#mandarin music
khaperai · 1 year
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liu-anhuaming · 2 years
《下雨的夜晚》 苏打绿
受伤了 谁都会哭泣 哭完了 别否定过去
快乐的 美好的 都还在这里 等着你
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zhuzhudushu · 2 years
他们说我是没有用的年轻人 【好乐团】 – 歌词
Click for the official video! Translation by me :D Feel free to make comments or suggestions! I'm a more literal translator and definitely not fluent enough to pick up on nuances lol
[Verse 1]
你会不会和我一样 // Will you be like me? 觉得自己最多就是这样 // Thinking of yourself the most just like this 你会不会和我一样 // Will you be like me? 把希望寄托在别人的身上 // Placing your hope on other people 你会不会和我一样 // Will you be like me? 知道勉强却还在挣扎 // Knowing that it's difficult but still struggling 你会不会和我一样 // Will you be like me? 被生活覆盖梦想和希望 // Life covering up your hopes and dreams
[Pre-Chorus x2]
我们只喜欢小确幸 // We only like the little things we find pleasure in (&) 放弃去改变不公平 // Gave up on changing the things that are unfair 我们都空有想象力 // We all have in-vain imaginations 你们说的也有道理 // What you (pl) say also makes sense
[First Chorus x2]
他们说我是没有用的年轻人 // They say I'm a useless young person (who) 只顾着自己眼中没有其他人 // only thinks about myself and no one else 他们说我是没有用的年轻人 // They say I'm a useless young person (who) 不懂得牺牲只想过得安稳 // doesn't understand sacrifice and just wants everything to be easy
[Repeat Pre-Chorus x2] [Repeat Chorus x1]
[Second Chorus x4]
我知道我是没有用的年轻人 // I know I'm a useless young person (who) 只听见期盼却不曾看到未来 // only listens & waits for a future I'll never see 我知道我是没有用的年轻人 // I know I'm a useless young person (who) 委屈时只敢这样喃喃自语 // only dares to mumble like this when I'm wronged
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walkwithursus · 3 years
A little mandopop playlist
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umabloomer · 3 years
My gf got me into this it sounds like Weyes Blood but in Mandarin. 橄欖樹 “The Olive Tree” by Chyi Yu, 1979, Taiwan. The whole album is very worth listening 
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ozis-paradise · 4 years
ØZI — MISSIONARY 傳教士 [English Translation]
(english translation by me + proofread by @baobeejun thank you 🖤)
I'm so fucking turned on
You're in the bathroom, taking a nude for me
Got me so turned on
My god
You untie your bathrobe, oh babe
Let me know
The cravings of your heart you hide and dare not speak
I follow your spine all the way down
I be goin deep down
Put the key into the keyhole
Our hormones are intertwined between us
We ain't taking it slow
We grind as we collide
Surfing the tide
Nothing holding me down
Right there?
Is it right there?
Right there?
Is it right there?
Tonight isn't sabbath
Treat me as your missionary
Gospel in your ears
My mouth unties your handcuffs
Hanging your thong on the doorknob
Intoxicated by our tongues dancing
Get a napkin cuz I made it drool
Ye-haw Cowgirl, I reversed it
Turn dat ass round, baby twerk it
Your palmprint on the glass
You clamp
Moaning back at me
Yeah you luh it cuz I hit it different
I follow your spine all the way down
I be goin deep down
Put the key into the keyhole
Our hormones are intertwined between us
We ain't taking it slow
We grind as we collide
Surfing the tide
Nothing holding me down
Right there?
Is it right there?
Right there?
Is it right there?
Tonight isn't sabbath
Treat me as your missionary
Gospel in your ears
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7mp3 · 5 years
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thistransient · 6 years
CosmosPeople宇宙人feat.熊仔 [ BonBonBonBon ] 
It’s that time again, time for some random-as Mandarin music Youtube throws at me late at night. 
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liu-anhuaming · 2 years
《没离开过》 performed by 林志炫 and 黄霄雲
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zhuzhudushu · 3 years
New Non-Mandarin Music added to my Recs :3
I added new non-Mandarin Taiwanese artists to my recs page! If you want details see below~
Totem Band 图腾乐团 / tú téng yuè tuán / A mostly Indigenous band I just found! The singer is Amis, two other members are Paiwanese and then one non-indigenous member. They're alt-rock and do some Mandarin lyrics with indigenous chants and some fully non-Mandarin songs, as well as ballads ofc lol
Wing 罗文裕 / luō wén yù / man Hakka singer, mostly ballads, also sings in Mandarin
曾雅君 / céng yǎ jūn / woman Hakka singer
谢铭祐 / xiè míng yòu / he's actually a music producer, but sings in Hokkien and Mandarin
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xiangqiankua · 6 years
 I’ll admit, my taste in Chinese music is based largely on things I heard in China and Taiwan on the radio (I went running a lot and didn’t have any music on my phone), in cafes, or being played by 滴滴 drivers. I heard this in a car once and found catchy. 
躺在病床上動也不想動 看著螢幕上的臉孔 有個陌生人出現不夠一分鐘 他拿著一件斗篷 扮演著一條龍 他帶著一臉笑容 演活平凡的夢 到底他的名字他的生活普通不普通 沒人懂 螢幕  yíngmù / screen (of a TV, computer- not at a movie theatre...as I argued with a friend about for a long time once)  臉孔 liǎn kǒng / face 陌生 mòshēng / strange, unfamiliar  斗篷 dǒupéng / cloak  扮演 bànyǎn / to play a role  笑容 xiàoróng / smiling expression 演活 yǎn huó / to bring one’s character to life 平凡 píngfán / ordinary, mediocre
感謝陌生人陪我偏頭痛 漂洋過海帶來笑容 寂寞天地中成為我的大英雄 他能夠讓我感動 誰管他紅不紅 他知道自己有用 誰管他窮不窮 到底他的過去他的未來成功不成功 沒人懂 偏頭痛 piān tóutòng / migraine 漂洋 piāo yáng / to cross the ocean 寂寞 jìmò / lonely, lonesome 英雄 yīngxióng / hero 未來 wèilái / future
管他頭痛不頭痛 有人這樣努力 我只覺得 管他頭痛不頭痛 有人這樣努力 我只覺得光榮 我的頭痛不再痛 能夠生存就有恃無恐 苦痛說了沒人懂 愛人沒有用 我一樣很有用 我想什麼沒人懂 沒有人歌頌 總有人被感動 不具名的演員不管有沒有觀眾 謝謝儂(上海話) 光榮 guāngróng / honour and glory, glorious  有恃無恐 yǒushìwúkǒng / to feel secure in the knowledge that one has strong backing 歌頌 gēsòng / to sing the praises of, extol  具名 jù míng / to sign, put one’s name to 
好萊塢是演員們的美夢 亮著太遙遠的彩虹 可能來自小胡同的他看不懂 他能夠讓我感動 誰管他紅不紅 他知道自己有用 誰管他窮不窮 到底他的過去他的未來成功不成功 沒人懂 好萊塢 hǎoláiwù / Hollywood    遙遠  yáoyuǎn / distant, remote  彩虹 cǎihóng / rainbow  胡同 hútòng / lane, alley 
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black-dr3sses · 6 years
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secretinthesky · 6 years
Rachel Liang’s 2018 Album - 副驾驶座的风景
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Album photos and mvs were taken i Southern Europe. 
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linghxr · 3 years
Mandarin Music March: Masterpost
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31 songs. 31 artists. 1 month.
Welcome to Mandarin Music March! This month marks a full year since I started listening to more Chinese music, and I want to celebrate! Originally, I was compiling a list of songs suited for intermediate learners to share as a playlist, but instead I’ve decided to embark on a 31-day challenge of sorts. Every day this March, I’ll be sharing one of the songs I gathered along with its lyrics + a vocab breakdown. It will be madness!!! *Some of these songs (and artists) have been mentioned on my blog before, but I haven’t featured full lyrics for any of them.
The songs I’ll be sharing are all songs I think intermediate learners should be able to understand. Of course, intermediate ranges from “not a beginner anymore” to “almost advanced”—some of the songs are easier or harder than the others. I think intermediate learners should be able to follow the songs when listening alone and should be able to understand basically everything when presented with the lyrics.
I’ll be updating this post with links to all the individual song posts. See you tomorrow!
Day 1: 張惠妹 (A-Mei) - 愛 什麼稀罕
Day 2: 阿肆 (A Si) - 我在人民广场吃炸鸡
Day 3: 持修 (Chih Siou) - 膽小鬼
Day 4: 许飞 (Xu Fei) - 寻水的鱼
Day 5: 吳卓源 (Julia Wu) - 原來的我
Day 6: 任然 (Ren Ran) - 刚好
Day 7: 陶喆 (David Tao) - 黑色柳丁
Day 8: 刘力扬 (Jeno Liu) - 崇拜你
Day 9: 原子邦妮 (Astro Bunny) - 蒸發的世界剩下我
Day 10: 刘思涵 (Koala Liu) - 不懂不痛
Day 11: 楊乃文 (Naiwen Yang) - 星星堆滿天
Day 12: 黄龄 (Isabelle Huang) - 抱歉
Day 13: 陳忻玥 (Vicky Chen) - 煙幕
Day 14: 陈粒 (Chen Li) - 剧烈
Day 15: 容祖兒 (Joey Yung) - 看清
Day 16: 打扰一下乐团 (Excuse Me) - 逃
Day 17: 徐佳瑩 (LaLa Hsu) - 人啊
Day 18: 刺猬 (Hedgehog) - 白日梦蓝
Day 19: 孫盛希 (Shi Shi) - 夢遊
Day 20: 郁可唯 (Yisa Yu) - 没空寂寞
Day 21: 戴佩妮 (Penny Tai) - 你要的愛
Day 22: 周迅 (Zhou Xun) - 翅膀
Day 23: 林憶蓮 (Sandy Lam) - 歸零
Day 24: 逃跑计划 (Escape Plan) - 哪里是你的拥抱
Day 25: 蔡健雅 (Tanya Chua) - 遺書
Day 26: 盧凱彤 (Ellen Loo) - 你根本不是我的誰
Day 27: 郭顶 (Guo Ding) - 下次再进站
Day 28: 1976 - 方向感
Day 29: 朱婧汐 (Akini Jing) - 唯一
Day 30: 告五人 (Accusefive) - 愛人錯過
Day 31: 周笔畅 (Bibi Zhou) - 500万个灵魂和每一条皱纹
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languageaspirations · 7 years
《小酒窝》 by 林俊杰 and 蔡卓妍 with pinyin and English translation
Hello Chinese langblrs! My Chinese teacher introduced me to this song and I found it beautiful so I thought I’d share it. It was a quick translation bc the song is quite repetitive, I hope y’all don’t mind! Please tell me if there are any mistakes, feedback appreciated xo I’d love to do more of these in the future (either Chinese/English or English/one of my TLs!)
Lyric video link here! Alternatively there is a video below:
我还在寻找 一个依靠和一个拥抱
Wǒ hái zài xúnzhǎo yīgè yīkào hé yīgè yǒngbào
I am still looking for someone to depend on and a hug
谁替我祈祷 替我烦恼 为我生气为我闹
Shuí tì wǒ qídǎo tì wǒ fánnǎo wèi wǒ shēngqì wèi wǒ nào
Who would pray for me, worry for me, be angry for me?
幸福开始有预兆 缘分让我们慢慢紧靠
Xìngfú kāishǐ yǒu yùzhào yuánfèn ràng wǒmen màn man jǐn kào
Omens of luck are starting to appear, fate allows us to grow closer
然后孤单被吞没了 无聊变得有话聊 有变化了
Ránhòu gūdān bèi tūn mò liǎo wúliáo biàn de yǒu huà liáo yǒu biànhuà liǎo
And then loneliness is swallowed up, from boredom we find conversations, there is a change
小酒窝长睫毛 是你最美的记号
Xiǎo jiǔwō cháng jiémáo shì nǐ zuìměi de jìhào
Little dimples and long lashes are your most beautiful features
我每天睡不着 想念你的微笑
Wǒ měitiān shuì bùzháo xiǎngniàn nǐ de wéixiào
I can’t sleep every night thinking of your smile
你不知道 你对我多么重要
Nǐ bù zhīdào nǐ duì wǒ duōme zhòngyào
You don’t know how important you are to me
Yǒule nǐ shēngmìng wánzhěng de gānghǎo
you make my life perfectly complete
小酒窝长睫毛 迷人得无可救药
Xiǎo jiǔwō cháng jiémáo mírén dé wú kě jiù yào
Little dimples and long lashes make you helplessly charming
我放慢了步调 感觉像是喝醉了
Wǒ fàng mànle bùdiào gǎnjué xiàng shì hē zuì liǎo
I slowed my step, feeling as though I’m drunk
终于找到 心有灵犀的美好
Zhōngyú zhǎodào xīnyǒulíngxī dì měihǎo
Finally I have found someone who understands me
一辈子暖暖的好 我永远爱你到老
Yībèizi nuǎn nuǎn de hǎo wǒ yǒngyuǎn ài nǐ dào lǎo
To share warmth with me for entirety, I will love you till I’m old
幸福开始有预兆 缘分让我们慢慢紧靠
Xìngfú kāishǐ yǒu yùzhào yuánfèn ràng wǒmen màn man jǐn kào
Omens of luck are starting to appear, fate allows us to grow closer
然后孤单被吞没了 无聊变得有话聊 有变化了
Ránhòu gūdān bèi tūn mò liǎo wúliáo biàn de yǒu huà liáo yǒu biànhuà liǎo
And then loneliness is swallowed up, from boredom we find conversations, there is a change
小酒窝长睫毛 是你最美的记号
Xiǎo jiǔwō cháng jiémáo shì nǐ zuìměi de jìhào
Little dimples and long lashes are your most beautiful features
我每天睡不着 想念你的微笑
Wǒ měitiān shuì bùzháo xiǎngniàn nǐ de wéixiào
I can’t sleep every night thinking of your smile
你不知道 你对我多么重要
Nǐ bù zhīdào nǐ duì wǒ duōme zhòngyào
You don’t know how important you are to me
Yǒule nǐ shēngmìng wánzhěng de gānghǎo
you make my life perfectly complete
小酒窝长睫毛 迷人得无可救药
Xiǎo jiǔwō cháng jiémáo mírén dé wú kě jiù yào
Little dimples and long lashes make you helplessly charming
我放慢了步调 感觉像是喝醉了
Wǒ fàng mànle bùdiào gǎnjué xiàng shì hē zuì liǎo
I slowed my step, feeling as though I’m drunk
终于找到 心有灵犀的美好
Zhōngyú zhǎodào xīnyǒulíngxī dì měihǎo
Finally I have found someone who understands me
一辈子暖暖的好 我永远爱你到老
Yībèizi nuǎn nuǎn de hǎo wǒ yǒngyuǎn ài nǐ dào lǎo
To share warmth with me for entirety, I will love you till I’m old
小酒窝长睫毛 迷人得无可救药
Xiǎo jiǔwō cháng jiémáo mírén dé wú kě jiù yào
Little dimples and long lashes make you helplessly charming
我放慢了步调 感觉像是喝醉了
Wǒ fàng mànle bùdiào gǎnjué xiàng shì hē zuì liǎo
I slowed my step, feeling as though I’m drunk
终于找到 心有灵犀的美好
Zhōngyú zhǎodào xīnyǒulíngxī dì měihǎo
Finally I have found someone who understands me
一辈子暖暖的好 我永远爱你到老
Yībèizi nuǎn nuǎn de hǎo wǒ yǒngyuǎn ài nǐ dào lǎo
To share warmth with me for entirety, I will love you till I’m old
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7mp3 · 5 years
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