#mandospace asks
OC-tober Day 10: Kisser in a different time period
Recently, I’ve been working on a Star Wars fic with a higher than usual number of OCs. The fic isn’t posted yet, but I thought I might put a few of these out there.
Once again, this has run long--longer even than the last one--so it's under a read more. I just couldn't resist writing a cute little fic cliché with everyone's favorite womp rat.
The original post is here by @icannotreadcursive.
Day 1
Din Djarin has gotten used to rolling with the weird stuff that comes from having a Force Sensitive kid.
Well, he certainly likes to think so, anyway.
Right up until his kid triggers a lightshow in some old ruins and a young Boba Fett falls out in unfamiliar armor.
“Karking shit hells,” Boba groans, face down on the stone floor.
Din has to agree.
Grogu burbles happily, slapping at the symbol he’d touched on the wall. Fortunately, there are no more light shows.
Boba looks Grogu and smiles, lighter and freer than Din has ever seen. “What’s a tubie like you doing out of the creche?” he asks as he sits up.
Grogu babbles happily, toddling over to Boba and gesturing at Din. Boba almost dismisses him, then does a double take.
“Heyyyyy, Mando,” he draws out the greeting uncertainly, in a distinctly un-Boba-like fashion.
“Fett,” Din greets.
Boba tilts his head in confusion, even as he holds a hand out to Grogu–palm open, relaxed, and not poised to grab. “Sorry, you got the wrong guy. Name’s Kisser.”
It’s Din’s turn to tilt his head. Grogu babbles and slaps at the proffered hand happily.
“Buuur,” Grogu coos.
“Yeah, your buir’s got me mixed up with someone,” Kisser says, nonchalant despite not taking his eyes off Din. “Why’d you bring me here, youngling? Need some help?”
“He likes old Temples,” Din says, as if that explains anything.
Kisser glances around. “Ah, Force Nonsense.”
“You’re familiar with Jedi magic?” Din’s surprised. He doesn’t know many people who sound so confident when it comes to Grogu’s magic.
Kisser laughs and confirms, “Yeah, enough to know most of them will reflexively tell you it isn’t magic. Why? You need one?”
Din shakes his head. “The kid chose to stay with me, rather than his teacher.”
“Aww,” Kisser coos, turning to Grogu, “You really love your buir, huh?”
Grogu shrieks happily, tugging Kisser’s fingers as though to pull him closer to Din.
“Kid,” Din scolds, “Give him a minute.”
“Nahhh, it’s alright,” Kisser waves off Din’s protest, standing in a crouch so that Grogu can drag him over to Din. When Grogu lets go of his fingers in favor of clinging to Din’s shin, Kisser stands. He’s a little taller than Boba is, and younger. He doesn’t have the same scars, and his attitude is completely different as he smiles at Din. “Seems like your kid wants me to meet you properly.”
“Seems so.”
“Think I can head back the way I came?”
“Probably not.”
Kisser sighs, “Thought you might say that.” He opens a panel in his vambrace and taps at some kind of navigation unit. “Looks like we’re out in Mandospace too. You don’t happen to be on good terms with Kryze, by any chance?”
Din shrugs, “We didn’t part on good terms. You know her?”
“Not personally,” Kisser says casually, “But I heard a rumor my General was pretty close with her once upon a time. Thought she might be able to get a call out to him.”
“I got comms on my ship,” Din offers slowly.
Kisser looks up from his nav in surprise. “You sure?”
“Why not?” Din counters, curious.
“Mandalorians don’t like Jedi and Mandalorians don’t like Vode,” Kisser says, confident as though he’s listing simple truths of the universe. “Figured with a kid on board, you wouldn’t want me there.”
Grogu makes an affronted noise and starts crawling up Din’s leg. He snorts and picks up the little womp rat.
“There are a lot of different kinds of Mandalorians,” he says, as though he has always known this and it isn’t at all a recent revelation. He turns to lead the way to his ship.
“You know Jango Fett,” Kisser protests, even as he keeps pace. His tone is light, but the way he glances around for another exit betrays his hesitation.
“Don’t know a Jango,” Din corrects him, “Just Boba.”
Kisser looks startled, “How?”
“He took over Mos Espa on Tatooine.” Din shrugs.
“They let kids take over cities out there?”
“He’s not even fourteen standard yet, is he?” Kisser protests, doing a quick count on his hands.
“He’s older than you,” Din says, baffled.
“Well yeah,” Kisser scoffs, as if it’s obvious, “But I know some Vode decanted around the same time as him, and they said he ages like a Human.”
Din eyeballs him, “And you’re not Human?”
“I’m a Vod,” Kisser eyeballs him right back. “A clone. Do you not get Republic news out here?”
“Which Republic?” Din says tiredly. There were so many ridiculous little governances since the Empire started shattering, how was he supposed to keep up?
“Which–?” Kisser splutters, coming to a stop in his shock. “The one that standardized Galactic Basic, also known as Republic Basic? The language we’re speaking?? Right now???” 
“I thought that was the Empire?” Din tries to reach back to the history lessons he got before he was adopted by the covert, but it’s too fuzzy.
“Empire?!” Kisser shrieks. Grogu makes soothing noises, a toddler’s imitation of what Din does to calm him down. His adorableness is wasted on the distracted adults. 
Din tilts his head. “They’re the largest single government in the galaxy?”
“The Republic is the largest single government in the galaxy!” Kisser says despairingly. 
They stare at each other.
“Clone like…the Clone Wars?” Din finally asks. He doesn’t really want him to answer.
Kisser, blessedly, doesn’t. “How old is Boba Fett, exactly?”
“Let’s go ask.”
The walk is tense and quiet, but they get back to the ship. When Boba answers the call, Kisser takes one look at him and is gone–armor falling to the floor, letting out a small puff of dust.
“What the hell was that, Djarin?” Boba demands.
“A Vod,” Din says, completely bewildered.
Grogu bursts into tears.
Day 11
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mandospace · 3 years
very soft thought that wrecked me shit: when he was still alive, Jango had a favorite dish coughMandalorianratatouillecough he would make, esp if Boba was sad or sick. Years later the two of you are dating, he's never mentioned this dish to you before. You notice he's having a rough day and decide to make him something good to eat to cheer him up and by chance make that same dish, which you had just found on the net and thought looked good
Oh... oh my god. This is so sweet and soft and you just ripped my heart out and stomped all over it. I hope you’re happy now~~
You weren’t sure what planet the two of you had landed on, but whichever one it was, it was dark and rainy. It had been pouring constantly for the past two days and when Boba had stomped into the ship soaking wet with no bounty in sight, you knew he was having a rough day.
Boba didn’t say two words to you before he was peeling off his beskar and soaked underclothes on his way to the fresher. He was grumbling something under his breath, but you didn’t catch it all. Something about “rains more here than Kamino.” You weren’t sure exactly what that was or why he was in such a bad mood, but you knew that you would make your grumpy bounty hunter feel better if it was the last thing you did.
Days spent on the ship alone meant a lot of down time, and in that down time you had picked up cooking. You would search the holopad for hours, trying to find a recipe that would work with what meager food you had stashed on the ship. You had made the dish you were now preparing once before when Boba was out hunting. It was fairly simple and you had all the ingredients.
By the time Boba emerged from the fresher, trousers hanging low on his hips and a towel tossed around his muscly shoulders, the dish was piping hot and ready to be served. Boba had sat down at the small Holochess table tucked away in the corner that the two of you used as a table and you placed the meal in front of him. His face paled and it looked like he had seen a ghost.
“What’s wrong? Does it not look good?” you asked. The worry had begun to swirl in your stomach.
“How...” Boba picked up the spoon and he nudged the stew. “Where did you find this recipe?”
“The holopad, why?” you started to chew your bottom lip in worry. “Have you had it before? Did you not like it? I thought it was pretty good—”
“I’ve had it before, yes,” Boba cut you off as he scooped up a portion of the steaming stew. He brought it to his face, smelling it before he tasted it. Boba closed his eyes and let out a satisfied moan. “Kriff, it even tastes like his too.”
“Tastes like who’s?”
“My father’s. It’s a Mandalorian recipe, he would always make it for me when I was sick or sad. I haven’t had this since he died.”
“Oh, Boba, I’m sorry,” you felt so guilty for bringing up his past unintentionally when he was already having a rough day. “I can make you something else if you’d like—”
“If you take this bowl away I will shoot you, and I mean it.” Boba’s eyes met yours. “I don’t care if we’re together, I will literally shoot you. You will have to pry this bowl from my cold, dead hands before I let you take it away from me.”
You couldn’t help but blink at the bounty hunter in shock. “So... you like it?”
“Mesh’la,” Boba reached for your hand and tugged you onto his lap. He placed a gentle kiss on your lips, trying to convey all the love he held for you in that moment. “I love it. And I love you.”
“I love you too, Boba,” you could feel the blush settling on your cheeks.
“And thank you.”
“For what?”
“For giving me a piece of my father back.”
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jangofctts · 4 years
Hello! I am a long-time Marvel fic writer but I just recently created a new Mandalorian-only blog called @mandospace. For some reason, tumblr isn’t posting my fic in the tags :( it’s the first time I’ve ever written smut and I actually think it is pretty good but tumblr isn’t posting it. Do you know how to possibly fix this problem or get your blog more noticeable? Sorry for bothering you 👉🏼🥺👈🏼
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welcome to the wRetChed whOre club @mandospace
and i think i know what your problem is but i could be wrong?? but i never tag my smut as nsfw or smut bc tumblr tends to blacklist those tags because like in 2017 they had a whole like porn purge thing so dhskdn i think that’s why it doesn’t show up but ALSO LIKE nothing ever shows up in the tags like, i dont know why but tumblr is fucked up
and i think if you cross post to ao3 or just try to post everyday even if it’s like a gifset or art or smthn that’s the best way to get traffic imo
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mandospace · 3 years
After season 2 I just feel like Din is more bottom than top. Like even if he tops, he just wants his partner to feel good. This is a man of action and not many words. ALSO FEEL FREE TO BEFRIEND ME IF YOU WANT BC I NEED MORE STAR WARS FRIENDS.
But I totally agree with what you said. After season 2, Din just needs to be loved and treated good. To not have to worry about anything, to just sit back, relax, and let his Cyar’ika take care of everything. I feel like sometimes he would try to take over but you’d just stop him and go~~~
“No, Din,” you grabbed his hands that were gripping your waist tightly. You felt the tendons in his hand tighten— a sure sign that he wanted to take over— but you stopped him before he could flip you over. “Tonight’s about you. Just relax for me, baby.”
“Just want you,” Din choked out, the pleasure and adrenaline pumping through his veins. If you didn’t move soon he was sure he’d ignite into a ball of flames. “Need you, Cyar’ika.”
“I know, baby,” you experimentally rolled your hips and Din’s cry of relief was music to your ears. He was hot and hard inside of you, stretching you just right. You wanted to go faster and chase after your release but tonight wasn’t about you, it was about Din.
Another roll of your hips and Din couldn’t help how his hands shot up to grab your hips and move you against him. The room was dark but he could see your bright smile as you once again grabbed his hands, this time bringing them up and over his head.
“Relax, Din,” you whispered, breath tickling against the shell of his ear. Your breath was hot and it sent shivers down his spine. His hands were now pinned above him in one of yours. He could easily break free, but that was the thing— he didn’t want to.
Your free hand trailed down the side of his face, his jaw, his neck, before settling at the base of his throat. Your fingers looked so small as they gently squeezed his thick neck. Din’s answering moan sent shivers down your spine and pooled low in your center. You squeezed tighter and resumed the languid roll of your hips against his.
“That’s it, baby,” you squeezed again. “Let me make you feel good.”
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mandospace · 3 years
Hi! I hope you’re doing okay! I’m always here if you need to talk. I’ve been thinking a lot recently about how Mando would interact with someone who’s pretty positive all the time, like not in an innocent way but more of a “I’ve been through some stuff and l know what it’s like to be down” sort of way. Do you think he’d have nothing to do with it or do you think he’d melt for it? (I secretly hope it’s the latter but I feel like it’d the be the former). Also! I’m rewatching the series and it’s stressing me out how quiet and serious Din is towards the end of season one. Like, I know he’s this big tough strong and silent type but I just want this man to be so soft inside ya know? Lol sorry that was a ramble but I hope this helps, if not feel free to ignore and have a lovely day/night!
I am doing much better, thank you! Sometimes it’s just one of those days/weeks, y’know?
Din is 100% soft inside even though he is a big, tough, man™️. I mean, do you see how he interacts with Grogu?! That man is a softie and no one can tell me differently.
As for how Din would interact with a positive person, I think he would be in awe. You’ve been through so much, had seen so many horrible, awful, things and yet you still have a smile on your pretty face? He would be fascinated by you~~
He couldn’t help but stare.
You were dancing around the Crest, singing some song as you were cleaning. Grogu was balanced on your hip, smiling his toothy grin up at you. His little hands would grip the soft fabric of your shirt and he would let out a fit of giggles when you booped his nose. You were absolutely beautiful in that moment.
And so happy.
Din couldn’t figure it out. You had been through so much, had seen so much shit; and yet you still had a smile on your pretty face. Din wasn’t a stranger to the worst things the galaxy had to offer, and neither were you. Yet here you were, dancing across his ship, balancing his kid on your hip and singing.
Of all the people he knew and had met in this wide galaxy; he was sure he understood how people reacted to bad things happening to them. They would kick and scream, cry and curse at the Maker for inflicting them with pain and sorrow. Kriff, even Din had done that a few times.
Yet here you were, living proof that not all people react that way.
Maybe it was something fundamentally different about you. Something that had happened on a molecular level. Some minuscule change in your DNA that gave you the ability to smile even after all the shit you had went through. Or maybe it was just you.
Your voice brought him out of his thoughts. He hummed in response, still entranced by your smile.
“Why were you staring at me?” your eyebrow had quirked up and a look of confusion settled in your eyes but you never lost your smile. He was so in love with you.
“I was admiring you.”
“Uh... why?”
“You’re just so amazing,” he kicked off from the wall he was leaning against and made his way to you. He couldn’t help but cup your soft cheek in his leather-clad hand. He liked to imagine that he could still feel the softness of your cheek through the leather. Maybe he could.
“Din,” a blush had crept onto your face. Maker, you were so beautiful when you blushed. “Stop it.”
“No,” the grin on his face was hidden by his helmet. “You are. You have been through so much and yet you still smile. You seem so happy, when you have every right to be mad at the galaxy. Why?”
“Because I am happy,” your free hand mirrored his and cupped the side of his helmet. “You make me happy. Grogu makes me happy. Our family makes me so incredibly happy that I can’t help but smile.”
“Maker, I don’t deserve you,” Din mumbled as he dropped his forehead to yours— a Keldabe kiss.
“We deserve each other,” your eyes fell shut, content to be in this moment with your family.
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mandospace · 3 years
Sort of fluff thought? But (ignoring canon) imagine Boba and Fennec babysitting Grogu. Maybe Din's off after a bounty and couldn't take the kid with him, so he leaves Grogu with those two. Just imagine the pure chaos. Grogu sneaking away while nobody's looking. Boba deciding that sure the little one's old enough to learn about weapons. Grogu "borrowing" Boba's helmet to either try to put over his head, or to sit in, and Boba just... allows it because honestly? Too cute. Not that he'll ever admit that.
Oh my gosh this is too cute!!
Din would sit Grogu down just like he did when he left him with Frog Lady. He’d point to him and go “mind your manners.” Grogu would just cock his head to the side like “manners? Never heard of them.”
But Fennec would totally have to rein Boba in. Boba would hand Grogu a knife or a blaster and Fennec would just give him a look like ‘seriously?’ before grabbing the weapon from Grogu. Boba would just shrug and be like “what? I had one when I was his age.” And Fennec would go “He’s 50, Boba. He’s older than you.” Boba would just wave her off and turn back to Grogu who found the next shiny weapon in Boba’s armory. He’d be so proud of his nephew.
And the helmet!!! Ah!!! I just have this picture of Boba setting it down to eat dinner or something and Grogu notices it. He’d look at the helmet, look at Boba, and be like “what the hell you literally took your head off how did you not die.” But then he’d start touching it, getting a closer look, and realizing that it’s just like his daddy’s. Since he wants to be just like daddy, he’d tilt the helmet onto his head and it would completely cover most of his body. All you could see are his two little feet poking out. He’d run all over Slave I, knocking into things because he can barely see out of it. But of course, he can move fast on those little legs when he wants to; so Din would come back to find Boba and Fennec chasing him around the ship. Din would just sigh, reach down and grab Grogu, and then look at Fennec and Boba. Fennec would shrug and walk away, but Boba would have a huge smile on his face. He’d say “What? It suits him” before taking back the helmet.
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mandospace · 4 years
I'm in a situation where a family member is verbally abusive to me (don't worry, i'm fine!) and I wanted to give my thoughts about the tin cans about it! I think Din would be silent and observe the whole situation for a bit and carefully tries to calculate what he would say or do to help.Din understands that you have your flaws, and even some of what is said is true, but all of that is invalidated with the way you're treated. Disrespected. Deeply emotionally hurt. He gets you out of there.
(2/2) How Boba would act-Boba would be pissed. Like, how fucking dare you, you know? I think Boba would punch him and you would try to stop Boba from beating the shit out of him. Boba didn't have family and his father had died so he was shocked that someone would do this to their own blood. Then again hes seen a lot in his life. But u r Boba's. Boba will protect you even if it's from your own family. When you sob to Boba about it later, he does his best to shove his anger down. "i'm here now princess"
First off, let me just say that I’m so sorry that you are in that situation! I too am sometimes in that situation and know that it is never good. If you ever need to talk, please reach out to me! Now, let’s talk about our tin cans!
Din— I agree with you, Din would definitely be silent during the whole event. He would watch from the side, knowing that you may not want him to step in at that moment. He would be itching for his blaster, wanting to stop the person dead in their tracks (literally) but he knew you might not like that. But once he got you alone, he would hold you. He would just pull you to his chest and reassure you that you aren’t a failure or a bad person. “Don’t listen to them, mesh’la. You are enough. You are more than I deserve. You are everything to me.” Din would let you cry if you needed to, all while rubbing soothing circles into your back and placing kisses to the top of your head. “Shhh, it’s alright Cyare. I’m here. I’ve got you.” He would vow to himself that he wouldn’t let anyone treat you like that again.
Boba— HOHO OH WOULD BOBA ABSOLUTELY BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF THAT FAMILY MEMBER!! As soon as your family member would start saying those things, Boba would get up from where he was sitting, and do his little murder walk over to them. He’d be all “you have 10 seconds to apologize to my girl or else.” And the family member wouldn’t take him seriously and continue saying shit about you and Boba would just wind his arm back and WHAM! a sucker punch to the jaw. But he wouldn’t stop there, he would keep pounding on the person until you are on his back, trying to pull him off the family member going “Boba, stop! They’re not worth it. C’mon, let’s just go home.” So Boba would finally take you away back to his ship and immediately pull you into his arms. He’d cradle your face and go “don’t ever listen to them, princess. Real family doesn’t treat their own blood like that.” And you’d be crying and you would cup his cheek and say “I know, you treat me so much better. You’re my real family.” And he’d just sweep you up into his arms and take you to his bed where he’d cradle you and whisper sweet nothings all night long. “I’ll always protect you, princess. You’re my aliit. My family.”
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mandospace · 3 years
But imagine that same happy/positive person breaking down in tears for the first time in front of din!😩
Oh my gosh!!!
I feel like he wouldn’t know what to do at first. Seeing you cry, just overcome with sadness would make him almost numb. That sort of numbness that grips your heart in a vice and sends ice water through your veins. You were one of the strongest people he knew and he wasn’t experienced in helping others when they were hurting. But he would try his hardest to make you feel better. He would take you in his arms, wrapping his larger frame around yours. Din would tuck your head under his chin and softly rock you back and forth, all the while murmuring Mando’a to you. You wouldn’t know what he was saying, but all the while Din would be confessing his love and admiration for you. “You are so strong, beautiful. You are the strongest person I know. I love how optimistic and positive you are. I love how good you are with the kid. I know if anything happened to me he would be safe with you. My heart, you are hurting and that hurts me deeply, but just know that it is okay. You are allowed to feel your feelings. Just know that you are never alone, my love. I love you so much, even I cannot comprehend the depth of my love for you. You will get through this, and I will be with you every step of the way. I love you, my love. My beautiful girl.”
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mandospace · 3 years
Hey I legit got an account just to ask, I love your stuff and you’re a super good writer but do you have any x male reader or gender neutral reader stuff?
Thank you so much! It means the world to me! I don’t have too many things that are gender neutral and I unfortunately don’t have any male!reader ones. I tend to write in the perspective of someone who identifies as female just because I also identify as that, and my fics are often my dreams and fantasy. That being said, every time I’m writing I have been trying to make my fics at least gender neutral since I am trying to let everyone enjoy fanfiction (as they should!) I hope to improve with that in the future :)
As for fics, I only have one that is tagged as GN!Reader and it is Sweet, a Din Djarin fic.
I quickly skimmed through my works and found some other fics/drabbles that have no specific pronouns, so while they aren’t tagged as GN! they essentially are since there are no specific pronouns. I apologize if there are any female pronouns in there! Here they are: Din being with a positive!reader, Mandalorian food and making Boba feel better, Boba comforting you, and Boba helping you if you had a migraine.
I apologize for the lack of GN and x Male fics on my blog, I hope to remedy this in the future! Hopefully you can still find some enjoyment in the small amount of fics that are considered GN that I do have. And thank you for your kind message!
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mandospace · 4 years
In need of Din railing me & brat taming me for acting out while taunting me how he loves watching me squirm when he teases me 🥺😫
Oh my gosh yessssssse😩😩 I just know you would talk back to him about something while he is just pounding into you and he’d grab your jaw, squeezing your cheeks together and going “what was that, mesh’la? You want to say that again?” And he’d stop his movements and you’d just whine and whimper, whispering “please, just move Din!” He’d just laugh at you, give your butt a small smack and go “bad girls don’t get this cock. So, are you going to stop being a brat and do as you’re told?” He’d push his thumb past your lips, making you suck on it as you nod your head. “Good girl,” he would snap his hips into yours and it would just feel so good and you’d cry out.
Oh god, I want him to do this to me😩
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mandospace · 3 years
ugh, I've had not-quite-migraine for about two days now. I'm tired but I can't get much sleep, I hurt, and am just all around uncomfortable. I just wanna lay in Boba's arms and make my being in pain his problem lol
Aww, I’m sorry you’re not feeling the best! I too often want to lay in Boba’s arms and have him make me feel better.
Boba would definitely take care of you and would do everything in his power to make you feel better. I feel like if you were really clingy and just kind of draped yourself over him, he would at first be like “babe, c’mon I’ve got work to do.” But as soon as you gave him the puppy dog eyes he’d instantly go into caretaker mode. He’d sweep you up into his arms and take you to his chambers and lay you down on his plush bed. Boba would turn off all the lights so the brightness wouldn’t bother you and he’d go to the fresher to run a washcloth under warm water before bringing it back to you and placing it over your eyes. He would crawl under the covers next to you and wrap you in his arms. You would rest your head on his strong chest and he would rub soothing circles into your back, maybe even rub tiny circles at the base of your skull where the pain is the worst. All the while he would be whispering words of affection and love in your ear. “You are so beautiful, Cyare...” “Just rest your eyes, let me take care of you.” “When you feel better, I’ll make you your favorite food.” Or maybe he would softly sing to you a song his father taught him in Mando’a, or hum the tune you always seem to be singing. Either way, he would try his hardest to make you feel better.
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mandospace · 3 years
Could you write something for din like din and reader walking around a market when the reader eyes something they like and mando is a sweetie and buys it? It would be so cute 🥺
Ooooo this is so cute and I have an idea for it! I’m going to try to write it today and post it tonight 😊
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mandospace · 3 years
Excuse me um..... You're amazing ❤️
Literally thank you for taking the time out of your day to send me such kind words. I really appreciate it, you have no idea. I’m about to start crying because of how sweet this was ❤️
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mandospace · 3 years
hi heard your requests are open and I was wondering if I could request mando x reader ? Maybe reader is having a nightmare and calls out for him or something ? Thank you 💕✨
This is so cute! So sorry it took me so long to write it, but it will be up shortly!
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mandospace · 4 years
If you're still taking requests, would you write a Boba x female reader smut? I headcannon Boba as being really rough most of the time, kinky as hell, and definitely has a breeding kink. I'm not into the entire 'daddy' thing, but am game for just about anything else.
Yes, I would love to! I love me some kinky Boba😈 I am such a whore for that man and I’m not even ashamed about it. He could do whatever he wants to me😩 But I am writing it right now! I’m about a quarter of the way to halfway done with it. Hopefully I will be able to finish it and post it tomorrow! So be on the look out for some kinky Boba smut😉
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mandospace · 4 years
Hi! I love your writing! 🖤 May I request something with jealous Boba? 🙏🏻✨
Absolutely! I’ve been working on it the past week and hopefully I can finish it tonight, but expect it to be up either tonight or tomorrow ☺️
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