heartofstanding · 2 years
Hey guys, an early Anglo-Norman French translation of Ancrene Riwle (otherwise known as the Ancrene Wisse) and other religious works that is believed to have been given to Eleanor Cobham, Duchess of Gloucester by Joan Stafford, daughter of Hugh Stafford, earl of Stafford (d. 1386) and wife of Thomas Holland, Earl of Kent and Duke of Surrey (the listing says it was Joan Holland, Countess of Kent, wife of Thomas Holland, 8th Earl of Kent but that seems to be a mistake).
The manuscript was heavily damaged in the Ashburnham House Fire of 1731. The page that details Eleanor’s ownership (f. 164v) is a mere fragment but what remains reads “ ...m. . Duchesse de Gloucestre du doun d ... / … Kent: Plesance / Al en un”.
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infirmux · 4 months
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this is what most pleases me about mansucripts where everyone is dressed very ahistorically because now the amazons are courtly mediaeval women in splendid raiment that happen also to be carrying around spears and shields and things
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redhatmeg · 1 year
So I tested how publishing on Amazon and Empik looks like and I must say that Amazon made everything easier for printed books.
Like, you only need to fil out the basic information (title, description, genre etc.), upload the manuscript and cover and decide on specifics like measurements and what kind of paper you want. They even have print previewer so you can check how the books look like. At first once I've uploaded my cover, it was placed badly on print previewer but thanks to Amazon's cover creator, I could work on the back cover and everything seemed alright.
Meanwhile with Empik they want me to upload not just mansucript and cover but also couple of other parts of the book (like titular page) and centerfold cover. All in a certain order.
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tsikli · 2 years
Ðusyþ word of the day #222
ïd (of)
/'ɪd/ ['ɪd]* ⟨äḍ⟩
*Standard Dialect
From Old Ðusyþ äḍ, descended from Proto-Phytic *æD, *æḍ (of). See Onzan adh.
(archaic, very rarely used) of
The below examples are from Old Ðusyþ.
äḍ ḍoowfnę tengââṇj r'â?d... of dwarf-NEG.STR ask-PST-3SG in-? Of no dwarf it was asked in ?... (Mansucript 1446, dated to 3C [it is currently 1153 C]) pargudkóónęvfeðįįjex ngaakë äḍ nęvjôrk, ḍoowf äḍ âtësh... carve-THM-1SG-ACC-rune DAT-father of ACC.3SG.M dwarf of Âtësh I carve these runes for his father, a man of Âtësh... (Runestone 306)
Usage Notes
This word, ïd, is essentially never used in the modern language. Its purpose is served by the genitive prefix al- and the particle ðun if the noun phrase becomes too complicated for the genitive prefix.
Its usage even in Old Ðusyþ was very rare, with most writers using the genitive case or the particle ṭoo which is cognate to modern ðun. It appears to have been used in some dialects of Ðusyþ, primarily in the north, for emphatic purposes.
Many scholars have proposed that by the late 100s and early 200s, the usage of this particle had been used to indicate place of origin. This aligns with an uptick in its usage in various runestones and texts, however by the mid 200s it had been replaced with usage of the dative or genitive case.
... ngââ äḍ Osäg... (He was) of Osärg / He was from Osärg (Feiry'ir Runestone, dated 199C) ... rëðóófngoNįr... ...a hero of Brinden... / A hero from Brinden (Runestone 1006, dated 242C, here the ngo- is the dative prefix)
The particle survives in some form in a single Ðusyþ root: the word olusm "oil" comes from Proto-Phytic *æDmølnōsan "potato oil", which breaks up as *æD (of) + *mølnōsan (potato).
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indiantiquest · 5 years
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#Repost @_medievalart • • • • • • The goddess Fortune and her wheel, as depicted in a manuscript copy of Evrart de Conty's 'Livre des échecs amoureux moralisée' made in Angoulême in France in the fifteenth century and now in Paris's BnF (MS Français 143, f. 7). Fortune originated as the classical deity (Tyche to the Greeks) of luck. Her wheel or ball symbolised her own inherent instability. The wheel of Fortune was a popular motif in medieval art and literature, and by the late Middle Ages was widely deployed in moralising allegorical works such as Conty's. Here she is shown as an enthroned queen complete with sceptre and crown. With her right hand she turns the crank of her wheel, a reminder of the mutability of material goods and worldly fame. ⁠⠀ •⁠⠀ •⁠⠀ •⁠⠀ #godsandgoddesses #goddess #goddesses #deity #fortune #fortuna #wheel #wheeloffortune #fortuneswheel #mansucript #medievalmanuscript #manuscriptillumination #illuminatedmanuscript #bnf #paris #medievalfrance #fifteenthcentury #france #tyche #middleages #moyenage #mittelalter #medioevo #edadmedia #medievalworld #medievaltimes #medievalhistory #medievalart #medieval #art https://www.instagram.com/p/B1wOA69JC26/?igshid=19w05kx868uj
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sanspatronymic · 2 years
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Some good marginalia at the Met Cloisters last weekend.
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upennmanuscripts · 4 years
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Misc Mss Box 23 Folder 24
Chomp chomp!  Two halves of a 13th century English indenture. The same text was written on both halves, then cut (across the word "Cirograffia") so they could be matched should either party later challenge the document.
See the digitized manuscript on our website here: https://bit.ly/3cdNh5O
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othmeralia · 4 years
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Do you like manuscripts? Well I got the one for you!
This is Praeparatio mercurii ad lapidem per regulam et lunam, ex MSS. Phi Americani from the one and only Isaac Newton. This manuscript was written in early 1670 and covers the topic of the preparation of the sophic mercury. This manuscript is a copy of another mansucript, not the printed text, so it may predate the printed version (1678).
Newton’s heirs were in possession of this manuscript, and many others, until 1936 when the heirs sold theological and alchemical manuscripts at Sotheby’s auction. This manuscript had a few non-Newton owners, but now proudly calls The Othmer Library its home.
Find it here: MS 13.
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astranovus · 4 years
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              Despite how much fun I’ve been having over the last week, I’ve been feeling pretty down about... a lot of things. I’m gonna take a tumblr break this week, so I’d count this a semi-hiatus. Tomorrow/ Today I’m going to try and block tumblr on my laptop for a good portion of the day, as in I should not actually be on much at all unless it’s mobile. The coming week should be kind of similar. I don’t know how the next few weeks are going to play out considering we are coming up on the 15th on Friday and that’s supposed to be the ‘end of the quarantine’. I dunno how plans to open the city are gonna be, or when I’ll be back to work, but I’m gonna take a step back from tumblr for the week and work on my novel. 
             If you’re at all interest about that stuff, it deals with the characters on my multimuse. I may or may not make comments here and there on that blog as I work on the mansucript. 
              Anyway. I’ll get back to people on IMs for plotting and what not by Monday, I’m not ignoring you. If you’ve got my discord you can catch me on there.
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wigglesfiend · 4 years
Once I was edititing this mans mansucript and he didn’t know the difference between a blouse and a dress and we had to have a thirty minute discussion about it but more importantly the character who was wearing said blouse had no identifying characteristics other than her massive breasts. she was literally just dialogue attached to breasts. she was the only woman in the book that didn’t have cat ears or wasn’t dead by the end. the author was signed on for three more books. so really being published is not a mark of success but how well your query letter convinced an agent that you know what women are.
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A fine facsimile of the earliest surviving book in East Slavic [Остромирово Евангелие] Ostromir Gospels The date of the original manuscript written around 1056
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saint-rouge · 5 years
tagged by @starkey ❤️❤️
are you named after someone?
when was the last time you cried?
The GP’s office
do you have kids?
I’m basically a kid
do you use sarcasm a lot?
No. It barely registers with me. 
whats the first thing you notice about people?
The way they interact with me. 
what’s your eye colour?
scary movie or happy ending?
any special talents?
I can fit a cocktail stick through my septum
where were you born?
Boston, Mass
what are your hobbies?
Opera-going, coffee-drinking, book-reading, mansucript-writing, adventuring. 
do you have any pets?
Not yet...
what sport do you/have you played?
Ballet, Irish Step Dance, Ice Hockey, Lacrosse, Football, Aerial hoop/silk, snowboarding
how tall are you?
5’7 maybe
favourite subject in school?
English, Latin, and History
dream job?
Author, archaeologist, professor, archivist, public nuisance
Tagging: @bacchantbroccoli @jesvisfarovche @dianysus @doriangray @tauxyc
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hashtagmafia · 5 years
Thinking of asking my boss if I can be made equal first for this mansucript...since I did a lot of the lab work, and I'm writing the intro and discussion which are the two biggest sections.
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aporeticelenchus · 6 years
I spent a surprising amount of my youth learning how to illuminate mansucripts and let me tell you it does not often come up in everyday life.
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sciedithub-services · 2 years
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#mansucript for University of Oxford Textbook of #clinicalresearch #clinicalpsychology #clinicaltrials #clinical #Pharmacy #pharmaceutical #pharmacology #pharmacist #pharmaceuticalindustry #researchpaper #research #researcher #researchanddevelopment #researchproposal https://sciedithub.org/
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enasroterfaden · 7 years
Last Line Tag x3
I’m slowly realizing I will never catch up with all the times I’ve been tagged, unless I want to put my entire mansucript online :D (Slight exxaggeration)
So, I’m playing a bit of catch up today: @prismalicht and @wordsconquerall and @itstheenglishkid tagged me 6 days ago, so y’all get 3 sentences.
GER: Achja, der Arm. Wortlos streifte sie ihren Mantel ab und ließ Shedim zum zweiten Mal in nicht einmal vierundzwanzig Stunden ihre Wunden versorgen. Sie starrte in die Luft, während der Wundtacker seine unangenehme Arbeit tat.
ENG: Oh, right, the arm. Silently, she peeled off her coat and left Shedim to care for her wounds for the second time in not even twenty-four hours. She stared into space while the medical stapler did its uncomfortable work.
Tagging… not sure? I tagged way too many people already in the last few, I fear you will all block me for it :D If you read this, you are hereby tagged. There. Now go write.
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