#manshine would be fine also
marcsnuffy · 5 months
Ideal bllk fic is a sitcom situation where the Mikage earphones are suddenly on maintenance for a day (or more) & Ego and Anri have to give the announcement in, like, seven different languages
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pwr3tties · 1 year
“Hey babe, who’s this?” You asked softly, pressing the phone into Reo’s hands. “Who? Oh, that’s Cammie- or Cameron, Cameron Taylor. She’s my best friend from high school.” He replied calmly, returning to his phone as you hummed. You didn't completely like his response but decided not to push it. He could have friends that were females, no big deal. Right? Right. But you couldn’t shake the thought of this ‘childhood friend’ you’d never heard of before.
Clicking on her icon, you scrolled through her profile, randomly tapping on photos you thought were pretty— or showed signs of your boyfriend cheating, but there was nothing except for the overly nice post and the flirtatious captions she typed tagging @reomikage. You weren’t jealous, no. You were precisely watching out for your boyfriend.
Months went by, and your second-year anniversary poked around the corner. Everything was fine until a rumour spread that ‘Supermodel Cameron Taylor and Soccer Sensation Reo Mikage Were Secretly Dating’ after being seen exiting a fancy hotel together, laughing about something while holding hands.
You better than anyone knew the internet loved to twist things around and make it look one way even though it was another, but the sight of your boyfriend being all ‘lovey dovey’ with another woman churned your stomach. But you didn’t bring this up. You knew what you had signed up for by involving yourself with a professional soccer player and successor.
Today Reo had a big game against PXG, and you surprised him with your presence after declining, saying you had an important conference that day. Luckily your boss also was a fan of your boyfriend’s team and let everyone out early to watch the game.
Settling in your seat in the front row behind Manshine’s bench, you notice a flawless brunette waving toward none other than your boyfriend, who was waving right back at her. You almost vomited at their interaction but retained yourself. After all, she was his best friend.
The game ended in a win for Manshine City, and you rushed to their locker rooms to congratulate Reo, but someone had already beat you to it. “[Y/N]? Is that you? I thought you said you couldn’t come?” Stepping closer to you, Reo reached out his hand to hold you, the same hand he crested his ‘best friend’ with.
“Reo, is this your girlfriend? She doesn’t look like I’d imagined.. but still! She’s.. cute?” It would be an understatement even to say that she insulted you all while your boyfriend stood there watching with no intention of defending you.
Uncomfortable enough, you excused yourself, telling Reo you’d meet him at home, allowing the two to talk.
“—Can’t right now. I’m going out with Cameron!” Without letting you finish, he slammed the door shut, rushing to his car.
“.. I love you.”
“Reo, it’s 3 AM right now. Where are you coming from?”
“Sorry, Cameron’s party lasted longer than anticipated.” He replied, slipping off his shoes. “I told you not to wait up for me.”
“That’s beside the point. You didn’t call or text to tell me where you were or that you weren’t hurt or missing—“
“[Y/N]! I’m tired. Can we go to bed, please?”
“.. I think I’ll sleep down here tonight.” You replied, returning to the couch, attempting to make it more suitable to sleep on.
“If that’s what you want. Go ahead.”
“Reo, we need to talk.” You demanded as he picked up his jacket off the rack. “Can it happen after? I’m hanging out with some old friends.” He pled, twisting the knob, ready to leave.
“Reo, I’m breaking up with you.”
“You’re what? No, no, no, why?” He finally turned to look at you after what felt like months.
“I can’t do this anymore. You love Cameron. Everyone sees and knows it. I can’t be stuck as the second option forever.” You said, staring him right into his eyes, the same ones that used to look at you so lovingly.
“Second option? Cameron? Baby, no, Cameron’s only a friend!”
“Please stop lying to yourself. Mikage, I think it’s better if we stopped seeing each other for good.” That was the last thing you said before leaving the house while Reo ran upstairs searching for your things.
Nothing. Everything was gone. How did he not notice? How could he be so foolish and let someone so loving and kind like you go..?
How did he lose the one person who wasn’t with him for fame or riches? How did he manage to lose the person ‘he wanted to spend the rest of his life with’?
How did he manage to let go of you?
His ‘so-call’ best friend, that’s how. Taking a step back, he recalled all the moments that he failed to show up for you and instead went to spoil his ‘best friend.’ All the moments that he would rather spend millions to get attention from the supermodel than to freely receive affection from the woman he had at home.
The times he neglected you, thinking you were wrapped around his finger like everyone else, forgetting you were a real human being with emotions, needs and a heart.
If he could, he’d turn back time and fix all the moments he messed up. But he can’t, so now he has to settle for stalking your Instagram as he watches you and your fiancé slowly dance in your kitchen in your share house. As your new love stares at you as he should have. As your fiancé loves you the way you deserve to be loved.
Now he is, at your wedding, staring at you as you walk down the aisle with your cousin throwing flowers before you as you stop at the altar and wrapping your hands around your husband’s neck while tippy-toeing to kiss him.
Except, it’s not Reo. It’s his best friend, Nagi Seishiro.
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n-fblog · 10 months
Reo, Nagi, and Differences from the Main Manga
Thoughts from Episode: Nagi, chapter 17
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This chapter was kind of needed for him to "abandon" his ego of becoming the best with Nagi (and we can see it sort of fading in the textbox) -- and simultaneously get rid of that growing attachment he has to Nagi. Really sad to see him say, "thank you" as if he doesn't even have the strength to break them apart himself (and he didn't)
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The chameleon makes its first chronological appearance so we can clearly see him start to 'adapt' his thinking and playing even though it's not fully fleshed out yet, which is exciting! I wasn't sure if that was something he made up with Shidou before, but it's hilarious to know it all started with Nagi, AGAIN. Or maybe this is the manga trying to convey that he's changing himself to help Nagi walk away lol
His inferiority complex with Nagi makes itself kind of known here, with the monologue- "Those are the words *I* wanted to say,," but was unable to...
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Somehow, Nagi being able to encourage Reo makes him the stronger one mentally -- which is tough for someone who subconsciously already thinks he can't go very far without Nagi skill-wise.
Poor guy... and he still has so far to go before he starts to think he can fight on his own.
Man, this chapter pretty much confirms that their mischaracterization and miscommunication goes both ways lol. Nagi spitefully admonishes that he isn't Reo's 'toy' when Reo flips from "wanting to be the best" to "wanting to stay together"-- These guys have such a hard time acknowledging their friendship outside of football, it's actually painful.
I can't tell if he made any sort of connection betweey 'toy' and being Reo's 'treasure'. But that's almost definitely a metaphor on Reo's part. What a lot of people misuse is that Reo calls Nagi his 'treasured possession' when I really, truly don't think he meant viewing Nagi as a literal object. But how else do you expect a rich boy who's only been shown love through material things to describe something he values? *(see tags for a rant on this lol)
I do wish we'd gotten more insight into how he felt when he heard what Reo said in the moment, but this chapter was already long as it is. I do think Nagi's expressions sort of speak for themselves.
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I mean, he straight up looks like he's about to cry here. 
I would argue that part of Nagi's promise to 'stay together' during the entrance actually includes 'believing in each other' like he says here:
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 And if that's the case, then what did Reo's claim of abandonment mean to him? Was it that Reo didn't believe in Nagi's newfound drive to win? Or was he mad that Reo didn't believe in himself? I think it's a bit of both, but I really want to see more thoughts in the manga or from the fandom
Blue Lock vs. Episode: Nagi
So... Nagi definitely seems more angry in this chapter, right? When you revisit Ch. 76, you can see that Nagi is a lot more apologetic towards Reo
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( Here you see him lament not growing alongside Reo, but fired up and excited to work with Isagi)
vs. what we saw this chapter
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(Nagi saying sorry and acknowledging he's changed, but looking less toward the future and more resisting the past)
Maybe this is just a difference in translations, but "I can't [am not able to] go back" feels a little different from "I won't go back" -- the former just feels like an admission (to Reo), while the latter feels a lot more confrontational, a downright refusal to go along with what Reo wants.
And that's fine, but it does reshape how I thought about Nagi, and I think it really emphasizes just how pissed he was at Reo by the end of 2nd Selection.
This reframes their interaction during U-20 tryouts for me. I originally thought it was mostly setting up Reo's chameleon style defense and Reo's internal conflict (which it is) but EpiNagi really just shows that Nagi also has a ways to go before they reunite in Manshine
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I think this could be the panel (from Ch. 107, 3rd Selection) where Nagi forgives Reo -- it's the point where Reo sort of shows he understands Nagi's drive to win, and that he doesn't value staying together over improving anymore. After that, they have no issues (in Nagi's eyes) so it was probably easy to imagine walking up to Reo during MC v BM and asking for his help ... but man, we still have a long way til then, and I can't wait for EpiNagi to probably prove me wrong :p
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thyandrawrites · 1 year
On Nagi's emotional intelligence
One thing I find interesting about Nagi's character is that he's not only bad at getting across his emotions in a way that leaves little room for misunderstandings; he also struggles a lot to identify feelings (not just his but especially other people's) for what they are, and to put himself in other people's shoes.
Both the manga and Nagi's light novel offer several examples of this, and I noticed a common denominator in most of them. So I thought it could be fun to compile them in a post.
(long ramble under a cut! Contains slight manga spoilers up to manshine city arc)
Preface: I did not study psychology, and though I try my best not to misuse words and be insensitive, mistakes in good faith can happen. Please bear with me
So, what kicked off this whole thing is a scene from Episode Nagi. This one:
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Now, without context it would be easy to write off Nagi as a self-centered genius who is looking down on team Z for being "weaker". And that's exactly how Isagi, who doesn't know Nagi prior to this, takes his questions. They're just a taunt, as if Nagi is mocking Team Z's determination to overturn the scores when they're a team that doesn't yet know its own skills fully.
And the thing is, regardless of Nagi's intentions, his words are condescending. He doesn't mean them to be, but you can't deny that calling someone stupid to his face is not conductive to a polite or constructive conversation, lol.
Unless you're Nagi Seishiro, that is.
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Nagi... Doesn't seem to grasp that essentially calling team Z the bottom of the barrel while asking what keeps them going is... Well, rude. Patronizing, even. Which is why he looks so puzzled when Isagi's response is negative, and when he doubles down on his hunger for goals.
In his head, phrasing it this way was perfectly fine. He was genuinely asking, and he expected a response. He wanted to know, not to piss Isagi off and be left hanging.
The reason behind Nagi's obliviousness is of course a lack of social skills. We know he tends to keep to himself, preferring video games and the silent company of a cactus over social interactions, and it shows in how stilted his ability to properly communicate becomes over time.
But in the intro I said I don't think it's just a struggle with communicating what he means. I also interpret it as Nagi struggling to put himself in other people's shoes when their experiences don't mirror his, which complicates his attempts to communicate further.
What is translated as "What's his deal?" in the panel above in japanese has a bit more nuance than that, and it clues us in to what was likely going through Nagi's head a bit more.
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"What's this creature (Isagi Yoichi)"
The kanji that compose Isagi's name are transcribed with a different reading (the furigana indeed reads "creature")
Now, if you read Nagi's light novel, the words might sound familiar:
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(credits to @/ hoshi801_ on twitter for this translation)
That's because we have another example of Nagi being weirded out by and puzzled at how differently he and others seem to function.
From Nagi's perspective, he's not the weirdo, others are! He keeps observing this world where everyone puts effort into things that he only sees as a hassle, and he doesn't get how anyone can find any appeal in them. In other words, Nagi doesn't really understand how other people work (how they think, how they feel, what motivates them), and he tends to use himself as a metric for understanding them better, not realizing how flawed that approach is.
I also reckon this is why he can sometimes come across as lacking tact.
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"it's easy for me. How come is it not easy for you?"
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What he says to Bachira during the 4v4 seems like another prime example of Nagi attempting to figure out others by comparing them against himself.
In his intentions, this little speech serves as a way to get Bachira to step up his game. After all, had he really been fine with not picking him, he could've kept his mouth shut, won the match, and picked Rin as he said he would. No need to warn Bachira beforehand, giving him a chance to prove himself in the field and compete with Rin as the best choice moving forward.
But the words Nagi uses are familiar once again.
"Do you think you'll get chosen if you lose? Still living in dreamland? [...] I want Rin, and I bet Isagi feels the same." -> Nagi to Bachira
Vs "you'd be satisfied if I chose you here? You wanna act like a team even if we're not excited about it? You think becoming best in the world is that simple?" -> Nagi to Reo
And then
"We don't need you the way you are now." -> to Bachira above
Vs, "'You're fine as you are.' That's what you said to me, Reo, but... For me to dream with you about being the best again, I want to change." -> Nagi to Reo (in his head)
Nagi doesn't really understand Bachira, either, but he understands the bond Bachira shares with Isagi. Two separate times, he sees himself and Reo's relationship mirrored in it, and that's what prompts his "pep talk".
While he might not grasp what motivates Bachira's ego, Nagi knows what motivated himself. So he offers much the same to Bachira. You want to keep playing with Isagi, just like I want to keep playing with Reo. So change, like I did. Keep working towards that dream, and don't throw in the towel, accept defeat, and wait for Isagi to pick you.
Bachira and Isagi's bond is pretty much the only time we see Nagi try and succeed at relating to someone else's emotions. He's able to do this because he can sense the similarities between them. It's a pattern he's plenty familiar with. So we could say he's still applying that flawed method I talked about above. Understanding others by comparing them to himself, assuming they think the same way.
But I'd like to point out that while he does get their bond as far as it mirrors his and Reo's, Nagi still doesn't grasp the ways in which it differs. Namely, he remains oblivious to Bachira's desire for connection. Nagi is perfectly comfortable being a loner, and while he misses Reo, he adjusts to the separation quite easily, at least emotionally. Well, partly because he caused it, but also because from his perspective, he and Reo were never really apart-apart. They'd eventually meet up again, Nagi would tell him all about his side quests, and they'd be fast besties once again.
At least, that's what Nagi envisions, because Nagi is a straightforward person who doesn't really grasp other people's perspectives past his own personal experience.
For that reason, I think, he remains oblivious to how his advice to Bachira hits like a slap where the boy's at his most vulnerable. But it all works out in the end, so in the grand scheme of things, Nagi has no reason to give it more thought past this interaction. Nagi's team loses, Isagi advances with Bachira, all is well again.
If Nagi got away with giving this as little thought as possible, though, his dynamic with Reo doesn't give him the same easy out. Not for lack of trying on his part. Reo doesn't initiate conversations with him for days (weeks?) on end, and Nagi is fine with never questioning it.
Now, normally I'd make a point here about how Nagi's major weakness is his refusal to think hard about anything unless he's forced to—or about how that's the main hinder to his development to date—but that's a post for another day. Suffice to say, for the sake of this argument, that his willingness to let things stay tense between him and Reo is part of the problem here.
Well, "willingness" might not be the right term here. From his pov, there isn't any tension at all, in fact.
Again, because Nagi had a reason that justifies leaving Reo behind, he doesn't see a strain in their relationship until Reo points it out to him. Worse yet, he struggles to see Reo's viewpoint even after Reo does point it out to him.
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He's as clueless as they come, and he's closest to Reo than anyone else in blue lock. Despite this, not only does he not realize why Reo is upset with him and doesn't want to link up anymore, he also fails to grasp that Reo's angry at him at all.
I ran out of image space so I'm just gonna quote the next bit:
N: "We promised, right? To win the world cup together. I've just kept making the best choices I could for that goal. During the rival battle, I thought I could get stronger if I went with Isagi. And I chose England because I thought I could learn from Agi and Chris. So, now it's you, Reo. You're stronger now, so you and I can beat Isagi, unlike last time."
To which Reo understandably replies,
R: "Damn, you really are a selfish jerk, you know that?"
Nagi doesn't seem to realize that if you are a team, you should, you know... Communicate with your partner. Instead, he decides for himself, without even asking for Reo's input, what's the best course of action to achieve their dream, doesn't share his thought process with Reo at all, embarks on said course alone, and then one day randomly decides to have Reo tag along in it.
In his head, I think it all makes sense to him because he assumes Reo already knows all this, intuitively. After all, that's how their whole dynamic has been built so far. When Reo isn't anticipating Nagi's needs before Nagi has uttered them aloud, Nagi is instinctively following the vision Reo set up with a pass, and completing it with a goal.
I'd say that the fact that they relied so heavily on silent communication for much of their time as friends is half the reason why they are so bad at communicating with actual words. I'm including Reo in this because he's equally guilty of it too, what with him saying "do what you want" aloud, only to wish for Nagi to stay without verbalizing that thought to him.
But I digress.
My point is, in the scene above, Nagi assumes Reo would be fine with the split because Nagi himself was. It doesn't even occur to him that Reo might see it as the negation of their promise to each other, or that he would feel abandoned and forgotten about (sorry, can't post pictures, but notice his shock at Reo's accusations. Chapter 187). After all, Nagi spent the whole time thinking about all the things he wanted to tell him.
Once again, much like with Isagi in the first selection, Nagi's puzzled and surprised at Reo's angry burst in response to his pushing; he assumes the drive he feels will be mirrored or at least understood by the other person, but instead he's turned down, faced with a negative reaction he doesn't quite understand.
As Reo puts it, Nagi's imagination comes short of letting him empathize with Reo's feelings. The choice to move on without him is purely functional, then, but from his perspective it never involved any emotional distance. To Reo, however, who was left with an easy to misunderstand parting speech, the hurt of a perceived loss strongly overshadowed anything else. Nagi doesn't anticipate Reo's emotional response over rationality because Nagi himself is not an emotion-driven person. He doesn't see that Reo would be plagued by self doubt because Nagi doesn't doubt his skills. He fails to see how his actions could easily be misconstrued as indifference because Nagi's not one to read hidden meaning into people's words, and assumes others take things as face value, too.
But that's more than communication failure! That consistent lack of effort to imagine how others would feel or act in a given situation is a pattern, at least imo.
I think Nagi never had to make that kind of effort before, since he was pretty much on his own, and in a lot of ways he's still adapting to having peers he trusts and that he wants to be trusted by in response
One could say this is as much a process to him as understanding his own ego for football is, and I find that really fascinating to watch
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m1ckeyb3rry · 18 days
LMAOOO casually drops 200k wc avg…classic Mira but ooooh yes I’ve def seen some stuff floating on your page about it from the occasional asks! It’d be really funny if the bllk one followed your typical wc projection inaccuracy although reaching orv levels is probably a stretch HAHA
MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH ummm I’ve let myself get too comfy in the crack/stupid loserverse ummm hahahaha ummm wait WHAT??? I did not that fact you really said “let me put my two faves against each ofher” it would go hard tho….
LMAOOO OOPS ok well either way it’s still funny I love the miraverse…..miraverse chigiri >>>>> circling back to the drunk Kira moment it’d be funny if reader was like “huh….when did you shrink….” LMAOOOO
No because niko gives such sidekick vibes it’s so funny but SHSKSJSJ I will shut up about oaeu for the time being to help you resist temptation it’s time for you to do some doom scrolling on tiktok /j
FR SHSHAJA they’re all just ganging up on him and he’s also a first year right??? Damn theyre fr bullying a child IM CRYING THE VISUAL OF KARASU BEING TALKED DOWN stop im imagining that alpha wolf meme I can’t
I’m laughing so hard that was fr my first thought like “they really gave him the extra eye sparkles” ONE MORE GOAL GUYS please I need the match to go faster only because seeing it chapter by chapter with no goal is lowk agonizing (it’s fine all together I’m just impatient when flipping through the panels) PLEASSEEE BARCHA MANSHINE SNEAK PEEK IM BEGGING someone give otoya a little spotlight too kaneshiro please I know you’re reading this
- Karasu anon
LMAOOO it’s so insane because 200k is so long for most people but for me it’s like okay regular that’s calm 😭 and yeahhh for a while my tumblr was solely asks about ship in the harbor tbf it was/is a very interesting story in my humble opinion…that y/n was hollyhock y/n before hollyhock y/n and she was also 10x more interesting somehow?? which is saying a LOT 😰 PLSSS nah imagine the bllk fic ends up at 500k that would be insane i’d have to have crazy plotting skills for it to get that long (or an idea i’m really inspired for 🙂‍↕️)
EEK i always forget that people who joined me in my bllk era don’t know i am FAMOUS for angst!! i neverrrr used to end my stories happy in almost all of them either reader or the love interest died it was literally to the point that pomegranate ink was considered me being kind to my readers since both yuta and mc lived 😭😭😭 nah because it was honestly a really fascinating concept wherein hak was soowon’s guard and shinah was a legend from reader’s province who comes to protect her in the palace after an assassination attempt and when hak kills shinah it’s not because he wants to but because he has to DJFNSJSKSNSN omg it’s a very insane story idk if the bllk fandom could handle it honestly especially if it’s rin killing nagi…like what would they even do
MIRAVERSE ON TOP FR omg miraverse chigiri is such a king i have this vision of may and reo being that really annoying couple that posts cute tik toks and do adorable trends together but then immediately after they post reader and chigiri stich the video recreating it while laughing and making it goofy because they’re menaces 😩 and PLSSS “nagi did the changes in elevation compress you a bit?? your hair is less voluminous too…”
NIKO IS LITERALLY JUST THERE TO RELAX and erm it may be a tad bit late…
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NOOO POOR KIYORA IS A BABY he should be hanging out w hiori bruh free him ‼️ SEISHIRO NAGI SAVE KIYORA ASAP 😭 omg no literally the alpha wolf meme is exactly the vibe i was going for FJSKFJSJ it’s canon dw i’m just going to manifest in there
HAHA we are on the same page idk what that was all abt…anyways agreed i think pxg will be one of the most hype games to read all at once but chapter but chapter is exhausting 😭 OTOYA SPOTLIGHT he literally scored a goal OFF SCREEN??? wtf 😓 and ofc yk i need my man to get his screentime back please it’s been too long since we last saw nagi in the main manga and he’s so hot in the manshine jersey can we get him back kaneshiro please i’m begging on my knees for a return…a mention…even a single panel…😩🙏🏻
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m1ckeyb3rry · 22 days
I’m way too invested in the oaeu now never would I imagine myself being interested in anything aiku but here we are!!! This is actually so funny the irony of Niko giving the advice is like getting splashed with cold water and aikus finally like “no fucking way….I DO like her…” also ADOPTED UNCLE SNUFFY >>> actually my fav y/n knowing Lorenzo beforehand because of it too ugh (imagine she at some point talks about it all with Lorenzo too and he also says something that makes her realize she’s falling for aiku too LMAO) ok but also facts?? Chris prince with chigiri >>> I stand by the fact that if Isagi also got a chance to learn from him he’d be able to develop a lot too since his biggest weakness seemed to be his lacking physical ability!! If he’d also been able to continue developing Nagi and Reo separately too…..
Atp the next filler ep/chapter should just show bllkers in hs too I wanna see them in their original habitats…also wait i didn’t realize they didn’t include the valentines question for Barou??? I noticed that some characters are asked things while other characters aren’t (like only Reo and yuki get asked about their fav brand iirc) which lowk irked me like PLEASEEE keep it consistent i wanna know this about another character too….hmm im conflicted…on one hand i feel like Barou would get some on like the same basis as Kunigami like yeah they’re jacked and kinda intimidating but the girls see how they’re gentlemen and go “oooh that’s bf material” but also from the ln we know Barou is a lot scarier than Kunigami LMAOO but I can’t tell if he’s only that way around the soccer club members/dudes or if it’s just to everyone else too….
The way that so many nagi duos solo nagireo…the other dynamics are just so interesting…I agree we need a reunion between Nagi and Isagi soon omg I almost cried seeing nagi and Barou’s like two second interaction post nel match too
Dw im sure they’ll appreciate miraverse kiyora!! It’s not like there’s much canon content floating around for him either soooo but I think anyone whos read your other works knows to trust the process because everything on your masterlist slaps
No wait because it was so gagamaru…like especially knowing his personality and how he’s kinda unrefined in a way (for lack of a better term) when I read u really thought “wait he would do actually do this”
Wait speaking of kiyora I think some content for him actually just came out for him via the game on the jp server?? If you want I can go dig around and see what’s there
ME TOO LMAOO okay if kiyora y/n isn’t at the same level of hollyhock I think you definitely should be fine LOL considering it’s kiyora I think the reader would need to be “abnormal” enough to keep up with him
- Karasu anon
LITERALLYYYY omg my silly post abt wanting to write aiku as a bestie has devolved into the oaeu it’s so exciting hehe i actually cannot wait to write it!! working hard at the kiyora req rn though hoping to have it out soon 😏 i’m enjoying myself tbh i love having the freedom to write whatever story i feel like writing (even though i’m scared they won’t like it but wtvr)…also LMAOOO no literally aiku’s like holy shit even the fifteen year old thinks i like her maybe i DO 😭 omg reader + lorenzo having like a cousin relationship too?? where they always make fun of each other but when it counts they’re there for one another…maybe aiku having a vote of confidence from lorenzo AND snuffy is enough for her to be like “okay wait he’s not that bad maybe i do kinda like being w him”
okay honestly i see a lot posts/people that HATE chris prince because he groped the manshine boys (reo nagi chigiri) tbh i never really took it like that though?? maybe i’m just dumb and someone will come to correct me (hopefully not because i’m not in the mood to defend my opinion or be called an “SA apologist” or smth considering i’ve…yk…been SA’d irl) but to me it was more giving the vibe of like when the doctor is doing your checkup 🤔 at least when i was reading it didn’t seem like chigiri or reo were overly traumatized or VISCERALLY uncomfortable w it he just took them by surprise?? and ofc nagi was just like 😐 the whole time because he’s an idgaf warrior LMAOO but i feel like it was kinda meant to be more of a lighthearted/humorous thing…plus his whole thing is improving physicals he kinda DOES need a read on their physical condition 😰 he probably could’ve asked first but again i think that was written to take the audience by surprise too and be more of a silly little gag 😔 idk though i see so many people hating on him and doing these deep analyses abt how he sucks and is a creep and truly i don’t feel like he is but it makes me so scared to say i lowkey love him 😭 i’m sorry but he’s actually so funny as a concept and he’s mega hot (even though he’s british 😠) i think he’d be my celeb crush in the bllkverse no joke 😩 and yeahhh honestly isagi if he had snuffy or chris prince as a coach would’ve SLAYED honestly it kinda would’ve been cool to see reo teaming up w isagi on manshine city and have him kinda take hiori’s role as isagi’s main passer because that could’ve expanded on his copying ability which is rlly cool but never taken full advantage of?? and then having nagi and hiori team up/become friends because of their relatable backgrounds…i think a nagi and hiori team up (as long as hiori is still able to awaken how he did w isagi ofc) would’ve been cool because an awakened hiori wouldn’t be as lenient w nagi as reo is so he’d still have to be creative but he’d also have the safety net of a rlly creative passer to help him continue to grow 🙏🏻 also i think nagi and kaiser interactions would be sooo funny because nagi would not at all care abt kaiser’s weird games and whatnot he’d just be like “ok 👍” and do what he wants 😭 or he’d say some absolutely vile brutal horrible insult that makes kaiser question things for WEEKS 🙂‍↕️ ALSO NAGI AND NOEL NOA WOULD BE INSANE because it’s like idgaf warrior x do whatever you want chemical reaction
NO LITERALLY like i wish it was all the same because i want to know those things about allll of the characters not just some of them!! imo barou probably got a couple for being cool muscular soccer man but he def is the kind of guy who seems like he’s super closed off and intimidating and scary around girls because he doesn’t know how to talk to them so he just avoids them because he’s kinda shy so idt he got a TON ykwim (this is where wingman aiku comes in to save the day 🤩 my goat fr)
so trueeee nagi and rin’s parallels will never not be so cool to me too!! like obviously there’s the visuals of black hair vs white hair, bright eyes vs muted eyes, similar builds, but then they’re also so opposite narratively too?? like nagi’s the prodigy who doesn’t care abt soccer but is naturally good whereas rin is almost obsessive about it and works mega hard (ofc he’s talented too no doubt but for the sake of the comparison he takes it much more seriously than nagi), nagi has no family and no one who cares about him/who HE cares about until he meets reo, rin is super attached to sae and does everything because he loves him and wants sae to approve of him…they also have a lot of similarities too though!! like nagi being the “god of the field” vs rin being the “puppet master of the field”, the death and destroyer auras, how rin is only playing soccer to defeat sae and nagi was only taking it seriously to defeat isagi + only even got into it because of his friendship with reo…honestly my deuteragonist goats this is why rin would make such a good second lead to nagi (or vice versa but yk i’d never pick rin over NAGI HAHAHA) they play off of each other really well if written correctly despite not really interacting much!!! also i think they kinda have similar senses of humor in terms of roasting other players like if rin wasn’t such an emo hater he’d honestly probably get along w nagi (and hiori) quite well
MIRAVERSE KIYORA IS SUCH A MENACE i’m taking such wild liberties with him because he has max three lines of dialogue so i can make him say whatever i want 😭 i think a lot of people make him very cutesy in the very very little fan content of him that exists but miraverse kiyora is in fact a problematic king that beats people up for funsies and is NOT ❌ bestie approved 😓 wait omg yeah if you have any kiyora info that would be helpful i’m already pretty far into the oneshot so idt i’ll change much atp but maybe it’ll help me make sure i end it properly and whatnot 🤩 honestly kiyora fic y/n is mostly chill she’s just kinda down bad even though kiyora gives heavy red flag at first (not permanently though) she’s real for that icl kiyora is soooo pretty i wish we weren’t the same height (he would be too powerful if he was tall that’s why kaneshiro made him 5’4)
also sorry it took me a MINUTEEE to respond to this but i ended up going on 50 tangents so like at least you have a lot to read to make up for that 😰
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m1ckeyb3rry · 27 days
DHSHSH stop when you said emo the first thought in my head was that one emoji that was modified to have the emo bangs and then our local emo Rin but nooo I’m sure they all know you’re cooking! Fine wine takes time to age (i cringed a little saying this kinda cheesy but ykwim)
TRUE that’s why your plots and stories always slap…but yeah hmm the blue lock loophole is kinda hard….and yeah like we’ve mentioned before the only thing that comes to mind are the typical tropes of girl sneaks into bllk as a boy or becomes manager of bllk….i mean even the official game uses that premise of having the player become a newly hired analyst/manager for the players….but yeah hmmm im sure you’ll cook with something LOL
LMAOOO lovable witty assholes >>>> I like zantetsu a fair amount and he’s funny but yeah himbos aren’t exactly my type either oops
Yeah I cannot get over the uncle vibes either and it’s just reinforced by the stubble…ok but STOP THE AIKU BAROU IDEA IS TOO GOOD im crying the aikulations have me dying but he literally WOULD do that like “good ol barou-chan needs to blow off some steam…let’s get him a girl”
HAHA TY and yesss we’re basically the same person atp I’m sure any edit that’s been screened by you will be fire
I’m also kinda surprised I’ve seen a relative rise in Hiori fans as of late? Not just here but on different platforms like tiktok too…I guess I can’t be talking that much because it kinda includes me LMAOO I’ve always liked him and his blue coloring (I’m ngl a big part of it was just “oh I like that blue”) I will admit I think white butterfly did a good deal of conversion work on me too LOL him building the exact building hit me hard I had to go back and read and think like “wait…isn’t this the exact house description from earlier…” another genius take >>> but yeah LMAO his relatively recent switch up on his attitude on soccer brought in some fans too I think
LMAOOO SAE TACKLING HER TO PARALLEL HOW THEY FIRST MET SO REAL the idea has me laughing already…but literally if only more people had your brain cells like where is this characterization of him….the normal fanon him just seems so off to me ugh but we’ve had this convo before so I’ll spare you the rant again LOL but wait also i forgot that white butterfly and fwtkac were written back to back that was some really fast work too?? Considering fwtkac was pretty hefty too damn
LMAOO rin thinking that he’d be creepy reaching out asking for her address be instead deciding to actually go stalk her is such a rin way of thinking it’s hilarious
PERSONAL PROJECT OOOOOOOOO is this a secret project or is dropping hints allowed…will look forward to reading it either way though LOL
Maybe it was your subconscious rizz and the dude was gonna hit you up if you were a soccer fan and use that as a common interest /hj the way he just walks off after has me cackling though I feel like that’s such a stereotypical sports fan interaction HSGDJSHS I saw someone walking with a Manchester jacket once and was like omg manshine city LMAOO
ALSO CONGRATS ON 900 FOLLOWERS!!! 1k is gonna hit you real soon I can feel it…rightfully so after feeding the bllk community o7
- Karasu anon
LMAOOO in my rin era but not in terms of liking him just literally being him 😔✊🏻 /j no because sometimes it’s just that i can’t make myself write for a particular character at a given moment in time?? like rn you couldn’t PAY me to write for karasu (jk you def could pay me and i’d do it) even though i love him because i just am not motivated for him meanwhile i could probably spit out smth for like uhhh reo in a jiffy 😭 it’s so arbitrary which characters i want to write for at any given moment hence why i do some requests within a couple of days and others have been waiting for a while (plus like personal projects aka bfb get in the way too hence why i’m swearing off of them until i’m done the reqs currently in my inbox…only 9 to go 😰) so it’s not even a question of me taking my time w writing (reqs usually take 1-3 days for me to do) i’m just being #lazy about it…so nagi of me i fear 💔 BUT I AM GETTING BETTER I PROMISE I WILL FINISH THESE NINE SUPER SOON
i just love having my characters actually be active in the plot w goals and development ykwim and lowkey being a manager doesn’t rlly feel conducive to that because what genuine conflict is a manager facing FKSJSJKS especially compared to pomegranate ink y/n struggling w her family, her cursed technique, sukuna, AND her relationship w yuta 😭 but i’m sure the perfect au is out there that’s somewhat similar to bllk but has space for. yk. women
no because like zantstsu w his hair down and no glasses is soooo fine i 100% would go crazy for him if he was a little smarter but he is definitely a sweetheart to the max based on his egoist bible profile 🥹 so yeah i def respect zantetsu lovers but it’s not for me!! i’ll take his two besties tyvm 🫨
that is aiku’s FIRST thought too he’s not like “wow barou seems stressed maybe i should talk to him and make sure he’s doing alright” nope it’s straight to “yikes barou needs to feel the touch of a woman DESPERATELY or else he’s going to kill all of us and then himself” meanwhile niko is like 15 so he’s just going along w whatever because he doesn’t know better, lorenzo is in it for the vibes, aryu thinks reader x barou is so glam it becomes his otp, and tbh idgaf abt sendou but like he’s there too ig 😭 and the thing is it WORKS like one date w reader and barou is rejuvenated…literally a new man altogether
yes i’ve def seen a lot of hiori fans as of late!! although unfortunately my hobby of commenting horrendous takes on bllk dude bros’ videos means i mostly see them hating/comparing him to sae and charles 😭💔 but OMG no because i think the house thing actually makes me cry lowkey…the way he doesn’t know if she’ll ever come back to their hometown or if she’s single or if she even REMEMBERS him but he builds the house she used to dream of and waits there for her just in case she ever does return so no matter what she can at least see that he loved her the entire time too 😔 like hiori my pining green flag romantic goat ⁉️ NO miraverse love interest is doing it like him tbh (except peregrine nagi…he actually has white butterfly hiori beat i think it’s sickening how much that man loves reader we just haven’t gotten to the part of the story where that’s shown yet 😓)
hehe it’s so funny because i literally was working on white butterfly at night and it turned midnight to my birthday while i was writing it so i literally began my birthday writing a hiori fic 😭 so real of me though 😩 and yeah that’s what i mean when i’m actually motivated i’m SOO fast at writing (in 2021 i wrote a 173k word fic in abt a month) so there’s rlly no excuse for me to not have more of my reqs done 😵‍💫 anyways…seabird sae my king wish we had more content of him like that!! it probably won’t be from me though because sae isn’t super high on my priority list (he’s solid mid tier i’d say…in terms of personality though i will say he’s the superior itoshi bro even if rin is kinda better looking due to sae’s fuck ass haircut)
HEHE no it’s just the aiku wingman series not a secret at all!! so far i have ideas for the barou and otoya ones…i’m thinking i’ll definitely also do karasu and yukimiya, maybe do nagi and (gulp) possibly do sae HAHAHA the way that directly counteracts what i just said one paragraph ago 😓 but i think those characters make the most sense in terms of proximity/interactions/dynamics w aiku (except nagi actually i just want to write him because i love him)
LMAOOO no you’re def right i think he used soccer/the jersey as a way to talk to me without being too creepy but when i was obviously uninterested he had to dip rq 😔 classic mira x male chemical reaction…however if he’s not a blue locker i’m not interested 🥱🫣 it’s my goal in life to marry a famous soccer player i actually think that would be hilarious like imagine you just see me on tv in the stands being supportive (pretend yk my irl name and what i look like and whatnot) and you just have the knowledge that i wouldn’t even have met my husband or been interested in him if i didn’t watch a random soccer anime and become obsessed with a character that takes five second showers 😭
AHH THANK YOU i’m hoping to cook up smth fun for a 1k event that’s not just “ok requests are open knock yourselves out” like maybe i’ll do a theme to it?? idk we will see when we get there hehe but yeah lowkey it’s unbelievable that i have that many followers on here considering how little i post the content most of them must’ve actually followed me for (aka writing)
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