#manics 1992
iamtryingtobelieve · 2 years
Your dream can never earn enough
Ultimate nihilistic love
Tennessee nights just zip-code love
Always believe the comfort of strangers
Tennessee eyes graffiti once blue
Media sells a trace of hate
Media sells a trace of hate
Our epitaph reads like your sin
Subvert, destroy, beat derelict
Tennessee nights just zip-code love
Commanche becomes as maggot
Tennessee eyes orange once blue
Media sells a trace of hate
Media sells a trace of hate
His pain forgets her agony
His heart P-M-R-C
His heart P-M-R-C
The white man is disease
His heart P-M-R-C
Your dream can never earn enough
Ultimate nihilistic love
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px-px-pc · 3 months
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Summer hair styles (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞ soo cute!
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thepoeticall · 2 months
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wolfieloveswade · 2 years
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Richey Edwards, 1992
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internatlvelvet · 7 months
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manics 1992
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turnleftaticela · 2 years
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Hollywood + Disneyland are the legacy of Europe’s cultural imperialism. We gave them nursery rhymes + they gave back film. Televised riots are as American as Barbie/Big Macs. Tomorrow the riots will be forgot but Mickey Mouse will still be there. Welcome to Disneyland. Love, Manic Street Preachers.
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fromdispair2where · 2 months
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i always thought jdb was saying "comforts safer than suicide"😭
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spilladabalia · 1 year
Manic Street Preachers - Stay Beautiful
Don't wanna see your face
Don't wanna hear your words
Why don't you just
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Once again, my question is...
2013's "The Distortion Field" is the first and only studio album so far that doesn't feature Eric Wagner on vocals, but instead Kyle Thomas also known from bands like Exhorder, Alabama Thunderpussy, Floodgate, Heavy As Texas, Pitts vs. Preps...
Ps, if you vote please also reblog, the more people will do so the more this post will spread and the better the outcome and results will be. A big "thank you" in advance to anyone who will partake in this! Yours truly: @necro69mancer 🤘🍻
Oh, and also... suggestions for future polls are always welcome! 😎
Last weeks poll ended with almost 40 votes and two winners! It was a draw between Nirvana "Nevermind" (1991) and Alice In Chains "Dirt" (1992), with each 20,5%. I myself voted on Alice In Chains. All 10 bands are amongst my favorites... but Alice In Chains has that something special that keeps me coming back to their music, even to this day.
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I initially was trying to make a poll about the late Eric Wagner's greatest Trouble albums and his side projects. But i soon realized there are simply too many awesome Trouble albums that would have been left out if i was trying to fit it all into one poll. So yes, there will be another poll featuring some of the best side project releases from the core members of the band. 🤘
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Trouble is an American doom metal band from Aurora, Illinois, formed in 1979. They are often considered one of the pioneers of doom metal, and have been referred to as one of the genre's "big four" alongside Candlemass, Pentagram and Saint Vitus. The band created a distinct style, taking influences of the British heavy metal bands Black Sabbath and Judas Priest, and psychedelic rock of the 1970s.
Trouble's first two albums, Psalm 9 and The Skull, are cited as landmarks of doom metal. To date, they have released eight studio albums. Although never officially disbanded, they went inactive after original singer Eric Wagner left in 1997. He rejoined in 2000 and left again eight years later; he was first replaced by Kory Clarke and then by current vocalist Kyle Thomas, who had also filled in for Wagner during his initial absence from Trouble. Wagner died in 2021.
Rob talks with Eric Wagner on their tour stop in Arlington, TX on 8/6/21. Eric passed on August 22, 2021, this great interview was recorded only 16 days earlier...
Core members include Wagner, guitarists Rick Wartell and Bruce Franklin, and drummer Jeff Olson. Early lyrics had a spiritual nature; Metal Blade Records initially marketed Trouble as "white metal" (in contrast to the rising black metal movement) in the 1980s.
@goblinkleaver @beardedguy1369 @1000deleting @wayward-cat @wolvesofodinedinburgh @manuaani @moonstar-magic @gloria-glitter @maidenintexas1 @machetazos88 @inkedupblondie @very-old-biker ...
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intravenous-agnostic · 4 months
finished my library book time to focus completely on everything
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politemenacephd · 8 months
A Winter Stroll
Miguel O'Hara x GN!Reader (ft. baby Gabriella)
Short AU where you and Miguel take your baby Gabi for a stroll in the park while its cold. Pure romantic fluff.
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Word count: 1992
‘Hey, are you sure she’s covered?’
You glanced up and watched your breath turn to smoke in the air, its haze obscuring the face now glancing down at you from above. You watched it dissipate.
Miguel was staring down at you, his gloved hands manically rubbing against each other as he tried to warm them up.
‘Hmm? You mean Gabi?’
You turned from your beloved partner to what you'd been pushing; a clean, padded purple stroller that you’d only just bought, currently carrying the most precious cargo in the world to you both.
Little Gabi peeked out from beneath her coverings, her big brown eyes blinking against the cold. You instinctively bent down to check on her.
‘Hey, baby girl. You okay?’
You’d decided to take a small break and go on a walk in the local park, just something to get Miguel out and about. He was usually so restless but since Gabi was born he’d been nearly bed bound, utterly fixed to her side. His favourite thing was to spoon you beneath the sheets in your shared bed while facing Gabi’s crib, watching the mobile spin as she gurgled and cooed, holding you all in his grip and never letting go. If he had the chance he’d do that until the end of time.
But you insisted he at least get some movement into his day, and so he’d agreed to this short stroll, not realizing just how chilly it still was.
It was the kind of cold you could smell. When you breathed in through the nose it stung just a little, and all you could really scent was the ice on the grass.
Because of this the park was almost empty, spare for one woman and her dog in the distance, and the trees were bare and dark. The sky was empty and blue, like a still ocean in a timeless void. The world had been coated in a kind of dull, muted sheen, a dreamlike dullness.
Everything was still, quiet, sleeping. The grass crunched underfoot, and your shoes made little echoing clacks on the hard pavement when you walked across it. There was no sound but the single chirping of a robin somewhere nearby.
It was serene, to you, but to Miguel it was a little bit terrifying.
‘Gabi’s fine’ you insisted, gently reaching down to show her. She was utterly bundled in blankets and was wearing her oversized little parka onesie in his favourite shade of purple, and the only thing you could see was her little nose and her big eyes. She was blinking slowly, too young to really see but too curious to sleep.
Miguel curled his lip, his brows knotting against his will. ‘Mm- let me, just, check her again, please? Mi tesoro?’
‘Oh Miggy, you—okay, okay. You check her all you want.’
You graciously stepped aside for him to bend over, and he did, though not before giving your cold nose a quick kiss. You giggled at his insistence.
The moment he got close to Gabi his face lit up. Those old, worn, tired lines seemed to melt away in her presence. He looked so much younger.
With her father now in her line of sight Gabi’s eyes suddenly locked on. She focused in on his face and warbled softly.
‘Hola, mi amor’ he whispered. Gabi garbled a little louder in response.
When he smiled his breath condensed around his bared fangs, a soft white mist that highlighted the pearly sheen of his teeth. You saw the little wrinkles by his eyes when he smiled, the sign of a man who was gleefully exhausted.
‘Ah, mi bebita. ¿Tienes frío?’
Gabi gurgled beneath her pile of blankets. She managed to get one tiny fist free but Miguel immediately tucked it back in, though he did pause to admire how small it looked in his own enormous hand. Her little fist barely covered his thumb.
‘Sweetheart, she can’t talk yet’ you gently reminded him. You bent until you were at the same height, gently easing him away from the object of his obsession. His eyes were wide beneath the stray locks of his hair, big and soft and red.
‘I- I know, that, but—’
‘Mhm. You always say you know, and yet, you just keep doing it.’ You couldn’t help but chuckle at him, and despite his awkwardness he smiled back.
‘I just want to be sure she’s okay’ he whispered. With your smile still straining your cheeks you gently bumped your temple against his.
‘I know. But you know I want that too, right?’
‘Of course, mi tesoro! I wasn’t suggesting otherwise.’
‘Mhm. I know, but, consider, that constantly asking if she’s warm enough, it—’
You held out your hand to prompt him, and he begrudgingly shrugged. ‘It- sounds like I don’t trust you to do a good enough job.’
‘There you go. You know you’re very smart, you should be a scientist maybe. Have you thought about that?’
‘Aha, funny. Diablilla.’
You giggled as he gently clacked his fangs on your cheek.
‘You wanna keep going? We can turn back if you really want, in all honesty I don’t want to freak you out’ you said.
Miguel shook his head. ‘No, no, you’re right. She’s fine. You know best, as always.’
‘Oh my god- you big suck up’ you teasingly chided.
‘Mhm. Happily. The most beautiful creature in the world’ he said, his finger lightly brushing your cheek. You snorted in reply.
‘I don’t know about that. My- nose is running into my scarf, and my hair—’
Your list of complaints was stifled as Miguel put a single finger to your lips, smooshing them shut. With his gaze fixed on your's he then gently pulled up his sleeve and wiped your nose clean.
‘Beautiful’ he repeated, without a shadow of doubt or hesitation.
Despite the cold, you felt your body burning up.
‘Alright, you—come on, let’s go’ you said, trying to cover how coy you’d suddenly gotten. Miguel hid his smug smile at having very much already noticed it.
With his fears now quelled you both pulled back and continued walking, with your hands on the stroller and Miguel’s arm around your waist. He squeezed you tight to his side. Your head was squished against his pec beneath his jacket, and the woven material was soft against your cold skin. You relished the feeling.
‘Do you think it’s likely to snow soon?’ Miguel asked as you rounded the corner to the pond. You noticed that a light sheen of ice was covering the water.
‘Mm- if I had to give an educated guess… Probably?’ You hunched both shoulders as you weight the option with both hands.
‘Mm. I can’t wait till she’s older. It’ll be so nice to take her out when she can enjoy the snow’ Miguel said with a dreamy sigh.
‘Oh my god- I’m sorry, did you just said you can’t wait till she’s older?’
Your scoffing drew Miguel’s eyes back to you. He looked surprised. ‘Hm? Yes. Why, is that, strange?’ he asked.
‘For you? The man who almost cried when she didn’t fit into her very first onesie, the one she was put into when she was born? Yeah, it’s strange.’
‘Hey, don’t be mean. That’s different’ he insisted.
‘No, no it's not. You’re going to lament her getting older at every turn.’
‘Well- that's natural, isn't it? She’s just so- small’ he objected, trying his best to seem stoic while clearly whining. You felt his claws coming out as he squeezed you a little closer. ‘She’s my baby.'
‘And she’ll be your baby whether she’s one month old, or one year old, or thirty years old, or- god, eighty years old, you big soppy idiot’ you lightly teased, raising one hand to grab his thickset jaw. You squished his cheeks with your thumb and fingers and shook him until he chuckled.
‘Okay. Okay. Point taken. But I mean it, it’ll be nice to see if she enjoys the snow’ Miguel said.’
‘Oh it’ll be great. I bet she’ll be a real wild card, I think she’ll like snowball fights. She’ll beat our asses some day.’
‘You think so?’
‘Oh I KNOW so, she’s her father’s daughter. A menace.’
‘Menace? No, not my bebita, she’s itty bitty’ Miguel insisted. You just kept giggling.
‘Mm, no, nope, no, menace. Little menace.’
You bent and gently waved your fingers on Gabi’s cheeks as she cooed, a sound that never failed to melt your heart.
‘Menace’ you repeated affectionately. ‘Our little menace.’
For a little while longer you enjoyed the cold in peace and quiet. You were comfortable being quiet with Mig, or by letting your actions speak for you. Every little bump of your head into his bicep, every squeeze of his hand, each time he silently checked if your nose was close and subsequently kissed it. That was all enough.
But as you rounded towards the end of your walk, that silence ended.
‘Hey, I uh—’
Miguel coughed to catch your attention, drawing you to look at him again. He was avoiding your gaze now, which you found a little odd, with his free hand gently rubbing his jaw.
‘Can I ask you something?’
‘Of course, beautiful man. You go right ahead.’
You returned to watching the pathway ahead as you waited for Miguel to speak. He coughed a second time to pluck up his courage, a sight that was strange for such an imposing man.
‘Ah- can—can we have another one?’ he whispered.
You almost tripped over your own feet in shock.
‘Ah, shit— sweetheart, are you okay?!’ Miguel moved fast to stabilize you that his claws expanded. You shot him an incredulous look.
‘Mig- Miguel, she is three months old!’ you hissed. ‘What do you mean another one?!’
‘I just meant, you’re- you make such beautiful babies’ he whispered, his voice as low as possible while remaining just as intense as if he’d shouted. You felt your whole body tingle at the unexpected softness.
‘And Gabi looks so lonely, you know, she—’ Miguel was stumbling on his words as you put your hands to your hips. ‘You just- beautiful babies, really, just the most- beautiful. She's so perfect. And she looks lonely.’
‘My god, what a compelling argument’ you said drolly, though you could feel yourself already smiling. ‘I don’t know though, it’s been a while. You might be out of practise for making more.’
You savoured the little spark in his eyes, the gleam of red that brightened his gaze. It was an intrinsic curiosity, a deep-rooted hunger for one specific thing.
‘Mhm. Mhm. Well- I’d, have to prove you otherwise then, wouldn’t I?’ he whispered back. You hated how quickly you melted at his husky voice.
‘You would’ you said, leaning in closer. You held him there, with those narrowed eyes and that eager smile, before bringing him down with a gently clap to the chest. ‘You would, if we didn’t have a literal newborn.’
‘Oh, mi tesoro—’
‘Come on dummy, let’s get home’ you said, your voice firm even though you were still smiling. ‘If she falls asleep when we get in, I might be able to make time for a quick shower. You know, to get warm again.’
The way Miguel arched his neck the moment you said ‘shower’ never failed to amuse you. He certainly looked extra large beneath all that padded clothing.
‘Mm… Okay. Deal.’
To your surprise, Miguel then quickly swooped the stroller out of your hands and began pushing Gabi home, all while cooing at her over the rim.
‘Shh, you’re feeling sleepy, aren’t you bebita? ¿Estás cansada? ¿Si?’
As Miguel resorted to singing lullabies you were forced to jog slightly to catch up with him, your panted breath billowing clouds of smoke around your flustered face.
Sadly, while Miguel did get that shower, you were both too cold to indulge in anything but huddling together like sad penguins, and jealously hogging the water as much as you could.
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iamtryingtobelieve · 9 months
The past is so beautiful
The future like a corpse in snow
I think it's all the fucking same
It's a life sentence babe
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Select Magazine March 1992/Manic Street Preachers - Generation Terrorists full page ad
if you like my scans and want to help out you can do so here I'm currently trying to raise around $100 to buy a better scanner any help is appreciated!
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thepoeticall · 2 months
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wolfieloveswade · 2 years
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Richey Edwards, 1992🌹❤️
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sleepflower93 · 18 days
Manic Street Preachers ‘live’ at IRMA awards March 1992 (with James jumping into the crowd)
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