East Riding isn’t built on mining - a kid with a bucket and spade could find the water table in most of the county.
Hull, and other ports of Yorkshire with it, was built on whaling – and not many industries have collapsed harder than whaling. For once, the geography of the land has little impact on this, but the geography of the sea does:
Between England and the European continent is a shallower stretch of sea called Dogger Bank – named for the Dutch cod-fishing boats known as Doggers which fished on it. But shallow water isn’t great for whales. So where is there water good for whales?
Well, whalers from Great Britain would venture as far as the Antarctic ocean in search of whales, and often hunted off Greenland – but there was water closer to home where whales did and still do frequent:
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(There is still whaling in the North Sea. Around 500 minke whales are killed by Norwegian whalers each year “in objection to” the global ban on commercial whaling.)
Outside of this, there’s also a divide between port cities dealing primarily in cargo or primarily in passengers, something which is somewhat evening out by one means or another, but here’s a current map of UK passenger ports and their passenger numbers:
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Or at least circles sized to correspond to their passenger numbers - source with stats: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/sea-passenger-statistics-all-routes-2021/sea-passenger-statistics-all-routes-2021
Compare this with a map of cargo ports by load:
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Source with numbers: https://safety4sea.com/uk-ports-record-steady-performance-during-2018/
Generally showing passenger numbers getting lower the further you get from Dover, but not the same correlation with cargo (Plymouth and Holyhead both bucking this trend at a glance).
So, if not “The North” and “The South”, what name does make sense for this divide?
I propose “the South” be known as Lloegyr.
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These names still exist: Domnonea still exists in Brittany both as a name for that same region from which Brittonic settlers came to Brittany and an area of Brittany named for them, and in Welsh, yr Alban is Scotland, Cymru is Wales and Lloegr is England.
Wales isn’t part of “the North”. “The North” is part of Wales.
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 2 years
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The Arrangement was very simple, so simple in fact that it didn’t really deserve the capital letter, which it had got for simply being in existence for so long. It was the sort of sensible arrangement that many isolated agents, working in awkward conditions a long way from their superiors, reach with their opposite number when they realize that they have more in common with their immediate opponents than their remote allies. It meant a tacit non-interference in certain of each other’s activities. It made certain that while neither really won, also neither really lost, and both were able to demonstrate to their masters the great strides they were making against a cunning and well-informed adversary.
It meant that Crowley had been allowed to develop Manchester, while Aziraphale had a free hand in the whole of Shropshire. Crowley took Glasgow, Aziraphale had Edinburgh (neither claimed any responsibility for Milton Keynes, [Note for Americans and other aliens: Milton Keynes is a new city approximately halfway between London and Birmingham. It was built to be modern, efficient, healthy, and, all in all, a pleasant place to live. Many Britons find this amusing.] but both reported it as a success).
And then, of course, it had seemed even natural that they should, as it were, hold the fort for one another whenever common sense dictated. Both were of angel stock, after all. If one was going to Hull for a quick temptation, it made sense to nip across the city and carry out a standard brief moment of divine ecstasy. It’d get done anyway, and being sensible about it gave everyone more free time and cut down on expenses.
Aziraphale felt the occasional pang of guilt about this, but centuries of association with humanity was having the same effect on him as it was on Crowley, except in the other direction.
Besides, the Authorities didn’t seem to care much who did anything, so long as it got done.
- Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch
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nem0c · 5 months
Always assumed every major american city has the population of London and only realised the error recently.
NYC is smaller than London, Chicago and LA are each two Birminghams stapled together. San Fran is actually smaller than Birmingham.
Other major cities like Detroit and Denver and Seattle are comparable (though larger) to a Manchester or Leeds
I live in a city actually the size of New Orleans which doesn't feel right at all.
They've got states in the West whose largest cities are smaller than Blackpool.
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rinksrollermagic · 27 days
Why You Should Visit a Roller Skating Rink in Liverpool This Weekend
Roller skating is experiencing a revival, blending fun, fitness, and nostalgia in a way that appeals to all ages. Whether you’re a seasoned skater or a complete beginner, a visit to a roller skating rink in Liverpool this weekend promises an exciting time. With its lively atmosphere, great music, and a welcoming community, Liverpool’s roller skating scene has something for everyone. Here’s why you should lace up your skates and hit the rink.
1. Experience the Thrill of Roller Skating in Liverpool City Centre
The heart of Liverpool boasts several excellent roller skating spots that cater to both casual skaters and enthusiasts. From smooth floors to energetic vibes, these rinks are ideal for a day out with friends or family. If you're looking for a central location, roller skating in Liverpool city centre is a must. Not only will you enjoy skating, but you'll also be surrounded by the city’s vibrant culture and landmarks.
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2. Perfect for a Weekend Getaway
If you’re in or near Liverpool, heading to a roller skating rink this weekend is the perfect way to break your routine. For those who like to explore different cities, consider taking a short trip to nearby destinations like Newcastle or Cardiff. Both cities offer fantastic roller skating rinks that are worth the visit. Whether you choose to skate in Liverpool, Newcastle, or Cardiff, you’re guaranteed a weekend filled with fun and fitness.
3. Ideal for All Ages and Skill Levels
One of the best things about roller skating is that it’s suitable for everyone. Whether you’re bringing the kids for a fun family outing or looking for a unique way to hang out with friends, a roller skating rink in Liverpool is the place to be. You don’t need to be an expert skater to enjoy yourself. Many rinks even offer beginner sessions, so you can learn in a relaxed and supportive environment.
4. Try a Mobile Skating Rink for a Unique Experience
For something different, consider a mobile skating rink. These rinks can be set up virtually anywhere, bringing the fun of roller skating to your doorstep. Whether it's a local park, a private event, or even a corporate gathering, a mobile roller skating rink adds a unique twist to any occasion. The flexibility and convenience of mobile skating rinks mean that you can enjoy skating wherever and whenever you want.
5. Explore Other Roller Skating Rinks Across the UK
If you’re willing to travel a bit further, the UK has plenty of roller skating rinks worth exploring. Cities like Birmingham offer fantastic roller skating experiences that attract skaters from all over. Whether you’re visiting a roller skating rink in Birmingham or a mobile rink set up for a special event, the UK has a rich roller skating culture that’s waiting for you to explore.
6. The Ultimate Combo of Fun and Fitness
Roller skating is not only a fun activity but also a great way to stay active. It improves balance, coordination, and cardiovascular health. With the upbeat music, friendly environment, and the opportunity to meet new people, skating in Liverpool is a perfect blend of exercise and enjoyment.
7. Plan Your Visit
Ready to glide into the weekend? Check out the best roller skating rinks in Liverpool and surrounding areas on www.roller-skate-rink-hire.com. Whether you’re interested in roller skating in Liverpool city centre or exploring rinks in Newcastle, Cardiff, or Birmingham, you’ll find all the information you need to plan an unforgettable skating experience.
So, don’t miss out this weekend—grab your skates, invite your friends, and head to a roller skating rink in Liverpool for a weekend full of fun, fitness, and great memories.
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bluewinnerangel · 1 year
FITF Tour exit songs
- NA LEG - Uncasville: Tina Turner - The Best
Gilford: The Smiths - This Charming Man
Laval: Petula Clark - Downtown
Toronto: Bryan Adams - Summer Of '69
Cuyahoga Falls: The Verve - Bitter Sweet Symphony
Sterling Heights: Shed Seven - Chasing Rainbows
Cincinnati: The Killers - All These Things That I've Done
Columbus: R.E.M. - The One I Love
Indianapolis: Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart
Maryland Heights (St. Louis): Chuck Berry - Johnny B. Goode
Kansas City: Van Morrison - Moondance
Milwaukee: Johnny Nash - I Can See Clearly Now
Chicago: Earth, Wind & Fire - September
Minneapolis: Sinéad O'Connor - Nothing Compares 2 U
Council Bluffs: Buzzcocks - Ever Fallen In Love (With Someone You Shouldn't've)
Sioux Falls: Don McLean - American Pie
Seattle: The Smiths - There Is A Light That Never Goes Out
Vancouver: The Police - King Of Pain
Troutdale: Elvis Presley - Always On My Mind
Berkeley: INXS - Never Tear Us Apart
Los Angeles: 2Pac - California Love
Las Vegas: The Killers - Human
Phoenix: Spear Of Destiny - Liberator
Irving: The Doors - Hello, I Love You
Austin: Wheatus - Teenage Dirtbag
Houston The Woodlands: The Police - Walking On The Moon
St. Augustine: The Police - Every Breath You Take
Hollywood: Elton John - Your Song
Tampa: Pat Benatar - Hit Me With Your Best Shot
Atlanta: The Rolling Stones - You Can't Always Get What You Want
Nashville: Duran Duran - Hold Back The Rain
Charlotte: Lou Reed - Perfect Day
Raleigh: Van Morrison - Moondance
Columbia: Commodores - Easy
Boston 1: Boston - More Than A Feeling
Boston 2: Pixies - Here Comes Your Man
Philadelphia: Sinéad O'Connor - Nothing Compares 2 U
Asbury Park: Bruce Springsteen - Dancing In The Dark
New York: Queen - We Are The Champions (dj elf asked a fan to pick between this one and David Bowie - Heroes)
- EU & UK LEG - Hamburg: Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart
Copenhagen: Queen & David Bowie - Under Pressure
Oslo: Green Day - Wake Me Up When September Ends
Stockholm: The White Stripes - Seven Nation Army
Helsinki: Elvis Presley - Always On My Mind
Tallinn: Smash Mouth - All Star
Riga: AC/DC - Thunderstruck
Kaunas: Elvis Presley - Can't Help Falling in Love
Krakow: Iggy Pop - Lust For Life
Łódź: Ramones - Blitzkrieg Bop
Vienna: Oasis - Supersonic
Ljubljana: The Killers - Smile Like You Mean It
Budapest: Bloc Party - Helicopter
Bucharest: Foo Fighters - My Hero
Sofia: Rage Against The Machine - Bombtrack
Bilbao: Pixies - Where Is My Mind
Lisbon: White Lies - Farewell to the Fairground
Madrid: Editors - Munich
Barcelona: At the Drive-In - One Armed Scissor
Turin: Lenny Kravitz - Are You Gonna Go My Way
Bologna: Bloc Party - Helicopter
Luxembourg: Pixies - Where Is My Mind
Antwerp: Queens Of The Stone Age - My God Is The Sun
Paris: Biffy Clyro - Bubbles
Amsterdam: Blur - Song 2
Cologne: The Libertines - Can't Stand Me Now
Prague: Jet - Are You Gonna Be My Girl
Berlin: The Cure - Friday I'm in Love
Munich: Fatboy Slim - Praise You
Zurich: The Strokes - Last Nite
Dublin: Inhaler - These Are The Days
Sheffield: The Killers - Mr. Brightside
Manchester: The Smiths - This Charming Man
Glasgow: The Snuts - Gloria
Brighton: Ramones - I Wanna Be Sedated
Cardiff: T. Rex - 20th Century Boy
London: The Libertines - Can't Stand Me Now
Birmingham: Boyz II Men - End Of The Road
- ASIA & AUS LEG - Jakarta: Iggy Pop - Lust For Life
Melbourne: Jet - Are You Gonna Be My Girl
Brisbane: The Temper Trap - Fader
Sydney: Oasis - Rock 'N' Roll Star
- LATAM LEG - Panama: Hard-Fi - Living for the Weekend
San Juan: Pixies - Where Is My Mind
Rio de Janeiro: Nirvana - Heart-Shaped Box
Like last time the plan is to keep editing this post as tour goes on - 2022 LTWT here
Apple music playlist here
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earlycuntsets · 23 days
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earlycuntsets.org sourced - where I got all my mcr pictures
pt. 1
parts (2, 3, 4)
first of a series. due to tumblr limits on how many links you can post. this full idea will be continued on future posts. for now here's 2002- 1/2 of 2007. this is pictures. will make a separate post for youtube/recordings.
been needing to fully source my website so here we go! wanted to share with other kool mcr fans.
old fansites/website appearances:
most popular - theimmortalityproject.com
mcr's old website [2002, 2003, 2004, 2005]
magazine scan archive - mcrhollywood.blogspot.com
more mcr flyers here than anywhere - theydrewblood.blogspot.com
gerard pic/interview 2003 - artsucks.com
show pics:
(8/18/2003 & 04/28/2004 washington dc, 08/20/2004 gillette stadium foxborough ma and 06/13/2004 baltimore md) - brokenvoices
(09/13/2004 & 01/21/2005 birmingham academy) - blackvelvetmagazine.com
(rainbow montreal 01/06/2003, kool haus toronto ca 02/10/2003, salle lx montreal ca, 08/25/2003) - junkedcamera.com
(bottom of the hill sacramento ca 1/23/2003) - sacramentomusicarchive.com
I do not know this show, 2003 - idolize magazine
04/03/2004 majestic theater detroit mi - schwegweb.com
05/07/2004 bakersville ca - rocksandiego.com (kira olsson-trap)
10/13/2004 kansas city mo - grrphotography
03/11/2005 taste of chaos cobo arena detroit mi - schwegweb.com
03/13/2005 taste of chaos st louis - grrphotography
03/16/2005 td waterhouse arena orlando fl - jencray.com
03/20/2005 st paul mn - shatterthelens.com
07/16/2005 fairgrounds, salt lake city - trent nelson
08/07/2005 warped tour orlando fl - jencray.com
08/08/2005 warped tour verizon wireless lot charlotte nc - josh hofer
08/12/2005 warped tour tweeter center camden nj - musicmattersmedia.com
11/01/2005 wolverhampton civic hall, wolverhampton england - blackvelvetmagazine.com
03/17/2006 emos austin tx - brooklynvegan.com & andrewkendall
10/26/2006 webster hall ny - dontbescene.com
11/15/2006 nottingham uk - blackvelvetmagazine
1/21/2007 big day out gold coast australia - kylie keene
03/25/2007 cardiff - blackvelvetmagazine.com
07/03/2007 helsinki - deadflowerphotography
flickrs (show pics):
7/25/2003 farmingdale ny - gaelen harlacher
08/16/2003 toronto ca - allfalldownphotography
I do not know this show, 2004 - joel
01/13/2004 night and day cafe manchester uk - tony woolliscroft
04/28/2004 cotton club atlanta ga - mike white
06/15/2004 mr.smalls theater, milvale pa - scapularemix
08/20/2004 gillette stadium foxborough ma - futurebreed
10/26/2004 roseland ballroom nyc - alyssa
01/30/2005 cologne germany - johanna bocher
07/02/2005 warped tour piers, san fransisco ca - laurentertaining
07/06/2005 warped tour pampano beach fl - internetpirateradio
7/28/2005 warped tour quebec city, quebec @ the pepsi colisée parking lot - alec hartman photography
08/05/2005 warped tour st petersburg fl - todd cynic
08/10/2005 warped tour nissan pavillian va - jessica
08/13/2005 warped tour nyc ny - christine natanael
08/23/2005 underworld london uk - sammi hills & lauren siohan
09/02/2005 &09/03/2005 rock in idro milan italy - matteo galli
09/13/2005 station park providence ri - katie o'keefe
09/15/2005 columbus ohio - stacy chambers
09/20/2005 st paul mn - matt birhanzel
10/14/2005 tweeter center camden nj - kristin
03/17/2006 emos austin tx - nicole herbst & allison7821
03/19/2006 recording academy san fransisco ca - james
05/12/2006 sun god festival la jolla ca - sam litvin
08/06/2006 nyc - heather marie ryan
08/25/2006 bramham park leeds uk - dancelike.hell
10/12/2006 virgin megastore london uk - stephen kallao
10/28/2006 & 10/29/2006 voodoo festival new orleans - mandi & voodoo music
10/31/2006 house of blues hollywood ca- veronica murietta
11/09/2006 e-werk cologne germany- sabrina & himychemicalromance
11/21/2006 milano italy - rodolfo sassano
1/24/2007 brisbane austraila - conradpayton
2/04/2007 perth australia - richard giles
03/04/2007 denver co - selene locke
03/07/2007 las vegas nv - heather marie ryan & pamela zabala
03/11/2007 anaheim - scarlet lark
03/21/2007 brighton england - peter hill
04/21/2007 seattle wa - steven friederich
04/22/2007 ft lauderdale fl - heather marie ryan
04/28/2007 williamsburg va - andrew s
05/05/2007 east rutherford nj - maria newman & mimie7981
05/01/2007 toronto ca - liz lulu
05/20/2007 vancouver ca - amy sept
05/21/2007 seattle wa- ciera walters
06/08/2007 leicestershire uk - sara bowrey
06/21/2007 bilboa spain - patriciana
06/23/2007 madrid spain - juan the fly factory
06/24/2007 lisbon portugal - mario guilherme
06/30/2007 hovefestivalen tromoya norway - kim erlandsen
07/08/2007 naas ireland - james quinton
07/25/2007 seattle wa - ciera walters
04/04/2004 bottom lounge chicago il - mechanical_riot
05/11/2004 san francisco ca - from strawberyxlove
01/05/2005 newcastle university england - open_heart_zoo
03/06/2005 daytona ohio - xxmeansyourhxc
03/10/2005 taste of chaos cleveland - dyanna
04/07/2005 barrowland, glasgow uk - elite_cru
part 2 here
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