#manov mistree
howlidae · 1 year
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day 3 and 4 of the AA Doodle a Day, "guilt" and "tricks"!
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quailfence · 5 months
found myself looking through AA6 theory posts from before the game released on someone else's blog. highlights:
-someone thought that the prosecutor would be Apollo's dad, which is remarkably close to the truth
-hopes/theories that thalassa will come back
-another person correctly guessed that trucy would be the defendant in the magic case
-multiple posts refer to rayfa as "leifa". one person thinks that her name is a star wars reference (leia and padme, specifically)
-confusion over nahyuta's gender and spelling of their name (someone mentions the "van zieks saga last year" - not terribly relevant to the theorizing but still interesting/funny, i remember seeing some fanart of him from right after he was announced tagged "baroque van sikes" or something like that)
-guessing that the blurry photo of mr. reus/manov mistree is apollo's dad
anyways i'm just gonna post this now, might reblog with updates. it's a fascinating look into a time i wasn't around for
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leshrom · 3 months
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id in alt.
ive come down with a disease
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s1llycilantro · 1 year
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inbarfink · 1 year
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Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice Concept Art - Manov Mistree AKA The Great Mr. Reus/Naohito Fushigi AKA Mr. Menyo
Interesting at that early stage the Mr. Reus/Menyo outfit had even less in-common with the regular Troupe Gramarye look....
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Y’all what the hell is Reus’s cape clasp??? Is it a kanji??? Is it a ladder?? Is it a mega H (shout out discord friends)????
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cappilicious · 2 years
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welcome everyone met trucy's weird uncle
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meowquill · 2 years
i have a hot take i need to share with the ace attorney fandom
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thats it
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Left: Manov Mistree, set up to be stabbed by Roger Retinz (6-2) Right: Robert Hammond, shot by Yanni Yogi (1-4)
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gavinners-soundbox · 1 year
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heaven-s-black-box · 10 months
A Better World- AA ensemble
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Recovery date: August 26th, 2020
Description: Mr. Reus tries to teach Manov and Trucy how to do sleight of hand, it doesn't go too well.
Notes: Recovered in conjunction with a former researcher from research lab Ao3, we thank them for their contribution.
Word count: 505
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“All right you two, just like we practiced. Hold the coin in your palm, yup like that, now close your hand and slip it between your- Oh, there goes the coin. You’re getting better though, maybe we should try something else. We can come back to sleight of hand la-”
“No!” Manov exclaimed. “We can get this, right Trucy?”
“Uh huh! Please don’t give up on us uncle Reus. Let us try again?” Trucy pleaded with her uncle.
The three of them had been practicing sleight of hand all afternoon and neither of the students seemed to be making much progress. Although Manov had started a little late, he’d been eighteen when Roger took him in as a student, he was a natural. The same went for Trucy, at only eight years old, she had mastered almost every basic trick. The only thing neither of them seemed to be any good at was sleight of hand with coins. 
“I’m not giving up on you two, but I think a break would do us all some good. Besides, Apollo should be getting back from school soon, right?”
Apollo, Trucy’s half brother, usually stayed after school for music club. Magic had never been an interest to Apollo ever since he found his father’s guitar. Instead, the boy insisted on learning to play it. “Someday I’ll open Trucy and Manov’s shows!” He’d happily exclaimed when Trucy said she wanted to be a magician.
It had taken some convincing from Thalassa, her father hadn’t been much of a fan of Jove to start, but Magnifi agreed to let the boy take on music instead of magic. Deep down somewhere, Thalassa was sure he understood that music was to Apollo what magic was to her. A bond with his father, something that could help heal the hole in the boys heart.
“Hmph, you’re changing the subject,” Trucy huffed. 
“Truce’s right! You can’t escape that easily!”
“So practicing our show is out of the question?”
Both students turned around to see Apollo waving at them from the entrance. He had his guitar case slung over his right shoulder, and Thalassa was standing with a hand on his left.
“Polly!” Trucy jumped and giggled, as she ran to tackle him in a hug. “Of course we can practice, but after we get this trick. We’re so close! I can feel it!”
“Lassa, help me! You’re daughter’s even more stubborn than her father,” Roger groaned.
“Hmph, sorry. Valant, Zak, and I are going to practice our sharp shooting trick. You get to watch these three.” Thalassa gestured to the three kids.
“Hey! I can take care of myself!” Both Apollo and Manov exclaimed in mild offense.
Roger sighed in defeat. “Alright fine. Ten more minutes, Apollo, wanna join?”
“Sure!” He set his guitar down and joined the other three as Thalassa went to find the others.
“Okay so, hold the coin in your palm, yup like that, now close your hand and slip it between your- there see! Apollo got it.”
“No Fair!”
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vonlipvig · 6 months
Causes of death in the Ace Attorney franchise
Because I'm bored, and what do we do when we get bored? We MAKE LISTS! I went through every character dead character in the canon game universe (so AA1-6, AAI1-2, and TGAA1-2, sorry PWvsPL) and jotted it all down below, so let's see what the most common (specified) cause of death in Ace Attorney is:
Stabbed (x15)
Shot (x15)
Hit by a blunt object (x14)
Impaled (x5)
Poisoned (x4)
Fell to their death (x3)
Hanged (x3)
Car crash (x2)
Strangled (x1)
Electrocuted (x1)
Crushed (x1)
Suffocated (x1)
Asphyxiated (x1)
Heart Failure (x1)
Burned (x1)
Full list with character names all color-coded by game and more specific data below! (Beware of SPOILERS for the whole series!)
COLOR CODE: OG Trilogy - AJ - DD & SOJ - AAI1 - AA12 - TGAA 1 & 2
(AAI gets two different colors since a lot of people probably haven't played AAI2 yet. Sorry, DD and SoJ, you have to share. 'Why don't you do one color for the whole Apollo Trilo-' No <3)
Stabbed (x15)
(Bruce Goodman, Misty Fey, Rex Kyubi, Constance Courte, Clay Terran, Metis Cykes, Inga Karkhuul Khura'in, Byrne Faraday, Manny Coachen, Horace Knightley, Di-Jun Huang, Mason Milverton, Jezaille Brettª, Odie Asman, Klint van Zieks)
Shot (x15)
(Gregory Edgeworth, Robert Hammond, Turner Grey, Pal Meraktis, Romein LeTouse, Magnifi Gramarye¨, Dhurke Sahdmadhi, Buddy Faith, Oliver Deacon, Deid Mann, Mack Rell, Ethan Rooke, Pop Windibank, Genshin Asogi, Tobias Gregson)
Hit by a blunt object (x14)
(Cindy Stone, Mia Fey, Russell Berry, Kane Bullard, Zak Gramarye, Candice Arme, Paht Rohl, Archie Buff, Jove Justice, Dumas Gloomsbury, Ka-Shi Nou, Isaac Dover, Jill Crane, Jack Cameron)
Impaled (x5)
(Jack Hammer, Neil Marshall, Manov Mistree, Puhray Zeh'lot, Tahrust Inmee¨)
Poisoned (x4)
(Glen Elg, Terry Fawles¨, Drew Misham, John H. Wilson)
Fell to their death (x3)
(Dustin Prince, Jack Shipley*, Akbey Hicks)
Hanged (x3)
(Joe Darke°, Celeste Inpax¨, Dahlia Hawthorne°)
Car crash (x2)
(Ini Miney*, Selena Sprocket*)
Strangled (x1)
(Juan Corrida)
Electrocuted (x1)
(Doug Swallow)
Crushed (x1)
('Di-Jun Huang')
Suffocated (x1)
(Taifu Toneido)
Asphyxiated (x1)
(Duncan Ross)
Heart Failure (x1)
(Azura Summers^)
Burned (x1)
(Magnus McGilded)
ª: She was stabbed, right? Like, she was poisoned first, but she died from the stab wound first, if I'm correct. Do tell if I'm wrong, lmao.
*: Accidental deaths
^: Natural death
¨: Deaths by suicide
°: Executed (Joe Darke's method of execution isn't mentioned, but if we assume Japanifornia goes by Japan laws, then hanging is the only method of execution used. Probably a higher number of deaths by hanging then, whether you believe some people got executed or not. Also, a lot of the killers in TGAA probably got executed, too? I just jotted down the confirmed cases, but yeah.)
(Also, von Karma died of 'Something'. Who knows. Of being too ashamed, maybe. Sucks to be him).
I probably missed some characters/omitted them, because who knows, it's my list I guess. If I forgot someone important do let me know!
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tobiasdrake · 6 months
Random list because ADHD. Counting up the myriad ways people are murdered in the core six Ace Attorney games. Since this is a list of murder methods, deaths that are self-inflicted or accidental are not included.
Let's give it up for stabbings; By far the most popular method of killing someone, followed shortly by bludgeonings.
Interesting to note: Murders became a lot less diversified in Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice. Where other games have their killing methods spread around more, nearly every death in DD and SOJ is either a stabbing or a bludgeoning.
Also, let's give it up for Doug Swallow! To date the only murder victim in the core series to be killed by electrocution. What a unique way to go.
Stabbings: 11 - Neil Marshall, Metis Cykes, Bruce Goodman, Valerie Hawthorne, Elise Deauxnim, Rex Kyubi, Constance Courte, Clay Terran, Manov Mistree, Puhray Zeh'lot, Inga Khura'in
Bludgeonings: 9 - Cindy Stone, Mia Fey, Russell Berry, Kane Bullard, Shadi Smith, Candace Arme, Paht Rohl, Archie Buff, Dumas Gloomsbury
Gunshot: 5 - Gregory Edgeworth, Robert Hammond, Turner Grey, Pal Meraktis, Romein LeTouse
Lethal Fall: 2 - Jack Hammer, Dustin Prince
Asphyxiations: 2 - Juan Corrida, Taifu Toneido
Poisonings: 2 - Glen Elg, Drew Misham
Electrocutions: 1 - Doug Swallow
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sevarix-blogs · 7 months
ofc the mysterious man's name is manov mistree LOL
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A Roger Retinz post? On YOUR dash??? It's more likely than you think!
Spoilers for Case 6-2, The Magical Turnabout.
I had a thought recently; you know what Retinz says after he burns all the Gramarye masks and shakes off the bloody Reus mask? Where he's in a full-blown panic telling people he's not the one to blame?
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Depending on how you read Retinz, he's either deflecting blame away for what is a hienous and unforgivable act, or genuinely pleading for people to not believe he was the one who killed Manov Mistree.
In either case, I have a proposition; these were also his words to Magnifi when he was ousted from the Troupe Gramarye. If you remember, the scar on his arm was from an accident while practicing a magic trick. Magnifi announced at the last second that he wouldn't be appearing on the show because of this. Despite his direction, Reus tried going back anyways.
It's not clear if he suffered another accident but given it's said he "tried" to go back, it doesn't sound like Magnifi even gave him the chance to get hurt. Aside from that, we know the decsision came pretty late since the poster shows Reus WITH the scars. He had to have been carrying them for a little while for it to be put on a promotional poster. There was a window of time after the fact where everyone thought he was still to appear on that show.
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It was just what it's described as in Reus' mind; an accident. They happen. No one's going to toss blame around for an occassional slip-up right? It was ONE mistake. Yet that was enough for Magnifi to forbid him from appearing on the show. With this and the fact the announcement was made last-second, Reus decided to disregard Magnifi's direction and paid what he saw as an extreme price (and it is all things considered).
Reus didn't do anything wrong, he just slipped up during practice of all things. It was a blameless incident but Magnifi - prideful of his performances as he was - decided that was too much and snubbed Reus almost the instant after he couldn't do a thing about it. Reus did disobey him, though ultimately this whole kerfuffle was over a minor accident that was only seen as a scar on his right arm (one that could be easily hidden with long sleeves mind). He's the victim of Magnifi's ruthless perfectionism and pride.
Given the impact this left on his psyche, echoing this moment in his mind and using the same words when (wrongfully, in his mind) accused of being the villain in this tale would track. Nothing can erase the terrible things he did later in life but in his mind? It's justified. He's the victim scorned by the Troupe and feels vindicated in his efforts to undo them - even if it's as petty as tormenting Magnifi's grandaughter and all she associates with.
Whether he killed Manov Mistree or not, he doesn't feel like he's done anything wrong - just as was the case when Magnifi kicked him out over a minor self-sustained injury. He's not nearly as justified in saying that now as back then. It's just his response when people ostracise him and make him out to be the villain in the end. Even Trucy's magic show has Mistree play Reus as this evil magician who uses magic for nefarious purposes. THAT'S how strongly that impression stuck!
And he despises it. Was wounded by it. Forced to face it one more time in a court of law - a bearded man drabbed in black convinced that he is in the wrong. Not a member of the audience on his side.
I've watched this breakdown many times and each time, I grew more sympathetic to this moment of sheer desparate panic. He really, genuinely believes he's not in the wrong here.
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At least, I sympathise in the brief moments that I forget that he did, in fact, kill Manov Mistree.
Ah well, either way; that's some damn solid characterisation for a villain!
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zoloftkat · 2 months
I haven’t been drawing fan art because I’m actually playing Ace Attorney instead, and my god, there is always a plot hole or something that irks me in a case, but 6.2 is just stabbing me. Why, Apollo, have you not brought up that the proof it’s your method is because Manov Mistree (the irony of that name is not lost on me) was stabbed in the back, and where Trucy stabbed in the coffin is the side. SHE LEGIT COULDN’T HAVE KILLED HIM BECAUSE OF THE INJURY POINT. (I haven’t finished the case this may age badly) Also, my autism has kicked in so the patterns are getting stale. Let me “wright” please. Please!? (this is definitely not me just wanting to work on the game series….)
anyways here is a sketch of my AA inspired dnd character Thanatos
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