youtubeminuscontext · 6 months
I'm gonna drink some gasoline on the toilet.
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roadimusprime · 11 months
Do you ever check in on old youtuber gamers?
Cause I just learnt that Minx (RPGMinx/MangaMinx) is a trans woman by going on her twitter
I don't know when she came out, but i'm happy for her that she finally feels comfortable enough to disclose this.
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gefdreamsofthesea · 1 month
I'm watching mangaminx play Crow Country (a Silent Hill/Resident Evil survival horror game with PS1 era graphics) and she encounters an electrical box and is like "....can I shoot it?"
She does so, immediately loses a good chunk of health.
I feel like she can't blame the game for that.
I do really like that the character says "What's this?" when she's near an item/interactable thing.
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cynthiaandsamus · 1 year
(Just read some stuff about Mangaminx wow apparently all my starter pack streamers ended up having some shit going on, like I was aware her relationship didn’t do well but damn, think I just had crap character assessment ability in the 2010s because hindsight is coming for all my old youtube subscriptions)
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kitekki-khaos · 3 years
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I was reminded of the youtubers who got me into youtube and let's plays, as a whole recently and decided I wanted to do some fanart. The first let's player I ever really actively watched, the first one I ever subscribed to, was MangaMinx during the Amnesia days. Ironically, it was fanart that turned me onto her in the first place, as well. I believe it was actually Gabbi's chibis of Minx, Pewds, and... two others I can't remember now. I remember everyone always talking about Pewds and Ken and Mark way back when, but Minx was the first female let's player I ever heard about. And she immediately became my favorite. All of that snark and sarcasm and brutal honesty. When she lost her original channel, and I had to watch all those videos just disappear forever, series-by-series, I was crushed. But she kept making content via TheRPGMinx channel and now she's got KrinxTV (though she's mostly moved to twitch nowadays) and I'm just happy she's still around and still playing horror games. Thanks for being awesome, Minx. I doubt I ever would have started my own channel without you. Or been my full snarky, sarcastic self doing it. <3
Posted using PostyBirb
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signerjarts · 3 years
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New timelapse video dropped! This time of the Krinx card I did for the Strangeland video! 
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mc-slowwalker · 3 years
Might fuck around and get emotional about seananners, gassymexican, and mangaminx
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mark-dark-andmore · 5 years
Like Ghosts in Snow | Chapter One
a/n: here it is!!! i’ve worked on this for a long time, so enjoy!
warnings: cussing, gore
word count: 2.2k
pairing: pirate!darkiplier x assassin!female!reader
summary: Y/N L/N, a saint from one realm fell to the next realm, has become someone who doesn’t care for anyone anymore…except for when she meets the most dangerous pirate crew.
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“Hey!” The voice was cut off before they could even utter another word. 
The dagger had sliced cleanly into the target’s throat, and his head had slammed against the wall behind him. The silhouette stepped over broken glass and placed her hand on the leather handle of the dagger. She yanked it out of the target’s throat, and the body slid down to the floor. Her (y/e/c) eyes flickered to the target’s face, it was splattered with his own blood. She knelt down and wiped the blood on the dagger onto the target’s clothing. She then stood, and carefully walked to the window she had broken. She slipped out of it, and down to the cobblestone street below. She pulled up her dress near her right thigh, then slid the sharp dagger back into its strapped sheath. The high-heeled boots clicked against the smooth stones as she made her way towards the tavern that she considered home. she smoothed down her dress and the black leather corset that tightly hugged her stomach. she pulled her black hood tightly over her face, to hide from witnesses. she continued down the street, as the tavern appeared in the distance. Her movement became faster, and she entered the forest as she heard a woman’s sharp scream. A smirk appeared on her face, and she then continued towards the abandoned tavern. The windows were boarded up heavily and didn’t give off any sign of life. It was a three-story building and was not completely abandoned.
“Someone please help!” The woman cried as the assassin reached the metal gate of the abandoned tavern. There was a sign above it, saying ‘Love and Lucky’, but the ‘Y’ had broken off long ago. she pushed open the gate with her cold hand and entered the ghostly property. she walked quickly toward the old oak doors and knocked four times.
A small opening in the door swung open, and a pair of blood red eyes look down upon the assassin.
“Who is it?” The dark and fiery voice snarled.
She answered with her name quietly, barely even noticeable, and the opening snapped shut. The door opened inward, and she entered quickly. The door slammed shut behind she, she didn’t even flinch.
“Thanks, Krism.” The assassin uttered quietly, not even glancing at the dark clothed woman. Warm flames flickered light into the large room, this was her home, as well as many others’ home as well.  The wood floor beneath she was silent as her boots clicked against it. To the left of she was the main room, where an elevated dining area and bar sat. There was a gowned lady working the bar, and two of the twelve people in the room were chatting and laughing with her.  Five of the others were playing poker in the dining area, and a couple were sleeping in the living area on the right side of the room. The room had turned silent when the assassin entered the room, they all knew it was she by the familiar clicking of her heels. The (y/h/c) woman walked straight ahead into a long hallway, and she stopped in front of a door at the end of the hall. Her knuckles rapped on the door twice, and there was a grumble in the room.
“Come in.”
She opened the door, and entered the room. She closed the door behind herself, and she glanced to the man sitting behind a desk. The man was going through papers when he looked up. He smiled.
“Lady Y/N Luck, it’s so good to see you again, my dear.”
She pulled her hood down from her head, and She smirked. her (y/h/c) hair flowed to her shoulders, and it was pulled into a side ponytail, held in place by a ribbon. her white dress had long, white lace sleeves with black lace gloves strapped to her hands. her corset flowed in the back and met the edge of her dress. She wore black stockings with knee-high high-heeled boots. She was short in stature, but the heels made up for it.
She smirked at the brunette man, and his smirk diminished. “Matthew.”
“So?” He asked, getting up from his desk. He wore dress pants, a white dress shirt, one of the sleeves was cut off, and a black vest with a red tie. His cloak covered three-fourths of his body, only showing the exposed arm with a ‘Theory’ emblem, as he liked to call it. It was a circle with a trophy in the middle. “How did it go?”
“You didn’t hear the screaming?” She answered, smirking as pride swelled in her chest. She pulled up her dress to reveal her thigh, where a part of her stocking held a folder and two daggers. She grabbed the folder and let the fabric flow back down. She handed the folder to Matthew, who gladly took it with a flirty look in his eye. her eyes were cold and unknown, She didn’t feel like toying with his heart today. her mischievous smirk dropped, and Matthew sighed as he sat down.
“No.” She answered blankly, and She watched Matthew closely. She was supposed to get a new assignment, but She knew that he was running low on assignments.
Matthew leaned back in his chair, meeting her (y/e/c) eyes with a nervous glare. “I don’t have any more assignments for She; only data retrieval.”
She nodded.
“So, you’re going to have to hunt down a woman named Muliercula of Salem, she has data that both you and I need. But,” He sighed with disappointment. “She is a well-guarded woman, and I’m not saying that you can’t handle it, but it’ll be tough. You’ll have to wait a few months before even tracking her down.”
She let out a calmed breath before nodding, her eyes were emotionless.
“In the meantime,” Matthew continued. “You are free to do whatever you want for a couple of weeks. I’ll send for you when I am ready. You are dismissed, Lady Y/N.”
her eyes flickered to Matthew’s, and both of them knew that she would drop off the face of the Earth until she was called upon. The assassin curtsied to the commander and swiftly left his office in dominant silence. Her heels echoed throughout the hall as She entered the main room once again.
“Ahh, Y/N!” A woman with long, brown and platinum blonde hair walked up to her. Her eyes flickered to the woman’s dark brown eyes with a sense of comfort. It was Zero Doxy, one of her closest yet distant allies.
“Doxy.” She greeted kindly.
“Not as chatty today, it seems!” Ken, a good friend of hers, laughed from the bar. Her (y/e/c) eyes then glanced to his dark cinnamon brown eyes, which bore a happy aura. Her emotions were always shown by her eyes, her closest friends knew that. She never bore any emotion on her face, and they’ve never even seen her smile.
Ken ruffled his own shaggy brown hair, and smiled at her with joy.
“Funny.” She answered in monotone sarcasm.
“Oh, come on, Lady Luck, aren’t you gonna say something more than one word?” Another brunette person rolled their eyes.
“Shut up, Zombie. Don’t tease her!” The bartender, Signe, slapped the arm of the dark brown haired man beside Ken. Zombie rolled his dark emerald green eyes at the chocolate haired Signe and slid his empty glass toward her. Signe rolled her bright blue eyes at him as she wiped a bit of water on her simple black dress. She placed a pitcher in between Ken and Zombie, she was slightly ticked off at Zombie. “She looks tired anyway.” Signe leaned over the empty space at the bar and smiled at her. “I can set you up upstairs, Y/N.”
She shook her head.
Signe gave up instantly, everyone knew not to bother her. She slipped back to the cabinets behind her and took out a small burlap sack. She placed it on the glossy bar. “Before you leave then, here’s some supplies and reloads for you, my dear.” She then returned to chatting with the now four people in the dining area.
The clicking of heels echoed through the room again as she made her way up the three steps and to the bar. She grabbed the small bag and nodded to Signe, who waved.
“See ya, Lady Luck.” Ken smiles at his old friend, she nodded to him as well. Ken then fixed the sleeves on his long, black and gold overcoat, which shadowed his entire outfit. She turned on her heel and walked down the stairs then to the door.
“Oh, Y/N, wait.” Doxy said quietly to her, to which she paused and looked to her dear friend. Doxy held out a small pouch and smiled at Y/N. “Happy early birthday, seeing as you’ll probably be gone when it swings around in a couple of months.”
She looked to Doxy’s dark brown eyes once again, with grateful happiness in her own (y/e/c) eyes. She nodded and waved to her friend. She turned to Krism, a woman cloaked by a heavy black overcoat and cloak. Her clothing wasn’t visible, but her jet black hair reached her unseeable collarbone, and her red eyes gave her a sense of comfort. She opened the door for Y/N, and she quietly exited the stronghold.
Y/N walked quietly along the shore of the beach, she was thinking alone. The moon above her shone brightly, where she could see miles of the calm beach. The lights of the city of Impii shone dimly, seeing as it was in the middle of the night. her feet were bare, and the sand sifted onto her feet calmly. Her boots were in her hand, as she held the amulet she owned in her hand. The ocean sounded calm, and she felt cold inside once again. The amulet was one of the last light amulets in the world, and she all of them now. Doxy had given she had the amulet that she had found several weeks ago. She sighed, then placed the amber amulet around her neck. her mind was swirling with thoughts of what to do in the next few weeks. It’s not like she had a family; her family was killed years ago. And it wasn’t like she could stay at ‘Love and Lucky’; she would be caught quickly if she stayed in one building more than a week. She did want to stay with Matthew and Krism,  her good friends, but it was too much of a risk.
Sand crunched from behind her, and she whipped around, only to be tackled by a man in dark clothing.
“We’ve got her!” The man said in a gruff voice, and she yelped out in pain. The man was heavyset, and he was crushing her. Her arms were pinned to the ground by two other men, she couldn’t reach any of her weapons.
“Get her on the damn ship! Now!” A woman’s voice snapped from a small distance, and the three men yanked her to her feet. The two men held her arms against her back tightly, and the other man led them towards town.
I’m a fucking idiot. Y/N snapped at herself, she knew she should’ve heard them coming. That’s what I get for thinking, fucking shit.
As soon as she pulled herself out of her thoughts, they had dragged her onto a ship and she was ‘led’ below deck to a prisoner holding cell. She rolled her eyes.
The two men harshly pushed her into the cell, and she stumbled, now on her feet. The two guards slam the door shut, smiling.
“We got the Luck Assassin, Keith.” The taller one of the two smiled to the shorter one.
“Good work. You did pat her down, yeah?”
No, he didn’t.
“Yes, I did. She’s clean.”
Stupid choice.
“Alright. I’ll send Oliver to watch over her.” Keith, a small man with spiky, blond hair, disappeared out of the room. The taller man looked to her, as she stared at him, standing defensively. Her eyes stared holes into the taller man, who felt a certain fear clench his body like ropes. The man shivered, and left the room, nearly crashing into another crewmate, a female. She was dressed in a black leather jumpsuit. There was the insignia of the hidden government; Ivy League of Blood. It was a rose in dark red, with gold splotches to act as blood.
The woman stood there in silence, as she sat down on the only seat in the cell. It was a long plank, with a thin blanket on it. She placed her boots down, out of her hands and began to dust off the sand from her feet.
“You’re lucky the others didn’t find you. You would have been dead by now.” The woman spoke in a harsh tone, she didn’t pay any mind to her; she was too busy thinking of an escape route on how to get off the boat, as she dusted every grain of sand from her shins and feet. The woman’s hand slipped to her own weapon belt, and she pulled out a small potion bottle. “But for now, let’s see if the silent assassin will spill her guts.”
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shythalia · 5 years
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lol ye (g)olden days of youtube
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gothic-cepho · 9 years
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HOLD ON Until you find the friends who’ll support you Until you find a place you feel secure, you need to HOLD ON Until you’re independent Wherever in the spectrum you are
So boyinaband released a new co-op with Mangaminx and Cryaotic and I haven’t stopped listening to it
sorry for the horrible quality but gifyoutube was playing up and my laptop isn’t good enough to do proper gifs :(
listen to the song here
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luxarcher · 8 years
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Have some Krinx, commissioned by @krismpr0​ !!
- Do not repost, use or edit without the commissioner’s permission. - Do not erase the watermarks.
[ Commission Info ]
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victubia · 6 years
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Holiday wallpaper up on Patreon!  ALL patrons (and all who signs up as patrons before the 14th) will get this art as a holiday card from me! [read the info post over at my patreon <3]
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rocknrollcola · 6 months
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rat2rrj · 5 years
Oh no there's a policeman, he's running into trees outside! Oh shit!
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signerjarts · 5 years
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‘Couples Night’ Commission for @iziksquirel and his husband, Dillybit! Featuring also @krismpro and @therpgminx !
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jububblyjo · 6 years
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our dear, fair lady; Queen Minx
flower meanings underneath
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snapdragon - deception, gracious lady
begonia - beware
achillea millefolia - war
monkshood - beware; a deadly foe is near
oleander - caution
orange lily - hatred
witch hazel - a spell
tussilage - justice shall be done to you 
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